#Wyatt Quinn x male reader
sleepynxri · 4 months
"Come here, you can sit on my lap while I work" 
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A/N: Yeah I know it's another one lmao, don't come for me it's 2 am and I'm sleep deprived (hence my name) hehhe
Pairing/s: Wyatt Quinn x gn!reader
Warnings: curses lmao
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“What in great heavens happened to your room darling?!"
This is why you should never show your room to Wyatt. The Beige blonde male stood around your little room almost starstrucked seeing the boxes laying around the floor aimlessly.
You expected this would happen considering how a clean freak he is sometimes and the constant……  lines of his added routine to make himself more beautiful.
You defended yourself saying that you didn't expect to be stranded in the middle of a street and arrive at Brine Bay for the summers. You were actually planning to head to your family house but well- you know what happened but you didn't explain it to the man at hand.
At this point you aren't sure if he's fuming red in anger, frustration, embarrassment or all of the above. His hand twitched slightly in annoyance as he took his surroundings for a second and took a deep sigh. 
“Darling…  you told me this before, at which point I'm aware of your situation. But you could have at least cleaned your room even when you knew you had a guest over” Wyatt did have a point.
Your guess was you didn't have to pick up the boxes since you will be temporarily staying in the room for who knows how long. So it's a waste to clean everything when any day or week you could be gone after a phone call from Kai.
A small hum accumulated from your mouth as you started on cleaning up your room to help on Wyatt’s sanity(I heard that darling 💢) 
You pick up the boxes and stack them together in an area where no one can get hurt from it. You opened up your windows (I assume they can?) To let some of the dust flow outside your room and do a mini clean up on your area.
To your surprise, Wyatt curled up his sleeves and helped with the cleaning. Who knew he could clean? You were aware that he had a personal chef so you expected that he had someone to clean his house for him as well. People were right on the phrase “don't judge a book by its cover"
With the help of Wyatt, the cleaning went more smoothly and we're practically finished on doing the mini cleanup on your area.
You pummelled yourself on your bed with an exhausted sigh, relief stretched around your body as you didn't expect the cleaning drained you. Then again you did just finish your shift and met up with Wyatt to head to your hostel room for some “bonding time".
Speaking of the said blonde male… 
Your eyes scanned on where the model was, to your luck your angle was able to see that he sat himself down on your desk chair- is that a laptop?? Where in the fuck did he get that from??
Blinking your eyes in surprise, you manoeuvred your body around to look at him in a better angle. He looked…  enchanting while he works.
His brown eyes locked focus into the dimly bright screen of his laptop, as his glasses were planted on the bridge of his nose. His beige blonde hair was on its normal hairstyle with some of his hair strands drapped around his straight shoulders. 
A leg was crossed over from his thigh as his hands continued typing on the keypads like he was busy with a rushed assignment. You cringed slightly from the memory of the sleepless nights in college with a paper due around 11:59 at night.
You didn't realise you were still staring at the male as Wyatt glanced his eyes towards you with amused brown eyes. You felt the stare as you snapped out from your thoughts immediately. 
“Staring is considered rude darling. But I'll give an exception since it's you of all people who’s staring at me like that" Wyatt gave a small courteous chuckle as his eyes scanned back to the laptop and continued on typing out his work.
A blush creeped into your cheeks as you tried to hide it using a plushie/pillow that you had in your bed. It got worse after hearing another chuckle coming out of Wyatt’s mouth.
A few hours? I think it's been like half an hour since both of you even talked a single thing. The silence was comforting, but you worry that you might be loud sometimes by scrolling around your phone while watching WikWok videos.
You suddenly felt the bed dip beside you as your eyes glanced towards the area and Wyatt was there holding his phone. 
Before you could question what he was doing, he just smirked slightly and gently patted his lap. You looked… . Confused?
“I can see you have a lot in your mind, come sweet thing. Lay on my lap while I continue working." Your eyes widened at this.
Was he- inviting you to lay on his lap? THE Wyatt Quinn is asking you to place your head on his lap??
Before you could protest, he placed a hand around your waist and dragged you over to him.
The position ended up with Wyatt sitting down on the bed with a leg hanging from the edge and you laying down into his lap while your back was facing his chest.
You blushed darkly at this, Wyatt didn't mind the position as he started on typing his phone while using only 1 hand while his other gently caressed your hair.
You were nervous at first but relaxed at some point. The hand on your hair was already enough to make you calm down, as it reminded you of the time of a parental figure you had caressing your head while trying to make you fall asleep.
You smiled slightly as you closed your eyes in bliss. A small sigh of relief could be heard from you as you can feel the tiredness creep around your body.
“Have a nice rest Doll, I'll be here when you wake up”
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Threads of You: Beyond the Bay
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Disclaimer: I am not part of the Lavendeer Studio team, I'm just placing the links here to whoever wants to play the game or wants to join the server for more updates and upcoming events!!
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