diamonddrive91 · 2 years
Okay so it’s about time to explain Wyddloezyl I figure. This might get ramble-y but hopefully I can explain it right. Here goes!
Wyddloezyl are.....okay, think in videogames. Those characters that boost others stats? The buffer types. I can’t think of the exact class (I am very disappointed in myself about that right now, let’s be real). Wyddloezyl are kind of like that but not. Wyddloezyl have to willingly bond with another to boost their powers/abilities. They’re kind of like.....one ups I guess? Or like how with Dragon Ball, when a Saiyan nearly dies but they grow stronger from it, to the point they can totally wallop the ones who almost killed them. Wyddloezyl bond to others and they have that sort of an effect on them without the whole having to nearly die thing. 
Of course, there’s limits to that. Forced bonding isn’t anywhere near as powerful and if a Wyddloezyl bonds to a human, it does literally nothing. And above all else, Wyddloezyl can NOT bond to a demon, not without serious, often times dire consequences for the Wyddloezyl. A bond to a demon has tremendous gains for the demon, far greater than that of any other species, but for a Wyddloezyl it can result in loss of sanity, vegetative state, and even death. When it comes to Wyddloezyl, demons can sense them faster than any other species and because of the tremendous power that they can gain by bonding to a Wyddloezyl, often demons hunt these beings. In fact, the small number of total living Wyddloezyl is due to this. Once there were many different lines of Wyddloezyl but now there are only four, with two of the lines being almost on the brink of extinction themself.
The four remaining lines of Wyddloezyl are the Historia, the Aporis, the Nichols, and the Gryvons. The Historia line is the largest, with fifty-four living Wyddloezyl, while the Aporis line has only one living Wyddloezyl. The Nichols are the next smallest with only three living Wyddloezyl while the Gryvons have something around twenty, though they are  notoriously well-hidden to the point where the exact number is uncertain.  Each line has different powers in addition to the standard set of Wyddloezyl skills. The Historia control gravity, the Aporis have explosions, Nichols rule over plasma/energy, and the Gryvons are able to create rips in space that allow for teleportation to anywhere they so desire. 
There are quite a few drawbacks to being a Wyddloezyl, beyond being a favorite prey for demons, including the inability to control one’s powers without a combination of specialized gear and the bonds that Wyddloezyl are so known for. Because while the other party becomes stronger, faster, heals quicker, and so on, forming a bond with another allows a Wyddloezyl to better control their own abilities while also providing a small boost for the Wyddloezyl, roughly a fourth of what the other party experiences. There is a limit to how many a Wyddloezyl can bond with however, and anything over that limit causes strain upon all involved, though the effects are worst for the Wyddloezyl. At present, the most a Wyddloezyl has been known to bond with is ten. Any more than that and a Wyddloezyl will start to stray into the effects of a bond with a demon. 
Bonding for a Wyddloezyl is seen as incredibly sacred. It ties them to another and aids in quality of life more often than not. A Wyddloezyl must consciously choose to bond with another, to in essence give a piece of themself to the other party. A forced bond is never without some sort of consequence as it require the breaking of Wyddloezyl to a degree. Forced bonds always mean pain and suffering on the part of the Wyddloezyl. Forced bonds are signs of desperation, born of the belief that only a bond can save them from something, be that circumstance of individual. Such bonds can be broken but only if the Wyddloezyl has recovered from what they went through. So while it’s possible to break a forced bond, it’s not always something that does happen. More often than not, whatever the Wyddloezyl went through that resulted in a forced bond is something that they do not recover from.
Wyddloezyl are often stronger, faster, and more hardy than humans. They are not as often in better condition than other supernaturals. In fact, if you were to rank supernaturals in such terms, more often than not Wyddloezyl will be near the bottom of that list. Each line has different resistances and immunities that correlate to their powers. As an example, the Nichols and Aporis lines both experience immunity towards heat. The Aporis and Historia lines experience immunities towards impacts, blast radius type immunities in the case of the Aporis line whereas the Historias comes from their gravity manipulation. 
There’s more little nuanced things with Wyddloezyl but that’s a pretty decent picture of what the species is I would say. Dunno if anyone’ll read this or even be interested but if someone does and has questions, feel free to ask :)
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diamonddrive91 · 2 years
Next up on the list of charas to info dump about are: The Nichols boys! Austyn and Samuel are the only ones of the three I really got anything done for though.
First up is Austyn, the oldest brother. Austyn is, quite frankly, something of a mess. He’s been through a lot over the years and has been rejected, abused, manipulated, and criminalized for so long that he doesn’t find it in the least bit surprising when he’s treated horrendously. Truthfully, Austyn’s got the biggest heart of the brothers and a great moral compass. Yes he has killed people and yes it eats him up. If that wasn’t the case do you think he would have plead guilty the first day of the trial and told the judge to just send him to jail? He served his time, got let out a little early actually thanks to one of his friends intervening. Austyn has nightmares. Lots of nightmares. About his time  in jail, his time with his exes, his time with his foster family, his time in the orphanage....there’s a lot that makes sleeping a far from desirable thing to the eldest Nichols boy. But he doesn’t open up about it, not without a lot of effort from the other party. More often than not, he tries his best to gloss over it, act like it wasn’t as bad as it truly was. Austyn doesn’t like to worry others, not when it’s to do with him.
Austyn finds physical contact to be disconcerting most of the time. He’s not used to harmless contact, especially from strangers. The only ones whom he’s more often than not fine with are his brothers. He’s got extremely limited knowledge or experience in romance or partnerships, having only been in a single highly toxic relationship.
Austyn currently works as an intern at a private investigation office. What this means in his particular case is he’s the one who cleans up the insane messes his bosses get into and runs their errands for them. Most of the time, his bosses are completely exasperating to him but he wouldn’t trade it for anything. After all, as much as they’ve tried to hide it from him, he knows that having him working there has been quite a risk for them and they’ve certainly lost business because of it.
Samuel is very good at picking up on subtle cues and while he doesn’t know everything that his brother went through, Samuel is probably the most aware of the things that trigger Austyn, sometimes even more so than Austyn realizes. Samuel isn’t prone to anger but it does burn him up to know that Austyn suffered so much over the years. He wants the best for his brothers but especially so for Austyn. While Evan, the youngest, may not have seen much of Austyn sacrificing for them, not that he really remembers, Sam still remembers being carried through that forest by his big brother when the other should’ve been too busy with his own wounds. He still remembers sitting by his big brother’s bed in the hospital, terrified that he might loose another member of the family because they chose his life over their own. The knowledge of his big brother’s nature have helped to shape Sam as a person. To know that his happiness and safety meant so much to someone has always driven Sam to do his best in everything he puts any sort of effort into. Sam’s at the top of his classes and known to tutor others in his free time.
Like his brother, Sam’s got quite the moral compass. He’s the sort who will drop everything to be there for someone else in their time of need nad while he’s certainly conscientious of the law, if he needs to ‘bend’ a few rules to get the right thing done, he won’t hesitate to do so. He doesn’t outright break any rules but he’s quite good at finding loopholes and discrepancies.  
As members of the Nichols family of Wyddloezyl, the boys have the power of plasma/energy manifestation, manipulation, and negation. How this manifests is slightly different for each Nichols member. In Sam’s case, he can emit beams of plasma from his eyes. He’s got no control of this when his eyes are open so he always wears specialized glasses to contain his power. For Austyn, he’s able to emit his power through rings around his body that he  can propel outwards. His control isn’t exactly the greatest but unlike Sam, he doesn’t always emit it without specialized gear. He can sort of control when he releases it but without his own specialized gear, he can’t control the direction it’s aimed. And unlike Sam, Austyn’s prone to outbursts of his power tied to his emotions. Sam has rarely had his power unleashed by his emotions whereas Austyn’s outbursts are nearly all due to his emotions. 
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diamonddrive91 · 2 years
Going down the list of old charas I’m gonna info dump about because I miss them...next up is Assana Boliguard. Gonna include a gif of the FC I used for her (since hers wants to cooperate unlike the Historia boys -.-)
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FC: Vanessa Hudgens
Assana is a chameleon. She’s able to adapt to any role, any situation, in a matter of minutes. Tough as nails and prone to keeping her distance, Assana doesn’t really reveal her true self to anyone. Except her twin brother, Brooke. There are no secrets between her and Brooke. She tells him absolutely everything, even the stuff their superiors would really rather she didn’t. Not like Brooke couldn’t uncover that stuff himself, doing the work he does. But it’s the true, absolute trust between them that makes it so he doesn’t have to.
Assana often goes simply by the name ‘A’, at least with Brooke and the few others she’s close to. Her distancing of others is a rather helpful tool for work, allowing her to get in, get what needs doing done, and get out without too much remorse or guilt. As a spy and assassin, that sort of thing has proven invaluable more often than not for her. In terms of job frequency and duration, Assana’s often used on longer stints though the shorter ones aren’t uncommon. 
Assana is playful, competitive, and honestly tends to have little personal regard for rules. What that means is Assana often instigates mayhem and competitions that her superiors would rather she not when she’s back at home base. Paintball inside headquarters is a whole other level when she gets it started or is involved. The use of air vents is something she’s well known for during such things. But Assana is smart, even if she won’t admit it, and can come up with believable excuses on the fly. She’s a fantastic debater and has yet to get in trouble for anything she’s instigated at headquarters both thanks to that and the people she’s close to, who for the most part, are in high ranking positions. 
Assana is the last living Wyddloezyl of the Aporis line, as Brooke takes after their father and his side of the family in terms of species. As such, Assana has no one to compare to in terms of power or control for her line. The Aporis line of Wyddloezyl has explosion manifestation, manipulation, and negation as their particular brand of power and Assana is incredibly talented with that. She’s managed to control her power for the most part by tying it to an activating phrase: “click click boom”. The problem with this is that she doesn’t even need to actually speak the phrase. Even thinking it is enough to unleash her power. So while opponents often believe she is incapable of using her power when she can’t speak, the truth is Assana is still incredibly dangerous as long as she’s conscious. But that isn’t just because of her power. Truth is, Assana is deadly without having to rely on her power and in fact, often does not. If you get her using her power, it’s usually a fairly quick way of knowing you done goofed or that something else has gone wrong.
Aside from her brother, Assana’s aunt an duncle are her only remaining family. While the twins are easily closest to their uncle, Assana easily takes the most after their aunt, having adopted so much of the other woman’s mannerisms and actions/reactions that it’s been stated many times that it’s like dealing with a younger version of Margarethe all over again.
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diamonddrive91 · 2 years
Okay, so first up in my ‘talking about old charas I wanna bring back into play’ sort of series.....the Historia brothers: Thorin, Soren, and Nyle! Gonna kinda ramble I think so putting it all under the cut
Thorin, the eldest, is a pro athlete. An eternal optimist who is, quite simply, everyone’s biggest cheerleader. He’s competitive, at times brutally honest, and incredibly hardworking. Thorin doesn’t have the greatest, if any, brain-to-mouth filter so he certainly can get on people’s nerves and do not,under any circumstance, tell him if you’re planning a surprise because he cannot keep it a secret. He gets way too excited, way too invested. But if you need someone to listen to you, to be in your corner, unload on him. He’ll almost certainly back you up. And he’s always ready with a bear hug that just might crush you, fair warning. No harm intended, he just doesn’t always know his strength.
Soren, the middle brother, is a retired pro chef turned librarian. He’s more prone to sarcasm than his brothers but like Thorin, he’s got a heart of gold. He’s been described as “the Superman of the library”. Soren picks up the fastest on subtleties and clues out of the three, with one very noticeable exception: anyone showing interest in him. He’s the only one who’s married out of the three, with two spouses. His husband and wife mean the world to him and he’s equally proud of his step-children. Man oh man has Soren adapted to being a parent. He’s the sort of guy who will happily pack the kids lunches and listen to their complaints and worries. You need someone to pick up the kiddo ‘cause they don’t feel well? Call Soren. But he literally had to be kissed senseless and then had it literally spelled out to him that his spouses were interested in him.
Nyle’s the baby of the trio and the family as well. He’s incredibly shy, almost painfully so at times, and a total sweetheart. Where Thorin gives out crushing bear hugs, Nyle’s the one whose hugs the entire family seeks out. To the shock of the entire family, Nyle works at a sex shop. A friend was the one to push him into it,to help him with his shyness. It hasn’t exactly worked. He sort of panics and can’t manage to maintain eye contact with the customers and do NOT expect him to offer any suggestions or reviews of the product because he will quite simply short circuit  at the mere idea of trying. Luckily his boss finds it absolutely adorable and would never consider getting rid of Nyle. Nyle is easily embarrassed and prone to what Thorin has deemed ‘tomato-ing’. If there’s something Nyle can hide himself away in or behind, he certainly will. 
As members of the Historia family, the boys are part of the largest family of Wyddloezyl, with a total of fifty-four Wyddloezyl. The Historia family have the power of gravity manipulation, manifestation, and negation. Soren is the strongest of the entire family but his control is the absolute worst. It’s not a surprise to see him in the kitchen with pots and pans hovering around him while he gets more and more frustrated by his inability to stop it. On the other hand, Nyle has the best control of the family. He’s not the weakest of the family however. And Thorin is firmly in the middle in terms of both power and control. However, Thorin is the most dangerous when he looses control due to any sort of strong emotion. Luckily, that doesn’t happen all too often. 
Wylen and Amberlynn are the boys’ parents. Amberlynn owns her own cafe and bakery. It’s from her that Soren’s love of cooking comes. Wylen is a multiple times convicted criminal, currently out of jail. He’s intimidating only when Amberlynn isn’t around and quite simply wrapped around the little fingers of his wife and children. It’s from him that Thorin gets his cheerleader approach to others, though in Thorin’s case that applies to anyone around him. However, between the two, the one to watch out for is Amberlynn. Even Wylen knows better than to get on his wife’s bad side. Amberlynn is downright terrifying when given a reason to be. In addition to the boys, Amberlynn and Wylen have four girls. 
It should be noted that of the boys, only Thorin is not in a relationship. Soren has a husband and wife while Nyle is involved with his boss. Thorin would adore someone to call his own but he’s not rushing it either. He wants what his brothers have: happy relationships. He’s single and happy as it is however. So of course, he’s the one who does the most teasing towards the other two. So much in fact, that Soren usually ends up having to reel him in when it gets too much for Nyle, which often leads to bickering between Thorin and Soren, which Thorin takes a little too playfully most of the time. Thorin looks at it mostly as a joke, while Soren tends to take it more and more literally. This then leads to Nyle having to step in to sooth Soren before any sort of major outburst of power can occur. But when there’s any sort of ‘trouble in paradise’ so to speak, Thorin is the one both his brothers turn to.
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diamonddrive91 · 2 years
Okay, so after probably an hour of battling, got gifs for the Historia boys’ FCs. Putting them under the cut!
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Thorin FC: Alan Ritchson
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Soren FC: Kellan Lutz
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Nyle FC: Graham Rogers
I was trying to do a dancing gif for Thorin that is just....it’s Thorin in a nutshell, I swear, but tumblr said no soooooo......yeah
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