#Assana Boliguard
diamonddrive91 · 2 years
Going down the list of old charas I’m gonna info dump about because I miss them...next up is Assana Boliguard. Gonna include a gif of the FC I used for her (since hers wants to cooperate unlike the Historia boys -.-)
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FC: Vanessa Hudgens
Assana is a chameleon. She’s able to adapt to any role, any situation, in a matter of minutes. Tough as nails and prone to keeping her distance, Assana doesn’t really reveal her true self to anyone. Except her twin brother, Brooke. There are no secrets between her and Brooke. She tells him absolutely everything, even the stuff their superiors would really rather she didn’t. Not like Brooke couldn’t uncover that stuff himself, doing the work he does. But it’s the true, absolute trust between them that makes it so he doesn’t have to.
Assana often goes simply by the name ‘A’, at least with Brooke and the few others she’s close to. Her distancing of others is a rather helpful tool for work, allowing her to get in, get what needs doing done, and get out without too much remorse or guilt. As a spy and assassin, that sort of thing has proven invaluable more often than not for her. In terms of job frequency and duration, Assana’s often used on longer stints though the shorter ones aren’t uncommon. 
Assana is playful, competitive, and honestly tends to have little personal regard for rules. What that means is Assana often instigates mayhem and competitions that her superiors would rather she not when she’s back at home base. Paintball inside headquarters is a whole other level when she gets it started or is involved. The use of air vents is something she’s well known for during such things. But Assana is smart, even if she won’t admit it, and can come up with believable excuses on the fly. She’s a fantastic debater and has yet to get in trouble for anything she’s instigated at headquarters both thanks to that and the people she’s close to, who for the most part, are in high ranking positions. 
Assana is the last living Wyddloezyl of the Aporis line, as Brooke takes after their father and his side of the family in terms of species. As such, Assana has no one to compare to in terms of power or control for her line. The Aporis line of Wyddloezyl has explosion manifestation, manipulation, and negation as their particular brand of power and Assana is incredibly talented with that. She’s managed to control her power for the most part by tying it to an activating phrase: “click click boom”. The problem with this is that she doesn’t even need to actually speak the phrase. Even thinking it is enough to unleash her power. So while opponents often believe she is incapable of using her power when she can’t speak, the truth is Assana is still incredibly dangerous as long as she’s conscious. But that isn’t just because of her power. Truth is, Assana is deadly without having to rely on her power and in fact, often does not. If you get her using her power, it’s usually a fairly quick way of knowing you done goofed or that something else has gone wrong.
Aside from her brother, Assana’s aunt an duncle are her only remaining family. While the twins are easily closest to their uncle, Assana easily takes the most after their aunt, having adopted so much of the other woman’s mannerisms and actions/reactions that it’s been stated many times that it’s like dealing with a younger version of Margarethe all over again.
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