#Wyll can be too much of a matyr and is a pet on a leash (of which cal will think wyll should snap that leash) for her
forgottenwyrm · 2 months
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me when Caledonia's concepts first dropped cause i doing a good playthrough: she's good. Probably chaotic good a bleeding heart maybe
Me as I get deeper into dragon lore and white dragons and every headcanon: oh no she's spiteful she's funny she can be mean she can be influenced and persuaded either way, chaotic neutral, easily tipped scale in either way based on who she ends up with during tadpole days, a true blank slate but there is some pre written, likes humor but also vengeful, spite what wrongs her or wrongs you, prideful
Its fun. Honestly. She's silly and very cerebral in thought still. Still friendly. Like.you can't take that out, but like she really does not view certain things on a morality scale.
Doesn't necessarily do evil for evil sake or gain of power. Doesn't necessarily want control, but like if you were a problem to her or someone she liked. You could end up dead. Doesn't necessarily do good or search out to the greatest amount of goodness.
Now she does like faerun as is, so she'll take action to keep things the way they are, or if they disturb the peace of her life or the people, again, that she likes. So good characters will influence her to do things cause well they'd be happy about it. Just as if evil characters, well, yeah the same can be applied.
There is a certain thing about as long as she maintains a sense of control over herself and power in a friendship or relationship; she's fine and will do just about anything. But like she is always affectionate in the same way toward either kind of party.
True Caledonia run if I played the game, if you removed the level system, like she'd skip so much of Act One if she was leading. If she made all the decisions. Like the Grove dies because she doesn't even go to goblin camp. She'd end up at the githyanki cutscene and go straight to creche. Skipping like so much. She'd do the bare minimum of Act Two.
Act Three. It's just immediately like okay. Fuck up orin immediately. Fuck up gortash immediately. She'd try to save as many in iron throne just cause. Boy she doesn't like this thing called cages. Or anyone being captive. Like she's a kill or let go. Take no prisoners.
But like in the end? All of this? Ends up solidifying her true nature as dragon. Causs they don't just do anything without a reason, without usually someone persuading them to this action. She goes after the Dragon Cult cause one guy from it personally wronged her and now it'd all bad, which I mean it is an evil cult, and she doesn't feel beholden to any God.
Its very fun, finding what stays the same, but realizing how flexible Caledonia is to based on literally who she is written against.
But also like there is a whole personal story with her too, and her memories and The Tiefling; who admittedly was doing evil for her father's sake and maybe her own, who did have a major crisis cause she got attach to the captive dragon she's known since she was five; and really the core of Caledonia is tied to; she realized she cared deeply for this tiefling, like a big sister; but she doesn't know what would honor her memory most; and feels survivor's guilt; so she keeps wearing her face cause it is her face now. And if the tiefling couldn't live, then she'll live for her; at least for a little while.
But she doesn't actually know what would truly honor who the tiefling was or what the tiefling would make decisions (which the tiefling would have done evil route but coming from a place of being literally raises this way and in an abusive cycle herself)
And, just I can't wait to write more on the tiefling and drabble of caledonia's memories aprund her years captive, and the tiefling girl talking and caring for her. And the ways in which Caledonia grows to be persuades and manipulated by the tiefling girl in a way and cares / like Caledonia absolutely went on hunger strikes while being chained and kept under a concoction of so many spells and then drained for her dragon blood; and the tiefling girl convinces her to eat.
But like, Caledonia has been so fun write cause she is an exploration of "how influences make a person" I hope this all reads well in my writing and creation, and everyone enjoys the character.
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