#Wyll deserves to be a little unhinged
hwathwugu · 7 months
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Wyll Picture 5/5: The Blade of Avernus
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littlejuicebox · 7 months
Camping for beginners.
Written to sort of kill two birds with one stone. @coyote-mint this isn't Astarion soothing a baby, but it is Astarion giving Tav a break as she goes on a little, well-deserved vacation! @davenswitcher I also worked your storybook prompt in! Hope you two both like it; thanks for prompts! Special thanks to @chickywickers for helping me name the twins. :)
Summary: Tav/You are out of town and Astarion is full-time daddy duty without the nanny. In an effort to keep three children entertained, he decides upon camping in the backyard.
Tags/Warnings: all fluff, parenthood, children, dadstarion, the mildest reference to sexual encounters, mildest reference to bg3 events and trauma
Word Count: 2.5K
Astarion is pitching a tent in the ground, cursing to himself every few moments as he goes about the task. Once upon a time, he’d had Tav or Karlach… or perhaps even an unenthusiastic Lae’zel or an overenthusiastic Wyll to assist him.
But now, it’s him and three little boys in the midsummer heat. Tav won’t be back until tomorrow morning, after a week away visiting Shadowheart and Lae’zel in the Dalelands. It’s a sunny Sunday, and Winifred, the nanny, has weekends off.
So it’s all up to papa for a day longer. He’s sweaty, tired, and pulling from deeply hidden reserves of patience he didn’t know he had until now.
Astarion thinks he has never missed his wife more in all their time together. One more day. He can do it, right?
“Gale, hold this for me,” The frustrated father directs, guiding his ever-obedient and sometimes now shockingly stoic six year old to one of the tent poles.
Gale nods and follows his father’s instructions as his little brothers scream and run around the orchard with toy swords, wreaking havoc as usual. The younger Ancunins are a tornado of scraped knees and sticky fingers at any given time. Their parents consider it a win if the twins make it an entire day without breaking something.
Evander and Finnick are naturally more wild and unruly than their older brother ever was. Astarion is painfully aware that the streak of disobedience in the duo comes entirely from him. The twins test his patience far more than Gale ever had, and in the absence of their mother, the two have become almost completely unhinged.
Tav is the twin wrangler; they are softer with her – but then, she’s always had a way with the more surly, roguish types. Her unique charm somehow soothes them into compliance. Astarion lacks the same skills and is, unfortunately, paying for it this weekend.
The younger boys are straying too far away for Astarion’s liking, and as he hammers a stake into the orchard’s fertile earth, he shouts at the twins, “Evan and Finn, you two had better get your little behinds back—“
He stops and sighs; the twins are too interested in their make-believe and paying absolutely no mind to their father and his chastisement. Astarion resumes his task and without even looking back up at his eldest asks, “Gale, will you please contain them for a moment until we finish this?”
A lazy wave of Gale’s hand, reminiscent of Astarion’s own flippant movements when he speaks, and vines spring from the earth. The tendrils wrap around Evander and Finnick, holding each of them by the torso. A second tendril springs to life from the soil and wraps around the brothers, pulling them into its embrace just as the first tendril recedes. This process continues in a domino effect until the twins are but a few feet from their father, struggling against the vines and expressing their displeasure with grunts and screams.
Astarion lifts his head from the stake and watches the scene in a mixture of amusement and amazement, and when the boys are sufficiently contained he turns to smile at his eldest, “You really are exceptionally talented, you know that, don’t you?”
Gale smiles and nods before he looks down at the ground, unable to meet his father’s proud gaze as he says, “I know, Papa.”
The eldest Ancunin boy struggled in school all last year. His fragile confidence took a huge tumble, which his parents were working to restore to the best of their ability. Gale always required softer hands in comparison to his brothers; Astarion was still learning how to navigate this difference.
“Let go!” The twins shout in unison, short limbs flailing against the vines gently containing their three year old bodies.
They look like mirror images of one another, down to the dark wavy hair parted in opposite directions and vitiligo patches splattered across opposing green eyes. Evander’s is on his left eye, Finnick’s is on his right. Together, they look like a Rorschach Test.
Astarion’s patience is gone; part of him considers leaving the duo trapped in the vines until Tav returns. He narrows his eyes at the youngest Ancunins, pointing accusingly at them with the hammer, “You two asked to camp outside, and after very insistent pleas, I agreed. So if you don’t want daddy to pack up this entire thing and take you both back into the house, you are to stand there. Quietly.”
Finnick, the younger of the twins by a few minutes, wrinkles his nose in displeasure at his father, “Mean, daddy.”
A slow, long exhale escapes Astarion as he stares at the surly three year old with furrowed brows.
“My child, you have no idea how mean I can be, now hush so that your brother and I can finish this,” Astarion instructs, and then returns to work pitching the tent, ignoring the frustrated whines and protests from the twins all the while.
Around the small campfire, the Ancunin boys roast marshmallows on sticks as Astarion reads a tale from one of their story books. Apple is, as almost always, curled up next to Gale. The eldest Ancunin boy sneaks the dog marshmallows and his father pretends not to notice.
If that’s the most rebellious Gale ever is, so be it. The twins are a different challenge, entirely.
The story is all about slaying dragons, knights in shining armor, damsels in distress… the usual. The topic is exceptionally boring to the father of three, given all he’s experienced, but he’s gotten used to pretending this ridiculous droll is highly entertaining and throwing his voice for his kids amusement. 
And, plus, if the twins are entertained, they aren’t causing mayhem, which is all Astarion can ask for tonight. Tav will be back in less than twelve hours, he reminds himself.
All hail his wife, Lady Ancunin, the Hero of Baldur’s Gate, and the hero of this household. 
This weekend has Astarion regretting any moment he might have taken her for granted or not shown enough appreciation for her.
While the father of three continues to read, a sudden rustling at the edge of the orchard catches everyone’s attention. The three-year-old twins instantly cling to one another in fear and Apple’s head snaps up to peer towards the possible threat.
“Werewolf!” Evander shouts.
“Vampire!” Finnick continues.
Gale giggles and shakes his head, “No… it’s a raccoon. I can hear her. She smells the food.” 
Astarion’s nose wrinkles in distaste as his silver-haired son takes his plate of leftovers and meanders toward the edge of the property, but he chooses to remain silent and let his son feed the vile creature. With Gale around, it’s a wonder they aren’t overrun with vermin and rodents galore. Though, the feral cat colony the little boy single-handedly created is likely keeping the other animal population at bay.
Gale places the plate down, whispers something to the raccoon, and returns back to the campfire, nestling his head into Apple’s side as he settles back into the dirt.
“Papa… there aren’t really vampires and werewolves out in the woods… right?” Gale questions, his eyebrows shooting up into his forehead in concern as he thinks.
“Perhaps not in the woods right here…” Astarion responds, trying to figure out how to be honest with his children without frightening them entirely, “But they do exist… I’ve killed a vampire before.” 
At this the two younger Ancunins gasp and Gale shoots back up to sitting, his green eyes widened in shock as he asks, “You’ve killed a vampire before?” 
Astarion chuckles. Sometimes he forgets how little his children truly know of his past. He shuts the storybook in his lap closed and nods, a small smile crossing his face, “I have. Your mother helped me. Would you three like to hear about it?”
“Yes!” The boys all shout in unison, all coming as close to their father as they possibly can.
“Very well,” Astarion agrees with a grin, and then he launches into the tale of fighting Cazador, mindful to keep everything as child-friendly as a gorey battle can possibly be and leaving his enslavement entirely out of the picture. The children will learn about that later, he thinks, but now is not the time.
The boys are wholly captivated by their father’s tale until the twins begin to drift off, slumped against one another. Gale is the only one still awake when his father finishes the story. There is a moment of quiet at the end as his eldest reflects upon all that was revealed to him.
“Were you scared, Papa?” He finally asks, his fingers threading into the curled fur on Apple’s back.
Astarion nods in response, “Of course, Gale. But… I think you cannot be brave if you don’t feel a bit scared, first.”
The eldest Ancunin boy sighs. He has feelings about this that he has not yet been able to put into words. Gale’s general kindness and gentleness is such a stark contrast to many of the kids at school; he’d gotten himself into more than one scuffle. He was perceived as an easy target, because he knew better than to use his powers on the other children. As a result, Gale often simply let the other children attack him, not ever wanting to hurt anyone, even if it was in his defense.
Astarion had, more than once this year, gone to the school and threatened to retract their donations if the issue was not resolved. One of the child’s parents had been hit with a lawsuit after Gale returned home with a black eye. But come the start of next term, there was a strong chance this behavior would continue.
He and Tav had both lost countless hours of sleep over this very topic.
“How do you know…” Gale starts, and then stops with another sigh, staring up at the stars as he tries to find his words, “How do you know when it’s time to fight back?”
There is a moment of silence as the older elf considers this question. How do you know?
“If someone doesn’t listen when you ask them to stop, that is how you know, Gale,” Astarion responds, finally, his hand coming to ruffle the curls upon his eldest’s head, “And if someone is hurting you or someone you care about, and they refuse to stop when you ask them the first time, that is all the permission you need. Your mother and I will always agree with you if you are protecting yourself or your brothers in defense, little prince.” 
The silver-haired six year old nods with a yawn, his fingers still curled in Apple’s fur.
“Now come on, let’s get you and your brothers inside the tent for the night,” Astarion directs, picking up one of the twins and holding the flap open for Gale. He gets the two boys settled before returning to retrieve the remaining one and calling for Apple to join all four Ancunins. 
The fire is left glowing its final embers as the men all drift off to sleep.
You find the tent in the orchard after returning to a house filled with only your regular employees. Winifred, the nanny, and Pascal, the steward, are both clueless as to where your children and husband are this morning. When you enter the backyard, a snuffed fire and Apple keeping guard outside the tent not more than ten feet from the manor signal you’ve found your family.
You crouch and open the tent flap, only to be greeted by an adorable image. Astarion is on his back, one twin clinging to each leg and Gale nestled into the crook of his arm. All four of the Ancunins are still sleeping, seemingly exhausted from the night before. 
“Good morning, my little loves,” You greet in a soft murmur.
Astarion is the first to open his eyes and smile at you as he sits up, expertly maneuvering himself around three sets of other limbs.
“Welcome back home, Tav. We missed you. I think that perhaps I missed you the most.” Astarion greets, leaning forward to press an affectionate kiss upon your cheek and grabbing your hand to give it a squeeze.
“No, me!” Evander protests through a yawn as he scrambles to wrap his arm around your arm.
“No, me!” Finnick echos, sitting up and pushing a cluster of curls from his face to grin at you.
“I think it was me, mama.” Gale calls softly, his head still resting upon the pillow, eyes still shut.
You chuckle in response to this ridiculous argument before standing and lifting the tent flap entirely, “I missed you all, too. Alright everyone, let’s get inside for breakfast. I’m making pancakes.” 
A clamor of excitement from the Ancunin boys fills the orchard as your children exit the tent and begin the short journey back toward the house. Apple is running after them, her tail wagging excitedly because she knows she will get whatever leftovers the boys cannot finish.
As the children disappear into the house, Astarion grabs your hand with a mischievous grin, insistently pulling you into the tent with him.
“My love, the boys–” You begin to protest, but your husband cuts you off with a kiss pressed against your lips as his nimble fingers quickly shut the tent behind you.
“It’s Monday, surely Winifred is already in, hm?” Astarion questions, his mouth already trailing kisses along your neck, “She can handle the trio for… oh, twenty minutes?”
You gasp as the elf’s fingers slowly trail under your dress and up your thighs to grip at the flesh around your hips. And then you turn to meet your husband’s face as he pulls you into a kiss. Being in the tent reminds you of old times out on the road, all those years ago, and you quickly fall under the Astarion’s spell, just as you had back then.
Your husband breaks away from the kiss and begins to pull your dress over your head. He grins and roams his eyes over your body when you’re left in nothing but your underclothes, “And… not that it’s a competition, little love. But I maintain I missed you the most.” 
He doesn’t leave room for response as he pounces upon you, eager to show you just how much he missed you this past week. 
Less than twenty minutes later, the twins are back outside the tent, screaming impatiently for pancakes as an apologetic Winifred calls after them from the porch. Astarion groans and is forced to throw his trousers back on with a whispered, “We’ll finish this later tonight, hm?”
And then he’s climbing out of the tent, corralling the two younger Ancunin’s back into the house and buying you a moment to throw your dress back on before exiting yourself. 
When you enter the kitchen, Astarion has thrown his crumpled shirt back on and is already starting the pancake batter among a chatter of excited storytelling from the boys. Winifred is forcing the twins to wash their hands as they speak about the raccoon they thought was a monster and Gale asks you to confirm the two of you really killed a vampire.
At this last part you shoot Astarion a questioning look and he shrugs while flashing you an apologetic smile. He looks like the twins when they’ve been caught breaking something. You know you’ll have to follow up later, but for now, all you want to do is focus on your little loves.
They all missed you, and you missed them just as much. Perhaps more.
But it’s not a competition.
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nigh-temptation · 4 months
I hate fandom conflict so much dude, like why can’t I just love this little dude (Astarion) in peace?
Like, it’s always either other Astarion “fans” or some (SOME most are absolute sweethearts who deserve the world) Wyll fans who are out for blood.
I love Wyll! But I just find Astarion more interesting, that is my personal OPINION. Wyll is a wonderful and complex character, who had to grow up so fast in order to save his home. My hyperfixation just happened to land on the vampire twink.
But whenever I say that Astarion is my favorite people either get super judgy or… respond with a comment that makes me understand WHY people are super judgy. It’s so hard being in that happy medium, because I want to engage in fandom spaces but it’s always so hostile.
(Especially since I’m a sex-repulsed aroace who doesn’t like two people kissing for too long LET ALONE smut)
Like, guys. You don’t have to put down one character to justify your reason for liking another. You can just like things! That’s fine! You don’t have to call Wyll boring or self-centered! You can just let people be, and also be open to criticism when your actions hurt others and make your fandom space a toxic hellhole to be in!
And then to THOSE Wyll fans (who are few and far between, but they exist)! You don’t have to put down Astarion fans either! Yeah some of them are annoying, but just like with anything they are the loud minority. Don’t let them turn you into bitter toxic people who shit on others. Some Wyll fans have a very much “I’m not happy so no one can be” mentality.
Like, I hate to be that guy but… can we all please just get along? 😭
We all love the same game, with the same characters, and being batshit insane about your fav is only going to drive others away from fandom interactions, which just creates a weird echo chamber of "us vs. them" mentality about a VIDEO GAME
And while this is directed at Astarion and Wyll fans (who are mostly sweethearts, but there are those loud few), this also goes for unhinged Gale fans, and unhinged Gale haters (honestly those are more common).
Fandom is a wonderful place of ideas and art! But it’s also slowly turning into a place of invalidation, accusations, toxicity, and just straight up bullying. Please, be nice to one another ❤️
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cactusnymph · 10 months
Are you tired of writing Wyllachstarion yet? If not, will you do "shielding the other one with their body"?
For two hundred years Astarion has waited for someone to show up and save him from his misery, to help him out of the magical chains binding him to the worst monster walking this godforsaken land, but no one ever came. No god answered his call, no knight in shining armor ever swooped in and ripped Cazador away from Astarion when he was being beaten, tortured or when he scratched his hands bloody on the lid of a stone coffin.
He learned not to trust anyone and only ever see the worst in people, to despise those who pretend to be good because Astarion always knew there were no good people.
Until he met them.
How much he hated both of them in the beginning for being so kind and self-righteous and heroic. Their existence means that there were good people in this world all along but none of them ever gave a damn to storm the castle and free those suffering inside.
And now Astarion has to live with weirdly fuzzy feelings inside his chest that he doesn't want to acknowledge, and with the knowledge that people like Wyll and Karlach existed all along and he simply never had the luck to meet them when he needed it most.
It's not like it's either of their fault, of course. But Astarion wants to be angry at them. It's easier that way than whatever else lurks in the depths of his ribcage whenever he looks at them, whenever they smile at them, whenever they're so goddamn soft with Astarion that it makes him feel fucking weak in the knees.
He hates how soft they make him feel.
He can't afford to feel soft. What he needs is to be alert at all times, and to find ways to escape his former master as long as possible until he finds a way to kill him. Sometimes at night, when everyone else is sleeping, he fantasizes about Karlach and Wyll confronting Cazador and instead of it being a happy thought it fills Astarion with dread.
He can't help but see their broken and bloodied bodies lying at Cazador's feet, can't help but imagine them falling prey to yet another master who will pull their leash in any way he likes. They don't deserve that. Karlach and Wyll deserve their freedom.
Which is, of course, one of the reasons why Astarion should keep them at arm's length. Aside from the fact that he can't afford being attached to anyone and becoming weak in the process.
But then Karlach invites him to cuddle at night and Wyll asks if it's alright if he touches Astarion and they look at him as if he's something precious, something redeemable, something worthwhile.
Astarion hates it.
And yet he's drawn in again and again, sleeps between them at night, allows them to hold his hand, trusts them both a ridiculous amount.
It's addictive.
And also terrifying.
Way more terrifying than this unhinged drider they're fighting. True, the Shadow Cursed Lands aren't his favorite location but everything beats Cazador's palace. Not that that stops him from complaining loudly whenever they walk around in this godforsaken landscape but Astarion thinks it's no one's business how low the bar for his thankfulness is.
He can hear Karlach laugh somewhere behind him as she slashes through some of their foes with her enormous ax and he also knows that Wyll is somewhere up on the roof, shooting spells while Astarion whirls around their enemies, slashes at their knees and their throats and drinks his fill from anyone who doesn't have half the body of a giant spider.
Maybe he got a little bit distracted by the beautiful carnage Karlach wreaks among some of the goblins, her whole body drenched in blood and her chest burning bright in the darkness surrounding them. Maybe he should have been a little more careful. Focused.
When the hammer comes out of nowhere and shatters his shoulder he cries out and goes to his knees, gripping at the broken bones. His dagger drops into the dirt and pain and panic fill his entire body as he's suddenly face to face with he enormous drider.
Fuck. Shit, fuckfuckfuck.
He tries to grab for his dagger with his non-dominant hand but he already knows that it's no use. Those disgusting claws are going to cut him straight in half. Astarion almost laughs about what an idiot he is.
Then there's a flash of light, a shout somewhere above him and when he opens his eyes again Karlach and Wyll are right there in front of him like a well oiled machine. The pain in his shoulder throbs and stings and his entire left side feels numb.
The claws that were meant for him slash right through Karlach's abdomen and she lets out a grunt, but slashing at her gives Wyll the opportunity to strike right below the drider's ribs with his rapier. The last thing he hears before passing out is Wyll shouting "Hands off him!".
Fuck. He really is such an idiot. feel free to send me more of these <3
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some screenshots from some of my baldurs gate 3 saves
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durge paladin has scary dog privilege
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stunting on sarevok in his own chair
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they all look so unhappy and i think they deserve it
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🥺👉👈 what if we kissed at the murder tribunal 👉👈🥺 after i become unholy assassin 😏😏🥰 (unhinged drow sorceress tav)
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another durge, i took this one because astarion and wyll are serving a little bit here (sorry karlach)
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that same durge is a cleric of talos so i tried to make the guardian how talos is described on his wiki page
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he looks good here moving on
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this is everything i've ever wanted moving on
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and saving the bestest boy for last 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💖💖💖💖💖💖
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