venusxsturnio · 6 months
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PAIRINGღ matt x equestrian!fem!reader
SUMMARYღ today is the big tournament. but what happens when y/n slips up, and forgets to knock on wood?
FROM VENUSღ hi guys! do y'all like my stuff fr? be honest. lmk what y'all think. ✿ btw this was a request. lowkey i don't even know how horse racing even works...so lmk if i got sumthin wrong, but remember my requests are always open! and remember i love criticism. :)
WARNINGSღ cussing...fluff...danger...injuries..
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5:26 am
i was awoken by the sound of my alarm going off. i reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone. i stopped the alarm as i got out of bed. i made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. oh shit- i almost forgot today was the tournament. how could i forget today was the biggest day of my entire career?
i rushed out of the bathroom to my room. i grabbed some sweats and a hoodie and threw them on. i went back in the bathroom to finish my routine before heading downstairs. i grabbed my purse, keys, and phone. i practically ran out of the house as i made my way to my car. i started the car and pulled out of the driveway. i propped my phone up in the phone holder and facetimed matt.
the phone rung once before i saw matts big smile in the camera. "Hey babe!" matt yelled. "Well someone's excited." i said playfully rolling my eyes. "Aren't you?" matt asked as a confused expression appeared on his face. "Yeah..." i dragged not wanting to finish that sentence. "Yeah...what?" matt said pushing the conversation. "I just don't want anything bad to ha-" i couldn't even finish my sentence before matt so rudely interrupted me.
"Y/N Y/L/N, take it back right now! Knock on wood!" matt screamed at me. "Take what back? You didn't even let me finish. And plus I don't have wood anywhere near me right now." i said trying to hold back a laugh, but failing badly. matt scolded me "Y/n I'm serious. If something bad happens to you I'll never forgive myself." matt exclaimed. "Ok. Fine I'll find some later." i said, my laughter dying down.
"Ok I'm pulling in. I'll see you when you get here ok?" i said gathering my things. "I'm already here." matt said calmy. my eyes widened at matts comment. "WHAT?! You're here already? It doesn't start till like...7." i said with a shocked expression spread across my face. "I'm your #1 supporter, of course I'm here early. And plus I wanted to get a good seat." matt said smiling from cheek to cheek. "I cannot believe they let you in. Anyways I'll see you later ok? I have to get ready." i said grabbing my phone as i stepped out of my car, locked it and started making my way towards the arena...
"Alright babe, see you later! You'll do AMAZING! I love you." matt said eagerly. "I love you too." i said as i hung up the phone and stuffed it in my purse. i made my way towards my dressing room. i unlocked it and entered. i froze in shock. a bouquet of roses, it had to be at least a hundred. i made my way towards the flowers, and picked up a card. 'From Matt' it read 'You'll do great! I love you so much! Even if you don't win, I'll always support you! :)' my eyes lit up as i read the message. this must be why he got here so early...i placed the note down on my vanity, as i went to my clothing rack and got into my uniform.
6:48 am
i finished getting ready as i made my way out to the stables. i went to the one with my name on it, as i approached my horse 'Lila' and petted her head. "Hey hun, how you doin?" i gave her a little kiss on the head, as she grunted. "I know right. Me too." i said responding to her grunt. "You ready?" i said unlocking her stable door, hooking on to her leash and leading her out of the stables.
we made our way to the arena doors. behind those doors were the other horses and their jockeys. and there were also fans, bettors, and the media. i looked at lila and took a deep breath. in and out. i reached for the handle and opened the door. as soon as we walked through all you heard was screaming and cheering.
me and lila took our place in our lane. i saddled myself onto her and straightened myself up. i looked around the crowd, as my eyes slowly approached matts. i gave him a big smile and waved. he returned the energy. i mouthed 'i love you', i guess he caught on, because he started blowing me kisses. i shook my head and chuckled a little.
soon the ref came on the loud speakers as he started to announce the race and racers. when he said mine and lilas name everyone cheered the loudest they every have. i smiled of embarrassment, but the good kind. the ref started the count down, and before i knew it we were off.
me and lila started off strong, we were in second place. i held on as tight as i could, until my foot slipped out of the buckle. i switched my view from my foot to the track as i tried to quickly place my foot back where it belonged. we were coming up on a sharp turn, and my body started to shift. i felt myself slipping. i tried my best to grip onto lilas reigns.
next thing i know, i'm rolling on the track. everything stopped. the noise. the horses. everyone. all i heard were silent whispers, and cameras flashing. my eyesight started to dim, my vision started to become blurry as i held my arm in pain. my legs found their way to my chest. before my vision fully went out. i could see a silhouette that somewhat looked like matt. then my vision turned black.
y/n was doing good. but then i noticed something wrong with her. her leg had slipped out of the buckle and she was struggling to put it back on. i stood from my seat and made my way down to the ref. i was trying to let him know what was going on, but then out of the corner of my eye, i saw y/n rolling off the track field. my eyes widened at the sight of y/n on the ground in pain.
i tried to run to her but the security quickly caught up to me. the grabbed my arms and were pulling me back. i punched one, and then the other. i ran from the stadiums, and onto the track field, up to y/n. "Oh my god! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" i screamed. i felt tears forming in my eyes, as salty, warm streaks fell down my cheeks.
people started coming to us. and crowding us with questions. i picked up y/n bridal style and pushed our way through the large crowd. i ran from the arena and to the gates. luckily the ambulance was already here. i let the nurses carry her onto the gurney and hooked her up to a bunch of IV and needles.
i hopped in the truck with them. holding y/ns hands the whole ride to the hospital. we sped all the way to the hospital. once we made it there, we rushed inside, and ran to an emergency room. "She's got a bruised rib and arm." one nurse yelled out to another. "I need an IV stat. Get me a crash UCV cart. For emergencies." i couldn't believe this was happening.
9:08 am
i had my head down. resting on my arms as my hands held y/ns. i was just hoping that she would wake up. she can't leave me like this. i felt shuffling in the hospital bed. i picked up my head and looked at y/ns pale sweaty body.
"Matt?" i said trying to sit up, but immediately falling right back down, due to my injuries. i winced in pain. "No lay down. You're hurt." matt said sympathetically. "What the hell happened?" i asked my voice sounding hoarse. "Well you were racing. Good as hell I might add. But then I noticed that your foot slipped out. I went to tell the ref, but then you fell. I ran to help you and then the security stopped me. I punched the hell out of their asses. And then I picked you up, ran to the ambulance, and we came here. You had me worried as hell, Y/n" matt said rambling on about the incident. i loved when he did that. it meant that he cared.
"Well I'm fine now aren't I?" i said sarcastically. matt scoffed trying to hold back his laugh. i rolled my eyes playfully. i used the arm that wasn't broken, and lifted it up to his face. i caressed his cheeks softly. he leaned in on my forehead as he gave me and sweet, smooth kiss. matt retreated back from my forehead, and looked at me with love in his eyes. "I guess you should have knocked on wood."
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FROM VENUSღ y'all. HOW WAS IT?!?! y'all see what i did there? at the end? matt being such a gentleman the whole story just fascinates me. don't forget requests/dm's are open :)
credits: @hearts4tatemcrae and @sturnad thank you!
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foundtherightwords · 2 years
The Road Forgotten - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Arthur Havisham (Dickensian) x OFC
A/N: I made Arthur bisexual and paired him with a female character in this. I know some writers have gotten flack for pairing Arthur with a female character (or reader), so if it's not your cup of tea, please walk away.
This is mostly based on the events of "Dickensian", but I've also incorporated some elements and characters from "Great Expectations". Most notably, Satis House is in Kent (as in the book) instead of in London.
Summary: A few years after his plan to swindle his sister ended in tragedy, Arthur Havisham is a shadow of a man, living in guilt and fear. When Elsie Bradford, a young woman also wronged by Compeyson, enlists Arthur's help to hunt down his former partner-in-crime, Arthur must face his demons and other strange, new feelings, to redeem himself.
Warnings: slow burn, angst, guilt, revenge, psychological trauma, mention of prostitution, mention of suicide/suicide ideations, some violence, a bit of smut
Chapter word count: 3.8k
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Elsie didn't know when she first had the suspicion that they were being followed. Perhaps it was when they were outside Jaggers's office, just a tingle on her spine, on the back of her neck. During the walk to Wemmick's castle and back, she had been too distracted by Wemmick's jovial conversation, and later by Havisham's reveal, to notice it much, but after she parted with Havisham and returned to her lodgings in Southwark, it had started again. She would notice seemingly familiar figures out of the corner of her eyes, only to realize they were gone or total strangers when she looked again. She tried to tell herself that she was imagining things and that the stress of the search was getting to her, but she couldn't shake off the feeling.
And then the note arrived.
In the days leading up to the Oaks race, Elsie met with Havisham several times to discuss the note, whether it was authentic, and whether they should go to meet this mysterious informant. Havisham pointed out that Compeyson was a bettor and a gambler, as Sally had said, so it could be very well that he could be found at the races. Elsie, on the other hand, believed it was a trap, but when Havisham asked, quite rationally, who would want to trap them, she couldn't say. That would mean revealing her fear and her secret, and she didn't quite trust him enough for that.
But she had come to trust him, more than she'd expected. There was something about him that tugged at her heart, something tragic in those brown eyes that made her want to take care of him. Perhaps it was because she couldn't take care of Marianne, or perhaps it was simply the draw of their shared suffering, she wasn't sure. She only knew that when she was around Havisham, some of the horrors she felt seemed to lessen, not because he had any answers for her, but because there was comfort in knowing she wasn't the only one floundering in a void. And that was why she let him convince her to go to the Oaks. If anything happened, at least they would be together.
Elsie hid her face behind her bonnet as usual, though the place was so packed she doubted anyone could have seen her, let alone recognize her. The noises and the crowd seemed to have spilled out from the racecourse to spread all around the Downs, with sideshows of jugglers, fire eaters, and Punch and Judy, stalls and booths selling food and drink, wagons and coaches for those who couldn't afford a seat in the stands, bookmakers' posts surrounded by waving arms and upturned faces, lords and ladies ambling along in their finery, desperate bettors rushing to get a good look at the horses before placing their bets, all pulling them along like a great current, roaring with shouts and cries and calls.
Though she was glad for the anonymity the crowd was providing, Elsie had to admit it was making her slightly anxious. She saw Havisham wiping his brow with a shaking hand and knew he must be feeling the same.
"We need not stay longer than we have to," she told him, and he nodded gratefully.
They made their way to the Parade Ring, where the horses, puffing and pulling at their bridles, were being walked around. Bettors crowded around the ring three-deep, some with their eyes fixed hungrily on the horses that could mean the making or breaking of their fortunes, while others carried on clandestine conversations in whispers, exchanging some insider's knowledge.
"How would we know who the informant is?" Havisham said.
"I suppose he would find us." Elsie looked around, trying to see if she could recognize any familiar face, but everywhere was just a sea of silk and satin, nodding feathers and waving flowers and billowing ribbons, and she only ended up feeling rather underdressed in her plain black dress and bonnet.
The jockeys started to file into the ring, dressed in the owners' colors. They went to meet the horses, signifying that the race was about to begin, and still the informant was nowhere in sight. The anxious knot in Elsie's stomach grew. Had they walked into a trap? Was someone lying in wait to take advantage of the crowd and the noise and drag them away unnoticed? She had announced her intention to kill Compeyson in the Three Cripples, what if someone had overheard her and words had reached Compeyson himself? The skin on the back of her neck was crawling again, no matter which way she turned, yet she kept turning, like a caged bird, until the heels of her shoes had worn through the turf and cut into the dirt underneath. Next to her, Havisham said nothing, but he had also dug a hole in the ground with the tip of his cane.
All of a sudden, a voice said next to them, "Are you the two asking for Compeyson?"
Both jumped. A man had approached them from behind. He looked to be in his forties, muscular and hardened in his body and browned in his complexion, like a farmer or a laborer, with longish, already graying hair, and a not unfriendly face. Elsie immediately recognized him as the man she almost hit with the door outside Jaggers's office. With that memory, came another, and she also realized where she had seen him before—at the Three Cripples, the man sitting by the window, the night she saved Havisham from Bill Sikes.
"Why are you following us?" she said, at the same time that Havisham said, "Who are you?"
The man decided to answer the lady first. "I heard you two talking about Compeyson in the Three Cripples, ma'am," he said in a rough voice. "And seeing how I'm looking for that man as well, I thought I would follow. The name's Magwitch, christened Abel, sir." He took off his shabby hat and held it respectfully to his chest.
"What business do you have with Compeyson, Mr. Magwitch?" Havisham asked.
"I was his pardner," said the man, Magwitch, his head hung in shame. "In swindling, handwriting forging, stolen bank-note passing, and such-like. I knew what he was, but I thought I could make some money and get out before it got too hot. But he'd made me his tool and his slave. I was in debt to him, and under his thumb, and getting into danger for him, while he kept his legs out of the trap and let me walk into it." Elsie could feel Havisham shake, the grip on his cane tightened. Magwitch's story must be horribly familiar to him.
"But I got my missis now," Magwitch continued. "The police's breathing down our necks, so I wanted to get out for her sake. Only Compeyson has disappeared and left me to take the fall."
"How long ago was this?" Elsie asked.
The creases on Magwitch's forehead deepened as he remembered. "I went into business with him four years ago, and he's been gone these past six or seven months." It fitted with what Sally Compeyson had told them. "I first met him here at the races, which is why I asked you to come. I was hoping I'd run into some that knew him."
Elsie couldn't stand to look at the expression of hopelessness on the man's face. She had seen it too many times before, on her father, on Marianne, on Havisham, on Sally, on herself. Everywhere they looked, they only ran into more and more victims, while Compeyson remained a phantom, the only thing real about him was the pain and suffering he left behind.
"You said you have information for us," Havisham said. "What do you know?"
"Before he disappeared, Compeyson used to visit this gambling house," Magwitch said. "One of those big, grand places in St. James. Staverley's, it's called. A common, thieving tramp like myself has no chance of getting in, but I thought, perhaps, you two, being gentlefolk, might be able to..."
Elsie's heart beat faster. Another lead, something more concrete now. This hadn't been a wasted trip after all.
"Where exactly in St. James?" she asked.
"I'll give you the address." Magwitch dug in his pocket for a pencil and a scrap of paper. "It's a secret place, this house, Compeyson told me. He was always boasting to me about it. You'd need a code to get in." He scrawled a few lines on the paper in the same chicken scratch they'd seen on the note. He then held the paper out, not sure which one of them he should give it to.
Elsie took the paper and tucked it into her reticule. "Thank you," she said. "This could be a great help."
"Good luck to you, ma'am, and to you, sir," Magwitch said. "I hope you find him. And if you do, please leave me a message at the Three Cripples. Old Silas knows me." He put his hat back on, and his face hardened. "I know you both have your accounts to settle with him. My only wish is that you leave me his skull, so I can crack it like the claw of a lobster." Having uttered those ferocious words, he nodded at them and walked off.
"Poor man," Elsie said, watching him go. "I know he entered his partnership with Compeyson knowingly, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for him."
"Compeyson has a way of pulling people in," Havisham said. "By the time you realize you're in a trap, it's too late to get out." His eyes were fixed on the receding figure of Magwitch while he was lost in his own thoughts. Again, Elsie wanted to ask what Compeyson had done to him, but she knew better than to open up old wounds.
"Well, at least we have another place to—" she began, only to trail off as she felt the same prickling sensation on her neck again. It had vanished while they were talking to Magwitch, and she had assumed it was because Magwitch was the one following them. But now it was back, and more pronounced than ever.
She whirled around, and her heart caught in her throat. Striding toward them, from the direction of the grandstand, were two men. One was as tall as a tower, made even taller by his stovepipe hat, his features obscured by the cloud of tobacco smoke hanging over his face. The other one was shorter, almost comically so when placed next to the tower. They were still far enough for Elsie to not see his face clearly, but she was sure she would find a scar running diagonally from his forehead to his chin, across a milky eye, not much different from his remaining eye, which was of a pale gray and slightly protruding, always staring, looking more blind than the blind eye itself. She knew those men. Knew them very well.
Havisham must have noticed her going pale, because she heard his worried voice by her ear, saying, "Miss Bradford? What's the matter?" But she couldn't move, having been rooted to the spot by fear, like a rabbit hypnotized by the basilisk stare.
A cry went up, "The horses have started!", and the crowd rushed toward the course, hoping to get a good position along the rails. Elsie found herself being swept along like a leaf that had fallen into the river. She tried to plant her feet, to resist the tide, but it continued to push her forward, toward the two men who had yet to see her, but would, very soon, and when they did, it would be all over for her...
Someone shoved at her back, and Elsie stumbled. Just as she was about to be swallowed up by the crowd, a hand grabbed hers, pulling her back, and she found herself in the arms of Arthur Havisham. For a moment, they stood facing each other, holding on to each other, gasping, while the current of race-goers continued to surge around them like a flash flood. Then Elsie remembered the threat behind her. Taking Havisham's hand, she wove through the crowd, ducked behind the Parade Ring, and found their way across the heath, away from the racecourse, back to the town of Epsom.
It wasn't until they were well away from the Epsom Downs that she dared to look behind her. The two men were nowhere to be seen. But she knew she had not imagined them. Had they followed her here, or had their presence been a mere coincidence? And if they had followed her, was it her alone, or did they know about Havisham as well?
"What—in God's name—is—going—on?!" Havisham panted. "Why are we running?"
Elsie realized she was still clasping his hand. She quickly let it go. "I'm being followed."
"By whom?"
She briefly considered telling him the truth, and decided on a half-truth instead. "I've made some... enemies upon leaving Mrs. Hill's," she said. "And now they're after me." There was no need for him to know the details.
To Havisham's credit, he seemed curious but didn't demand elaboration. He only asked, "Are they dangerous?"
She gave a short laugh. "Yes, very."
"So what are you going to do?"
"I don't know. It is too big of a risk for me to go back to Southwark."
Havisham looked at her for a while longer, concern in his eyes. "Do they know about me?"
That was what Elsie had been asking herself as well. "Have you seen two men around?" she asked. "One very tall, wearing a stovepipe hat and always smoking a cheroot, known as the Chimney, the other short, scarred, and has only one good eye, called Cyclops."
Havisham thought, then shook his head.
"Are you sure?" Elsie insisted.
"Quite sure."
She let out a more relaxed breath and sank onto the grass bank of the road, exhausted with nerves rather than with physical fatigue. Havisham sat down next to her. "You could... you could stay with me," he offered.
Elsie slowly turned to him. He was looking down, seemingly intent on a clump of buttercup flowers by the side of the road. A ladybug was struggling to gain its footing on a petal. Havisham reached out with his gloved hand and gently nudged the bug back to safety. Then he lifted his head to return her gaze. "I'm not trying to take advantage of you," he said, his face slightly pink.
Elsie almost laughed at the idea of the poor man, who was afraid of his own shadow, taking advantage of her as if she was some helpless damsel, but she realized that would be unkind, and stopped herself.
"I simply thought it would be safer," he went on. "They would look for a woman living alone, not a man and a woman living together..."
And they would not think to look for her in St. Giles, a mere stone's throw from Covent Garden. And the Rookery would be the perfect place to get lost in. The more Elsie thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea.
"Besides, I still owe you twenty pounds," Havisham said with an embarrassed smile. "This could go toward repaying it. I could divide up the room, give you some privacy. You could take the bed—"
Elsie shook her head, cutting him off. "I don't sleep. A chair will be sufficient."
"I was in a bawdyhouse for eight years, Mr. Havisham," she said with a smile to lessen the bleakness of her words. "I learned to get by on very little sleep."
In the end, Elsie still had to send Havisham to Southwark for a few of her things. She didn't have a lot, and everything was always packed and ready for her to leave at a moment's notice, so at least it should be quick. She knew it would be a huge risk if Cyclops and the Chimney were watching the place, but she reasoned that if they had known where she was staying, they would have taken her already. Still, it was a few agonizing hours while she awaited Havisham's return.
It was nearly midnight by the time he came back, bearing the two bags that contained all of her worldly possessions. Well, not exactly all of them - her money was safely entrusted to a bank, where a monthly withdrawal was made to pay for Marianne's keep. But other than that, everything she owned was in these bags. Havisham stared as she unpacked her books and her knitting. "This is what I risk my life to bring all the way from Southwark?" he asked incredulously.
"Not quite," she said. She wasn't going to take out her father's pistol, hidden at the bottom of one of the bags. It was the most important thing of all. The only reason she didn't take it everywhere with her was that it was too big to fit into her reticule.
Havisham found a length of rope and put it up to divide the room into two. He gave Elsie a sheet to drape on it as a curtain. She took the half closer to the window and move the chair and the table into it, giving him the bed and the fireplace.
"Are you sure you'll be all right?" he asked.
"Yes. You have been more than kind."
There was a slightly uncomfortable pause as neither knew what to say or do, then Havisham mumbled, "Well, good night then," and disappeared behind the curtain. Elsie saw his silhouette moving about for a short while, then his candle was snuffed out, and all was quiet. She put out her own candle as well and took out her knitting. She didn't need light to knit. From outside, she heard the night watchman call the hour, one o'clock, then two. She finished the pair of mittens she had been knitting for Marianne and started on something new, she didn't quite know what yet.
She had taken up knitting in her years at Mrs. Hill's. One of the other maids had taught her, and she liked that it kept her hands busy and her mind comfortably blank, during the nights when the hours stretched endlessly and she couldn't sleep. But that night, her mind couldn't stay blank. She thought about the scrap of paper Magwitch had given her, the gambling house where Compeyson might be hiding in at this very moment, and wondered how long she would have to stay here until Cyclops and the Chimney got tired of waiting and gave up the search. She thought about Havisham and why she had agreed to stay with him. If it was just a matter of evading Cyclops and the Chimney, she could have easily gotten a room for herself, either here in St. Giles or somewhere far outside the city, but the truth of the matter was, she didn't want to be alone. Havisham was the only choice. If he was foolish enough to try anything, her knitting needles were sharp, and her knife was sharper. But she knew he wouldn't, and not just because she had caught him with a man. The memory brought a flush to her face, though she didn't know why. She hadn't batted an eye the moment she walked into the room that day, so why did she suddenly feel embarrassed now? And then there was that moment at the Parade Ring, when he had held her in his surprisingly strong arms, against the crowd...
It must be close to three o'clock when Elsie heard a whimper from Havisham's side of the room. She had dozed off a little, curled up in the chair, and the whimper woke her up. As she listened, it turned into a moan. "No, no..." he was saying. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Please, I'm sorry..."
Elsie got up and went to the curtain. "Mr. Havisham?" she called. "Is everything all right?"
There was no answer, but the moan turned into a shout. "Don't come closer! Don't put it on me! No! No!"
She pushed the curtain aside. Havisham was tossing and writhing in bed, in the throes of a nightmare. After a moment's hesitation, Elsie put a dressing gown over her chemise and went to him. "Mr. Havisham?" He didn't wake. "Mr. Havisham? Arthur?" The moaning got louder, more pained, while he gripped and twisted the sheet as if to rip it apart. She reached out a tentative hand and shook his shoulder, lightly at first, then more firmly.
He woke with a start. He twisted his head to look at her, then his eyes went wide and he bolted up with a scream. "No! Don't come any closer! I said I was sorry! Get away! Get away!"
The horrors of the nightmare were still on him. "Calm down, Mr. Havisham," Elsie said, taking hold of his flailing arms. "It's me. It's Elsie. You were dreaming."
He stared at her. Some of the wild look drained from his eyes, but he was still shivering dreadfully. "...Miss Bradford?"
"Yes. Go back to sleep. It was only a dream."
He clutched the sheet to his chest, shaking his head. "No, no, it was no dream. She really was here. She was shaking the shroud at me. I saw her!"
"Who?" Elsie asked.
He didn't answer, only gripping the sheet more tightly. "She was standing at the corner of the bed. I saw her! She was awfully mad! There was blood over her heart! She kept shaking the shroud at me! She was going to put it on me, and then I'd be done for!"
He was raving again. Elsie found a match, lit the candle, and lifted it to illuminate every corner of the room. "See? There's no one here. Only me."
She moved away, intending to push the curtain to the side to show him the corners of her side as well, but he grabbed her wrist with a desperate plea, "No! Don't leave me! She'll come back!"
Elsie turned to him. With those huge brown eyes popping out of his chalk-white face and those quivering lips, he reminded her so much of Marianne that her heart wrung with pain. She took his hands again and sat down next to him on the bed.
"Please, hold me," he begged. "She was going to throw the shroud over me. Don't let her lift me up to get it around me. Keep me down. Please."
She couldn't understand his words, but she understood his fear. Lying down next to him, she put an arm around him and brushed back his damp curls, trying to still his shaking. "Shh," she murmured. "I'm here. Go to sleep. I'll keep you down." He kept his back curved against her at first, but gradually, as his trembling quieted, he turned and wrapped his arms around her waist, buried his face in her belly, and slept.
Chapter 6
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loginsabatoto · 1 year
SABATOTO > Bandar Togel Online Terpercaya 4D Hadiah 10 Juta Di Indonesia
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SABATOTO > Bandar Togel Online Terpercaya 4D Hadiah 10 Juta Di Indonesia
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Beberapa faktor yang saya sebutkan diatas memang terkesan seperti hal yang sangat sepele, tetapi hal tersebut bisa memastikan permainan pertaruhan angka kalian nantinya berjalan dengan lancar dan aman. Sebab hanya setiap link toto togel terbaik yang mempunyai lisensi resmi saja yang bisa seperti itu. Bisa dibilang hanya situs - situs judi itulah yang tergolong bandar togel terpercaya dan aman untuk kalian mainkan.
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king-of-men · 2 years
Epistemic status: Check my reasoning please.
So in a prediction market on how long a politician will live, every bet on 'at least X time' is also a bounty on assassinating that politician before X is up. For reasons that aren't very clear to me this is considered Unethical and there are no legal markets in politician lifetimes. That's too bad but I can see I'm not going to make any headway on convincing people otherwise so I will reluctantly make do without the ability to anonymously hire assassins.
However! How do people feel about prediction markets on the longevity of laws? For example, "The Jones Act will be repealed in 2023". Every 'no' bet in that market is an incentive for politicians and lobbyists to make an opposing bet and cash in a humongous bribe profit when they repeal the thing! The market therefore allows the mass of people who are moderately screwed by the Jones Act to pool their money together, in effect concentrating the opposition to the distributed harms. If the Act is repealed, the 'no' bettors are better off due to the freedom of the market in shipping - and obviously they each bet less than such freedom is worth to them. And if not, at least they get a tiny amount of money back from the bet.
Apologies if this was completely obvious to everyone else and I'm catching up years later. I haven't seen the theory explicitly laid out anywhere, and today I was thinking of how one could mobilize the diffuse interest in repealing rent-seeking laws. I realized that one cannot expect people to put up $X/2 for repeal in advance, where $X is the value to them of the repeal, because of the freeloader issue; but if one could do a conditional pledge, Kickstarter style, that might work. And then I realized that hey, that's a bet! And if you make it a prediction market, you even get paid for making the bet! And might even be able to extract some of the rent being sought, since the law's beneficiaries have an incentive to bet on repeal.
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soccerbetting121 · 10 days
The Essentials of Football Betting
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Football betting is a thrilling way to engage with the sport, whether you're a casual fan or a dedicated follower. By understanding the basics, betting strategies, and various types of bets, you can enhance your betting experience and potentially increase your chances of success mix parlay bola.
Understanding Football Betting
Football betting involves placing wagers on the outcomes of football matches. The betting landscape can vary from simple win/loss bets to more complex wagers involving scores, player performances, and more. Here’s a breakdown of some fundamental concepts:
Types of Football Bets
Match Result (1X2): This is the most straightforward bet, where you predict whether the home team (1), the away team (2), or the match will end in a draw (X).
Over/Under Goals: This bet involves predicting whether the total number of goals scored in a match will be over or under a specific number set by the bookmaker.
Both Teams to Score (BTTS): Here, you wager on whether both teams will score during the match. It’s a popular bet that focuses on scoring rather than the match result.
Correct Score: This is a more challenging bet where you predict the exact final score of the match. Given its difficulty, it usually offers higher odds.
Asian Handicap: This type of bet involves giving one team a virtual advantage or disadvantage, aiming to level the playing field and make betting more competitive.
Key Factors to Consider in Football Betting
Successful football betting requires more than just luck. Here are some crucial factors to consider before placing your bets:
Team Form and Statistics
Analyzing the current form of teams can provide valuable insights. Look at recent performances, head-to-head statistics, injuries, and player availability. Teams on a winning streak or with key players missing may influence the outcome of a match.
Home and Away Performances
Teams often perform differently at home and away. Home teams generally have an advantage due to familiar surroundings and fan support. Assessing these performances can help you make more informed betting decisions.
Historical Data and Trends
Historical data and trends can offer context and highlight patterns. For example, some teams have a history of performing well against certain opponents or in specific weather conditions. Utilize this information to guide your betting strategy.
Developing a Betting Strategy
A well-thought-out betting strategy can significantly impact your success. Here are a few strategies to consider:
Bankroll Management
Effective bankroll management is essential for long-term betting success. Set a budget for your betting activities and avoid exceeding it. Determine your stake sizes based on your overall bankroll to minimize risks and avoid large losses.
Value Betting
Value betting involves finding odds that offer a higher return than the probability of an outcome occurring. This requires comparing odds from different bookmakers and identifying discrepancies that represent value.
Betting Systems and Tools
Utilizing betting systems and tools can enhance your strategy. Many bettors use systems like the Martingale or Fibonacci systems to manage stakes and potential returns. Additionally, betting tools such as odds calculators and statistical analysis software can provide valuable insights.
Common Betting Mistakes to Avoid
Avoiding common betting mistakes can help improve your betting experience and outcomes:
Betting with Emotion
Betting based on emotions or biases can lead to poor decisions. Always base your bets on analysis and data rather than personal preferences or team loyalties.
Overlooking Research
Thorough research is crucial for making informed bets. Failing to research team form, player conditions, and other relevant factors can lead to misguided bets.
Chasing Losses
Chasing losses by increasing stakes to recover previous losses is a risky strategy. It’s important to stick to your betting plan and avoid impulsive decisions that can lead to greater losses.
Football betting offers an exciting way to engage with the sport and potentially earn profits. By understanding different types of bets, considering key factors, developing a solid betting strategy, and avoiding common mistakes, you can enhance your betting experience. Always approach betting with a responsible mindset and focus on enjoyment and informed decision-making.
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11xplayid0 · 11 days
What types of betting sites does 11XPlay support?
Online betting has been common and various sites for betting exist and those with different interests in betting. 11Xplay is one of the leading sites where bettors can engage in a wide type of bet. In this blog, I will also be discussing the various betting sites offered by 11Xplay and how best to go around them. 
Overview of 11Xplay 
 11 X Play is a betting site that is all about betting on various events. Having several options for betting, an easy-to-use interface, and flexibility it has become quite popular among people. Initially, users can get to the site by visiting the 11xplay login page. 
Types of Betting Sites Supported by 11xplay
 11Xplay offers many kinds of betting sites since people have varied tastes and have unique choices when it comes to betting. 
Here's a breakdown of the main categories:  
1. Sports betting sites 
 11XPlay has a comprehensive sports betting facility that allows people to stake on several games in different categories like football, basketball, and cricket among others. This section contains events on which a person can make bets and predictions in real time. This site offers fair odds and many markets making it perfect for any sporting fan. 
2. Casino Games 
 For people who love casinos, 11XPlay also provides some options for online casino betting sites. The casino section comprises a high-quality design to guarantee users are engaged in gameplay. 
3. Live betting sites 
 There has been a shift towards making real-time bets which is popular in the online betting market and 11XPlay also supports live betting. Live bets: This allows users to place bets during events hence making it very engaging and thrilling to bet on. The platform reviews the coefficients in a live form to help players make their bets based on a particular situation at a particular game. 
4. E-Sports Betting Sites 
 Today with the inception of competitive gaming 11x Play also offers the e-sports betting option. This section is suitable for the constantly growing number of gamers and e-sports fans as it provides a different type of betting one is used to experiencing while betting on sports. 
5. Virtual Sports Betting Sites 
 About its offerings, 11xplay comprises virtual sports where one can bet on virtual sporting events. Such draws are created by software and are a fast and funny method of betting. It means that virtual sports are always available for betting round the clock allowing users to wager as much as they want. 
How to Access 11XPlay? 
 Visitors can open the official 11xplay site to begin placing a bet and for first-timers, you are required to provide the 11xplay login details. For first-time users, there is no need to sign up for the platform to get an account. The registration process is easy. It is necessary to provide some basic information during the site's registration process. 
 Navigating the platform 
 After logging in to 11Xplay, users have easy access to the different categories of gambling. In terms of usability, it is easy to navigate through and move from the sports betting section to casino, live betting, and others easily. 
 11XPlay provides a wide variety of betting sites that can be accessed according to one’s preferences in sports, casinos, e-sports, or virtual sports. Given the great variety and simple navigation of the website, 11XPlay can be considered one of the best options for betting lovers. Whether one wants to bet on his/her favorite sport or wants to spend time in the casino, then 11XPlay is the place to be. 
 First of all, it is sufficient to go to the official website of 11XPlay. Login page and discover the vast opportunities of web-based betting that are going to open up to you!
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betbuddyai · 22 days
Winning Bets Made Easy: Top Soccer Betting Advice for Instant Success
Soccer, or football as it's known in most parts of the world, is not just a sport—it's a global phenomenon. With millions of fans tuning in to watch games from leagues all over the world, it's no wonder that soccer betting has become one of the most popular forms of sports gambling. However, the vastness of the sport and the sheer number of betting options available can make it overwhelming for both new and seasoned bettors. If you’re looking to make winning bets consistently, you need more than just luck; you need the Best Soccer Betting Advice to guide you.
Understanding the Basics of Soccer Betting
Before diving into specific strategies, it's essential to understand the basics of soccer betting. There are various types of bets you can place on a soccer game:
Match Result (1X2): This is the most common type of soccer bet, where you predict the outcome of the match—whether the home team will win (1), the game will end in a draw (X), or the away team will win (2).
Over/Under Goals: In this type of bet, you're not concerned with who wins but with the total number of goals scored in the match. A typical line is 2.5 goals, where you bet on whether the total will be over or under this amount.
Both Teams to Score (BTTS): Here, you wager on whether both teams will score at least one goal during the match.
Correct Score: This is a more challenging bet where you predict the exact scoreline of the game.
First Goal Scorer: In this bet, you predict which player will score the first goal of the match.
These are just a few of the many betting options available, but understanding these basics will give you a solid foundation for developing your betting strategy.
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Top Soccer Betting Advice for Instant Success
To increase your chances of winning, it's crucial to follow tried-and-true strategies rather than relying on gut feelings. Here is some of the best soccer betting advice to help you achieve instant success:
1. Do Your Research
One of the most important aspects of successful soccer betting is research. Understanding the form of the teams, injuries, head-to-head records, and even weather conditions can make a significant difference in your bets. For example, if a key player is injured, it could drastically affect the team's performance. Similarly, knowing a team's away form versus their home form can give you insights into potential outcomes.
Always check team news before placing a bet. Many bookmakers offer up-to-date statistics, but going the extra mile and checking reputable sports news websites can give you an edge.
2. Bet with Your Head, Not Your Heart
This advice is crucial for fans who bet on their favorite teams. It's easy to let emotions cloud your judgment, leading to poor betting decisions. For instance, betting on your favorite team to win despite their poor form can lead to losses. Always base your bets on data and analysis rather than personal bias.
Being objective will help you spot value in bets that others might overlook because of emotional attachment.
3. Understand Value Betting
Value betting is a concept that separates successful bettors from the rest. It involves identifying bets where the bookmaker’s odds are higher than the true probability of the event occurring. For example, if you believe a team has a 50% chance of winning, the odds should be around 2.0. If a bookmaker offers odds higher than this, you’ve found a value bet.
To consistently make winning bets, you must look for value rather than just betting on favorites. It’s important to note that value betting requires a deep understanding of soccer and the ability to accurately assess probabilities.
4. Stay Disciplined with Bankroll Management
Even with the best soccer betting advice, if you don’t manage your bankroll properly, you can quickly find yourself in trouble. Set a budget for how much you’re willing to risk and stick to it. It's recommended to only bet a small percentage of your bankroll on a single bet, typically between 1% and 5%.
Discipline is key to long-term success. Avoid the temptation to chase losses by placing larger bets to recover quickly. Instead, stay patient and stick to your strategy.
5. Shop Around for the Best Odds
Different bookmakers offer different odds on the same event. To maximize your potential returns, always compare odds across multiple bookmakers before placing your bet. Even a small difference in odds can have a significant impact on your profits over time.
There are websites and apps designed to help you compare odds quickly and efficiently, ensuring you always get the best possible value.
6. Specialize in Specific Leagues or Markets
Soccer is a vast sport with leagues and competitions around the world. Rather than spreading yourself too thin, consider specializing in specific leagues or markets. By focusing on a particular league, you can gain a deeper understanding of the teams, players, and trends, which will help you make more informed bets.
Specialization also applies to the types of bets you place. For example, you might find that you’re particularly good at predicting over/under goals rather than match results. By focusing on your strengths, you can increase your overall success rate.
7. Utilize Betting Exchanges
Betting exchanges allow you to bet against other punters rather than the bookmaker. This can offer more favorable odds and additional flexibility, such as the ability to lay bets (betting on an outcome not to happen). Betting exchanges can be a valuable tool for experienced bettors looking to find better value and manage risk.
8. Keep a Record of Your Bets
One of the most overlooked aspects of betting is tracking your performance. Keeping a detailed record of your bets, including the type of bet, the odds, the stake, and the outcome, can help you identify patterns and improve your strategy over time.
Reviewing your betting history will help you understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to make adjustments and refine your approach.
Final Thoughts: Consistency is Key
The Best Soccer Betting Advice ultimately boils down to consistency. By staying disciplined, doing your research, and following a well-thought-out strategy, you can increase your chances of success. Remember that betting is a long-term endeavor; short-term losses are inevitable, but with the right approach, you can achieve steady gains over time.
In conclusion, making winning bets isn’t just about luck—it’s about having the right knowledge and strategy. By following the top soccer betting advice outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to making more informed, successful bets. Whether you’re a seasoned bettor or just starting out, these tips will help you navigate the complex world of soccer betting with confidence.
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crick42bet · 26 days
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bestwin121 · 29 days
Football Betting: An Ultimate Guide to Winning Big
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Football betting is a huge industry that has captured millions of fans around the world. Bettors can turn their passion for sports into significant winnings with the right strategies and insights. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of football betting. It includes strategies, tips, and important considerations that can enhance your betting experience.
Understanding Football Betting
Predicting the results of matches is part of football betting. You can then place bets on these predictions. Betting options range from simple win/loss wagers to complex accumulators, over/under markets, and a variety of other bets. Understanding the different types and their workings is crucial for success.
Football Betting Types            
Match Results (1X2): This is the most simple bet. It predicts whether the home team wins (1) if the match ends in a tie (X), or if the away team wins (2).
Over/Under goals: Bet whether the total goals scored during a match are over or below a certain number. For example, 2.5 goals.
Asian Handicap: This bet gives a handicap to a team, effectively leveling out the playing field. This bet is designed to make betting and matches more exciting.
Both teams to score (BTTS): Bet on whether both sides will score during the match.
Correct Score: Predicting the exact score of the match. Due to the difficulty of this bet, it offers higher odds.
First Scorer: Bet which player will score first in the match. This bet usually offers high odds.
Accumulators: Combining multiple bets in one. This increases the payout potential but also the risk. The accumulator must include all winning selections for it to be paid out.
How to Develop a Winning Strategie
A well-planned strategy and a disciplined approach are essential for successful football betting. Here are some tips that will help you improve your betting strategy.
Research and Analysis
Team form: Analyze the recent performance, including wins and losses. Teams that are in good shape will perform better.
Head-to-Head Statistics: Compare past matches between the teams. The past performance of teams can give insight into possible outcomes.
Injury and Suspension: Look for players who may be absent due to injury or suspension. This can have a significant impact on a team's performance.
Home-and-Away Performance Some teams perform better in their home environment or when they are away. You can gain an advantage by analyzing these patterns.
Bankroll Management         
Create a Budget: Decide how much you are willing to lose, and stick to it. Never wager more than you can afford.
Betting units: Manage your bets using a unit system. A unit is a percentage. If your bankroll is $1,000 and your unit is 1% then you should wager $10 per unit.
Do not chase losses. If you are experiencing a losing streak resist the temptation to increase your bets to recover. Keep to your betting strategy.
Find the Best Odds
Different betting sites have different odds for the same event. Comparing odds on multiple platforms will maximize your potential return. Compare odds using websites or other tools.
Leveraging Technology
Mobile Betting
Mobile betting is becoming more popular with the advent of smartphones. The majority of betting sites have mobile apps or mobile-optimized websites that allow you to bet anytime and anywhere. Choose a site that has a mobile-friendly interface سایت شرط بندی فوتبال.
Live Betting
In-play betting or live betting allows you to bet during a game. This dynamic betting form can be thrilling and profitable if you can make quick decisions based on real-time events.
Betting Exchanges
Betting exchanges, unlike traditional bookmakers, allow you to place bets against other punters instead of the house. It can give you better odds and allow for more flexibility with your betting strategy.
Responsible Betting
Football betting is exciting and lucrative, but it must be done responsibly.
Set Limits: Establish limits to the time and money you spend on gambling to avoid addiction.
Get Help If you think that your gambling is getting out of control, ask for help from professionals or groups dedicated to gambling addiction.
Educate yourself: Continually educate yourself on betting strategies and responsible gambling.
Football betting is a fun way to get involved with the sport while earning money. Understanding the different types of bets and developing a strategy to manage your bankroll and leverage technology will improve your experience of betting and increase your chances of winning. Betting should be enjoyable and responsible. Have fun and good luck with your bets.
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#Breaking: Polymarket #Bettors Give #Mpox a 20% Chance of Becoming a Pandemic
Polymarket Bettors Give #Mpox a 20% Chance of Becoming a Pandemic Source; X
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bet600dot · 2 months
Football Betting Online: Navigating Online Football Betting Sites in the UK
Football betting is one of the most popular forms of sports betting in the UK, attracting millions of enthusiasts who enjoy the thrill of predicting match outcomes, player performances, and various in-game events. The advent of online football betting sites has revolutionized the betting landscape, offering convenience, a vast array of betting markets, and exciting features. This article delves into the world of online football betting in the UK, exploring the top betting sites, popular betting markets, key features, regulatory considerations, and tips for responsible gambling.
The Rise of Online Football Betting
The digital age has significantly transformed how football betting online operates. Traditional betting shops have given way to online platforms that provide a comprehensive and immersive betting experience. The growth of high-speed internet, mobile technology, and advanced betting software has facilitated this shift, making it easier than ever for bettors to place wagers from the comfort of their homes or on the go.
Advantages of Online Football Betting
Convenience: Bettors can place bets at any time and from anywhere, eliminating the need to visit a physical betting shop.
Variety of Markets: Online platforms offer a wide range of betting markets, from basic match outcomes to intricate in-play bets.
Enhanced Features: Live streaming, in-play betting, cash-out options, and bet builders are just some of the features that enhance the betting experience.
Bonuses and Promotions: Online betting sites often provide attractive bonuses and promotions, including welcome bonuses, free bets, and loyalty rewards.
Top Online Football Betting Sites in the UK
Several online betting sites stand out in the UK for their comprehensive offerings, user-friendly interfaces, and commitment to providing a secure and fair betting environment. Here are some of the top online football betting sites in the UK:
Bet365 is one of the most popular and trusted online betting sites globally. Known for its extensive range of football betting markets, competitive odds, and live streaming options, Bet365 offers a top-notch betting experience. The site’s user-friendly interface and mobile app ensure seamless betting on the go.
William Hill
William Hill is a well-established name in the betting industry, with a strong online presence. The site offers a vast selection of football betting markets, including match outcomes, over/under bets, both teams to score, and many more. William Hill is also known for its live streaming service and in-play betting options.
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Ladbrokes is another prominent player in the UK betting market. The site provides an extensive range of football betting options, along with live streaming and in-play betting. Ladbrokes’ mobile app is highly rated, offering a smooth and intuitive betting experience.
Betfair is unique in that it offers both a traditional sportsbook and a betting exchange, where bettors can place bets against each other. This dual offering provides a diverse range of betting opportunities and often better odds. Betfair’s football betting markets are comprehensive, and the site also offers live streaming and in-play betting.
Paddy Power
Paddy Power is known for its engaging marketing and wide range of betting markets. The site offers competitive odds, live streaming, and in-play betting. Paddy Power also provides a variety of promotions and bonuses, making it a popular choice among bettors.
Popular Football Betting Markets
online football betting sites uk offer a multitude of betting markets, catering to different preferences and strategies. Here are some of the most popular football betting markets:
Match Outcome (1X2)
The most straightforward bet is on the match outcome, where bettors predict whether the home team (1), the away team (2), or the match will end in a draw (X).
Over/Under Goals
Bettors wager on whether the total number of goals scored in a match will be over or under a specified number. Common thresholds are 2.5, 3.5, or 4.5 goals.
Both Teams to Score (BTTS)
In this market, bettors predict whether both teams will score at least one goal during the match. This market is popular due to its simplicity and the high frequency of both teams scoring in football matches.
Correct Score
Bettors attempt to predict the exact final score of the match. While challenging, correct score bets offer attractive odds and potential payouts.
First Goal Scorer
This market involves betting on which player will score the first goal of the match. It is a popular market for those who follow individual player performances closely.
In-Play Betting
In-play betting allows bettors to place wagers on events as they unfold during the match. This dynamic form of betting includes markets such as next goal scorer, next team to score, and live match outcomes, with odds fluctuating based on the state of play.
Key Features of Online Football Betting Sites
Modern online football betting sites offer several features designed to enhance the betting experience:
Live Streaming
Many betting sites provide live streaming of football matches, allowing bettors to watch the action in real-time and make informed in-play bets. This feature adds a layer of excitement and engagement to the betting experience.
Cash-Out Option
The cash-out feature allows bettors to settle their bets before the match concludes, providing an opportunity to secure a profit or minimize losses based on real-time developments.
Bet Builder
Bet builders enable bettors to create custom bets by combining multiple selections from the same match. This feature allows for greater flexibility and creativity in betting strategies.
Mobile Betting
Most online betting sites offer mobile apps or mobile-optimized websites, ensuring that bettors can place wagers and manage their accounts on the go. Mobile betting apps often come with all the features available on the desktop version.
Regulatory Considerations
The UK has one of the most regulated online gambling markets in the world, ensuring that betting sites operate fairly and transparently. The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) oversees all gambling activities, enforcing strict regulations to protect consumers and maintain the integrity of the industry.
Licensing and Compliance
All online betting sites operating in the UK must obtain a license from the UKGC. The licensing process involves rigorous checks to ensure that operators are financially stable, have robust security measures, and can provide a fair betting environment.
Consumer Protection
The UKGC implements several measures to protect consumers, including identity verification processes to prevent underage gambling, secure payment methods, and tools to help bettors manage their gambling activities, such as self-exclusion and deposit limits.
Responsible Gambling
Promoting responsible gambling is a priority for both regulatory bodies and online betting sites. Several initiatives and tools are in place to ensure that betting remains a safe and enjoyable activity:
Self-exclusion programs allow individuals to voluntarily exclude themselves from gambling activities for a specified period, helping those who may be struggling with gambling addiction.
Deposit Limits
Bettors can set limits on the amount they deposit within a certain timeframe, helping to manage their spending and avoid excessive gambling.
Reality Checks
Reality checks are notifications that remind bettors of how long they have been playing and their current status, encouraging them to take breaks and gamble responsibly.
Support and Resources
Online betting sites provide access to support and resources for individuals experiencing gambling-related issues. Organizations such as GamCare and Gamblers Anonymous offer confidential help and advice.
Online football betting in the UK offers a thrilling and convenient way to engage with the sport. With a wide range of betting markets, competitive odds, and exciting features like live streaming and in-play betting, online betting sites provide an immersive experience for football enthusiasts. However, it is crucial to bet responsibly and take advantage of the tools and resources available to ensure that gambling remains a fun and safe activity. The UK’s robust regulatory framework ensures that online football betting sites operate fairly and transparently, protecting consumers and maintaining the integrity of the industry.
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11xplaygame · 3 months
The prediction power within you isn’t an ordinary thing. The prediction you make on any match with higher accuracy, the better your chances of winning real cash will be. Guess a winner in the cricket match, predict the individual player’s performance, or give your ideas on specific events during the game! Cricket betting fulfills your desire to predict the match winner or player’s performance, set a betting limit, and win exciting cash. 11X Play offers cricket betting in diverse forms. 11X Play for Sports Betting ID to Bet on Cricket 11 x play .com you are all set to start the betting journey or a professional bettor, 11X Play is for all punters to help them bet on their favorite team, player, match result, or score. Sign up for the cricket betting ID at the leading betting ID platform and make your chances stronger to win real cash. 11X Play provides bettors the live betting lines for international matches, T20s, ODIs, women’s cricket, and all formats of cricket. Don’t miss the chance to get a welcome bonus of up to 100% on new ID, daily bonuses, cash back, and free bets at 11X Play. Don’t miss the chance to get the perfect calculation on betting odds and make an informed decision to wager on the match. We provide you competitive odds to wager on any match and live updates of every match. Reasons to Choose 11X Play for Cricket Betting Safety and security at the time of placing a bet are two crucial points to consider. Only a licensed and recognized betting ID provider can fulfill your requirement for a safer way of betting on cricket. We are by far the fastest-growing betting ID provider in India – a licensed bookmaker allowing you to create multiple IDs at top sportsbooks or betting exchanges. 11X Play provides bettors with live updates of every match you bet on. We provide cricket betting enthusiasts something more than cricket betting - combining convenience, variety, and lucrative potential. The user-friendly interface will allow you to bet conveniently. We allow bettors to place bets anytime, anywhere, ensuring you never miss a moment of the action. With an extensive range of betting options, from match outcomes to player performances, there's something for every fan's preference. Create your betting ID for cricket betting and enjoy the game with a seamless betting experience.
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packernet · 4 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2024/05/21/key-tips-for-betting-on-the-nfl/
Key Tips for Betting on the NFL
The National Football League is one of the most popular sports on the planet with millions of people around the world tuning into the regular season and showpiece Super Bowl. For fans of the Green Bay Packers and wider game, placing a wager on results, touchdowns and standings adds another layer of excitement to proceedings.
If you are eager to start your own betting journey with the Packers in the NFL, there are several factors you must consider before getting involved. This article will provide tips and guidance on how you can position yourself to make smart and informed wagers.
The Importance of a Solid Understanding
Like with any pursuit, knowledge is power and so it is imperative you learn as much as possible about American Football and Green Bay Packers before betting. From the basics of how the game is played, to the teams, players and schedule, having a strong grasp of the narrative across the league will assist you in predicting the outcomes of games.
Not only should you become an expert on the NFL but it’s also imperative you also have a full understanding of the different betting options available to you at online sportsbooks. Knowing how the odds reflect the chances of an event occurring can help you boost your own opinion and steer you in the direction of making savvy wagers.
Stay Updated on Team News and Form
Keeping a constant eye on team selections is key so that you are fully aware of which players are available. Make a note throughout the season of who is sidelined through injury and those players that are suspended. This way you can accurately assess the strength of the roster game by game.
Form is also a good indicator of where teams like the Green Bay Packers are at during various stages of the campaign. While performances and a winning run shouldn’t mean you instantly back a team, it is a useful factor to consider when weighing up your picks. For instance, a team that has won 10 straight games will be heavy favorites when taking on the worst performing side but as with all sport, it’s unpredictable and no victories can be guaranteed.
You should also watch as many games as possible so that you can form your own view on how a player is performing beyond just statistics.
Utilize Live Betting Options
Today’s online advancements allow bettors to react to the action on the field as it unfolds. While decades ago a Packers follower would have to place a wager at a physical sportsbook, they can now assess the play as it happens via a mobile device and bet accordingly. For instance, if the team is growing into the game and looking dangerous, bettors can now back them to succeed no matter how long there is left to play in the game.
Follow Expert Insight
Many pundits and former pros offer their expert opinions via social media which can be used to shape your own thoughts on different teams. Platforms like X and Facebook are home to a number of pages belonging to NFL commentators in the know who can provide insight into how teams are performing, offering reasons for a player’s upturn in form or a struggle during a particular piece of play.
Such platforms are also a great way to follow the views of fellow Green Bay Packers supporters. Here you can exchange thoughts on displays and also debate with other fans. Reading the thoughts of others can help you build on your decision making for bets as alternate viewpoints can highlight different wager options you might not ordinarily see.
Wrapping Up
By following these tips you can create strategies for placing wagers on the NFL and Green Bay Packers from a place of knowledge and authority. Be sure to track updates throughout the season and stay aware of team selections, form and results. Tracking expert insight can also add another dimension to the process in how you make your wager picks.
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11xplayid0 · 20 days
What types of betting sites does 11XPlay support?
Online betting has been common and various sites for betting exist and those with different interests in betting. 11Xplay is one of the leading sites where bettors can engage in a wide type of bet. In this blog, I will also be discussing the various betting sites offered by 11Xplay and how best to go around them. 
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Overview of 11Xplay 
 11 X Play is a betting site that is all about betting on various events. Having several options for betting, an easy-to-use interface, and flexibility it has become quite popular among people. Initially, users can get to the site by visiting the 11xplay login page. 
Types of Betting Sites Supported by 11xplay
 11Xplay offers many kinds of betting sites since people have varied tastes and have unique choices when it comes to betting. 
Here's a breakdown of the main categories:  
1. Sports betting sites 
 11XPlay has a comprehensive sports betting facility that allows people to stake on several games in different categories like football, basketball, and cricket among others. This section contains events on which a person can make bets and predictions in real time. This site offers fair odds and many markets making it perfect for any sporting fan. 
2. Casino Games 
 For people who love casinos, 11XPlay also provides some options for online casino betting sites. The casino section comprises a high-quality design to guarantee users are engaged in gameplay. 
3. Live betting sites 
 There has been a shift towards making real-time bets which is popular in the online betting market and 11XPlay also supports live betting. Live bets: This allows users to place bets during events hence making it very engaging and thrilling to bet on. The platform reviews the coefficients in a live form to help players make their bets based on a particular situation at a particular game. 
4. E-Sports Betting Sites 
 Today with the inception of competitive gaming 11x Play also offers the e-sports betting option. This section is suitable for the constantly growing number of gamers and e-sports fans as it provides a different type of betting one is used to experiencing while betting on sports. 
5. Virtual Sports Betting Sites 
 About its offerings, 11xplay comprises virtual sports where one can bet on virtual sporting events. Such draws are created by software and are a fast and funny method of betting. It means that virtual sports are always available for betting round the clock allowing users to wager as much as they want. 
How to Access 11XPlay? 
 Visitors can open the official 11xplay site to begin placing a bet and for first-timers, you are required to provide the 11xplay login details. For first-time users, there is no need to sign up for the platform to get an account. The registration process is easy. It is necessary to provide some basic information during the site's registration process. 
 Navigating the platform 
 After logging in to 11Xplay, users have easy access to the different categories of gambling. In terms of usability, it is easy to navigate through and move from the sports betting section to casino, live betting, and others easily. 
 11XPlay provides a wide variety of betting sites that can be accessed according to one’s preferences in sports, casinos, e-sports, or virtual sports. Given the great variety and simple navigation of the website, 11XPlay can be considered one of the best options for betting lovers. Whether one wants to bet on his/her favorite sport or wants to spend time in the casino, then 11XPlay is the place to be. 
 First of all, it is sufficient to go to the official website of 11XPlay. Login page and discover the vast opportunities of web-based betting that are going to open up to you!
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support1212 · 5 months
sure odds,
sure odds,
In the world of sports betting, where uncertainty often reigns supreme, the concept of "sure odds" stands out as a beacon of promise. But what exactly are sure odds, and how can bettors harness their power to their advantage? Let's delve into this intriguing aspect of sports wagering.
Understanding Sure Odds Sure odds, also known as sure bets, arbitrage bets, or simply arbs, refer to situations where a bettor can place multiple wagers on a single event across different bookmakers to guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome. This phenomenon arises due to variations in odds offered by different bookmakers, creating opportunities for astute bettors to exploit.
How Sure Odds Work The mechanics of sure odds rely on discrepancies in the odds set by various bookmakers for the same event. These differences occur due to a variety of factors, including differing opinions on the likelihood of outcomes, varying levels of market activity, and the bookmakers' strategies to manage risk.
For example, consider a tennis match between Player A and Player B. Bookmaker X might offer odds of 2.00 for Player A to win, while Bookmaker Y offers odds of 2.20 for Player B to win. By strategically placing bets on both outcomes with the appropriate stake sizes, a bettor can ensure a profit regardless of which player emerges victorious.
Identifying Sure Odds Opportunities Finding sure odds opportunities requires vigilance, as they are often fleeting and may disappear quickly as the market adjusts. Bet tracking software and odds comparison websites can be invaluable tools for identifying potential arbs across a wide range of sporting events and markets.
Additionally, bettors should be aware of the limitations and risks associated with sure betting. Most bookmakers have policies in place to detect and prevent arbitrage betting, such as limiting the maximum stake or closing accounts of suspected arbitrageurs. Therefore, it's essential to approach sure betting with caution and to spread bets across multiple bookmakers to minimize the risk of detection.
Risks and Considerations While sure betting offers the tantalizing prospect of guaranteed profits, it is not without its risks and challenges. The primary risks include:
Market Volatility: Odds can fluctuate rapidly, especially in high-profile events or markets with low liquidity, making it challenging to execute arbitrage opportunities before they vanish. Bookmaker Limitations: Bookmakers may impose restrictions or close accounts of bettors who engage in arbitrage betting, thereby limiting the potential for long-term profitability. Execution Errors: Mistakes in calculating stake sizes or failing to account for factors such as exchange commissions can erode profits or even result in losses. Conclusion Sure odds present an enticing prospect for bettors seeking to minimize risk and secure guaranteed profits in the unpredictable world of sports betting. However, navigating the complexities of arbitrage betting requires diligence, discipline, and a thorough understanding of the underlying mechanics and risks involved.
By leveraging the power of technology, staying informed about market developments, and exercising prudent risk management, bettors can unlock the potential of sure odds to enhance their betting strategies and achieve sustainable profitability over the long term.
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legzblog · 5 months
The Impact Of Key Metrics On NRL Match Outcomes
Rugby is a game where every play, tactic, and decision has the power to decide a game’s fate. It’s always wise to review the fundamentals and get into the meat of the matter before starting with NRL betting. A wide variety of data makes up NRL key metrics. These measures provide insight into the game’s dynamics, from scoring ability to defensive stability. But what factors truly decide the outcome of a game? Come explore with us as we uncover the top NRL stats that significantly affect the results of NRL matches.
The Ultimate Measure of Offense
The skill of scoring tries is fundamental to rugby league play. When a team is good at crossing the try line, it usually wins. Quality is equally as important as quantity. Offensive competence is demonstrated by conversion rates, line breaks, and successful tackle breaks.
Protecting The Team from Attack
No matter how impressive the attack is, championships are won on defence, not offence. One of the most important skills in rugby league is the ability to block the other team’s moves. A squad’s defensive strength and resiliency can be seen by metrics like the percentage of successful tackles, forced errors, and tackle completion rate.
Possession and Territory Matter
In the never-ending struggle for control and ground, every meter won or lost might swing the outcome. A team’s influence over the game and its ability to affect play in key moments can be shown by metrics such as possession percentage, completion rate, and kicking meters.
Getting the Hang of Set Plays
In chess, set plays are a tactical tool for breaking through impenetrable defences and ultimately winning the match. Metrics like play-the-ball speed, dummy-half runs, and offloads demonstrate a team’s ability to seize scoring opportunities and change the momentum.
The X-Factor
The exceptional skill of each player is the driving force behind any winning squad. NRL betting metrics for player performance, such as meters gained, try assists, and tackle efficiency, provide insight into the impact of game-changing players whose brilliant play can swing the outcome of a match.
About Legz:
Legz provides expert bettors with in-depth NRL betting tips based on high-quality algorithms and extensive game data. It is one of the most favourite and premier sites for NRL statistics and predictions. With Legz, customers get access to expert forecasts, detailed statistics, and real-time updates, all of which help them make intelligent betting selections and stay ahead of the competition.
For more information, visit https://www.legz.com.au/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/4aZ7mMt
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