(*Draws = AAVE term for underwear . In Yun B's case it was boxers. He was able to grab some shoes, cigarettes, towels, and a backpack before he was "kidnapped" so hopefully the backpack has bottoms. Or at least they do the ambush soon)
EDIT: Also, Yun B and Chulgoo/Xitsuh are on the same team now so we'll get some rapper interactions at least!!
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Lee Hye-jung "Daughter, Marriage 3 weeks ago ... Give me a gift of 10 million won" (final ending)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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lyrics365 · 2 years
제자리 (Same spot)
평소와 같은 날들 지긋지긋해 숨만 쉬면 살아남겠지만 yo 이건 위험해 취하지 않았어도 걸음이 빙글빙글해 늘 제자리, 그게 내 자리 사실은 나는 너무도 바빠 시-간이 없어 하루를 낭비하고도 내일까지 땡겨 써 사례금 많이 주겠어 자신감을 찾아줘 다 부수게 갖다 버리게 yea yea yea yea yea 늦은 밤이 오면 자야 한다고 배워서 할게 많은데 벌써 피곤하죠 평범한 내 꿈의 평수는 더 좁아지고 결국 제자리, 이게 내자리 Yo 뭘 했다고 벌써 해뜸 나 뱉은 가사들은 내일보면 싹 다 폐품 하나 셋 둘 잘 몰라도 일단 돈을 셀 뿐 내 사심이 되려 이런 나를 회 뜸 oh 이제 진짜 가야하는데, (뭐가 됐든) 내 태몽이 용이었데, (혹시 개꿈?) 부럽네, 진로가 정해져있는 태풍 팩트로 패는 댓글아 왜그래 I’m…
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jedaos · 8 days
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boysplanetrecaps · 6 months
Build Up Episode 9 Recap Part 2: Flower and Guide for a Subtitle Lite Environment
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Hey team! Thanks for coming back to my Build Up recap series. In the last one, I began recapping ep 9 but ran out of space for more photos. With the subtitles AWOL for this portion of the episode, I’ve been doing my best with google translate and my vague knowledge of Korean. I’ve been taking more screenshots than usual to help you connect what’s going on on-screen to the recap, so this will take up two posts (I’m only allowed to use 30 images per post). Anyway, enjoy!
I’m using this video link if you need one.
So, Jay’s team is still mid-preparation. 
Cut to -- it’s evening and the team has gone to a recording studio of the composer of their new song. 
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Yes, hello, I am also Team Baekho. Thank you for asking.
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The tattoo says “N’abandonnez pas” which is “Don’t give up” in French. So inspirational! I’m inspired. Are you?
Knock knock! The guys come in and say hello. This is composer Lee Beomhoon, also known as Prismfilter.
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You guys, this isn’t a top tier producer. He has co-producer and arranger credits, mostly with Seventeen, but it’s not like he’s out there writing hit after hit after hit. Shinsadong Tiger or Dem Jointz he is not. They’re saying that he worked on a lot of famous songs, but it was as a producer or arranger, not as a composer, as far as I can tell. That doesn’t mean he can’t write a song, but just that he’s not as top tier as they’re making him out to be. If I’m wrong, let me know.
He asks them if they’ve listened to the song yet, they say yes, he asks what they thought of it. (Meanwhile, the crawl at the bottom of the screen is advertising a Build Up concert series in June.)  We see them hearing a clip of the song and loving the R&B style. 
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Jay is happy that it’s sexy, because Jay knows how these shows works. Get those pants sparkling, lads! 
Prismfilter says the song is understated sexy, like a black rose, “rather than being too red and passionate and sexy.” A “dark sexy.” And they guys are like, ooh so cool. Bitsaeon says, “I was just talking about a black rose!” 
Bitsaeon interviews, “At that time, I was feeling euphoric. I think we can really sing this song well!” 
They’re recording with temporarily assigned parts (says the on screen caption). Bitsaeon sings a line, and Prismfilter says that’s a good part for him. Same for Seunghun. Then Prismfilter -- I’m going to call him PF -- asks Jay if he wants to adlib a bit. 
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So he does, and PF says, “ah, perfect adlib.” 
Minseo is nervous because this is his first studio recording session. (I guess this team didn’t do a studio recording for the previous round…?) So how will the maknae do? 
He sings the line “It feels like I’m drunk,” and PF turns around to ask, “Have you ever really been drunk?” and Minseo says, “just once.”
PF tells him to remember the feeling, and Minseo tries again, but more “drunk” this time, then says, “it’s not working.” PF tells him to try sort of forcing the feeling -- I think, the translation is unclear -- and Minseo sort of stammers. Meanwhile, strategist Bitsaeon is lost in his thoughts. Suddenly Bit pipes up and suggests that Minseo could use a combination of “falsetto and sincerity” and PF likes that idea. 
All the hyungs have helpful ideas and Minseo seems thrilled to have such nice helpful hyungs.
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Seunghun thinks it should sound kind of “loose” and recommends a review of the rap part to add dynamics to the song. 
Seunghun interviews, “In the last round, I hit rock-bottom. For this round, I’m going to write a rap for the first time to help us win.”  
He meets with a rapper called Xitsuh (서출구). Xitsuh says, “It doesn’t feel like this is your first time doing this.”
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Seunghun is so proud of himself, it’s kind of adorable. Also, I love his pixelated dinosaur sweatshirt. He says that he worked on it for several days and he thinks it came out well.  
The guys meet in another unheated room to discuss. There are some mysterious pink boxes on the table. In the words of Han Solo, I have a bad feeling about this. 
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Seunghun says, “This song is all ours. The sexiness that we talked about -- I think it has to look good on the outside as well.”
Jay says, “Visuals are also important for a sexy style song.”
Minseo is like, “What can we do to take care of visuals?”
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Bitsaeon, Age 28, Manager Man
Bitsaeon says he has an idea -- are they curious to hear it? They’re like, just tell us, we want to know! Their acting is really over the top and I’m feeling suspicious. Bitsaeon gets out… a device. 
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Oh no! It's product placement!!!!!
I’m not translating this part. They all try it and presumably talk about how great it is and how it’s making them even more handsome. 
Next meeting. Now they’re in a conference room. Seunghun is wearing his team jacket but he’s the only one. 
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They’re gathered for practice when they’re suddenly given a mysterious card -- an evaluation. 
Apparently, six days before the actual performance, they gathered to record practice performances, and this is their evaluation from the other teams. 
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“You can check the practice situation” “The teams conducted an interim evaluation”  
I don’t really know what the guys are saying in this part because the on-screen caption just says “Calmly evaluating the other teams’ strategies” and my Korean listening skills are waaaaaay too limited for the task. Sorry. But the gist seems to be that they have to choose high and low tiers again. 
So, what kind of evaluation did they receive? 
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All three of the other teams gave them a low tier score. 
Haram says that Jay doesn’t mix with the others -- it’s like he’s just performing by himself. Suhwan agrees: “It feels like ‘Jay and the Boys’ all over again.”
Sunyoul says, “The problem is that only Jay is visible.”
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Donghun says, “Bitsaeon is really good too, but he’s buried because of Jay.” 
Bitsaeon reads these comments out loud and Jay is flummoxed. He says, “Actually, we’re a team. So the feedback that people can only see me is not good.”
And that’s when the subtitles come back, mostly.   
Bitsaeon’s like, we got this. 
In the next segment, they’re meeting with a choreographer -- and it’s Monika. She’s on a dance troupe called Prowdmon with LipJ, who you might remember from Boys Planet. They’re super intimidated by her. She thinks that Flower needed choreography, and she imagines a “fatal man” who is putting on cologne and fixing his hair. 
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“The sexy point is to be indifferent,” she advises.
They try dancing.
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“Hawk-eyes initiated.” 
“You ruined it!” she yells. “Do it again!” 
They try again, but they’re not getting it. It’s really hard and they’re worried. So they decide to practice really, really hard. They’re pulling all nighters, which is so ill advised.
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I wish people on shows like this would bear in mind that your body doesn’t work right if you don’t get enough sleep. You can’t learn if you don’t sleep. You study and study and it just falls right back out of your brain. It’s like pouring water into a sieve. Not to mention the fact that it plays hell with your mood and your physical condition, including, you know, your VOICE. If you’re in high school or college, please take care of yourself physically, ok? Plan ahead, study daily, don’t pull all nighters. <3 Thank you <3 
The judges are excited for the performance, in part because they liked the song itself. Well, yeah, being given a decent song sure helps. 
The performance begins.
Full version without reactions
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My thoughts: 
You can just tell looking at a screenshot that this team is going to win. I mean, I don’t know for sure. I haven’t watched the rest of the episode and I haven’t been spoiled. But I still know. Maybe I’ll be writing a surprised reaction at the end, but I just don’t think so. This team is winning for sure. 
The song itself? I mean, it’s fine. It’s missing something, but it’s not bad or anything. IDK. It's better than the other songs, based on the snippets I heard on youtube, but it I can't get into it.
Ok, don’t get mad at me, but I didn’t love love love this. I liked it, I thought they basically did a good job, but I didn’t love it love it love it. So if you loved it and came here hoping to hear what was great about it, I’m sorry. You can skip all this.
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I love how the petals never stop falling but also don't really build up on the floor. Interesting. And there are never any actually on them, like in their hair or stuck in the folds of their clothing...
A lot of the problem is the song itself, I’m sure. It’s like someone took a song like Guilty and made tea with it, and then tried to reuse the bag to make another song with it, and that song was this one.  
But the rest of the problem is that the dancing changed everything. This is supposed to be a vocal show, and full on choreo isn’t welcome here, in my opinion. 
Jay isn’t as good of a dancer as he is a singer, so his stage presence actually is diminished by the dancing. So now they solved the problem of Jay standing out too much by making him not stand out as much. But that’s not a good solution, because now you’ve kind of lost your star, and now you have four interchangeable members, instead of 1 star and 3 backups. His vocals were also slightly negatively affected, too. He did have a few really lovely ad libs toward the end, of course, but I couldn’t just relax and enjoy an amazing vocal performance like I’m used to doing whenever Jay sings. 
In fact, all four of them sounded slightly out of breath and the worst they’ve sounded the whole competition. I’m not saying they sounded bad -- just that every single one of them has sounded better in every other performance they’ve done. I come to these performances wanting awesome fucking vocals, and I just got really good vocals here. Seunghun sounded more nasal than he’s sounded in a while, and Bitsaeon sounded strained at points. 
I wish there had been more harmony. Also, I wish they’d given more lines to Minseo, too. 
And for what it’s worth, this didn’t make my pants sparkle. I guess I just can’t think of any of these guys as sexy, not even for the duration of the song. I think the concept they were trying to do -- “black rose sexy” -- was just too subtle and mature for them. I’ve been racking my brain trying to think of the kind of sexy I think they could do and basically I don’t think these guys should be doing outright mature sexy. I think they’d do best with emo concepts. Basically, think most songs by TXT and I think these guys could do that. 
But that’s just my take. If you loved it, cool! I’m glad you found something you loved and that made you happy. 
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I knew the MNET edit would be absolutely slobbering and it was. I knew everyone would freak out about Seunghun touching Jay on the chin, and they did -- we had to have an instant replay. There are a few more instant replays, too.   
When they’re done, everyone goes nuts, of course.
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The editors even put the rose petal filter over shots of the judges table.
The judges are judging based on how good the vocals are while they’re dancing, while I just want them to SING. 
What will their high score be? It’s a 99 from Jaehwan, who just goes ahead and does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I think the judges were feeling bad after last week, maybe? They should -- they gave them criminally bad scores last week.
Backstage, the other guys just sort of freeze in silence. It’s going to be tough to win this week. 
All the fans cheer and scream, and -- aww, Bitseon is crying, I think. They must have been under so much stress. Poor guys. I like all these guys a lot and want them all to be successful!
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Jaehwan says that he felt like he was watching an artist’s performance. That's sweet.
VCG says that Seunghun he knows how to move his body -- and he knows it, that’s why he wore that outfit. Fair! Seunghun definitely did the best with the choreo, from wha tI could see.
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Baekho says that maybe it was a mistake putting them first.
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And that’s about it for this performance and this segment! 
Thanks for going along with me on this ride, and again, sorry that I couldn't gush about this performance like maybe some of you were hoping I would. I still like the members of this team and hope they make it into the finals.
Ok, see you in the next one, when we see Partners be given a song that doesn't really suit them and also isn't good! whee?
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kpoplrcfiles · 2 years
[EP] leanon (리논) - BLOSSOM
leanon (리논) – BLOSSOMRelease Date: 2021.04.27Genre: R&B, SoulLanguage: Korean Track List:01. drownin’ (Feat. xitsuh) 02. TGIF (Feat. Haebin) 03. BLOSSOM 04. sunset – Outro 05. Hypnotized – Bonus TrackDownload .lrc file here:Link 1
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solplparty · 2 years
[Official Audio] 서출구 (xitsuh) - 제자리 (Same spot) https://youtu.be/BZxnT0RJq3g 매일 새로운 음악을 만나고 싶다면 다날엔터 구독( ღ'ᴗ'ღ ) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpmctTnUfbeoycGhieZQAmw/ 🎤 Artist : 서출구 (xitsuh) 🎵 Song : 제자리 (Same spot) 👉 Album : 제자리 (Same spot) - #서출구 #xitsuh #제자리 멈춰있는 것만 같은 우리의 일상들을 향한 응원 [Credit] Composed by chillingcat, 서출구 (xitsuh) Lyrics by 서출구 (xitsuh) Arranged by chillingcat MIxed & Mastered by 장태인 at SEOUL ARCHIVE Cover by 갱이 (Alice) ⓒ Danal Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. - For More Information'◡'✿ http://music.danalenter.co.kr/ https://www.instagram.com/danalent_music/ http://www.facebook.com/DanalentMusic #다날엔터테인먼트 #DanalEntertainment #다날엔터뮤직 DanalEntertainment
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ohsharethekmusic · 2 years
Song : Kill This Love
Artist : XITSUH
Album : Spill
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khh-pics · 4 years
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wxnd · 4 years
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XITSUH (Seo Chulgoo) is back with a full length album! It contains 16 tracks & a total of two features, Leanon and non other than FAMOUS DEX :) Take a listen and appreciate art 🤘 - ☞  Spotify
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k-songlyrics · 5 years
They still haven't recognized us. Sometimes we just wanted to give up but we grit our teeth and kept each other from drought
XITSUH - Drummer (ft. Zion.T & Olltii)
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Also, I learned from Bloody Game 2 reddit threads that Chulgoo is engaged
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Lee Hye-jung ⁇ 3 weeks ago Marriage daughter, 10 million won gift to me (final ending)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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penemues · 6 years
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morsellus · 6 years
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Seo Chul Gu a.k.a. Jesus Christ Still crying when I see it
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korean-hip-hop · 7 years
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