#Xinna solar opposites
Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 11/Epilogue (by @avaveevo)
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A few weeks later…
Korvo and Terry are seen snuggling after having sex as they smile. Terry wakes up to check his phone and gasps
Terry: Oh shit! We're gonna be late for the wedding!
Korvo: On it!
Terry and Korvo gets ready for the wedding along with the Replicants and Pupa and AISHA and Teraformus and Jessica. Later, the family arrived at the wedding.
Korvo: I am so happy for these two.
Terry: Heh! I know.
Then, out came Moran and Xinna, who are wearing wedding clothes as they walk down the isle.
Xinna: *lovingly* Oh Moran…
Moran: Ready to spend the rest of your life with a handsome guy?
Xinna: *giggles* Yes. Yes I am.
Jesse then gets out the bible
Jesse: Do you Moran, promise to take care of Xinna to honor her in sickness and in heath, for as long as you both shall live?
Moran: Hell yeah I do!
Jesse: And Xinna, do you promise to love and take care of Moran to honor him and sickness and in health? For as long as you both shall live?
Xinna: I do.
Jesse: Now let’s hear those vows!
Moran: Xinna, from this day forward, I’m keep loving you throughout my whole life! You are one of the bravest Shlorpians I ever met! I love you!
Xinna: And Moran, you are othe most funniest Shlorpian I ever met! The way you try to hard to make people proud is amazing! That’s what I love about you! And I’m gonna keep loving you forever too!
Jessica cries with joy
Jesse; And by the power invested in me just for today, I know pronounce husband and wife. Okay go ahead and kiss! I wanna see this!
Xinna takes her crystal of her robe and she and Moran smashes it as they seal their vow with a kiss. Then, Korvo heads out for a bit as he realizes something as “My Life is Changing” starts playing.
I guess I was wrong
The people of Earth truly can be changed
Now Tortus is gone
I fear that I made the worst decision
I should’ve never allowed him to just
Go ahead with the New Order
Does it mean anything
To pass for divine judgement now
My life is changing
For better or worse
I must accept the truth that
My life is changing
All I’ve known is a lie
Can someone tell me why
The New Order are open to heathens
I don’t know where all this will take us
But my life is changing
So I need to change with it too
What was I thinking
The New Order Don’t Seem Very amazing at all
As the head rookie
How could I tell Kim-La she could fall
Redemption is impossible
For all the souls down on Earth
If I didn’t know better
I’d have mistaken this heathen as one of us
What other lies does the New Order hold?
Is this place worth its weight in gold
Are we no different to them?
Why is it we get to ascend?
Is the New Order misguided?
There must be something I can do
To the save heathens in hurting too
My life is changing for better or worse
I must accept the truth that
My life is changing
All I’ve known is a lie
Can someone tell me why
The New Order is open to heathen
I don’t know where all this will take us
But my life is changing
So I need to change with it too
Korvo sighs but then turns around and looks at his family as he smiles.
Terry: Korvy, are you okay?
Korvo: *giving Terry his hand* Care to dance, Terry?
Terry: Yeah. I would love to. Then after that, are you ready to head home?
Korvo: Of course.
Korvo and Terry kiss and then starts having a romantic slow dance as they smile. Then, the scene cuts to the Solars packing up their things with Kim-La and Karna joining them. Bee, Xinna, Gadget and Moran starts saying goodbyes to them.
Bee: Well, Kim-La, I guess this is it.
Xinna: I hate goodbyes. God damn it! We’re gonna miss you so damn much!
Moran: *crying hysterically* We’re so happy for you!
Gadget gives Kim-La a holographic communicator
Gadget: Here. You can call us through this. To keep in touch. Thank you for being part of The New Order.
Kim-La smiles
Kim-La: Thank you guys. *gets int a group hug with her friends as she smiles tearfully* Karna, it’s time. Come along. *to the rest of the New Order* Goodbye you guys. Thanks for everything.
Karna: Bye bye.
The rest of the New Order shout their goodbyes while Jessica and Teraformus comes up with suitcases as they happily approach the Solar Opposites, who smiled at them.
Jessica: Room for two more?
Korvo: Yes. There is.
Teraformus and Jessica join the hug. Korvo places a hand on Terry's face
Korvo: Ready to go home?
Terry: Yes. Yes I am. But I just need to do one more thing.
Korvo: Oh and what is that?
Terry: This.
Terry and Korvo embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly. Then, AISHA starts the ship as it takes off after Kim-La, Karna, Jessica and Teraformus hop in the ship. The rest of the New Order and Shlorpians wave goodbye as the ship takes off. Then, a few weeks later, the Solars arrived home as they land on their house and heads outside as they smile.
Korvo: *sighs* It’s great to be home.
Kim-La: So this is Earth? It looks amazing!
Korvo: Well, to be honest I hated the place at first.
Then he smiles at his family.
Korvo: But I was wrong. It’s a wonderful home and it was worth it.
Terry smiles as the two husbands embrace. Then, the family along with Jessica, Karna, Kim-La and Teraformus looks at the sunset. A monologue from Korvo is heard *like the one from the Amphibia Series Finale*
Korvo: *monologuing* Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever. Sometimes... you have to let it go. But of the things you let go... you'd be surprised... what makes its way... back to you.
Korvo then gets an idea how to celebrate his family’s return to Earth.
Korvo: Oh Terry? *seductively* You want to celebrate our way back home with sex?
Terry: Oh hell yeah! Let’s fucking go!
Cue Korvo and Terry kissing and moaning lovingly in their bedroom as sexy music plays
Korvo: This is the best sex of my life!
Terry: *laughs* I know, right?
The two husbands keep sending and moaning in ecstasy as the credits rolls, the songs in the credits are “Pompeii” from Bastille and “No Quite Paradise” form Bliss 66. Then comes the end credits scene.
3 months later…
Korvo is giving birth as he keeps pushing.
Terry: Come Korvy! You can do it! Come on!
Korvo starts crying in pain. Terry holds Korvo’s hand as he keeps pushing. Then, Korvo gives one final push as he screams, then a baby’s crying was heard.
Doctor: Congratulations, it's a girl!
The doctor wraps the sproutling, who has Terry’s skin color, in a blanket as the doctor hands in the infant over to Korvo, who shed tears of joy along with Terry.
Terry: Hi sweetie. It’s us. Your daddies.
Korvo: She’s like a beautiful flower sprouted with hope. We shall name her… Lili.
Lili looks at Korvo and coos
Korvo: Welcome to the world Lili Solar-Opposites… we love you…
Lili falls asleep and sucks her thumb. The two alien husbands look as their baby and then embrace in a kiss as the screen fades to black.
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 5 (by @avaveevo)
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The next morning, Korvo approaches a the New Order as he grins.
Korvo: Let’s do this.
Korvo opens the door and sits down.
Moran: Hey hey! Korvotron! What’s up! You doing good!
Korvo groans
Korvo: Seriously Moran? Do you have to be funny right now?
Moran: What? Just trying bring a little humor to lighten our day! *laughs*
Korvo rolls his eyes
Bee: Seriously?
Then, Tortus entered the room.
Tortus: Greetings New Order. You may now rise from your seats.
The New Order rises except for Gadget who is working on an invention
Tortus: Ahem! Gadget?
Gadget doesn’t hear Tortus
Tortus: Gadget? Gadget! *grows irritated* GADGET!
Gadget looks up
Gadget: *yelps a bit* Yes Tortus?
Tortus: STAND. UP!
Gadget angrily grumbles to himself but stands up
Gadget: Sorry geez. I was just working on an invention.
Tortus sighs and turns to Korvo
Tortus: Korvotron, it is an honor for you to be finally sitting with us.
Korvo: Heh. Thanks.
Tortus: Now, New Order. I have an assignment for each of you.
Bee: What is it, sir?
Tortus: Bee, you shall chronicle everything on Shlorp that must be kept safe at all cost.
Bee: Of course, sir.
Tortus: Gadget, keep inventing some more weapons of the New Order.
Gadget: Yes, sir.
Tortus: Moran, for heavens sake, just try do something more useful once in your life instead of being a prankster!
Moran: Can’t make any promises.
Tortus groans in annoyance. Xinna jumps on the table.
Xinna: And me, sir?
Tortus: You make to stay rough and guard any Shlorpian that me be harmed by predators and keep your team safe in line.
Bee: Yeah. And get off the table.
Xinna: Ugh! You don’t have to tell me twice, Bee.
Tortus: And Korvotron.
Korvo: Yes, sir?
Tortus: I have a very special assignment for you
Korvo: W-What is it?
Tortus: Come with me
Korvo nods and follows Tortus and then grows amazed by the chem lab.
Korvo: Woah. What is this place?
Tortus: Our lab. We know how much you love science and we believe it should be the perfect task for you
Korvo: *laughs* You know me too well.
Tortus: Of course. Korvotron, you think you can create something that could help our future generations of Shlorpians everywhere?
Korvo: But of course.
Tortus: Good it’s time to get started. Good luck.
Tortus leaves and Korvo smirks
Korvo: Oh this is gonna be fun!
Later, Korvo arrives home and Terry embraces him
Korvo: *laughs* Hey honey! *kisses Terry*
Terry giggles
Terry: So, how was your day?
Korvo: It was honestly very stressful.
Terry: Aw, I’m sorry honey. You don’t have to talk about it if you like.
Korvo: I don’t. For now, I just wanna-
Terry suddenly gets a phone call from his mother.
Terry: Yes mom?
Terry’s smile fades as he gasps
Terry: What? Oh my God… oh don’t worry mom. It’ll be okay. Love you.
Korvo: What happened?
Terry takes a deep breath.
Terry: My mom is starting to worry about Tortus.
Korvo: What do you mean?
Terry: She said there has been some suspicions about him lately.
Korvo sighs and decides to tell Terry what he learned about Tortus
Korvo: Terry, I believe you me be right.
Terry: Yeah.
Korvo: Terry, for years, Tortus’s father had a deadly thing called, execution, which means killing Shlorpians who refuse to obey the New Order.
Terry gasps
Terry: Oh my God… that’s terrible…
Terry starts crying as Korvo soothes him
Korvo: Shh… it’s okay my darling… you’re safe with me…
Terraformus: *offscreen* Son?
Terry gasp and turns around to see his parents
Terry: M-mom? D-dad?
Jessica: Hello, Terald.
Terry gasps as a flashback plays. Teraformus and Jessica are waiting for their Sproutling.
Shlorpian: Good news! Your Sproutling has been born!
Jessica gasps
Teraformus: Let’s go see our baby!
The two Shlorpians rushed in and gasped upon seeing baby Terry crying as he gets wrapped up in a blanket. The Shlorpians passed the baby over to Jessica’s arms as she and Teraformus cries tears of joy.
Teraformus: Hello, Terald.
Baby Terry: *crying*
Jessica kisses Baby Terry on the forehead. We then see an execution taking place with Teraformus and Jessica in the crowd while Jessica holds Baby Terry
Teraformus: Oh boy, this doesn’t look too good.
Jessica holds Baby Terry close. A group of Shlorpians were killed during the execution which made baby Terry cry louder.
Jessica: Sssh. It’s okay, sweetheart.
The flashback ends as Terry sobs
Terry: Mom! Dad!
Terry hugs Teraformus
Terry: *crying* I miss you…
Teraformus: Shh… it’s okay. Daddy’s here. Daddy’s got you. It’s my little boy. All grown up. You look just like me!
Terry smiles
Terry: Thanks dad. *hugs mom* Hello mom.
Jessica: Oh sweetheart. I missed you so much.
Terry: I miss you too. *tearfully smiles*
Korvo smiles
Teraformus: *smiles* It’s nice to finally meet you Korvo in person. Thank you for taking care of our son. He’s lucky to have a husband like you.
Korvo: He sure is. *pulls Terry in for a kiss*
Terry: *chuckles* Yes I do.
Jessica: *smiles* Thank you so much for taking care our son! *hugs Korvo*
Korvo: Anytime. It’s an honor being his husband.
Teraformus and Jessica smiled. Then they notice Jesse and Yumyulack.
Teraformus: Oh and these must be our grand kids.
Jesse: Yep!
Jessica: Oh little Jessica. *hugs Jesse* Look how big you grown. We haven’t seen you since you were a sproutling.
Jesse: It’s Jesse actually.
Teraformus and Jessica: D’aw okay.
Yumyulack: Uh, hey.
Teraformus: And you must be our grandson. So nice to meet you Yumyulack.
Yumyulack smiles
Yumyulack: Thanks Teraformus and Jessica, or um can I call you Grandma and Grandpa?
Jessica laughs
Jessica: Of course.
The Replicants then hug their grandparents as they smile.
Korvo: But what about Tortus?
Teraformus: Don’t worry, we know what a tough Shlorpian you are. And trust us, he is just like his father and worst.
Korvo: *sighs*
Jessica: But just keep an eye on Tortus. Okay?
Korvo nods and smiles.
Korvo: Okay I will and don’t worry things will be a success. I promise!
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 3 (by @avaveevo)
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Kim-La and Korvo enters the room where four other Shlorpians are sitting down at a huge table, waiting for Tortus.
Yellow Shlorpian: Korvotron?
Kim-La: Yep! New Order, meet Korvotron! Tortus’ old student.
The Green Shlorpian laughs
Green Shlorpian: *realizing Kim-La is serious* Oh shit. You’re serious.
Kim-La: Yep. So why doesn’t everyone introduce themselves?
Bee: Sorry. Please excuse Moran. He is such a comedian. I am Bee, the chronicler of the New Order.
Gadget: I’m Gadget! The New Order’s genius! Even though my genius is overlooked…
Korvo: O-kkkaaay.
Xinna: What up? The name is Xinna. I am served as the bodyguard of The New Order.
Korvo: Interesting. *offers to shake hands with Xinna* I can’t wait to-
Xinna crushes Korvo’s hand a bit.
Korvo: OW! Okay! That smarts!
Xinna: You’re welcome.
Kim-La laughs nervously
Kim-La: Sorry about Xinna. She is very cynical and fierce.
Korvo: I can tell.
Moran: What is up?! The name is Moran! Nice to meet you Korvotron!
Korvo: Nice to…meet you too…
Moran: Sweet! So, you here to see Tortus?! He’s about to be here in a sake.
Tortus: *offscreen* Korvotron.
Korvo gasp in joy upon seeing his old teacher Tortus approaching.
Korvo: TORTUS! *hugs Tortus* Oh, it is so good to see you again!
Tortus: *chuckles* It’s good to see you too.
Moran: So…why is your old student here? You never really mentioned it.
Tortus: *chuckles* Come now Moran, Korvo has been my prize student for years. He has really done amazing intelligence stuff ever since he was a Replicant.
Korvo: That’s right! But now I’d rather live on Earth with my sweet husband Terry.
Tortus squints a little upon hearing Terry’s name.
Tortus: You mean…Terald?
Korvo: Why yes. He is my beloved lifemate and now husband.
Bee: Wait. Did you two get Earth-married?
Korvo: Yep. Terry changed my life ever since I landed here on Earth.
Tortus: *forcing a smile* How lovely for you.
Korvo: Why thank you. Terry has been showing me a lot of love and affection ever since my time on Earth.
Kim-La: *to Tortus* Sir?
Tortus: Uh, my… that is… very sweet of Terald… congratulations.
Korvo: Thanks.
Tortus: Will you excuse me for a moment? Kim-La, come.
Kim-La: Oh. Yes sir.
Tortus and Kim-La leave the room and Korvo looks confused
Korvo: Huh? I wonder what they’ll be discussing about now.
Tortus and Kim-La enter a dark room
Kim-La: Sir, what is that you what to discuss with me about?
Tortus yells in anger and punches the wall
Tortus: I can’t believe that fuck up is showing more affection to Korvotron more than I did! It’s like he’s brainwashing him! Fuck!
Kim-La: Sir! T-Take it easy! It’s probably-
Tortus: No! I will not! I can’t believe that Terald is stealing Korvotron’s heart! Ugh! I can’t believe this!
Kim-La: But what can we do? It’s not like we can force Korvotron to leave Terald.
Tortus: Grrrr! That does it! I must find a way to get that Terald away from my student or else! Because, I will not let the green piece of shit ruined everything!
Kim-La: Wh-what? But how will you do that?
Tortus: Oh don’t worry. I will find a way to get Korvotron to leave Terald once and for all.
Meanwhile with Korvo, Korvo is getting frustrated from hearing Xinna’s stories
Korvo: Ugh! Xinna, what kind of stories are you telling?
Xinna: Uh, about my life?
Korvo: *sighs in annoyance* Of course.
Tortus and Kim-La return
Korvo: Oh Tortus, Kim-La, is there anything you want to tell me?
Tortus: Yes. It’s about Terald.
Korvo: Oh what about him?
Tortus: Well, to be honest, we are unsure about this kind of behavior he has. We are worried he might be a bad influence on you.
Korvo: What? I don’t get what you’re talking about.
Tortus: Oh come on. He might have the same behavior as his parents. He might be tempting away from an experience of a lifetime.
Korvo starts to get angry
Korvo: What? Terry would never say and or do anything like that. He is a good man.
Tortus scoffs
Tortus: A good man? Hello. He was a fuck up during classes ever since he was a Replicant. He was also lazy.
Korvo: Sir, I assure you, he-
Tortus: Come on Korvo. This is your chance of joining us. You wouldn’t miss this big opportunity.
Korvo sighs
Korvo: Well to be honest… I really want to join but… Terry means everything to me… I-I need some time to think about it.
Tortus: Very well.
Later, Korvo and Terry are in their new bedroom
Korvo: *sing-songy* Oh Terry!
Terry: Yeah, Korv?
Korvo: I’m home. *kisses Terry on the cheek* But I am feeling nervous.
Terry: Why?
Korvo: *takes a deep breath* Oh, I’m feeling shaken by what Tortus said. He said that he thinks you are bad influence to me. But I don’t think that’s true.
Terry: Oh Korvy…
Korvo: I know I always wanted to join the New Order. But, I’m feeling nervous about all of this. *Terry deeply understands* I don’t know what to do.
Terry kisses Korvo on the cheek
Terry: Then go join them.
Korvo: Really? But what about you?
Terry: Hey. It’s okay. Look, all I want is for my husband be happy. This is your big opportunity. You always wanted to be part of the New Order. The kids and I will be fine. We can still write and stuff and be together no matter what. *place his hand on Korvo’s cheek* because that beautiful genius of mine right here next to me deserves to be happy.
Korvo: Oh Terry!
Korvo and Terry kiss on the lips as they moan lovingly
Terry: Oooh… *moans lovingly*
Korvo: Mmm… *moans lovingly*
Unknown to them, Tortus is watching them on a video monitor and growls as he throws a picture of Jessica and Teraformus on the wedding day as he growls.
Kim-La: Uh… easy sir.
Tortus slaps Kim-La in the face
Kim-La: *gasp silently as tears fall down her eyes*
Kim-La: *sniffles silently* Yes sir…
Back with Korvo and Terry, they are having sex
Terry: Oh baby! Oh! Keep fucking me so hard! Ooooh’
The two alien husbands cum and moan. Terry slaps Korvo’s ass.
Korvo: *giggles* Terry, you bad dirty Shlorpian.
Terry: Only for you, babe. *sighs* I’m so proud of you.
Korvo: Thank you. Good night my love. *kisses Terry on the lips*
Terry: Good night…
The two aliens husbands fall asleep while snuggling with each other. Korvo then looks out the window and began to worry about his decision.
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The New Order from Solar Opposites (by @avaveevo)
Tortus (Leader):
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Controlling, Hot-Headed, Malevolent
Kim-La (Tortus' ex-right-hand-gal):
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Socially Awkward, Shy, Kind-Hearted, Friends with Korvo
Gadget (The scientist):
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Smart, Irritable, Wears Glasses
Moran (The prankster):
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Mischievous, Snarky, Spoiled
Bee (The chronicler):
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Wise, Sarcastic, Insensitive
Xinna (The bodyguard):
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Violent, Cynical, Master Interrogation Skills
Voice Actors for The New Order:
Tortus: Troy Baker (best known Captain Grime from Aphibia)
Kim-La: Alison Brie (best known for Planetina from Rick & Morty)
Gadget: Nate Corddry (best known for Zed from Tron: Uprising)
Moran: Ken Jeong (best known for Kim-Ly from Turbo)
Bee: Emmy Raver-Lampmen (best known for Molly Tillerman from Central Park)
Xinna: Anna Akana (best known for Sasha Waybright from Amphibia)
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