#solar opposites: rise of the new order
Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 11/Epilogue (by @avaveevo)
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A few weeks later…
Korvo and Terry are seen snuggling after having sex as they smile. Terry wakes up to check his phone and gasps
Terry: Oh shit! We're gonna be late for the wedding!
Korvo: On it!
Terry and Korvo gets ready for the wedding along with the Replicants and Pupa and AISHA and Teraformus and Jessica. Later, the family arrived at the wedding.
Korvo: I am so happy for these two.
Terry: Heh! I know.
Then, out came Moran and Xinna, who are wearing wedding clothes as they walk down the isle.
Xinna: *lovingly* Oh Moran…
Moran: Ready to spend the rest of your life with a handsome guy?
Xinna: *giggles* Yes. Yes I am.
Jesse then gets out the bible
Jesse: Do you Moran, promise to take care of Xinna to honor her in sickness and in heath, for as long as you both shall live?
Moran: Hell yeah I do!
Jesse: And Xinna, do you promise to love and take care of Moran to honor him and sickness and in health? For as long as you both shall live?
Xinna: I do.
Jesse: Now let’s hear those vows!
Moran: Xinna, from this day forward, I’m keep loving you throughout my whole life! You are one of the bravest Shlorpians I ever met! I love you!
Xinna: And Moran, you are othe most funniest Shlorpian I ever met! The way you try to hard to make people proud is amazing! That’s what I love about you! And I’m gonna keep loving you forever too!
Jessica cries with joy
Jesse; And by the power invested in me just for today, I know pronounce husband and wife. Okay go ahead and kiss! I wanna see this!
Xinna takes her crystal of her robe and she and Moran smashes it as they seal their vow with a kiss. Then, Korvo heads out for a bit as he realizes something as “My Life is Changing” starts playing.
I guess I was wrong
The people of Earth truly can be changed
Now Tortus is gone
I fear that I made the worst decision
I should’ve never allowed him to just
Go ahead with the New Order
Does it mean anything
To pass for divine judgement now
My life is changing
For better or worse
I must accept the truth that
My life is changing
All I’ve known is a lie
Can someone tell me why
The New Order are open to heathens
I don’t know where all this will take us
But my life is changing
So I need to change with it too
What was I thinking
The New Order Don’t Seem Very amazing at all
As the head rookie
How could I tell Kim-La she could fall
Redemption is impossible
For all the souls down on Earth
If I didn’t know better
I’d have mistaken this heathen as one of us
What other lies does the New Order hold?
Is this place worth its weight in gold
Are we no different to them?
Why is it we get to ascend?
Is the New Order misguided?
There must be something I can do
To the save heathens in hurting too
My life is changing for better or worse
I must accept the truth that
My life is changing
All I’ve known is a lie
Can someone tell me why
The New Order is open to heathen
I don’t know where all this will take us
But my life is changing
So I need to change with it too
Korvo sighs but then turns around and looks at his family as he smiles.
Terry: Korvy, are you okay?
Korvo: *giving Terry his hand* Care to dance, Terry?
Terry: Yeah. I would love to. Then after that, are you ready to head home?
Korvo: Of course.
Korvo and Terry kiss and then starts having a romantic slow dance as they smile. Then, the scene cuts to the Solars packing up their things with Kim-La and Karna joining them. Bee, Xinna, Gadget and Moran starts saying goodbyes to them.
Bee: Well, Kim-La, I guess this is it.
Xinna: I hate goodbyes. God damn it! We’re gonna miss you so damn much!
Moran: *crying hysterically* We’re so happy for you!
Gadget gives Kim-La a holographic communicator
Gadget: Here. You can call us through this. To keep in touch. Thank you for being part of The New Order.
Kim-La smiles
Kim-La: Thank you guys. *gets int a group hug with her friends as she smiles tearfully* Karna, it’s time. Come along. *to the rest of the New Order* Goodbye you guys. Thanks for everything.
Karna: Bye bye.
The rest of the New Order shout their goodbyes while Jessica and Teraformus comes up with suitcases as they happily approach the Solar Opposites, who smiled at them.
Jessica: Room for two more?
Korvo: Yes. There is.
Teraformus and Jessica join the hug. Korvo places a hand on Terry's face
Korvo: Ready to go home?
Terry: Yes. Yes I am. But I just need to do one more thing.
Korvo: Oh and what is that?
Terry: This.
Terry and Korvo embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly. Then, AISHA starts the ship as it takes off after Kim-La, Karna, Jessica and Teraformus hop in the ship. The rest of the New Order and Shlorpians wave goodbye as the ship takes off. Then, a few weeks later, the Solars arrived home as they land on their house and heads outside as they smile.
Korvo: *sighs* It’s great to be home.
Kim-La: So this is Earth? It looks amazing!
Korvo: Well, to be honest I hated the place at first.
Then he smiles at his family.
Korvo: But I was wrong. It’s a wonderful home and it was worth it.
Terry smiles as the two husbands embrace. Then, the family along with Jessica, Karna, Kim-La and Teraformus looks at the sunset. A monologue from Korvo is heard *like the one from the Amphibia Series Finale*
Korvo: *monologuing* Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever. Sometimes... you have to let it go. But of the things you let go... you'd be surprised... what makes its way... back to you.
Korvo then gets an idea how to celebrate his family’s return to Earth.
Korvo: Oh Terry? *seductively* You want to celebrate our way back home with sex?
Terry: Oh hell yeah! Let’s fucking go!
Cue Korvo and Terry kissing and moaning lovingly in their bedroom as sexy music plays
Korvo: This is the best sex of my life!
Terry: *laughs* I know, right?
The two husbands keep sending and moaning in ecstasy as the credits rolls, the songs in the credits are “Pompeii” from Bastille and “No Quite Paradise” form Bliss 66. Then comes the end credits scene.
3 months later…
Korvo is giving birth as he keeps pushing.
Terry: Come Korvy! You can do it! Come on!
Korvo starts crying in pain. Terry holds Korvo’s hand as he keeps pushing. Then, Korvo gives one final push as he screams, then a baby’s crying was heard.
Doctor: Congratulations, it's a girl!
The doctor wraps the sproutling, who has Terry’s skin color, in a blanket as the doctor hands in the infant over to Korvo, who shed tears of joy along with Terry.
Terry: Hi sweetie. It’s us. Your daddies.
Korvo: She’s like a beautiful flower sprouted with hope. We shall name her… Lili.
Lili looks at Korvo and coos
Korvo: Welcome to the world Lili Solar-Opposites… we love you…
Lili falls asleep and sucks her thumb. The two alien husbands look as their baby and then embrace in a kiss as the screen fades to black.
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avaveevo · 7 months
Song for my new movie
Sung by Korvo (Voiced by Dan Stevens)
The movie is called "Solar Opposites: Rise of the New Order"
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sihayadunee · 5 months
an analysis of the mythic motifs in dune part two through the lens of mythologist joseph campbell, and some predictions for dune messiah
• Divine Couple
• Death and Rebirth
• Redemption Through Divine Union
• House of Atreus
• Lunar-Masculine / Solar-Feminine
• Goddesses
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This motif has been connected to Dune since the first film’s promo, especially with the concluding track of Dark Side of the Moon accompanying the initial trailer. Some fans believed this theme had been dropped as it wasn’t very present in the first film. However the eclipse continued throughout the promo of the second film. This was because Part Two is where the real pay off is, already in the first 10 minutes.
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This concept is intrinsic to Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation. Since the first film I have been saying that Dune embraces the Lunar-Masculine (Paul) and Solar-Feminine (Chani). However beyond just that, Dune: Part Two showcases multiple pairings of the lunar-solar dynamic.
But before we jump into that, let’s establish the meaning of an eclipses in general mythology. Typically they are a symbol of death and renewal. Common interpretations have a beast devouring the sun, or a celestial couple evading or pursuing one another. These interpretations are consistent over and again in Dune.
What we will see, is that the greater Imperium holds a Solar-Masculine identity, but when it comes to Arrakis there is a distinct shift to the Solar-Feminine archetype.
PAUL as the MOON
There are an innumerable amount of connections. Bull motifs are reoccurring throughout the first film, where he grew up on a water world. After all, the moon is associated with the tides. He takes the name Muad’Dib, and one of the moons of Arrakis has the icon of a Muad’Dib aka Desert Mouse visible on its surface. And ultimately, Paul experiences rebirth in Part Two.
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The bull is a figure of sacrifice which aligns very well with the lineage of House Atreides which can be traced back to the House of Atreus and it’s curse of familial murder, betrayal and symbolic consumption. Sacrifice of the children in each new generation.
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Starting here is a good place, because it shows the transition of the Solar-Masculine of the wider Imperium toward the Solar-Feminine of Arrakis. Irulan Corrino of House Corrino is the daughter of Emperor Shaddam who sits on the Golden Lion Throne. His reign is coming to a close as Paul rises on Arrakis, and with no male heirs Irulan his eldest is the successor destined for marriage. In this way Irulan becomes the embodiment of the Lion Throne, and her determination in Dune Messiah to produce Paul’s heir becomes clear. That function of the Queen Mother and how that feeds back into the Solar-Masculine as the King becomes tied to the lion and the throne once more.
In particular I would say her story is best reflected in the myth of the goddess Cybele who falls for Attis and when he falls for a mortal girl Cybele plots betrayal. Something for which she later feels guilt and tries to make amends for (Children of Dune).
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Their dynamic is incredibly complicated, but I think the opening of the film during the eclipse sums it up very well. You follow the path of the moon as it covers the sun, and as it meets its full coverage Paul is the one taking action in the fight against the Harkonnen. However as the moon passes by and the sun takes over again, Jessica emerges to save Paul’s life.
This was intentional by the filmmakers, as is revealed in the Art and Soul of Dune Part Two, DP Greig Fraser identified the exact time, date and location in order to shoot the sun as it appears directly behind Rebecca Ferguson.
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Jessica represents the sun on Arrakis, and in this scene we see how the moon dies into the sun to be reborn in their dynamic. It also lines up with motifs of the sun goddess giving birth to the sacrificial bull. Sacrifice toward this death and rebirth.
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What we see is the separation of mother and son that brings them back together in the same place. Paul takes the lead and rejects his mother’s influence, but she leads him toward the death and rebirth he must experience, and this brings them back to a common understanding.
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This is also why having Jessica sit the Atreides “throne” in the finale instead of Paul (who did so in the book) makes mythic sense. Because again we return to the Solar-Feminine mother as the throne, and her son as king. But in a different context here then what Irulan aspires toward.
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The House Harkonnen family seal in the books is the griffin, which makes his introduction in a gladiator arena killing Atreides even more appropriate. Feyd’s birthday is also associated with a solar event. Because ultimately Feyd is the matador and Paul is the bull.
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What works so fantastically about the dual, is how it is bathed in the sunlight. After all, the sun figure (day) is facing off against the moon (night) figure in this sequence. Plus the bull was the eventual demise of Paul’s grandfather who was a matador. This takes place at sunrise, and it’s a dual for the throne, where whoever is victorious inherits the Golden Lion Throne. The
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Denis specially describes the dual as a symbolic union, and it works on multiple layers. This bull sacrifice, is in essence the quote from part one of “when you take a life you take your own” so Paul killing Feyd is penetration, intimacy, it is rebirth.
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It is also reminiscent of how Campbell describes the sun-moon twins of Navajo myth:
The two, Sun-child and Water-child, antagonistic yet cooperative, represent a single cosmic force, polarized, split, and turned against itself in mutual portions. The life-supporting sap-power, mysterious in the lunar rhythm of its tides, growing and decaying at a time, counters and tempers the solar file of the zenith, life- desiccating it its brilliance, yet by whose heat all lives.
— Joseph Campbell's Commentary from "Where the Two Came to Their Father: A Navaho War Ceremonial" by Jeff King and Maud Oakes
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There is a section in the Dune Encyclopedia that talks about the foundation of the Bene Gesserit beliefs. In particular the teachings of a certain ancestral memory personality, called Inanna (yes that is the name of the Sumerian goddess who was also in a divine union caught between life and death glad you asked) about the Kwisatz Haderach. It basically establishes that the entire premise of the Bene Gesserit and the Kwisatz Haderach is in essence the Divine Couple.
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It specifies two mirrored dynamics the son saved/resurrected by the mother and the husband saved/resurrected by the wife. Inanna called them Au Set and Au Sar. The Kemet names for Isis and Osiris. The idea of the Bene Gesserit would have this as the mother of the KH, and the Corrino princess he would have married. But with things thrown off course, it represents outside their control.
In Dune, we see it between Paul and Chani. Like Isis who has the solar disc and Osiris who is tied to water and death, her lover has died and she is the one to revive him.
Furthermore the concept of mythical tears can be found in the goddess Freya (who arguably is compatible with sun-goddess motifs) who weeps when her husband Odin is lost to her.
But perhaps most compatible—the healing tears of a phoenix. A bird archetype similar to Isis as bird. This is where the yin-yang dynamic of Chani and Paul becomes most apparent, since the serpent is synonymous with the bull and therefore Paul who “makes peace with Shai-Hulud” encompasses the dragon (yang) as a complement to Chani’s phoenix (yin).
In the behind the scenes of Dune Part Two, the Maker Temple is said to be designed like the infinity symbol with the two circles (one of sand and one of water). Sand being death and water being life, but also the reverse. As the sandworm thrives in the sand but is drowned in the water. And Paul is stuck between life and death, literally laying between both pools, when Chani comes to resurrect him.
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This film literally has three kisses. Their first kiss when Chani says she will show him the way of the Fremen, their second kiss on screen when she says he will never lose her before going South, and the third symbolic kiss of life.
This marriage/death is also foreshadowed in Paul’s visions in Part One when Chani kisses him and then stabs him. Which is where we return to Isis and Osiris because Paul’s death state (dying again as we established, after killing Feyd, similar in a way to Set and Osiris) is where we will eventually get the twins Leto II and Ghanima with Leto II being the Horus in this equation.
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As the Pink Floyd lyrics say, the sun is eclipsed by the moon and this is captured in the heartbreak Chani feels over losing Paul and losing her people to the Lisan al Gaib. The Fremen way of life has been eclipsed and over taken by the Atreides and the Bene Gesserit. Here we see more of the concept of that beast devouring the sun from the beginning, verses the celestial couple dynamic.
Chani leaving the residency chamber is also reminiscent of certain myths like Amaterasu going into hiding, or the Inuit folktale about the sun goddess fleeing her moon god brother/lover who pursues her.
However the Dune Encyclopedia also talks about the concept of redemption (which is why in the film Mohiam asks Margot if Feyd is capable of redemption) of the “mate savior”. The Kwisatz Haderach. They would bring about a release from bondage through redemption and rebirth.
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Which is relevant to the dynamic of Paul and Chani in Dune Messiah for Denis, because he has said Paul is going to be looking to save his soul in part three, and how Paul and Chani come back together won’t just be explained away off screen between films. It will be that continued cycle of rebirth, through redemptive love. Rebirth as a whole in Dune is worth its own discussion, since all the different Jungian descriptions of it can be found within this universe.
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The eclipse, a lunar-solar dynamic representing the union of opposites, is very significant in Dune Part Two and sheds a lot of light onto what we can anticipate next in Dune Messiah, particularly in regards to the central romance between Paul and Chani and the changes Denis has made from book to screen.
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symbolicliving · 11 months
It's officially A Full Moon in Taurus with a Lunar Eclipse October 28, 2023 at 4:23 pm ET.
Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs October 23-29, 2023 for Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Ascendant Sign.
The Sun in Scorpio is now opposite the Full Moon in Taurus, with earth between casting the shadow of the lunar eclipse.
A key phrase for Taurus is “I have” and can also indicate, “I want” as in having the desire to receive, acquire, have and own. Taurus is highly territorial over who owns what and emphasizes “what is mine” like physical objects, land, housing, food, resources, etc., and of course money associated to all such things.
Taurus is the builder of the zodiac, doing the work required to manifest something into tangible reality. Interestingly enough, we have Pluto finishing off in Capricorn which indicates destruction of what is established due to changing goals and plans from higher echelons of power. We’ve all heard the phrase from politicians (Capricorn’s domain) of the long term plan of building back…, but in order to build something back, it means what was there before must be destroyed/altered/changed/ transformed first, which is what Pluto indicates – rebirth, the phoenix rising from the ashes...
More for the Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse here...
Thank you for being a friend.
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airyknightofcups · 2 years
Astrology key for beginners
Degrees between planets
Ascendant aka rising (abbrv. Asc)
The first house cusp.
Composite chart
An average taken from you and your partner's chart to create a whole new chart to represent the relationship.
An aspect of 0-5 degrees.
Descendant (abbrv dc)
Opposite your asc, useally but not always your 7th House cusp
Midhaven (abbrv mc)
Opposite your IC. Useally but not always the 10th house cusp
North node and South node
The points of the horizon at your birth.
Natal chart
The chart made at the time of your birth, aka birth chart.
Nadir (abbrv IC)
Opposite your Mc, useally but not always the 4th house cusp
The amount of degrees difference in aspects. So for example a opposition between Neptune and Venus, which one is at 23° whilst the other is at 24° would be an orb of 1° The smaller the degree the more important the aspect.
An aspect of 180°
An aspect of 90°
An aspect of 60°
You and a partner's natal charts placed on top of each other in order to compare and show aspects.
Solar return chart
The chart taken when the sun is at the exact same degree and sign as your natal sun any given year. Shows you what will happen that year.
The chart taken at any moment, and then compared to yours much like in synastry or solar return charts. Shows you current happenings.
An aspect of 120°
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ignitedfms · 1 month
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[ bie thassapak hsu, demi-man, he/they ] Look who just landed! SANTI AMARIN-ZHAO, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as the CEO of X ACADEMY. The city has plenty of spots for a 29 year old SIGHIR like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE PEACEMAKER, being CHARISMATIC and INSTIGNANT. ( fayn, 29, pst, removed for discretion )
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00000 - - INTERVIEW INCOMING - - - 001
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“God dammit… Not again.” Santi let out a frustrated sigh when he saw the calendar notification. “Lunch” had been replaced with “DNB - Meeting with OVERSEER”. That was the third overbooked lunch this week alone… and the fifth time he had spoken with THE OVERSEERS this month. 
Not even five minutes later, he was welcoming the uniformed officer into his office at X HQ, inviting him to sit opposite his desk chair, offering him a drink, and not leaving any trace of his prior frustration as the thinly-veiled interrogation began. “Born and raised here.” Santi replied without skipping a beat, a note of practiced pride in his voice. “I’m proud to say that my mom’s side of the family was one of the investors of the scientists back on Earth who discovered how to get to Mars, and my dad’s side of the family was one of the original Braax mine owners. Together, my family helped fund and create X ACADEMY nearly four decades ago to further scientific research to better NEW JAKARTA. It is an honour that I get to continue their legacy to help ensure NEW JAKARTA becomes universe-renown for innovation and a symbol of peace in our solar system.” Santi might as well have read his UNN 30 Under 30 article verbatim. 
The irony of being called “THE PEACEMAKER” while being a glorified drug and arms dealer was not lost on Santi, but as the relatively new and young CEO of X ACADEMY, he had a duty to the people of NEW JAKARTA — to obtain peace at any cost. Even if it meant manufacturing problems which he created solutions to.
Amidst rising tensions throughout the city and all stratas of society, people were desperately looking for hope. There was a space to be filled, and Santi gladly took it. It’s not like he had a choice in the matter anyways. Might as well be at least outwardly happy about being the posterboy for his family’s ambitions to turn public opinion in their favour.
“NEW JAKARTA is a city of potential. I see it everyday—in the people I work with, in the citizens of the city, and in the very planet we inhabit. I’m sure if we all work together, a dream of putting NEW JAKARTA on the galactic map will be more than just a dream.”
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“As much as I would have liked not having a reminder—unfortunately, yes. We are victims ourselves, y’know…” Santi made a show of rubbing his temples, as if the mere thought of crime troubled him so deeply, it gave him a migraine. “I was the one personally on the phone with the Force Leader for hours after the latest heist. Priceless, life-changing research now in the hands of criminals, what will THE BOARD say…” He shook his head. “The woes of a CEO, am I right?”
What he neglected to say was that it was on his verbal order that the location of the NEMESIS production facility was leaked. Truth be told, if he hadn’t been slammed with meetings, he probably would’ve told THE SKELETON CREW the location himself just to see if he could start some issues in THE SLUMS for some added spice in his life. Things got boring when it was too peaceful, and pitting pawns against each other was one of his favourite past times.
Santi’s trademark smile then appeared on his face. The same smile that adorned his UNN 30 Under 30 article, the same article wore at the press conference after the heist. The smile that enamoured him with the masses and gave them reassurance that real change was coming. “I, of course, look forward to continuing our esteemed partnership. I dare say that the future and peace of NEW JAKARTA relies on the cooperation between us at X ACADEMY and THE OVERSEERS. You have my continued and advance gratitude.”
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There was nothing to hide. He couldn’t hide. His upbringing, his rise to corporate power, hell, even his schedule of daily meetings for the last month was leaked in a tabloid. The X ACADEMY stocks that day were crazy. And it was all by design.
“Of course!” Whether that was in response to only one or both of the questions, he did not specify. “What kind of CEO would I be if I didn’t test our own products? As you may know, in partnership with the government, we are developing new testing techniques as more about the SIGHIR becomes known. It is our hope that we can harness SIGHIR for the good of NEW JAKARTA.”
Santi was now typing into his handheld. “Give me a moment to log into our servers. I want to show you how the latest read out for the test looks like. We think this will revolutionize public health literacy and tackle testing hesitancy. See? Look.” He shared his screen with THE OVERSEER. A profile of his latest test results presented on screen, supposedly taken just the day prior—all clear, in more ways than one. The user interface of X ACADEMY’s latest test result panel was akin to the latest social media platform, clean and compact, easy to understand. “There is still user experience testing to be done, but we’re hoping to propose this new layout to the government in our next joint meeting.”
But this was all a ruse—he, himself, was a ruse; a gambit years in the making. This very identity he presented to the world was something his family had started crafting for him even before he was born. To this end, they had even been fabricating his medical records from the moment he took his first breath. The only thing true about him was that he was the heir to the Amarin-Zhao conglomerate, and as such, a strategic asset. In due time, his status as a SIGHIR would be revealed with the goal of bringing more prominence to the Amarin-Zhao name.
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“Personally? None.” For tax purposes, all things — weapons, mainly — he could’ve declared were technically property of the family conglomerate, off-shored back on Earth, or hidden in stockpiles in THE SLUMS. It was business principle and white collar crime 101: diversify your portfolio and don’t keep all your eggs in one basket. “But for X ACADEMY-related inquiries, I can get you in touch with our record-keeping department to get you any documentation you need. Just let me know.” 
He was smiling again. “Thank you again, truly, for taking the time to speak today. I appreciate it. Again, feel free to reach back out if you need anything else. If you please excuse me, I have another meeting to get to.” Finally, lunch.
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outlawqueen2016 · 3 months
The current state of affairs is unprecedented. We are on the dawning of Abomination Season where inethical government financed, Transatlantic Alliance backed, rise of the genetically engineered amoeba chymera with Starlink transmitters, allowing them to be used like video game characters, has been delayed. This delay is due to a critical strike by the International Legion for the Freedom of Free Peoples General Nikia O’Niele Queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii Nei giving the command to attack classified government laboratories conducting inethical research on amoebas using recombinant DNA.
Currently, multiple enemies to free peoples around the planet, across the map, have identified themselves as the New World Order. The International Legion for the Freedom of Free Peoples stands at the ready, to pay the ultimate price, if need be, to sacrifice themselves to ensure freedom survives; if only for one more generation. For freedom is never, but one generation from extinction.
In 84,000 years the Viet Cong has never had opposition in position to oppose them at this stage in the game, where the world faces a food crisis, and conflict springs up around the planet to preface terraformation attacks. Yet, here they are, with insurmountable debt; spread thin on multiple fronts of battle across the Orient and the eastern edge of Europe, before their women decided to expand into the west through the Syndicate of South America and Central America; and command, a never ending parade of stunt doubles hiding Yao Meng.
In 84,000 years Hazbollah has never seen such dry oil pits during international conflict. The gold of Hazbollah grows, only, poorer as the day wears on; what is left of it, after the women helped themselves. In a time where betrayal begat betrayal until all that remained true was O’Ramida Shashapur is alone with Lorazepam, yet again. Hazbollah Major General Hassanal Bolkiah, who only ever takes the reigns behind his father’s back, is the only one who knows what remains buried in the sands of Arabia.
In 83,000 years the Calvanists has never seen such betrayal; of breeding standards nor of such a generation of true born heirs, let alone, the open, flamboyant, betrayal of the Kremlin, only slightly out of view of the Transatlantic Alliance, which was formed to control the Kremlin 71,000 years ago.
The Calvanists were founded to finance the war defending the Christians of Europe against the hordes of the Viet Cong and Hazbollah; that is to say, the Crusades recorded in the Christian Bible “The Testament” were funded by the Calvanists: a private, charitable, organization who donated financially to causes they supported.
As far as today is concerned, the remaining Calvanists have transferred their loyalties to the Kremlin; the top business minds were recruited by the Kingdom of Hawaii Nei to assist with the day-to-day management of O’Niele Enterprises. The expertise of these top executives has propelled O’Niele Enterprises forward; continued, sustained, growth is expected to cover the requirements for the Civilian Safe Zones of the International Legion for the Freedom of Free Peoples and those responsible, enlisted, individuals on the front lines, both domestic and abroad.
In 74,000 years, never have the Kremlin been so bold, audacious in their betrayal; as their origins are the betrayal of their royal family. The cumulative sum of consequences from the past 1,000 Great Wars has only taught the Kremlin to do it again. In this 1,001st Great War, the Kremlin have committed felony level grand larceny and used that money to invest in: inethical genetic experiments with the intent to create never-before seen life, which is only to be used sexually; high-functioning toy models of weapons of war, prior to the literal physical war they had planned over a decade in advance, which were used as sex toys, and ammunition is exhausted; multiple scams: vehicle extended warranty, insurance, solar panel installation, mushroom health supplements, etc.; the social experiment to radicalize sexuality: in which pedophile culture where pansexuality has been introduced and accepted, evolves to sexualization to another individual’s trauma, the breaking of another individual physically or psychologically, the exertion of financial control over another to the point where costing another individual financially induces an orgasm. All the while, talking in circles, over-explaining communism to the point that it makes sense to the generation of inbreeds farmed for the explicit purpose of counting as votes. The Kremlin used social inclusion as a reward for these targeted low class individuals, and coddled them into complacency and entitlement, in order to indoctrinate the majority of a generation to communism. The final evolution of pedophile culture is communist culture.
Currently, the Kingdom of Hawaii Nei has delayed the food crisis, and is financing environmental projects around the world to ensure our climate remains conducive to plant life, and therefore, animal life. The International Legion for the Freedom of Free Peoples is: managing the oceanic abomination epidemic, whilst, protecting shipping lanes; clearing mines from fields across Central Europe; defending against a horde in Crimea, shoulder-to-shoulder with the indigenous, Tartar Tribe; clearing the heartland of Afrika of fentanyl farms; blood runs rivers in the sands of Arabia as horde after horde of Hazbollah cut their necks on the swords of Exhaulted Sultan O’Alibuabua Rajashankar of UAE; espionage is the stage Agribah has set, as Hazbollah promises to rise again; the Orient hides a secret Viet Cong town where forces amass, in preparation to take the Corridor; the Corridor remains crowded: as Viet Cong tests the perimeter softly from the east; as Kremlin forces slump southwards from Belgorod, Belgorod Oblast, Russia; as insubordinate Hazbollah raiding parties pass through, in hopes of intercepting genetic diversity for what remains of their horde; and as the interloping International Legion for the Freedom of Free Peoples sweeps through, in the night, writing history.
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jcmarchi · 8 months
NASA’s Fermi Detects Surprise Gamma-Ray Feature Beyond Our Galaxy - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/nasas-fermi-detects-surprise-gamma-ray-feature-beyond-our-galaxy-technology-org/
NASA’s Fermi Detects Surprise Gamma-Ray Feature Beyond Our Galaxy - Technology Org
Astronomers analyzing 13 years of data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have found an unexpected and unexplained feature outside our galaxy.
This artist’s concept shows the entire sky in gamma rays with magenta circles, illustrating the uncertainty in the direction from which more high-energy gamma rays than average seem to be arriving. In this view, the plane of our galaxy runs across the middle of the map. The circles enclose regions with a 68% (inner) and a 95% chance of containing the origin of these gamma rays. Image credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Intriguingly, the gamma-ray signal is found in a similar direction and with a nearly identical magnitude as another unexplained feature, one produced by some of the most energetic cosmic particles ever detected.
A paper describing the findings was published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The team was searching for a gamma-ray feature related to the CMB (cosmic microwave background), the oldest light in the universe. Scientists say the CMB originated when the hot, expanding universe had cooled enough to form the first atoms, an event that released a burst of light that, for the first time, could permeate the cosmos. Stretched by the subsequent expansion of space over the past 13 billion years, this light was first detected in the form of faint microwaves all over the sky in 1965.
In the 1970s, astronomers realized that the CMB had a so-called dipole structure, which was later measured at high precision by NASA’s COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) mission. The CMB is about 0.12% hotter, with more microwaves than average, toward the constellation Leo, and colder by the same amount, with fewer microwaves than average, in the opposite direction. In order to study the tiny temperature variations within the CMB, this signal must be removed. Astronomers generally regard the pattern as a result of the motion of our own solar system relative to the CMB at about 230 miles (370 kilometers) per second.
This motion will give rise to a dipole signal in the light coming from any astrophysical source, but so far the CMB is the only one that has been precisely measured. By looking for the pattern in other forms of light, astronomers could confirm or challenge the idea that the dipole is due entirely to our solar system’s motion.
“Such a measurement is important because a disagreement with the size and direction of the CMB dipole could provide us with a glimpse into physical processes operating in the very early universe, potentially back to when it was less than a trillionth of a second old,” said co-author Fernando Atrio-Barandela, a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Salamanca in Spain.
The team reasoned that by adding together many years of data from Fermi’s LAT (Large Area Telescope), which scans the entire sky many times a day, a related dipole emission pattern could be detected in gamma rays. Thanks to the effects of relativity, the gamma-ray dipole should be amplified by as much as five times over the currently detected CMB’s.     
The scientists combined 13 years of Fermi LAT observations of gamma rays above about 3 billion electron volts (GeV); for comparison, visible light has energies between about 2 and 3 electron volts. They removed all resolved and identified sources and stripped out the central plane of our Milky Way galaxy in order to analyze the extragalactic gamma-ray background.
“We found a gamma-ray dipole, but its peak is located in the southern sky, far from the CMB’s, and its magnitude is 10 times greater than what we would expect from our motion,” said co-author Chris Shrader, an astrophysicist at the Catholic University of America in Washington and at Goddard. “While it is not what we were looking for, we suspect it may be related to a similar feature reported for the highest-energy cosmic rays.”
Cosmic rays are accelerated charged particles – mostly protons and atomic nuclei. The rarest and most energetic particles, called UHECRs (ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays), carry more than a billion times the energy of 3 GeV gamma rays, and their origins remain one of the biggest mysteries in astrophysics.
Since 2017, the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina has reported a dipole in the arrival direction of UHECRs. Being electrically charged, cosmic rays are diverted by the galaxy’s magnetic field by different amounts depending on their energies, but the UHECR dipole peaks in a sky location similar to what Kashlinsky’s team finds in gamma rays. And both have strikingly similar magnitudes – about 7% more gamma rays or particles than average coming from one direction and correspondingly smaller amounts arriving from the opposite direction.
The scientists think it’s likely the two phenomena are linked – that as yet unidentified sources are producing both the gamma rays and the ultrahigh-energy particles. To solve this cosmic conundrum, astronomers must either locate these mysterious sources or propose alternative explanations for both features.
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is an astrophysics and particle physics partnership managed by Goddard. Fermi was developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, with important contributions from academic institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the United States.
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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johnhmcintosh · 1 year
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The universe is [what appears to be] a vast and endless void, dotted by countless galaxies, equally countless stars within those galaxies, each with planets circling them … some perhaps [likely] capable of sustaining life forms. Add to this the possibility of other universes [perhaps infinite] as well as the theory of many dimensions … and it is easy to accept the ‘idea’ of the insignificance of one single entity call ‘me’.
However, it has been said that ‘anything that has a beginning, and an ending [no matter how long it appears] … is NOT real’ and this unimaginable scenario all of a sudden ‘also’ becomes insignificant … just a projection, an illusion – a dream … a Grand Dream.
It has also been said that there ‘is’ only ONE Reality or SELF – the ONE SELF and ‘all’ these projections occur on the screen of Consciousness ‘within’ this ONE SELF. But for what Purpose? This ONE SELF is said to be Empty Nothing-ness with infinite potential and in order to ‘know’ IT SELF, creates this panorama and ‘steps into’ ALL of it and then forgets Who IT Really Is [for a season] so that IT can experience IT SELF fully. In other words, IT dreams these experiences ‘of’ IT SELF.
This creation is only possible if there is a ‘from here to there’ phenomena since ‘Nothing’ is without borders. This occurs through a single idea – ‘separation’ and from it ‘everything’ that ‘seems to be’ arises. When it ‘steps into’ this Grand Dream IT is simply ‘ONE appearing as many’ … and this includes the illusion of a body-mind-identity most call ‘me’.
Your Reality therefore ‘is’ this ONE SELF and while you ‘as’ IT dream, you believe you are an insignificant limited individual entity.
A great swath of ‘time’ [an emanation that arises from this ‘from here to there’ illusion] seems to play out with a tiny entry in the book of dreams called ‘your lifetime’. During it you struggle in your little-ness to become and have more … as much as you can in order to experience more happiness than sorrow on an endless roller coaster.
Many concepts such as religion, education, personal development and social structures spring up to help you achieve this objective and some rise very high within this flimsy mechanism … most do not. Since the entire structure of this Grand Dream is built on the foundation of the belief in ‘separation’, it is inevitable that a plethora of ‘opposites’ must exist and these in turn result in friction [conflict, chaos and confusion] at ‘some’ level … what many call ‘dark and light’ that swings on a pendulum of major to minor extremes.
The Grand Dream has many dreams within dreams within it and our solar system has one that lasts 26,000 years [within the illusion of time]. This is broken into what may be called a patriarchal influence and a matriarchal influence divided by two periods that are relatively neutral. The mind [the false self body-mind-identity] refers to this as peace [or even heaven]. These periods are approximately 11,000 years, 2,000 years, 11,000 years and 2,000 years.
Recently, we entered another ‘neutral’ phase … what may be called an Era of Peace and Light. As a phase [recently patriarchal] interfaces a neutral phase, there is a collapsing of what ‘has’ prevailed. That collapse is temporarily, in its last years, extremely chaotic as the ‘old’ structures dissolve and new ones arise.
THIS … is what humanity has been experiencing intensely [and continues to experience] these last 3+ years. What follows will briefly outline HOW that collapse has been playing out within the Grand Dream.
REMEMBER … the narrative [story] that follows is no more ‘REAL’ than a movie or a stage play … the same as everything that has been ‘playing out’ within the Grand Dream since the ‘Fall of Consciousness’ [the ONE SELF’s Awareness ‘of’ IT SELF] … again, within the illusion of time.
It ‘is’ possible that the mind that reads this may rebel [perhaps vehemently] against what is explained, however this is of NO importance whatsoever since it is the ‘essence’ of this SHIFT from one era into another that is important and the opportunities that will arise for the ONE SELF YOU Really Are to return to full Awareness.
Approximately 120 years ago [the beginning of the end of the patriarchal era], what may be loosely called a ‘cabal’ of elites began constructing a highly complex and all-pervasive system to completely control the world. This long-range plan involved reducing the population of the planet down to about 5 hundred million, most of which would be slaves to this elite group, which we will call the Deep State or DS.
Members of this DS have always been ‘actively’ present during the patriarchal or matriarchal eras and in relative limbo during the neutral phases. This extremely ‘dark’ influence again is inevitable within a dream where separation and opposites are ‘required’ in order for the ‘manifestation’ of the Grand Dream to occur.
The depth of this darkness included the worship of a supreme darkness some refer to as Moloch. Various good and bad so-called ‘gods’ have been invented and prevailed down through the history of the Grand Dream and this one was the current favorite of the DS.
REMEMBER AGAIN … this is a description of a dream.
This so-called dark god required such things as sacrifices [usually child sacrifices] but also required that what this DS must do in order to gain power was to ‘announce’ what they were ‘going to do’ and have humanity ‘agree’ to it before real tangible results could occur. This was relatively easy to achieve since mass communication’ began to roll out. Telegraph, telephone, radio, television, books, newspapers [now called Main Stream Media – MSM], movies, internet and advertising were ALL infiltrated by the DS and became ‘mind-controlling’ weapons used to bring about a sheep-like obedience.
*** Remember at this point, that while this nefarious agenda was rapidly expanding, it was actually the ENDING of an era and was therefore ‘doomed’ to failure not long in the future [in the illusion of time – A TIME THAT IS NOW HERE]. ***
This DS was required to and was actually able to TELL humanity that it was controlling it [in a multitude of ways] and through their many mind controlling influences, humanity would meekly acquiesce or be completely oblivious to the fact that they were agreeing to be manipulated. As an example, advertising uses ‘spaced repetition’ to ‘program’ behaviour and buying habits. A fad becomes a trend then an accepted way of life over time. Eating habits, fashion and entertainment for instance, are meticulously predesigned LONG BEFORE they appear in day-to-day life.
Over these 120 years, this DS became an enormous octopus with tentacles in EVERY area of human experience. Big Pharma, religion, education, entertainment, food growing and processing, finance and banking, government and politics [borderless] and transportation, to name a few, have been TOTALLY dominated by this DS … even organized crime was a designer-arm of the DS’s heinous agenda. Verifiable records show that most of the entire world has been literally ‘owned’ by two DS corporations.
Literally every breath humanity took was ‘influenced’ in some way by this DS and the larger the deception the easier it was to hide. The DS MSM promoted explanations regarding the JFK assassination, the multitude of wars fought, the Twin Towers and more recently the so-called Pandemic were ALL accepted by the masses as self-evident realities. The various medical organizations, and medical professionals blindly succumbed to these fake pandemic stories, whether through threats, bribes and coercion or direct ‘paid-for’ complicity.
The agenda to depopulate the planet seemed well under way as the mass of ‘deep sleepers’ blindly and meekly succumbed to lock downs, masks, quarantines and the weapon to end it all - the death-jab. All of this was to coral the masses like cattle into the killing fields AND have them not only agree to but openly castigate anyone who apposed what was unfolding … the sheep became surrogate shepherds.
However, as stated the patriarchal era was nearly over along with all it dysfunctional works and the neutral[izing] influence was fast expanding. In the early 60’s Kennedy recognized what Eisenhower had warned about in his last days as President. He made promises to stop this expanding [yet dissolving] DS and was quickly assassinated. That prompted a group of high-ranking military personnel to devise an elaborate plan to bring down the DS. Attempts were made to implement a solution called Nesara/Gesara twice in the next 40 years but these efforts were thwarted, the last action being the Twin Tower conspiracy. *NOTE: Feel free to request a full summary of Nesara/Gesara details at [email protected]
NOTE: A ‘conspiracy theory’ is an opinion and has no real merit, while a Real conspiracy has irrefutable facts to back it up and CAN be verified. Of course, one must be ‘truly’ OPEN and willing to do the deep-dive-research to find those facts that are always suppressed by the conspirators. Most recently, a common term heard throughout the communications industry is ‘fact-checker’. This is a term used by the DS MSM pawns to suppress facts.
After 911 these dedicated military personnel and those that had been added determined to form an Alliance to bring about the complete destruction of the DS and for this a leader was required. Donald Trump was approached as that leader. The DS MSM has done a hatchet job globally on Trump and many have a totally distorted view of this great leader. Again, if a deep-dive-research is done on his accomplishments, it will quickly be seen [when taking the entire globe into account] that he is easily the greatest leader in recorded history. * NOTE: You may request some of those facts through the same email if you wish.
It is a matter of record that Trump spoke in his first days as President about ‘draining the swamp’. This meant the take-down of the DS. Trump and this dedicated military group formed the Alliance with several countries [that may at this moment ‘appear’ overtly to be unfriendly toward each other] and has now almost accomplished this monumental and highly complex task.
For example: -the lynch-pin of the DS is ‘money’, which has been controlled by the Federal Reserve [which is NOT federal but owned and controlled by the DS] … has been [behind the scenes at this writing] taken down. The ‘NEW’ Treasury is now the real control of the new Nesara/Gesara system which is now in place and includes what is called the QFS – Quantum Financial System replacing ‘fiat’ [made up money] with gold backed or commodity backed currency. This can easily be seen rolling out everywhere around the world now.
-hundreds of banks around the world that cannot comply with protocols such as Basel 3 and ISO 20022 [regarding minimum capital requirements] have or are about to collapse. Hundreds of DS companies associated with these banks are also folding or have folded.
-35,000 miles of underground tunnels containing millions of abducted and trafficked people [mostly children] have been ‘mostly’ destroyed with multitudes of these tortured beings, being saved. Adrenochrome is the most valued drug in the world and is obtained from tortured children’s blood before killing them. This has been a multi-billion dollar industry for decades. At this writing “The Sound of Freedom” dominates the box office with a partial overview of this horrendous story.
-Big Pharma, which suppressed thousands of natural remedies is all but dismantled [despite appearances at this writing]. The death-jab was the weapon of choice used to murder millions and induce life threatening immune deficiency in billions more. The ‘PLAN-demic’ was orchestrated with the [no more than] mild flu Covid-19 used to lead the sheep to the slaughter. Both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, touted by Trump in the early days of the fake pandemic, were aggressively suppressed since they had an almost 100% cure ratio. Records were ‘manufactured’ in empty hospitals around the world to validate that covid was genuinely lethal and hundreds of millions were paid to doctors and hospitals for these fake records.
-Hundreds of thousands of DS perpetrators [many with high level profiles in politics, the judicial system, law enforcement and the entertainment fields] have been arrested and gone through military tribunals [which continue to this day]. The 2020 Presidential election, won by Trump in a landslide, was ‘allowed’ to be taken by the DS in order to ‘expose’ many perpetrators … which has been done. The QFS-military has water-marked ballots with the Genuine vote count that the DS was unaware of. Trump was and is still the Commander-in-Chief behind the scenes. Washington DC is a ghost town, virtually empty.
-the citizen-ID-score-card system employed in China to control how people behave has been heavily promoted through the fiat currency CBDC system and ‘appears’ to be rolling out according to the DS MSM. Nevertheless, the gold backed system of Nesara/Gesara is quickly engulfing the world and will ensure the demise of this concept.
Soon a LEVEL-PLAYING-FIELD will exist for ALL of humanity where food, clothing, accommodation, health care and financial security will be made available. This NEW Era of Peace and Light [neutral phase] is rolling out quickly behind the scenes and soon the few who are truly AWARE of this will become the MANY.
This is a tiny glimpse of the SHIFT now occurring rapidly into an Era of Peace and Light where the possibility of returning to the full Awareness of the ONE SELF YOU Really Are will become exponentially simplified. Should that NOT be your destiny at this point, this era will be a Happy Dream that for want of a better term many will call – Heaven on Earth.
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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herstory5 · 1 year
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The Land of Paz
Our current society is plagued in a history of inequity and injustice. Marginalized members of society do not have the access needed to grow, thrive, and survive! “In order to rise from its own ashes a phoenix first must burn.” Butler (1993). These are the words that motivated me to create a new society, out of the ash from todays. These are the words that helped me to gather other like minds to rise up.
I envision a society opposite of our current. My society will be called, Land of Paz. It can be found 20 years from now off of a remote island. This is a future society full of sweeping landscapes, purple hills, blue skies, crystal clear waters and evergreen forest. There will be many species of animals and plants in the forest that are adapted to living there. Everyone has the same rights and opportunities. This will be a utopian society where people of all backgrounds are able to collaborate and live together harmoniously. Land of Paz will offer global citizenship to the ‘pure of heart.’ This society will be free of crime, famine, disease, pollution, domination and corruption. All racist, xenophobes, homophobes, supremacist, and vile humans have no place in the Land of Paz. Totalitarianism is exiled in this society. A protective layer shields the land from anyone who is hate-fueled.
Throughout history patriarchy has dominated society. In Land of Paz, I envision an elimination of any form of totalitarianism and an equitable distribution of wealth and power for all humanity within the community. The fundamental goal of this society is to end dominance, supremacy and promote unity and solidarity. In this utopia, everyone has the same freedoms, liberties, and responsibilities. There is no discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. In this society, people are not marginalized because of race, class, status, gender or sexual orientation.
Land of Paz will be run by a public-run government which thrives off universal healthcare for everyone. There will be no crisis from global warming since all human activities are sustainable in this society, which will help it to thrive and survive. Conservation is essential in this society. We use the lands offerings as our nutrition, we harvest, respect, and treat our land as a living entity. To protect humanity, creatures, and ecosystems, it is essential to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and adapt to the effects of climate change. Improved air quality and less water needed for energy generation are two additional benefits of solar power. In the Land of Paz, our sustainability is provided by solar energy and ‘Paz Herbs.’ Our solar energy produces a living molecule that triples the growth production of our plants, and one herbs. Our ‘Paz Herbs’ (peace herbs) are infused with vitamins and minerals that promote well-being, energy, fights off disease and results in longer lifespan. Our waters are the fountain of youth. The same molecule filtrates into the water supplies and contributes to the growth and sustainability of this society. All ‘Paz’citizens work together to sustain it.
 Education is essential in this society and shall be free. There will be fewer demands on students to get perfect marks and more on learning the subject matter. Compared to what we're witnessing now, students are being forced to study subjects that aren't of interest to them but serve the government's agenda, tests and exams are racially and socially class bias. Personal growth and a firmer commitment to upholding universal freedoms and rights will be central goals of education in Land of Paz. Education must support the upholding of paz (peace) and the spread of mutual appreciation, tolerance, and friendship among all living creatures. With personal growth and development lessons, we will encourage young people to follow their passions and learn to think critically. Students will take greater pride in their education if they are given options from which to choose. Additionally, there will be no memory erasure of history. Critical Race Theory will be indoctrinated into the educational institutions and lessons implemented into the curriculum of K-12.
The Land of Paz is a society in which social awareness and love for all humanity takes the place of religious doctrine and ideology. The primary objective would be for the populace to abandon their various religions and unite under a shared commitment to values of love, prosperity, peace, equality, and spirituality. We will apply these words into our ‘Paz’ morale, “All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you...God is change.” Butler (1993). These words will serve to fuel our society with hope. As a result, there will be fewer opportunities for animosity and opposition, and more incentive for people to work together toward a single goal: a world without hatred. God's love will guide our interactions with one another. Music and dance will serve as the culture within this society. It will be what keeps our faith and hope strong and what continues to bind us to our ancestors. Our ancestors will be closely connected to all ‘paz’ humanity and will serve to guide and ground us.
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thesagedahlia · 1 year
♍️ Aries SZN
* this reading is for entertainment purposes only & is meant to read Virgo Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus & Mars placements. Take what resonates, leave the rest. The portion regarding “Polarities” can be preferably read for Venus & Mars placements, & is also applicable for Sun Moon & Rising on a lesser scale*
GENERAL MSG: in your solitude you’ve been able to achieve a lot regarding your own internal health, whether it be physical, emotional, or even mental health. Greater clarity is coming to you now so there is a need to be focused & attentive. You’ve been seeing what you can cultivate with your future & there is a passion to want to do something with it. This could be new ideas & new creative possibilities that are presenting themselves to you &, you can already see this coming. There may have been a deep reset after confronting things from your past that have consumed you. You may be finding the roots to some or many of your triggers at this time, or this time has occurred for you during Pisces SZN. The intro to, not only Aries SZN, but to a new solar year is symbolic for the cycles you’ve let come to an end in your best efforts to achieve a “new life”. There may have been things needing to be faced & integrated with the person you’re becoming, rather than shun that part of you; by rejecting one part of yourself, you’ve already rejected your entire self.
FEMININE POLARITY MSG 🚺: the wisdom that is coming with her healing journey is all encompassing of confidence in her own intuition, while also having creative foresight. When it come to other people, there may be a need to forgive certain situations in order to release any negative emotions/feelings, or harboring grudges. She is feeling like there is something she hasn’t forgiven/confronted that is coming back to test her ability to implement her lessons. The healing she has done thus far has allowed her the vision of cultivating her future & has a drive behind taking the steps to make it happen. She has been taking baby steps for the experiences that are so new to her, & she’s also no allowing for the past to hold up what is destined to happen for her. She is getting more & more comfortable with coming to peace with her past & not letting it define where she’s taking her future.
MASCULINE POLARITY MSG 🚹: he may be starting to take a step back & examine multiple areas of his life at the moment, including things regarding his passions, his roots (past), his reputation (future), & his own self worth. There is a confidence he’s built up for achieving his goals, though he may be struggling with the guidance in the steps to take. He may be getting the attention of a mentor at this time, or he’s being sought out to mentor people. Mentoring people may even be his passion/gift that he is wishing to cultivate. A breakthrough is happening for him as he works on opening himself back up to the public, or even society. The challenges that are coming up for him are telling in how he can prepare himself for what he is working toward. He is being advised to keep working toward that at this time, because favorable outcomes are upon him & are working its way into his reality.
Astro Energies:
6th House
9th House
7th House
8th House
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Solar Opposites: The Rise of The New Order Ch. 1 (by @avaveevo)
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20th Century Fox Presents…
Korvo: *narrating* Once upon a time, there was a glowing planet, known as Shlorp. It was ruled by the New Order. Shlorpians that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Terraformus was one of these Shlorpians. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But, he was seen as an outcast by the elders of Shlorp. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world. So, he watched as the Shlorpians began to expand the universe in their ways. From the dust of Shlorp, were born Aundrayus and Jessica. Equals as the first of Shlorpiankind, but despite this, Aundrayus demanded control, and Jessica refused to submit to his will. She fled The New Order. Drawn in by her fierce independence, Terraformus found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love. Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering Shlorp’s Knowledge to Aundrayus‘s new bride, who gladly accepted. But this gift came with a curse. For with this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way into the planet. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin. And the order Shlorp worked to maintain was shattered. As punishment for their reckless act, the New Order cast Terraformus and his love into the part he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked. Ashamed, Terraformus lost his will to dream. But Jessica thrived, empowering Shlorpiankind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Shlorpians grew, so did its power. Threatened by this, the New Order made a truly heartless decision. That every year, they would send down an army, an Execution, to ensure Shlorp and its most wanted could never rise against them. But Jessica’s hope remained. And her dream was passed down to their precious son.
Korvo closes a book entitled "The Story of Shlorp" and looks at Terry who was listening.
Korvo: Aah! Oh, shit. Did you hear all that?
Terry: Yep. *sighs* That story never gets old. You know, you would've loved my parents.
Korvo: Yeah. I sure wish I gotten to meet them.
Terry wipes away a tear
Korvo: Can you believe that tomorrow is our wedding?
Terry: Yeah. I am so exciting!
Korvo: *looks out the window* It's really been five years, huh?
Terry: Yeah. And it was worth it.
Terry kisses Korvo on the cheek as Korvo laughs.
Korvo: Yep. I can’t wait for this moment. I love you Terry and nothing is ever gonna change that.
The next day is the day of the wedding. Terry is standing nervous at the altar
Terry: *takes a deep breath* Let’s do this.
Korvo walks down the aisle offscreen and Terry gasps and blushes
Terry: Whoa. You never looked more beautiful.
Korvo is wearing a cyan wedding gown with a dark blue veil covering his face
Korvo: Thank you.
AISHA appears holding a bible
AISHA: Do you Terry take Korvo as your lovely husband, to take care of him to honor him in sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?
Terry: Yeah, I do!
AISHA: And do you Korvo take Terry as her loving handsome husband, to care for him in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?
Korvo starts crying with joy
Korvo: I do.
AISHA: Alright, now let's hear the vows
Korvo and Terry share their vows *like they do in the Valentine's Day special*
Korvo: Terry, you were randomly assigned to me in the brink of our planet’s home destruction. I know I would’ve chosen before but you are the brilliant partner an alien could have. I love you.
Terry: Perhaps it is fate that today is our wedding. Today it will this day is when the world would declare in one voice, we will not going quietly in the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re gonna love on! We’re going to marry Korvo!
AISHA sniffles
AISHA: Oh God. That was beautiful. By the power invested in me, just for today, I now pronounce you husband and husband. Okay, go ahead kiss. I want to see this.
Terry picks Korvo up and spins around as Korvo laughs
Korvo: Shall we see our vows with a kiss?
Terry: Yes. Yes we shall.
Korvo and Terry embrace in a big orbital kiss
Jesse: *offscreen* YEAH!
Jesse and Pupa are seen cheering for dads while Yumyulack gags.
Terry: I can't believe we did it...
Korvo: Yes. Yes we did.
Korvo and Terry touch their forehead
Korvo: I love you Terry… I always will… no matter what…
Terry: I love you too, mi amore.
As Korvo and Terry kiss, the camera pans to a Shlorpian ship watching over them
???: Tortus, is something wrong?
Tortus: My prized student has married that FUCK UP!
Tortus slammed his fist as he snarls.
???: Really?! Good for them!
Tortus: *growling*
???: I mean, uh, that's awful, sir!
Tortus: GRRRR! So, Jessica’s offspring has the won heart of Korvotron?…. Not on my watch!
Tortus presses a button
Tortus: I’m coming for you my prize student… don’t worry. We’ll find you and fix you up real soon…
Tortus laughs
Cue the movie title: “Solar Opposites: Rise of The New Order”!
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avaveevo · 7 months
New Order Song
Terry and Tortus fight over Korvo
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valsa22 · 2 years
Local Firm's Resolution Means Tangible Roi From Renewable Power Solutions
The sustainable nature of this investment makes it the ideal alternative for anyone thinking about a long-term asset that has the potential to develop over time. That is why it's essential that a wise management is in a position to react to the situations accordingly. The Solar Lamp tracker has a in-built delicate GPS module that's accurate as a lot as 10 meters. Sign up to receive updates, promotions, and sneak peaks of upcoming products. Mr Zulu mentioned the new system might additionally provide a quantity of new jobs.
When the plane is correctly oriented to the sun, the lens focuses the radiation onto the mirror which displays it back preventing the SMAs from receiving it. On misalignment nonetheless, one of the SMAs receives the radiation, will get heated above its transformation temperature after which modifications shape, rotating the mirror - and hence the plane - until solar tracker radiation is again incident on the mirror. SMTP notifications present reside standing updates in case of an emergency. Time-derived astronomical algorithm with excessive precision of 0,1 ° Suitable for PV, CSP and heliostat plants. Equipped with superior settings and smart functions to make sure the maximisation of the yield of the plant.
The solar converts energy into renewable power using concentrated solar power. Yi and Hwang patented a water driven tracker for Kun Shun University, China. On both aspect of the pivot are spring supported water tanks with inlet and outlet valves. With the body solar panel tracking system oriented in a W-E path, one tank is crammed with water at night while the opposite is emptied.
The electrons from many cells are gathered collectively via conductors to make up the era capability of one module and many modules could be related collectively to provide power in huge portions. Primoris is anticipated to utilize solar tracking system FTC Solar’s new and differentiated Pioneer 1P tracker know-how on a number of tasks to optimize performance while reducing capital and labour prices. In his PhD thesis, Abdulrahim reviewed work that had been done in Nigeria especially on solar concentrators.
Design of optimised mechanical structures for customised consumer necessities, wind loading analysis, stress and deformation evaluation, environmental circumstances and area meeting & upkeep. In a "close-coupled" SWH system the storage tank is horizontally mounted immediately above the solar collectors on the roof. No pumping is required as the hot water naturally rises into the tank through thermosiphon flow. In a "pump-circulated" system the storage tank is ground- or floor-mounted and is below the extent of the collectors; a circulating pump moves water or heat switch fluid between the tank and the collectors.
The PnO was examined beneath partial shaded situations and it was seen that it's not dependable underneath these situations. The Fuzzy logic carried out higher than the PnO and IC however was not so good as the PSO and FA. Since the fuzzy logic requires in depth tuning to converge it was not examined under partial shaded circumstances. A DC-DC boost converter interface examine between a DC source and the DC load are performed.
Nor is the underneath powering of tropical Africa amidst loads of energy sources – including solar. This paper presents a evaluation of latest literature on tracking as utilized to home solar harnessing units. The purpose is to find basic requirements in design of a suitable solar tracker for the region’s rural properties. It is concluded that Single axis passive trackers presumably will stand better chances of acceptability within the area. Parabolic dish reflector systems is a point of focus collector that normally can track the solar alongside both the sun’s paths, concentrating as much solar energy as attainable onto a receiver situated at the focus of the dish. In order to obtain larger efficiencies from the system, the dish structure must be succesful of fully track the solar to replicate as a lot of the sun’s photons as attainable onto the thermal receiver.
It is a simple, but sensible principle that can be utilized perfectly to optimizing efficiency in solar energy techniques. Thanks to a team culminating more than 50 years’ expertise within the PV modules manufacturing sector, iseli vitality delivers prime class merchandise and solutions. The PiA Solar carport system, designed to be gentle weight and value efficient, may be equipped for both north facing north entry or north going through south entry.v
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turningwheeltarot · 3 years
Understanding Sagittarius Energy
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Sagittarius is the sign of the quest, the journey, the path. It is the search for the ultimate truth: the meaning of life. Sagittarius and Gemini (its opposite sign) represent the axis of knowledge and truth (and, conversely, lies). While Gemini shrugs and says that the truth is relative, subjective, and changeable, Sagittarius insists there is a higher, objective, and absolute truth that is not subject to change or interpretation.
This pursuit of higher truth is why Sagittarius is concerned with philosophy, religion, higher learning, and natural law. It is the sign of the guru, the philosopher, and the professor. However, in this pursuit, Sagittarius can make the mistake of becoming self-righteous, dogmatic, or even fundamentalist in their beliefs.
The phoenix rises from the ashes of Scorpio into Sagittarius. And Sagittarius wants to know why: why did I have to go through that intense and difficult experience? What was the higher purpose? Exploring these questions leads to epiphanies and deep understanding. Through this, Sagittarius can become the wise teacher.
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Expansion of consciousness is what this sign is all about. It is the push to break free from the known and familiar, expose oneself to the new and different, explore the vastness of the world around us, and expand beyond what one was born into. Sagittarius needs freedom and adventure. It is the sign that rules foreign lands and long-distance travels. It is also associated with the natural world: wild, wide open nature.
Being ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, comes with many benefits. Sagittarians are known for their inborn optimism, which can make them seem “lucky.” The reality is that our thoughts create our reality and they simply believe things will work out in their favor -- so they tend to. Faith and hope often come quite naturally for Sagittarians, which can make them gifted at inspiring and uplifting other people.
Being ruled by the largest planet in the solar system comes with some drawbacks too. One of these can be a tendency towards exaggeration. This brings us back to the Sagittarius-Gemini truth axis. When it comes to telling “the whole truth and nothing but the truth,”  Gemini can struggle with the “whole truth” part, while Sagittarius can struggle with the “nothing but the truth” part.
In esoteric astrology, Sagittarius is described as “the quest for meaning and the aspiration to strive towards one’s vision.” It is the path that takes one to the mountain of initiation and achievement, represented by the following sign of Capricorn. The arrow of Sagittarius is viewed as the arrow of aspiration, meant to be aimed straight towards the vision.
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Developing a steady aim is the key to success for this sign. Sagittarians are gifted with a strong curiosity. But gone unchecked, this curiosity can (mis)lead them to become distracted and scattered, preventing them from achieving their goals. Sagittarius must learn focus in order to succeed. This sign is meant to be both the student and the teacher; lack of focus is what can keep Sagittarius stuck as the eternal student and prevent them from expanding into the wise teacher.
When in alignment, this sign is designed to serve the greater good of humanity through:
Envisioning their goal
Aiming their arrow with single-pointed focus towards their goal
Reaching their goal
Seeing what the next goal is
One goal at a time. When Sagittarius learns to develop this focus, almost nothing can stand in their way.
✨Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/turningwheel360✨ 
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@izsavage ✨
🐟February Pisces are wild the March Pisces are respectful
🐆Literally there are Leos from my generation being influenced by like three different types of Lilith in their chart the energy is so raw🐯🌑💥 (think chemical X from the powerpuff girls😏☢️🧪)
🦭♀️Pisces Moons usually feminines can LOOK LIKE IDENTICAL TWINS for Example:(Ashnikko, Emily Alyn Lind, etc.)
⭐If any of your houses have multiple rulers don't ignore the aspects both rulers are making (a tip in case the way it manifest itself)
🪞Libras can be so mystically inclined the sun literally transits it during the Halloween season and it literally is the other zodiac that marks the autumn equinox like-
💗Don't be shocked if you find yourself crushing on someone with your mars as there rising sign and maybe find someone with there sun sign as your 7th house sign and moon opposite your moon sign🤷
🪲A new world order has already begun the society as we know will finally...😱😤😶‍🌫️💨 (Pluto in Capricorn the 🔺👁️🔺exposed, Uranus in Taurus earthquakes, forest fires, detoxifying, exposing the truth Neptune in Pisces large spiritual awakenings, astral travel, connecting with higher beings check your Solar return charts)
🦞cancers will be so aggressive when allowing someone into there inner circle like they'll threaten you not to hurt any of their friends before allowing you in cancer placements literally have a strong connection to wolves so many of them say its their spirit animal maybe its that Lunar energy🌙! Example: (Phoebe Tonkin) LITERALLY played a werewolf queen🐺👑
⛱🚤a lot of well aspected Cancer Mercuries are singers or even rapers Example (Diahann Carroll, Saweetie, Kristin Chenoweth, Ariana Grande, Elizabeth Gillies, Leon Thomas the 3rd) a lot of the Victorious cast have this placement 👁️👄👁️ -u dOnT hAvE tO bE aFrAid To PuT yuR dwEem In ACtiOn-
🍔where you have Taurus in your chart and what you have in it is your favorite food but multiple Taurus placements may have multiple foods you can also check degrees for example lets say you have Taurus starting at 6 degrees and have moon in Taurus you may like more natural foods that are nostalgic lets say it also is at 3 degrees this might be a finger food like fries you can also do the same with 2nd house🧆
@izsavage ⬅
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