wanderingrestlessly · 2 years
someone plz tell me what exact day yoda died in real life. like yeah he died 4ABY or some shit but i need it translated into current irl month and day plz plz i need to know u dont understand i need to know when this fried booger lookin ballsack texture cretin died
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itsagrimm · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi shows a few things:
Disney is bent on milking the Star Wars Franchise for whatever money it can get away with semi well produced content.
Dave Filoni has about a 50/50 hit or miss quota on telling short, contained stories. Some of them turned out interesting (The Sith Lord, Practice Makes Perfect, maybe The Choice) , others are predictable and feel like cute but essentially filler fan service with a plot line we could have guessed from the trailer (Life and Death, Justice, maybe Resolve).
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gffa · 1 year
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In the very first episode of The Clone Wars, the episode where we're meant to understand the foundations of who the characters are, what they believe, we see Yoda explicitly saying that Jek, Thire, and Rhys have the Force residing in them and they can use it to calm their minds, too.
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This is a deliberate parallel to how Yoda teaches Luke, showing that the Jedi believed the clones were just as worthy of being taught as a Force-sensitive was: Dave Filoni:  “You see Yoda teaching the clones much like he taught Luke. ‘Cause that was kind of natural for [the Jedi], a natural instinct to take to these clones like they’re students.  It really allowed Yoda to have a scene that was reminiscent of a scene that we both liked growing up, when he was teaching Luke.” Their explanation for what the Force is that it's generated by all living things, they say "May the Force be with you" to non-Jedi, they respect that other Force cultures (like the Lasats or the Bardottens or the Nightsisters) exist and have their own ways, etc. The Jedi are consistently shown to not believe they have any kind of monopoly on the Force or trying to stop anyone from using the Force unless they are actively plotting to hurt, murder, or oppress people. Jedi are absolutely fine with these people existing:
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As for the Jedi especially not wanting women to use the Force--in every scene we see of the High Council, there are always multiple women present??? Depa Billaba, Shaak Ti, Yaddle, Adi Gallia, Stass Allie (and I often argue that TCW was making a case of prepping Aayla Secura for future Councilhood), as well as Luminara Unduli and Jocasta Nu are clearly in well-respected positions of leadership and aren't treated any differently than the male characters???
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burnwater13 · 5 months
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Grogu with his right hand raised as a baby-core has jumped onto his face from the bowl of stew in front of him. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 3, The Heiress. Calendar by DataWorks.
Some days just stink. You wake up late. Your arm’s a sleep because you slept funny on your dad’s armor. Your nose is runny because that darn armor polish smells worse than a bantha’s arm pit. You know what it’s like. Some days things just do not work out your way. 
This was one of those days. Practically one of those weeks. Having the critter grab his face was just another part of the whole fiasco. It wasn’t the worst part it was just the part that ushered the worst part in. 
“Don’t play with your food.”
What! Grogu had never been so annoyed. Clearly the thing that grabbed his face wasn’t food yet. That’s why IT grabbed him! He wasn’t playing with the critter. Not in the least. But still Din Djarin had made that comment. Grumbled it. His tone all accusing and annoyed. Like Grogu had wanted to have stew all over his face because having the Mandalorian wash it for him was so much fun. 
He can assure you it is not. Apparently faces were treated as if they were made of beskar and scrubbed rather ruthlessly and then polished to a nice bright shine. Uff. Never again. Grogu refused to let the bounty hunter help him again after that first time. He liked how he looked and he didn’t need anyone using ‘elbow grease’ to clean off bits of gorg or frog or anything else tasty.
Bad enough that before they even made it to the tavern they had fallen into the harbor. That’s hadn’t been pleasant. He hadn’t been in his floaty thing. The Frog lady had the egg container with her, but it wasn’t strapped down. The Mandalorian had watched him like a shriek hawk to make sure he didn’t snack on any more of the eggs. Then they almost landed. Almost. Not quite. Uff. 
‘Uff’ was the sound he made when the egg container fell on him as the Razor Crest tipped over and fell in the water. That hadn’t felt good. He didn’t even have a chance to use the Force to prevent it, so instead he got the wind knocked out of him twice. The first time was from the container and the second time was from the Frog lady who was grateful that he had broken it’s fall, protecting her eggs. Yup, they were fine. He wasn’t but that’s the sort of thing any Jedi would do, right?
Grogu was grateful for one thing. The bridge of the Razor Crest really had been water tight. It had to be in order to be pressurized. That meant that he didn’t have to help the Mandalorian swim. He’d been worried about that since they were on Maldo Kreis and he became even more worried when he saw how much of Trask was ocean. Just ocean. The Mandalorian was a sinker and Grogu knew that using the Force to help him would be a big deal and attract even more of the wrong sort of people. Talk about making a bad day worse. 
Now they were in a dark, smelly tavern and he was being accused of playing with a critter that was quite clearly trying to eat him. It wasn’t fair and he didn’t like it at all. He would have much preferred to go hang out with the Frog lady and her husband, than gone to that tavern to so Din Djarin could find even more Mandalorians and then they could all help ‘Mando’ get rid of Grogu. Because that’s really what this whole mess was about. 
Din Djarin didn’t want to be his friend. He wanted to find someone who could find someone who would take Grogu because they had to because they were ‘his people’. What the heck did that even mean? ‘His people’? He didn’t have any people. At least not any more. Master Yoda was gone and had been gone for years. Master Yaddle for even longer. They weren’t even his parents. At least he hoped not. If they had been they weren’t very good parents. At least not by his estimation. 
When you actually thought about that whole mess, well, mess it was. Grogu was a foundling. An orphan. People had kidnapped him. Sent bounty hunters after him. Literally stole his blood. Now, the one person he thought he could depend on was only focused on getting rid of him. It really hurt. Why not just leave him on Tatooine so he could live with the Sandpeople? Or the Marshal? Or Peli? 
It would have been great staying with Peli. He loved droids and mechs. He loved her curly bouncy hair and sass. He loved the food he ate there too. Strangely, Tatooine had been a good place for Grogu. Almost like it welcomed Jedi. And he liked banthas.
But no. The Mandalorian hadn’t seen it that way, so here they were, on Trask, just another mistake after a whole series of mistakes. Grogu really hoped that ‘the critter on the face' was the end of it. Otherwise, he’d have to take matters into his own hands. Literally. 
He’d just grab onto the bounty hunter and never let go. That’s right. He’d do it. Then the tall human would learn a thing or two. Can’t polish your armor because Grogu’s holding onto the chest piece and won’t let go? Too bad. So sad. Can’t wash your face because Grogu won’t let go of your helmet? Can’t use the privy because… well it’s self-explanatory now. Grogu was not letting the Mandalorian out of sight or his grip. Ha!
Grogu was brought back to reality when the Quarren came over to talk to Din Djarin. Grogu just hoped things changed for the better based on whatever they were going to do next. He didn’t like the idea of spending any more time on Trask than was absolutely essential. Din Djarin was bound to end up in the water and then someone would have to save him and given the reputation of Mandalorians, he’d be stuck with the task. After all, he was still a Jedi and had sworn to preserve life. Then it would be Grogu’s turn to tell the Mandalorian to stop playing.
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time for Thoughts™️
I will always rant about every member of the disaster lineage but I just got very very especially sad about Dooku and Qui-Gon. 
how did I not realise how late he left the Order??? I always thought it was idk, some time earlier than the Phantom Menace but this is just. they really went for the peak angst potential didn’t they
we now know what happened to Yaddle, but at what cost…
As always, fuck Sheev. look what he did. he took a bunch of perfectly good light-siders and fucked them up is what he did.
I feel like Anakin really does Not know how to Handle Child at the time of that first training montage. he does his best to be a good teacher and train her the best he can but I definitely got scary chills watching him say “again” so many times in a progressively darker tone
I’m fine I’m just crying over how all that training, no matter Anakin’s downfalls, saved Ahsoka’s life in the end
my first reaction to Rex mentioning Jesse was basically just “oh hey it’s my dude!!!” and then I realised that Anakin and Jesse both trained Ahsoka in ways that she then used to survive their attempts of trying to kill her and now I’m not okay
that handful of Obi-Wan scenes was a nice bonus
Caleb getting all excited about Ahsoka doing the droid training exercise he’s so precious-
The funeral.
no because the fact that Ahsoka would have been chased down and possibly killed by the Empire if they found out she was still alive but she went to Padmé’s funeral anyway to pay her respects because Padmé was so important to her-
“She was my friend” feelings. so many feelings. i cried here.
Rex sticking with Ahsoka until after the funeral makes me have a lot of emotions and a lot of thoughts; iirc we don’t actually know how long they were together after the Tribunal crash before they split ways
*insert that one textpost that was like [me every second Bail Organa was on screen] ‘that’s Bail Organa’*
anyone else feel a little iffy about the whole “we have a duty thing” he was saying to Ahsoka? maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention, but it felt a little to me like he meant she had to/was obligated to join the Rebellion. it doesn’t seem very in sync with Bail in general, but if someone has a different interpretation that makes more sense, please share with me.
the only other thing is I’m just confused and a little irritated about the section with the farmers and the Inquisitor. like, when in the timeline exactly did that whole encounter take place? and if they wanted to show a storyline like that, why didn’t they just animate some key moments from the Ahsoka novel? I feel like it sort of gives it more weight in a way to have Ahsoka’s big return to the good fight and the Rebellion set two years after the end of the war, and given how similar the setups are, I have to say I would have much rather had at least some scenes from the book in animation than a whole new separate thing that kind of replaces it.
me when the girl’s brother went to tattle to the Empire: every town’s got a Timm 😔
ngl I really thought she might be Kaeden at first but it wasn’t too bad I suppose.
especially since I will never, and I mean never, get sick of watching Ahsoka kick Inquisitor ass
all I want to do is wrap all my faves up in a blanket and hug them very tight yk
in conclusion: I am just screaming. so hard right now.
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independence1776 · 5 months
Star Wars: The Living Force by John Jackson Miller
I was incredibly wary about this book when it was first announced and remained wary of it to the point I broke my own policy of not posting a WIP so I could say, “No, that’s irrelevant to my fic as I began posting before it was published.” I was wary partly because of the blurb and partly because I didn’t (and don’t) trust the author about the Jedi. That was based solely on how he described the Order in A New Dawn, which is not exactly one of my favorite Star Wars books for several reasons. But someone whose taste I trust (aka @gffa) did enjoy The Living Force, so I checked it out of the library.
Overall: I enjoyed it. It was a fun romp and a solid Star Wars book. That said, the cast was really too large to dive in-depth into pretty much anyone’s characters except the girl Depa was trying to save. The girl was probably the most well-rounded of everyone, including the Jedi. The villain was very much a one-note. And part of my problem may have been that ultimately the book felt like it couldn’t do anything. There was no sense of danger or urgency; of course everyone would survive and the bad guys fail. It felt like it should have been character-driven and yet it wasn’t. It is also very clearly a “TPM came out 25 years ago, so we have to mark that somehow” book.
Things I disliked:
1) the author could do with a dive into what Lucas says about the Order and what attachments mean. This guy seems to think they mean connections with other people when that is manifestly not what they mean; the High Republic books state this over and over and over again, so it’s not an “expanded universe doesn’t understand” thing. It’s very much an author thing.
2) Sifo-Dyas… just didn’t make much sense being brought up as a Problem. That came out of nowhere. So did the disloyalty of the caretaker.
3) Qui-Gon is very much in the line of fanon maverick instead of the movie’s stubborn, rude, and often arrogant but still somehow kind and wise man. He’s not the character I fell in love with, in other words.
4) I’m well and truly puzzled why Depa didn’t use telekinesis to pull the comlink to her and turning it off in the climax of the book. We know she can use telekinesis. We know Jedi can do that in general; it's all over the place. So why didn’t she? She spent a lot of the book strangely de-powered.
Things I liked: There were some very good moments here. I liked the look at the worldbuilding and buereocracy. I like Jedi being Jedi and by each of them somehow getting involved in separate things that the threads came together at the end. (Of course they did. That was obvious pretty early on.) The book was more-or-less: ten Jedi help solve one world’s problems because they each somehow managed to connect with a different person in need of help in a way that will solve the plot’s problems later. Which is fine; sometimes I really do want predicatable. As I said, it’s not a bad book but I’m not sure if me being a writer helped me see the seams more clearly. I did expect the outpost to close regardless (which would have made the entire book feel futile) and it did but not quite in the way I thought and it’s a way that worked.
I am glad Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were cameos instead of taking over. And there was room for a lot of nuance into the Order, top-down versus bottom-up view of how to best help.
Yaddle’s reversal of the “fear leads to hate” into “Courage leads to peace. Peace leads to love. Love leads to healing.” It’s a part of a longer quote. And those two paragraphs are the best part of the book.
Depa Billaba (You all know me. Of course she’d get her own section!)
When she was off doing her own undercover mission with the pirates, I thought that was cool and that Miller understood her character. And I’m folding it into what I take as canon; it matches well with the rest of her non-show appearances in Disney canon. I didn’t like a lot of the follow-through. (This ties into some of the reasons I dislike A New Dawn; I don’t think he writes women well.) I’m perfectly fine with her being captured. But after that, it felt like Miller didn’t know what to do with her. And her uncertainties and not taking a Padawan earlier because she was seemingly afraid to* and her talk with Mace about attachments (a conversation that makes absolutely zero sense given they are both on the High Council)… just don’t work. It felt like a faint retelling of much of her character arc in the Kanan comics. She also didn’t have the sense of humor she did there. Ultimately, I’m unsatisfied. Her plotline started off as something important and then fizzled by the end.
*Until that was brought up as why Depa was so driven to investigate the pirates in the region, I’d assumed it was because she was orphaned by said pirates. It would have made more sense.
On the other hand, some of the things I was worried about didn’t occur. We got nothing about her sister Sar Labooda (who may as well not exist apart from that mention in an encyclopedia and her appearance and death in the arena on Geonosis in AotC). We got nothing about Depa’s apprenticeship with Mace. We know pretty much nothing else about Chalacta apart from a mantra and that the Republic doesn’t seem to much care about its region of space. So all of that is more or less free space.
(Though her timeline is still more than a bit fuzzy and messed up. I maintain that she should not have been on the Council in the Master and Apprentice novel; she should have been the one brought on when Qui-Gon refused the seat. I even checked out Star Wars Timelines to see if that book shed any light on the matter; it doesn’t as the only time she’s mentioned is her death, which was very neatly worded to apply to either the Kanan comics or the Bad Batch show.)
All in all, I’m glad I read the book ,and I did enjoy it, but I don’t plan to buy it until it’s out in paperback.
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nicki0kaye · 8 months
Was reading your time travel Luke post and I had an idea. Leia becomes Padme's new weirdly aggressive handmaiden. Appearance-wise she fits in a little too well, but she has quite a knack for knowing which senators to trust and which are scum. Luke is watching over Dad, and Leia has their mom.
That makes perfect sense. I think she's a little too old for handmaiden? I'm not sure, but iirc, Padme became Empress around 14 or 16, while OT had them start at 17-18 and they're like 19-20 when the Empire falls, and I assume they'd have their adventure to the past after the New Republic is either about to be established or was just established, but I can definitely see her becoming involved with both Padme and the Organas bc...they were her family as much as Obi-wan and Shmi's second son were for Luke. Even just becoming political allies--Leia posing as someone from a regal background despite having to barter or straight up gamble for enough money to wear something new to every event, perhaps sleeping in the temple but swearing everyone to secrecy when she fucks off each day to some new Senate party. Getting put up in a Shadow safehouse on Coruscant and appointing herself spy for the Jedi Order whether they want it or Fucking Not
honestly? you know what? Fuck Luke helping Yaddle, that's now Leia. She doesn't have any saber training but fuck you, her blaster works fine and she WILL be playing bad cop, today, you disillusioned sad sack. Come back to the Order or die a dumbass. Qui-gon's force ghost is so fucking disappointed in you right now, she knows that for Certain.
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miseries-mistress · 2 years
first of all, ahsokas mom??? fuck dude she's so fine 😍💍
then the whole dooku and qui gon situation had me rolling on the floor is tears, and i desperately wish for more of their dynamic
than we come to anakin and ahsoka...
those two make living in a busy highway better than seeing them both make references to order 66, that goes with Rex as well because i am sobbing relentlessly in a ball shaking because of them
and dooku was just misunderstood 😭 he wanted to fix the senate bc he realized how corrupt they were. gonna kms
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW UNCALLED FOR THE ORDER 66 SCENE WAS? that shit made my heart clench in my chest so hard i thought i was having a heart attack. i genuinely could not see or hear a thing through my sobs
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l0nglives · 10 months
i know grogu was said , or it was implied by ahsoka from his own memories / feelings , that grogu was born at the jedi temple in coruscant , so that's fine. however , his parents are not yaddle or yoda , but another member of the order from the same species. probably by two members who were never padawans , or at least one of them a member of the agricorps.
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thewriterowl · 1 year
I gotta say blooms Luke way more trusting than I could ever hope to be. Cause if that was me I'd constantly be on edge. Looking at every meal made for me with skepticism thinking in the back of my mind "It's poisoned... there no way it's not", sleeping with one eye open mentally preparing myself to be attacked. I'm honestly kinda surprised with how trusting he is.
Like how did he know they aren't just pretending to be nice while plotting his death behind closed doors. They did it before after all, whose to say it's not happening again?
Over all...just how is he able to trust everyone? Trust is very fragile and extremely difficult the repair. And they broke Luke's trust, completely shattered it
And yes he has the force ghosts,
Blooms-Luke for sure forgave them but I don't think he fully trusts them either--but he is trying to. And he is trying to because he wants to and i think he is doing that because he wants to give himself something that he wants.
He's very tired. He is very beaten and broken. And honestly, if they did it early enough, he'd be fine with dying. He made the choice to come back, Yaddle would've let him go had he decided to, and he wants to try and feel good about this.
I also think he feels that neither of them want to kill him. He's not really afraid of death at this point. He knows there are people who truly love him on the other-side within the Force.
I think, at the end of the story, his trust isn't so much with them, but within himself. He's trusting himself for trying again. He's finally trusting his own decisions and hope and the possibility he could have a good life.
And he is 100% trusting himself that if they screw up, he's leaving them.
So, he wouldn't care to really guard his food...but he will be guarding his heart for some time to come. He is just trying to keep that trust in himself to them that they will actually earn it back.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
So I talked about TotJ and shared what I liked/thought could be improved/what I hope to see here
Warnings: Spoilers for Tales of the Jedi, headcanons, beginner video editor
App used: VLLO video editing app and Adobe Lightroom (I used Lightroom once to fix a photo 6yrs ago in a college course of mine)
One of the things I mentioned was Dooku’s lightsaber color change during ep4 The Sith Lord. I said that I would’ve loved to have seen the blue fade to purple then to red as he struck down Master Yaddle. I’m sure that goes against how Dooku actually got his lightsaber red, I just thought it would be cool if his saber changed during that fight. So I made a video about it. If that were to happen/I was in charge, I would have the saber change from blue to purple when Dooku collapses the door on Yaddle and then from purple to red when he strikes the already defeated Master down. I only included the important parts (not the whole fight).
*I DON’T KNOW HOW TO EDIT VIDEOS!* What does that mean?
—The audio is 95% fine (it works it’s just the edit/timing is a bit weird)
—I don’t know how to color change specific objects in videos so the whole picture gets color changed
—I don’t know how to make the colors fade into each other so the color changes are kind of abrupt (I used a transition for the blue/purple change and cut 2 vids together for the purple/red change).
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mathmusic8 · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi Reaction
Y'all, it was SO
<3 <3 <3
Spoilers under the cut
Episode 1
Pav-ti (Ahsoka's mom) is beautiful 
And she has a gun :D
Also her dad is a lovable dork <3
I appreciate how they have 1-year-old Ahsoka acting appropriately for her age
This is quite the ritual for one so young. But I appreciate it, in a way. 
Ohhhh no big bad monster
Hghhhhhhhhhhh very big bad monster!!
Is this gonna be a Grogu-with-the-mud-horn moment?
I mean we know how this ends but STILL
THAT SCREENSHOT THO with baby soka patting the tiger's nose <3 <3 <3
(How on earth did she get on top of that thing?? XD)
Gosh dangit y'all I need to sleep but I now don't WANT TO
Episode 2
Young Dooku!! Is that young Qui-Gon? Can't really tell. I don't see a padawan braid
That's the most actual dog-looking dog I've ever seen in star wars
Dooku's so dramatic with that cape XD
Y'all are leaving your backs wide open
Ohhhhkaaay this is sinister
Mmmmmm this does not look like it's going to end well
His lightsaber was blue <3
Why? Just... why, senator dude?
Heeheeheehee it is Qui-Gon <3
Good golly gracious I'm gonna cry Qui-Gon was so sweet
(Noooooo why is this show SO GOOD I WAS GONNA SLEEP BUT I GUESS NOT)
Episode 3
I can see why Dooku is getting very fed up with the system. I would be, too.
What are those GLOVES? Like, are they just for show or are these people only near-human? (I lowkey want a pair)
Hmmm the senator's nervous. He'll do ANYTHING for his people, huh?
Disaster lineage rebellion didn't start with Qui-Gon XD
Thhaaaat's a lightsaber mark in that tree
Ope, LOTS of lightsaber marks
Well this went downhill very quickly
This guy's got mismatched eyes. Neat
Semage. Is that a name I should know?
(As interesting and genuinely fascinating as Dooku's backstory is, I hope we don't spend a whole of time on his fall. It's depressing.)
Episode 4
At least one more Dooku episode. Alrighty, that's fine. I just kinda hope this is the last one.
Ooooooooh I like this inner view of the archives :D
There goes Kamino :'D
Ohhhhhhhhh this is DURING Episode I
"an active imagination", honey--Master Nu--that is NOT the right response to a report of Sith appearing--
Was NOT expecting that
So Yoda's just weird I guess
Dropping hints, are we, Dooku?
"I will not be there to protect you, my old Padawan" "You need not worry, Master. Obi-Wan fills that role now."
"He acquits himself quite well."
*shrieking continues"
Dooku still hasn't met Obi-Wan?? Even though he and Qui-Gon apparently still get along? 
Is that the last time they saw each other? D':
Here we go. I sense a climax coming. Yaddle's not having it.
Ohhhhh they just got the news about Qui-Gon's death. Oww.
Yeah, I bet this is Dooku's last episode
Yaddle doing some sneaky sneak sneaking
(Ahsoka canonically never knew Yaddle. This is going to be bad)
Ah, so Dooku's already been in contact with Sidious.
"You lost an apprentice and so did I. All in service of our greater goals."
That was a gut punch if I ever felt one
This REALLY hurts, watching Dooku voice all his regrets for his lost honor, as if he's having second thoughts, but we as the audience already know he's only going to fall further
Yaddle... you... okay, mad respect for giving your full and honest best effort to help this man. But this is an absolute tragedy.
Yaddle, I wish you'd've run. I get that you're still trying to save him, but---
Ohhhh that was unpleasant death
But this still can't end well
....I don't know which moment was worse.
Episode 5
Okay, there's only 6 of these, so better enjoy these last two
(Will there be any more? I don't think so...)
Anakin! During clone wars--baby face! LOOK AT THAT BABY FACE ANAKIN
Seriously, like, not very many people were in there. That super implies they're close friends
Of course Anakin thinks the training remotes are sub-par XD
Troopers! My boys! 
REXXXX <3 <3
"Don't worry Rex, she'll wake up"
*he waves* "Sorry Commander!"
also, super helpful to know stun blasts work for a whole hour. And that you can "get used to it". And that she's dizzy afterwards
Jeeze Anakin how long were you doing this?
So yeah, she does start waking up faster
awww she's still training later in the war
Episode 6
gaaaaaasp is this how Ahsoka gets her white lightsabers?? So excited
Gah the funeral tho (cries)
Bail absolutely saw her
Ah, there he is
Ahsoka's face--she's just... so broken right now
These poor troopers are like "we picked up a weeeirdo"
Ahsoka got the message, tho :D
Yeeee! Cut Lawquane and the Fam!
Orrrr just farmers, okay thay's fine
Aaaaand there goes Ahsoka's cover
Yeeeeaaah, kid, you better skip town. Like. Pronto.
Ah, but that's what attracted the Inquisitor. Got it.
Oh dear.
That is NOT how I expected this to go
Ohhh mmmaaan this is tense
Awww I'm almost sad that we didn't get to see this super cool/dangerous Inquisitor in Rebels. But nah, it just makes this little mini-episode epic
Eeeeheeehehe, there's where Organa's comm came in handy :D
It's implied that a significant chunk of time passed. And Rex wasn't with her.
But that was the last episode
Maybe we'll learn more in the Bad Batch
I'm going to bed soooooo late y'all
But was it worth it?
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gffa · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi overall reaction:  Not too bad for a Felony show!  I don’t really feel like I learned anything new that I didn’t already know, but it was interesting to have trailer-style animated versions of the events, even if there wasn’t enough detail to really do anything with any of this. There was about as much anti-Jedi stuff as I was expecting, and it falls apart when you consider the question of, “Well, what were they supposed to do?” because Star Wars is a series where actions have consequences and non-actions have consequences, too.  But it’s nothing that I don’t feel like I can view it through the lens of, “Yaddle was probably feeling a lot of guilt about Qui-Gon and it’s reasonable that she’s trying to reach out to Dooku, so she’s being sympathetic.” even if I know that’s not Felony’s intention. But also, eh, if their worst crime is that they listen to the Senate, then you also have to put Bail Organa in the stocks right next to them, or if their worst crime is that they were dismissive of Qui-Gon or Dooku, both of whom we never actually see provide any evidence and even in TPM, Yoda rightly calls Qui-Gon out for presuming to know exactly what’s going on when he doesn’t actually know, then I’m fine with TOTJ’s existence. And I did very much enjoy the way Anakin’s intensity was harsh, like I legitimately enjoy how easy it would be to look at him and say he was hurting Ahsoka, he was borderline abusing her and shocking her into unconsciousness for an hour at a time, like that gives people permanent brain damage, but we all goddamned know that this is a fictional story with themes and context that don’t strictly adhere to the laws of physics in real life, so we understand that even if Anakin doesn’t know the future, some part of him is driven to protect her, to help her protect herself, even if it seems kind of awful in the moment.  That this genuinely is going to help save her life and it shows Anakin’s love for her. And I loved the “You’re right on time.”  “Really, I thought I was late.”  “That’s what I meant.” lineage reference, that was a JOY. And I loved that Yaddle got her moment to be badass. ALSO DOOKU/JOCASTA NATION RISE, WE GOT A CUTE MOMENT!!!
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burnwater13 · 11 months
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Grogu thought a lot about what his dad said that day on Tatooine. “If I can locate another of my kind…”. That turned out to be pretty easy. When Mandalorians weren’t hiding they stuck out like sore thumbs. But that wasn’t the problem. The problem was did anyone know what ‘kind’ Grogu was?
Ahsoka Tano had said she knew Master Yoda, but then so did Grogu. He wasn’t locked away in some closet at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He was there with the rest of the younglings and Master Yoda visited them all from time to time. But that didn’t mean he knew what ‘kind’ they were. 
Lot of different kinds of people were at the Jedi Temple. Lots of different kinds of people became Jedi. But of Grogu’s kind there were only three of them. Master Yoda, Master Yaddle, and Grogu. Grogu didn’t have any illusion that he was their child either. That was sweet and romantic and convenient. Nope. Not their kid. 
And even if he had been their child, what kind of parents were they? They weren’t raising him. They didn’t teach him songs to learn his numbers, or tell him stories about their home world, or even pat him on the head when he’d done something particularly clever. He much preferred to think of them both as people he had met and could not un-meet. 
Now, here he was on Nevarro, with his dad, Din Djarin, Mandalorian Bounty Hunter and all around good guy. They watched out for each other. They told each other funny stories. They ate the same food (sometimes) and they both burped in the same distinctive manner. They even had the same eye color. 
Grogu was Din Djarin’s apprentice and was going to learn how to fly a starship and be a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. That seemed really cool and so far it had been pretty exciting. But considering everything that had happened with the Clan Mudhorn Festival and the fact that Luke Skywalker had come all the way across the galaxy to help him when he really needed the help, Grogu felt a tiny bit of the old Jedi spirit tugging back at him. Were they actually his kind?
He wasn’t sure who he should talk to about this sort of stuff. Grogu didn’t want to talk to his dad. That would just make the Mandalorian sad and think that Grogu didn’t love him and that was beyond wrong and there was no way he was going to hurt his dad like that. Nope. 
But then, Luke wasn’t the right person to talk to either. Luke had a vested interest in Grogu returning to Jedi Sleep Away Camp and Grogu was well aware of that. He should probably just start training his nephew and see how things went. Grogu knew too much to be a student and too little to be a master and most importantly, he knew that.
He supposed that he could talk to the High Magistrate, but Greef Karga was still too excited over how the Clan Mudhorn Festival had worked out in Nevarro City and was already planning one for next year. Sure the name would change a little, but then it wasn’t going to just be something Clan Mudhorn put together for everyone to enjoy. ‘The Nevarro City Council of Civic Engagement Proudly Presents an Evening of Story Telling, Culture, and Friendship’ is what Grogu heard the High Magistrate tell Fennec, once the prior night’s event was all wrapped up.
Maybe he should talk to Fennec. She had done a lot of different things and had dealt with some real setbacks and knew exactly how to analyze a situation. She collected data, drew conclusions, took action and made it all look so easy. The only draw back to speaking with Fennec was that she might think he’s not as cute and competent as she told other people he was. ‘Listen to the kid, he’s got a good feel for that’, ‘Grogu knows what he’s doing, pay attention people’, and ‘Don’t tell your dad, you’ll be fine, you always are’. He really didn’t want to risk that happening. 
Grogu sighed deeply.
“Hey! Ya little womp rat… oh, sorry, you don’t like being called a womp rat any more, you’re growin’ up so fast! Would you like Auntie Peli to get ya some nice dung worms? You need to keep up your energy if you’re goin’ to go all dark side on us.” 
Peli Motto scooped him up, tweaked his nose gently and carried him over to the campfire that his dad set up outside the cabin. They had all been having a quiet day together, chatting and playing games, like chase the frog, find the target, and hide from the Jedi. 
“Ya know, you need to get some rest, just relax, and maybe, just maybe, watch the clouds float by. Look at me! First time off Tatooine ever and here I am with my best friends doin’ nothing but havin’ fun. This is my kind of life… I just hope Treadwell doesn’t sell the garage while I’m gone.”
HA! There it was! This was Grogu’s ‘kind’ too. Kind of life that is. Surrounded by friends, just having fun and eating a big bowl of slow roasted dung worms. What could be better than that?
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My Top Posts in 2022:
time for Thoughts™️
I will always rant about every member of the disaster lineage but I just got very very especially sad about Dooku and Qui-Gon. 
how did I not realise how late he left the Order??? I always thought it was idk, some time earlier than the Phantom Menace but this is just. they really went for the peak angst potential didn’t they
we now know what happened to Yaddle, but at what cost…
As always, fuck Sheev. look what he did. he took a bunch of perfectly good light-siders and fucked them up is what he did.
I feel like Anakin really does Not know how to Handle Child at the time of that first training montage. he does his best to be a good teacher and train her the best he can but I definitely got scary chills watching him say “again” so many times in a progressively darker tone
I’m fine I’m just crying over how all that training, no matter Anakin’s downfalls, saved Ahsoka’s life in the end
my first reaction to Rex mentioning Jesse was basically just “oh hey it’s my dude!!!” and then I realised that Anakin and Jesse both trained Ahsoka in ways that she then used to survive their attempts of trying to kill her and now I’m not okay
that handful of Obi-Wan scenes was a nice bonus
Caleb getting all excited about Ahsoka doing the droid training exercise he’s so precious-
The funeral.
no because the fact that Ahsoka would have been chased down and possibly killed by the Empire if they found out she was still alive but she went to Padmé’s funeral anyway to pay her respects because Padmé was so important to her-
“She was my friend” feelings. so many feelings. i cried here.
Rex sticking with Ahsoka until after the funeral makes me have a lot of emotions and a lot of thoughts; iirc we don’t actually know how long they were together after the Tribunal crash before they split ways
*insert that one textpost that was like [me every second Bail Organa was on screen] ‘that’s Bail Organa’*
anyone else feel a little iffy about the whole “we have a duty thing” he was saying to Ahsoka? maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention, but it felt a little to me like he meant she had to/was obligated to join the Rebellion. it doesn’t seem very in sync with Bail in general, but if someone has a different interpretation that makes more sense, please share with me.
the only other thing is I’m just confused and a little irritated about the section with the farmers and the Inquisitor. like, when in the timeline exactly did that whole encounter take place? and if they wanted to show a storyline like that, why didn’t they just animate some key moments from the Ahsoka novel? I feel like it sort of gives it more weight in a way to have Ahsoka’s big return to the good fight and the Rebellion set two years after the end of the war, and given how similar the setups are, I have to say I would have much rather had at least some scenes from the book in animation than a whole new separate thing that kind of replaces it.
me when the girl’s brother went to tattle to the Empire: every town’s got a Timm 😔
ngl I really thought she might be Kaeden at first but it wasn’t too bad I suppose.
especially since I will never, and I mean never, get sick of watching Ahsoka kick Inquisitor ass
all I want to do is wrap all my faves up in a blanket and hug them very tight yk
in conclusion: I am just screaming. so hard right now.
128 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Fennec: We’re gonna feed you to our rancor mwahahahahaha >)
assassin dude: plsss nooooo D:
Fennec: PFFT we don’t have a rancor lmao it died
That one rat: hi :3
247 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Cad Bane: You’re getting soft in your old age
Boba: You are literally. Twenty plus years older than me.
1,094 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Fans will be like ‘this is my comfort show’ and it’s the most depressing show ever
1,293 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Peli: there’s someone here to see you
Din: oh it’s my son
5,210 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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andromedaa-starss · 2 years
okay so i need to talk about tales of the jedi bc if i don't i will explode. spoiler warning, also these are just my opinions, don't come for me please.
the time jumps are so sudden and not very clear. it makes the timeline confusing. knowing where you are in the story is kind of important to this series and yet they make sudden jumps in the last few episodes.
a lot of these concepts need more than 15 minutes to really work. it began showing in the 2nd episode, where it felt like it wrapped up a little too quickly. from there, it just seemed that they were rushing ideas and concepts. it really would benefit from an extra 5-10 minutes
i really think that the episode where yaddle finds out about count dooku is a bit unnecessary. really should have just shown how dooku fell to the dark side in the first place.
i see where anakin is coming from about teaching ahsoka how to protect herself and how the jedi tests aren't reflective of real life, but at the same time giving your padawan a concussion over and over again is not how you do it. plus the time jump in this one was probably one of the worst. i get what they're trying to do, but it's just. it's not connected enough.
that being said the animation is fucking gorgeous. we need more animated star wars content because the art and animation never miss, and because we need animation to be more respected.
i think learning more about count dooku is cool, but i want to see more of the other jedi. what about mace windu? kit fisto? plo koon? yaddle? etc? i need more.
i need to say this but the inquisitor that ahsoka fights sucks ass. he sliced the air once and then she chopped his head off. i get it but also this is ridiculous. clearly vader is desperate.
it is very much worth noting that the clone models in this are still whitewashed, which is a problem. it implies that representing polynesian features is not important, which is racist. disney and star wars needs to do better.
tl;dr, this show is fine. it's not the best. it needs to take time to develop its concepts and not just try to squeeze them into 15 minutes.
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