#YMCA and Telephone and Only Girl in the World and Beautiful Creatures and Real in Rio and Hot Wings and Applause and Guys Dont Like Me and
n3onstarss · 1 year
rottmnt boys x Winged person reader
Relationship; Rise Raph x reader, Rise Donnie x reader, Rise Leo x reader, Rise Mikey x reader (all separate ofc)
Romantic or platonic?; romantic
Reader type; G/N reader, reader has bird wings (type of bird not specified!)
It was a nice spring night, almost impossibly nice for early April. Yokai all over the hidden city had gathered at one of the largest and most beautiful gardens for a night of celebrating the warmer weather and coming summer, alongside the anniversary of the day yokai and humans' acceptance of each other into their societies. Although both groups still had a majority of their people staying where they were before, some yokai and some humans had moves into NYC and the Hidden City respectively.
Tonight, however, was not the time to reflect, as a young couple roamed the park. Hand in hand, a turtle and their winged lover strolled beneath the string lights and warm air, enjoying eachothers company and the night. Some people, both human and yokai, recognized the turtle as one of the mutants who made this all possible, with the defeat of the kraang and the societies integrations, but nobody dared bother the two when they looked so at peace and happy together.
The two approached a courtyard of sorts, lined with short brick walls and well lit. music grew louder as they approached, and both opted to dance.
Raph enjoyed strolling through the large park with you. the whole night you'd both been getting looks ranging from 'i want what they have' to 'IS THAT THE GUY WHO BEAT THE KRAANG??'
either way, you both opted to ignore them, continuing to move towards the music
by the time you two got there the song that had been playing had ended and a new one was about to begin
as the song began to play and as the song came to life with vocals and drums he quickly looked over to you
you were already rocking and swaying to the best, your wings and feathers fluttering and puffing in time with the beat
when the lyrics actually registered all that was said between you two was a quick "may I have this dance?" before you were immediately a whirlwind of movement
Raph was spinning and twirling and dipping you, entranced with how happy you seemed, and your wings would flare themselves or spread out straight behind you during fast spins
for a majority of the song you had kept your wings close to your body when you could, but at the second chorus or so you both split off to dance together but not together
your wings moved quickly and full of energy in time with the beats and your arms while you twisting and ducked and at one point even took off for a second with a especially powerful beat
the whole time Raph hadn't noticed he'd come to a stop, just watching how violent and stunning you were and how the lights filtered through your feathers only making you stand out more among the vivid colors and moving crowds
by the end of the song you were both exhausted and happy together, opting to sit out for a bit and just bask in eachothers company
The whole night he'd been more hunched in on himself than usual, trying to about the prying eyes of some people while also being angry at anybody who stared
In an attempt to bring him some relief from the staring you'd dragged him towards the courtyard, where nobody was paying attention to anybody else and everyone was dancing
by the time you two got there the song was starting, and coincidentally Donnie really liked the song. to the point where you two had danced to it before and choreographed some little dances for certain parts
a majority of the song was just spinning around each other in something that resembled more of a fight than a dance. at some points he'd gently grab your hands and pull you towards him, twisting his arms over your front so you were back to chest with him as you swayed
but after the lull in the song he decided it would be a good idea to just spin. he knew spinning was kinda your go-to when you didn't know what to do, and he didn't know what to do either
as he latched on and began to spin you both shared a wicked grin as you picked up speed and before long you both were a tornado of color in the middle of a circle the crowd had made to avoid getting hit
once the world was just colors and music and his face, you flung your wings open, flaring them in all their glory to catch the light before holding them close but still out behind you. before long they'd drifted to be parallel with your arms, encasing you both
when the song ended and you both stumbled giggling out everyone was either impressed or pissed, but quickly forgot that when the next song started. you both opted out though, needing a minute for your heads to stop spinning and a minute to yourselves
The whole night you'd both been getting looks, and he just basked in the attention, even if he didn't like some of the looks people gave the two of you
you definitely didn't like the stares, and tried to shrink in on yourself as much as possible
he noticed this early on and when he heard the music he knew what to do. he grabbed your hand and led you both to the music, where the song had just ended
And, of course, you both got lucky! a song you both enjoyed came on, and immediately he grabbed you by the hand and spun you both into a dance
the song was high energy, which was just what you'd needed to come out of your shell a little more. as the chorus came on you let go of eachothers hands to lean in and lip sync at each other before just continuing dancing
infact, the entire song was lip synced by you both, which eventually became singing. you both had listened to the song before and designated parts that you liked singing
as the final chorus approached you both split again and your wings were on full display as you spun and danced and flaunted them around
you both came back together just at the end for a final spin, your wings on full display and not a care in the world. the energy was higher than ever and you both were having the time of your lives out on the dancefloor!
when the song ended you both needed a minute and a drink, your laughter infectious for the crowd and anybody who passed you on your journey to the nearest vending machine
Tonight had been a lot so far. you two had sent plenty of death glares at people who hadn't minded their stares and were both annoyed.
and apparently you both needed a pick me up because you automatically drifted towards the music
as the song started it was ironic that they'd played a song you both liked, but neither of you could complain when it was plenty high energy and an excuse to go crazy
the entire song your wings were flared as you both circled each other and spun and danced and dipped. Mikey sang along for a majority of the song and occasionally you'd join him on the chorus
the energy was infectious as the crowd also began to have fun with it, but your wings cleared a path for you two that kept you both away from the crowd
your wings were gliding and dipping with the beat, completely independent of your arms, and whenever Mikey decided to dance face to face they'd wrap loosely around the two of you, close but never touching
before the second chorus was the first time he'd done this, intertwining your fingers and holding both your hands by your faces
during the part between the same chorus and the next one he'd gotten into the song, dancing and spinning almost independent from you, if it weren't for all the times he'd waltz away and come back for you to dip and twirl him
by the end of the song he was more winded than you were, his curse of using dance to express himself more than you did, and it led you both off to find a snack vendor for his blood sugar
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