jinxed-ninjago · 9 months
The thing about the second lava monster encounter in Master of the Mountain that gets me is it feels like a failed perception check. Like the entire season gives the vibes of the writers (and possibly voice actors) deciding to play D&D as Cole, Vania, and Wu then deciding to add Plundar, Fungus, and Korgran to the party later but dear lord, that scene gives the vibes of Kirby responding to Sabrina in character as Cole and whoever is the DM saying "roll for perception" and Kirby rolling a 1.
Like I literally feel like the writers and voice actors were playing a Ninjago themed campaign for the sake of Master of the Mountain having the vibes it does and they get to that point and have this exchange.
Sabrina, in character as Vania: Wait, Cole! The lava monster! What if it's still in the cave waiting for us?! Kirby, in character as Cole: What, just sitting there, staring at a wall? DM: Roll for perception. Kirby: SHIT.
Additionally I love the idea that they just went nuts with this because the shenanigans Wu, Vania, and Cole get into with the Upply feels like a D&D campaign.
Ian, in character as Fungus: Korgran, a little help. DM: Paul, roll for performance. Paul: ...it's a 1. DM: You run into the door, falling on the ground. Your axe falls to the ground with a clatter. Paul, in character as Wu: The door will only open for a those who are one with the Earth -- an Earth elemental. -- Adam Trask, in character as Plundar: I want to steal one of Cole's weapons while he's unconscious. DM: Roll for sleight of hand. Adam: It's a 10. DM: You successfully steal one of Cole's throwing stars while Cole's unconscious, but Fungus notices and tells you to return it when he introduces you to Cole. Adam: Damn. -- Kirby, in character as Cole: Well, we can't stop the Skull Sorcerer and save our friends trapped down here, can we?! DM: Kirby, roll for intimidation. Kirby: ...it's a 1. DM: You fail to at all intimidate Plundar, who gives you a half exasperated, half tired stare while Korgran watches you fight with Plundar with a mildly terrified expression.
Even the beginning of the season feels like failed or hilariously successful rolls.
Michael, in character as Jay: Direbats aren't a real thing! DM: Roll for history. Michael: ...1. DM: Immediately after saying direbats aren't a real thing, one picks you up and takes you off the Destiny's Bounty. -- Kirby: I'd like to persuade the Geckles and Munce to start a truce so we can get out of the mines. DM: Roll for persuasion. Kirby: It's a 4. DM: You manage to persuade the first few Geckles to meet for a peaceful truce meeting, but due to a game of broken telephone, a fight breaks out. Lloyd had the same amount of luck with the Munce. Kirby: Dammit. -- Vincent, in character as Kai: We aren't skeletons! DM: Roll a persuasion check. Vincent: 5? DM: The Geckles aren't convinced, referring to you as "fleshy skeletons" despite your clarifications. They decide to take you to their leader just to be sure. *later* DM: After discovering you are not, in fact, skeletons, the Geckles decide to make Kai their new chancellor to make up for their transgressions. Vincent and Brent, in unison: Wait what -- Kelly, in character as Nya: I fight Murtessa over Jay. *Kelly proceeds to ace all her skill checks* DM: You manage to knock down Murtessa, triggering an old Munce rite of ritual. You are now queen of the Munce. Kelly, Sam, and Michael in unison: WHAT?
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