dodomingo · 2 years
I know everyone hates Reaper's Runners but I think the only worse part of SoT is the Official Discord Moderators lmao
correction: """"'Rare Community Managers""""""
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feralbangtan · 7 years
Girl Meets Evil (M)
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Member: Kim Seokjin (BTS) Genre: Angst/Smut/Mystery Warning: Slight gore and blood mentions AU: Demon!Jin Word count: 5.7k Playlist: Boy Meets Evil - We Don’t Talk Anymore - Monster - Last Dance Tagging: @cyquerslut (bc she my hoe) and @boldsuga (for beta-ing this fic)
Y/N had always lived a normal life, with a nine to five job, a few friends, her family and an occasional romance or two. She lived comfortably in her home despite it being mostly empty because after years of living there, it just didn’t feel like home anymore, she had started to move to the country side and everything seemed alright, it was a new start that she was ready for, even if it meant changing jobs and finally buying a new car she could rely on more than her current one, which was ever so slowly dying every day. It took her a few weeks, but she had finally moved completely into her new home, it felt like a breath of fresh air, but the house was rather old, it was something she could look past however, it was beautiful with its high ceilings, stained glass windows in the stairwell to the upstairs area, the wood floors that had recently been polished and fixed, but especially the chandeliers that hung proudly from the ceiling in both the living room and the dining room, it was absolutely breath taking. There was nothing that Y/N could complain about, it was beautifully decorated and quite cheap despite all the recent repairs and upgrades.
Her new neighbors had greeted her the second week of her living there, they were kind to her, but had some odd warnings that they gave her. Such as, don’t go in the basement at night, don’t leave your bedroom door open at night, put salt around your bed if you must sleep with the door open, all sorts of weird things, she took their words with a grain of salt considering that she didn’t know these two people, and their warnings could mean nothing. Everything they said just didn’t quite make sense to her, but she just shrugged it off, at least until weird things started happening around the house.
It all started on Tuesday morning, she had been awoken by the strong smell of sulfur in her room, she ended up opening the windows in her room to get the smell out, but it didn’t help. She went downstairs to eat her breakfast, but while she made her toast and coffee the coffee machine suddenly shorted out, with the short, the clock on the machine read 6:66, but she didn’t think clocks could do that, seeing as 6’s never appear in the second digit on a clock, it was mysterious, but she didn’t think much of it. Her toast was completely fine however, so she got it out of the toaster and put butter and jam on the slices and went to pour her coffee, which she hoped would be okay. The weird things continued throughout the day, everything was unusual, including when she was watching TV and it repeatedly turned off while she tried to watch her shows to her sink just running water out of nowhere and then turning off when she looked to see if anything was there. Whatever it was, it liked to play games. All of this continued until Thursday, which was laundry day, and of course it being night time, the warning that her neighbors had given her about being downstairs at night was scaring her, she just wanted to put everything in the washer and run back upstairs as quickly as possible, but that didn’t go as planned. The quickly throwing her clothes in the washer did, but running upstairs didn’t, something on the floor caught her eye. She walked over to what she saw peeking out from under one of the carpets that had accumulated in the basement, she flipped it up to find a rather large pentagram on the concrete floor, it was so confusing to her, why was it there in the first place?
She shrugged it off again and returned to her laundry, since she had to get things out of the dryer from earlier, but then she heard a noise to her right, so she looked over, seeing that one of her bottles of laundry detergent had fallen from the shelf, but what caught her eye even more was the pair of glowing red eyes in the back corner of the room. She needed to grab something, because at this point she was too scared to go back upstairs. She found a metal bat behind the washer and grabbed it quickly as the red eyes came closer to her. She had the bat ready, she was nearly frozen in fear, but she had a will to beat the shit out of whatever the fuck that thing was.
Out of the darkness, there came a man, completely nude, with sharp fingernails, jagged sharp teeth that pointed out of his mouth slightly, a long black tail that had a blue flame at the end of it, and curled horns attached to his head. He had a smirk on his face, amused with the girl with the bat, who was trembling in fear of what he could possibly do. He stopped a few feet in front of her, staring at her, his smirk getting bigger, until it turned into a smile and a burst of maniacal laughter, further confusing the girl.
“If you think that little old bat can hurt me, you are wrong honey.” The nude man said at the end of his laugh.
She looked at him, then to the bat, then back to him. She didn’t listen to his words, and struck him in the head with the bat and started running up the stairs while the odd man laughed about the hit to the head. She shut the door behind her and locked it, assuming it would stop him from coming upstairs, just as she starts walking away with her eyes closed she runs into something, or should she say someone.
“Boo.” The man said.
Y/N started trying to go backwards as quickly as possible, but ended up falling on to her ass as the man watched her. “W-who are you?”
“Glad you asked, I’m Seokjin, you can call me Jin though.” He said confidently.
“Okay, and uh… what the fuck are you?” She asked, fear nearly taking over her.
“Are humans really this stupid,” he sighed. “I’m a demon jackass.”
Y/N stood up quickly, and started running towards the backdoor. She made it outside and at least a few hundred feet away from the house, where she thought she would be fine, but she was oh so wrong.
“Did you really think running away from me was going to help you, because if you did, you’re just really dumb about demons.” He said with a click of his tongue.
“Fine, what do you want?” She asked, crossing her arms at the very naked man.
“Well first, you need to stop being rude. Second, what’s your name, and third, no, I’m not going to hurt you.” He said.
“My name is Y/N, and you better not hurt me, I’ll have to start swinging again.” She said.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, well uh, my job title isn’t to hurt the humans that live in that house, it’s my job to keep them in the house actually, as in, protect you. I know sounds weird for a demon to be a protector, but that’s just how it works.” He said as he awkwardly rubbed his head where he had been struck by a bat not too long ago.
“Excuse me… what?” She asked.
“You heard me, I know I look scary, but I’m really not here to hurt you, just trust me.” He said.
“Trust a demon? That sounds like some Bible bullshit that gets someone killed, no thank you, I’m crazy, good night hobo that lives in my basement.” She said as she turned around to start walking back to the house.
There was a loud sigh and a flash of light, Jin was now in front of Y/N again and he stopped her dead in her tracks, picked her up and put her over his shoulders. She pounded on his back as hard as she could, begging for him to put her down as he took both back to her house. When they re-entered the house Jin put her down on the island in the kitchen and put his hands on her legs.
“Listen here kid, you’re not crazy, I exist, I’m not some weird hobo that lives in your basement,” he started. “I’m just here for your protection, and plus there’s a portal to hell in your house and I’m pretty sure you’d rather have me protect you from all of the damned souls in hell coming through your house, granted there was a slip up on my end on Tuesday, but that’s beside the point here.”
“Slip up? Is that why my clock got fucked up, my TV kept turning off and my sink running until I looked?” She asked.
“Two of those were me. The coffee clock and the sink were me, I wanted attention. The TV on the other hand, that was my friend Jungkook, he was bored and wanted to mess around, that’s where I messed up, I let him come here.” He said with a sigh.
“Attention, you think scaring the living shit out of me, is a way to get my attention?” She asked angrily.
“Well it worked, didn’t it?” He said with a chuckle.
She groaned at his ways of getting attention and pushed his hands off her so she could get off. She completely ignored Jin as she walked upstairs and into her bedroom.
“I know you’re going to bed, so goodnight Y/N!” Jin yelled from downstairs.
A loud groan came from upstairs, “Goodnight Jin… and put on some god damn clothes for fucks sake.”
Jin was highly confused as to what meant since he had no clue what the fuck they were in the first place. The meeting of his new human to protect didn’t go as planned, but it made sense since humans are basically perpetually afraid of demons, thinking they all do harm, but Jin was the exact opposite of that, he couldn’t hurt humans, he was too kind to do that.
The next morning when Y/N woke up, she found Jin lying next to her in bed and all she could do was scream and jump out of her bed. “What the fuck are you doing in my bed!”
“Well good morning to you too sunshine.” He joked.
“Jin you can’t just do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” She said trying to catch her breath.
“Oh no, did I hurt you, are you okay?” He asked in a concerned tone.
“I’m fine, your just scared me is all.” She said looking at the man resting his head on his hand while he looked at her.
“I’m glad you’re okay. Oh yeah, you never finished your thing last night, so I grabbed the rest of that soft stuff in that weird machine and brought them upstairs for you.” He said with a smile.
“You grabbed my laundry?” She asked.
“I guess, I don’t really know what that is, but I’m assuming what you asked is correct.” He said.
Y/N sat back down on the bed to continue talking to Jin. “Who’s the stupid one now?”
“Oh, come on, are you really going to put that on me now, I’m a demon, my other humans always left when I revealed myself, so I know nothing about these human things.” He explained with a slight pout on his puffy lips.
“Does that mean I have to teach you everything?” She asked.
“Well at least stuff that can be useful.” He said with a confused tone.
“Oh jeez.” She said with a sigh.
Jin got out of bed and put his hands on his hips, “I am your protector, teach me your human ways!”
“Jin, clothes!” She exclaimed after realizing that Jin was still completely nude.
“What are clothes?” He asked sincerely.
“You see these things around my body that cover me, these are clothes.” She said.
“Oh… I understand, I was confused as to why you weren’t like I was.” He said.
She sighed. “I think I have clothes left from my friend Taehyung, since I stole them from him a while ago; I hope they’ll fit you.” She said.
“You have clothes for me?” He asked.
“Technically yes.” She said as she walked over to her wardrobe.
With the doors open Jin could hear echoes of loud screaming coming from there, he ran over quickly and looked at the wardrobe as Y/N pulled clothes for him out of it, but the echoes of screaming still emitted. He guessed there was another portal to hell in the wardrobe and that scared him, he didn’t want her in there much longer because of the fear that he had that a damned soul would come out and try to get her. He got distracted for a second while looking at the wardrobe, seeing photos of her and her friends all on the mirror side of the wardrobe, he looked shocked when he saw someone who looked like Jungkook in one of the photos.
“Hey Y/N, who’s this?” He asked pointing to the photo of the man who looked like Jungkook.
“Oh uhm, that was my late-boyfriend Jungkook, he died two years ago in a car accident upon impact along with my friend Jimin, but Taehyung survived the accident, he has severe survivors guilt because of the whole ordeal.” She answered him before shutting the wardrobe.
“That’s funny, because I know a Jimin and a Jungkook, but you know about the Jungkook since I brought him up, do you think they’re the same ones?” He asked.
“Maybe, I wouldn’t know, I haven’t seen them, so there’s no telling.” She said as she started pushing clothes towards him.
“I can probably let them come here, assuming I controlled them a bit to keep them in one area.” He said.
“You don’t have to, it might hurt me a bit too much to see Jungkook again, assuming it’s the same one.” She said.
“What’s the harm in seeing him again?” He asked.
“I don’t love him anymore, I’ve moved on from him, I forced myself to, I needed to, I didn’t want to stay sad forever because of what happened.” She said.
“Just one more time won’t hurt, you can say your final words to him like you probably wished you could when it he died, it could bring you closure.” He suggested.
“I suppose, but please get dressed first, I don’t need to see your dick all the time.” She said with a sigh.
He smiled and tried to figure out how he was supposed to put them on, but Y/N had to give him instructions on how to put the clothes on, and when he was finished he felt a little bit more comfortable than before. He sighed as he walked over to the wardrobe and did incantations in Latin to bring Jungkook and Jimin into the human world, and with a flash there they were. Both naked, but there.
“Oh my god, Y/N.” Jungkook said in shock.
The boy ran to her and brought her into an embrace. He was happy to see her again.
“Hi Jungkook, hello Jimin.” She said.
“You have no idea how much I missed you, I never stopped thinking about you, Jimin has to shut me up about you while we’re in hell because of how much I talk about you.” Jungkook spilled out.
“Jungkook, sweetie, slow down. I missed you too, I really did, I’m happy to see you.” She said with a smile.
“Did you miss me too?” Jimin asked.
“Of course, I did Jimin, how can I not miss you, you were my best friend.” She said.
Jimin smiled the smile that she knew, hardly anything had changed since she had last saw him.
“Now if you too would both slow down for like two seconds, I can get out what I need to say,” she started looking at the two boys in front of her. “Jungkook, I’m sorry that I didn’t get to say goodbye to you when you left the world, and I’m sorry that you had to die, you didn’t deserve it, and neither did Jimin. Tae and I miss you both, Tae a bit more since he’s still dealing with the survivor’s guilt, but I love you both, and I hope you two can stay safe and keep each other happy.”
Jungkook and Jimin both had tears in their eyes as Y/N kissed both of their heads and let Jin take them back through the portal, she had tears streaming down her face as they went back, but she was happy to finally say goodbye the right way. Jin stood there for a moment before bringing her into a hug, letting her cry into his chest for a moment before she finally calmed down and wrapped her arms around Jin’s waist to return the hug.
“Are you okay now?” He asked.
“I’m great now.” She said with a smile on her face.
A month passed by, Jin had learned quite a bit since then, he learned how to do laundry, how to cook (and found he was quite good at it), he learned how to read a book that was a lot harder than the weird children’s books he had been reading in the basement, but most importantly, he learned how to wear clothes the right way and what order to put things on in. He knew basic stuff, he also learned a lot about Y/N, who he didn’t think would she would open herself up to. When she told him that her friend Taehyung was coming over he got a bit jealous, since he was so used to her attention constantly being on him, and he knew he was going to raise hell, he’d just shift into cat form and raise hell that way. When Taehyung arrived Y/N greeted him and let him inside, and Tae being an easily impressed boy, marveled at the house decorations and how nice everything was. Jin was standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at Tae with daggers piercing through the boy as he stared. When they moved to the living room Jin decided it was time. He shifted into a black cat with sleek fur and beautifully green eyes, so as he pranced down the stairs and into Y/N’s lap, he seemed proud of himself. Y/N knew exactly what Jin was doing, and she didn’t quite appreciate it, she picked him up and looked at him.
“Jin you better behave.” She said in a stern voice.
All Jin did was meow back at her and Taehyung looked excited.
“You got a cat and you didn’t tell me!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah, I did, but uh, I wouldn’t recommend petting him, he’s a possessive little shit and only likes my attention.” She said, scratching behind Jin’s cat ears.
“Aw that sucks, I wanted to pet him and give him love.” Taehyung said, pouting out his bottom lip.
“Maybe one day Tae, just not today.” She said with a sigh.
Jin did anything but behave. He scratched at Taehyung’s shoes and feet, he knocked over Taehyung’s glass on more than one occasion, but what finally did it, Jin bit Taehyung’s hand when he made the terrible decision to try to pet him despite Y/N’s warning. Taehyung left in a hurry to get to the doctor after that, and as soon as he left Jin took his normal form and looked at Y/N.
“Jin, why do you do this, I just wanted to hang out with Taehyung, he’s not going to hurt me.” Y/N asked with a long sigh following.
“I don’t care. I’m jealous when you give other people attention, I can’t help it okay.” He said.
“You’re jealous?” She asked.
“Yes, I’m jealous, it’s just how I am and because of the feelings I have for you.” He said.
“Jin, are you trying to convey that you like me?” She asked rhetorically.
Jin only nodded at her and all she could do was sigh. She walked over to the boy and grabbed his chin, he looked confused, but he soon figured out what she was doing. She pressed her lips lightly on to his, giving him a soft kiss, before she could pull away, Jin wrapped his arms around her neck and deepened the kiss, he felt his body heat up, he’s had this feeling before, but never this extreme. He wasn’t sure where any of this was going, but he knew everything thing that he was feeling was intense and it was all going down to his cock, that was eager to please that moment.
The two moved to the black leather couch in the living room, Y/N straddling Jin’s lap. She started grinding her hips into Jin’s very apparent bulge in his sweatpants, the friction between the two was delicious and left Jin breathless. Jin ran his hands up Y/N’s side to get to her breasts. He put both hands on each breast and lightly squeezed at them to get a reaction out of her, and which he did. He got a muffled moan out of her and he couldn’t help but to eat up the noise she made. Jin wanted to feel everything and not just her clothed breasts, he slid his hands under her shirt and ripped it over her head, to discover Y/N wasn’t wearing a bra, her nipples were hardened, completely aroused by Jin’s touch, he couldn’t help but to roll one of them in his fingers, causing more moans to leak out of Y/N’s mouth. She had, had enough of Jin being completely clothed, which seemed odd since she had spent so much time trying to just get him to wear them in the first place, but it didn’t change that she wanted him naked and she wanted it now, she tugged at the bottom of his shirt and he helped her get it over his head. She roughly placed a kiss on his swollen lips and moved south, kissing his neck and torso, leaving hickies down his stomach to the waist band of his sweatpants. She yanked down the pants and boxer briefs that Jin was wearing, watching his cock slap against his stomach with a thud. She grabbed his cock and started stroking it slowly and listen to the soft moans coming from Jin’s mouth. Y/N lowered her head down and licked the vein on the underside of his cock, from base to tip before leading his cock into her mouth and sucking on the tip before taking his cock completely in her mouth, hollowing out her cheeks, sucking his dick and trying to swallow him down without gagging too much on the thickness of cock. Jin’s fingers tangled themselves into Y/N’s hair as she sucked the life out of him through his cock. She continued her ministrations until Jin had to push her head up before he came down her throat. He spent absolutely no time flipping her over and ripping her shorts and panties off her, he wanted to destroy her in the best way possible. He ran the tip of his dick over her wet folds, enjoying the feeling of his dick finally getting the attention it needed
“You’re so wet, and it’s all for me, isn’t that just wonderful.”
He gripped her hip with one hand, and lead his cock to her dripping slit with the other. He slid in slowly, torturing Y/N’s senses, he hadn’t done anything yet and she was still clenching around him. When he was finally all the way inside he smirked and slowly pulled out, just so his tip was the only thing inside her, and her whimpering was music to his ears. He slammed himself back into her, putting his other hand on her hip, he gripped hard to her and set a brutal pace. The sounds of slapping skin echoed through the room, along with the delicious sounds of Y/N’s moans. She had a familiar pit in her stomach, she was getting close to her climax, she couldn’t even think straight with him pounding into her.
“J-Jin I’m gonna cum.” She moaned out.
“You better ask to cum, or you’re going to get punished.” He warned.
Y/N couldn’t keep her moans inside her anymore, with every caress of Jin’s cock against her g- spot she could feel herself getting closer.
“Jin can I cum please?” She begged through a moan.
“Hmm, since you asked so nicely, you may.” Jin said with a smirk.
His hips went faster, slamming into her more frequently, the pace change brought Y/N to her climax, her walls clenching down around Jin, he continued his pace through her orgasm, chasing after his own. After a few more thrusts of his brutal pace he shot his load inside of her, it filled her up deliciously and afterwards Jin collapsed on top of her, smiling at her.
“That was…” Y/N said breathlessly.
“Fantastic.” Jin finished.
“Yeah.” Y/N said with a laugh.
The two looked at each other, smiles plastered to their faces, they were both happy with what they had done.
“So, what are we now?” Jin asked, placing his head on Y/N’s chest.
“Whatever you wanna be Jin.” She said, softly running her fingers through his sweaty hair.
“Be with me?” He asked, perking his head up a bit.
“Of course.” She said, pressing a kiss into his head.
Eventually the two fell asleep on the couch, Y/N’s heartbeat lulling Jin to sleep, and Jin’s breathing comforting Y/N enough for her eyes to flutter shut.
Months went by with Y/N and Jin together as a couple, it was quite an interesting pair, a demon and a human, it didn’t seem quite right, but it worked so well. They cared so much for each other it was almost unreal, but they enjoyed every moment of it, making it seem like it was their last day together every day. Jin still had one question remaining in his mind, and it was if Y/N wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, but not in the way someone would think. Sure, he wanted to marry her, but what he wanted, he wanted to turn her into a demon, so it could be forever. He was sure she’d say yes, she was happy with Jin, even with his very odd Mario obsession. He wanted this so bad, he just didn’t know how to bring it up to her. That was until he set up a picnic in their back yard so they could watch the stars together and so he can ask her his main question. He was finally ready to ask and had a pretty good way of doing it too.
The two sat under the stars, pointing out the constellations in the sky and sipping on red wine, enjoying each other’s as time passed. Now Jin was ready to ask her, it was now or never.
“Hey Y/N, you know how I’m a demon right?” He asked.
“Well yeah, I can’t really forget that, why?” She replied.
“I was wondering if maybe, you’d want to become a demon with me, so we can be together, forever.” He said hopefully.
“Jin… I don’t know. I don’t want to leave life on Earth, I love you, I really do, like more than I ever loved Jungkook, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to just jump into being a demon.” She explained.
“We don’t have to leave Earth life, you can be a demon and still live on Earth, I mean look at me.” He said.
“If that’s the case… I suppose, but how would that work?” She asked.
“It’s not as hard as it sounds, but essentially, I bite myself and have you drink from me, since you know, demon blood, and then I bite you, but it has to be on a pentagram and somewhere safe, since it’s kind of well… a little dangerous.” He said.
“Well I know where a pentagram is, but is it safe down there, in the basement?” She asked.
“It’s probably the safest place we could do it honestly.” He said.
“Okay, then when do you want to do it, I’m okay with whenever.” She said, peering into his brown eyes.
“We can do it now, if you want.” He said.
She just nodded and the two went back inside and into the basement, which didn’t seem so scary now that she knew what was going on. When they got downstairs Jin had her stand in the pentagram that had been hidden away under the carpets. Jin looked at her, asking if she was ready, all she could do was nod, and he smiled. Jin rolled up his sleeve, and bit into his skin, his sharp teeth penetrating his veins and his blood slowly dripping down his arm. He brought his arm to Y/N’s mouth, allowing her to drink it. It went down her throat slowly, it was warm and tasted the way sulfur smelled, it was awful, but she had to go through it. When she had enough, Jin took his arm away from her and licked the excess blood off his arm and walked directly to Y/N and sunk her teeth into shoulder, she screamed out in pain, but when he released her, the teeth marks in her shoulder were in a perfect circle, Jin smiled, taking one of his sharp nails and dragging it into her skin, creating the star, making it into a complete pentagram and then let the blood on his finger nail drip on to the floor around her. After the blood circled her in, she collapsed. Jin knew she would be out for at least a few minutes, this wasn’t the first time he had done this, in fact it was the fifth time he’d done it, not all for the same reason, this was the only time he’d done it for love and not for someone who was greedy. Y/N was out for 20 minutes, and when she woke up, she began changing. She had begun growing horns, her finger nails had gotten longer and pointer, she had grown a tail, but with a purple flame on the end, and the final thing that changed was her eyes, the glowed red for a moment and went back to normal, Jin smirked, it had worked completely and he was proud of himself.
“Now we can be together forever.” Jin said, helping Y/N up off the floor.
Y/N smiled at Jin and hugged him, she was the happiest she could have been, everything now seemed right with the world. They went back outside to look at the stars again, but before they could even get outside, they ended up being taken somewhere else. It was dark and cold, it almost seemed like it was some type of prison.
“God damnit, why does he do this?” Jin groaned.
“Who, what?” Y/N asked in a confused tone.
“Well, looks like we’re going to go see my brother.” He said with a sigh, grabbing on to Y/N’s hand to bring her with him.
It took them five minutes to get to where they were going, and there he was, Jin’s brother, nude like everyone else. Jin let go of Y/N’s hand and stormed to his brother.
“What do you want now Namjoon?” Jin asked.
“Well, first, you’re stupid, second you finally tied yourself down, and third, you haven’t been doing your job, your highness.” The man named Namjoon listed.
“Your highness?” Y/N asked.
“He’s the king of hell.” Namjoon said bluntly.
“I forgot to mention it.” Jin said.
“Huh… hot.” Y/N said.
“What do you think dad is gonna say about you turning her into a demon and being with her?” Namjoon asked.
“Well, considering he was the one that sent me to her, pretty damn happy.” Jin said.
“Wait what?” Namjoon asked.
“She moved into the old house. Dad told me to protect her from everything that could happen to her, help her with closure, I’d say I did my job pretty well.” Jin said happily.
“Sorry, but your old house?” Y/N questioned.
“It was a long time ago, but that’s beside the point, I was supposed to protect you and that’s exactly what I did.”
“Were you supposed to fall in love?” Namjoon asked.
“He didn’t say anything about not falling in love with her, but you better be nice to her since she’s gonna be the queen of hell.” Jin warned Namjoon.
“I suppose I can be nice. Speaking of being the queen, when the hell is there going to be a wedding for you two?” Namjoon asked.
“Whenever I feel like it.” Jin said crossing his arms dramatically.
“Why do I love this dork?” Y/N asked with a giggle.
“I suppose I can’t stop you two.” Namjoon said with a sigh.
“Nope, you can’t, now leave so I can talk to Y/N since this wasn’t the plan.” Jin said, shooing Namjoon out the door.
Namjoon just shook his head and walked out, mumbling about something being wrong with the pit that was in the center of this world.
“So, uh, welcome to hell. I’m pretty sure my dad won’t let us go back to Earth, I know that’s what you wanted and I’m sorry.” Jin said, awkwardly scratching the nape of his neck.
“Jin, baby. Listen to me. It’s okay, I’m okay with this… my king.” Y/N said with a smirk.
Jin could only smirk at the girl. “Whatever you say my queen.”
A week later the two got married, and enjoyed everything about it. So now here they sit, together on Jin’s throne, while he watches over hell, the two had completely forgotten about life on Earth. Y/N had decided hell was so much better, and loved watching and ruling it with the love of her life at her side.
“Breaking news: Y/N L/N, age 25, is still missing, if you’ve seen her, please call your local police. Y/N L/N, missing since June of last year.”
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