ur-fav-architect · 2 years
2li mortabet biha diaa wakhdha tadiii3 wat wala bet7bha begad wkedaa
m3tsh fe waqt ndy3o y anon ad3elna bs rbna ytmha ala kher 😭❤️
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welcometomymaddness · 2 years
YouTubers’ Hero Academia — The Irish Lads #5
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<]The final Lad. I don’t know why I made Nogla have the most links to his channel but here we are. It might be to do with how similar a bunch of the images would look to my brain. Guess what? Made using naepyonnn’s bnha student maker!}>
His quirk is Glutton.
A specific version gigantification quirks. The more he eats, the more he grows. A side effect of the quirk is that he constantly has an appetite since a lot of energy is used in making him grow. People aren’t sure if Daithi is naturally over 6’ or if his height is due to his quirk.
Wants to be a hero for the fame and recognition from others.
Friends with Brian from before hero school.
Brian and Daithi have each others’ backs to the end, despite ragging on one another a lot; they’re arguably closer than Daniel & Kevin. Their little squad were the ones who gave him his nickname, Nogla, which he now uses more often than his real name. Their group all wanted to be heroes for fame, money, shits & giggles, etc.
Doesn’t think before he speaks, often leading to confrontations and unfavourable situations — in other words, he’s been diagnosed with foot-in-mouth disease and it’s terminal.
His mouth says things before his brain can process his thoughts. His slurred speech isn’t a great help. It makes him hard to decipher and makes it seem as though he says things he really didn’t.
Kind but still prone to bursts of rage.
He gets frustrated when people don’t understand what he’s saying, whether he’s saying it or not. He is also easy to wind up, a fact duly noted by his friends.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 2/5
Technique: 1/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Cooperativeness: 3/5
Nogla, as he asks to be called, is a wonder to behold. How he isn’t dead yet — either from his pure lack of technique or from his constant fights with peers — is one of the things keeping me up at night. The best theory I have is that his friends in the third year are protecting him without his knowledge.
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welcometomymaddness · 2 years
YouTubers’ Hero Academia — The Irish Lads #4
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<{Used naepyonnn’s bnha student maker wip to make this. Don’t know which side of his avatar’s face the metal is on but this is the only side I could put it on.}>
His quirk gives him immensely strong bones made out of some kind of metal.
His bones take longer to heal than normal bones, but damaging them is more difficult. His bones have a higher specific heat capacity than every other body part and are thermal conductors. Any scars he gets reveal his bones to some degree, making him look like a cyborg or android to some.
Wants to be a hero to legally beat people up.
He is naturally aggressive and enjoys fighting, especially to blow off steam.
Very observant + amazing memory = undercover hero in the making.
He isn’t too thrilled at this since it likely means he will have to control his temper. The pay did begin to sway him.
Standoffish but heavily involved in group shenanigans when he’s around.
He’s the most likely Lad to be off doing his own thing or hanging with others ( in Brian’s case, the Banana Bus Squad ).
The “eldest child” of the Lads.
He can be the most responsible and level-headed or he can be the most brash and self-serving.
Power: 3/5
Speed: 2/5
Technique: 3/5
Intelligence: 6/5
Cooperativeness: 4/5
Despite being in detention near enough every day and general rowdy behaviour, Brian puts commendable effort into his training. To make up for his quirk’s limited range of usefulness, he is insistent on the use of weapons; a friend of his in the support course is making sunglasses to help with his aim as well as data gathering.
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welcometomymaddness · 2 years
YouTubers’ Hero Academia — The Irish Lads #2
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<{Made with naepyonnn’s student maker wip. Not saying his hair would change. It’s the closest I could do.}>
His quirk is Empathy. He can sense others’ emotions.
He has tried to get this clearly support-style quirk to do damage of its own to no avail. He cannot alter others’ emotions via his quirk.
He wants to be a hero for the feeling of power and superiority he gets from beating opponents, both literally and figuratively.
He can be a sadistic bastard if worked up enough. He’s a really good manipulator and is training to use weapons more proficiently.
Knew Kevin from before hero school.
He knows how dangerous Kevin can be. He knows it probably isn’t a good thing when Kevin gets excited. He would never admit it, but he’s the slightest bit afraid of Kevin.
Closest thing the Lads have to a leader.
When needed, he’s able to rally them together and organise them well.
Tries to be classy and sophisticated where possible.
Very cultured — lots of interesting conversations to be had with him. He can usually match Kevin’s chaotic energy but in a more finessed form. At times Dan is reduced to exasperated parent mode by Kevin’s or the Lads’ actions.
Power: 1/5
Speed: 1/5
Technique: 4/5
Intelligence: 5/5
Cooperativeness: 3/5
Daniel is proving to be a competent fighter, however his bloodthirstiness is a concern. His willingness for teammates is surprising as he will even request them from time to time. He does call them “assistance”, though...
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welcometomymaddness · 2 years
YouTubers’ Hero Academia — The Irish Lads #1
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<{Made with naepyonnn’s bnha student maker. Get used to seeing this credit. If anything comes about not using it I’ll take the pic down.}>
His quirk, Discord, effectively gives him a new quirk every day.
Includes all possible types ( mutant, transformation, emitter, even stockpiling variants ) and the possibility of repeats. It resets at midnight in the timezone he’s in.
He’s a hero-in-training to cause a bit of legally endorsed anarchy.
Really he’s more of an antihero. Does get whatever he’s sent out for done, just with more destruction than needed. Pro-heroes saw his charges and collectively went “we should make sure he’s on our side”; they are regretting this after seeing his influence over his fan base. This is still the lesser of two evils.
Absent from lessons a fair bit.
Along with general health issues, he can tell what a quirk would be able to do if it had more training but — since he has not had that level of training with it — he ends up injuring himself through overexertion or recklessness.
His hair gives him devil horns when he’s about to do something chaotic.
They’re always there to some degree, they just get more pronounced and obvious.
At a first glance he seems friendly, if a bit shy; get to know him more or just share a class with him and you’ll see he is a great danger to himself, let alone wider society.
Still the quietest of the Lads when they’re together though. If he’s silent for too long he’s doing something dangerous, especially if Seán goes quiet too or starts stifling laughter.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 1/5
Technique: 4/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Cooperativeness: 2/5
While Kevin does show promising potential, he is limited by his detrimental lack of self-preservation. It is already costing him his health. Let’s hope he learns before the cost becomes too great.
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welcometomymaddness · 2 years
The dork took my name and karma played its course. Let’s get that good luck phrase back:
I’m gonna lobotomise you with a mechanical pencil :)
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