ytacademy · 1 year
Chase Info Post
(alchohol & suicide contents)
1 of 3. Do you wanna guess whether this affected him well?
Strong drive to never show his “weakness” to others.
Covers with smiles and jokes 25/9. Only lets himself “break” in front of Jack’s grave or Henrik. If he does around Stacy & Grayson’s memorial, he leaves immediately.
Has a drinking habit.
Whiskey. Likes the smell more than anything but the numbness doesn’t hurt.
Attempted suicide following Stacy & Grayson’s deaths.
He was 20 years old. Mostly healed save for slight scarring and being blind in his left eye.
Hates, hates, hates Antony.
Like a lot of people, he blames Antony for Jack’s death. Chase also blames him for his wife & child’s deaths. Calls him “glitch bitch” as a way to somehow feel stronger than him; Antony hates the name.
Of his family, he likes Henrik the most.
He’s in contact with this brothers but emotionally keeps them at an arm’s length. He used to like playing basketball with them when they were younger.
He lived with Henrik during his healing & recovery, allowing him to learn about his recluse of a brother. He grew to care about him. Chase saw many similarities they shared and wanted to help him.
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welcometomymaddness · 2 years
YouTubers’ Hero Academia — The Irish Lads #5
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<]The final Lad. I don’t know why I made Nogla have the most links to his channel but here we are. It might be to do with how similar a bunch of the images would look to my brain. Guess what? Made using naepyonnn’s bnha student maker!}>
His quirk is Glutton.
A specific version gigantification quirks. The more he eats, the more he grows. A side effect of the quirk is that he constantly has an appetite since a lot of energy is used in making him grow. People aren’t sure if Daithi is naturally over 6’ or if his height is due to his quirk.
Wants to be a hero for the fame and recognition from others.
Friends with Brian from before hero school.
Brian and Daithi have each others’ backs to the end, despite ragging on one another a lot; they’re arguably closer than Daniel & Kevin. Their little squad were the ones who gave him his nickname, Nogla, which he now uses more often than his real name. Their group all wanted to be heroes for fame, money, shits & giggles, etc.
Doesn’t think before he speaks, often leading to confrontations and unfavourable situations — in other words, he’s been diagnosed with foot-in-mouth disease and it’s terminal.
His mouth says things before his brain can process his thoughts. His slurred speech isn’t a great help. It makes him hard to decipher and makes it seem as though he says things he really didn’t.
Kind but still prone to bursts of rage.
He gets frustrated when people don’t understand what he’s saying, whether he’s saying it or not. He is also easy to wind up, a fact duly noted by his friends.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 2/5
Technique: 1/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Cooperativeness: 3/5
Nogla, as he asks to be called, is a wonder to behold. How he isn’t dead yet — either from his pure lack of technique or from his constant fights with peers — is one of the things keeping me up at night. The best theory I have is that his friends in the third year are protecting him without his knowledge.
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roboticdragons · 7 years
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Welp, I should be working on Forase, but have these new fantasy-based OCs instead! I created them while on a holiday where I had no internet, so I’ve thought up a bit of info about them. They won’t be in any comic (I might occasionally write or draw things about them), but I’ve taken to calling this ‘thing’ ‘Forbidden Arts and Flower Carts’. Info about them under the cut:
Firstly, Hia, who, if this had a main storyline and comic, would be the main character. She’s 20 (I’m not good at drawing adults so she looks waaay too young, I really need to fix that aspect of her design), and she’s half-human half-fire sprite. When she was 16 years old the volcano she lived in with the fire sprite side of her family was attacked by a sorcerer. The sorcerer was hired to destroy the fire-sprites living there in the hopes that it would stop the frequent eruptions. Most of the inhabitants were killed, and Hia lost her left leg. She knows others survived the attack, but since then she’s made a new living and would prefer to just keep doing what she’s doing. She makes a living through the sale of magical, healing, or just normal flowers and herbs. She sells these from a cart that she rides from village to village. There’s also a small hut near a forest that she found abandoned. Here she grows the plants and keeps the items that are too heavy to keep on the cart (she also knows some of the forest’s inhabitants but I’ll talk about that in another post). She has an interest in witchcraft despite the fact that witchcraft is kind of in the grey area of the law. She tends to lose her focus easily and lets things go way too easily, which has led to her being badly treated by a few customers. Luckily Cheese can sense when she’s giving in too easily and give her a hand.
Cheese is a unicorn Hia found shortly after she got her prosthetic fixed. She was lying in the woods with no memory of who she is or where she came from. Hia named her Cheese for obvious reasons (Cheese doesn’t know how to feel about that name). She pull’s Hia’s cart, and can telepathically communicate with Hia. In terms of magic power she can levitate small objects and boost some of the spells Hia tries to cast (she doesn’t know it, but whatever happened to her that wiped her memory also severely weakened her powers, she used to be much more powerful).
Maxie is a cockatrice that Hia rescued from a fighting ring. He can’t talk or really communicate with Hia or anyone else, so he’s basically a really intelligent pet. When he was captured by the people that ran the fighting ring they severely damaged his eyes, rendering him completely blind (they did this to remove the power cockatrices have to kill anything by looking it in the eyes). When he was rescued by Hia she tore off a bit of her dress and soaked it in a healing concoction to help soothe the pains in his eyes. Ever since them he’s worn a scrap of fabric around his eyes that they replace once every three weeks. He’s Hia’s familiar and helps boost the spells, though that’s all the magic powers he has. He lives in a small compartment in Hia’s cart.
And finally, Ytha, a shape-shifting insectoid dragon. He can communicate with most types of insect and they act kind of like a hive mind (kind of??? I’m not exactly sure how it works, it’s more like a web of information?? idk). He can shapeshift, though when he does there’s a few things that always appear on the form (I’ll explain in another post). He can also have visions of the future, but they’re almost always useless (e.g. ‘I four days, you’ll eat goats cheese’). Him and the flower cart gang meet pretty often in different villages, as Ytha likes to go into random villages in human form and say random premonitions. He claims that all the meetings are coincidences, but most of the time he gets a vision of where they’re gonna be.
And that’s all! I’m kind of scared that Hia and Ytha don’t have enough flaws, but I’ll develop them later.
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alwaysimming · 5 years
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got bored so i made my d&d character, Gytha
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marioatwlink · 5 years
Time for ytha annual christmas party family get together thing... oh boy.
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shepherds-of-haven · 6 years
are there any particular naming conventions in Blest? i remember that Ket tend to name their children after weapons, so are there other ones for mages, norms, etc? also, where do you get the names from? are they inspired by any particular culture? (im trying to come up with a good name for my MC and i want a bit of help narrowing it down lmao)
Thanks for the great question! The Ket don’t actually name their children after weapons usually, it’s just something Blade’s family in particular did because of their prestige as warriors! :) I talk more about naming conventions and cultural influences in ShoH here, but the TL;DR of it is: no, there aren’t very strong cultural influences that I was inspired by! I mostly just make the names up according to sound and what “feels right” for each character, if that makes any sense! Here’s a better short guide here:Elvish names: I made Elvish names typically smooth and lyrical and tinkling, based a lot on synesthesia: does this sound feel hard or soft? What do you see or think of when you say it? Most of the names are supposed to emulate experiences or sensations in nature! 
Examples: Syndrael, Valeron, Finlee, Tallys, Arainia, Rui, ShonaNorm names: I came up with a lot of these by applying twists on more “normal” sounding Western and Old English names, though nobility tend to have more unique ones: Edward became Edwyn, Conner became Connell, Samuel became Samphire! 
Examples: Shyf, Lila, Cimon, Enik, Miha, Amaline, AlizeHunter names: these are often guttural and harsh, much like the mountains that serve as the birthplace of Hunter civilization. I often think of things that are brittle and sharp when making the names!
Examples: Halek, Hatolin, Turech, Dynarek, Ytha, Itach, VaheMage names: these are often long, very complicated, and esoteric (which is why they’re often shortened for common use): think of a spellword you might find in an ancient book! I often find obscure mythological or legendary figures/terms and twist their names for Mages!Examples: Pantalaimus, Saleneon, Liefred, Roxak, Eibon, Hyperia, Trissana, TuladeKet names: Ket names are generally very unadorned, blunt, and practical: they don’t bother with ornamentation, so I didn’t use very ornamental names. Round, hard sounds and blunt ends are good for Ket names! 
Examples: Junoth, Daren, Denyer, Efrat, Amara, Kana, Inori, Halle 
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nameless2 · 3 years
Key things to remember.
1. Awareness is the vital, the thing you attend to, you understand it, the more you understand the better control you have over it.
What I attend I become good at it.
Like virat give his profound attention to cricket that's why he's good at it, same with Einstein, Bruce lee, Buddha, JK, Osho etc.
They dedicated their whole life to one thing, they given their attention to one thing for their entire life.
Try to see things in a simple way first, life is ordinary simple, Human thinks great things are difficult or complex to understand.
If you loose yourself and gain the whole universe it is a complete waste.
Before knowing anything of the outer world first know yourself, know the knower, that's very very important.
That's how they created something beautiful.
But for things to get working you need to have your attention or awareness as choiceless awareness.
It should be laser focused towards one thing without effort, passive attention.
2. Human is the result of his habit.
How you perceive world, that's how you see it. Ytha drishti tatha Srishti.
Watch your thoughts they becomes your words, watch your words they become your actions, watch your actions they become your habits.
Understand the whole mechanism of thought, desire, memory, awareness and conciousness.
Watch your conditioning, your fears, irrational fears, fear of unknown, uncertainty and distrust in life.
Loses looms larger than gains.
Why we take things for granted which we always have with us, that's what makes us human that's our awareness or we are awareness.
Have gratitude, humility, courage to walk on the path of TRUTH.
Chitta vritti, cognitive biases and ignorance is the cause of self generated misery.
You can't fix external World to be happy with it. You need to fix your outlook or attitude, or developing a ability to see things as they are and most importantly after realising the fact acting upon it, that's the path of freedom, truth.
It will take energy, clarity, courage to go against masses, courage to believe in your inner voice, appa dippo bhava.
Because most of the people around us are unconscious.
Obstacle is the way, Ego is enemy or illusion.
Confirmation bias hold people back to act on their intuitions, gradually they develop habit to doubt their inner voice be confirming all the time from other.
Social anxiety keep people to express their real self.
They pretend to keep a mask of various personalities.
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toddhowardxreader · 8 years
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l2i0n0k7 · 6 years
The Right Words
I apologize for the fact that this does not continue Shadows, but I wanted to let this idea free from my mind before it escaped me.
For a time, Ytha felt only the joyful bliss of love. Den looked at her with his eyes full of something she had never expected to experience, but it was what they lacked that drew her closer and closer to him. He showed no fear, no anger, no hatred, no disgust — he…
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ytacademy · 1 year
Robbie info post
His quirk, Health, allows him to store others’ vitality within himself.
This is used by his body to heal itself when injured. He is able to channel this and heal others, though in this case his own vitality is drained instead of stores with the stores only kicking in once his own is nearly depleted. Therefore, he is often unable to fully heal others’ serious injuries, as shown with Antony & Chase.
Stores of vitality drain his skin of colour. Storing excessive amounts may cause him to seek injury to use the vitality on, however this is his brothers’ theory based on scarce examples.
Rarely interacts with his brothers.
Lurks at family events. No-one seeks him out so it works well.
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welcometomymaddness · 2 years
YouTubers’ Hero Academia — The Irish Lads #4
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<{Used naepyonnn’s bnha student maker wip to make this. Don’t know which side of his avatar’s face the metal is on but this is the only side I could put it on.}>
His quirk gives him immensely strong bones made out of some kind of metal.
His bones take longer to heal than normal bones, but damaging them is more difficult. His bones have a higher specific heat capacity than every other body part and are thermal conductors. Any scars he gets reveal his bones to some degree, making him look like a cyborg or android to some.
Wants to be a hero to legally beat people up.
He is naturally aggressive and enjoys fighting, especially to blow off steam.
Very observant + amazing memory = undercover hero in the making.
He isn’t too thrilled at this since it likely means he will have to control his temper. The pay did begin to sway him.
Standoffish but heavily involved in group shenanigans when he’s around.
He’s the most likely Lad to be off doing his own thing or hanging with others ( in Brian’s case, the Banana Bus Squad ).
The “eldest child” of the Lads.
He can be the most responsible and level-headed or he can be the most brash and self-serving.
Power: 3/5
Speed: 2/5
Technique: 3/5
Intelligence: 6/5
Cooperativeness: 4/5
Despite being in detention near enough every day and general rowdy behaviour, Brian puts commendable effort into his training. To make up for his quirk’s limited range of usefulness, he is insistent on the use of weapons; a friend of his in the support course is making sunglasses to help with his aim as well as data gathering.
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Eyyy!! Drunk tarot! I hope you don’t mind me asking but could you help me see why my week has suddenly gone downhill? I don’t know where my energy went and I’d really like your wisdom now. Drunken wisdom is best wisdom if it comes from the best person and you are totes the correct person :) Initials are MS and I’m a ♊️!
10 o f rods
 you took on too mych at onces and you weren t able to stay on top of the responsibilityes ytha tyou took on for yourself
tip jar
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ytacademy · 2 years
End of Year Exam Report
Name: Kevin O’Reilly
Class: F-1
Alias: Kevin [officially undecided]
Written Exams - Merit, Pass
Partnered Exam - Fail
Crisis Exam - Pass
Kevin performed well in the written exams. His knowledge on a wide array of quirk and usage helped him to be one of the few students to get over 14 marks on the 20 mark strategy question. He changed the topic of his essay a few times in the exam so the final product was underdeveloped although his understanding of the subject was clear.
Kevin worked solo for all of his partnered exam, though not of his own accord. On the day his quirk gave him the ability to produce spiderweb from his mouth, which was utilised with great proficiency in combat and evasion. However, as I’m sure you’re aware, Kevin did endure grievous injury to his back while trying to communicate with his partner (Daniel Condren of A-1). Though this motivated his partner to act and consequently not fail the exam, Kevin was left unable to continue. The severity of the injury unfortunately means I have to fail Kevin in spite of his prior performance, which was worthy of a merit.
Kevin was able to participate in the crisis exam to a limited degree. He operated alongside management course students instead of on the ground with the hero course. His quirk that day allowed him to disconnect his vision from his eyes and see from a perspective seen in the previous sight. He used it to locate civilians and villains — the quirk enabled him to change his perspective to one viewed through another perspective meaning he could move his vision across the field in seconds. To his credit, he discovered this loophole incredibly quickly.
Kevin will be able to progress onto the second year, though it is mandatory for anyone who failed the partnered exam to attend extra lessons outside of normal lesson times. This will still be true for Kevin, even given his specific situation, once he is seen fit by a doctor. We all wish him a swift recovery.
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ytacademy · 1 year
JJ info post
Jameson Jackson. 
Jackson is his middle name but it’s treated by him & others as a second first name. Parents really love the name Jack apparently.
His quirk is Soundproof.
He stockpiles all sounds that his body produces which can be used to magnify a sound later. This is theorised to be why he’s mute; his body absorbs the sound of his voice. This is incorrect as he can’t amplify his voice, seemingly showing he didn’t have one in the first place.
The absorption aspect has been present since birth, the reuse manifested when he was 2. He gave everyone in the surrounding area some degree of hearing damage but not himself as he reabsorbed it — even if he magnifies a sound he can’t hear it, he’ll always be unable to hear himself.
His family didn’t know the difference between soundproofing and acoustic absorption when naming the quirk. JJ had tried to explain the difference when he was older but they either didn’t see it as a big deal, brushed him off, or ignored him. Seán asked about it when he learnt the difference. This introduced a new element to JJ & Seán’s relationship: complaining about their family not listening & speaking for them. Mute & youngest child unite!
Carries around whiteboards to communicate with.
A4 & A5 that live in his waistcoats with multiple pens. He has dealt with leaky pens too many times. It never gets easier.
His handwriting is reminiscent of silent films’ intertitle/speedball font, purposely on his part. He likes silent films. He doesn’t miss out on anything.
All this and he does know BSL, he just hasn’t come across many people who understand BSL.
Come holiday season, JJ will trade whatever for a Christmas cracker moustache.
When he gets the facial hair, he will grow one for himself. The most he gets now is annoying pseudo-stubble.
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ytacademy · 2 years
End of Year Exam Report
Name: Seán McLoughlin
Class: C-1
Alias: Spedicey
Written Exams - Pass, Distinction
Partnered Exam - Distinction
Crisis - Merit
Seán’s question exam was slightly disappointing as he had been doing well in mocks, though he by no means failed. His essay contained immaculate analysis and evaluation. This did raise concerns among staff, especially given his chosen subject. I will talk with Seán about this privately, any guardians present at his request.
Seán was partnered with Mark Fischbach (C-1) for a variety of reasons, the key one being testing their seriousness. They both completed the exam with an appropriate approach. They were dedicated to apprehending the villain yet kept a jovial attitude — this did cause Seán’s temporary capture but ultimately enabled them to succeed with the help of Hype and its hefty stores.
The crisis exam was a stressful event for all the students participating (understandably given it is a surprise exam that we try our best to make seem authentic). This severely limited Seán’s quirk initially; he worked alongside Daniel Condren of A-1 to boost morale before engaging in combat. There was an incident on his journey to the battle as he attempted to travel over rooftops. Hype seemingly didn’t activate for a jump and Seán fell 4 storeys. Thankfully he was assisted by David Nagle of B-1 and sustained no injuries.
Seán performed extremely well in his practical assessments. It is possible nerves got to him before the first written exam or some other factor played a part that wasn’t usually present. I am interested in the nature of the roof incident. He used reserves of Hype later when in battle, so why it didn’t activate is curious. Regardless, Seán will continue to achieve great things in his second year at Y.T.
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ytacademy · 1 year
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<{found one I made a ‘ref’ of. They were never accurate tbf it was just something to do. naepyonnn’s bnha maker used here}>
His quirk, Spray Paint, let’s him change the colour of things by exhaling onto them.
When activated, his exhaled breath is like a smoke cloud of the appropriate colour which he can vaguely control the movement of and how it affects what it lands on. He is able to make things invisible since it works by changing how things coated reflect light waves. Cleaning reverts the effects.
He has a passive mutation in that his body runs extremely cold.
He can tolerate low temperatures since they’re more like his normal body temperature. He’s used this in conjunction with his Spray Paint to exist in freezing environments and effectively exhale LN2.
Designs costumes in his free time.
He has a passion for it, hence why he’s in D-2.
Attends rescue courses as an extracurricular and joins B-2 for some of their mandatory bonus lessons.
He wants to do some hero work on the side of being a costume designer. He figured they’d boost one another in popularity. He is absolutely exhausted from doing al this.
John’s had a say in most of his friends’ hero costumes.
He made a basic design of Brian’s sunglasses that a friend in E-2 developed. He has taken the burden of making Matt a costume that he can’t destroy so easily. He’s the sole reason Smii7y has a costume outside of a propelller hat and 3D glasses.
Power: 1/5
Speed: 1/5
Technique: 3/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Cooperativeness: 2/5
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