#Yacht Dealers in Dubai
yachtrentalservices · 6 months
Yacht for Sale Dubai - The Yacht Brothers
The Yacht Brothers is the leading dealer of yacht for sale Dubai. Check out our beautiful yachts, which are both attractive and high-performing. Make your time at sea memorable with our exclusive offerings. Choose The Yacht Brothers for a simple but memorable adventure on the sea. Visit our website to fulfill your dream of owning a luxury yacht.
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richardthurman544 · 2 years
Most dealers keep their fleets in good condition by regularly servicing and upgrading them. So even if the boat you purchase has been used for a short period of time, it should be in excellent condition. Used boats in Dubai are easy to sell and trade-in if you decide to upgrade or downgrade later on. Many buyers and sellers in Dubai regularly trade-in their boats, so there is always someone interested in buying or selling a used vessel. One of the best ways to find a reputable dealer is to ask around your community or social circles. Chances are, someone you know owns or has owned a boat and can recommend a reliable dealership. Visit https://yachtbrokeragedubai.com/yacht-for-sale
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gulfcraftinc · 2 years
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seahawks688 · 2 years
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yachts-dubai · 3 years
Путешествие на яхте — упаковочный лист
Парусный спорт в Дубае? Вы добавили его в свой список? Выберите идеальную яхту по количеству гостей. На борту самых роскошные яхты  есть все необходимое для гостей. Ознакомьтесь с советами по упаковке, которые вам понадобятся перед поездкой на яхте. 
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Возьмите с собой купальник, бикини, непромокаемую куртку и дополнительную пару одежды.
Возьмите солнцезащитные очки, солнцезащитный лосьон, шляпу, шарф. Это поможет вам, когда погода ветреная или солнечная
Сведите к минимуму косметику и украшения.
Оденьтесь в удобную одежду, желательно без высоких каблуков.
Возьмите теплую одежду для зимнего сезона, так как на улице может быть холодно.
Упакуйте еду и приготовьте ее на гриле или разогрейте на камбузе яхты и наслаждайтесь ею в море.
Возьмите с собой любимую книгу, колоду карт и музыкальный плейлист, чтобы сделать поездку более приятной.
Принесите свою высококачественную камеру, чтобы делать снимки на всю жизнь
 Отдохните на море с Centaurus Charter.
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tarditardi · 4 years
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Pequod Acoustics: nuove partnership per i mercati asiatici
Pequod Acoustics continua ad espandersi per portare il suono perfetto delle sue casse 100% Made in Italy in tutto il mondo.
Dopo aver regalato il proprio a brand, locali ed eventi livello assoluto (Burberry, GP di Formula Uno del Mugello, Phi Beach in Costa Smeralda, etc), il brand fiorentino ha annunciato nuove partnership per quel che riguarda il mercato cinese.
Guangzhou Star Performing Arts Equipment Co Ltd (Star) si occupa oggi della distribuzione del marchio Pequod nella Cina continentale, ad Hong Kong, a Macao, Birmania, Laos e Cambogia. Inoltre, Hertz Audio (Guang Zhou) Co Ltd è oggi dealer for Cina Continentale ed Hong Kong.
In Asia Pequod Acoustics è già presente da tempo con successo crescente: tra le installazioni Pequod in locali in altro profilo, ecco lo Yang Club a Singapore e ed il Nasa a Saigon. Hertz Audio non punterà solo ai locali, ma anche ad eventi di ogni tipo: aziendali, culturali, concerti.  "Abbiamo poi una collaborazione con il con Alliance Art Group. I locali di questo gruppo daranno spazio agli impianti Pequod Acoustics", ha dichiarato Ye Xiangdong, general manager di Hertz Audio.  
"Siamo profondamente attratti dallo stile unico di Pequod Acoustics, dalla professionalità del team di questo brand e prima di tutto dal suono di queste casse, potente e pulito", ha aggunto Bi Qiquan, presidente di Star. "Il design orientale dei ristoranti con musica della catena Hutaoli, di proprietà dell'Alliance Art Group, credo poi possa unirsi in modo sorprendente con lo stile minimale di Pequod Acoustics. Pequod è un brand innovativo nel settore audio e completa alla perfezione il nostro attuale portfolio"
"Sono davvero entusiasta di poter lavorare con un gruppo così importante in Cina", ha dichiarato Leo Dani, chief operating officer di Pequod Acoustics. "Stanno dando al brand un percorso ben definito, in modo da raggiungere i migliori risultati. Anche il piano di investimenti è buono, così come il potenziale di crescita per Pequod in questi territori".
Pequod Acoustics è poi da qualche tempo presente ufficialmente in Medio Oriente. Per il Capodanno 2021 la violinista Aliya (nella foto) si è esibita su un fantastico yacht bianco a The Palm, a Dubai, con un sound system Pequod Acoustics. E' disponibile in questa città, una delle più vivaci di tutto il Medio Oriente e non solo, un sound system demo. Vedere e soprattutto ascoltare di persona a Dubai è l'unico modo per capire davvero le caratteristiche delle casse Pequod Acoustics.  Chi desidera regalarsi questa esperienza può contattare Pequod Acoustics sul sito ufficiale oppure Alice Macaluso, MEA Area Manager @ Pequod Acoustics.  Pequod Acoustics ha poi da qualche settimana anche un partner per quel che riguarda il noleggio per quel che riguarda Dubai ed il Medio Oriente. E' Subsonic AE di Bruno Vitanza, che spesso lavora con musicisti e artisti per mostrare le qualità dei prodotti Pequod su Instagram.
(nella foto il Nuna Club Lounge di Da Nang - Vietnam)
Pequod Acoustics (photo hi res, info, social, media info)
http://lorenzotiezzi.it/pequod-acoustics-hi-pro-speakers/ https://pequodacoustics.com
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apex-man-47 · 5 years
The inbound curves on the mountain road of “Life”
(tl;dr - life update + reflection)
Well, a brief pop onto Discord also kinda did remind me of some few things.
I guess I have the freedom to rather be one with my own targets for once, and wow it feels weird planning them out as of rn. The twists and turns that are popping up I guess involve not only me working to a duo of major personal goals but rather possible firsts yet again for one of them. I guess me working that internship taught, if not shaped me to fit in with that  9-5/6 type of culture pretty well.
In terms of other things, I guess I also have some stuff I probably should put orders in for once I move and set everything up - for it may help making my place slightly more nicer. I also do realize my previous searches for automotive-based memorabilia can finally be tended to!
Along with that, I guess my main/major target is something due in somewhere close to a year or two’s time. This kinda does relate with something I’ve had a little bit of consideration for due to that one thing popping up in my mind a few nights ago. I guess once I move in for good in early August, I might start gradually working on maybe 3 different branches at once - relating back to my “ups and downs and curves of life” philosophy by making my mountain road slightly even more uphill for a little bit and then evening it out with a few “Fuji Speedway”-style curves.
In terms of non-car related stuff, I do realize I have two of my own plans focused on helping me probably be a lot more positive than before on life - and still be enjoying it. I guess that explains why I do have a little bit of a road trip sometime in the first weekend of September - taking care of two (or more) things at once.
Now, to reflect upon these past few years is going to be slightly hard. But here goes nothing.
These past 4 years worth of undergrad were surely worth it. I had my fair share of ups and downs for sure, but I guess I persevered long enough to rather walk out of this particular arc having finished a worthwhile thing. To be still committed up until this past year was one heck of a challenge - given what happened outside of uni too. Personal records were set, experiences were had, and yet I guess I also had my fair share of actually thinking about some solid plans or targets way back then due to being influenced by a lot of the local culture here. 
Y’think it would be a smooth sailing, fun time, right? Well, I surely had a few downer moments where I guess I had to really take a break - and I guess last year was where I felt like I found my thing to be doing to cool down my mind. Then came the big thing of last summer, just in the brink before I had that internship spot. This, I guess also made me experience a different vibe that felt enjoyable. Outside of the downer stuff, of course, life was more like a neutral & bland wave of regular things - revolving around uni work and general life things.
I will say that I guess I was more geared towards bettering my grades these past few semesters - thus leading me to avoiding quite a few uni-held events in favor of just chilling at home online with friends I came across in some places. This was where I did find out about Discord, and wow, I guess I’m inclined to hold voice chats on there a lot more now that I will be in an unblocked area soon. I guess my destressor was to be in the realm of gaming whenever on my days off - leading me to rather also be enjoying the realm of sim racing a lot!
In terms of experiences - there are some I guess I will keep for when I go for meetups, but I can spill on a few, as follows, by years. Yep, I can expand on these too in meetups, no worries!
first two long distance trips! (KSA + Oman) - I drove both in full distance, taking rest stops where need be. Got to see Al Waha Crater!
Dubai 24h race - I actually attended the race start, and actually came back in the evening with family.
First car - November 2015 brings in the Fortuner that graced my IG/SC/FB for the following years.
Day of heavy raining - First experience driving in a heavy flooded area, c. March
April 24, 2016 - 15k km on the odo! (racked that high because of the winter trips)
Batmobile spotting
Yacht Party the day before my birthday
Nikon D5300 = acquired
Hectic summer (uncle’s wedding & a selfie + LA!)
First taste of a “Cars & Coffee” meet
Uncanny timing on a Bentley spotting
JDM Fest + “Overdrive”
Turned 20
day trips to Abu Dhabi - securing a personal target, and my nickname in my group
Winter BBQ
50 degrees Celsius.
January’s uh, surprise at the Dubai Mall + Canada trip in winter!
PS4 came!
Internship experience + Work-related group dinner
Car club expedition/meet
Canada trip + surprise random reunion with old friends (c. last August) + another road trip record for the books
Motorsports Expo = surprises + Abu Dhabi family trip surprise
GTA Effect w/ the Fortuner
IG Highlights discovery
Finding a YT’ers car
First excursion to a local classic cars dealer + actual thought about a CC project
discovery of what happens when one posts tooo much in one day
Getting close and personal with a 1 of 50 type of car
GT Sport becomes my go-to. Enjoyed FIA racing
Racing leagues get me intrigued
Avengers: Endgame. Nuff said
Final presentation was of a subject I liked a lot + Surprise certificate
Trip to Jordan, and an Umrah + a surprise nickname from relatives because I forget to do proper rest-based stops not only on one road trip, but on all 3.
70k on the odometer.
Creation of my side account to clean up my list of inbound posts of stuff.
Surprise news of being eligible to graduate + actually getting some stuff done
League signups & discovery
“Graduation” series of posts = reflector on a key topic over the past few years.
Night driving
And that’s it so far.
Quite a lot to read, but I guess I got it done with.
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political-fluffle · 5 years
Four years after taking the industry by storm with a promise to become the Uber of private jets, JetSmarter has left a trail of angry customers, at least 13 lawsuits and concerns over security. While some are satisfied, others call it a "fraud." (...)
In September 2016, then-Florida Gov. Rick Scott joined JetSmarter CEO Sergey Petrossov to cut the ribbon on the company's new multimillion-dollar headquarters office in downtown Fort Lauderdale.
"We're changing the way that people fly," the then-28-year-old Petrossov told the crowd. "We've democratized the space. We're really changing not just Fort Lauderdale, but the world."
In an industry crowded with start-ups and fleeting competitors, JetSmarter became a celebrated disruptor. Founded by Petrossov, a Moscow-born tech entrepreneur, it attracted a star-studded list of early investors that included Jay-Z and the Saudi royal family. (...)
The shuttles were a huge success, and membership grew to around 10,000. It opened offices in London, Dubai, Zurich, Moscow and Saudi Arabia. Members raved about the service, which gave them all-you-can-fly private jet service for as little as $7,000 or $9,000 a year. In the early years, JetSmarter also included free helicopter service to its airports as well as on-board catering. (...)
Former employees say JetSmarter was losing up to $5 million a month in 2016 and 2017. It was also spending heavily on marketing and events. It enlisted an army of celebrities, from Kardashian and supermodel Emily Ratajkowski to baseball legend David Ortiz and celebrity chef Robert Irvine, to tout the company as "brand ambassadors." It hosted champagne-filled parties in New York, Los Angeles and Miami to attract wealthy new members. And it sponsored booths and VIP lounges at yacht shows, art fairs and other gatherings of the rich.
Petrossov never disclosed or discussed the company's losses in his many press interviews and articles about the JetSmarter. Privately, he told investors and employees that JetSmarter was like Amazon or Uber, which lost money for years to build scale. He also said JetSmarter was creating a "community" of wealthy consumers that it could eventually monetize through sponsorships, partnerships and other sales. (...)
Crew and passengers say they often saw passengers using JetSmarter to transport drugs or large amounts of cash. Security dogs are used for some JetSmarter flights to inspect bags, but members say there were many flights with no security checks.
"There were definitely drug dealers of all kinds who were carrying lots of cash on the planes, in you know, designer bags," Horchow said. "It was like $100,000 in a Goyard bag." (...)
These Russian mob operations, as usual, are set up to support criminal activities of all sorts. And always with some GOPer's assistance...
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supercarrentaldubai · 3 years
World- class luxury fleet service in UAE.
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For Spider Car rental Dubai, luxury is not just the matter for elites, they make it available for everyone.
With a generous chauffeur and car rental service they provide excellent luxury travel experience around Dubai.
Also, they deliver the service at the door step of customer regardless of location. They offer free pick up and drop as per the convenience of customer.
Plus, they are up 24/7 for all inquiries and to take bookings as well. Their customer centered dealing made all the luxury at a sensible cost. 
Being one of the leading luxury car rental companies in UAE, “Spider cars www.spidercars.ae  ” adding luxury across the streets of Dubai since 1982
Spider Cars provides various rental services spans from luxury cars for all occasions, Limousine, chauffeur service in Dubai and luxurious yacht rental services also.
The seasonal discounts and offers on car rents is a best deal for every visitor in Dubai. Moreover, they bid additional discounts for subscribing to their newsletter as well.
Further, with a proactive customer support crew they provide best in class service all around.
Moreover, they bid additional discounts for subscribing to their newsletter as well. Further, with a proactive customer support crew they provide best in class service all around.
Since 2014, Number One Car Rental has been functioning as a promising merchant of luxury cars for hire service.
Delivering the most prestigious luxury cars they have been fulfilling the dreams of every customer.
Further, they help the travelers to find the best luxury hotel anywhere in Dubai at the best rate.
Hence, Number One Car Rental service offers a comprehensive luxury package to suffice every need of a visitor in Dubai. 
Spider Car Rental LLC www.spidercars.ae  is a widespread name in the luxury market. Spanned across the world, Spider Cars Luxury Car Rental offers a world- class luxury fleet service in UAE.
Their wide array of service not only involves in luxury cars rental but also in air traveling service and chauffeur service in Dubai.
Their wide array of service not only involves in luxury cars rental but also in air traveling service and chauffeur service in Dubai.
Read Also: Desert Driving – Complete Guide
Sports car tour is one of the exciting dishes they offer in UAE. In addition, they are live 24/7 for take reservations and answer any customer questions.
Plus, their short term and long-term rental service open a customizable car rental plan for the customers. 
6. Maher Car Rental http://www.spidercars.ae  
A single point where we can meet more than fifty car rental suppliers of all size and shape. Functioning over Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman they offer cheap budget cars and luxury car rental services.
They are serving as a platform to meet the right rental provider across UAE and help to meet our choice car rental dubai.
Involving cars of all range, Spider Car Rental is an ideal solution for everyone. We can select from more than 50,000 verities of vehicles from their list. Also, they’re providing chauffeur service along with the cars.
Started from the love for exotic cars, Spider car rental is an outstanding car rental enterprise in Dubai.
Functioning with a broad prospect, Spider Car Rental extends luxury car rental service for both local and international tourists across Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Maintaining the highest quality and cost-effective service, they become a popular choice among the car rental providers of UAE.
Besides, they offer car leasing service across the UAE. Their friendly and polite customer service provides round the clock support for the customers. 
Opening the opportunity to taste the luxury of travel to everyone, “Luxury Plus Cars” serves as the best luxury car rental provider in UAE.
With the flamboyant history of 5000 satisfied customers Luxury Plus Cars continuing their journey with the promising excellence in service.
As a loyal luxury car rental dealer in Dubai, they are expanding their services to upkeep the long-term relations with customer and enterprises.
Spider Cars Luxury Car Rental in Dubai www.spidercars.ae  Rent a Car offers a lot of reasons to go for a luxury ride in Dubai. Offering more discounts and deals for the customer, they inspire them to keep riding.
Their seamless booking process enables anyone to have a comfy travel experience in any of the most prestigious cars in the world.
Furthermore, their humble customer support is another factor that keeps these names inside every customer while searching for another luxury ride. 
Offering a wide range of exotic luxury cars to choose from, Apex serves as one of the best luxury companions in Dubai with an affordable expense.
Whether it is a business trip or a leisure visit, Apex offers all sorts of luxury car service across Dubai.
Whether it is a business trip or a leisure visit, Apex offers all sorts of luxury car service across Dubai.
Being a promising car rental partner Apex guarantees exceptional customer service. The free pickup and drop service is a reliable travel solution for foreign travelers.
The range of services spans from Chauffeur service, Convertible cars, SUV, Prom cars, Wedding limos, Limousines, Sports cars etc.
Read Also: How Can Fleet Management Help Your School?
The 24/7 personal reservation facility that enables anyone can reserve their choice car from their website is a thrilling experience.
Plus, by delivering the best customer support and exciting traveling experience this is a best choice to be considered.
The list of luxury car rental providers in Dubai never ends here. There are plenty of small and large service providers across Dubai.
However, we hope this list will make your search quite easier. Although all of them are providing the same service, the listed providers are found to be trending. http://www.spidercars.ae
Hope you can find the right travel partner, happy journey.
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ajnoribi-blog · 7 years
Activities to do in Dubai
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Here are the activities you can do in Dubai and no one wants to miss them, they are prestigious! This explains why the world heads to Dubai each day. When in Dubai try to have a taste of them.
So many people have always heard stories about Dubai. Some of the stories might be true and others can be fictitious. Dubai is an amazing destination for people across the world because of several reasons.People love it that is why they flock to the airports to get their tickets to get there. It is a heaven on earth.
Indoor Skydiving
Look, you might not have heard or even attempted to do the activity so if someone tells you about it, you might become nervous. When you get there to say you are new to the activity and the instructor will come to your aid. What you are required to do is carry your gear which includes goggles, flight suit, an earplug, and helmet. Above all have that will to learn and you will be good to go. Within no time you can do it alone. It is enjoyable.
Make a private tour
Arrange a private tour to a desert with a tour guide with a comfortable four-wheel drive car. In the desert, visit that your dream camel farm and have a ride on those incredible camels around the enclosures. You are not yet done, race down the desert dunes with your camel. After that, you can majestically walk to that desert camp and have a wonderful locally made dinner as you enjoy the scenic view.
Boat riding
Do you love being in the waters, then you could not be in better hands than in Dubai. Whether you are looking for a unique sightseeing experience, a leisurely group excursion or a fun-filled off-site with your colleagues, then the boats can bring an enjoyable perspective to your day with some of the most interesting and exciting on-water sightseeing experiences. Get the boat dealers and experience the coveted waters of the gulf, enjoy that fresh air with an affordable payment.
Visit that park
Dubai is a cradle of mankind, it has the best collection of God’s creatures. Trust me the creator took more time here to give them extra animals. Some of the animals you have never seen them even of pictures. Visit Dubai and see them live! That rare species of the extinct Rhinos are here.They are preserved for you. Prepare for a tour in Dubai.
Go for that fishing tour
Here we have the chattered fishing companies rated to a rank of five stars. These companies will simply aid you in fishing under the sun, do not be worried that you have never done it before. You will go through that fishing session with them.
Go shopping
Dubai is an industrial and commercial country. They are the best producers of electronics, best clothing and even sale of cars. The country has the best malls in the world and trusts me you can nearly get everything in these malls. Ask for guidance from the locals and get into one of the malls. Buy that jewelry of your choice, clothing and even your best iPhone model. All this is available at a friendly price, do not be exploited in that local average mall.
Go for that belly dance Dubai being an Arabian country, there are those Arabic cultural dances that are always performed and you need not miss them while in Dubai. Go for them and enjoy those amazing good cultural and folk tunes. You will never get tired of them. Join the floor and dance too, whenever you are it is good to embrace ethnography. You are part of the new culture so do not be left behind.
Explore the museums
Dubai is a country rich in history. Take your time and go to that museum and have a glimpse of the history of Dubai. Write something in that your notebook and tell it as history to your friends and relatives as you go back to your native home. Always have something to tell when in a new place. If possible employ comparative share, at least get a useful lesson that can change something in life.
Look at that amazing architectural masterpiece that you always hear about
Did you know that Dubai has the tallest building in the world? Fine, now you know, when in Dubai do your best to trace it. When you get it take photos for memory, you need not be overtaken by events that shaped the world such as the construction of this building.
Step foot on that largest manmade lake Dubai has the largest man-made the lake in the world. Step out and have a glimpse of it. Ask about its history and even experience what is done there. It is cool. It is one of the striking attractions that Dubai prides itself in. What a feature!
Go for playing
In Dubai, there are so many play parks where you can play a variety of games ranging from golf, cricket among others. Choose your best game and you will never miss a partner to play with. They are welcoming so they will be there for your service.
Cruise on that private Yacht
Are you well endowed with economic resources? Fine, here is a luxurious feature for you. There are several private Yatches in Dubai, choose one and have that ecstatic cruising feel. It is an enjoyable activity indeed. You need not miss it out.
Do a road trip
You can decide to go for a road trip as you enjoy viewing the nature in that cozy car with an experienced driver, when tired you have a rest as you enjoy locally blended drinks and much more.
There as so many activities you can engage in while in Dubai. All the activities are designed to offer you that prestige and luxury that you want. Are planning a holiday and you have not decided on the destination? Well, have Dubai in your mind. It is in February and this article has come timely, you can save the whole year and have that trip to Dubai. You can call it a second home. It is a home far from home.
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gulfcraftinc · 3 years
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numberplates4u-blog · 5 years
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2018 Infiniti QX80 Teased Prior to Dubai Debut
The updated 2018 Infiniti QX80 SUV’s front end has been teased prior to the vehicle’s debut at the upcoming Dubai International Motor Show.  Infiniti gave us an idea of what to expect from the mildly refreshed QX80 when it debuted the QX80 Monograph Concept at the 2017 New York Auto Show. Based on this teaser, it looks as though the concept’s influence on the production car is heavy, with a very similar grille and lower bumper section. The headlights are another major point of change, appearing much more modern and up-to-date than the lights on the 2017 model year QX80. “Infiniti’s design DNA has been scaled up for our largest SUV,” said chief designer Alfonso Albaisa. “The QX80 brings a new commanding presence with powerful muscularity and enhanced horizontal movement. Our designers raised the visual height of our iconic double arch grille and signature headlamps striking an unmistakable road presence.” SEE ALSO: Infiniti is the Latest Automaker to Help Design a Luxury Yacht Rumors indicate the updated QX80 will retain the same platform and 5.6-liter V8 engine as the current model. Some minor adjustments may be made to the chassis for added refinement and comfort, and the 400 horsepower V8 may get a little extra muscle, but don’t expect anything too major. Some interior changes may also be made and we wouldn’t be surprised to see a more up-to-date center interior display screen used. The 2018 QX80 will debut on November 14th. We’re expecting it to arrive at dealers sometime early next year. Discuss this story on our Infiniti forum. The post 2018 Infiniti QX80 Teased Prior to Dubai Debut appeared first on AutoGuide.com News.
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gmsmediaservicesjlt · 5 years
Al Tayer Motors, the UAE’s official importer-dealer for Ferrari, launched the iconic Italian brand’s latest car the F8 Tributo at a launch event in Dubai held at the luxurious Bulgari Hotel Yacht Club. The F8 Tributo is the new mid-rear-engined sports car that represents the highest expression of the Prancing Horse’s classic two-seater berlinetta. It …
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Tips to Use When Renting a Yacht
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You will have to make sure that you are finding the most appropriate yacht that you can rent despite it is not an easy process since it is interesting to cruise using yacht. So that you can get to enjoy your vacation, or trip you will have to make sure the yacht you choose is the right one for that purpose as they have different purposes and companies for renting yachts are numerous. You will have to make sure that you have means of finding the best yacht that you can rent.  Thus, below are some of the tips to use when renting a yacht.
You will have to make sure that you are having a budget.  Your selection of the yacht that you will rent will be determined by the amount of money that you will be having.  Always make sure that you are finding the yacht that you can afford by asking various yacht rentals that are reputable to give you their estimated and make the comparison to settle for the one that will be affordable to you. When you are planning to have a yacht charter it is important that you get to be well planned with enough money as you will have to use your cash to determine the best company.
You should make sure that you are doing some investigation. So that you get to know the best yacht that you can rent it is always essential that you get to research as that will land you to the best one.  At all times, make sure that you are finding the most appropriate yacht for rent as that will be determined by choosing the most appropriate website where you can get the information. It is always crucial that you get to consider looking at the size of the yacht as you have to choose the one that will be accommodative to you. Read more here: https://cozmoyachts.com/.
It is also essential that you get to consider looking at the reviews on the websites of the yacht dealers. You will get to know the most reputable company when it comes to the yacht when you read the reviews as they will ensure you get the best recommendations and links to the right one. In addition, it is essential that you get to inform your close friends as they will aid you in finding the best yacht that you can rent. Click here to learn about Dubai marina yacht rental.
The other crucial consideration is the type of services offered.  This is paramount and it is important that you get to know the best company that is having the best yacht services so that you can book from there.  It is always advantageous to know the yacht renting companies with the best reputation when it comes to the provision of services so that you can be satisfied on the trip as well have your desires met. Visit https://www.britannica.com/technology/yacht for more.
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yachtingboat · 6 years
Gulf Craft Appoints Bush & Noble as Broker
Gulf Craft Appoints Bush & Noble as Broker
Gulf Craft has announced the appointment of Bush & Noble Yacht Brokerage as the official broker for the UAE-based shipyard’s select pre-owned yachts. This comes just after the recent appointment of Gregory Yeakle as Gulf Craft’s new CEO, who promised to lead Gulf Craft into a new phase of global expansion.
“We are proud to welcome Bush & Noble into the Gulf Craft network,” says Yeakle. “It is the beginning of yet another exciting new voyage, as we foresee immense growth potential. The Majesty Yachts collection holds its value longer than comparable models and promises next-generation owners many more exciting years of service. Bush & Noble are renowned for their consultancy services along with their impartial guidance to the yacht owners and they are sure to enhance our global presence.” 
The appointment of Bush & Noble is said to provide a full marketing and distribution service, which will help to expand and promote the trading of pre-owned Gulf Craft vessels. The Dubai-based firm was co-founded in 2012 by John Bush and Brett Noble, two industry professionals with a combined experience of 30 years. The duo has led their company to international recognition as one of the leading yacht brokerage brands in the Middle East.
John Bush, Co-Founder and Director of Bush & Noble, said of the business venture - “The global yacht industry is projected to reach USD 74.7 billion by 2022, driven by the rising interest in luxury cruising among high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals. This is a fantastic opportunity for Gulf Craft to identify new growth markets for their products. Our new appointment as the used stock dealer will truly support the brand’s growth, and we are very excited about the opportunities ahead.”
With such vast experience of the market and the industry, combined with their passion, means that Bush & Noble were identifiably the best choice for Gulf Craft’s latest venture for the brokerage of its pre-owned yachts.
Gulf Craft Appoints Bush & Noble as Broker
Gulf Craft Appoints Bush & Noble as Broker
Gulf Craft Appoints Bush & Noble as Broker
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