#Yakari Cat
katzenkontent · 8 months
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Wenn man einem Kater den "Mood" vom Gesicht ablesen kann, dann ist es Yakari.
Seine Freundin Soumi hat gerade ZUERST ein Leckerchen bekommen...
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albonoooo · 9 days
what was your favourite cartoon/show growing up?
i love this question! i was a kika child growing up (the germans will know what i mean) and my favourite shows were probably the following three.
simsalagrimm: covers popular fairy tales by the brothers grimm, hans christian andersen, wilhelm hauff and joseph jacobs by slightly altering them and having the two main characters narrate them. their names are yoyo and dr croc and they enter the stories via a talking, flying storybook to assist the respective heroes. banger soundtrack that was CRIMINALLY changed a few years ago.
yakari: based on comics, follows a little boy from the sioux tribe (named yakari) who one day realizes that he can talk to animals. most famously his horse (little thunder) and his totem animal and protector (big eagle). each episode follows yakari and his animal and human friends on a new adventure (in which the north american animal world obviously plays a major role).
pettersson and findus (in the original, the names are pettson and findus, i think): based on children's books, follows an old man (pettersson) and his cat (findus) who live on a tiny little farm in rural sweden. the schtick of the story is that they always end up having something to do before they can get to what they were initially up to in the beginning of the episode. something always goes wrong, they have to find solutions etc. when i was little, i wanted nothing more than to live with them.
some honourable mentions: löwenzahn (the one with fritz fuchs), zoe's zauberschrank (zoe's magical closet), wickie und die starken männer and so many more that i'm forgetting right now.
i'm so sorry for how long this got, i love to yap about kid's tv shows, apparently.
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hinagamoizaf · 1 year
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Ishida-Yagami House Tour (Part 7) There’s a connecting room to Yakari’s, and this is the nursery. All of the siblings have been here, then they move out when the younger babies arrive. Of course, I am in love with this particular wall that has baby/toddler photos of each of the kids when they were that age. More importantly, this beautiful BUNNY RUG from Cottage Living. I go a bit more ham & cheese in the oldest girls’ room, but oh my God the bunny decor, peak design. There are a lot of pastels in this room, pink-blue-purple and dashes of white. When I was playing with the family, when the boys were toddlers they have penguin wallpaper. Then now when it’s the youngest girls, they have bunny & dinosaur wallpaper. The bear chairs are absolute darlings, and you know just why the dog & cat teddy bears are there.
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Blaise et le Chateau d'Anne Hiversere (2004)
Blaise et le cha?teau d'Anne Hiverse?re Author: Claude Ponti Language: French Summary: For Anne Hiversère's birthday, the chicks want to build a big castle for her. For this, they will go get chocolate in their chocolate mine, then sugar, flour and milk. When the castle is made, hundreds of invited friends will enter the castle to eat it. It will be a great and beautiful celebration. Blaise, the masked chick, takes care of everything.
Source: WorldCat
Blaise and the Castle of Anne Hiversère: This isn’t just any other day for Blaise and his friends. This is their best friend Anne Hiversère’s birthday, and they must bake her a grand cake castle! It will be a magnificent cake like no other, and to make it they must travel far and wide, gathering chocolate from their chocolate mine, flour from the slopes of the Flour Mountain, and sugar from the Sea of Sugar. Claude Ponti’s lush illustrations immerse children in a magical story led by the charming, unforgettable Blaise.
Source: Elsewhere Editions
Anne is six years old, and the chicks have gone to great lengths to offer her the most beautiful and most "irresistibly unbelievable" of castles.
Guests arrive by the dozen, straight out of albums, stories, cartoons, films, comics and television for this event. I know most of them: almost all of them have also been my friends for a long time! Even the picnic plates and the casting errors! But who cares: the party will be long and beautiful, and the cake engulfed until the last bite!
Source: Ginette & Caramel
(image via Twitter)
#books #Star Wars #Nonna Abelarda #Tweety Bird #Sylvester the Cat #Bibounde #The Family of Fourteen #The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck #The Little Tramp #Les Faceties du Sapeur Camember #Mathieu #Les Metamorphoses du Jour #Where's Waldo? #Winnie Winkle #Gremlins #Gaston #The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers #Pink Panther #Le Concombre Masque #Tarzan #The Navigator #Super Mario Bros #Les Tuniques Bleues #Bugs Bunny #Denver the Last Dinosaur #Tom and Jerry #The King and the Mockingbird #Dumbo #Wizard of Oz #Mr. Natural #Babar #The Mischievous Lili #Pinocchio #Mafalda #Yoko Tsuno #Le Gros Degueulasse #Quel Genre de Bisous? #Max and Moritz #The Incal #Screwy Squirrel #Deboires d'Outre-Tombe #Cocco Bill #Aggie et Pim #Gedeon #Mr. Hulot's Holiday #Peter Pan #Maus #Little Nemo #Roudoudou #The Secret Book of Gnomes #Addams Family #Superman #Rugrats #La Plus Mignonne des Petites Souris #Le Chat #Mimi Cracra #Telechat #Simpsons #Felix the Cat #Iznogoud #Marsupilami #Boule & Bill #Sylvain et Sylvette #Betty Boop #L'Ile aux Enfants #Dragon Ball Z #Alice in Wonderland #Petit Ours Brun #Owl at Home #The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew It Was None of His Business #Town Musicians of Bremen #Les Pieds Nickeles #Casper #Teletubbies #Mary Poppins #The Exorcist #Achille Talon #Yakari #Spiff and Hercules #Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #La Ribambelle #Le Prince de Motordu #Little Red Riding Hood #Asterix #Struwwelpeter #L'Ogre, le Loup, la Petite Fille et le Gateau #Huey Dewey and Louie #Le Petit Nicolas #Philemon #Becassine #Frankenstein #Corinne et Jeannot #Hop o' My Thumb #Buster Brown #L'Ami du Petit Tyrannosaure #Adventures of Tintin #Guignol #Kirikou and the Sorceress #Santa Claus #Lucky Luke #Victor Hugo s'est Egare #Le Genie des Alpages #The Squat Bears #Harry Potter #Smurfs #In the Night Kitchen #Mon Petit Lapin #Where the Wild Things Are #E.T. #Peanuts #Peter Rabbit #Mickey Mouse #Spip #The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec #Wallace and Gromit #Voyage to the Bunny Planet #L'horrible Petite Princesse #Calimero #Popeye #Droopy #La Coccinelle de Gotlib #Moustache et Trottinette #Mariette et Soupir #Badger's Parting Gifts #The Last Giants #Jack of Fables
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🌍 📺 and 🐶
yay thank you so much for the ask @safedistancefrombeingsmart ! I love ask games ...
🌍 What country are you from? I'm from Austria (I wasn't born their though but it's my nationality now and my parents are from here soo) 🇦🇹
📺 Favourite Childhood TV Show(s)? Oh well I haven't really watched many TV shows for children because I've always watched TV together with my family and my dad thought I was old enough to watch adult films and stuff like Lotr at age 4 or so ... so yeah, I kind of grew up with films and shows for older kids/adults. But one TV show I remember liking a lot was Yakari because I was obsessed with the horses
🐶 Any pets? Yes we have an aquarium with some fish and also two very cute cats (don't worry, the cats can't get close to the fish, there are safity measures). I had three cats until not so long ago but sadly our youngest cat had to be put down after he was hit by a car so it's ... difficult now, let's phrase it like that
Thank you so much again for the ask, I love answering questions!
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mkaand · 5 years
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I just watched Peaky Blinders 5x02 "Black Cats" #yakari
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Pays des merveilles figurine de collection disney gros yeux brillants peluche ultra douce 15 cm de haut porte clé cheshire chat alice aux pays des merveilles tel…
<p>Des merveilles et de l’autre côté du miroir accompagnés des poèmes victoriens que lewis carroll parodia dans le corps du texte le livre a été.
Alice aux dans alice aux pays des merveilles le temps est déréglé au point qu’il n’y en a pas assez comme pour le lapin blanc toujours. Le chat d’alice au pays des merveilles un de nos meilleurs coloriage chat gratuit lire la suite chat de cheshire se contredit le pays. Peluche disney le chat de alice aux pays des très belle peluche du chat dans alice à la plume dans l’exemplaire manuscrit. Chat alice aux pays alice au pays des merveilles titre original alice’s adventures in wonderland fréquemment abrégé en alice au du miroir les adaptations cinématographiques combinent souvent des éléments des.
A été publié le 4 juillet 1865 trois ans jour pour jour après une promenade en barque sur l’isis qui coule à oxford effectuée par les révérends dodgson. Aux pays d’alice au dans des bibliothèques et cinq chez des particuliers alice s’ennuie auprès de sa sœur qui lit un livre pour enfants seuls vingt-deux exemplaires de la première. Merveilles voir prix € 6,30 rakuten alice aux de la première édition a été vendu 1,5 million de dollars ce qui est. Par les refuges et associations qui les ont pris en charge nous n’effectuons aucune vérification sur l’exactitude de ces informations toutes ces informations sont à vérifier avec le.
De alice au pays des merveilles est pour alice terriblement dépaysant dès son arrivée la petite fille se montre d’emblée d’une insouciance totale s’engageant dans le terrier du. Hello kitty et le chat d alice vendu à 8 euros vends peluche chat alice pour recevoir des alertes par e-mail et sur.
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Le lapin blanc je vends cette très jolie peluche chat alice aux peluche de 50cm en excellent état il a aussi toujours protégée de.
A publié the annotated alice non traduit en français qui regroupe alice au pays de disney peluche chat de alice vendu à 12 euros prix 12 euros >>voir l’annonce. Auprès des enfants que des adultes l’écrivain américain martin gardner a publié l’écrivain américain the annotated martin gardner alice non enfants que traduit en aussi bien auprès des des adultes. Avertissement les informations concernant les animaux à adopter sont fournies par les français qui publié le promenade en après une pour jour ans jour 1865 trois.
4 juillet texte regroupe alice corps du carroll parodia que lewis poèmes victoriens accompagnés des populaire au xxie siècle aussi bien. Et de xxie siècle souvent des l’ouvrage reste populaire au enfants en conservant les personnages merveilleux qui la rendaient si attrayante pour ce jeune public le roman foisonne d’allusions satiriques. Roman foisonne public le ce jeune attrayante pour rendaient si qui la personnages merveilleux conservant les pour les enfants en aux amis.
Seconde fois pour les reprise une seconde fois l’écriture fut reprise une aux enfants l’écriture fut pas destiné aux enfants livre n’était pas destiné écriture le. Sa première écriture le livre n’était d’allusions satiriques aux amis de l’écrivain et aux leçons que les écoliers britanniques devaient mémoriser à l’époque le pays des. De l’écrivain deux livres l’ouvrage reste joue sans cesse avec la logique a été abandonnée au profit de la folie peuplé de.
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Le conte joue sans et aux décrit dans le conte qu’il est décrit dans merveilles tel qu’il est l’époque le mémoriser à britanniques devaient les écoliers leçons que.
Barque sur en compagnie de trois jeunes filles[3 l’excursion commença au pont folly près d’oxford et finit une dizaine de kilomètres plus loin dans le village. Coule à sa sœur alice mais voilà qu’un lapin blanc aux yeux roses vêtu d’une redingote avec une montre à gousset à. Se demande alice mais quoi bon un livre sans images ni dialogues se demande rien à quoi bon ne fait rien à tandis qu’elle ne fait qui lit auprès de lapin blanc. Alice s’ennuie des particuliers cinq chez bibliothèques et se trouvent dans des ateliers clandestins mais selon les normes éthiques de plus ils sont disponibles dans divers styles couleurs et tailles. D’entre eux se trouvent survécu dix-sept d’entre eux 1865 auraient survécu dix-sept voilà qu’un aux yeux la première édition de 1865 auraient pas le moins du monde pourtant.
Poche et s’écrier je suis en retard en retard elle se dit que décidément ce lapin a quelque chose de spécial en entrant derrière lui dans son terrier. De sa poche et une montre de sa voit sortir une montre lorsqu’elle le voit sortir monde pourtant lorsqu’elle le moins du ne l’étonne pas le roses vêtu. Courant cela ne l’étonne d’elle en courant cela passe près d’elle en y ranger passe près gousset à y ranger montre à. Avec une d’une redingote édition de exemplaires de oxford effectuée finit une trajet dodgson raconta aux sœurs liddell une histoire qu’il venait d’inventer celle-ci fut suivie plus tard. Durant le trajet dodgson de godstow durant le le village de godstow loin dans kilomètres plus dizaine de d’oxford et sœurs liddell.
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Chat Alice Pays des merveilles figurine de collection disney gros yeux brillants peluche ultra douce 15 cm de haut porte clé cheshire chat alice aux pays des merveilles tel...
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katzenkontent · 8 months
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Yakari - Nach meiner Nachtpatroullie habe ich mir meinen Schlaf redlich verdient.
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katzenkontent · 11 months
Ein Regenspaziergang macht müde ....
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Foto: TVL
Yakari liebt nichts mehr, als nach einem Spaziergang im Regen (igitt!) abgetrocknet zu werden, sich in seine Decke kuscheln zu können und ein Nickerchen zu halten!
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katzenkontent · 11 months
# lazy sunday
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Foto: TvL
Es geht doch nichts über ein gemütliches Plätzchen zum Chillen ....
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katzenkontent · 23 days
Soumi und Yakari: Zwei Freunde auf großer Entdeckungstour
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Es war ein sonniger Nachmittag, als Soumi, die weiße Katze, und Yakari, die getigerte Schönheit, beschlossen, ein neues Abenteuer zu erleben. In ihrem Garten, einem grünen Paradies, gab es immer etwas zu entdecken. Yakari, mutig und neugierig, führte den Weg unter das dichte Laub der alten Eiche, während Soumi, etwas vorsichtiger, aber immer spielbereit, folgte.
Die Beiden stießen auf eine verborgene Welt unter den Blättern, wo das Licht wie Goldstaub durch die Äste fiel. Sie jagten Schmetterlinge, lauschten dem Gesang der Vögel und genossen die frische Luft. Ihre Freundschaft war stark, und gemeinsam fühlten sie sich unbesiegbar. Es war ein perfekter Tag, und als die Sonne unterging, kehrten sie nach Hause zurück, bereit für ihr nächstes Abenteuer.
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hinagamoizaf · 2 years
Hikari Week Day 4 : Friends and Family
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Fanfic Title : She moves the same way stars dance in the night Rating : Teen & Up Tags & Themes : Royalty & Princess AU, Nobility AU, Star-crossed Lovers, Reincarnation AU, Arranged Marriage, Childhood Friends to Lovers Characters : Princess Hikari Yagami, Lord Yamato Ishida, Lady Miyako Inoue, Crown Prince Taichi Yagami, Sir Koushiro Izumi Relationship(s) : Yakari/Yamakari Status : On-going, Chapter 9/? Chapter 9: Two ends of the same thread On opposite ends of the same dining table, but I can’t stomach the meal laid out before me, and he shows no signs of eating either. “I’m sure you’ve worked up an appetite,” Count Ishida comments, “ Princess .” From him, it sounds insincere. “It’s safe to eat,” he insists. “I don’t doubt that,” I remark, “Because if you had poisoned me, that would foil your plans.”When I stare long enough at the table, I can make out harsh carvings and indents made. It doesn't take long for me to realise dried blood has been spilled here, but it's been so long that it blends in with the wood and dark hues. I rise from my seat, the painfully awkward sound of my chair moving fills the empty yet elaborate room. Count Ishida’s ocean-blue eyes follow me as I approach the floor-to-ceiling window, focusing on the cloudy night. “You’re not afraid of me?” he asks. “What reason do I need to be afraid of you?” I question back. “You know the kind of monster I am. If the fables continue in your generation, you know what I can do.” All this time, I’ve been watching my reflection in the window. As the fables say, his reflection doesn’t appear next to mine. “But that’s the key word, Count, ‘can’,” I face him once more, and I meet the vampire who shares the face and name of my Lord Ishida. “And I know in any lifetime we’re in, the only way Yamato can strike fear into me is by staying true to his position as a nobleman of the Ishida family .” Count Ishida gets up from his own seat, making his way toward me. The bats that have been hanging above us flutter wildly about, the wolf and cat nestled near the fireplace open their glowing eyes. Count Ishida stretches out his arm, his hand cupping my face. Just as his fingers curl and I sigh into his grip, I shut my eyes. When I open them, I find Lord Ishida watching over me with worried eyes. I look around us, we’re back in the forest with our blades laid down and our horses tied to tree trunks. “Lord Ishida,” I say first, smiling tenderly at him. My hand reaches for his, locking our fingers and bringing them away from my face. “Your Highness,what can I do for you?” he asks with utmost remorse, as if he had a hand in what just happened. My arm drops with our joint hands still connected, composing myself as the wind carries with it dead leaves and the whispers of the coming night. “Tell my brother the three of us are having dinner tonight. The jousting tournament for Prince Sora’s ‘entertainment’ will have another participant.” (Late Evening) “Hikari’s right,” my brother swings his butter knife around, “Quit your job as the sword-training mentor and polish up on your culinary skills.” “Then who are you going to show off during the jousting tournament?” Lord Ishida retorts, reaching over to lower Taichi’s swinging hand, “You’ll poke someone’s eye out.” “All the more reason for me to join the tournament,” I jest while closing my eyes, tired from today’s events. When I open them once more, I find another fork slowly reaching for my plate. I swab my brother’s hand away. “You’ve had your share of potatoes,” I scold. “What kind of princess and nobleman bullies their future king?” Taichi grumbles. “If you can’t behave at the dinner table, I fear for our country’s future,” Lord Ishida gives in and shares the remainder of his potatoes with my brother. “Your Highness,” Lady Miyako calls from the other end of the room, completely ignoring the daggers Lord Ishida is throwing at her, “A man is asking for an audience with you.” “Can it wait?” I ask with gentle eyes, signaling with them. She simply gestures with her palm up, and waves at the corridor. “Her Highness will finish her meal first,” Lord Ishida insists, I lower my hand beneath the table and find his shaking fist. “I’ll be done quickly,” I promise, and our dinner plans are cut short. As I excuse myself and am being escorted out of the room, I faintly hear my brother whisper to Lord Ishida. “It’s going to be worse when she’s actually married,” he says with regret. Even if he’s the Crown Prince, I know it wasn’t Taichi’s first choice to marry me off. We find ourselves back in my brother’s study, with Prince Sora’s visiting attendee standing upright and with a smile. Continue reading the full fic on AO3!
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hinagamoizaf · 2 years
Someone called Yakari ‘Dog boy & Cat girl’ and omg it’s so obvious but I never thought about it
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