#Yal-sre is the good cop
fahbev · 1 year
Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object pt2
Pt 1: https://www.tumblr.com/bahfev/715070691717840896/unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object?source=share
(Guys idk how do that thing where the link is words can someone explain?)
“Right, I forgot why I was here. It definitely wasn’t for a drink.” Yal-sre stood up, seeming much more intimidating than when Sophia had approached them.
“Oh.” The bartender backed away farther, making themself smaller as well, “Is there anything else I can get you?”
“Actually, Aolli, I think there is. If you come with me out back, there are some answers I’d like to order.”
The bartender - scratch that - Aolli gulped, and dipped their head. Sophia was again impressed by the very Earthly body language. “Coming right up, Sir.”
“Hoooh, this just got interesting!” Sofia stood up.
“Sophia, you needn’t follow.”
“Actually, I do need follow. No way I’m just sitting here bored outta my mind while you deal with your drama outside.”
“You’ll only scare them.”
“What was it you just told me again? They’re already scared of you no matter what. Come on, if it’s information you need I can be the ‘bad cop’.”
“Exactly! I am scary enough on my own; I don’t wish to be cruel. You being there is excessive. You can’t follow.”
“Yes I can. Unless... you want to try to stop me? I’m always up for a challenge,” Sophia grinned and cracked her knuckles. Aolli seemed to pick up on her show of aggression and whimpered. So odd, when Aolli was so clearly not Earthling. Yal-sre seemed more to notice her words themselves as a threat.
“You’re right. I can’t stop you. Aolli, come with me. Sophia, do what you will.” Yal-sre ushered Aolli toward the door. Sophia followed in suit.
“Now that’s what I like to hear.” Chatter began full force as soon as the space orcs left the bar.
“Please- I swear I- I’ll tell you everything I know just please don’t hurt me!” Aolli shrank into a ball on the ground, paws over head.
“Listen, I won’t hurt you-“
“I will!” Sophia interjected.
“-Sophia, stop. I just want to know where my sisters are.”
“Ooooooooo, you took their sisters? You should be more careful who you mess with.”
“I don’t know! I don’t know where they are, I swear!”
“Liar,” Sophia accused.
“You took them away,” Yal-sre continued. “I watched you double check the locks and cart them off like animals. Where are they?”
“I don’t know! I’m telling you! I was just following orders, and I don’t work for them anymore! I’m- I’m a bartender now!”
“Good for you; that’s not what I asked.”
“So,” Sophia crouched down in front of Aolli, “You gonna spill the beans? Or do I have to squeeze them out of you one by one?” Aolli squeaked. How pathetic.
“Beans?” Yal-sre asked.
“Yes, beans. Spill.”
“I- I can tell you where I took them, but they won’t be there anymore.”
“How do you know that?” Yal-sre asked.
“It wasn’t a permanent location, it was more of a- like a trade center! I just took them there and handed them off to someone else. I don’t know where that person took them!”
“Dammit!” Yal-sre tensed in... anger? Frustration? Fear? “Do you know... can you at least tell me if they’re alive?” Yal-sre’s voice softened. Sophia stood back up.
Aolli uncurled themself a little; “I don’t know, I’m sorry. They should be alive, but I haven’t heard anything of your sisters since I handed them off. I can’t guarantee nothing’s happened.” Yal-sre stepped back, and hunched their posture.  “I’m sorry,” Aolli repeated.
“No you aren’t.”
“Yes, I am. I- yes I’m scared of you, but that’s not why I’m apologizing. I really do regret my past. I’ve done shitty things, but we used to be friends and I still care about you.” Aolli did sound genuine, but-
“What? You used to be their friend? That’s a betrayal if I’ve ever seen one!”
“I know! I know! I’m sorry!” Aolli flinched back into their protective ball.
“It’s...” Yal-sre said, “... a little more complicated than that. But in essence, yes.”
“Damn.” Sophia turned to Aolli, “HEY BITCH!” she grabbed their shoulders and began to shake them forcefully, “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!?”
“Sophia stop!” Yal-sre reached out as if to stop her by force, but seemed to think better of it. Their words did the trick, though. Sophia huffed and shoved Aolli backwards into the wall before stepping back. Aolli continued to whimper and shrank impossibly smaller. 
“We’ll get your sisters back.”
“We’ll find them.”
“What if they’re already dead?”
Sophia scoffed; “It’s gonna take a hell of a lot to kill a rragletatch. Plus, Aolli said they should be alive, it’s dumb to assume someone is dead just because you haven’t seen them in awhile. We’ve gotta assume they’re alive.”
“You say ‘we’.”
“Yes, I’m helping you. Whether you like it or not.”
“I’m bored.”
“That’s a really bad reason to make big commitments to dangerous things, but ... thank you? I don’t... even know where to start.” Yal-sre looked down at the floor.
“I’ve got an idea...” Sophia gave Aolli a wicked grin. Aolli looked up from their flinch-ball position, before reading her expression and tucking themself back.
“Aolli can tell us where they last saw your sisters, and we can start asking questions around there.”
“I- it’s fshhhhAK: Naychshhh on planet Nayerzwu. That’s where I dropped them off.” Sophia pulled out her mobile device and enabled dictation.  “Set route for fshhhAK: Naychshhh: Nayerzwu.”
“You may have mistyped your search, fshhhAK: Naychshhh: Nayerzwu does not exist. Would you like to see similarly named cities in Naychshhh: Nayerzwu?”
Sophia gripped her device like a boa constrictor killing its prey. She glared daggers. “You lied.”
“NO, NO, NO! I didn’t lie! It’s just not on any maps, it’s uncharted! Off the books! That’s why it was used as the centerpoint for the illicit stuff, they knew we wouldn’t be caught in a place that ‘didn’t exist’!”
“LIAR!” Sophia roared.
“Now, wait, Sophia-” Yal-sre interrupted, “That does sound plausible. They could be telling the truth.”
“Fine. Give us precise directions, and we’ll see.” Sophia loomed over Aolli.
“I- I don’t think I can. Most of the way there is also uncharted. I was shown the way there by someone, and I remember my way mostly by my senses than anything else. I’m not lying I swear! Please don’t hurt me!”
“Are you definitely, 100% certain you’re not lying?” Sophia just had to make sure.
“Yes! 100%! Please believe me!”
“Okay. Then you are going to take us there.” Sophia said.
“... what?”
guys i’m not good at editing. If there’s any parts where you can’t tell who’s speaking, please tell me!
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