sheltiechicago · 2 years
Amasya Yeşilırmak Yalıboyu Konakları(Green River waterfront Mansions) by Talip ÇETİN Via Flickr: Amasya / Türkiye Yalıboyu Konakları Yeşilırmak kenarında tarihi sur duvarları üzerine, ahşap çatkı arası, kerpiç dolgulu olarak inşaa edilmişlerdir. Kırma ya da beşik çatı üzeri, oluklu kiremitle örtülü bir biçimde düzenlenmiş olan ve geleneksel Osmanlı evinin bütün özelliklerini bünyesinde taşıyan bu evler, Amasya’nın tarihsel kimliğiyle uyumlu bir görünüm arz etmektedir. Evler bitişik nizamda, bodrum üzeri tek kat ya da iki katlı olarak düzenlenmişlerdir. Bazı uygulamalarda birinci kat üzerinde bazı uygulamalarda ise ikinci kat üzerinde köşk olarak bilinen şahniş yer almaktadır. Evler genellikle avlulu ve bahçelidir. Avluda su kuyusu ve ocak ilk göze çarpan nesnelerdir. Amasya evlerinde iç ve dış bölümlerinde yer alan bütün birimler arasında kesintisiz bir bağlantı söz konusu olup, bu bağlantı birbirini tamamlayıcı niteliktedir. Konutların ikinci kat uygulamaları genellikle dışa taşkın, cumbalı olarak yapılmakta ve bu sayede hem evin plânında bir simetri oluşmakta, hem de daha fazla yer kazanmak söz konusu olmaktadır. Özellikle Yalıboyu'nda tarihi sur duvarı üzerine yapılmış olan konutlarda, bu durumu çarpıcı bir şekilde görebiliriz. Buradaki konutlar, “eliböğründe”lerle desteklenerek dışa taşırılmış ve böylece evlerin iç mekanlarında bir genişleme meydana gelerek mekan kazanımı sağlanmıştır. Günlük yaşam, evlerin iç mekanında sofa (hayat) etrafında biçimlenen odalar içerisinde geçmektedir. Bu odalarda genellikle ocak, şerbetlik, yüklük (gömme dolap), raf ve sedir gibi işlevsel birimler bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca birkaç örnek dışında evlerde bağımsız bir gusülhane bulunmadığı için bazı odalarda büyük ve geniş olarak düzenlenmiş olan yüklükler, gusülhane (banyo) olarak düzenlenmiştir. İNG: Yaliboyu Mansions They were built on the historical fortification walls on the edge of Yeşilırmak, between wooden frames and filled with adobe. These houses, which are arranged on a hipped or gable roof, covered with corrugated tiles and carry all the features of a traditional Ottoman house, present an appearance in harmony with the historical identity of Amasya. The houses are arranged in adjoining order, with one or two floors above the basement. In some applications, there is a falcon, known as a kiosk, on the first floor, and in some applications, on the second floor. Houses usually have courtyards and gardens. The water well and the hearth in the courtyard are the first objects to be noticed. There is an uninterrupted connection between all the units in the interior and exterior parts of Amasya houses, and this connection is complementary to each other. The second floor applications of the houses are usually made with an overhanging bay window, thus creating a symmetry in the plan of the house and gaining more space. We can see this strikingly especially in the residences built on the historical city wall in Yalıboyu. The residences here were supported by “eliböğrünü” and thus, an expansion occurred in the interior spaces of the houses, thus gaining space. Daily life takes place in the rooms shaped around the sofa (life) in the interior of the houses. These rooms usually have functional units such as stove, sherbet, closet (built-in cupboard), shelf and ottoman. In addition, apart from a few examples, since there is no independent ghusl in the houses, the large and wide cupboards in some rooms are arranged as ghuslhane (bathroom).
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sehrikesfet · 6 hours
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yamanhacioglu · 4 years
arnavutköy robert kız koleji 1920’ler
Bakırköy istasyon caddesi 1930’lar
Balat, Fethiye Camii önünde oyun oynayan çocuklar. 1968 yılı, Ara Güler fotoğrafı…
bebek sahil 1920’ler
Tüm sakinliği ile bebek 1940’lar
Bebek çay bahçeleri 1930
bebek parkı civarı 19yy sonları
Bebek sahili ve tarihi ahşap yalılar 1936
bebek yaliboyu 20ler
besiktas iskele 1975
beyazıt meydanı 30’lar ve 57’de kaldırılan havuz
beyoglu tunel durakları 70ler
bogaz hatlari 2 beyfendi 40lar
bogaz yalisi 20ler
büyükada 70ler
Büyükdere Caddesi, Levent’te bulunan Neyir Fabrikası binası…60’lı yıllar.
cihangir sırtları
çamlıca tepesi 70ler
çubuklu 40lar
Eyüp – tarih bilinmiyor
Gülhane 1920’ler
Gülhane 1920’ler
Haliç motorları 1970’ler
İşgal yılları – İngiliz askerleri kahvede oturan insanları sorgularken
istiklal caddesi 1920’lerin sonu
istiklal caddesi 30lar
kalamış 1960lar
Kandilli İskelesi… 1875
karaköy meydanı 1950’ler
küçüksu plajı 1970’ler
Fenerbahçe’de yapılan kürek yarışları 1930’lar
Maçka 1970’ler
meclisi mebusan caddesi – tophane 1960’lar
meselles plajı samatya 1920’ler
moda iskele 1940’lar
ortaköyden boğaz 1919 – Arkaplanda işgal güçlerine ait gemiler
rumeli hisarı – ahşap yalılar
sultanahmet 1929
sultanahmet parkı 1950’ler
süreyya plajı 1950’ler
taksim cumhuriyet anıtı ve topçu kışlası
taksim meydanı 1920’ler
tarabya iskele 1960’lar
tarabya sahile inen bir sokak 1920’ler
tokatlıyan oteli tarabya
tramvay ön camı 1940’lar kadıköy kuşdili
üsküdar 1930’lar
yakacik denize dusen otobus 1950’ler
zeytinburnu – ahırkapı sahili 1800’lerin sonu
Tarih Sayfalarından Fırlamış İstanbul Fotoğrafları – 27
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Tumblr media
11-10 Amasya,Turkey-October 15,2017: Traditional Ottoman houses near the Yesilirmak and other main historical buildings were restored; these traditional Yaliboyu houses started to be used as ... http://dlvr.it/Q0D0Wp
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THE CITY OF CROWN PRINCES, AMASYA - #Amasya, #AmasyaApples, #AmasyaArchaeologyMuseum, #AmasyaCastleCharms, #AppleTrees, #CityOfPrinces, #DifferentMuseum, #HistoricBeauties, #KingRockTombs, #MerzifonClockTower, #OttomanArchitecture, #SeljukHeritage, #Tourists
New Post has been published on http://justforustravel.com/2017/10/12/the-city-of-crown-princes-amasya/
in the time of the Ottoman state management of Education ensured that he received and sent to Amasya Princes. A large part of the sultans they were grown up in this precious city. So in a sense, because it’s made in the land of the State Administration first internship, here called the city of Princes.
what’s the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Amasya, may I ask? Now I can almost hear what you say Amasya apples. Here are quite a lot of apple trees and cherry trees. Season to taste these delicacies when you come and I suggest you take to your home. I learned from Amasya, Marble apples from Apple was one of the people here other name. On one side the other side of this Apple is red and yellow, thin-skinned and fragrant. Of the region the phrase “the smell of apple orchards it will be nice when you switch from a pulling this mis lungs.”
at the same time, Amasya, ferhat and şirin, the legendary’s famous experiencing the city of love. Ferhat love for mountains, rocks by drilling and was able to bring water to the city. When you come to Amasya, ferhat and şirin Museum lovers’s what love can stop by and you’ll see. The city of Amasya in the city is highly developed and the people are very warm to guests arriving. Here it is possible to choose a hotel that fits your budget.
views of Amasya Castle Charms
when you come to Amasya, you exit the first Castle. The castle, which dates back thousands of years, is thought to be built by the Hittites, and it’s been used by the Ottoman Empire. Castle Mountain Harsena’s built on if you’re looking for adventure, you may go to the castle on foot. You go by taxi or rent a car from the centre of Amasya I suggest you go to. Amasya Castle’s what you when you would meet an exquisite landscape…. All of Amasya under your feet when you look down and you will see the great beauty of the river Yesil.
King Rock Tombs ,Reflects the history to the present day
The King Rock Tombs carved into the rocks of a wonderful architectural structure. During the trip you make to visit the castle and King Rock Tombs. Graves are also visible when viewed from the slopes of the harsena mountain and the town centre. Tourists’s has become a place that attracts a lot.
Yaliboyu Houses Carries Ottoman architecture
located on the eastern shore Yaliboyu houses, completely reflects all the properties of traditional Ottoman houses. Restorationthat have been made in the direction to have a nice walk between the houses, it will be pleasant. You’ll almost feel like you’re living in that era yourself. Bay windows, wood and the colorful houses of a part residential, part restaurant, and is being used as a shop that sells items unique to the region. I preferred to stay in such a hotel.
Resting seven Swan Bird Sanctuary
this lake especially during the migration periods you can see beautiful birds. Peace and tranquillity for lovers of the lake which has a unique beauty, almost delivering peace of mind. While walking around the lake and soak up some fresh air you can relax with the sound of the birds. Come prepared when you get here, don’t go see it immediately. When you go for a long time and you’ll feel that you have to reset your head away from problems.
Amasya Archaeology Museum a different Museum
where are displayed samples of Turkish culture and lifestyle of the Wax Museum, taking the moment like atmosphere. Is removed from excavations from the Bronze Age artifacts in the museum you can see.
gökmedrese Mosque Seljuk Heritage
Construction 1200’s based on years of work Lu, inherited from the Seljuk period to the present day. Actively open and offers visitors the best examples of wood carving of worship. Previously this mosque, which is seen as a complex task, I can say that it has become one of the symbols of Amasya.
Borabay Lake green feed
Borabay Lake is a gift from nature, almost to a man. Highly suitable for camping hiking and picnicking facilities. By the Council of Ministers declared tourism the lake Borabay Lake, Amasya Taşova County awaits you.
Bridge Kunc Defy time
with a view of the historic bridge that connects two neighborhoods are almost on the yeşilırmak integrated. It was built by Hyundai in the Seljuk period and the chick of the bird by the local people known as the bridge. Standing defiantly in the center of Amasya Bridge kunc years.
hot springs terziköy it will keep you fresh
Amasya’s situated in the center, this spa; stomach, gall bladder, rheumatism, is said to be good for many diseases such as paralysis and kidney disorders. Around hotels, restaurants and children’s play areas feature. Terziköy Amasya is one where you should spend some time in hot springs on your trip I’d say. Maybe you take all your tiredness, you can choose this place as the last stop.
magnificent structure Merzifon Clock Tower
the reigns, gave the Decree a clock tower to be built in every town. Built by çelebi Mehmet in 1414, four hours of work). If you pass merzifon, I suggest to see this Clock Tower.
what to eat?
in the early hours of the morning in Amasya necessarily I would recommend eating a doughnut. Amasya is famous to have breakfast with Muffin the muffins are very nice and it’s pretty tasty. Available in a great number of people doing donuts in Amasya, my advice to you Muffin will be the winner.
  Amasya-specific Fork, beard, and cutting the crest you can have a taste of poached egg soup. Stuffed with Fava beans, meat and okra stew), albóndigas soup, liver rolls, cucumber, beetroot and bacon made by the local people and also between meals.
  if it came distinctive regional desserts dessert after eating your dinner, Amasya is waiting for you. In other provinces, try not hasuda you can see, yuka, honey, gaile quince, cherry, bread, and sugar pie are among the delicacies you should taste. Meanwhile, the pastries are made here and consumed in a common format. Sorry to hear about the loss of Amasya, never bread, pastries, native naked. I can say that when you come to Amasya, it’s a feast for your stomach.
How do I get to?
transportation will be the right choice for air travel to Amasya. Amasya merzifon airport to land at, you need to go to. The airline to reach the city centre from the airport can take a bus into the city centre and taxis that can take advantage of during the trip or you can rent a small car that you can use.
Amasya’s great pleasures, and it’s time to get to the historic Beauties!
amasya is waiting for you!
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sonhaberim · 7 years
Çakır, Yalıboyu Köylerinde İncelemelerde Bulundu
Çakır, Yalıboyu Köylerinde İncelemelerde Bulundu Son Haber
Çakır, Yalıboyu Köylerinde İncelemelerde Bulundu Son Haber
Devamını Gör http://ift.tt/2snxq2w via SonHaber.im http://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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