#Yalta parks
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From the boulevard Yalta, the Crimea , Ukraine
2. The gulf, Yalta, the Crimea, Ukraine
3. Gurzuf from the Yalta Road, the Crimea, Ukraine
4. Gurzuf, the Crimea, Ukraine
5. The Crimea, Alupka. The Imperial palace, Ukraine
6. The church, Baidar, the Crimea, Ukraine
7. Gurzuf, from the Park, the Crimea, Ukraine
8. The gulf, Sebastopol, Ukraine
9. The Khan's palace, Bakhchysaraĭ, Ukraine
10. The harem, Bakhchysaraĭ, Ukraine
Photos were published between 1890 and 1900 and are part of The Photochrom Print Collection, which has almost 6,000 views of Europe and the Middle East and 500 views of North America. Published primarily from the 1890s to 1910s, these prints were created by the Photoglob Company in Zürich, Switzerland, and the Detroit Publishing Company in Michigan. The richly colored images look like photographs but are actually ink-based photolithographs, usually 6.5 x 9 inches.
Source https://www.loc.gov
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loiladadiani · 8 months
"In St. Petersburg we work, but at Livadia, we live."
Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna
In 1909, Nikolay Krasnov, who was responsible for the Yousupoff Palace in Koreiz, was engaged to design a new imperial palace in Livadia (before that, there had been an imperial residence in Livadia consisting of a large and a small palace used by Alexander II and later by Alexander III, who died at the smaller residence.) When Nicholas II decided to build the new palace, he also demolished the older residence but left the small palace where his father died.
The Tsar's diary indicates that the Imperial Family discussed the design; it was decided that all four façades of the palace should look different. After 17 months of construction, the new palace was inaugurated on 11 September 1911. In November, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna celebrated her 16th birthday at Livadia.
The family was always the happiest at Livadia.
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One of the Tsar's "motors" at Livadia. If you look carefully, you can see the "side of the palace" where the car is parked and the main entrance in both the contemporary colored and black and white photos.
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Above is the beautiful Italian Courtyard of the palace as it stands today. If you look at pictures taken when the Romanovs used the palace, the centerpiece of the courtyard was different. Today, there is a fountain at the center. Examining the older pictures (below), you can see that there seemed to be what I can only describe as a "well" at the center of the courtyard. There was a column on each side of the well. In one of the photos below, you can see Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich; he had his own rooms at the Livadia Palace.
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Nicholas II and his family were so at ease at Livadia that they also conducted some minor official functions in addition to family activities. When the family went to Livadia, they usually went as far as Yalta by sea; it is easy to infer that the official activities they conducted were related to the crew of the Standart. In addition, at the time, it was believed that mountain air and rest could cure tuberculosis, and there were several spas and sanatoria in the mountains in the area. The Empress and the girls visited the sick there (they also participated in other charitable activities.)
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The Yousupov family gifted the beautiful door above to Nicholas and Alexandra. The painting next to it is from a beautiful book by Kravnov ("Fiftieth Anniversary of Yalta"), who worked on the palace's design (and on that of the Crimean summer residences of several Grand Dukes.) The window is also featured in the painting.
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The "solarium" seems to have been a very popular area. Nicholas and his children preferred the outdoors, and Livadia seemed to provide the Empress with the perfect environment to get sun and fresh air in comfort regardless of her many ailments.
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This is the "Moorish" courtyard of the palace. It is small, but notice the exquisite tilework on the walls. And, of course, the little balcony between the windows seemed perfect to Alexis for him to "address" his family.
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The palace had a chapel so that the Romanov family could worship in privacy.
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A few of the interiors of the palace. The chandelier is Murano Glass (amazing that it survived all these years.) Olga's coming-of-age celebration took place in Livadia in the formal dining room in the photograph above, dancing spilling into the flower-perfumed courtyard. That is a luxury of the type you cannot buy! The girls' rooms are currently being restored. There are pictures of the rooms as they were, but I was not sure they were from Livadia, so I did not include them.
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Finally, some photos of the "Tsar's Path" (or Sunny Path), which exists to this day (it goes from Livadia Park to the city of Gaspra.) The family loved to walk this path (regardless of its name, it is not sunny but pleasantly breezy). This path is on one level so that anybody can walk it, regardless of their cardiovascular status. I have read two stories about how it "emerged," and as usual, the truth is probably in the middle. First story: The new Livadia Palace did not exist yet, but the Romanovs used the old palace and always loved coming to Livadia. Alexander III kept gaining weight, and his doctor recommended that he walk but not overdo it...so Alexander had the path leveled. The path's beginning and end differed from what they would be later. Second Story: Sandro had the path from Ay Todor toward Livadia built because Nicholas and Sandro's families always visited each other (they started calling it the Prince's Path.) Nicholas loved the idea and extended the path.
Today, the main path remains, and other routes to other small towns can be hiked from it. Many of the same benches and sculptures are where they were at the time of the Romanovs.
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Just one last photo. Here, you can see how close the palace is to the mountains and the sea. A beautiful big house full of fresh air and light with flowers perfuming the air. No wonder Olga liked it so much! (gcl)
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a-tale-never-told · 8 months
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Yalta, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1030:am August 31st, 2012.
*As a Gaz 13 Chaika limousine drives down the mountain roads to its destination, one man is preparing himself. He is wearing a business suit with a fedora, has small eye contacts, a little mustache, and a briefcase. This is Shinjo Nomuri, the general secretary of the Communist Party of North Japan*
*Nomuri had been earlier confronted from the airport by a few Kgb guards, who said that their boss asked for a meeting with Shinjo and that he sent them to pick him up. Shinjo went alone quietly, fearing they would kill him if he tried*.
*Eventually, they reach the destination, a huge Dacha that is with a Lenin statue standing in front of the entrance and all the other cars parked near the clearing. Watchmen and Security armed with AKM assault rifles and Mosin Nagant Rifles watch closely at the car.*
*One of the men steps out of the car, a Kgb escort, and looks at Shinjo*.
Kgb guard: Мы прибыли, сэр. Выйти из машины ( We've arrived sir, get out of the car)
*Shinjo nods and steps out of the limo, escorted by Kgb. One of the guards looks at the security and waves his hand at them. Upon seeing the Signal, they let him through*
*They enter inside the hallways of the Dacha and proceed to walk to the office. Inside the hallways lining them up are pictures and paintings of famous hallmarks of Soviet history, such as the 1917 October Revolution, a Stalin-era building of the 1930s, and the Soviet flag being hoisted on the Reichstag. the detonation of the first Soviet nuclear device, a scene of Sputnik 1 in space, Yuri Andropov giving a speech to a crowd of Kazaks in the Kazak SSR, and more*
*Eventually, they reach the office where the front entrance is guarded by two Kgb guards wielding assault rifles. The escort looks at the guards as they proceed to check if they have any weapons hidden in the suit *.
Kgb guard : Он с нами. Товарищ Николай просил о срочной встрече с ним ( He's with us. Comrade Nikolai requested to see him for something urgent)
*One of the guards looks at Shinjo intently and then goes inside the office for a bit. A few minutes pass untill the guard comes out of the room*
Kgb guard: Товарищ Николай попросил пригласить его. ( Comrade Nikolai has asked to send him in)
Kgb guard: Понял ( Understood)
*With that, the guards pass so that the door is opened by the escort. entering the office. Behind the desk, is a portrait of Leon Trotsky, while the rest of the room has two paintings depicting the Soviet countryside. Sitting at the desk signing papers, is a 6ft skinny yet well-built tall man wearing a Soviet officer uniform, with his black hair and surprisingly youthful face concentrated on signing the documents*
Nikolai: Господин Генеральный секретарь, присядьте, пожалуйста.( Mr. General Secretary, have a seat please)
*Shinjo does as asked and proceeds to take his seat thus kickstarting the meeting*.
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yalta-intourist · 19 days
В отеле Yalta Intourist прошли крупнейшие выставки компании «ЭкспоКрым»
На протяжении трёх дней, с 14 по 16 марта, в отеле Yalta Intourist прошли сразу две крупные выставки «РестоОтельМаркет» и «РосЭкспоКрым».
XIII Международная выставка комплексного оснащения отельного, ресторанного бизнеса и торговли «РестоОтельМаркет» и Х выставка российских производителей «РoсЭкспоКрым» собрали свыше четырёх тысяч представителей целевой аудитории.
Уже десять лет, начиная с 2014 года, компания «ЭкспоКрым» проводит подобные мероприятия, которые содействуют как развитию гостинично-ресторанного комплекса региона, так и привлечению новых инвестиций в бизнес. И не случайно местом его проведения является крупнейший отель черноморского побережья Yalta Intourist, входящий в состав сети Marins Hotels кинокомпании «Союз Маринс Групп»: здесь традиционно принимают делегатов крупных официальных и выставочных мероприятий, которые проходят на многофункциональных площадках гостиничного комплекса.
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На одной из крупнейших площадок полуострова – в зале «Хрустальный» – собрались лучшие российские и зарубежные представители отрасли с целью наладить деловые контакты и заключить выгодные соглашения с крупными производителями.
Во время официального открытия выставок с приветственным словом к собравшимся обратилась генеральный директор отеля Yalta Intourist Елена Вячеславовна Цыренова, которая поздравила представителей гостинично-ресторанной сферы с открытием масштабного и яркого мероприятия и пожелала участникам выставок плодотворной работы.
– Нам очень важно общаться с партнёрами глядя в глаза, ощущать собственными руками качество товара, чувствовать его вкусы и ароматы, – обратилась к присутствующим Елена Цыренова. – И это становится возможным благодаря таким профессиональным выставкам, которые являются перспективным направлением для развития гостеприимства и экономики как в регионе, так и в стране в целом.
Организаторам мероприятия удалось создать идеальные условия для обсуждения наиболее актуальных вопросов, установления надежных связей и обмена опытом между специалистами отельной сферы Крыма и представителями из самых разных регионов России.
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Выставки «РестоОтельМаркет» и «РосЭкспоКрым» стали масштабными мероприятиями в курортной сфере не только Республики Крым, но и России. Вниманию участников выставок был представлен широкий ассортимент – от оборудования для санаторно-курортных учреждений, предприятий общественного питания, торговли, гостиничного хозяйства до текстиля, спецодежды, постельного белья, столовых принадлежностей, посуды и сопутствующих товаров. Мероприятия традиционно прошли на высоком уровне, став ключевыми событиями в сфере решения актуальных вопросов отрасли и насыщения отечественного рынка новыми качественными товарами.
Отель Yalta Intourist Green Park – ведущий курортный комплекс сети отелей Marins Hotels кинокомпании «Союз Маринс Групп». Он расположен в Крыму, на берегу Чёрного моря, у подножия Ялтинских гор и вековой зелени Массандровского парка. 
Отель «Ялта-Интурист» – это теплые бассейны, аквапарк и собственный пляж, развитая инфраструктура, анимационные программы, рестораны с кухнями мира, спа-центры, зоопарк и самый сказочный отдых для всей семьи.
Завтраки, обеды и ужины проходят по системе «шведский стол» в ресторанах «Мраморный», в «Ай-Петри» на 16-ом этаже или в «Ливадия» на территории Green Park. Тематическое меню обновляется ежедневно. Ежегодно отель радует миллионы гостей, а также является главной площадкой для проведения масштабных мероприятий, конференций и выступлений.
Для гостей действует программа лояльности Marins Club: выгода до 25% при бронировании номеров, скидки на проживание во всех отелях сети, бонусы, бесплатные дополнительные услуги и другие индивидуальные преимущества.
yaltaintourist.ru, marinshotels.ru
8 800 600 88 88, 8 800 600 55 55
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daniela--anna · 4 months
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🏰 Vorontsov Palace - One of the most popular places in Crimea among tourists, along with Massandra, Livadia Palace and Swallow's Nest.
📍 The Vorontsov Palace is located in Alupka, 15 km from Yalta.
⚒ The palace was built of diabase (a volcanic rock with properties stronger than granite) in the English Gothic style.
60,000 servants and soldiers worked on its construction for 20 years (from 1828 to 1848).
9 million silver rubles were spent.
🏯 In 1921 the palace became a museum, but during the Great Patriotic War it was looted.
The amount of damage was estimated at 5 million rubles.
In 1956, a museum was reopened in the castle, and since 1990 the Alupka Palace and the Park Museum-Reserve have been located here.
🌳 The palace is surrounded by a centuries-old park, which contains 200 species of trees and exotic plants.
📷 Katerina
🏰 Palazzo Vorontsov - Uno dei luoghi più popolari in Crimea tra i turisti, insieme a Massandra, Palazzo Livadia e Nido di rondine.
📍 Il Palazzo Vorontsov si trova ad Alupka, a 15 km da Yalta .
⚒ Il palazzo fu costruito in diabase (una roccia vulcanica con proprietà più forti del granito) in stile gotico inglese. Alla sua costruzione lavorarono 60.000 servi e soldati per 20 anni (dal 1828 al 1848). Sono stati spesi 9 milioni di rubli d'argento.
🏯 Nel 1921 il palazzo divenne un museo, ma durante la Grande Guerra Patriottica fu saccheggiato.
L'ammontare dei danni è stato stimato in 5 milioni di rubli. Nel 1956 nel castello fu riaperto un museo e dal 1990 qui si trovano il Palazzo Alupka e la Riserva-Museo del Parco.
🌳 Il palazzo è circondato da un parco secolare, che contiene 200 specie di alberi e piante esotiche.
📷 Katerina
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midi8 · 11 months
Yesterday I was working as deck hand for boat charter company. I fixed leaking head on a 46 feet Beneteau yacht and some other minor maintenance on smaller 36 feet cat. They say they like me and want to hire me. But how am I about to do that without work permit? I don’t know.
When I came back to marina where my boat is parked, some old drunk moved my boat to the end of the dock. Really? No respect to my property, horrible. Too many old drunk demented people in States, way too many. And I can’t even call the police, right? Sometimes I am wishing for Armageddon coming here as well so these people could at least think about life and death seriously.
I am wandering spirit since my father died, so I get used to life on the run. If only someone could hear what I am saying and playing. My sound production is not really connected to any “local” scene. Berlin, Kyiv, Yalta or LA - I’m an alien everywhere. Cause I’m never local since 1996 or so. People people people…
If I stop posting please know that I’m good with anyone using my stuff and texts. Make a movie. I’m a sailor and creator. My soul is pure love.
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wagefarm · 1 year
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It's exciting to part of the 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference (March 21-24), Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi Kenya. Let's strengthen resilience and Sustainability in Food together. Wage Spices LTD. & Wage Farm we are representing. Thanks Pelum Uganda, happy to represent Yalta Youth. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDG8WcsNZo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fdrlibrary · 3 years
National Color Day
Here at the FDR Library we have a collection of color photographs and transparencies in the Archives.
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In this image, FDR and Eleanor are seated on the lawn in front of Springwood, August 1932. Photograph by Oscar Jordan.
CT 86-103
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The Big Three sit for photographers outside the Livadia Palace during the Yalta Conference, February 9, 1945.
CT 53-70:1A
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Eleanor at the United Nations, New York, New York, mid-1940s.
CT 74-53
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searuss8 · 4 years
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usnatarchives · 3 years
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Churchill models newest iPhone release, circa 1942. Can you hear me now? How 'bout now?
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GIFs from "US reveals armed might for Churchill", 1942, NARA ID 38910 I can't see you. Can you see me?
#OTD 1945, Winston Churchill resigns as British Prime Minister By Miriam Kleiman, Public Affairs
The bromance between FDR and Churchill contributed to the Allied victory in WW2 and helped make the cigar-smoking British Prime Minister a favorite American icon.
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30TH Infantry Division and Churchill cross the Rhine River, WW2. NARA ID 23484.
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From "US reveals armed might for Churchill", 1942, NARA ID 38910.
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FDR and Churchill in Casablanca, 1/22/1943, FDR Library, NARA ID 196991.
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Churchill and FDR figurines gifted from Winston W. Stadig, 1941, FDR Library, NARA IDs MO 1945.8.5 and MO 1945.8.6.
From the FDR Library: Ten days after Germany invaded Poland (9/11/1939)- FDR wrote a confidential letter to Churchill, the newly-appointed political head of the British Royal Navy . FDR wanted to open a direct line of communication and encouraged Churchill to "keep me in touch personally with anything you want me to know about."
FDR's note was the start of an extraordinary six-year correspondence between the two men that totaled almost 2000 messages. Between 1941 and 1945, they spent 113 days together, starting with an August 1941 meeting in the North Atlantic and ending at Yalta in Feb., 1945.
More online:
FDR and Churchill, Teaching with Documents
War! Roosevelt and Churchill, Roosevelt Library
FDR, Churchill and their secret code names for Casablanca, Forward with Roosevelt blog, Roosevelt Library.
D-Day: FDR and Churchill’s “Mighty Endeavor” - Roosevelt Library
Roosevelt and Churchill: A Friendship That Saved The World, National Park Service
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ivanseledkin · 2 years
Кладбище троллейбусов в Ялте / Yalta trolleybuses cemetery
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В этом парке стояли старые троллейбусы, снятые с маршрута Ялта - Симферополь, самые древние из них - Škoda 8Tr и 9Tr, закупленные СССР в 1960-х.
Летом прошлого года на Крым обрушились сильные ливни, а в Ялте сошел сель. Этот сокрушительный поток из жидкой грязи и камней двигался с гор и буквально упёрся в старые троллейбусы! Таким образом, они защитили постройки, находящиеся ниже, в том числе троллейбусный парк - иначе бы сель засыпал его территорию и мог повредить используемые машины.
На 2022 год парк расчистили от камней, и редуте троллейбусы планируют забрать в музей в Питер.
In this park there are old trolleybuses removed from the route Yalta-Simferopol, the oldest of them - Škoda 8Tr and 9Tr, purchased by the USSR in the 1960s.
Last summer, heavy rains hit the Crimea, and a mudslide came down in Yalta. This crushing torrent of liquid mud and rocks moved from the mountains and literally ran into the old trolleybuses! Thus, they protected the buildings below, including the trolleybus park - otherwise the mudflow would have covered its territory and could have damaged the cars in use.
The park was cleared of rocks for 2022, and the redoubtable trolleybuses are planned to be taken to a museum in Petersburg.
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immortalotma · 3 years
Grand Duchess Anastasia’s letter
Letter written by Grand Duchess Anastasia on May, 29, 1912 from Moscow Kremlin. The letter is written with some orthographic and grammar mistakes. 
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Darling Shura,
How is your health. It is hot here 30 degrees in the sun. I just got back from Neskuchnyi (Translator’s note: the oldest park in Moscow). There was an outing in the morning and there was a worship service in Uspensky cathedral (TN: principal church in the Kremlin). It was so sad to leave Livadia and I feel terribly sad that you are not here. Maria  and I live in the blue room Olga and Tatiana in the red, Nikita Fyodor and Andrei have tea with us and play here. Do you have a stick?
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Nikita is terribly naughty. It was terribly hot on the train.
Olga, Mama, Papa and Tatiana were traveling in a noble (a slang, probably referring to a car on a train for nobility), like in Kiev. I feel better but sometimes bad again. Tomorrow there will be an inauguration of the monument (TN: Tsar Alexander III monument inaugurated on May 30, 1912). Do you think you will come soon or not.They say that we will raise the Standard on June 29, so you need to hurry. Now after Moscow I want to go to Levadia. We made a stop in Harkov. There were Ladies with Mama and Papa had reception of the deputies. Tatiana received a good gift today for her celebration (TN: Tatiana’s birthday). We had a marvelous voyage from Yalta to Sevastopol, the weather was hot and marvelous in Sevastopol.
Will stay in touch. Big kiss to you. With love
Truly yours Anastasia
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The envelope is plain because people like to read, when it says Moscow or Standard.
Close up of Anastasia’s signature:
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Close up of Anastasia’s drawing:
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goviatravel · 5 years
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Tavasz Yaltán 🌸 #yalta #spring #bestplacestogo #flowers #park #travel (helyszín: Yalta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvt4ZU4nBHQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pkajlkqky94z
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yanamiers · 7 years
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This photo was taken last year In Crimea. I felt free there. I'll be back there in August. I really need a rest after exams. Who loves amusement parks as much as I do?
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yalta-intourist · 1 year
Отель Yalta Intourist в топе межсезонного отдыха
Отличным вариантом для релакса и оздоровления в межсезонье является знаменитый крымский отель Yalta Intourist, входящий в состав кинокомпании «Союз Маринс Групп». Про достоинства легендарного отеля можно говорить бесконечно. Это и шикарное расположение на берегу моря у подножия Ялтинских гор на территории Массандровского парка, и уникальные услуги оздоровления и омоложения, и рестораны с кухнями разных стран мира, а также развитая инфраструктура, тёплые бассейны с морской водой, анимация и многое другое.
Отдых в отеле Yalta Intourist в межсезонье – это целый спектр возможностей для укрепления здоровья. Гости могут пройти курсы лечебных, оздоровительных, SPA-процедур, массажа, ароматерапии, а также попариться в знаменитых «Воронцовских банях», посетить баньку с аромамаслами, сауну и хамам, не выходя за пределы территории. Отдельного внимания заслуживает «Центр грязеомоложения», где используется уникальная сакская грязь. Здесь все желающие смогут омолодиться, очиститься от токсинов, нормализовать тонус мышц, снять усталость суставов и позвоночника.
Этой осенью спа-комплекс радует своими новинками и презентует сразу три услуги на основе крымской натуральной косметики: шоколадное, мятное и медово-горчичное обёртывания. Это не только косметические процедуры для улучшения внешнего вида и состояния кожи тела, но также приятная детоксикация организма и насыщение его необходимыми витаминами и минералами.
Не меньшей популярностью среди гостей отеля пользуется «Центр омоложения лица и тела», где представлен широкий спектр услуг по омоложению, профилактике возрастных изменений, коррекции контура лица и силуэта тела.  Тот, кто с особым вниманием относится к своему здоровью, не упустит возможности побывать в «Центре массажа» и самой большой на Черноморском побережье «Соляной пещере», посещение которой полезно для дыхательных путей и профилактики респираторных заболеваний.  В отеле можно посетить и самый большой в Крыму тайский SPA с хамамом. Здесь собраны традиционные практики массажа, а также авторские программы, направленные на оздоровление, укрепление организма, сохранение молодости и красоты, поддержание энергетического баланса. Кстати, персонал салона – квалифицированные мастера из Королевства Таиланд.
Неподдельный восторг гостей вызовет комплекс бассейнов. В пятидесятиметровом Олимпийском бассейне и панорамном бассейне «Инфинити» чистейшая морская вода подогревается до температуры +28°С, что способствует комфортному отдыху в любое время года.
А ещё отель Yalta Intourist – идеальное место для любителей спорта и активного отдыха. Все желающие могут посетить спортивный городок на территории Green Park. Здесь расположена многофункциональная спортивная площадка на свежем воздухе, оборудованные мини-поля с мягкой зелёной травой для занятий футболом и подвижными играми, поля для волейбола и профессиональные теннисные корты. У прыжкового бассейна находится открытая площадка с тренажёрами для различных групп мышц. Ну и, конечно же, одна из главных достопримечательностей отеля – единственный в Крыму панорамный фитнес-центр. Он оборудован многофункциональными и комфортными тренажёрами LifeFitness последнего поколения. Приятным бонусом станет открывающийся с высоты птичьего полёта захватывающий вид на Чёрное море, горы и Ялту.  
Отдыхайте в отеле Yalta Intourist с наслаждением и пользой для своего здоровья.
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schwammkopf · 7 years
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