#Yamaha Tenere 700 Explore
rianmobili · 11 months
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bikerspiritmagazine · 11 months
Νέο Yamaha Ténéré 700 Explore 2024 - Παρουσίαση - VIDEO - Φωτογραφίες
Νέο Yamaha Ténéré 700 Explore 2024 – Νιώστε το αληθινό πνεύμα της Ténéré. Continue reading Untitled
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csajokamotoron · 11 months
A Yamaha 2024-ben egy új dimenziót nyit a motorozásban
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A Yamaha 2024-es választéka az európai motorkerékpárosok és robogósok számára a legszélesebb modellválasztékot kínálja minden kategóriában. Az 1955-ben Genichi Kawakami által alapított Yamaha Motor Company olyan innovatív és kifizetődő gépek megalkotására összpontosít, amelyeket úgy terveztek, hogy KANDO-t kínáljanak ügyfeleiknek - a mély elégedettség és az intenzív izgalom belső érzését érezzék, amikor valami kivételes értékkel, minőséggel és teljesítménnyel találkozik. A vállalat inspiráló FEEL termékcsaládjától kezdve az izgalmas RACE modelleken át a stílusos MOVE robogókig minden Yamaha sokkal több, mint a részei összessége. A Yamaha motorkerékpárok és robogók, amelyeket olyan emberek találtak ki, terveztek és gyártottak, akiknek igazi szenvedélye az, amit csinálnak, képesek arra, hogy mindenki életét egy újabb dimenzióval gazdagítsák. 2024-re a Yamaha több újdonsággal is jelentkezik: két teljesen újratervezett és magasabb felszereltségű MT-09 és MT-09 SP Hyper Naked modellt dob piacra, valamint egy teljesen új Sport Heritage modellt, az XSR900 GP-t, amely a 80-as és 90-es évek GP-versenyzőit idéző dizájnnal rendelkezik, és egy Adventure szegmensbe tartozó, terepre összpontosító Ténéré 700 Extreme-et. A városi mobilitás vonalát pedig a dinamikus, megfizethető és könnyű új RayZR robogó bevezetésével erősíti meg. https://csajokamotoron.hu/a-yamaha-megerositi-a-kategoriaelso-adventure-termekcsaladjat-itt-a-tenere-700-extreme/ A Ténéré 700 Extreme és a Ténéré 700 Explore modellek még jobban kibővítik a kalandmotorosok választékát, és az új modellek mellett a Yamaha motorkerékpárok és robogók széles választéka lesz elérhető számos új színben. Read the full article
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advpulse · 4 years
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Our friends at MotoDiscovery have been breaking in the latest addition to their rental fleet – the new Yamaha Tenere 700. If you've been looking for an opportunity to throw a leg over this machine, spending a few days on your own adventure might be the perfect way to decide if the T7 is your next ride. You can pickup the bike at their facility in Grand Junction, CO and MotoDiscovery can hook you up with self-guided routes, gear, a GPS device, maps, and luggage – everything you need for a few days of exploring the scenic byways and backways around Utah or Colorado. They have a range of other capable adventure/dual sport bikes available as well like the Africa Twin, WR250R, KTM 690 Enduro or DR-Z 400.  More details at  the link ➡️ bit.ly/coloradoadv
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richccrockett · 3 years
Ultimate motorcycling Yamaha Ténéré 700 Project Bike: off-road test
By: AdvWisdom Title: Ultimate motorcycling Yamaha Ténéré 700 Project Bike: off-road test Sourced From: advwisdom.com/a/ultimate-motorcycling-yamaha-tenere-700-project-bike-off-road-test/ Published Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 14:43:34 +0000
I drove them Ultimate motorcycling Yamaha Ténéré 700 Project Bike 1120 miles from Los Angeles to Portland so I could ride the forest roads of the Pacific Northwest. It turned out to be a great travel companion – easy, enjoyable, and fun. Now that we’re off-road, we’re both looking forward to tapping through the elements together.
Turning the Ténéré 700 off the sidewalk and driving down a dirt forest road for the first time reminded me to take my dog ​​off the leash at the starting point of the first spring hike. She just wants to know: “Where am I going and why are you so slow?”
That’s because I have to stop and press the ABS button in the lower right corner of the LCD panel to turn the ABS off! OK. Now we can go and I have. So far I have ridden over 300 miles on varied gravel forest roads on four consecutive Saturdays and some 4 × 4 two routes that I would not have ridden if it had been a personally borrowed bike –Yamaha will of course not mind.
In any case, the Ultimate motorcycling The Yamaha Ténéré 700 Project Bike has proven to be a stable, controllable and comfortable exploration platform.
I was given a 360-degree camera for testing, which I happened to turn on shortly after turning onto a particularly beautiful forest road. This is a frame grave of mine who sincerely smiles simply because it was a beautiful day and to a beautiful place that the Yamaha Ténéré 700 brought me.
I had never driven in the dirt with that amount of available horsepower, but that didn’t mind how easy it was to get used to. The electricity smoothly turns on from idle and allows me to keep turtles, rabbits, or a steady pace at my discretion.
Downhill, the engine brake is sufficient for everyone except for the most difficult inclines. Uphill the power is infinitely controllable and I won’t break the rear tire unless I want to. The use of the front brake is linear and gives a lot of feedback. Its one-finger control gives me the confidence I need to control my speed and all stops, including descents.
I prefer to stand in the field. The ergonomics of the standing position for my 5’9 “frame is just perfect. I can bring the fuel tank high and my arms are in a comfortable position with my knees drawn straight.
My individual fingers on the front brake and clutch are properly angled for long-lasting comfort. The standard footrests are well positioned and I can still look at the LCD display while standing without leaning back.
I haven’t ridden it yet, but my protective knee pads are bulky and require wider footpegs so I can’t stand in a cone shape. With the high toebox from my you won’t get under the gear lever Klim Adventure GTX boots, I quickly mastered shifting with side toe pressure. It took a while until when upshifting from 1.
So far, I’ve done all of my Yamaha Ténéré 700 off-road rides with a new friend I met at a local dual-sport forum. He’s been driving all his life and Offroad for four years. He was in the lead on the first two drives and I learned what it feels like to drive off-road again. I was comfortable on the gravel turns at his pace of about 30 mph.
I felt like halfway through our third drive of 95 miles off-road I was lacking some cornering ability. I found that due to the position of the tank bag, I wasn’t far enough over the tank. I stopped, took it off, put it in my side pocket, and literally drove off. Just getting further forward over the tank increased my cornering speed on gravel by 10 mph! After this revelation, I had to stop again and again so that he could catch up.
My slight weight shift added so much positive control that I stopped wondering what a 450-pound motorcycle would feel like in the dirt. The steering is easy, but with a positive feeling of the terrain. I didn’t go for speed, the speed just showed up with a slight change in technique. I drove on sand, pea gravel, an inch of gravel, and river rocks. I remembered my 250cc dirt bike which felt like this, except with less front tire deflection.
I found that 3rd gear gives me the flexibility to slow down to 13 mph and go up to 40 mph without changing gears. The engine pulls sharply from the lowest speed – just above towing – to a speed that calls for a shift.
There’s a lot of washboard uphill this late in the season, and the Ténéré 700 manages to get the rear tire back on the ground satisfactorily in the stock setting. We wore Sena Bluetooth communications units, and my riding partner always knew when I ran into the washboard because he could hear a lot of rackets from my bike.
Just when I jumped on it Ultimate motorcycling Yamaha Tenere 700 Project Bike in Los Angeles without testing or practicing, I had just dived off-road as well. On the third ride, I did some tight U-turns. I used standard techniques so that I could shorten the radius of each U-turn. Since I was reluctant to drop it, I didn’t get any lock turns, but I was pretty close. A little more practice and I’ll be fine.
Seat height is a problem that has to be overcome on uneven terrain. the Ultimate motorcycling The Yamaha Ténéré 700 Project Bike has lowering handlebars and I rode off-road with the standard seat. With my 30-inch inseam, I can barely walk flat on level ground. When the ground isn’t arched, one of my soles is in the air.
The Ténéré 700 is well balanced and can be easily leaned to one side without feeling tipping. In combination with the lowering links, the standard length stand had to find low points in order to lower the stand. Even on level ground I have to climb very carefully so as not to throw my balance over the middle. A shorter stand was ordered from Camel ADV products.
I’m ready to play on single tracks and in more difficult terrain. The 21-inch front tire, high suspension, and twin power give me confidence that I can tackle the same obstacles that are so much fun in the OHV parks.
I have a healthy respect for what it takes to lift or push 450 pounds, so I am not going to ride alone in places where there is a reasonable chance I will drop it. When I go to an OHV park, I make sure I only have two liters of gas left. If you get 50 mpg, two gallons will be more than enough to keep you going for hours, and it saves 12 pounds and sloshes.
The screw-on enhancements I chose to put my signature on the Ultimate motorcycling Yamaha Ténéré 700 Project Bike appears on my porch. I enjoy screwing and spending time on my projects. I look forward to getting started.
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sbknews · 7 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/2018-tenere-700-world-raid-prototype-new-xt1200ze-super-tenere-raid-edition/
2018 Ténéré 700 World Raid Prototype and New XT1200ZE Super Ténéré Raid Edition
Commitment to Adventure
Having pioneered the development of rugged, lightweight dual-purpose motorcycles back in the 1970s, Yamaha has always had a close relationship with the Adventure segment.
Developed from the legendary Dakar Rally winning race bikes, models like the original Yamaha XT600Z Ténéré opened up the possibilities of long distance exploration to every rider. With their durable designs, long range fuel tanks and unrivalled reliability, the first generation Ténéré models became Yamaha’s best-selling motorcycles in Europe, and helped to ignite worldwide interest in a whole new movement.
Following the outstanding success of the original air-cooled adventure bikes, the Yamaha Adventure line up continued with models like the XTZ750 Super Ténéré, as well as the XTZ660 Ténéré – both of which became recognised as the definitive adventure bikes of choice for long distance riders who wanted performance, quality, durability and reliability.
The original Ténéré spirit has never gone away, and Yamaha’s commitment to the Adventure world remains as strong as ever.
Since the T7 broke cover a year ago, it has experienced unprecedented levels of attention all over the world. Wherever the bike has been displayed, there have been crowds of eager riders waiting to see it and touch it. Videos of the T7 concept have attracted millions of views, and journalists have been lining up to get a feel of this new generation adventure bike.
Those riders that have been offered a chance to test the T7 have been extremely impressed with its strong torque and lightweight agility, and these highly complementary press reports – supported by a number of action-packed journalist videos – have reinforced the intense interest in this new Adventure bike.
Ténéré 700 World Raid prototype. Chasing the Next Horizon
Inspired by the remarkable levels of worldwide interest generated by the T7 concept – together with the positive feedback and encouraging reviews from those who have ridden it – Yamaha has created Ténéré 700 World Raid, a prototype model which is being used to develop the final specification of the production model.
Featuring the rugged rally-inspired character of the original T7 concept bike, and developed using the information gained from intensive testing of the T7 during 2017, this lightweight adventure bike is unlike anything else on offer in the market place.
In contrast to many models available today from other brands, the Ténéré 700 World Raid’s low weight and slim chassis give excellent off road performance for more extreme riding in a wide variety of terrain – and its compact 689cc, CP2 engine delivers a wide band of tractable and easy to use power that make it ideal for on and off road adventure riding.
This motorcycle knows no bounds, and is designed for riders with an active attitude who yearn for the feeling of total freedom associated with adventures on two wheels. Designed with Yamaha’s rally winning DNA, the motorcycle that captures the genuine Ténéré spirit is just over the next horizon.
Ténéré 700 World Raid. The real spirit of adventure
At the very heart of the Ténéré 700 World Raid prototype is the same highly acclaimed 689cc, 2-cylinder crossplane engine that has been used in the best-selling MT-07.
With its compact design and linear torque delivery, this specially developed version of our highly acclaimed CP2 engine gives plenty of power for strong performance on the tarmac and dirt, while its mass centralised layout and low weight contributes towards the bike’s agile handling characteristics. The prototype also features a custom-made rally-style Akrapovič exhaust that reinforces the bike’s rugged looks and delivers a deep and powerful tone.
The steel chassis has been reworked and improved in key areas in order to achieve optimised on road and off road handling, and features capable upside down front forks and a monoshock rear that are designed to perform well in all conditions.
The Ténéré 700 World Raid features the same rugged looking rally bike silhouette as the T7, with a number of fine tunings such as a lower seat height, that make the future production model accessible to a wide range of adventure riders.
The fuel tank has been developed to give a useful range between refills, while at the same offering excellent ergonomics and contributing towards the machine’s low weight.
Carbon is used for the side panels, front fender and the one-piece rear tail, and the cowl is equipped with a Dakar Rally machine inspired 4-projector headlight assembly.
The cockpit area is designed to accommodate additional equipment such as navigation devices, and this exciting adventure bike features the T7-inspired colour scheme, with Racing Blue and carbon fibre bodywork.
2018 Ténéré 700 World Raid
Inspired by the huge levels of interest generated during the last 12 months, Yamaha will be taking theTénéré 700 World Raid prototype on a challenging trip around the world throughout 2018.
During this special World Raid, a team of Yamaha riders will take on a number of tough adventure stages across the globe, enabling Yamaha fans in America, Australia, Africa and Europe to see, feel and hear the future of adventure riding.
2018 XT1200ZE Super Ténéré Raid Edition
For 2018 Yamaha introduce the XT1200ZE Super Ténéré Raid Edition, the latest model in the Adventure segment, and regarded as one of the most durable and capable large capacity models in this competitive category. The high specification of this latest model is inspired by the development of the Ténéré 700 World Raid, and it comes fully prepared for serious long distance exploration.
Equipped with an outstandingly rugged and reliable 1199cc, 2-cylinder engine featuring a 270-degree crank layout that delivers strong torque for effortless riding, the Super Ténéré is the bike that professional long distance adventurers like Nick Sanders choose to ride.
Its specification tells the serious adventure rider everything they need to know: shaft drive; electronically adjustable suspension; 23-litre fuel tank; adjustable seat and screen; unified braking – and advanced electronic control technology including TCS, Cruise Control and D-MODE.
Exclusive specification
For 2018 Yamaha is able to offer the most complete package with the XT1200ZE Super Ténéré Raid Edition -Yamaha’s ultimate large capacity adventure model.
Aimed at those long distance riders who want the highest specification motorcycle that’s built to load up and go, the Super Ténéré Raid Edition is equipped with new 37-litre aluminium side cases, giving a total luggage capacity of 74 litres.
These sturdy yet lightweight new side cases are designed to accommodate additional luggage that can be strapped on top, increasing the carrying capacity. For extreme durability, this high quality aluminium luggage has all corner points reinforced in techno polymer.
For high levels of wind and weather protection the exclusive Super Ténéré Raid Edition is equipped with a high screen and wind deflectors – plus fog lamps fitted as standard meaning the XT1200ZE Super Ténéré Raid Edition has the same 4-lamp face design as theTénéré 700 World Raid.
To give added peace of mind when riding off road, the Raid Edition is fitted with a rugged skid plate featuring side extensions that help prevent damage to engine cases over rough or rocky terrain. The Super Ténéré Raid Edition is also equipped with exclusive carbon side panels, while the newly designed graphics reinforce its rugged go-getting spirit, and underline its position as the ultimate large capacity Yamaha Adventure model.
XT1200ZE Super Ténéré Raid Edition – Technical Highlights
Newly designed dual 37-litre aluminium side cases for 74 litres total carrying capacity
High screen and wind deflectors
Skid plate with side extensions
Fog lamps
Carbon side panels
Exclusive new Raid Edition graphics
1199cc, liquid-cooled, inline, 2-cylinder engine
270-degree crank for strong torque
Shaft drive with clutch dampers and shaft dampers
Electronically adjustable suspension
Intelligent unified braking system and ABS
Traction control, cruise control and Yamaha D-mode
Tough spoked aluminium wheels with tubeless tyres
Tapered aluminium handlebars and adjustable screen
LCD instruments with gear position indicator
190mm travel, adjustable front and rear suspension
Adjustable seat height from 845mm-870mm
23 litre fuel tank and stitch less dual seat
National Distributor Information
Yamaha Blue with Raid Edition Graphics
Tech Black with Raid Edition Graphics
The 2018 XT1200ZE Super Ténéré Raid Edition will be available at Yamaha dealers starting in March 2018.
Destination Yamaha Motor
Yamaha has created a whole new adventure riding experience where everyone has the chance to explore new places, make new memories and discover their potential. Destination Yamaha Motor operates in every continent with carefully selected professional partners who offers riding experience to suit most requirements. Riders can choose the length of the adventure, the date, and the type of riding – and can ride their own bike or rent a Yamaha machine.
For more information have a look at https://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/experience/destination-yamaha/index.aspx
TénéréSpirit returns to the Dakar Rally
To pay homage to the comeback of one of the most successful motorcycles ever, Yamaha’s Official Dakar WR450F will proudly wear the Ténéré 700 World Raid. name and graphics during the 2018 event that starts on Saturday 6th January.
Yamaha Genuine Accessories
Yamaha has developed a range of high quality Genuine Accessories for the Super Ténéré models, enabling every customer to build their very own unique Adventure motorcycle.
The line-up includes Akrapovič slip on mufflers, as well as hard and soft luggage, plus a choice of seats and screens – and a range of stylistic bolt on accessories, protectors and billet levers are also available.
My Garage: Building bikes to believe in
Yamaha owners or potential customers can now create their dream bike by either using the online model configurator on the Yamaha Adventure product pages – or, even cooler, with a mobile App showing the chosen Genuine Accessories directly on the motorcycle in stunning 360 3D views.
The Yamaha My Garage App can be easily downloaded with a mobile device from the Apple App store or the Android Google play store.
Yamaha Genuine Apparel
The Genuine Apparel line-up includes riding gear designed for Yamaha owners, including an Adventure Jacket and gloves, plus a selection of casual wear including T-shirts, caps, sweaters, and jackets.
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