yardenercom · 2 years
Things You Should Do To Achieve Fertilizing Trees
To fertilize trees effectively, it is important to understand how their roots are structured. A tree's root zone spreads over an area about a third again larger than the breadth of its branches. The larger roots are near the trunk and the small fibrous hair roots are farthest away.
The Main Meal
Yardeners should not apply fertilizer too close to the trunk of a tree. Use ½ pound of slow-acting fertilizer for each ½ inch of trunk diameter. Spread the fertilizer within an area 1-1/2 times the size of the area under the tree's drip line.
Calculate Fertilizer Area
Homeowners should use a standard slow release all-purpose granulated fertilizer for more satisfactory results. Tree spikes, sold to fertilize trees, are not effective in providing a large tree with all the nutrients it needs. Sprinkle this on the soil over the root zone, and decide how much fertilizer is needed.
1. Estimate the number of feet from the base of the trunk to the farthest edge of the root zone. This may be a foot or two beyond the reach of the longest branches.
2. Multiply this distance by itself to arrive at a number of square feet.
3. Since most general purpose fertilizer packages indicate amounts needed for every 1000 square feet, it is easy to calculate from this how much fertilizer is necessary for a specific tree.
Every spring apply 0.05 pounds of nitrogen for each year of the tree's age. Start when the tree is three years old; once it reaches ten years, stop increasing the dose. Too much nitrogen will result in soft fruit with a washed-out color and insipid flavor.
For information about the various kinds of fertilizers go to Fertilizers in the Tool Shed section.
Snacks and Vitamins
You can give your young trees optional "snacks" and "vitamins" to boost growth. These compounds are applied as foliar sprays that are absorbed directly through leaf tissue instead of through the roots. Fish emulsion is best, but there are many others that are satisfactory. Use a compression sprayer and any water-soluble garden fertilizer to apply them.
What About Tree Spikes?
The most common fertilizer sold in nurseries is available in the form of "spikes". They look like tent pegs and are designed to be pounded into the soil around the tree. Spikes tend to concentrate the nutrition in a few small areas, out of reach of the many widespread roots. Granulated fertilizer can be spread more evenly and is less expensive than spikes.
We offer over 3000 Pages of Practical Problem Solving and Plant Care Info for Yardeners and over 6,000 answers to questions from Yardeners if you still couldn’t find what you are looking for you can send us your questions free and get an answer.
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yardenercom · 2 years
Problems of Bush Roses - Yardener.com
Black spot, powdery mildew, and rust are the three major disease problems of roses. While mildew is found nationwide, rust and blackspot territories seldom overlap. Correct cultural practices can prevent many disease problems on roses. Plant rose bushes so that there will be a chance for air circulation around each plant to help minimize foliage disease problems. Water before noon; do not let water spatter on to the leaves to prevent fungus.
That’s not just it, there is more to it. For more information and know about other diseases in detail see here
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yardenercom · 2 years
Spider Plant
Airplane Plant is another name for SPIDER PLANT. The plant is 3 feet tall. This is a fantastic plant for beginners because it can only be destroyed by blatant neglect. very rapid growth. These plantlets can be used to create young plants that can be utilized as summertime outdoor bedding. Keep it pampered and well-fed.
There is more to learn about spider plants than just that. Visit our website to learn everything there is to know about spider plants.
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yardenercom · 2 years
Problems of English Ivy
What are the "Problems of English Ivy"? How will you address the issue you are having and the effects it might have?
Read about “Problems of English Ivy” here
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yardenercom · 2 years
Yardener's Plant Helper
The ultimate resource for Yardeners who want efficient and effective professional advice to take care of their yard and plants.
This yard care database is assembled for "Yardeners" - folks who own a house with a lawn, some trees and shrubs, and maybe some flowers. They want to take care of the plants in their yard, but gardening is not a hobby, and probably never will be.
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yardenercom · 2 years
Food Gardening
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Yardeners typically avoid growing any vegetables, fruits, or berries because it takes up too much time. But we do advise you to try a few vegetables as a start.
So give it a try!
In this section, we break down the process of having a vegetable garden into simple, easy-to-follow steps.
Basics of Vegetable Gardening
This section deals with design issues and general principles of gardening.  Every one of the over twenty vegetable files you find here cover all the details for choosing, planting, caring for, and problem solving for each vegetable. 
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2. Vegetable Files
The most common problem for beginning vegetable gardeners is trying to grow too many different vegetables in the first year. You need to remember that every different vegetable - green beans, sweet peppers, to tomatoes - all have slightly different cultural requirements to be happy. They produce ready to pick fruit at different times in the season. They all have their own set of pest insects. They all have their own needs for water and fertilizer. Know more about vegetable files in this section
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3. Culinary Herbs
Despite the fact that we'll be adding a lot more herb plants to this list over the upcoming year, you can read about some very popular and simple-to-grow culinary herbs right now to add flavor to a variety of dishes.
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4. Build A Complete Vegetable Garden System
We have described how to "Build A Complete Vegetable Garden System" in this section.
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5. Fruits & Berries
There are some differences in care for the different species of fruit trees.  However, there are a number of general techniques that can almost always ensure success in terms of a crop of attractive and tasty fruit. Know more about Fruits & Berries in this section
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6. Making Sprouts
Sprouting seeds is a great way to grow a fresh and nutritious vegetable crop indoors, with no fuss and no muss.
Sprouts are high in fiber, low in calories, easy to digest, contain no fat and they're very filling. They also contain protein, minerals, amino acids, and a passel of vitamins -- a dieter's dream come true. Know more about Making Sprouts in this section
Years ago, the primary reason for growing your own vegetables was to save money in the food budget. Today with virtually every common vegetable available in the supermarket every month of the year, the reason to grow your own vegetables is mostly to have better flavor and nutrition from the vegetables you grow yourself.
Visit our website to get all the assistance you need if you need any help with gardening. More than 6000 questions have been asked and answered. You are welcome to pose any gardening-related queries.
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yardenercom · 2 years
Problems of Daphne
Daphne problems include sudden wilting, leaves that are curled and discolored, cottony masses, and leaves and branches that are encrusted.
At Yardener, you can read about all the "Problems of Daphne" in detail and prepare how to deal with the "Problems of Daphne."
You can also ask us questions if you don’t find your desired content at Yardener
We encourage you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay updated with all the latest gardening news, new updates, and what’s popular this month.
Read more about Problems of Daphne at: https://gardening.yardener.com/Problems-Of-Daphne
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yardenercom · 2 years
Problems of Rosemary
What are the "Problems of Rosemary"? Know the Symptom and know the Probable Cause of every "Problem of Rosemary". Know in detail about each problem.
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yardenercom · 2 years
Solving Geranium Problems
What are the “Solving Geranium Problems”? What are the probable causes? Read more in detail about each problem and know how to solve the problem.
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yardenercom · 2 years
Problems of Chrysanthemum
• Leaves Discolored, Fall Prematurely; Stems Woody Means Water Problems
• Lanky, Flopping Stems Are Caused By Too Much Shade
• Leaves Are Curled And Distorted By Aphids
• Leaves Blotched With White Trails Caused By Leafminers
• Plant Grows Poorly Because of Mealybugs
• Stalks Break Off Due To Feeding Of European Corn Borer
• Ragged Holes In Leaves Are Chewed By Slugs Or Snails
• Leaves Are Mottled, Blotched By Botrytis Gray Mold
• Leaves Covered With White Powder Have Powdery Mildew
• Plant Blooms and Stem Tips Eaten Might Be Deer
Learn more about each issue in depth here, and get the support you need: https://gardening.yardener.com/Problems-Of-Chrysanthemum
A lot of people have faced the same issues and had questions, you can check all the questions and answer from this page as well. If you still have not found what you are looking for send us a question.
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