#Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship
How the Ukraine Crisis Affected Children Globally
How the Ukraine Crisis Affected Children Globally https://ift.tt/N7q3gHQ Since the start of the military operation in Ukraine, millions of children have been forced from their homes. Some were forced to flee across the border into other countries, while others remained in Ukraine, hiding out in underground shelters. The violence in Ukraine has also affected children in other countries that are already struggling with the effects of other crises such as the climate emergency and the humanitarian situation in their home countries. Discover these effects below. The Risk of Hunger The conflict in Ukraine raised concerns about the global supply of wheat, which is a staple food for many countries. If the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, it could lead to a reduction in this staple’s availability and cause prices to rise. In Lebanon, around 80% of its wheat imports come from Ukraine and Russia. The world is currently experiencing the worst global hunger crisis since the Second World War. It has affected 45 million people in 43 countries, and it is expected to get worse. This is a tragedy for children, who are the most vulnerable individuals in a food crisis. In 2020, almost half a million children under five years old were reportedly acutely malnourished. According to Save the Children, an end to the violence in Ukraine would allow the country to protect its children and prevent them from experiencing a worse situation. Mental Health The violence in Ukraine has affected children the most due to the country’s military operation. However, their digital age has also made it easier for them to understand the impact of the conflict on other kids. This is why it is important that parents talk to their children about the war in Ukraine. The situation in the country can be frightening for both adults and children. Being able to talk about the war in Ukraine with your kids can help them feel more aware and help them process what’s happening rather than avoiding the topic altogether.  Energy Poverty The conflict in Ukraine has highlighted the vulnerability of nations that rely on Russian gas and oil. Due to the rising cost of crude oil, the global economy has started to feel the effects of this issue. As the conflict in Ukraine continues to affect families, many parents will be wondering how they can keep their families warm and feed their children. Rising energy costs are already having a negative impact on children, as they are forcing them to live in damp and cold homes. This is additionally going to prevent them from accessing the opportunities they need to grow. The post How the Ukraine Crisis Affected Children Globally first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/ngNsfaH April 19, 2023 at 02:43PM
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Embracing Diversity When You Never Experienced It
Embracing Diversity When You Never Experienced It https://ift.tt/v6ACb1I Despite the concept of diversity being widely discussed, many Americans still live in homogeneous communities. Is it possible to create an environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect? Inclusiveness is about more than just geographical location. It is an attitude that values each individual as someone who is worthy of our attention and respect. Regardless of where we live, we can still embrace diversity by learning more about another person’s life and heart. This can be done in various ways. Volunteer Try volunteering at a local shelter or visiting a nursing home to get to know people who are different from you. Doing so will allow you to get to know them better and maybe even introduce yourself to their neighbors. Embracing diversity is also about appreciating people of various backgrounds and religions. Try Out New Hobbies We tend to build a deeper understanding of life and other cultures when we step outside our comfort zone. For instance, if you’re planning on traveling, try visiting a religious service or a play that’s outside your usual comfort zone. Besides sightseeing, try taking in local culture by visiting restaurants, attending community events, and volunteering at a local charity. Read a Variety of Books A well-written book can help us step into someone’s shoes. Besides reading from different perspectives, try also introducing your kids to a wide variety of literature. Look for authors who can tackle complex issues without being preachy. For instance, Eve Bunting is a children’s author who tackles such topics as homelessness and immigration with a lens of respect. Challenge the Stereotypes You Might Have Been Raised With Take a look at the language that you’re using to describe certain groups, as this can be very inaccurate and can even be biased. These biases are usually rooted in our own experiences and upbringing. They can prevent us from developing deeper relationships with others and limit our own growth. Being able to accept people of different backgrounds is very important for us. Unfortunately, many people tend to avoid being able to make an effort to be more inclusive. When we embrace diversity, we tend to approach the world with open hearts and a generous spirit. We see people as individuals instead of groups or demographics. The post Embracing Diversity When You Never Experienced It first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/ngNsfaH April 19, 2023 at 02:41PM
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Mental Health Tools for Immigrants in the U.S.
Mental Health Tools for Immigrants in the U.S. https://ift.tt/crzR6Nv The Pew Research Center reported that there are more immigrants in the US than in any other country. In fact, almost every country in the world is represented in the US. Despite the various arguments that politicians make about the increasing number of immigrants in the US, the rate of immigration is still lower than it was in the past. There are various reasons why individuals choose to immigrate to the United States, including war, educational opportunities, and more. How Immigration Impacts Mental Health It is easy to see how immigration can have a negative impact on mental health. Without acknowledging the reality of refugees, discussions about immigration would be incomplete. Many refugees have experienced trauma in their home countries, which prompted them to seek safety in the U.S. Because of the trauma that is faced by many of these individuals and the culture shock they can experience in America, it is important that they are provided with mental health tools to help cope with these feelings. Discover a few of these below! Black Mental Wellness Through its website, Black Mental Wellness seeks to provide evidence-based resources and information that can help increase the diversity of professionals and decrease the existing stigma of mental health. Therapy for Latinx The Therapy for Latinx website has a listing of various mental health services for the Latinx community. It also has book recommendations and resources. The National Center for Youth Law The National Center for Youth Law has also created resources that are geared toward supporting immigrant youth. These include a training for teachers on how to work with immigrant families and students, as well as a trauma-informed approach webinar. The National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association The NAAPIMHA has a resource list that is designed to help meet the mental health needs of the Asian-American community. This includes state-level programs when there is a lack of information in the area. Mental Health America Mental Health America also has resources that are geared toward helping immigrant families. One of these is a workshop that is conducted by Dr. Cesar Cruz. This workshop can be helpful for people who are experiencing psychological distress due to their immigration. It can also help them manage their stress by using rituals and spiritual practices, if desired. The South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network The South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network has also created various materials that are geared toward helping individuals with mental health issues. Some of these include a helpline and a provider network. The post Mental Health Tools for Immigrants in the U.S. first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/F5ADdvb March 01, 2023 at 01:54PM
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How to Confront Racism Effectively
How to Confront Racism Effectively https://ift.tt/Hpz2f8J The rise of videos showing police brutality and racial injustices over the years has led people across the country to confront the issue of systemic racism. Not only does racism affect those born within the United States, but it also has large effects on the lives of immigrants. The higher level of attention to these injustices has inspired many individuals to work toward dismantling white supremacy.  According to new activists, being a bystander to racial injustices is an act of racism itself. It allows people to continue to benefit from the unequal systems of power that enable violence against people of color. People who are new to the cause must learn how to become better allies to people who are different from them. This can be done through the use of social justice frameworks, which are designed to address the multiple problems that society faces.  What Is Anti-Racism? Anti-racism is the practice of dismantling and opposing instances of racism. Being anti-racist involves identifying how racism affects people in various cultural and social norms. It also involves addressing the structural and individual levels of racism. The work of addressing racism is an ongoing occurrence in our nation. Confronting Racism Effectively Being aware of the current events in the country is very important to prevent racial discrimination and racial oppression from happening in our society. People must practice anti-racism every day in order to create a better environment for people of color. People can identify the various activities and behaviors that can be used to transform society’s racial attitudes. This can be done through the establishment of policies and systems that are designed to prevent racial discrimination.  Being aware of the various activities and behaviors that can be used to transform society’s racial attitudes is very important to prevent racial discrimination and racial oppression from happening in our society. Some of the most effective ways to do this include talking about racism, learning about microaggressions, and training on unconscious bias. To effectively promote racial equity and social justice, one must first commit to addressing the issues of racial equality and racism. This can be done through the establishment of a safe environment and dialogue that is inclusive of all people. In addition to being aware of the various activities and behaviors that can be used to transform society’s racial attitudes, one can also make a commitment to becoming a part of a group that is dedicated to fighting against racial discrimination. Instead of worrying about how to get it right every time, people should take a step back and consider how they can work together to address the various challenges and complexities of racial equality and racism. Overall, people want authenticity, transparency, and sincerity. The post How to Confront Racism Effectively first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/F5ADdvb March 01, 2023 at 01:50PM
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Supporting Immigrants Who Are Single Mothers
Supporting Immigrants Who Are Single Mothers https://ift.tt/eDAjON4 Many people who come to the US share a common story of hope. However, moving to the country can be a stressful and traumatic experience. It can involve dealing with various issues such as poverty and separation from loved ones. Some people can legally come to the US after months or even years of waiting, some of them being single mothers. They come to the US with the goal of becoming successful and providing a better life for their child. Although each family’s story is unique, it can often be hard to explain to the public due to the complexity of the situation. There are many resources available to help immigrant families, but one of the most overlooked ways to help is by being a friend. This is because many of these families are facing communication and language barriers. When approaching a single mother, be sure to approach her as a fellow human being rather than a helpless soul. Sharing information about local resources can help ease the stress that many single mothers who are immigrants are experiencing. Having a well-rounded knowledge of the area can help them navigate through the various issues that they might face. Being friends with people who do not speak English as their native language can be a great way to help them adjust. It can be hard to adapt to a new culture without speaking the language. Having a good relationship with someone who doesn’t speak English will allow you to spend time together and share your language with them while also learning about their culture. You can also participate in various activities together, such as cooking and walking. Being a solo mother can be hard in certain communities due to the number of people who are married, especially when you have just arrived from another country. To help ease the stress, try reaching out to other single mothers in the area and offering a friendly smile. There are many things that can vary between cultures. It’s important to be patient as you can’t help but feel like you are communicating with someone who doesn’t understand what you are saying. Etiquette, family obligations, punctuality, self-disclosure, and modesty are just some of the things that can vary. It’s also important to avoid assuming the worst when it comes to your friend’s habits and mannerisms. Some friendships don’t get off the ground as easily due to cultural differences. However, your support will mean the world to them as they attempt to make a community that feels safe and supportive to them while also striving to find independence. The post Supporting Immigrants Who Are Single Mothers first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/l0hEadC February 08, 2023 at 02:01PM
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The Challenges That Immigrants Face in America
The Challenges That Immigrants Face in America https://ift.tt/LdNIF32 Hundreds of thousands of people each year leave their homes and travel to other countries to escape persecution, war, and hunger. Many of these individuals are refugees. However, they face many obstacles when they finally arrive in a new country. Language Barriers The language barrier is the most common challenge that immigrants face when it comes to communicating with others. It is because it is assumed that they will know English, and they can face some unkind backlash for not being fluent in this language. Language barriers can also affect the quality of care that immigrants receive. In some communities within the United States, immigrants are unable to receive proper health care due to their lack of English proficiency. Moreover, the varying languages of second and first-generation migrants can affect the abilities of immigrants. Raising Children Being a child of parents who came from another country can be very challenging. The psychosocial and socioeconomic issues that newcomers often face can be very different from those of native-born individuals. Many of the children of immigrants suffer from anxiety and depression. The lack of mental health support and the pressure they are under can make them feel like they are not being supported properly. Studies have shown that children of immigrants tend to struggle in school. Transportation Issues Getting around is a vital part of life for everyone, but immigrants often face issues when it comes to getting to work and accessing reliable transportation. If they live in an area that does not provide reliable public transportation, they will face many difficulties in getting around, especially since most immigrants are unable to obtain a driver’s license or face barriers in their attempts to obtain one. Fewer Employment Opportunities Being an immigrant is often considered to be a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining a job. There are many factors that contribute to this issue. Many immigrants are also excluded from safety and labor protections that are typically enjoyed by native-born workers.  Also, many professionals who are immigrants face difficulties in obtaining foreign academic credentials. This issue should be addressed in order to help minimize the obstacles that refugees face when it comes to employment. Housing Most people who are immigrants are vulnerable when it comes to housing. They face many challenges when it comes to finding and securing affordable and safe accommodations in the United States, especially with the high cost of the rent. Additionally, illegal immigrants are more prone to experiencing higher housing costs than their legal counterparts. The post The Challenges That Immigrants Face in America first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/l0hEadC February 08, 2023 at 01:56PM
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Celebrating Ukraines Culture
Celebrating Ukraine’s Culture https://ift.tt/tpjOIya With all of the devastating circumstances that Ukraine has gone through in the past year, many of us have found ourselves reflecting on the beauty of Ukrainian culture and the traditions that shape this country. In Ukraine, certain practices and customs are considered to be part of the country’s culture. Continue reading to discover a few of the cultural traditions that make up Ukraine’s beauty. Celebrating the New Year Twice On January 13, Ukraine traditionally celebrates the Old New Year. Although this holiday is not an official holiday, locals still have a chance to celebrate it. The holiday was created due to the changing of the calendars. During the times of the Kievan Rus, people followed a Julian calendar, which was 13 calendar days behind European time. In order to make up for the lost time, the Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1918. On January 14 of that year, the holiday became known as the Old New Year and is still celebrated to this day. Making Pancakes for a Week Straight Maslenitsa week is a popular holiday in Ukraine. During the time of the former Soviet Union, this holiday was celebrated to welcome spring and see the sun. This is a week before the start of the Great Lent. During this time, the pancake was regarded as a symbol of spring. This holiday is a time of joy and festivity for the people of Ukraine. During this week, they celebrate by preparing and serving delicious pancakes each day. Having a Picnic at a Grave In Ukraine, commemoration week ends on the 9th day following Easter. This holiday is linked to the cult of ancestors and has pre-Christian roots. During this period, people visit the graves of their relatives to remember them. The ancient Slavs believed that the deceased loved hearing about their warm memories. Today, even though the church doesn’t approve of having fun at the cemetery, many people still visit the graves of their relatives to enjoy a snack and some food. Jumping Into an Ice Hole In Ukraine, people mark the baptism of Jesus on January 19 by jumping into an ice hole. Although the waters are considered to be incredibly cold on this day, the belief that it’s impossible to get sick is rooted in the fact that the waters are filled with healing powers. If you see people screaming and swimming in the freezing waters, don’t be surprised. The post Celebrating Ukraine’s Culture first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/vCi7Fo1 January 23, 2023 at 10:55AM
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Beginning Your Work in Activism
Beginning Your Work in Activism https://ift.tt/8JWdwmK One of the first rules of activism is to use your talents. If you are a writer, then you should write. If you are a cartoonist, then you should utilize that talent to bring awareness to issues that are important to you. If you are a physician, then you should offer your services to individuals. Tying your talents to activism efforts is very important to people who are trying to make a difference. Getting people to volunteer their time is very challenging. It can be hard to convince others to do something they don’t want to do, but it makes the task of recruiting volunteers and donors much easier when it is tied to something they are passionate about. One of the most effective ways to get people involved is by asking them to speak at a public meeting. There are many reasons to get involved in activism, but it can be hard to start when you have no prior experience in nonprofit work. Most people suggest that ambitious activists start where they are. Your specialty, local hospital, and educational facilities are some of the places that can provide you with opportunities to speak at conferences and other events. You can also reach out to other people through newsletters and articles that you have read. Your community is additionally a great source of contacts with various civic groups. Getting involved in activism can be very beneficial for people who are new to it. It can help them overcome their fears and doubts about addressing the issue. The public is eager to hear about it, so it makes it easier for people to get involved. It can also be very empowering for people who are new to activism to hear reputable workers like physicians say that health care should be a right. Physicians can usually meet with the local newspaper’s health/business reporter or the editors and writers of small papers for health policy coverage. You can additionally build a strong network of contacts by using your friends and family. You can also meet with state and national legislators to educate them about the issue you are passionate about. Although they may not be able to lead the way, they can still help spread the word about the issue.  One of the most important factors that people should consider when it comes to getting involved in activism is the availability of financial support. Although some people are retired, they can still contribute to the cause by working at a sustainable pace. Most people will need to maintain a consistent schedule in order to get involved. The post Beginning Your Work in Activism first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/vCi7Fo1 January 23, 2023 at 10:53AM
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When Theater Becomes a Tool for Social Justice
When Theater Becomes a Tool for Social Justice https://ift.tt/kqJAljN Individuals have been enjoying theater since the very beginning of time. It is a form of entertainment that can take us to places we have never been before, and it can also present us with big questions. The contemporary theater is additionally about social justice issues, which have spoken to numerous individuals regarding experiences that they have had. Besides being an entertaining form of entertainment, the theater also aims to provoke thought. It is additionally about addressing some of the most sensitive issues that society has to face. This is why it is important to watch and read the plays thoughtfully. Some of the topics that are discussed in these plays include murder, homophobia, and violence. Luz – Catherine Filloux Through a variety of environments, Luz explores the topic of sexual violence, toxic oil spills, and tent cities. It is also about addressing the issues that society has to face. Through a human rights lawyer’s search for hope in the inner city, Luz aims to find a meeting place for corporate law and humanity. The Laramie Project – Moisés Kaufman and the Tectonic Theatre Project For over a year following the murder of Matthew Shepherd, a gay college student, Moisés Kaufman and his team conducted interviews with the people of Laramie, Wyoming. The cast of the play included eight actors who played over 60 characters. The resulting project, which included interviews with the people of Laramie, culminated in the first performance of The Laramie Project. It was then followed by a sequel, whose plot took place ten years later. The goal of the project was to help the community reflect on what happened to Matthew. To See the Stars – Cynthia Mercati Based on the 1909 Shirtwaist Strike, To See the Stars is about love and solidarity. It revolves around four different groups of women who are struggling with various issues, such as poverty, homelessness, and low pay. The girls in the play are constantly striving for better lives, but they never give up. The goal of contemporary theater is to provide a variety of entertaining and meaningful experiences. It is additionally about addressing some of the most sensitive issues that society has to face. Some of the companies that are involved in this form of entertainment also work with various rehabilitation programs to create unique and engaging performances that have a follow-up purpose and encourage action. The post When Theater Becomes a Tool for Social Justice first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/axkMCqv December 19, 2022 at 09:16AM
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Immigration Activists to Follow
Immigration Activists to Follow https://ift.tt/CdbpPuj Over the past several years, there have been many changes to the immigration system. However, the following experts and influencers have been working to make sense of the changes and find solutions that will benefit everyone. They are committed to making sure that the country’s immigration system is focused on making the most effective possible use of its resources. Juan Escalante In 2000, Juan Escalante and his family fled from Venezuela after the election of Hugo Chavez. Due to the mishandling of their case, the Escalante family lost their immigration status. Juan was eventually able to get back his status through the program known as DACA, which provides temporary protection from deportation. As a member of the national and state advocacy groups for the protection of immigrants, Juan is currently working to advocate for immigration legislation that will benefit everyone. As the Digital Campaigns Manager of a DC-based organization called FWD.us, Juan is working to advocate for criminal justice reform and immigration legislation. Alida Garcia Alida Garcia is a public affairs and political strategist who has experience working with various groups and organizations on issues related to Latino civic engagement. She is currently the Vice President of Advocacy for FWD.us, which was created by Mark Zuckerberg, to push for comprehensive immigration reform. Maz Jobrani Comedian and actor Maz Jobrani has built a successful career in America, appearing in a variety of films, shows, and comedy shows. Using his platform to speak on numerous social issues, Maz has made it a point to speak up on topics such as racism, inequality, and immigration. Having grown up in an immigrant family, Maz utilizes his experiences to bring light to various biases, often using his comedy to do so. Doug Rand Doug Rand is the founder of Boundless, a tech company that helps families navigate the immigration process more easily and economically. For over six years, Doug was a part of the Obama White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. He was responsible for overseeing the administration’s efforts to promote high-skill immigration, entrepreneurship, innovation, and the commercialization of federal research. Ali Noorani Ali Noorani is an activist who is currently the President and Chief Executive Officer of The National Immigration Forum, a nonpartisan advocacy organization that works with various groups to promote the value of immigration. As a teenager growing up in California, Ali was able to forge strong relationships with people from different backgrounds. This has served him well as he has been able to build effective coalitions. Krish O’Mara Vignarajah As the President and Chief Executive Officer of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Krish is dedicated to helping the country’s most vulnerable immigrants. Prior to holding her current title, Krish worked at the White House, where she served as the Policy Director for First Lady Michelle Obama. She also worked at the State Department, where she was the Senior Advisor under Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. When she was a child, Krish and her family fled Sri Lanka due to the civil war. She has since dedicated her life to helping other families who have been forced to leave their homes. The post Immigration Activists to Follow first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/axkMCqv December 19, 2022 at 09:12AM
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Standing in Solidarity With Indigenous Peoples
Standing in Solidarity With Indigenous Peoples https://ift.tt/Q65kGms For Indigenous peoples, Thanksgiving is a time of remembering the genocide and colonization that occurred against their ancestors. On the fourth Thursday of November, many Native peoples observe a national day of mourning. Non-Indigenous individuals are also expected to show their solidarity with the Indigenous people of the country. It has been many years since the idea of establishing a day to honor and recognize Indigenous peoples has been brought up. The first Indigenous Peoples Day was established in Berkeley, California, on October 12, 1992. It replaced the holiday known as Christopher Columbus Day. Over the years, various cities and non-governmental organizations have started to establish Indigenous Peoples Day as a national holiday while also showing solidarity with Indigenous peoples when Thanksgiving rolls around. It is clear that replacing Columbus Day with a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating the Indigenous people of the country is a step in the right direction. However, it is still not enough to establish a comprehensive national resolution to address the injustices that have been done against the Indigenous people of the country. How to Support Indigenous Peoples To fully realize the significance of recognizing the Indigenous people of the country, it is important that we think and act beyond one or two days a year. This is because the process of healing and dismantling the systemic racism and colonial oppression that has been done against them will not be completed in a single day. Instead, it is important that our allies come together to resolve the issues that have been faced by the Indigenous people. One of the most important steps that we can take to support the healing and dismantling of the trauma and violence that have been done against the Indigenous people is by changing our behaviors. This can be done through the challenge of our allies’ pre-existing biases. This starts by breaking down the harmful stereotypes and language used against the Indigenous people.  Despite the various cultural and linguistic resources that exist within the Indigenous community, it is still important that we continue to talk about the issues that have been faced by Indigenous peoples. This is because the negative portrayal of the Indigenous people continues to reinforce the discrimination and racism that still exist in the country. Despite the various obstacles that have been faced by the Indigenous peoples of the country, they have still managed to remain resilient. As we look toward the future, it is important that we continue to focus on the development of effective and resilient leadership and Indigenous rights in the country.  For example, in recent years, discussions of the Keystone XL pipeline brought the concerns of Indigenous peoples to the limelight, calling on the American government to honor their sovereignty and respect their land. The unfinished pipeline quickly became a controversial subject, as it broke the shaky trust many Native Americans had in the United States government and would have caused a lot of pain to the elders who see their land as sacred. As social justice movements continue to engage in conversations about climate, racial, and social justice, it is important that we include Indigenous peoples in these discussions. Instead of focusing on caucasian people as the main participants in the discussion about decolonization and other social justice topics, it is important that we start by talking about the issues that have been faced by Indigenous peoples. This can be done through the building of trust and reciprocal relationships. The post Standing in Solidarity With Indigenous Peoples first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/XlRU0JG November 15, 2022 at 01:06PM
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The Effect of War on Peoples Mental Health
The Effect of War on People’s Mental Health https://ift.tt/JXvuwAx From thousands of miles away, you may have witnessed the conflict in Ukraine through a screen. The images of destruction and the people who are trapped in shelters are disturbing and tragic. The conflict in Ukraine has been referred to as a social media war, and it has been broadcast live on various platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. The spread of violent images and videos has been going on like wildfire, the most recent of these being from the devastating fresh air strikes hitting cities throughout Ukraine on October 10, such as Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, and Lviv. These types of videos and images can have a huge psychological impact. Although the recent conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and other countries have caused a lot of concern for people’s mental health, the invasion of Ukraine is also a potential trauma that can have long-term effects on one’s mental health. War’s Effect on Mental Health Those who consume violent content through social media are at risk of experiencing mental health issues. The prevalence of war can have a negative impact on the mental health of civilians. According to the WHO, around 10 percent of individuals who experience traumatic events will develop serious mental health problems. Another 10 percent will develop behavior problems that can prevent them from functioning properly. Being exposed to traumatic events can have a negative impact on the mental health of soldiers. It can lead to higher medical complications, substance abuse, and dysfunction in families. However, other groups, such as civilians, can also develop the same psychological profile. Civilians, as well as those who consume violent content through social media, can develop a sense of hopelessness and mistrust when faced with a conflict. Excessive use of social media and overexposure to traumatic content can also negatively affect one’s mental health. Mental health professionals suggest implementing healthy boundaries to prevent excessive use of these platforms. While social media is a great platform for raising awareness, it can sometimes heighten anxiety. Instead of scrolling through endless content, try to find something that doesn’t leave you feeling stressed out. Although the war in Ukraine is still ongoing, it can still help boost your mental health by supporting the efforts of those in the country. There are various ways to support those in Ukraine. Doing so can help alleviate the stress and anxiety that people are experiencing. It can also allow you to help them find the support they need without sacrificing your own mental health.   The post The Effect of War on People’s Mental Health first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/kwR9zip October 12, 2022 at 09:16AM
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Representation in Media: The Benefits
Representation in Media: The Benefits https://ift.tt/nptO1ik Today, we are constantly exposed to various forms of media, such as movies, television shows, and books. These are becoming part of our daily lives, and they can sometimes provide us with a break from reality. However, how often do we see an accurate depiction of ourselves? How often do you see a character from a show or movie that is able to relate to their cultural background or identity? The concept of diversity representation is one that has been discussed on a broad level but deserves even more discussion. Before we talk about the importance of diversity in the media, it is important to first take a quick look at what it is and how it can be used to improve the representation of people of various backgrounds. It can encompass different types of people, such as race, sexual orientation, and physical abilities. Although there are various categories that can be considered when it comes to diversity, one thing is clear: everyone is equal. That being said, it is still important to remember that no group is superior to another. While it is important to talk about the importance of diversity in the media, it is also important to remember that representation is how a medium showcases these diversities. The media can help people think critically and develop new ideas. Having diverse representation in the media can, therefore, help broaden the minds of the viewers.  It is important to involve someone from a diverse group in the creation of a character. This method of direct representation can help ensure that the viewers are getting the best possible representation. One of the most important factors that media should consider when it comes to diversity is the perspective of the people who have lived through the experiences it covers. Without the proper understanding of the culture and events that are happening around them, the true meaning of the things that are happening can be lost. Having a well-rounded understanding of the people who are represented in the media can help prevent negative stereotypes.  The media makers are working toward increasing the number of diverse representations in the media. One way that people can help them do this is by diversifying their media consumption. For instance, by watching different types of movies, you can easily increase your exposure to different cultures and ideas. The post Representation in Media: The Benefits first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/kwR9zip October 12, 2022 at 09:11AM
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Todays Most Influential Civil Rights Leaders
Today’s Most Influential Civil Rights Leaders https://ift.tt/zoU0uq6 Civil rights have been at the forefront of people’s minds for decades, and the importance of these civil rights seem to have increased in recent years, especially in the United States. Well-known civil rights movements are headed by leaders just as they were in years past. Each of these leaders addresses the injustices faced by people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, women, undocumented immigrants, the Muslim community, and more. Most people know civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, but it’s important to note today’s civil rights leaders and the influence they’ve had on society in the 21st century.  Here are just a few of today’s most influential civil rights leaders and what they’ve fought for throughout their lives. Esmeralda Simmons Esmeralda Simmons is the Executive Director of the Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, NY, and has been fighting for civil rights for more than thirty years. She’s fought hard for quality public education for students of color through her various positions in the U.S. Department of Education, alongside a federal judge, and throughout the New York state and city government. Currently, Simmons’ place of occupation provides legal services to those facing voter suppression and discrimination.  Susan Burton As the Founder and Executive Director of A New Way of Life, Susan Burton has made it her goal and passion to support formerly incarcerated women. A New Way of Life aims to reduce recidivism rates after their release from prison by providing sober living, free legal services, and other support. The cause is personal to Burton, as she had been in and out of prison for drugs and nonviolent crimes for two decades. Her work earned Burton the Gleitsman Citizen Activist Award from the Harvard Kennedy School in 2010, alongside being named a CNN Top 10 Hero.  Chad Griffin Chad Griffin is a Washington, D.C.-based civil rights activist and Founder of the American Foundation for Equal Rights. He was a Los Angeles political consultant in 2013 when he brought the then-risky lawsuit against California’s ban on same-sex marriage. Since that lawsuit, Griffin has been diligent in his social and legal campaigns to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and win new supporters. Until recently, he was the president of the Human Rights Campaign: the largest civil rights organization working toward equality for LGBTQ+ people in the United States. The post Today’s Most Influential Civil Rights Leaders first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/ExRmAPT September 02, 2022 at 08:51AM
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Ways That Ukraine Can Still Use Your Support
Ways That Ukraine Can Still Use Your Support https://ift.tt/6nAEZWr Since the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Russian aggression has been affecting the lives of many people in the country. It has created a sense of fear and fatigue, as concerns about the country’s security are still at a heightened state. Despite the various threats that Russia has made against the world, such as its nuclear weapons, the international community still has to respond to these issues with tangible measures. The situation in Ukraine is still very serious, and the ongoing aggression against the country by the Russians must remain a key commitment of the international community. Besides the murder of civilians, the Russians continue to violate the rights of the people of Ukraine and their environment. They also continue to incite other states to act without consequences. The US has designated the Russian Federation as a country that commits genocide. Numerous countries have also acknowledged the mass murder of civilians in Ukraine as a genocide. This war is about Ukraine and its commitment to democracy and human dignity. Many people have shown their solidarity by donating, buying up vacation rentals, and signing petitions. How Can People Continue to Support Ukraine? Even though the international community has condemned Russia’s aggression, it is still important that the government and non-governmental organizations continue to support the people of Ukraine. This is because they are helping the country’s military to fight back against the aggressors. If you are still interested in supporting Ukraine, then you might consider supporting United24, a charity that was established by President Zelensky. A donation to this organization ensures that your money is going directly to supporting Ukraine in this war and addressing their most pressing needs. Nova Ukraine is another nonprofit organization providing humanitarian aid to individuals in Ukraine. Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, this nonprofit is committed to spreading awareness about Ukraine both in the United States and abroad. Donations to this organization directly support the people of Ukraine and enable the organization’s volunteers to continue making an impact. Sadly, there are many companies that have been funding this war. To make a stand against the brutality committed by Russia, you can boycott these companies.  It can be hard to find unbiased information about Russia due to the vast amount of pro-Russian propaganda that has been posted online. If your source is intentionally misleading, such as by labeling non-Russians, such as those from Georgia or Lithuania, as the antagonists, then you have likely become a Russian propaganda machine.  One way to educate yourself about Ukraine’s history is through the works of Ukrainian artists. Songs by different Ukrainian artists have been posted online that discuss the various aspects of the country’s history. These songs are very popular self-education tools for people who are interested in learning more about what has been going on. Another way to show your support for Ukraine is by joining the efforts of various organizations that have shown their solidarity. It is important that we remember this is an ongoing conflict that has not come to an end. Showing continual support for Ukraine will help fight this fatigue and provide them with resources they are currently lacking. The post Ways That Ukraine Can Still Use Your Support first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/ExRmAPT September 02, 2022 at 08:44AM
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The Unjust Prison Sentence of Brittney Griner
The Unjust Prison Sentence of Brittney Griner https://ift.tt/Vz9fXU6 A court in Russia sentenced Brittney Griner, a professional basketball player from the US, to  up to nine years in prison after finding her guilty of bringing marijuana-infused cartridges into the country. US President Joe Biden condemned the ruling. After the ruling involving the seizure of her passport, Griner was taken away in handcuffs. She later told reporters that she loved her family. Griner, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, was arrested in February while she was on her way to play for a professional team in Russia. Her case caught the international community’s attention due to the country’s actions in Ukraine. On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin deployed troops into Ukraine, which led to a new low in the relationship between the two countries. Her sentence could be a prelude to a prisoner swap between the US and Russia. It would involve an arms dealer from Russia who was previously imprisoned. She admitted that she brought the vape cartridges filled with illegal substances into the country. However, she said she made an honest mistake by mistakenly packing them. Before the verdict, which was carried out in a court in Russia, she cried as Brittney asked the judge not to put her in prison for a long time. Under pressure to resolve the cases of Americans in Russia, Biden called on the country to free Griner immediately. He also noted that his administration would continue working for her release. In a statement, Biden noted that the sentence handed down to Griner was another reminder of Russia’s wrongful detention of an American citizen. Biden had said it was unacceptable for Russia to sentence a professional athlete to nine years for an unintentional mistake, also stating that he calls on the country to release her so she can be with her family. John Kirby, the US National Security Council’s spokesperson, noted that Russia should accept a proposal made by the US for Griner’s release. Her lawyers said they would appeal the verdict. They noted that the court had ignored the evidence they presented. Her defense team also claimed that the court had been unfair. According to Maria Blagovolina, a partner at a legal firm representing Griner, she was very distressed after the hearing. She said that her client could barely speak.  She was detained at the Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow on February 17 after she was found with vape cartridges filled with hashish oil. Despite pleading guilty, she insisted that she had no intention of bringing drugs into the country. In court, she admitted that she had made an error and asked the judge not to send her to prison for a long time. She broke down in tears as she hoped the ruling would not affect her life. She cited the teachings of her parents as the reason she decided to plead guilty. She said she was taught to work hard and take ownership of her responsibilities. Griner mentioned that she had no intention of breaking Russia’s laws and hadn’t planned on bringing drugs into the country. In response to the international politics surrounding her case, Griner referred to the pawn politics in it. In Russia, marijuana is illegal for both recreational and medicinal purposes. Her lawyers argued that the case had been unfair. Alexander Boikov noted that the case files had been illegally drawn up. The post The Unjust Prison Sentence of Brittney Griner first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/Xp1Vt2q August 09, 2022 at 11:02AM
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