How the Ukraine Crisis Affected Children Globally
How the Ukraine Crisis Affected Children Globally https://ift.tt/N7q3gHQ Since the start of the military operation in Ukraine, millions of children have been forced from their homes. Some were forced to flee across the border into other countries, while others remained in Ukraine, hiding out in underground shelters. The violence in Ukraine has also affected children in other countries that are already struggling with the effects of other crises such as the climate emergency and the humanitarian situation in their home countries. Discover these effects below. The Risk of Hunger The conflict in Ukraine raised concerns about the global supply of wheat, which is a staple food for many countries. If the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, it could lead to a reduction in this staple’s availability and cause prices to rise. In Lebanon, around 80% of its wheat imports come from Ukraine and Russia. The world is currently experiencing the worst global hunger crisis since the Second World War. It has affected 45 million people in 43 countries, and it is expected to get worse. This is a tragedy for children, who are the most vulnerable individuals in a food crisis. In 2020, almost half a million children under five years old were reportedly acutely malnourished. According to Save the Children, an end to the violence in Ukraine would allow the country to protect its children and prevent them from experiencing a worse situation. Mental Health The violence in Ukraine has affected children the most due to the country’s military operation. However, their digital age has also made it easier for them to understand the impact of the conflict on other kids. This is why it is important that parents talk to their children about the war in Ukraine. The situation in the country can be frightening for both adults and children. Being able to talk about the war in Ukraine with your kids can help them feel more aware and help them process what’s happening rather than avoiding the topic altogether.  Energy Poverty The conflict in Ukraine has highlighted the vulnerability of nations that rely on Russian gas and oil. Due to the rising cost of crude oil, the global economy has started to feel the effects of this issue. As the conflict in Ukraine continues to affect families, many parents will be wondering how they can keep their families warm and feed their children. Rising energy costs are already having a negative impact on children, as they are forcing them to live in damp and cold homes. This is additionally going to prevent them from accessing the opportunities they need to grow. The post How the Ukraine Crisis Affected Children Globally first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/ngNsfaH April 19, 2023 at 02:43PM
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Embracing Diversity When You Never Experienced It
Embracing Diversity When You Never Experienced It https://ift.tt/v6ACb1I Despite the concept of diversity being widely discussed, many Americans still live in homogeneous communities. Is it possible to create an environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect? Inclusiveness is about more than just geographical location. It is an attitude that values each individual as someone who is worthy of our attention and respect. Regardless of where we live, we can still embrace diversity by learning more about another person’s life and heart. This can be done in various ways. Volunteer Try volunteering at a local shelter or visiting a nursing home to get to know people who are different from you. Doing so will allow you to get to know them better and maybe even introduce yourself to their neighbors. Embracing diversity is also about appreciating people of various backgrounds and religions. Try Out New Hobbies We tend to build a deeper understanding of life and other cultures when we step outside our comfort zone. For instance, if you’re planning on traveling, try visiting a religious service or a play that’s outside your usual comfort zone. Besides sightseeing, try taking in local culture by visiting restaurants, attending community events, and volunteering at a local charity. Read a Variety of Books A well-written book can help us step into someone’s shoes. Besides reading from different perspectives, try also introducing your kids to a wide variety of literature. Look for authors who can tackle complex issues without being preachy. For instance, Eve Bunting is a children’s author who tackles such topics as homelessness and immigration with a lens of respect. Challenge the Stereotypes You Might Have Been Raised With Take a look at the language that you’re using to describe certain groups, as this can be very inaccurate and can even be biased. These biases are usually rooted in our own experiences and upbringing. They can prevent us from developing deeper relationships with others and limit our own growth. Being able to accept people of different backgrounds is very important for us. Unfortunately, many people tend to avoid being able to make an effort to be more inclusive. When we embrace diversity, we tend to approach the world with open hearts and a generous spirit. We see people as individuals instead of groups or demographics. The post Embracing Diversity When You Never Experienced It first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/ngNsfaH April 19, 2023 at 02:41PM
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Hello! I'm launching something called Adoptables 4 Earthjustice as a fundraiser for the environmental charity. Selling original character designs is not a new concept but what makes this different is that instead of purchasing the rights to the character by paying the artist, you will be donating to charity!
I will be posting reference sheets for adoptable Original Characters made on this Tumblr/Instagram and people interested in the character design will comment on it saying they are interested in donating the requested amount of money for the rights to the character.
Once given the go ahead, they will donate the money to this GoFundMe and the character will be marked as belonging to them. The unwatermarked version will be sent to them via email or tumblrand they are then free to use the OC for personal use as they see fit!
Please be aware this is a discourse neutral zone! We are not here to participate in discourse, we are here to raise money to help the environment! If you can't put aside any differences you might have with people who participate in buying or donating OCs here then it might be best not to participate! If you are found harassing people over discourse differences in connection to this blog you will be blacklisted!
With that in mind alt right/white supremacist/antisemitic/Anti LGBT+/anything else in that vein of bigotry people are not at all welcome to participate and will be blocked on sight! If you see someone who fits this sort of extremist description please quietly contact us about it and we will blacklist them. Not being involved in discourse does not mean we are willing to tolerate dehumanization of marginalized groups, just that we aren't taking sides or getting involved in intercommunity arguments.
Instructions for interested donators:
Go to our Tumblr/Instagram @Adoptables4EarthJustice and find an adoptable that has not been purchased
Find an adoptable you like and comment on it saying you are interested in donating for it. Make sure you look at the price asked for in the post and that you are willing and able to pay that amount!
Once we have reserved that adoptable for you we will give you the go ahead to donate by replying to your comment saying to go ahead and send the money to the GoFundMe.
Donate the asked for amount to this GoFundMe and comment replying to our confirmation comment saying it's been donated.
Once we have confirmed the amount asked for has been donated to the GoFundMe we will dm you on Tumblr/Insta and will send you the unwatermarked version of the Adoptable through whatever email you provide for us. Please make sure we will be able to dm you for this!
All transactions are final so please be sure about your decision before donating to adopt. We cannot refund you. We do not hold the money it goes directly to the charity through GoFundMe.
Rules about the Adoptable you receive:
You may resell it but not for more than you donated for it.
If the Adoptable is based on a copyrighted IP like Pokemon or FNAF it may not be used for commercial purposes.
If the Adoptable is labeled as part of a closed species you are agreeing to research and follow the rules of the closed species. If you are not willing to do so please instead pick one that is not labeled as a closed species.
You can edit and alter the Adoptable however you wish in the future (and if it is part of a closed species, however is acceptable to those rules).
Be sure to credit the artist as the creator of the design where you are using it and do not remove things like the signature of the artist from the reference. Don't claim you designed it, just that you own it.
To those interested in donating an adoptable to be used by Adoptables 4 Earthjustice for fundraising:
Adoptables may be of any sfw species type! Humans, Furry, Mythical Creatures, Animals, Robot, Object based, everything is good as long as it's not something disrespectful to a certain group or culture!
Adoptables may be submitted by emailing an unwatermarked version of the character's reference sheet to [email protected]
Please provide any relevant information (like if it is part of a closed species or not) and howyou would prefer to be credited for it.
Please provide proof in the email you are the one who drew it! (Screenshot of wips or art program open with some of the layers invisible is a good way to do this)
If this character has been drawn before please include all art of the character and any relevant credits/sources for the art.
If this is a previously used character that has been used publicly for NSFW purposes/has NSFW art we ask you please don't submit it so we can keep this blog fully sfw accessable! We just don't want anyone uncomfortable with NSFW things or underage to run across art or writing of the character they purchased doing these things and becoming uncomfortable with owning it. (That being said if you purchase something from here and want to do that kind of stuff once the transaction is over and you own it we can't and won't try to stop you. It's not a moral judgement, just a keeping the blog sfw thing.)
Please say how much you would like the Adoptable to go for in USD or we will pick for you!
Any adoptable you send must be your own art and if it is a closed species you must be the one to own that closed species.
Please send only one adoptable per png image as we do not do adoptables in batches. If there are multiple characters that are meant to be adopted together as a group (like a pair of twins or a witch and Familiar duo) that is allowed.
Bases are not allowed unless it's one you made yourself for your own use only.
You may sign your art but large and intrusive watermarks are not allowed as Adoptables4Earthjustice will be using a custom one to prevent theft. If your submission's watermark is deemed to be too intrusive to our own we will politely contact you and ask it to be revised. You are absolutely going to be credited and we are not trying to prevent that but we would like to work together to keep things presentable.
Low effort, low quality, or inappropriate (nsfw) submissions will not be accepted. This means keeping it PG-13 and censoring things like the "swimsuit area" with eaither underwear, censor blocks, or fur if relevant.
Fetish based OCs or characters that are clearly over sexualized will not be accepted. These will be judged on a case by case basis. If your character submission has been rejected you will be informed.
By submitting a character you are consenting to your art being judged by these standards and agreeing you aren't going to be rude or retaliate if it's rejected based on this.
I won't share or make fun of anyone who's submissions are rejected by these standards! You are appreciated for submitting but I will enforce these boundaries to keep things presentable and safe for everyone to interact with.
If someone has received the OC you made for this and you do not like how they are using it or a way they have changed it you are not allowed to harass them about it. They own the character rights now and you are submitting it knowing you are giving up the rights to it. If it is part of a closed species and people are not respecting the lore and such you may gently reach out to them but harassment is never tolerated and will result in you being blacklisted from participating. Please do not submit OCS if you don't agree with this!
Other Information
Adoptables that are available will be tagged as #A4EJ unadopted for the convenience of anyone shopping around
Any general posts that are not an adoptable (like an announcement or something) will be tagged with #A4EJ General
I am a human being who wants to do good and makes mistakes! If there's a problem please come talk to me in a mature and respectful way! I promise I'm trying my best and want to keep things running smoothly here.
If there are any issues you see please send me a DM so I can fix it!
This is my blog and I can and will block you if I think you're being rude, mean, or antagonizing to myself or others. The only thing I will ever owe you is giving you something you donated money for.
I will take art theft seriously and if you run into any issues with it I'll do what I can do back you up. I can't promise I can fix or solve anything but I am willing to give whatever proof I can you own something.
More information about Earthjustice:
Earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law organization dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth, and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment. They bring about far-reaching change by enforcing and strengthening environmental laws on behalf of hundreds of organizations, coalitions and communities.
Here's a random assortment of screenshots to show some stuff they've helped with in the past:
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For EU queer people and allies,
If you have 2 minutes, could you consider signing this Forbidden Colours petition for the protection of rights of LGBTQIA+ people in Hungary?
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Madrid's doctors are striking—is private healthcare on the way in Spain?
Every Wednesday since Nov. 2022, over 1,000 healthcare workers in Madrid have staged walkouts in protest of working conditions which they say undermine their ability to provide proper care and threaten patient health.
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Bisa Butler’s Vibrant Quilted Portraits Share Extraordinary Stories of Black Americans
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Video by @nsr_org & @nsr_nuorat
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In The News
The Washington Department of Natural Resources said the 80-100-year-old pilings were soaked in a preservative that leaked out into the water, causing harm to salmon and forage fish and traveling up the food web.
"Once they get exposed to the creosote it goes into the food chain, through that avenue it makes its way all the way up to our whales," DNR Aquatics Restoration Manager Christopher Robertson said. "When they do look at the toxins that are inside of whale blubber, PAH which is the primary toxin from creosote, is one of the primary ones that's found there, so it really does impact the whole food web, from the base up."
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anti-marcos placard from edsa people power revolution 1987
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"Help spread awareness and share our post. We need all the support we can get. The Norwegian government must respect the Supreme Court ruling. We demand them to take down the wind turbines, restore and return the land to fosen sámis." - @nsr_nuorat
"The ongoing Human Right violation in Southern Sápmi. Oct 11th 2021 the Supreme Court of Norway concluded that the wind power plant you see on the picture violates sámi and human rights, and is therefore illegal.
ICCPR Article 27 is the foundation of this case. ICCPR Article 27 states that:
"In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practise their own religion, or to use their own language."
The powerplant makes reindeer husbandry impossible for the sámis in the district, as reindeers avoid industry such as this. And therefore is sámi culture denied. Almost one year has past cince the verdict, but the state of Norway closes their eyes and let the turbines turn, neglecting their own highest court." - Beaska Niillas
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Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates:
A bathroom bill denies access to public restrooms by gender or trans identity. They increase danger without making anyone any safer and have even prompted attacks on cis and trans people alike. Many national health and anti-sexual assault organizations oppose these bills.
Iowa HSB208, a school-based bathroom bill, was introduced yesterday and passed in its subcommittee today. 
Iowa SF335, a school-based bathroom bill, had a subcommittee meeting today.
Idaho SB1100, a school-based bathroom bill, had a second reading yesterday and was filed for a third reading.
Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender-affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted.
Iowa HSB214, an under-18 healthcare ban, was introduced yesterday and had a House subcommittee hearing today.
Iowa SSB1197, an under-18 healthcare ban, was introduced yesterday and had a subcommittee meeting today.
Georgia SB140, an under-18 healthcare ban, had a second reading.
Oklahoma HB2177, also an under-18 healthcare ban, was amended today and passed in the House. It will now cross over to the Senate.
Public performance bans, or "drag bans," restrict access for folks who are gender non-conforming in any way. They loosely define "drag" as any public performance with an “opposite gender expression,” as sexual in nature, and inappropriate for children. This also pushes trans individuals out of public spaces.
Montana HB359, which already passed in the House, had its first reading in the Senate yesterday.
Arizona SB1698 passed in committee yesterday and is now on the Senate floor.
Arkansas SB43 was signed by the Governor.
Schooling / Parental Rights bills force schools to misgender or deadname students, ban instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity, and make schools alert parents if they suspect a child is trans. They remove life-saving affirmation and support for trans youth.
Missouri HB1258 had a second reading yesterday.
Arkansas SB294 is headed to its final vote in the House.
Arizona SB1001 passed committee and is on the Senate floor.
Sex designation bills make it harder for trans folks to have IDs, such as birth certificates, that match their gender identity. They can force a male or female designation based upon sex assigned at birth. Some ban a non-binary “X” marker or require surgery to qualify for ID updates.
Montana SB458, a sex definition bill, had a committee hearing yesterday.
These are other negative bills that attack trans rights outside of the bill types above.
Texas HB2862 was filed. This is a prison bill that would prohibit trans and gender diverse incarcerated folks from being housed in facilities consistent with their gender identity.
We also have good news to share! These are either updates on positive bills which protect and affirm trans individuals or updates on anti-trans bills that have failed.
Utah SB0283, an anti-DEI bill for higher education, was held in committee yesterday, meaning it is likely dead.
Montana SB413 was tabled in committee, meaning it is also likely dead.
It's not too late to stop these and other hateful anti-trans bills from passing into law. You can go to http://transformationsproject.org/ to learn more and contact your representatives.
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How to Confront Racism Effectively
How to Confront Racism Effectively https://ift.tt/Hpz2f8J The rise of videos showing police brutality and racial injustices over the years has led people across the country to confront the issue of systemic racism. Not only does racism affect those born within the United States, but it also has large effects on the lives of immigrants. The higher level of attention to these injustices has inspired many individuals to work toward dismantling white supremacy.  According to new activists, being a bystander to racial injustices is an act of racism itself. It allows people to continue to benefit from the unequal systems of power that enable violence against people of color. People who are new to the cause must learn how to become better allies to people who are different from them. This can be done through the use of social justice frameworks, which are designed to address the multiple problems that society faces.  What Is Anti-Racism? Anti-racism is the practice of dismantling and opposing instances of racism. Being anti-racist involves identifying how racism affects people in various cultural and social norms. It also involves addressing the structural and individual levels of racism. The work of addressing racism is an ongoing occurrence in our nation. Confronting Racism Effectively Being aware of the current events in the country is very important to prevent racial discrimination and racial oppression from happening in our society. People must practice anti-racism every day in order to create a better environment for people of color. People can identify the various activities and behaviors that can be used to transform society’s racial attitudes. This can be done through the establishment of policies and systems that are designed to prevent racial discrimination.  Being aware of the various activities and behaviors that can be used to transform society’s racial attitudes is very important to prevent racial discrimination and racial oppression from happening in our society. Some of the most effective ways to do this include talking about racism, learning about microaggressions, and training on unconscious bias. To effectively promote racial equity and social justice, one must first commit to addressing the issues of racial equality and racism. This can be done through the establishment of a safe environment and dialogue that is inclusive of all people. In addition to being aware of the various activities and behaviors that can be used to transform society’s racial attitudes, one can also make a commitment to becoming a part of a group that is dedicated to fighting against racial discrimination. Instead of worrying about how to get it right every time, people should take a step back and consider how they can work together to address the various challenges and complexities of racial equality and racism. Overall, people want authenticity, transparency, and sincerity. The post How to Confront Racism Effectively first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/F5ADdvb March 01, 2023 at 01:50PM
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Mental Health Tools for Immigrants in the U.S.
Mental Health Tools for Immigrants in the U.S. https://ift.tt/crzR6Nv The Pew Research Center reported that there are more immigrants in the US than in any other country. In fact, almost every country in the world is represented in the US. Despite the various arguments that politicians make about the increasing number of immigrants in the US, the rate of immigration is still lower than it was in the past. There are various reasons why individuals choose to immigrate to the United States, including war, educational opportunities, and more. How Immigration Impacts Mental Health It is easy to see how immigration can have a negative impact on mental health. Without acknowledging the reality of refugees, discussions about immigration would be incomplete. Many refugees have experienced trauma in their home countries, which prompted them to seek safety in the U.S. Because of the trauma that is faced by many of these individuals and the culture shock they can experience in America, it is important that they are provided with mental health tools to help cope with these feelings. Discover a few of these below! Black Mental Wellness Through its website, Black Mental Wellness seeks to provide evidence-based resources and information that can help increase the diversity of professionals and decrease the existing stigma of mental health. Therapy for Latinx The Therapy for Latinx website has a listing of various mental health services for the Latinx community. It also has book recommendations and resources. The National Center for Youth Law The National Center for Youth Law has also created resources that are geared toward supporting immigrant youth. These include a training for teachers on how to work with immigrant families and students, as well as a trauma-informed approach webinar. The National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association The NAAPIMHA has a resource list that is designed to help meet the mental health needs of the Asian-American community. This includes state-level programs when there is a lack of information in the area. Mental Health America Mental Health America also has resources that are geared toward helping immigrant families. One of these is a workshop that is conducted by Dr. Cesar Cruz. This workshop can be helpful for people who are experiencing psychological distress due to their immigration. It can also help them manage their stress by using rituals and spiritual practices, if desired. The South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network The South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network has also created various materials that are geared toward helping individuals with mental health issues. Some of these include a helpline and a provider network. The post Mental Health Tools for Immigrants in the U.S. first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/F5ADdvb March 01, 2023 at 01:54PM
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Supporting Immigrants Who Are Single Mothers
Supporting Immigrants Who Are Single Mothers https://ift.tt/eDAjON4 Many people who come to the US share a common story of hope. However, moving to the country can be a stressful and traumatic experience. It can involve dealing with various issues such as poverty and separation from loved ones. Some people can legally come to the US after months or even years of waiting, some of them being single mothers. They come to the US with the goal of becoming successful and providing a better life for their child. Although each family’s story is unique, it can often be hard to explain to the public due to the complexity of the situation. There are many resources available to help immigrant families, but one of the most overlooked ways to help is by being a friend. This is because many of these families are facing communication and language barriers. When approaching a single mother, be sure to approach her as a fellow human being rather than a helpless soul. Sharing information about local resources can help ease the stress that many single mothers who are immigrants are experiencing. Having a well-rounded knowledge of the area can help them navigate through the various issues that they might face. Being friends with people who do not speak English as their native language can be a great way to help them adjust. It can be hard to adapt to a new culture without speaking the language. Having a good relationship with someone who doesn’t speak English will allow you to spend time together and share your language with them while also learning about their culture. You can also participate in various activities together, such as cooking and walking. Being a solo mother can be hard in certain communities due to the number of people who are married, especially when you have just arrived from another country. To help ease the stress, try reaching out to other single mothers in the area and offering a friendly smile. There are many things that can vary between cultures. It’s important to be patient as you can’t help but feel like you are communicating with someone who doesn’t understand what you are saying. Etiquette, family obligations, punctuality, self-disclosure, and modesty are just some of the things that can vary. It’s also important to avoid assuming the worst when it comes to your friend’s habits and mannerisms. Some friendships don’t get off the ground as easily due to cultural differences. However, your support will mean the world to them as they attempt to make a community that feels safe and supportive to them while also striving to find independence. The post Supporting Immigrants Who Are Single Mothers first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/l0hEadC February 08, 2023 at 02:01PM
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The Challenges That Immigrants Face in America
The Challenges That Immigrants Face in America https://ift.tt/LdNIF32 Hundreds of thousands of people each year leave their homes and travel to other countries to escape persecution, war, and hunger. Many of these individuals are refugees. However, they face many obstacles when they finally arrive in a new country. Language Barriers The language barrier is the most common challenge that immigrants face when it comes to communicating with others. It is because it is assumed that they will know English, and they can face some unkind backlash for not being fluent in this language. Language barriers can also affect the quality of care that immigrants receive. In some communities within the United States, immigrants are unable to receive proper health care due to their lack of English proficiency. Moreover, the varying languages of second and first-generation migrants can affect the abilities of immigrants. Raising Children Being a child of parents who came from another country can be very challenging. The psychosocial and socioeconomic issues that newcomers often face can be very different from those of native-born individuals. Many of the children of immigrants suffer from anxiety and depression. The lack of mental health support and the pressure they are under can make them feel like they are not being supported properly. Studies have shown that children of immigrants tend to struggle in school. Transportation Issues Getting around is a vital part of life for everyone, but immigrants often face issues when it comes to getting to work and accessing reliable transportation. If they live in an area that does not provide reliable public transportation, they will face many difficulties in getting around, especially since most immigrants are unable to obtain a driver’s license or face barriers in their attempts to obtain one. Fewer Employment Opportunities Being an immigrant is often considered to be a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining a job. There are many factors that contribute to this issue. Many immigrants are also excluded from safety and labor protections that are typically enjoyed by native-born workers.  Also, many professionals who are immigrants face difficulties in obtaining foreign academic credentials. This issue should be addressed in order to help minimize the obstacles that refugees face when it comes to employment. Housing Most people who are immigrants are vulnerable when it comes to housing. They face many challenges when it comes to finding and securing affordable and safe accommodations in the United States, especially with the high cost of the rent. Additionally, illegal immigrants are more prone to experiencing higher housing costs than their legal counterparts. The post The Challenges That Immigrants Face in America first appeared on Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship. via Yasmin Bashirova | Entrepreneurship https://ift.tt/l0hEadC February 08, 2023 at 01:56PM
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With hate speech taking over Twitter, many of us are tired of our vulnerability to the whims of corporate-owned social media. Join this free 2-part training. Basics to advanced #Mastodon topics.
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