#Yata being like ha who's a shrimp now
ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
I see a lot of patient x therapist in sarumi but it's illegal, so I propose a much more interesting plot: Urologist!Yata x Patient!Fushimi.
Could Yata even handle being a urologist XD Maybe he initially started studying when someone suggested it as a way to deal with his girl issues, like hey maybe you’ll be less nervous around girls if you think of them only in clinical terms (this backfires though, Yata can now handle seeing a girl with her pants off but he only thinks about health things, and meanwhile women in low cut shirts still make him blush and stutter). Fushimi is also the type who definitely avoids doctors and normally would never see a specialist, he probably had to be forced into it. Like Fushimi works for a private detective force and due to his bad diet he has frequent health issues. At some point he’s dealing with significant issues going to the bathroom and having pain, all of which he’s blithely trying to ignore, until his boss Munakata makes him an appointment and gives him no choice but to either go to the doctor or be fired (and while Fushimi would love to be like good I quit he does need this job, because he’s not going groveling back to his parents for money and his bad personality makes it hard to be hired by anyone besides someone who is in their own way equally twisted).
Fushimi ends up in the urologist office all hunched and grumpy on the examination table, waiting for the doctor to show up. When Yata walks in Fushimi’s all ‘I thought I was seeing a doctor, not a shrimp who’s still in high school.’ Yata’s immediately like shut up I’m a med student in college asshole, and I’m totally capable of handling your problems. Fushimi finds it pretty funny that his doctor is being so foul mouthed, like does your school know you talk to patients like this. Yata stutters and quickly tries to move on, like can we just discuss your medical history. Fushimi’s much more relaxed now, he doesn’t particularly want to discuss any of his medical issues (mainly because he never goes to a doctor so he doesn’t actually know what most of those are) but he can at least have some fun with this. Poor Yata is having trouble keeping up, he’s doing his best but this guy keeps being such an asshole it’s hard to maintain a professional demeanor. He does manage to get some info from Fushimi about the problem and assumes it’s a urinary tract infection, he prescribes some medicine and is happy to get that jerk out of his office.
Except the medicine doesn’t work and Fushimi reluctantly shows back up at Yata’s office mocking him for being such a shitty student that he couldn’t fix the problem. Yata grumbles like well if you weren’t being such a jerk maybe I could have examined you properly. Fushimi’s like you’re shirking your duty Misaki, Yata covers his name badge with a hand all that’s doctor Yata you bastard. Yata threatens Fushimi with a rectal exam and Fushimi’s like oh are you that interested in me. For the first time in a long while Yata gets all red, he thought he’d gotten over being embarrassed about doing this kind of thing but Fushimi just keeps throwing him off balance. He does need to do some examinations that require Fushimi to take his pants off though and it’s suddenly so awkward, like normally Yata always sees this as just medicine but now for the first time he feels like he’s really looking at another guy’s dick and he’s flustered.
It eventually turns out that Fushimi has like kidney stones, Yata can remove them but of course this requires more of Fushimi lying down with no pants on. Yata manages to fumble his way through the whole thing and afterward he’s trying to be professional again, discussing diet and such, and that’s when he finds out that Fushimi eats like a four year old. Yata starts lecturing him on proper nutrition and Fushimi clicks his tongue all ‘don’t want to,’ without even thinking Yata slips out a ‘if I have to I’ll go over to your place and make you healthy meals myself.’ Fushimi responds with ‘fine, come over then,’ intending to say it in mocking tones but it just comes out as a blunt acceptance of Yata’s inadvertent invitation. The two of them stare at each other, both thinking they should take that back but of course neither one is willing to swallow their pride and go back on those words, so Yata’s like ‘o-okay…where do you live?’. After Fushimi leaves Yata’s immediately freaking out like did I just ask that total jerk out on a date, and meanwhile Fushimi is outside the office all irritated at himself and thinking about how stupid he is, why would he want that shrimp to come over and make him dinner. He tells himself well maybe I can just tease him and it will be entertaining, not willing to in any way think further on why for once he’s actually showing interest in another person.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 month
Imagine this pre-S1 and at first after they get transformed everyone assumes that they’ve been transformed both mind and body into little kids because they’re still fighting like toddlers XD Like Homra and S4 are going after the same Strain and there’s a confrontation, Munakata stepping forward to inform Mikoto that this is S4’s job and Mikoto just telling him to shut up. Fushimi naturally goes right to tease Yata into a fight, and the two of them end up separated from the rest of their clans. That’s when the Strain jumps out of nowhere to attack them, both of them looking up just in time to get hit by a wave of power. Meanwhile Awashima and Kusanagi are trying to work this out like adults away from where Mikoto and Munakata are flirting posturing and they spot the Strain running away. Kusanagi hears Yata yelling and he and Awashima immediately go towards the source of the sound where a pair of six year olds in oversized clothes who look suspiciously similar to Yata and Fushimi are fighting. Awashima and Kusanagi reach in to separate them (imagine them each picking up their respective Sarumi by the collar like mother cats collecting naughty kittens). Fushimi is dangling there miserably while Yata swings around like come on Kusanagi-san, I’m trying to teach that stupid monkey a lesson. Fushimi snorts like how could an idiot like you teach me anything and Kusanagi sighs like well I guess their personalities are intact at least. 
The two of them are taken back to their respective clans, Munakata suspiciously has a small S4 uniform already prepared for tiny Fushimi. Fushimi clicks his tongue and calls Munakata creepy but takes it, imagine him trying to adjust his knife harness so he can get at least a couple knives in here while the alphabet boys get all nervous because what if he cuts himself. Fushimi’s getting annoyed at being treated like a little kid, insisting that he’s fine even at this size and that he can go out and do missions and things like normal. His powers are still working but maybe weaker than normal, even so Fushimi doesn’t intend to relax just because he looks like he’s six. He also doesn’t particularly want to stay at the office anyway because Captain keeps offering him candy and trying to hint that Fushimi is welcome to sit on his lap while he works so Fushimi decides to sneak out and go patrolling all on his own. 
Meanwhile Homra buys Yata a nice sweatshirt and shorts and he’s hanging out at the bar, annoyed because it’s even harder to reach high stuff than normal and the Homra guys keep teasing him. Kusanagi tells him to take it easy and that maybe he should go home and rest. Yata says he’s fine but decides he may as well go home since he can’t do much right now, a little down because he can’t even really use his skateboard that well. He decides he just needs to practice more and he’s dragging his skateboard to the nearest skate park when he hears someone laughing at the ‘little shrimp with the skateboard.’ Yata immediately looks up and is like you don’t get to call me short you chibi monkey. Fushimi scoffs, smirking as he wonders why Yata was allowed to go off on his own, he might end up following someone to their van for candy. Imagine they start fighting but rather than using weapons and powers like usual it turns into a kid fight, Yata just tackles Fushimi and now they’re scratching and biting at each other.
Someone suddenly steps in and pulls them apart, a police officer off duty saw them and is like kids where are your parents. Yata starts stammering, trying to think up an excuse, while Fushimi coldly says he’s on official business and flashes his S4 badge. The police officer is unimpressed though and asks where Fushimi stole the badge from, Fushimi’s about to say something acid when Yata just grabs his wrist all come on Saruhiko and takes off, dragging Fushimi behind him. When they’re finally away from the police officer Fushimi pulls away, panting hard as he’s like stupid Misaki what are you doing I was taking care of it. Yata’s all sure you were, I’m sure that guy was gonna believe you’re a government official. Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away, annoyed because he totally knows Yata is right and no way is he admitting that. Of course now it probably turns out that they’re lost because Yata wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and Fushimi’s PDA with his badge is back with the police officer so they have to stick together to get back home, arguing like the six year olds they appear to be the whole way.
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ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
Tall Yata and short Fushimi entered the main universe and met ordinary sarumi.
At first Yata would probably be so excited to meet short Fushimi, like ha how does it feel now stupid monkey but then he realizes that one, he is actually still shorter than short Fushimi, and two, tall Yata is tall. Imagine the Yatas both commiserating over this though, like Yata grumbles about how stupid Saruhiko is always calling him a shorty and a shrimp, tall Yata is like mine is always calling me a tree and a giraffe. Tall Yata can’t even get any satisfaction about mocking regular Fushimi because he isn’t really tall, he’s just average, and when tall Yata tries to tower over him and glare Fushimi just clicks his tongue and makes comments about how even being tall can’t add to your brain cells can it.
Meanwhile the Fushimis are probably trying to ignore each other (because he doesn’t even want to hang out with himself), but imagine they’re all obligated to stay near each other until this whole ‘other universe version of us pulled into our world’ thing resolves itself and the Fushimis keep being vaguely jealous of each other. Like short Fushimi needs to get something off a tall shelf and tall Yata goes to get it for him, smirking about it but also looking all fond, and regular Fushimi just glances over at Yata and sighs. Then later Yata ends up on his toes at one point giving Fushimi a kiss and short Fushimi clicks his tongue, looking up (and up) at his Yata with vague disappointment. Also imagine they each end up cuddling with their respective significant other, short Fushimi gets to snuggle into tall Yata’s lap but regular Fushimi gets to have his Misaki in his lap and neither one is sure who’s getting the better deal here.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
i feel like someone must have already asked something like this but oh well
high school sarumi where the boys in their class start picking on how close they are to each other to the point where to get under their skins (specially misaki's) is to call the other their "boyfriend", imagine it escalates and the girls start inviting them to hang out (yk to show "support") or if one of the teachers finds out and instead of addressing the bullying they give them a lecture on how being gay is wrong and calls their parents like "did you know your son has a bf?"
ik that's like awful and traumatic but id like a more comedic take on this than the more obvious angsty one tho the angst is welcome too
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‘The teacher figures out that Niki’s kinda insane,’ yup XD Imagine after Fushimi and Yata have been friends for most of the year is when this happens, like maybe one of the former Yata Team starts making fun of Fushimi for being a loser nerd and Yata overhears. Of course Yata isn’t going to take that lying down and he starts yelling and getting angry, the other guys are mad at being called out and are like you don’t have to stick up for your boyfriend. Yata sputters all he isn’t my boyfriend he’s my best friend and the other guys laugh all yeah we know you’re ‘special’ friends right. So now the whole class sees an easy target and soon all the guys are teasing Yata and Fushimi for being boyfriends. Even the girls get in on it, asking Yata if he needs some help with his makeup and how he’s ‘one of the girls now.’ Poor Yata is easily riled up and gets angry at all this but honestly I could see Fushimi leaning into it instead, like looking the people teasing them in the eyes and then calling Yata ‘honey’ and smirking when the bullies get uncomfortable, all while Yata is bright red and very confused. 
Eventually a teacher finds out and they get called into the office, Fushimi’s probably rolling his eyes like great we’re going to get the ‘it’s okay to be gay’ talk. Instead they get the ‘that’s sinful and wrong’ talk, Yata trying to constantly interject that they aren’t gay while Fushimi just ignores the teacher totally. The teacher says he’s going to have to call their parents and actually in this case Fushimi might almost welcome that one, like good luck even getting ahold of his ‘parents,’ and honestly even if they do get Niki it’s not like Fushimi hasn’t been teased before (he’s probably more worried about Niki finding out about Yata over anything else) and the teacher can be the one to deal with that asshole.
The teacher does decide to try and call Fushimi’s parents first and is caught off guard when Niki just bursts into gyahaha laughter. The teacher is taken aback and is like this is serious sir, Niki just grins all so who is who is my monkey’s beloved, I bet it’s that shrimp. The teacher’s like I can’t give out information on other students and Niki laughs again, wondering if they’ve been holding hands or kissing, he can’t imagine his little monkey doing any of that. Yata and Fushimi are both in the room this whole time, listening on speaker, and Yata is just mortified that Fushimi’s weird dad thinks this about him while Fushimi probably has the dead fish eyes going on because he knew this would happen. He shows up the next day with glittery nails, a rainbow scarf and a dead-eyed expression, the teacher decides maybe calling Yata’s parents is the better idea.
Yata and Fushimi get dragged back into the office and this one goes way better, imagine their slow grins as Yata’s mom just eviscerates the teacher for acting this way towards her son, like do you call the parents of the children who have opposite sex significant others too. The teacher decides maybe it’s time to give it up and Yata feels somehow triumphant, like okay he’s still not gay with Saruhiko but it was fun listening to his mom tell that guy off. He’s less excited when he gets home and finds out that his mom has gone all out on being supportive, she’s even getting together a lot of the other moms to have a whole tolerance round table. Yata has no idea what he can say to this, now the whole school thinks he and Saruhiko are gay and Saruhiko is really not helping things by continuing to call him ‘honey.’ (Then years later post-ROK Yata goes to tell his mom that he’s dating Saruhiko and she’s just like yes sweetie I know, you’ve been dating since middle school remember.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
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Cute wolf ear Yata yes please *^* So imagine Fushimi is like this traveling merchant making his own way in life, he ran away from his village as soon as he was old enough to be on his own and he's been traveling by himself ever since. His mother is this really skilled trader who briefly quit her profession when she married her genius husband Niki, only to leave both her husband and son once she realized what a shitweasel Niki was. Everyone in the town hated Niki, who was a genius but refused to use his intellect for anything besides pranks and teasing his young son. Even once Niki died Fushimi could tell that he wasn't welcome in town, a few townspeople tried to act like they would watch over him but Fushimi knew they were only doing so because it made them look good and really no one cared about him. Once he had enough money saved he bought a cart and a horse and set off on his own, traveling from town to town and never stopping anywhere for long.
One night he's sleeping in his cart on the outskirts of the village, even though it's cold out and Fushimi dislikes how uncomfortable the cart is he still never sleeps in actual villages. He's curled up on himself shivering when he suddenly feels this warmth around him, it makes him sleepy and he actually manages to get a decent night's sleep. He wakes up the next morning to find a cute wolf boy wrapped around him, Fushimi's immediately up with a knife in his hand demanding to know who this stranger is and why they're in his cart. Yata yawns as he sits up, he's totally naked and his ears and tail are obvious. Yata wonders why Fushimi's pointing a knife at him, like you know without me you probably woulda frozen to death. Fushimi snorts and says some shrimpy wolf isn't enough to keep someone from freezing to death, Yata's like don't call me shrimpy even as he stands up and proudly proclaims himself this great red wolf who protects the village. Fushimi snorts and says Yata's some stray idiot who stayed here too long then, like obviously this town isn't the type now to need to ask any kind of guardian deity to watch their crops so Yata's likely been useless here for ages. Yata tries to deny it but eventually he ends up having to grudgingly admit that Fushimi's right, he came here a long time ago and now he wants to go home. Fushimi doesn't see what that has to do with him and Yata grins as he's like because I'm letting you be the guy who takes me back.
Fushimi's immediately like no thanks get out of my cart, Yata's all come on I'm a great wise wolf offering to help you you should be thankful asshole. Fushimi says Yata's just a stowaway and Yata kinda has to scramble to convince Fushimi not to kick him out, like I swear I can help, a skinny guy like you probably needs protection right I can do that. Fushimi shows off all his hidden knives and says he doesn't need protection, especially from a shrimpy wolf, and Yata's like maybe I should just eat you okay how about that. Fushimi eventually agrees to at least take Yata to the next town, tossing a cloak at him and telling him to get dressed and keep quiet or else Fushimi really will push him out of the moving cart.
So at first their relationship is super antagonistic, Fushimi doesn't have any interest in Yata and Yata's starting to think maybe he should find another cart. But then they get to town and maybe Yata gets to see Fushimi's merchant skills, like despite his bad personality Fushimi's a really amazing merchant. At one point though his bad attitude starts to get him in trouble and Yata steps in, like Yata's outspoken honest personality helps smooth things over and get some potential clients to agree to trade with Fushimi because they take Yata to be trustworthy. Fushimi grudgingly admits that Yata was helpful and Yata's like see we could be a great team, you're an amazing guy and I could help you be even more amazing. No one's ever called Fushimi amazing before and he finds himself agreeing to take Yata a little farther at least.
Soon they're basically traveling everywhere together, Yata trying to get info about his hometown Homra in between work. Fushimi finds himself getting more and more on edge though the closer they seem to be getting to Homra, like he's starting to get used to having Yata there and he doesn't want Yata to leave him. Yata's starting to have his own misgivings too, like he really wants to go home but he also feels like Fushimi is someone he can't leave alone, without Yata there to make sure he eats and sleeps and doesn't do anything stupid because he thinks he's smarter than everyone then who knows what kind of trouble Fushimi could get in (also imagine at some point Fushimi pisses off the wrong guy and gets kidnapped, Yata goes after him and Fushimi gets to see Yata's real form as this huge red wolf that starts attacking all Fushimi's assailants in order to save him).
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
What if sarumi met and got into HOMRA earlier while they're still in middle school? At this point while Yata is still friends with Fushimi and thinks he's important, Fushimi still has his doubts (plus they didn't live together yet) and Niki is still alive and would notice Fushimi acting strange. How would this affect Fushimi's decision later on? Also since Niki isn't dead yet, Aya wouldn't be able to use the virus on him but the real one is still there for her to tattle to about Yata and HOMRA.
I wonder if things would be even worse in this case, since we don't just have Fushimi's normal insecurities playing on him but there's also Niki just like right there making Fushimi's mental health into shit. Like I could see Fushimi thinking that maybe since he has power now he doesn't need to be afraid of Niki anymore, he can just burn Niki and make him be the one who's afraid, but then at the same time he doesn't know what would happen if he burned someone just for his own reasons, like would Homra kick him out for that kind of thing. Plus I imagine Kusanagi at least impressed upon the kids the need for some level of secrecy, like obviously there's the whole 'Red Monster' rumor going around and some of Shizume's underground clearly knows about Homra and the Red King but I imagine they can't be too bold about things or Kokujouji won't be very happy about having to cover up any problems caused. So Fushimi knows that he isn't really 'supposed' to threaten to burn his dad's face off but it's hard to keep that in check, trying to tell himself that he can just ignore Niki and there's nothing Niki can do to him now but even so his body just reacts instinctively when Niki's around. Plus on top of that now he has yet another thing that he needs to keep a secret because no way does he want Niki of all people to find out about the whole Kings and clans thing.
Even so I could see Niki finding out that his son is disappearing somewhere constantly, like maybe in this AU Aya even tries to secretly tell him where Fushimi's going in order to use the real Niki the way she does the hallucinations in canon. Niki of course knows that Aya's the one who dropped the hint but he doesn't really care what that shrimp's up to, he's way more interested in seeing what kind of cute friends his son has made. Imagine him following Fushimi to Bar Homra but he doesn't go inside, instead he waits until Fushimi's on his way home and meets him at the door, noting that it's bad for kids to go into adult bars isn't it, Saruhiko's becoming a delinquent right before his eyes. Fushimi freaks out a little that Niki knows where he's going and maybe he even ends up using his Red power almost without thinking, like just from sheer emotional torment, but rather than being scared Niki just laughs and thinks his son has found something really interesting huh. Fushimi runs off and goes to like an internet cafe for the night but now he's all tormented because he doesn't know what Niki's going to do, like what if he tells Homra that Fushimi gave up their whole secret or what if he tries to find a way to keep Fushimi from being able to stay there any longer (and maybe this is part of what makes Scepter 4 ultimately more attractive too, because Munakata notes that as a government agency he can shield Fushimi from such things without any trouble...or he can give Fushimi the means to do so himself, using Scepter 4's resources to keep tabs on Niki and make sure he can't bother Fushimi any longer).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
K-Drama level bullshit where Yata's just some waiter or bartender trying to scrape enough money to get by, and then here comes rich, soon-to-be CEO Fushimi Saruhiko, who honestly wanted none of this but here he was anyways, and he's so used to being pampered and fawned over by everyone, but then he meets Yata and suddenly he's in love. Cue the whole cliché "we can't be together" spiel and Yata not wanting Saru's money but getting spoiled anyways, and everything in between,, haha thankss
Poor boy Yata meets spoiled rich asshole Fushimi and of course they fall in love because that's how this thing goes, along with lots of drama and misunderstandings :3c So say Yata is working like three part time jobs to help provide for his mom and siblings, his dad left them after Megumi was born and his mom has her hands full with work and raising kids so Yata does whatever he can to help out and make some money. One of his jobs is as a waiter for some fancy restaurant and catering place, he's always having to work at these fancy parties full of rich people and Yata resents it a bit, like look at these assholes with all their money and they're just wasting it on stupid parties when here Yata's family has to work so hard just to eat and pay rent. One day he's catering at an event for this mega corporation called the Fushimi Company, CEO Fushimi Kisa only wants the best at her parties and she's known for spending lavishly to help grow her company's reputation. The place is full of the biggest of bigwigs, all kinds of politicians and business leaders and Yata has to sit there and be looked down on by all of them while he serves appetizers.
Yata's thinking that this totally sucks when he accidentally almost runs into this young guy in a suit playing on his PDA and not paying attention to where he's going. Yata just manages to avoid him and he can't stop himself from muttering 'watch where you're going asshole.' The guy in the suit looks up and gives Yata a twisted grin as he's like do you know who you're talking to and Yata's like yeah, the asshole who almost ran into me and couldn't even say pardon me. The people around them are starting to whisper as the guy's like you're pretty mouthy for the help and Yata's like who do you think you're calling the help, if it wasn't for all of us working hard you rich jerks would have to serve your own food. The guy laughs at that and says Yata's bold for a shrimp, Yata's like don't call me a shrimp. The guy leans in to look at Yata's name tag and is like big words from a small shrimp, Misaki. Yata's pretty much ready to put his tray down and start punching when his coworker Kamamoto grabs him and drags him away, Yata's like what the hell and Kamamoto hurriedly whispers that Yata needs to calm down, he almost punched out Fushimi Kisa's son Saruhiko.
Yata realizes that he just super put his foot in his mouth and he's sure he's going to get fired, Fushimi Saruhiko is known to be this spoiled brat who's expected to be the next CEO, all it will take is one word from him and Yata's life will be over. Yata's freaking out about it all day and the next day he's called into his boss's office, Yata's waiting for the bad news and he's told that he's supposed to go back to the Fushimi mansion, turns out the young master there asked for Yata specifically to be working the next party in a few days. Yata's all 'huh?' and he can't believe it, he thinks he must have gotten super lucky. Turns out not so much, Fushimi thinks Yata was the most interesting thing at that party and he's basically asked for Yata's presence so he has someone to tease all party long. Yata can't believe that this guy is such an ass but he's weirdly enjoying it, like Fushimi seems so cold to everyone normally but when he's talking to Yata his eyes are dancing and he's like so alive that Yata can't help but stare at him.
After this they keep seeing each other and Yata slowly realizes that Fushimi is absolutely miserable, even though he has all this money his mother doesn't see him as anything but another financial asset and when Yata asks about his dad Fushimi just goes pale and clicks his tongue, saying it's none of Yata's business. Fushimi doesn't have any friends or anyone to take care of him, even the servants just see him as a meal ticket and Yata's the first one to treat him as an actual person. Of course the closer they get the more complicated things get, Fushimi keeps taking Yata out to fancy places and buying Yata gifts all casually (because he doesn't know any other way of showing affection than throwing money at someone) and now Yata has more money than he's ever had in his life but at the same time now all these people around him think he's just using this to enrich himself when really he does like Saruhiko. Fushimi meanwhile knows if Kisa finds out about Yata he won't be able to see Yata anymore because no way can he be with a commoner (and maybe Niki is in fact still around and he finds out, and decides wouldn't it be fun to get between Saruhiko and his new little friend by tricking Fushimi into thinking Yata really was only into him for the money and really doesn't actually care about him).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
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I imagine Yata having a lot of trouble befriending Fushimi in this situation too because just imagine a Fushimi who grew up never meeting Yata and spending his entire school life in that crushing loneliness 'where he didn't even realize he was lonely.' Like say AU where Yata never sees Fushimi being attacked by bullies and so they never talk, Yata just goes about his school years feeling all restless about the world. In high school he crosses paths with Homra and ends up joining, getting drawn into the whole world of Kings and everything seems to be fine though sometimes he does feel as if something's...missing.
One day he's chasing down this Strain and he ends up getting hit. He suddenly finds himself like slammed into the body of AU Misaki (or I guess this would be canon Misaki technically :P) and there's Fushimi right beside him, like it's post-ROK and they're dating and Fushimi just immediately notices that Yata's acting weird. Being sent to other Yata's body has also given him all of that other Yata's memories too and Yata ends up spending a couple days in this other universe realizing that this person who he had never spoken to in his world at all is actually the most important person in his life. When the power wears off Yata finds himself lying on the couch in Bar Homra, Kusanagi tells him he's been out cold for hours. Yata says he just had a weird dream, even as he finds himself looking around for Fushimi who he knows now in his world has never even stepped foot in Homra. Maybe around this time it turns out Scepter 4's captured the Strain who attacked Yata, Yata begs Kusanagi to find some way for Yata to talk to the Strain because he has to know if what he saw in the other universe was real.
Kusanagi's a little taken aback to see Yata being so serious about this but he calls in a favor and Yata's able to talk to the Strain and ask about his power. The Strain says he can send people to other worlds where their lives went differently, where one interaction with a stranger changed the whole course of their life. Yata realizes all that stuff he saw was real and that Fushimi is supposed to be his friend, like now that he knows about this other world he feels like he knows what it is he's always been missing. Yata immediately goes on this hunt for Fushimi, he's super fixated on finding out where Fushimi is in his world so that Yata can find him and meet him. The rest of Homra is concerned to see Yata so fixated but maybe Anna looks at him through her marble and says that Yata's looking for the piece of himself that he's missing. Mikoto doesn't quite get her meaning but it's enough even so for Homra to immediately step up and help Yata find this 'Fushimi' guy.
So say at this point Fushimi's like just entered college, maybe studying to be a programmer or something and he's absolutely miserable. Niki's still dead but Fushimi's basically been completely ignored since that time, Kisa sending him off to a high school with live in dorms and then college just so she doesn't have to deal with him. He has no friends and doesn't talk to anyone, and when this weird red-haired shrimp sits down next to him suddenly at a cafe Fushimi doesn't even look up. Yata's not going to be so easily deterred though and he introduces himself, saying he was in Fushimi's class in middle school. Fushimi looks up and clicks his tongue and then just immediately stands, walking out the door as if Yata wasn't even there. Yata follows him all hey wait a sec and Fushimi coldly says he isn't looking for friends and he doesn't care who Yata is. Yata's like wait hear me out I know it sounds crazy but we're supposed to be friends. Fushimi's like it does sound crazy so go away, shrugging Yata off when Yata tries to touch him. Of course Yata isn't giving up so easily and he basically starts showing up everywhere trying to talk to Fushimi, revealing he knows things about Fushimi that Fushimi has never told anyone else and it's honestly making Fushimi suspicious about who this guy is and what he wants (oh oh plot twist maybe it eventually turns out that Fushimi's in jungle in this AU and he has no idea that Yata's in Homra, Yata actually starts wearing him down so they can become friends but then the series plot line kicks in and they don't even know they're enemies).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
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….Does he get like a demon tail and horns because I think he would look good with them. So say Fushimi is like the product of an unholy union, basically, where Demon King Niki seduced Fairy Queen Kisa by hiding his true demonic nature. When Fushimi is born he's clearly a demon's child though, Kisa abandons him to his father and Fushimi gets raised by Niki instead. He has powers of both fairies and demons and this makes him incredibly strong, it also gives him an unnaturally long lifespan. Oh maybe he doesn't even have humanoid form at all, imagine him being some kind of demonic beast with fairy wings and it takes him years to figure out how to create his human form. Niki uses him to terrorize all the other inhabitants of his kingdom though, so that everyone sees Fushimi as a monster before anything else. Finally one day Niki is slain by the warlock Munakata, who then goes to slay Niki's 'vicious beast.' Upon discovering that said beast is actually a lonely, wounded kid Munakata instead promptly adopts the child instead.
So hundreds of years pass and Fushimi is under Munakata's care, despite Munakata's best efforts though Fushimi never really opens up to him and spends most of his time alone. Fushimi's basically internalized that he's a monster and he doesn't see the point in getting close to anyone, even if he did make friends very few people will live as long as him anyway and besides once they find out what he really is he knows he'd be rejected. He feels like Munakata only takes care of him out of pity and Fushimi refuses to lower his guard, he's already decided that he's never going to hold anything or anyone precious.
One day this spirit hunter appears at Munakata's castle asking for help, Fushimi sees him from afar and ignores him because there's always people coming from all around the continent begging Munakata for stupid favors. He's surprised when Yata asks to speak to Fushimi instead, he's heard about the mythical beast that lives in Munakata's castle and Yata thinks that's the best person to help him in his task. Some mysterious person known only as 'Colorless' has been going around murdering anyone with magic, including Yata's friend Totsuka Tatara who was a white wizard. Yata wants to track the guy down and get revenge but his magic isn't strong enough, however he heard that Munakata's ward would have the ability to help him. Munakata is highly amused by the request but he says that Yata will have to talk to Fushimi for that, as Munakata cannot speak for him. Yata's surprised to find out that the 'mythical beast' is just this skinny bad-tempered kid who looks like he's the same age as Yata, Fushimi snorts and is like speak for yourself shrimp.
Fushimi isn't interested in helping Yata at all but Munakata persuades him to do it, it's been too long since Fushimi left the castle and it would be good for him to make use of his powers. Fushimi doesn't see why he should have to help some loud-mouthed shrimp and Munakata only smiles mysteriously and says he thinks Fushimi might learn something. Fushimi doubts that but he gives in because part of him is aware that Munakata's at least fed and clothed him all this time for free and he should do something to earn that. Yata's excitement at Munakata agreeing is tempered when he finds out that Munakata's staying back in his castle and Yata is now partnered with the bad-tempered asshole who keeps mocking him for being short.
So Yata and Fushimi are now unintentional partners, imagine them working together to track Colorless down and protect the rest of Yata's friends. Yata's part of a coven led by the warlock Mikoto but he keeps Fushimi away from the rest of his friends, seeing how nervous it makes Fushimi to be around humans. Fushimi doesn't trust Yata at all at first but slowly they begin to get close to each other, Yata's amazed by how skilled Fushimi is and how much he knows about magic. Maybe at some point Colorless sends demons after them and Fushimi ends up transforming into his true form in order to fight them, he expects Yata to be horrified but instead Yata's eyes are all shining as he calls Fushimi's true form 'cool.'
Eventually they start getting closer to capturing Colorless and Fushimi finds himself becoming more reluctant to actually track Colorless down because once the mission is complete he and Yata will separate. Yata also starts becoming distant from him, spending more time with Mikoto and the others, and Fushimi takes that to mean that Yata's already used Fushimi for what he needed and now he's going back to his old friends. Maybe it turns out that Colorless was working for this other stronger warlock named Hisui, who approaches Fushimi and shows him that Yata's been trying to learn spells to like bind Fushimi's demon half. Fushimi thinks Yata's betrayed him and decides to join Hisui in his quest to warp the world and Yata has to go after him and save him, eventually confronting Fushimi with the truth – the real reason Yata had been distant and studying all these forbidden spells is he wanted to find a way to make Fushimi a normal human, so he wouldn't have to live hundreds of years alone with this form that he hates and could instead stay by Yata's side.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Boss!Saru and his Bodyguard!Misaki Saru always pranks on Misaki And of course they finally in love each other Misaru with fluff will be great!
Saru don't prank your bodyguard, that's mean :P Maybe he didn't even want to have a bodyguard and decides that if he has to have one he's going to tease Misaki for all he's worth. Like say Fushimi's just inherited his family's successful company after Kisa dies, Fushimi's never had an interest in running the company but he has no choice and is pressured into becoming CEO. Luckily Fushimi's a smart kid and he quickly manages to get the company in shape, he fires all his mom's suck up lackeys and hires some people who are actually good at their jobs in order to keep the place running. His second in command Munakata suggests that Fushimi employ a bodyguard after there's an attempt on his life, of course as a wealthy businessman Fushimi's got a lot of enemies and maybe Kisa had some underworld deals that haven't gone too well since Fushimi took over. Fushimi thinks it's pointless though, he doesn't want some idiot following him around everywhere he goes and besides he can take care of himself. Even so his employees are worried and eventually Munakata manages to convince him to a least take on a bodyguard for a temporary basis and see how it goes. Fushimi reluctantly agrees, wondering what kind of meathead moron he's going to get stuck with.
The next day Yata shows up at his door, a member of Homra Security Agency sent to be Fushimi's new bodyguard. Munakata has some ties with Homra's owner Mikoto and chose Yata personally, of course Fushimi's first reaction upon seeing him is how is this shrimp supposed to be able to protect me. Yata's like don't call me a shrimp asshole and then remembers he's talking to his boss and is like so um what do you want me to do. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he's not going to give Yata instructions, if Yata's a bodyguard he should know what to do. Yata's like this is why I hate rich guys and he says he'll station himself in front of Fushimi's door until Fushimi's ready to leave for work. Fushimi's all do whatever you want and he ducks back inside his room, a moment later he cries out in agony and Yata's immediately there with his weapon out all who is it are you being attacked. Fushimi's sitting there on the bed with a smirk like you really are an idiot huh, he just wanted to see if Yata would fall for that trick. Yata realizes that this is going to be more of a pain than he thought.
So of course from this point on Fushimi takes delight in faking dangerous situations, waiting to see if Yata comes running. The thing that happens though is he's certain that eventually Yata will wise up and stop coming when he calls but instead every time Yata's there, even though he knows it's a prank and that Fushimi isn't really in trouble he still comes running each time to be sure that Fushimi's all right. On top of this Yata's like glued to his side most of the time and even though Fushimi keeps complaining about it he starts to get used to it, Yata standing around and asking him questions and being all impressed by Fushimi's abilities. Even when Fushimi gets sick Yata comes to take care of him and Fushimi wonders why Yata hasn't left him yet, Yata's like I'm the one who's supposed to be protecting you dummy of course I'm staying by your side. And then maybe Fushimi starts to think that Yata's only there because he's getting paid so Fushimi decides to fire him, except then say there's an actual attempt on Fushimi's life and he's just resigned to his fate when Yata shows up out of nowhere to save him because by now Fushimi's more than just his boss. Yata gets reinstated as Fushimi's bodyguard and of course the first thing he does is fake an emergency again, Yata comes anyway and throws a pillow at him while grinning, more than happy to be back by Fushimi's side where he belongs.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Say. Intern!Misaki and Saru have to teach Misaki how to work or something ~ Saru always mock at him Everyday Until they realize that they have feelings to each other And they end up confession in the storage room or in front of their workmate Of course Misaru ! I like this position
A nice workplace romance, where Fushimi mocks and teases Yata every day because that's flirting in Fushimi's world. Like say Yata works for a temp agency and he's constantly being sent to work in different offices and jobs, it's hard to keep up but usually the pay at least is pretty good and he can pick up most things just fine. One day though he's sent for a long term job at Scepter 4 Systems, where he's told he needs to do all this computer stuff that is like completely over Yata's head. He sits there as company head Munakata explains his duties and Yata's eyes are just like slowly turning into confused swirlies, he's never heard half these words and it doesn't help that this guy talks so formally. Munakata can see that Yata's getting a bit overwhelmed and tells him not to worry, as Munakata has paired him with the most competent member of his staff in order to make sure Yata is able to keep up with the heavy workflow.
Yata thinks well maybe this won't be so bad then, if he's being paired with the best they have surely that person will understand that Yata's new at this kind of stuff and have patience. All his hopes are dashed when he's brought over to a nerd in glasses sitting at the messiest desk Yata's ever seen, there are empty coffee cans and Caloriemate wrappers everywhere and the guy is typing super fast, eyes fixed on the screen. When Munakata informs Fushimi that he has brought the new recruit for Fushimi to work with Fushimi turns around in his chair and clicks his tongue, irritably asking why he has to get saddled with an idiot newbie. Yata's like hey who are you calling an idiot before catching himself, expecting Munakata to say something about him being unprofessional. Munakata however only smiles and says he is counting on Fushimi and he hopes they work well together, leaving the two of them alone together to get started.
Fushimi immediately turns away and tells Yata not to bother him, Yata's like didn't your boss just say you were supposed to help me you jerk. Fushimi clicks his tongue again and says he doesn't have time to deal with Yata, Yata's like too bad this is part of your job isn't it. Fushimi's irritated that Yata has a point and he's like fine, do this math for me. Yata looks at the paper Fushimi gave him and is just like 'um...', Fushimi gets this twisted smile as he's like oh, is that too much for you....Misaki? Yata realizes too late that he has a nametag on with his full name and he snaps at Fushimi not to call him that, Fushimi says Yata's his junior and so he can call Yata whatever he likes. Yata's like 'oh yeah is that so...Saruhiko,' reading Fushimi's name tag, and Fushimi says he doesn't need a shrimp like Yata using his first name. Munakata walks by as they're arguing and notes that they seem to be getting along quite well already.
So for the next few weeks the two of them are paired together almost constantly and they really hate each other except they don't. Yata starts to realize that even though Fushimi's a jerk he really is amazingly skilled and Yata can't help but be kinda impressed, especially when he learns that Fushimi's actually even younger than Yata is (Yata makes sure to bring this up as much as possible, usually whenever Fushimi calls him short). Yata also learns that Fushimi is great at work but shit at taking care of himself and it's up to Yata to drag Fushimi away from his computer in order to do things like go out for a healthy lunch or leave at a decent time. Yata for his part doesn't learn much of the difficult stuff but turns out to be helpful in other ways, like as it happens S4 is a gaming company and Fushimi is making a skateboarding game which Yata ends up being a model for. Yata also does a lot of the menial tasks that no one else thinks about, he's soon running around the whole building delivering paperwork and messages and supplies and even Fushimi grudgingly admits that maybe Yata's surprisingly reliable kinda.
Of course Yata's time at the company is still supposed to be temporary and as it gets closer to his final work day he notices that Fushimi's being even more of a jerk than usual, like Yata had started to think they'd become friends but now Fushimi's being distant again. Fushimi denies it and says he doesn't care about Yata, Yata doesn't believe him and is worried that once he leaves Fushimi will go back into old unhealthy habits. They finally have this big fight in front of all their colleagues, Fushimi telling Yata that he's useless and Fushimi doesn't need him, so it doesn't matter to Fushimi if Yata leaves and never comes back. Yata yells back that even if he's not working here anymore it doesn't mean he'd just forget about Fushimi entirely and he ends up blurting out that he has a crush on Fushimi and Fushimi's too much of a dumbass to realize it. Fushimi snipes back that he's liked Yata since Yata started and it's only because Misaki is an idiot that he couldn't help liking him. Suddenly Yata's slamming him back against the copy machine as they start making out, meanwhile the rest of Scepter 4's employees are standing around watching like 'so can we make some copies now or...?'
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Imagine Fem!Yata is pregnant. She was already having difficulties reaching things, but now reaching for things is nearly impossible, so Fushimi has to do a lot of retrieving of objects for her.
Fushimi would never let her live this down too, like some husbands are thoughtful towards their pregnant wives and get things down from high places without being asked and then there's Fushimi, who savors every moment of it. The first time Yata can't reach something that she normally could when not pregnant she's like standing there on her tip toes, swearing because when did that stupid shelf get so high she just needs to grab her metal bat from up there. She's stretching and stretching and her fingers just won't quite reach because of her stupid stomach in the way and she's like I swear this kid owes me for making it even harder to reach stuff than before. That's when Fushimi walks into the room and Yata's like good Saru you're here come get this for me okay. Fushimi looks at Yata, then looks at the shelf, then back at Yata. Yata's all come on Saruhiko any day now and Fushimi just gets the biggest shit-eating grin as he's like what's wrong Misaki can't you reach. Yata's like look it's your kid's fault I can't reach can you just get that for me and Fushimi walks over like it must be hard being such a shrimp that you can't even reach that little shelf huh. He takes the bat down for her as if he's doing her a major favor and Yata's like why do we even have stuff on high shelves anyway.
As the pregnancy goes on Yata finds more and more that it's hard to reach stuff and it's such a pain having to ask Fushimi because he's like physically incapable of not being an asshole about it. At one point Yata decides fuck it I'm just gonna stand on a chair but it's difficult with her pregnant belly and maybe she almost falls and gets neatly caught by Fushimi. Yata's kinda annoyed that she can't even get stuff herself and this time Fushimi has an oddly serious look as he gets the thing she was trying to reach and he doesn't even tease her about it, just mutters that isn't she the one always yelling at him for never asking for help. Yata blinks, surprised, and then smiles a bit because it's clear that Fushimi was actually worried there for a minute and doesn't know how to express it. After that Fushimi manages to get her stuff without being an asshole (well, most of the time) and Yata figures hey this could probably be worse, like she can't reach stuff but at least she doesn't have to listen to Saruhiko making as many comments about her height now. (And then she has the baby and almost as soon as she's lost some of the pregnancy weight and everything Yata starts noticing that stuff keeps ending up on higher shelves than normal because truce is over now making fun of Misaki's height is acceptable again.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
I could not find Tangled Sarumi AU! So... Fushimi as Rapunzel and Yatagarasu/Misaki as Flynn/Eugene
Ooh Fushimi with long hair though *^* So Fushimi is the beautiful princess trapped in the top of a tower in the middle of the woods by his evil dad Niki. Maybe Fushimi was also like the adopted little brother of King Munakata, who saved him as an infant from a hideous monster. What he didn’t know is that Niki was that hideous monster, one day as a joke he fed his infant son this magic flower that gave him magic hair which could allow evil warlock Niki to change his form back from decaying monster into human. Munakata defeats monster form Niki but actually Niki only pretends to be defeated, sneaking in the castle a couple years later and stealing away cute little toddler Fushimi in the dead of night. He locks Fushimi up in a tower where no one ever comes, the only way in is by Fushimi letting his hair down or via the secret passageway that only Niki has a key to (because the first time Niki was like ‘little monkey, let down your hair for Daddy~’ Fushimi was probably like 'fuck you, die’). Fushimi’s all alone in the tower save for his pet chameleon Akiyama who he has to keep hidden from Niki because otherwise Niki would probably throw his pet out of the highest window just for funsies. Years pass with Fushimi living in his tower all sad and miserable and hating everything, every now and again Niki shows up to tease him and make use of his magic hair and to remind him that if he leaves the tower all he’ll find outside is a world that thinks he’s a hideous freak for having magic hair.
So then one day this thief who calls himself Yatagarasu (because 'Misaki’ isn’t a cool enough name for a thief) sneaks into Munakata’s castle and steals the crown that was hidden away in the vault and meant for Fushimi. Yata’s been living on the streets as a thief since he was little and he’s determined to make a name for himself, he’s been trying to join this group of rogues known as Homra but he needs like some kind of awesome act of thievery to get their attention. Unfortunately he’s a little too loud celebrating after he steals the crown and soon the King’s elite guards Scepter 4 start chasing after him (with their tenacious soldier horse Basashi leading the way). Yata’s like shit I need to get out of here, a cool thief wouldn’t ever get caught. He spots Fushimi’s tower and figures hey, mysterious tower in the woods looks like a good place to hide and he uses all his agility to climb the vines around the tower and slip in through the window. He just makes it inside when six knives pin him to the wall and he finds himself face to face with a very irritated Fushimi who thought he’d finally managed to hit Niki and instead it’s just some shrimp.
Yata has no idea who this gloomy kid is or why he has all these knives hidden in his super long hair and he doesn’t have time to figure it out, the guards seem to have lost his trail so he wants to get away with the crown and also who are you calling a shrimp asshole. Fushimi’s willing to let Yata leave so he can have his tower all to himself again but then he hears Yata mentioning that the King is holding this annual festival in honor of the missing prince and to mark the anniversary of the evil beast being slain. Fushimi realizes that the 'beast’ in question is Niki and figures if he can get to the King he can turn Niki in and he finally won’t have to deal with his asshole dad anymore. Of course he needs a guide to the capital, Yata’s like no way am I going back there and Fushimi just smirks and twirls a knife around in his hands. Cue Yata waking up tied to a chair with Fushimi’s hair, the crown missing, and Fushimi smiling like an asshole as he says that if Yata betrays him he’ll never find the crown and Fushimi will turn him in to the authorities for a reward, all Yata has to do is take Fushimi to the capital city and he’ll be free to go. Yata thinks this guy is a jerk but he needs that crown if he’s going to join Homra so he agrees.
Yata wonders how they’re going to get down from the tower without a door (“wait, why isn’t there a door?”) and Fushimi just throws his hair out the window like come on, Yata thinks it’s kinda weird to be using some guy’s hair as a rope but whatever it’s also a little cool. So the two of them start on a journey to the castle, as it happens Yata’s still being pursued but Fushimi keeps thinking up all these traps and strategies to evade the guards and Yata finds himself thinking that this guy is kinda cool. At the same time there’s all these things that Yata thinks should be common knowledge but that Fushimi seems to not know, like when it’s cold at night and Yata offers to share his blanket Fushimi stares at him blankly like no one’s ever given him a blanket before. Yata even finds himself thinking that the two of them work really well together, he doesn’t understand why someone as cool as Fushimi would be living alone in a tower when together the two of them could definitely do amazing things.
Then maybe when they get to the capital Yata goes to this secret rendezvous point to talk to Homra’s leaders and see if he and Fushimi can join together. He doesn’t tell Fushimi, thinking it’ll be an awesome surprise and he’s like going over it in his head, how he wants to propose to ask Fushimi if they can be partners. But meanwhile Niki’s caught up to Fushimi and uses this to convince Fushimi that Yata was only using Fushimi so that he could join Homra, he never cared for Fushimi at all and isn’t it funny that Fushimi thought someone would actually want to be close to him for any reason but his magic hair. Niki kidnaps Fushimi and drags him back to the tower while making sure Yata ends up in the castle dungeon. However Homra helps Yata escape and he makes a beeline straight back for the tower, not caring about his reputation or how cool he looks, he just wants Fushimi to come back with him and be his partner for good. (And then Yata pushes Niki out a window, he asks Fushimi who that guy was and Fushimi’s like 'my dad,’ Yata’s all 'wait wait fuck I killed your dad?’ and Fushimi’s all 'yes and it was the best moment of my life.’)
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
AU where Fushimi is Yatas familiar spirit - maybe even the entire Yata familys familiar who has been passed down for generations?
I’m imagining Fushimi as being like this super grumpy cat spirit whogets passed down from generation after generation of red-hairedmagicians and most of them don’t see why they got stuck with thisguy, like he doesn’t help much in their magic and he’s totallyuncooperative all the time. Oh, maybe because of that one of Yata’sancestors like gives Fushimi away and Yata ends up being the one tobring him back and that’s why the two of them are at odds at firstbecause Fushimi’s decided he’s not going to trust humans ever again.Say Yata’s mom is part of this old family of like exorcists who areknown for their ability to see and purify demons. Fushimi wascaptured hundreds of years ago by the then-head of the family, whomanaged to make a contract with him in order to have him assist withthe exorcisms. Most of the time Fushimi just appears to be an oldsleepy bad-tempered cat but when he’s needed he turns into humansform and he has two tails and cat ears and likes to taunt the familya lot because they all have a temper and it’s amusing to watch. Thenone day the current head of the family is tricked by an evil sorcerernamed Niki into giving away Fushimi’s true name and Fushimi ends upbeing stolen away. This also breaks apart the family and thebloodline thins, Yata’s mom is one of the few members left who stillknows about the old ways and can do exorcisms but her power isn’tvery strong. Then she has Yata and it turns out that he has thestrongest powers that have been seen in generations.
Yata has a rough childhood growing up because he can see all thesespirits that other people can’t and the other kids start calling hima liar. It also leads to the breakup of his parents’ marriage, Yata’smom eventually remarries this guy who’s like the head priest of ashrine and can see some demons himself. Yata’s powers meanwhile startgrowing too much for him to handle, like he’s all but calling evilspirits to him and even warding charms given to him by his stepfathercan’t help him. Finally Yata’s mom decides the only thing to do isfind the family’s old familiar and bring him back so he can becomeYata’s bodyguard. Her powers aren’t quite strong enough though so sheends up using Yata’s a little, like she can’t tell him what he’slooking for or it will mess up the spell but she’s able to usescrying to power to find that there’s something very powerful at likethis pawn shop in town. She tells Yata to go into the store and findthe source of the power, Yata sneaks in and as he’s wandering aroundhe’s drawn to this small stone cat. He doesn’t know why but he feelslike he has to have it and ends up stealing it and running, as soonas he gets out of the shop the stone cracks and there’s like thissudden gust of wind and then Fushimi is standing there wondering whothe shrimp that summoned him is.
Yata’s immediately like fuck you I’m not a shrimp and Fushimi clickshis tongue and is like I don’t have time for this, I’m free so I’mgetting out of here. Yata yells at him to hold up a moment andsuddenly this golden bell appears around Fushimi’s neck, yanking himback towards Yata. Fushimi suddenly glares at Yata and mutters thatYata is one of them, isn’t he, and that Fushimi isn’t workingfor them ever again so Yata should just let him go. Yata is soconfused and states that he didn’t do anything he just wants Fushimito stop being an asshole for a moment and explain what the fuck isgoing on. That’s when Yata’s mom appears and tells Yata that Fushimiis their family’s familiar spirit who has been missing for ages,Fushimi is still contracted to work for anyone who has spiritualpowers and the blood of the person who made Fushimi’s initialcontract. Fushimi gets all pissed, because the Yata family gave himaway and now they’re dragging up old shitty contracts. Yata listensfor a while and is like okay fine, how about this then you be myfamiliar and once I’m in control of my powers I’ll void the contractand set you free.
So from there Fushimi and Yata end up as reluctant partners inexorcism as Fushimi teaches Yata all the ropes while acting like hedoesn’t care if Yata gets eaten by a demon or not. At first theirrelationship is super antagonistic, Fushimi still blames Yata’sfamily for giving him away and he doesn’t believe that Yata willreally free him while Yata thinks Fushimi’s a total asshole and can’tbelieve his ancestor actually contracted this jerk. But slowly theyget closer, like Fushimi can’t help but notice how worriedYata gets on his behalf and how Yata treats him not like a tool but afriend, always crowing about how some of Fushimi’s powers are prettycool. Yata meanwhile starts to really like having Fushimi by his sideand he’s worried that once he gets used to his powers he’ll have toset Fushimi free when really he wants Fushimi to stay with him andthe thought of Fushimi leaving makes his chest hurt.
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