#oh I wonder if he would still sleep at internet cafes
ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
What if sarumi met and got into HOMRA earlier while they're still in middle school? At this point while Yata is still friends with Fushimi and thinks he's important, Fushimi still has his doubts (plus they didn't live together yet) and Niki is still alive and would notice Fushimi acting strange. How would this affect Fushimi's decision later on? Also since Niki isn't dead yet, Aya wouldn't be able to use the virus on him but the real one is still there for her to tattle to about Yata and HOMRA.
I wonder if things would be even worse in this case, since we don't just have Fushimi's normal insecurities playing on him but there's also Niki just like right there making Fushimi's mental health into shit. Like I could see Fushimi thinking that maybe since he has power now he doesn't need to be afraid of Niki anymore, he can just burn Niki and make him be the one who's afraid, but then at the same time he doesn't know what would happen if he burned someone just for his own reasons, like would Homra kick him out for that kind of thing. Plus I imagine Kusanagi at least impressed upon the kids the need for some level of secrecy, like obviously there's the whole 'Red Monster' rumor going around and some of Shizume's underground clearly knows about Homra and the Red King but I imagine they can't be too bold about things or Kokujouji won't be very happy about having to cover up any problems caused. So Fushimi knows that he isn't really 'supposed' to threaten to burn his dad's face off but it's hard to keep that in check, trying to tell himself that he can just ignore Niki and there's nothing Niki can do to him now but even so his body just reacts instinctively when Niki's around. Plus on top of that now he has yet another thing that he needs to keep a secret because no way does he want Niki of all people to find out about the whole Kings and clans thing.
Even so I could see Niki finding out that his son is disappearing somewhere constantly, like maybe in this AU Aya even tries to secretly tell him where Fushimi's going in order to use the real Niki the way she does the hallucinations in canon. Niki of course knows that Aya's the one who dropped the hint but he doesn't really care what that shrimp's up to, he's way more interested in seeing what kind of cute friends his son has made. Imagine him following Fushimi to Bar Homra but he doesn't go inside, instead he waits until Fushimi's on his way home and meets him at the door, noting that it's bad for kids to go into adult bars isn't it, Saruhiko's becoming a delinquent right before his eyes. Fushimi freaks out a little that Niki knows where he's going and maybe he even ends up using his Red power almost without thinking, like just from sheer emotional torment, but rather than being scared Niki just laughs and thinks his son has found something really interesting huh. Fushimi runs off and goes to like an internet cafe for the night but now he's all tormented because he doesn't know what Niki's going to do, like what if he tells Homra that Fushimi gave up their whole secret or what if he tries to find a way to keep Fushimi from being able to stay there any longer (and maybe this is part of what makes Scepter 4 ultimately more attractive too, because Munakata notes that as a government agency he can shield Fushimi from such things without any trouble...or he can give Fushimi the means to do so himself, using Scepter 4's resources to keep tabs on Niki and make sure he can't bother Fushimi any longer).
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indouloureux · 2 years
hiii there 🥰 love your writing!! could you please do a story of joe and the reader FaceTiming with him being all smitten and sweet, and he ends up surprising them with a visit. I need some fluff in my life 🥹
hiii ily mwah <3
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the phone rings, two or three times before your face turns into a small square in the corner of the screen, making room for his pixelated face to appear.
it takes a few seconds for his face to clear, though still the blurriness of his camera makes his face look smooth. he lags for a few seconds before he smiles, ear to ear, happiness lifting up the deep lines of tiredness that wave through his forehead.
"hello," he sings from the other side. "hi. i missed you!"
you sit up straighter from the bed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you smile back just as bright. "hey, babe. i missed you too."
"how's it going there?" his background moves, camera swaying gently from left to right as if he's walking, and you wonder what it is that makes rugged and uneven sounds behind him.
"alright," you scratch your head. "a bit tedious, i'll admit. went to work, they let us go early so i hung out in the cafe nearby, then i went home because this jackass spilt coffee all over my shirt."
joseph pouts, his sunglasses tangled in his curls as he looks back down on his phone, panting slightly. "aw, that sucks, i'm sorry love."
"it's fine. i hated it, anyway," he laughs, chopped halfway due to the weak connection before he starts to move smoothly again. "what about you? what're you doing?"
"it's hectic. fucking mental," he takes his glasses off, must have shoved it inside his pocket, then he ruffles his hair before running his fingers through it. "everyone was nice. except the staff. my dad told you about them, right?"
you nod. "yeah he- um, sent some pics," you smile sadly. "i saw some on twitter. their pics with you. you looked adorable."
"just adorable?" he scoffs.
"fine. you looked handsome. hot. unbelievable. you happy?"
"oh, more than happy," he grins. "but, if we're to compare, your more adorable."
you wrinkle your nose at him. "even miles away, you're still a flirt."
"what, i can't help it." joseph laughs. "i may have called other girls beautiful, but you know you're the angel in my life, darling."
feigning a wince, a hiss leaves your mouth. "i don't know if i should melt or..."
"just accept it," he shakes his head with a chuckle. "i wonder what would happen if i said that to you in person."
"i'd try not to vomit, joe. even if i love you. though, i'd give you a kiss."
"well, you can give me a kiss n—"
the call ends, unexpectedly, the joseph's icon on your phone replacing him. you frown, thinking it must have been some internet problem as your thumb clicks on the home screen and presses on the message app.
you send him a quick text — what happened?
it's sent, but not seen. you huff at the unfortunate event and decide to text a quick goodnight to him before you sleep. but the loud ring of the doorbell stops you, and you'd almost shouted for that person to fuck off had you not been in a good mood after what joseph had said.
pushing the covers off yourself, the doorbell rings again, and you quickly slide on the hardwood floor, exiting the bedroom and take long strides to the door.
you don't expect him to be on the other side of the door.
"can you give me that kiss now?" he opens his arms, phone in hand and a black case behind him.
he takes a few steps back when you jump into his arms, lips smashing onto his all teeth and lips, hands around his neck like you're in some movie. joseph laughs against you, gently setting you down.
"i did actually had to stop physically vomit at your compliment, because i genuinely don't know how to react," you wipe the sweat off his forehead. "but i am happy you're here."
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
The One
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warmings:  18+, Minors DNI. Curate your own experience. Cursing, drinking, running, a raging argument in an established relationship, name calling, taunting, drunken raging, Twitter. SMUT, explicit, rough sex, fingering, tit slapping, orgasm denial, spitting, oral sex (mostly female receiving). Also, I’m sleepy. 😴
A/N: Not proofread. Also, I know very little about Chris and Jenny, and have no real opinion about their relationship. I made up the scenario about what happened there for the purposes of the story. THANKS FOR 400 FOLLOWERS TONIGHT! 🥳🎉🎊🍾👏🏽🎈
This fic is based on the following ask:
Anonymous asked:
Imagine idea :
Chris is drunk after a fight with the reader. He was On Twitter and saw some pics with Jenny and when the reader comes in he screams at her and says that Jenny was the one and not the reader. The reader get sad because she was always kind of insecure about the age gap with Chris. The day after he didn’t know what he says and she don’t say anything because she got the feeling that he was right. But one thing both didn’t noticed that Chris was drunk calling Scott and he knows everything Chris says and drive to Chris to give him a good clamp ahahhaha Chris was drunk and Just mentioned her name because he saw a post with Jenny.
It had been the perfect day.
You slept in, then had a late brunch at home. 
You saw a message from Chris’ former co-star, Heidi, light up his phone that he’d plugged in on the kitchen counter when you two were tidying up.
You wondered why he was texting the bitch even after you told him that she wanted him. And after he agreed to cut off contact out of respect for you.
Heated, you didn’t even look around before you picked it up, put in his code and read a string of friendly, if not borderline flirty, texts.
Chris walked in the kitchen, caught you, and yelled at you for being in his phone. 
“What the hell is going on?”
“Exactly! What is going on, Chris. I thought we talked about this?” 
Chris rolled his eyes. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Oh, it’s a big fucking deal.”
You threw his phone on the marble countertop, which caused Chris to pick it up to see if it was cracked. Your temper was too much.
“We’re just friends! She knows we’re together, y/n!” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“And I know women, Chris. That doesn’t fucking matter to her. Sometimes you’re so oblivious. Or act like you are.” You huffed and rolled your eyes.
“I know you want to leave me for someone more glamorous and beautiful. Someone who will put up with your shit, everyone the media says you’re fucking. Go ahead and just do it!”
Chris’s temper was really rising now. You could tell as the red creeped up his chest to his neck. 
“Stop fucking saying that!” Chris was screaming now. “Is that what you want? To end it? Because you don’t have to make me do it. If you want to leave, just leave.”
You said shit like that a lot. And it scared and angered him. He wanted to know if you were trying to make him break up with you so you would be free.
“Why are you being such a fucking…” Chris stopped himself. He knew better than to call you out of your name.
Your head almost spun around. You smiled evilly. 
“Go ahead, say what you wanna say, Chris. Or are you scared?”
Chris exploded. “A fucking BITCH.”  He was shaking because you went there.
“How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not fucking anyone else!”
Chris lost it and punched the wall, making a hole in the drywall and definitely injuring his hand.
You just stood there with your mouth open and in silence. You went toward him to look at his hand, and he just put both of them up, backing away from you and going to the liquor cabinet.
He retreated to the deck with a bottle of Jameson’s. He wanted to dull the pain, in his hand, and in his heart. He hated when you hurt each other.
You understood that you both crossed the line, so you let him be. You went upstairs to change into your running clothes to get out and clear your head.
Chris settled on a deck lounger, started drinking from the bottle and got online, which is never a good thing, but he needed something to distract him. He started reading tweets about himself, and following a thread of Chris + Jenny stans.
The more he drank, the more he started reminiscing.
There were good times. He was happy. Mostly. He thought she was the one. Sometimes. But she broke his heart. He was just a rebound. 
Her handsome arm candy.
Then he thought of you. His heart melted; you really loved him. He was sure of it. But loving him was hard. He realized that you felt the same way about him that he felt about Jenny. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
And you had good reason to be. Everything you’d said about women coming after him was true. But what you didn’t realize is that since he’d met you other women didn’t matter to him. 
You were the one, not Jenny.
Chris began to get melancholy. He’d fucked up. You were nothing but good to him and you just asked him to respect you and listen to your feelings. He’d ignored that. 
Shit, why did he yell at you like that?  
He went to erase Heidi’s contact and block her number. He was confident that you were never going to throw him away like Jenny did. She was the one who’d hurt him. Not you. Never you. He recognized that you wouldn’t ever hurt him on purpose.
His mind was racing with how to apologize when you came back. He was an idiot. The pain in his heart was replaced with regret and his hand had slowed to a dull throb.
But then 30 minutes turned to 3 hours, and by the time you got back, the bottle was empty and Chris’s eyes were red with rage and worry. 
Maybe you were just like Jenny after all.
You ran, and then went to get some coffee. You ran into Shelby at the cafe and distracted yourself with mindless chatter, then walked back. You were ready to apologize by the time you opened the door.
When he heard the door, Chris picked up his phone and met you in the living room. He was obviously shitfaced.
Chris’s voice boomed throughout the house and you jumped. Then you just stood there, shocked at his outburst. 
“The hell are you talking to me like that?” 
He was unsteady on his feet. He leaned toward you, and you could tell that someone was spinning the room for him.
“I don’t want it to be you!” 
He had to let you know that he knew that you wouldn’t be the one to hurt him. Chris pointed his phone at you. 
“You’re not the one. Jenny’s the only one. Not you! Not ever you!”
You couldn’t believe your ears. But then again you could. It was what you were afraid of. You were head over heels. And Chris could find someone on his level. Like Jenny.
“Well, Fuck You very much, Chris.” 
You brushed your tears away and ran past him up the stairs to the bedroom, locking the door and crying your eyes out. You got out your suitcase.
Chris started up after you, calling your name, and then suddenly needed to duck in the downstairs bathroom to throw up. 
He tried to make it up the stairs and had to sit down on the floor near the bottom. Then, he needed to lay down just for a minute.
The next thing Chris knew, it was morning, and he woke up to a pounding on the door and in his head. He rolled over on the floor, and something stabbed him in the side.
Groaning, he reached down and saw your keys to his house, his cars, and his life, all on the Tiffany heart keychain he’d given them to you. He was staring at them, confused, when Scott opened the door with his key.
“There he is. My brother. The fuck up.”
Chris groaned again, sat up on the bottom stair and held his head. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Nevermind me. It’s not often I get to say that, only when you publish your dick pic to the internet or you RUN OFF THE BEST THING THAT’S EVER HAPPENED TO YOU!”
Chris winced when Scott yelled, his head a pounding mass of meat wrapped in fuzzy cotton. 
He didn’t understand why he was being tortured and he didn’t understand why his hand hurt.  He looked at it, all bruised up, and the keys inside it.
“Just tell me, Scott. Why are you here?”
Scott leaned up against the door. 
“Did you know you drunk dialed me last night?” 
Chris looked up at Scott, and his face was a sight as his brother told him what he’d said to you.
“Fuuuuuck me!” He put his head in his hands again. 
“I don’t know if she ever will again,” Scott joked, but Chris didn’t laugh. 
“I called her after you apparently passed out and wouldn't pick up your phone.  She was ready to catch an early morning flight, but I convinced her to sleep in today and leave tomorrow.”
Chris moved his hands down from his eyes and stared out the patio doors, trying to think.
“I put her up in the Four Seasons, on your dime of course.  Room 6145. Penthouse. Could be pretty romantic. If she were in that kind of mood.”
Chris looked up at Scott, smiled weakly, jumped up and hugged him, then made for the door. Scott jumped in front of him.
“Trust me, you’ll want to get some water and coffee in you, and shower and brush your teeth. You look and smell like shit.”
“Right.” Chris nodded, flexing his hand. He could still move it. He was glad it wasn’t broken. “Thanks, bro.”
“No problem.” Scott walked into the bathroom as Chris went to the kitchen, groaning when he saw the hole in the wall. He’d have to ask Scott to get it fixed before you saw it again. 
If he could convince you to come back.
It was 11 am, and Scott had verified that you were still in the room. Chris just stood there, nervous and terrified that you were just going to be done with him.
Room service came and headed toward your door. Chris waved them down and when they saw his face, they stopped in their tracks, shocked.
“Hey, can you do me a favor?”
You climbed out of the wonderful deep jetted tub, having soaked until the water got cold and your fingers were wrinkled. You pulled on the plush Four Seasons terry cloth robe that was provided with the suite.
You felt calmer than last night, and after some sleep and relaxation, you realized that you’d been a fool to think that Chris would want you forever like you thought.
It was for the best that you leave and start over, to focus on your consulting business and yourself for a while.
You opened the door with a smile on your face for the attendant, and you let them into the room, your back turned to the door while they brought the cart in. You turned back around and there was Chris.
You grew heated, and your heart began to race while the attendant scurried out. Chris’s face was a welcome sight, but you were still angry.
There you were, looking so beautiful, curls tied up in your favorite silk scarf, cocoa skin radiant in a white fluffy robe.  You should have been comfortable, but your eyes were wide and scared.
He’d done this to you.
“Fuck, y/n… I…”
You interrupted him. 
“You’ve got some mutha fuckin nerve. How dare you just run up in here, using that fucking face,” you flung your hand up, “using who you are to get into my room. How did you even know where…?”  
Your mouth dropped open at the realization of what Scott had done. You turned on your heel to get your things. You didn’t care that you were naked under your robe. You didn’t care that you still loved Chris. You were out. This second.
Chris moved to block you from entering the bedroom of the suite. You tried to push past him, all 5’ 4” of you versus 6 feet of him.
“Move, Chris!” 
You glared up at him, your body responding to him in ways you weren’t prepared to admit. You were betrayed by your pussy.
“I just want you to listen to me.  Then you can leave, stay, do whatever you want. Just hear me out.”
You and him physically was always the shit. His arms across his chest did things to you  But you kept mean mugging him, making him hard for you. 
You stepped back and said, “Okay.  You have 10 minutes.  Then I’m out, Chris.”
You paced back to the couch in the living room of the suite, watching him warily.
Chris paced in front of you, making it inevitable that you follow his lean form back and forth across the carpet. You noticed that his hand was bandaged and that he kept flexing it. 
You hoped it wasn’t broken. No matter what, you cared what happened to him. You would always love him. Even if it was the end of your relationship.
“First of all, I’m sorry. My anger got the best of me, and I was violent and that is never acceptable.  Even though I didn’t touch you, it’s not ok, and I know it was intimidating. I take responsibility.”
He stopped and looked at you, you melted a little, but you didn’t give any outward sign. Being a business owner taught you a mean poker face. 
But the shirt he was wearing made his true blue eyes pop and you could see a hint of his chain around his neck under the fitted henley.
You suppressed a shiver at the memory of the things you did to have that chain and medallion wave in your face, to have it clenched between your teeth as Chris had his way with you, and you with him.
You focused on him, pointedly looking at your watch. Chris’ anxiety peaked when he saw that.
He stepped toward you and thought that he recognized the look in your eyes.  He was almost sure that you still wanted him, sure that you still cared.  He could only hope as he came closer.
“And then I started drinking. And while you were gone, I came across some posts about me and Jenny. And it took me back there.”
At those words, you crossed your arms and averted your eyes, defenses up. You didn’t want to hear about how much he loved Jenny.
Then, Chris swiftly moved to sit on his haunches, becoming eye level with you.  
“And I realized that she never really loved me. Not like you loved me.”  
Chris speaking about your love in the past tense made you a little angry and you stared him in the eyes. 
It was just the reaction he hoped for. Your attitude. He loved it. He hid a smirk so that he could continue, but you saw the glimmer in his eyes. And you rolled yours.
Chris then picked up the sash to your robe and started playing with it, your eyes drawn to his thick fingers. You didn’t know why that was getting you hot, but it was. You opened your mouth to breathe.
Chris’s voice cracked when he said. “And to me she was the mountaintop. Another, different kind of conquest. But I realized that I never really loved her. Not like I love you.”
Present tense.
Now you were looking into his eyes, about to fall into them. Shit. He had you hooked. But then you remembered, and drew back.
“Yeah, I know what I said, but what I was trying to express was that I know it could never be you to hurt me like Jenny did. That I didn’t want you to hurt me like she did. Not when I’ve thought about forever…” 
He moved even closer. “I mean forever, forever, with you.”
All of a sudden you couldn’t breathe. Chris got on his knees.
“I want to be in this position again with you one day. One day soon. But not like this. I don’t want it to be to try to get you back. I want us to be good.” 
He sighed, pensive. “I want you to be smiling and happy, and even have our families there.”
You don’t know how your face looked at that moment, but Chris started smiling at you. You were so beautiful to him right now.
“I was drunk, and I couldn’t use my words correctly. I yelled and I screamed and I punched the wall. I fucked up and may have lost you forever, but I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” 
You felt yourself get emotional, but you tried to calm down.
“I’m just so fucking scared that you will get tired of all the bullshit that comes with me and leave… and I absolutely wouldn’t blame you. But there’s no one else, y/n.  No one else can compare…”
You raised your hand to his face, eyes searching his. You could tell he was being honest.
Chris grabbed your hand and started kissing your palm.
“So.” He looked at you with those eyes. “Is this goodbye?…” His lips were giving you shivers. “Or hello again? Can we start over?”
Chris trailed his lips from your palm, to the pulse point at your wrists and lingered there, licking the delicate skin. Then he moved up your arm to the opening in the robe. 
He pushed his torso in between your legs and leaned into your neck, inhaling the lavender bath oil that was your favorite. And his, too. 
He moaned as you leaned your head to the side, giving him access. But he didn't just want the physical. He breathed into the shell of your ear. 
“Please come home, baby…”
You just moaned as he started sucking right below your ear, your spot. Desire took over for Chris when he heard your sounds.
“Fuck it. I can tell that you still want me. If this is goodbye, then I’m going to make it worth your time.”
Your back arched and Chris palmed your bounteous ass over the robe, pulling you flush to his crotch.  He smiled as he felt the warmth coming from you.
“You’re so fucking warm, babe. Are you wet, too?  Are you wet for me? Do you want my cock? I mean, do you want your thick, fat, cock to fuck you babe?” 
Chris was kissing down your neck into the cleavage that the robe was revealing with each sentence as you opened your legs. Your pussy was quivering for him, but you still didn’t answer him.
Chris looked up at you with those eyes and pulled on the robe sash. It fell open and he looked down and bit his lip, taking in your warm skin, lovely breasts, and elegant pussy, with the manicured triangle of hair kept like he preferred, and offered up for his taking. 
You still looked like his girl, and he smiled as he looked up into your eyes. But he had to be certain. He lowered his head, keeping eye contact and descended toward one small hard mountain peak, kissing it gently, tentatively, while watching you.
You were mesmerized as his tongue peeked out and licked it, then he opened his lips and enveloped it, moistening it with his pink lips. 
The look on your face compelled him, and he fully enveloped your nipple and started sucking roughly, still keeping eye contact. You were determined not to close your eyes, but it was difficult. You bit your lip to stay still.
Chris’s bandaged hand was dangerous, however, and it came up to pinch and roll your other nipple. You arched into his hand as he became rougher and rougher. 
He switched nipples and hands and his saliva made your breast that much more pliable and sensitive. He slapped it, and then rubbed it with the rough bandage, making you cry out and moan as his other hand trailed down your body to your cunt.
“This pussy will still be mine, even if you leave me.” He smiled cockily while looking down on it. 
He looked at you, before lifting his hand to his mouth, looking straight into your eyes and spitting on his fingers before bringing them down to your cunt.
“I think, that if even if you leave and  move back to Houston, and I come to town, that if I I call you, even if you’re with someone else, you would meet me in a parking lot and let me fuck you over the hood of my rental car.” 
He was faintly tracing your pussy lips and instantly your control was gone. You were sopping wet, because of his words and because of the knowledge that what he was saying was the truth.
“Oh,” was all you could say. You were adding to the wetness of the saliva on his fingers.
Chris smiled and tilted his head as his two thick digits breached your opening. He had his answer as you threw your head back and let him finger fuck you while he rolled and slapped and pinched your nipple.
His thumb was lightly brushing your clit and you wanted so much more.  Chris could sense that and he pressed down roughly on it, causing an electric jolt up your body, which you keened for, arching your body into his hand.
Chris moved his hand from your breast to your neck and applied the pressure that you wanted and needed and that he was expert at while he stuffed another finger inside you and circled your clit with his thumb. 
You floated among the clouds as you came like fireworks, and all over his hand.  
He watched you come undone, and come down, rubbing his hard cock through his pants with one hand while he sucked your juices off his fingers, releasing each with a loud pop.  When you opened your eyes, you smiled.
You pulled his hand and started licking yourself off him, flattening your tongue against his palm. 
“I forgive you Chris. I forgave you when you conned your way into my room, you ass.” 
You smiled against his hand as he groaned, relieved and desperate for you.
“But you still have some work to do.”
“What do you want? Anything.”  
Now Chris was breathless, anticipating payback.
“First, you need to take those damn clothes off.”
He quickly moved to take off his shirt, and then stood up to take off his pants.  You smirked as hs cock sprang up immediately when he peeled them down. He wasn’t wearing underwear.
Chris caught your look. 
“What? I wanted to be prepared.”  He chuckled softly while pumping his cock lightly, expecting to immediately fuck you.
He moved toward you. But you quickly moved off the couch and into the bedroom, forcing him to follow you, and his dick, into the other room.
You sat on the edge of the bed as he remained standing. 
“What do you need, babe?”
You reached for his cock and tugged it toward you, opening your mouth and deep throating it, wetting it from root to tip and then spit on it. Chris moaned as you started to stroke. Then you stopped.
“I need you to jack off for me.” 
“Ugh! You’re so fucking nasty. I love you.”
Chris instantly started where you left off. This didn’t seem like work.
You leaned back on your elbows, watching him, and licking your lips.
“And I need for you not to stop, and not to come. Until I tell you.” 
You looked him in the eye and that was when Chris knew he was doomed.  A chill ran down his spine as you reached down and started playing with your pussy.
You looked so damn good.  He licked his lips and stroked harder and faster, his balls drawing up already. 
“Shit, y/n.”
You watched his eyes, and got wetter at his blown pupils and glazed look. 
“You like that?”
“Fuck yeah.”  
His voice was broken and desperate. He fisted his cock, and held his balls, trying to stave off the inevitable. 
You turned around, got on your knees and reached back between your legs and ran your fingers up and down your slit.
“How about that?”
Chris grunted as he tried to hold it in. You were a goddess. He licked his lips. Wanting to taste you. So he did. 
He dove in, tongue competing with your fingers to command your slit. You finally gave in to his expert mouth and he savored your salty goodness.
“Fuck, Chris, you better still be…”
“I am. Christ.” 
He was leaking in his hand, but he had it under control. Barely.
Chris stopped eating you out for a second, grabbed your ass cheek with one hand, stretched you open, spit on your tighter hole, and watched it slide down your satin lips to drip onto the bed. 
His warm saliva made your pussy quiver and he watched it lovingly. Then he dove in again.
He sped up his movements with his other hand and you could hear the smooth skin of his dick sliding on his palm while his tongue did forbidden things to you.
“Ffffffuuckkkkkkk! Chrisssss.” 
You came, burying your scream in the mattress, and even harder than before. You couldn’t believe that he’d turned the tables on you.
Chris ate you out through your orgasm, holding you down with one hand like it was nothing. 
He was god of war, love, and sex, all at once. 
Fuck Captain America.
You came again, almost immediately.
When he was done with his meal, he let you go, wiped his mouth with the back of his free hand and stepped back.
“Fuck, what do you want me to do? I can’t take it much longer…” Chris’s sexy growling voice got to you. 
“What do you wanna do, Chris? How do you want to take me, Daddy?”  Chris’s cock jumped in his hand, he slapped your ass, and watched it jiggle.
Chris entered your wet, wet pussy, and marvel how if felt like it was choking the life out of him.  He had to stop moving, or he would burst almost immediately.
“How the fuck are you so wet, but so tight.  It’s like a fucking vice grip, geeze.” 
You both waited and felt it jump inside you, then Chris reached down, grabbed you by the neck and pulled you upright and flush to his chest.  
One hand clutched your throat and the other arm hooked under your leg, allowing him to piston up into you upright while your other leg dangled, your big toe barely touching the ground.
Chris held you and fucked up into you, grunting each time the large mushroom cap head of his cock was stuffed into your pussy. 
“Ugh, gatdamn it, you were thinking of leaving, ugh, you wanted to leave this, mmmmmm, this dick that, ugh, that fucks you like this?” 
Chris’s mouth was near your ear, which was on his shoulder because your head had fallen back on his chest. He was using you like a sex toy as he fucked you senseless. 
His dick slicked in and out of you with obscene wetness, Chris somehow lifting you up and slipping completely out of you and pounding back into you with force.
You started shaking, your center of gravity being where you and he were connected.
He fucked you even harder and faster, chasing his release, but he maneuvered his hand to find your clit, refusing to come before you. 
“Fuck! You know you were going to miss this cock that your sweet cunt fits… like…  a …mutha …fuckin…  glove!” 
You screamed as you fluttered around his cock. He could take only so much before he had to shut his eyes and bite down on your collarbone. Chris’s legs were trembling now.
"Take all of it!." He was hitting your spot.  "How does it feel?" 
Although the feeling was intense, you tried to speak. 
"L-l-l-like h-heav-v-v-ennnnn." 
The sound of your voice made his release start to build. 
With each of his thrusts, the sweet tightness began to build until you came, screaming and moaning in pleasure.
“Oh shiiiiitttttt!”  Chris exploded inside your tight wet cunt. He wanted to fill you up like never before. He wanted to put his baby in you and tie you forever to him. That made his balls empty.
He fell back on the bed, with you on top of him, slipping out of you and depositing you on the bed beside him.
Chris couldn't help but smile as you both came down.  He was made for this.
Chris put his hand on your cheek, brushing your beautiful lips with his thumb. You smiled under his attention into his sea blue eyes.
“I love you.” You grinned. 
“God, I love you.”  You sobered up, taking in the weight of his words.
“Is it weird that I want to get you pregnant before we’re married?”
You made a face.
“Who says I want to marry you?”
Chris scooped you in his arms and rolled you over on top of him.
“You don’t want to marry me? You’d say no if I asked?” 
You held in a giggle.
“Nah. I’m gonna move back to Houston and marry someone else so you can come in town and fuck me over the hood of your rental car. That sounds hot as fuck.”
Chris released an anxious breath.
You took his head in your hands.
“Easy now. Ask what you want to ask.” Chris started to speak. You put your finger over his mouth.  
“When you want to ask it.” You looked into his eyes again. “I won’t break your heart.”
Chris smiled at you and said, “I know.” He kissed you. 
And when you pulled away, breathless, he told you, “You’re the One.”
----------- Read Part Two: It Takes Two
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“Scenting” Obey Me Fluff (slightly sexual)
All demon brothers x Female! MC
Introduction: when in Devildom, MC always knew demons were very different from her human self but she never knew they did something called “scenting” until some random demons did it to her, ensuing a very possessive & peeved off demon brothers
MC sat at her desk as she normally would but quieter than usual, compared to her other classes she’d be surrounded by her demons but this was the only class that she had none of them in. Sighing out of boredom, she hunched over her desk as she waited for the bell to ring but was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. She looked up to meet black eyes that belonged to one of the many demon classmates she had grown used to ignoring.
“Hah! I told you! She finally noticed me!” He cheered cockily at his friends that stood alongside him, each very different from the other. “Jeez, I almost gave up on getting your attention, human,” he winked flirtatiously, which MC just blinked at in an oblivious manner.
“Hey! Just because she noticed you first doesn’t mean she doesn’t see the rest of us either!” The shorter out the bunch yelled out defensively.
“Ah, sorry...? I never realized anyone was trying to get my attention. Could I help you with something?” She questioned, holding a finger to her chin. After multiple lectures from Lucifer and the others but mostly Lucifer she had grown accustomed to not conversing with other demons since she was told they wanted nothing but to eat or hurt her and what idiot was not gonna take that warning? It surprised her that they seemed overall harmless, other than a common spark in the eyes of each of the demons in front of her.
“W-well, it’s not necessarily something you can help with...” a particularly shy-looking demon stepped forward, his black hair covered his eyes like a curtain which he nervously patted at. “W-we have a slight, ahem, fascination with h-humans...particularly y-you,” he trailed off as a taller demon slung an arm around his shoulders.
“Quit beating around the bush! We like you, human! You’re pretty cute!” Said demon announced, winking then continuing to give the shy boy a noogie.
A melodious giggle to their ears erupted from her throat at the slight blushing faces of her previously unknown classmates in front of her. “I’m flattered! I didn’t think I met up to demons’ preferences,” she laughed. MC was happy to be conversing with others for once, not being isolated to just the seven brothers felt as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders which she hadn’t noticed before and the fact that they found her cute was all the better.
“Nah! Attractive up there is still attractive down here! All we really prefer is that our horns don’t get caught up with each other when kissing and since you don’t have any it’s all the better!” The first demon replied cheerily, patting at her head to get the point across as she laughed. “Not to mention, since you’re human, you have a different type of beauty ‘bout you that we’re not too used to,” he continued, boldly leaning close and tipping her chin upward with a finger.
It was MC’s turn to blush. As her cheeks dusted with a slight pink tone, she couldn’t help but giggle at her classmates’ antics. “You guys are a funny bunch. I like y’all!” she commented happily, smiling at the four demons in front of her. It felt strange to not feel afraid of anyone other than her particular seven demons but not in a negative way. Inside she hoped that this would start a domino effect of others wanting to try striking up a conversation with her, the thought made her feel warm inside. The four stepped back in surprise at her revelation, whilst blushing at her cute smile they all shared a look with one another.
“D-do you mind if we, um, s-scent you...” the shy demon stuttered out as he twiddled his fingers nervously, fearing her reply to such an intimate request. Seeing her head cocked to the side, he quickly tried to explain himself. “A-Ah! We don’t want to fully scent you! Just one rub to show our interest in you is all! We would never fully scent without an established relationship! It’s just to show that we’re trying to court you is all! Y-you don’t even have to accept!” He rambled, jumping forward out of how frazzled he was which revealed his two gold eyes from underneath the curtain of pitch black hair.
“Sorry to interrupt, but what is ‘scenting’ exactly?” She questioned, confused at what it was and why there were different types. Realizing she didn’t know what it meant, the shy demon’s legs gave out from embarrassment as the taller demon caught him, his outbursts seemed to be normal to them.
“Oh, right! You’re human so you don’t know!” The shortest realized, putting his fist in to his other hand. “Hmm, long story short it’s what demons do to show our interest in someone,” he shrugged simply, but a sly glint in his eye as well as the smirk that lifted his lips said something else, which MC didn’t quite catch. “Here! I’ll show ya!” He continued before dipped down and nuzzling his neck against hers just once before pulling away with a satsifactory grin as he inhaled.
“Hey, you’re leaving some things out-“ the black-eyed demon spoke up before the shortest cut him off.
“You don’t mind it, right? It’s completely harmless!” He shrugged, holding his hands up and shaking his head innocently. The other three waited quietly in anticipation.
“I-I guess,” MC nodded which four smiled triumphantly at. The black-eyed demon didn’t waste time in following the prior demon’s actions but with a warmer smile before the taller did the same, a flirtatious lift to his lips. That left only the shy demon to scoot hesitantly close before rubbing his neck against hers. Once. Twice. Before being pulled away by the other three.
“Hey! What are ya trying to do? Don’t be going overboard with the scenting, dumbass!” The tallest reprimanded, holding him by the back of his collar.
“I-I’m sorry! I got carried away! I wasn’t going to do anything more! Promise!” He wailed as the three pulled him out the classroom just as the bell rang, not forgetting to wave at her as they left.
“Strange. I wonder what the brothers will have to say.” She thought to herself.
Disappointed but not surprised that the brothers each had plans after school, she walked home alone that day. One would think at least one would stay behind for her safety, but she felt that they were beginning to get too used to having her around and often forgot she was human, which was nice she was so included and familiar to them but annoying nonetheless when she didn’t get to see anyone until dinner. Beel and Satan had after school activities, which she understood as well as Lucifer having his own duties to Lord Diavolo but the other four’s excuses were ridiculous to her. Mammon texted her to inform that he was going to be trying to break into Diavolo’s office at school with the full intent to steal any valuables in there, Levi had shut himself in at some newly opened Internet cafe and refused to even do his online classes there, Belphie had disappeared somewhere most likely in a strange spot sleeping, and Asmo was completely focused on waiting in line at a popular cake store since morning just for what he called the “perfect Devilgram post”.
By the time she had gotten home she had completely forgotten about the whole “scenting” thing and decided to take a shower. She had just gotten out when she heard hurried footsteps leading to her door. Acting quickly, she ran to the door and locked it before anyone could enter and see her in all her naked glory. This was met with a deep “oof” as the person hit the door, expecting it to open, and followed it with loud knocks when it didn’t.
“Oi! Why’s the door locked? Who ya got in there? I can smell ‘em!” Mammon’s voice berated as he incessantly banged at the door, awaiting his human’s answer. He stopped briefly to press his nose against the crack of the locked door as he deeply inhaled to pinpoint the foreign scent before starting back up again. “Oiiii! Who’s scent is that? That ain’t any of my brothers or mine!” He yelled.
“Yeah, because it’s mine! I just got out the shower! Are you a bloodhound or somethin’? Am I not allowed to lock the door or would ya rather see me naked?” She yelled back, annoyed at his questions. Obviously she’s going to smell like her body fragrance after coming out the shower, what kind of question is that?
Blushing at her remark, he stopped knocking but still cocked his head to the side out of confusion. He knew her scent so why did it smell different? Shaking his head, he brushed it off as a new body lotion or something among those lines. “I’ve told ya! Demons have got a stronger sense of smell than ya humans! Anyways, I’m on dinner duty and it’ll be done in thirty minutes so I expect ya down here right when it’s done! The Great Mammon’s food shouldn’t be kept waiting, alright?” He stated.
“Yeah, yeah! I’ll be down there when I’m ready to!” She answered angrily, his questioning from earlier and the fact that he abandoned her to try breaking into Diavolo’s office instead taking play.
She took her time after that, knowing fully well that dinner was ready and the others were sat waiting for their beloved human that they neglected all day to come down and eat with them. By the time she came down, they had all been seated and Beel was already on his fifth plate which didn’t take him long mind you.
“Ah, better late than never, I suppose,” Lucifer commented teasingly, noting her damp hair as her excuse.
“Hurry up and eat before Beel devours it all!” Mammon ushered at the seat in front of him, he usually sat beside her but the twins had beat him to it since there was only one seat she preferred to sit at.
Taking her usual seat, she began to eat but it wasn’t long before a faint but definitely there foreign scent emanated from her. Reaching Belphie first while Beel was too busy stuffing his face with food. It roused him from his short slumber he decided to take at the dinner table, as he inched forward towards his human’s neck. She jumped when she felt his nose pressed against her nape as he inhaled and pulled away with a disgruntled look on his face.
“Why do you smell like that?” Belphie sneered. At this point, the smell had reached Beel as well and he promptly stopped his feasting to investigate. He followed Belphie’s actions but on the opposite side, deeply inhaling before quickly pulling away with furrowed eyebrows.
“Yeah...you smell like someone else,” Beel growled, surprising her at the tone of his voice. The smell wafted towards the other brothers as well and it wasn’t long before they were all on their feet, surrounding her with quizzical expressions while each taking turns of two to sniff at her exposed neck as she sat red-faced at the attention. She knew she was a bit petty from being neglected earlier but she didn’t expect this much attention at once!
“I knew I smelt something-someone earlier!” Mammon said as he angrily took another whiff, which only peeved him off more.
“How strange,” Satan hummed, a smile on his face that she knew masked his anger all too well. The brothers tried to rack their brains from what the scent could be from before Levi suddenly gasped.
“S-she’s been scented!” He revealed before dipping down yet again to smell. “And by, what seems like, multiple demons!” He continued, an angry flush against his cheeks. All the brothers looked at each other before returning their attention back to MC, who sat looking dazed in her chair.
“Now, now, lets give her space,” Lucifer commanded, waving his hand for his brothers to step away. “Care for an explanation, darling?” He questioned, the glint in his eye and slight furrow of his forehead outing his subdued anger as he felt a crack in his pride that some lowly demon, multiple in fact, had scented his human and she allowed it. He held a threatening but gentle hand on her shoulder as she tried her best to rack her brain to recall why she would smell like someone else. A lightbulb lighting up in her brain when she finally recalled.
“Ah! I talked to four classmates of mine for the first time and they mentioned something about ‘scenting’, I didn’t really understand it and next thing I knew they were doing it so that’s probably why!” She explained, looking up at the brothers with innocent eyes that made their hearts squeeze. So, she didn’t know.
“And what did they tell you about it exactly?” Lucifer questioned further.
“Hmm, they said demons do it to show their interest in someone? Something about courting?” She replied.
“Aw, my poor darling! Taken advantage like that!” Asmo cooed as he threw his arms around her.
“O-oh, did they lie?” She asked sheepishly.
“More like gave ya half-truths!” Mammon answered as he ran a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner. “Satan, explain,” he sighed, waving his hand.
“Well, while what they said was true it was very vague and not all of it. Scenting is when a demon claims one as their own, it’s territorial and tells other demons to back off or else there’s gonna be...problems,” Satan explained in a matter-of-fact manner.
“They mentioned something about not ‘fully’ scenting. What’s that?” She asked.
“Ah, if they did that we’d have their heads,” he chuckled out evilly before resuming his explanation calmly which made her shiver. “Fully scenting is when demons claim one as their mate. It creates a tether between them more romantically intimate than a pact and is stronger smelling than normal scenting. The one who was scented on can also release distress signals when in danger and it’ll alert the other demon almost right away,” he ended.
“A-Ah, so there was more to it,” she laughed weakly, realizing how dumb she was before.
“Hm, yes. Well, it seems that we’ll have to further stake our claim on our human here. Luckily we’re powerful demons, so we can easily break this mediocre scenting,” Lucifer stated before pressing his lips against her neck and harshly sucking, causing a gasp to leak out her lips. He pulled away and smirked at the bright hickey that bloomed on her neck as well as the fading scent that was on her.
“I agree,” Mammon monotoned as he did the same, finding her sweet spot almost instantly as he suckled and kissed on it to leave a deep bruise. “How dare they put their disgusting scent on my human?” He growled against her. She covered her mouth to muffle her voice, but Levi pulled them away.
“I don’t think so,” he tsked, nibbling at her jaw and smirking against her as she gasped at the feeling of his bite on her skin.
“We’ll be covering you with these,” Satan spoke against her, dipping to her clavicle to leave yet another hickey as he circled his tongue around it.
“We’ll put it in places you can’t cover and make it so dark no makeup could make a dent!” Asmo giggled mischievously as he aimed for where her jugular was, causing her to shiver.
Beel licked his lips at the sight of her as he took it upon himself to bite new territory, which was her shoulders. “This is better than when I wanted to eat you when we first met,” he mumbled lowly, lapping at the bite marks he left on her to soothe them.
“Ah, hardly any room for me,” Belphie muttered before taking a bite at the top of her chest, her jumping up as a reaction making him smile smugly.
Oh, how was she was going to avoid prying eyes at school tomorrow?
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I’m a whore for scenting so I wanted to give it a go! I think ima make this a series since they didn’t fully scent on her just yet & will probs make a part for each of my bois, Mammon being first of course! Oh and I’m definitely gonna make them smutty because duh probably start off being some fluffy cute cuddles & then progress to absolute ravaging ;) interested?
Oh and what do y’all think of the demons I made up for this story? I kinda like their personalities & antics together idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years
Missed Connection - Shinsou Hitoshi
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​ Rating: NSFW 18+ Warnings: Unprotected sex, blowjobs, dirty talk, poking fun at fakes who shop at UO and wear band t-shirts for bands they don’t listen to, terrible poetry, Kaminari is a weirdo. Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/F!Reader Words: 4,554 AN: This is for the bnharem server collab, the theme is pen pals! We were able to write basically anything as long as there was some kind of communication/writing/texting etc! This is the first time I’ve written for Shinsou and I head cannon him as a fucking closet goth so don’t at me. Collab Masterlist (Please go check out everyone else’s contributions!) My Masterlist Buy me a Ko-fi -- When his phone started ringing, Shinsou was tempted to throw it halfway across the room. Whoever thought it was okay to call him at - he turned to squint at the clock on his bedside table - 10 in the morning on his day off, better have a good excuse. He frowned at the screen once he’d found his phone, and sighed.
“The world better be on fire, Kaminari.” His palm rubbed over his face as he pressed the phone to his ear, his eyes closing again.
The blonde chuckled, full of energy as usual. “Aw, come on ‘Toshi! It’s not that early.”
A million ways he could kill his friend and make it look like an accident flashed through his mind. “You know I like to sleep late on my days off.” He left it at that, no further explanation needed. Kaminari knew he stayed up impossibly late on his off days, crawling under the covers only when the sun started to rise.
“You want to hear this, I promise. I wouldn’t call this early unless it was important.” Shinsou listened to the sound of a keyboard clicking through the phone, waiting impatiently for his friend to continue. 
“So, you know how I sometimes like to fuck around on the internet?” This was a rhetorical question. Of course he did. “Well, occasionally I like to browse through Craigslist, and this morning I was in the missed connections section, and I found something interesting.”
“Why do you look through missed connections?” He didn’t really care, he just thought it was kind of...weird. But, then again, this was Denki, so he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Kaminari huffed. “Dude, sometimes it’s so sad to read how they saw someone and thought there was a connection. It makes me wonder if they ever find each other.” He was quiet for a moment like he was deep in thought. “But then sometimes, it’s like ‘You farted in the produce section and I’d still date you, let’s go out’ and it kind of loses the romantic appeal.”
“You’re a sap. Also, gross.” He found himself drifting off, bored with the conversation already. “Do you have a point?”
“God, you’re impatient! Listen, I was scrolling through the ads and I found this one, I think you should hear it.” Clearing his throat, he began to read. 
“You were the sleepy purple-haired man in the cat cafe on Main, I was hiding behind an orange tabby by the window. I was staring, but I wasn’t trying to be creepy. You just looked kind of lost, and the black and white short hair on your lap seemed to have all your attention. Oh, I think his name is Socks. Isn’t that unoriginal? Anyway, I’ve seen you there a few times and I want to know more about you. If you see this, please respond.”
Shinsou sat up in his bed, ignoring the sharp pain of his muscles protesting at the sudden movement. “What the fuck?”
“This is about you, isn’t it?” Denki’s excitement was clear. “You’re the only sleepy guy with purple hair I know who frequents that cat cafe on Main Street.”
“How long ago was that posted?” Hitoshi felt strange, restless energy flowing through him. Someone had noticed him and decided that he was interesting enough to want to get to know? He wasn’t anything special, and he kept to himself mostly. What did this even mean?
“Last night! When did you go to the cafe?” He didn’t even wait for a response. “I’m forwarding this post to you, and you better send them an email! It’s been too long since you’ve dated someone, ‘Toshi, and I’m concerned.”
Unfortunately feeling more awake than he wanted to be, Shinsou shifted until his feet were on the floor. “Yesterday afternoon. And it hasn’t been that long.”
“It’s been like a year, dude.” Kaminari sighed. “Okay, I sent it. Please write back to them. Let me live vicariously through you in this weird turn of events.”
Shinsou sighed and said goodbye, ending the call and staring off into space for a minute. He needed coffee before he could even think about reading it for himself and then maybe responding.
Uh, hello.
 I can’t help but feel like this was about me? I’m not even really sure what to say. This feels weird. You could have come over and said hi, maybe. I don’t bite. I might have stared at you and made things awkward but I feel like it would have been a surefire way to talk to me instead of posting this on craigslist of all places and expecting me to see it. 
You’re lucky I have a friend who likes to scour the dark recesses of the internet for entertainment purposes and happened upon this post.
How do I know this is really the person I’m talking about? What were you wearing when you went to the cafe? That’s like the only way I can be sure you are who you say you are. 
The only reason I didn’t come over and talk to you was that I had Oliver on my lap and he is a grump and didn’t want me to get up until he was good and ready. (That’s the orange tabby’s name, by the way.) By the time I was able to coax his fat ass off of me you had gone. 
Honestly, I’d let those cats climb all over me like their own personal cat tree all day long and not complain about it, but I digress. 
I didn’t expect you to find this or reply, it was kind of my way of convincing myself that I’d given it a shot, even though I really hadn’t done much.
I was wearing the following:
A Joy Division t-shirt depicting the cover of Unknown Pleasures, which is arguably the most cliche t-shirt I own. It’s become one of those shirts that people wear who have no idea who Joy Division is, they just like it for the aesthetic. (I’ll have you know I happen to know who they are and like their music very much.) This shirt was more than likely covered in cat hair.
Black jeans, which were probably covered in cat hair as well.
Black boots, a staple of mine.
I am a closet goth. I don’t know what else to say. I won’t deny it. I’ve learned to embrace who I am. I happen to know that Oliver is a grumpy shit, so I am not surprised he kept you pinned down for so long. That cat has been known to knock people over and purr loudly while “making biscuits” on their chests for hours at a time. I’m glad to know that you survived his assault.
So what are you going to tell me about yourself now? I have confessed to you about my goth status, so I demand something in return.
Yeah, it was you.
I was hoping that you actually liked Joy Division and you weren’t one of those Urban Outfitters aesthetic people. I can now rest easy. I like them too, but I really like New Order more? I hope this isn’t the end of our budding friendship.
I will not say that I am a goth, though I have goth-like tendencies? Or I just appreciate the music. Whatever. I don’t have, like, a pet bat or anything. I own a pair of Doc’s, though.
I have been on the receiving end of one of Oliver’s attacks before, so you don’t have to tell me about them. I have experienced his pushy demeanor on more than one occasion.
So, something about me? I don’t know. I spend a lot of time in that cafe because I love cats, but that’s kind of a given, isn’t it? I usually bring my laptop and make an attempt to work on my homework, but it’s usually futile. I’d rather pet the cats. 
Oh, I guess that counts as something right? I go to college. I’m an English major and taking a fuck ton of creative writing courses. What about you?
An English major? That sounds like fun. I think if I had a need to go to college I’d have liked to take something like that. I have a friend who writes ultra depressing Gothic poetry, that would be right up his ally as well.
I’m a pro hero, hence why I didn’t need college. Saving people is something I’ve always wanted to do, especially since I was always bullied about my quirk as a kid. It kind of made me more determined, I always wanted to prove those assholes wrong, you know? So, here I am.
I’m glad to know we can wear matching Doc’s together, and that you don’t keep a bat as a pet. As cute as their faces are, they’re not very easily domesticated. 
New Order is fine. The real question is, The Smiths or The Cure? Your answer to this question will be what determines the longevity of our friendship.
This is the worst question you could ever ask me. How could you do this? I could never choose between them. Both? The answer is both.
I hope your next email will not be your last.
Bats are cute but they always seem to dive bomb my head when they’re around. Not that I go places with bats often, but I used to go camping as a kid and they always did that. It was not a good time.
I think it’s amazing that you’re a pro hero! You’re really out here, fighting the bad guys and saving people and then coming into the cat cafe and petting kittens and drinking coffee like a normal person. I think it’s admirable how hard you worked to achieve your dream. I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m proud of you. Why were you bullied for your quirk? You don’t have to answer that if it makes you uncomfortable.
I wish I could write ultra depressy Gothic poetry. Here let me try:
The night is black like my soul Clove cigarettes burn slowly My life is Meaningless
How was that? Do I get a gold star? Or a black skull? Which is appropriate?
I’m printing that and sending it to Tokoyami. Thank you for making my entire existence with that poem. I’m breaking out the red wax candles and putting on “How Soon Is Now?” right now.
You get a star, but it’s a pentagram. We have to keep with the theme.
My quirk has to do with mind control, so I was always told I was meant to be a villain. You can imagine what that could do to a kid’s psyche, being told by peers and adults alike that you weren’t hero material, when that’s all you wanted. It’s okay though, I did what I wanted and they can eat my ass.
Sorry if that was too raunchy, but it’s how I feel.
If my earlier comment wasn’t proof enough, I prefer The Smiths, but I cannot deny the impact of Disintegration. Lullaby is a really great song.
That being said, this will not be my last email, so you can breathe easy. 
On a semi serious note, I really enjoy talking with you. We have a similar sense of humor, and you like cats which makes you automatically better than most people. Would you like to get coffee sometime? I know a nice place that’s quiet and filled with fluffy kittens...
I’m glad I haven’t lost your friendship due to my opinion. I know how important that feud can be to some people. People get very passionate about it. Kind of like with Blur versus Oasis, or Brand New versus Taking Back Sunday. I hate that these are the only examples I can think of. 
It wasn’t too raunchy. Those people can most definitely eat your ass. I’m glad you have decided to use your powers for good. You’ll have to explain to me how your quirk works sometime. 
I shall treasure my shiny pentagram sticker with my entire heart.
Isn’t Tokoyami the Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi? He looks like the type to write Gothic poetry. I am not even mildly surprised. 
Even though the way we met was unconventional, I’d like to think I’d have gotten up the courage to speak to you the next time I saw you in the cafe. Somehow this is better, though. It makes for an interesting story, you know?
I’d love to get coffee. I think I know the place you’re talking about. Let me know when.
Shinsou was nervous. It was stupid really. He’d been exchanging emails back and forth with you for a few days, and even though you’d barely revealed much about each other, the easy banter through your messages was comforting. He felt like the two of you would be compatible. He just hoped that he was able to keep the conversation going in real life. 
When he entered the cafe, he ordered his usual and picked his normal table towards the back. Socks, his favorite black and white companion, was at his side almost immediately. He let his hand drift down to scratch behind her ears, his gaze fixed on the door as he waited for you to arrive. 
Out of habit he was a little early, but he figured it would be easier this way. He had no idea what you looked like, but you knew him, so he knew you’d come over when you got there, and it would make things less awkward. 
A few minutes later he saw the door open, and he immediately knew it was you. Black Doc’s and thigh high stockings, a black skirt and an oversized deep red sweater adorned your body, a leather jacket over your shoulders and your hair tucked under a black beanie, cheeks pink from the chill of the autumn weather outside. You were pretty, and he felt his nerves increase tenfold when your eyes met his, a smile gracing your face. 
He watched as you ordered a drink at the counter, the paper cup clutched in your hands as you made your way to his table. He stood up when you approached, letting himself appreciate you up close. “Y/N?”
“Hi, Shinsou.” You were so much shorter than he was, and he found himself having to gaze down at you when he was standing at his full height. 
“It’s nice to put a face to all those emails.” The way you blushed under his attention made his heart flip. “Please, sit.”
You nodded, sliding into the seat across from him. He sat back down, his hands moving to grip his coffee cup. 
“This is kind of weird, isn’t it?” You looked down when Oliver made his way over, rubbing himself against your boot. “I almost feel like I don’t know what to say.”
“I know what you mean. We could just sit here and email each other, if that would make you feel better.” Your laugh was like music to his ears. “I’d rather hear your voice though.”
Your face was red when you looked back up at him. “I have to agree.” You leaned your elbow on the table, your cheek cradled in your palm. “Tell me more about yourself, Shinsou.”
“It’s Hitoshi. You can call me Hitoshi.”
If anyone would have told him that the night would end this way, he’d have said they were insane, and should probably get themselves checked into the nearest institution. 
But here he was, his face pressed into the spot where your neck and shoulder met, lips ghosting over soft skin, his calloused palms sliding underneath your sweater. You were purring, your head thrown back and your fists clenched in his t-shirt, your back pressed against the wall in the hallway that led to his bedroom. 
“Fuck, ‘Toshi.” You mumbled, pressing yourself closer to him. “Bed?”
You didn’t have to ask twice, his hands sliding down to lift you up by the backs of your thighs, his cock hard and straining in his jeans as you rutted against him. He turned himself and began walking toward his room blindly, his eyes still shut as he sucked a mark into your neck. 
He pulled back so he could peer over your shoulder and maneuver your bodies through the doorway without bumping into anything, laying you back on the bed. 
The events of the night were a blur, your coffee date turned into him taking you out for ramen at the restaurant down the street, and then he asked you back to his apartment to show you his record collection. 
It was mostly a ruse though. You’d been flirting back and forth, the both of you getting bolder as the night went on. He was only half surprised when you’d entered his apartment, barely removing shoes and coats and hats before you spun around on him, pressing him against the door and kissing him like your life depended on it.
He rested on his forearms, poised above you, looking over your flushed face and kiss bruised lips. Your legs wrapped around his waist and pulled his hips closer, making him groan. “Impatient?”
Your hands moved to cup his face, pulling him down toward you. “Very.” 
He wasn’t expecting your strength, caught off guard when your lips crashed into his, your body pushing him over until he was on his back and you were straddling him, knees on either side of his hips. You ground down against him, moaning when his hips snapped up reflexively. He was happy to give you control for a while, especially when you sat up and grabbed the bottom of your sweater and pulled it over your head. The view was spectacular.
He let his hands wander, tracing along the lines of your thigh highs from under your skirt, and up to the lace at your hips. Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath, the devilish glint in your eye was not lost on his as you shifted down his body, fingers swiftly working to unclasp his belt and undo the button on his jeans. 
You slid off of him, and he lifted his hips to aid you in pulling his pants down his legs, his boxers following. His cock was achingly hard, the tip angry and red as it sprung free from it’s confines, nearly slapping his stomach. You eyed it greedily, and he was lost for words when you surged forward, delicate fingers wrapping around his length and stroking him, your tongue peeking out to taste him.
Amethyst eyes rolled back when you took the tip in your mouth, tongue swirling around the head, a low moan sounding from the back of your throat. The warmth and wetness that surrounded his cock when you closed your eyes and bobbed forward had him breathless, his hand threading through your hair, and his palm resting on the back of your head. He kept himself steady, fighting back the urge to buck his hips and push you down further on his length. 
Shinsou bit down on his lower lip, his stomach muscles tensing as he tried to keep it together. Kaminari had been right, it had been a while since he’d been with someone, and he wanted this night to last as long as possible. The sweet and innocent look in your eyes as you looked up at him through your lashes, your mouth enveloping him all the way to base, was nearly too much for him to handle, his hand tugging at your hair gently to pull you off of him. “I’m not going to last if you keep that up, kitten.”
You visibly shivered at the pet name and he grinned, loving the feeling of being able to invoke that reaction from you. He scooted forward when you sat back on your knees between his spread legs, his arms circling your torso as he worked at the clasp on your bra, pulling the straps down your arms when he unclipped it. Strong hands gripped your waist and moved you to the side as he stood up, reaching under your skirt to tug your panties down your legs.
He took a moment to consider what he’d do next. He wanted to taste you, it was only right for him to return the favor, and he was almost certain you would taste as sweet as you looked. Another part of him wanted to hike up your legs around his waist and slam inside of you, desperate to hear you moan his name as he pounded you into the mattress. As he contemplated what to do, reached back and pulled his shirt over his head, and then let his hands wander up to the apex of your thighs, digits sliding through your folds. You gasped, falling back onto your elbows, back arching as he toyed with your clit, letting his long fingers slip inside your heat. “So wet. Just for me?” Eyebrows raised, he teased you.
“Fuck, Hitoshi, please.” Breathless and panting, you gazed up at him, biting your lip.
“Please what? Tell me what you want.” You would make the decision for him. “Would you like my mouth or my cock? I’ll let you choose.”
Huffing, your hips rutted against his hand impatiently. He kneeled on the bed between your legs, adjusting his arm and adding a second finger in with the first, his thumb finding your bundle of nerves again. He listened to your breath hitch, and your quiet mewls, pride filling his chest that he was the one coaxing those noises out of you. Finally, you breathed deep and answered him. “Fuck me, Hitoshi.”
Ignoring the protesting whine that left your lips when he removed his fingers, he brought them up to his mouth, maintaining eye contact with you as he sucked on them, tasting you. “You’re delicious, kitten. I’ll have to make sure to taste you properly later.” 
Wasting no time, he lifted your legs up to rest your legs over his shoulders, one hand on his cock. He lined himself up with your entrance, grabbing at your hips and pushing himself inside you. If he thought your mouth was hot and wet and basically everything he thought was heaven, he was mistaken. This was it. This was everything. He wasn’t even inside you all the way and he was fighting back the need to cum again, cursing himself and breathing deeply. He leaned forward, forearms on either side of your head as his mouth crashed against yours, all lips and tongues and teeth, his need for you growing tenfold as you wiggled your hips in an attempt to feel more of him.
Groaning, he bucked forward, filling you up, the both of you sighing in relief at the feeling. He gave you a moment to adjust, lips moving down your jaw and tongue laving at the mark he’d left on your neck earlier. “You feel so good, kitten.”
“Toshi, you can move…” Your hands were gripping his biceps, nails leaving crescent shapes in his pale skin, breathing ragged as you clenched around him.
Hissing, he followed your instructions, hips pulling back until he was almost completely out, before sliding back in. Your arousal made the glide easy, your back arching underneath him. He started a steady rhythm, grunting quietly and letting the feeling of you pulsing around him keep him grounded. He let one of his hands wander, shifting his weight so he could ghost his palm over your side, fingers pinching your nipple and rolling the hardened bud between them. You keened, chanting his name like a prayer, the sound of blood pounding in his ears almost masking the sound.
It spurred him to move faster, his chest tight, sweat pooling at his temples and between his shoulder blades, purple locks sticking to his forehead. His gaze was locked on you, and it stole his breath. Your chest and neck were flushed, the most beautiful sounds spilling from your lips as he fucked into you. It became clear to him that he wasn’t going to last much longer, and neither were you.
“Hey, kitten. You gonna cum for me?” He shifted back to his knees and trailed the fingers on his left hand down your stomach, coming to rest between your parted legs. “I want to hear how pretty you sound when you come apart.” He kept a firm grip on your hip to keep you from sliding away, rolling his hips and rubbing tight circles on your clit. 
“Fuck, Hitoshi!” The effect was almost immediate, your body and lungs seizing, eyes rolling back as you fell over the edge, your cunt clenching around him like a vice. 
Falling back over you, his thrusts became sloppy as he chased his own release, barely able to move with how tight your pussy was gripping him, your orgasm still rolling through you. He felt your hands on his face, guiding him to kiss you again, fingers carding through his hair and down his back, your nails raking red trails down his back. He felt like he could barely breathe, lost in you. “Y/N…”
He felt his muscles tense, and moved to bury his face in your neck, his hips stilling as he came hard, filling you up with his release. You squeezed around him again, and he sighed into your skin, eyes closed as he tried to regulate his breathing.
Rolling over to the side, he hissed when he pulled out. You chuckled, and he turned to look at you, a lazy smile on his face. “What?”
“Is that what you call showing me your record collection?” 
Snorting, he propped his head up on his palm, leaning on his elbow, his free hand reaching out to push a piece of hair away from your face. “You attacked me, remember?”
“I couldn’t help it!” Protesting, you blushed. “I wanted to kiss you from the moment I walked into the cafe.”
It was his turn to blush. “Yeah?”
Shrugging, you turned on your side to face him. “Mm. Can you do me a favor?”
His body was still buzzing, muscles loose and pliant as he shuffled closer to you. “Anything.”
“Can you thank your friend for being a weird internet troll and finding my post?” 
Shinsou coughed a laugh, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. “Please, I can’t do that. It’s all he’d ever talk about for the rest of our lives if I did.” 
You leaned up and kissed him, your fingers pushing back his hair. 
He hummed against your lips, feeling content, shifting himself on the bed and wrapping his arms around your waist, tugging you into him. “Maybe I’ll send him a text later. For now, I have other plans.”
Kaminari’s phone buzzed on the coffee table, and he picked it up, eyes widening at the message that appeared on the screen.
Toshi: I owe you a crate full of Pokemon cards and my eternal gratitude for being a weirdo meme king who trolls the internet.
Denki: Oh, you’re in a good mood. Did you get laid?
Toshi: Fuck all the way off. 
Denki: That’s a yes. You’re welcome.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 2
To summarise: I will have the love square one way or another!
First >Next 
As far as homes go it’s pretty good” Adrien stretches out, Plagg curls up next to him.
“Don't get too comfortable we’re going to be on the move,” Marinette types furiously at her computer.
“I will try my hardest,” Adrien stares blankly at her, sat atop a pile of grubby blankets next to a broken window. Marinette loses connection to her computer and slams it shut with a huff.
“Get some sleep I’m going to find an internet cafe,” Marinette stuffs the cheap laptop into her bag, amazing how something she bought at a hole in the wall place for thirty bucks didn’t work well.
“Who needs sleep when you can have coffee,” Adrian stands up, ready to follow her.
“Sleep Chat,” She pushes him down by the shoulders, “I need my partner fully operational,”
“Yeah kid, take a break, we worked hard,” Plagg yawns, turning over.
“You also worked hard Bug,” Adrien lets himself be pushed back onto the blankets.
“I won't be able to sleep until I know how everything is in Paris,”
“Neither can I,” Adrien protests, already half asleep.
“Sure you can, night Chat,”
“Night M’lady,”
Marinette leaves the same way they came in, though the window. She has to slide down the gutter to get on the street, Tikki hiding away in her bag. She has to go pretty far in town to find a suitable cafe, too far from Adrien to be comfortable. Marinette pops in her earbuds before opening her computer to let her talk to Tikki freely.
She doesn't immediately search up missing person cases. Looking instead at Paris tourist destinations and guides. Switching to the dangers of traveling to Paris; the only mention of Akuma being on obscure question and answer sites. She looks at kidnapping potential and then moves onto missing person cases. Adrien's is the first to come up, obviously. 
There was lots of outcry among his fans. Many were throwing around accusations of foul play on Gabriel's part from abuse to locking Adrien away from the world. However, Gabriel was also fiercely looking for his son. Adrien hadn’t left behind any sort of note. Well only to Nino, which Adrien had told Marinette was asked not to mention to anyone.
Marinette then feels safe enough to look up her own case. It was smaller, although was gaining attention as Jagged proclaimed it to high heavens; more so asking what they did wrong and how they could fix it and asking for any sightings of her. That could be a problem if her picture was already around. Marinette pulls her hood up higher. They might have to get haircuts and wear disguises… on second thought wearing suspicious disguises in Gotham might cause more problems.
“Tikki they seem really worried,” Marinette watches the videos Jagged posted, her parents in the background running around talking with police.
“Of course they are Mari,” Marinette feels a light tap on her side, “But you're doing the right thing,”
“No I’m not,” not when she’s watching a video of her parents crying,  “I’m doing what needs to be done, this is my responsibility, no matter what a certain someone thinks,”
She spits with venom. Maybe Adriens rant last night rubbed off on her.
“He’s the hero here,” Tiki says non accusingly, “Imagine if another hero came to Paris without asking you… remember Volpina?”
“Ah now that was an actual villain,” Marinette hadn’t trusted her from the start,  “Plus she was akumatized,”
“Marinette,” Marinette can’t bring herself to feel guilty, even under tikis scolding.
“Right but that still doesn't give him the right,” Marinette huffs, “After all would he attack Marinette? No!”
“Are you implying you would attack Lila?”
“......... no,”
Marinetti smirks to herself instinctively looking around for Adrien to share her joke. Then Marinette froze. The cafe was empty, not even a barista. How had she not noticed!?
“Wait,” Marinetti says out loud before Tiki could talk, “I’m going to have to call you back, something just came up,”
Something was watching her from the kitchen door as if she couldn’t see them. Marinette tries to act normal going for the pepper on the table and putting it on her food. They move at the same time. The attacker runs towards her, Marinette throws the shaker at- Robin?! It hits him square in the forehead, with a curse he touches his bleeding forehead.
“I am so sorry!” Marinette panics, “That was meant to explode in your face!”
“How is that better?!” Robin runs forward, sword drawn. Marinette ducks behind the table grabbing her plate and frisbeeing it towards him, he manages to dodge this one, “Draw your weapon coward!"
“I don’t have a weapon!” She grabs the table cloth ready to take the vigilante down, “What is wrong with you?!”
He doesn't answer lunging at her again with the sword. Marinette kicks up the table then kicks it towards him in one swift movement. With the impact of the table he drops the sword, Marinette jumps up landing on the table which pins Robin down to the ground with its weight and hers, with the legs sticking up.
“I knew it,” Robin spits and she presses her weight into the table to keep him pinned.
“Excuse you,” Marinette catches his wrist as he tries to pull a dagger on her using the table cloth to tie it to the legs of the table, then does the same with the other, “You attacked me,”
“-Robin!” she hears a faint call, no one is around so it must be from his communicator, “-Robin report back to the cave!”
“I’ll take that~” Marinette sings songs ignoring how he growls at her. She rolls her eyes stepping off the table she needed to get out of here now.
She steps out of the cafe throwing the communicator and likely a tracking device too on the roof of a passing car then sprints in the opposite direction. She heads for the alleys looking for an area with no cameras as she runs. When she finds a spot Marinette transforms running back to their base with record timing.
“Adrien wake up!” Ladybug jumps through the window, barely avoiding landing on him, “Batman’s after us,”
“What?!” He sits bolt upright, Ladybug pulls him onto his feet.
“Move! Now!” She grabs their bags, Adrien transforms and they take off over the rooftops.
“What happened?!” Chat shouts as the runaway, “Is Batman chasing us?”
“Yes, well kinda-- Robin tried to kill me,”
“He what?!”
“As Marinette,” She adds, slowing down as they should have put enough distance between them.
“Did they figure us out already?” Chat Noir slows down into a walk then collapses on the rooftop,
“This is the worst wake up call ever!”
“Well, it's about to get worse,” Ladybug cringes feeling the distinct trace of magic she was all too familiar with.
“Great, perfect,” Chat complains standing back up.
“At least we’re not at school,” Ladybug shrugs, launching herself over a roof.
“No you’re right being chased by a masked vigilante is a massive improvement,”
“Robin! Get your head out of the clouds and get over here!”
Damian breaks out of his trance, regrettably tearing his gaze away from Ladybug to the much less awe inspiring sight of Batman trapped under a car. They shouldn’t be wasting their time worrying about these established amazing hero’s and worry about that assassin on the loose. Who knows who she was after. She could be planning Batman’s demise at this very moment; if she was close with his mother then surely she knew their identities which was far far more dangerous.
Ladybug could handle herself as evidence by her going toe to toe with the newest villain. In a matter of minutes, the villain was down for the count with no help on their part. 
“Ladybug!” He calls before she leaves again, maybe she could help him convince his father that he was being an absolute buffoon.
“Oh it’s you,” She says surprisingly coldly, “What do you want now?”
“Are, you here to attack me again?”
“... I didn’t attack you?” He had spent all morning tracking down a dangerous assassin.
“... Oh! Of course, you did- haha I just ummmm-- there must have been an… Akuma! Yes! There must have been an Akuma earlier that looked like you,”
“An Akuma was impersonating me?” Robin growls.
“Yeah, they do that sometimes,” Chat Noir pipes up, “It’s annoying,”
“Yes and if you’re here, that uh… that means the Akuma is still out there so we gotta go deal with that so-bye!” Ladybug swings off closely followed by Chat Nor; off to go save his name and reputation.
“So you really think that was an Akuma?” Adrien asks as they transform back.
“Maybe- I don’t know it was just an excuse so he wouldn't figure out my identity,”
“Well at least he doesn't know it,” Adrien shrugs as they walk through the alleys in search of a new place to rest that night.
“If he doesn't know then why would he attack Marinette?” She asks, “And if it was an Akuma that means Hawkmoth knows my identity which is so much worse!”
“Is it tho?”
“I mean back in Paris it would have been bad,” They both cringe, “But here we have no home, no family, no friends! He cant use any of that against us now!”
Adrien beams his contagious smile.
“You always manage to find a bright side,” Marinette smirks punching him in the shoulder.
“So that's why,” They both turn around, staring in shock.
“Batman?!” Turning back their way out is already blocked by mister boy wonder. Who, by the way he is glaring at her, was not an Akuma this morning.
“I can't believe Talia called me because some teenagers were eloping,”
I know that name- WAIT!
“Eloping?!” Marinette chokes, “We are not eloping!”
“As in not at all,” Adrien blanches, “And I mean no offense Marinette you are literally the sweetest person but I can’t imagine anything more horrific!”
“Oh god, same!” At least now, “I mean once when we were younger…-- it was a silly crush!”
“Wait you had a crush on me?!”
“Yeah, well, you had a crush on me!”
“... oh god… I did, didn’t I?!”
While Adrien is dealing with that little revelation Marinette looks around for an escape. There isn’t much opportunity since both have their eyes on them, partly out of morbid curiosity at their little freakout. Well if you don't have a distraction homemade is fine.
“AKUMA!” They both look, predictably. 
Marinette grabs Adrien and runs. She goes for the side Robins guarding, sweeping his legs sending him crashing to the ground.
“I’m not sorry!” Marinette calls as they sprint down the alley.
Marinette heads for the main street, enough of a crowd to camouflage. As they are walking through as casually as possible Marinette sweeps them both for bugs putting any she finds on random passerbys. They walk sometimes ducking into busy shops in hopes of losing their trail. They come across the mall which works perfectly for them. They stay until it starts to approach closing time, it’s easy enough to avoid security and so they get locked in for the night.
“So what do you want to do?!” They walk through the empty halls Adrien skipping along and looking at each display. Marinette stops outside an electronics store, the tv’s still on and displaying the news.
“Make a plan for a way to deal with that,” On-screen are the two of them, a video of Ladybug throwing a car at Batman, “This is taken completely out of context!”
“What’s the context?” 
“Batman was being a little bitch!”
“I’m sure that will hold up in court,” Adrien laughs taking a seat in one of those massage chairs, “Besides what's the problem?”
“The problem?!” Marinette yells, “The problem is that now all of Gotham is going to hate us!”
“So? Do we really need them to like us?” Adrien gets up to stand by her, rubbing her shoulder.
“They did in Paris,”
“We’re not in Paris anymore,” Adrien says quietly, leading her towards the seats, “We have a chance to start new again, everyday something we haven't done before, a couple of pals living day to day on the edge, isn’t that exciting?”
“I just--” want to go home, “I’m tired,”
“Take a break,” Adrien sits her down in the massage chair with a kind smile, “I’ll keep watch,”
“.. ok,” Marinette curls up in the chair Tikki coming to lie beside her. With not much strength to fight it, Marinette falls asleep while she can.
Taglist? nope don’t have one, horrible at keeping track of them sorry~
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mysmegrace · 3 years
woop wait i just saw the requests open thing sorry , can i please request the rfa with an ace/asexual mc ?
of course! thank you so much for your request! i hope i did this justice, please let me know if any information in this post is inaccurate or misunderstood! i'm not asexual and my resource for all info is from the internet.
RFA with an Ace/Asexual MC
yoosung kim:
the topic of your sexuality first arose from a movie night in his university dorm.
you two have been dating for a while now and it's been in the back of yoosungs mind for a while.
in his mind, he knew the time for that special event to happen was approaching.
so he decided that tonight was the tonight he would bring it up ever so subtly and maybe experience it for the first time.
with your consent of course.
you had a different idea of the action however.
you don't understand the huge hype around it.
it just wasn't something you’re attracted to.
the action itself repulsed you.
that's not to say you didn't want a relationship with yoosung or didn't find him physically attractive.
you valued your significant others personality and the emotional connection you had together such a strong way.
and you hoped yoosung would understand that when you eventually told him.
so when you arrived, he had everything ready to make the night comfortable and amazing.
the fluffiest blankets you could imagine had been laid across the couch with a bowl of popcorn, made just the way you like it, in front of you on the coffee table.
and the night was just  beginning.
half-way through the movie, yoosung reached across your body laid in front of him to the coffee table and took up the remote to pause the film. 
he said in a low, yet nervous voice “MC, i was thinking recently..”
you could sense where this was going.
you knew you had to tell him sometime in the near future, but if you were honest, you didn’t expect to have to let him know tonight.
“we’ve been dating for a while now. usually couples around this point in the relationship would..” he continued, cutting himself off with a breath to calm his nerves.
then he let it out.
“start talking about that special event..you know, the really deep one in relationships. i was wondering if maybe you wanted for us to try that out for ourselves tonight?” he finished.
you could feel your heart racing ever so slightly.
you weren’t ashamed or embarrassed of your sexuality.
you were mainly concerned that yoosung would get the wrong idea or shame you because of it.
but you knew you had to tell him, so you answered after a long thought.
“i’ve..never been interested in those types of things. they’ve always repulsed me and made me uncomfortable. it’s not because of you personally, i was just born like this. i understand if you need some time but my idea of it won’t change anytime soon.”
you took a deep breath, slightly closing your eyes to shield you from his body language in case he would become angry or upset.
yoosung took a breath too as he thought about your response.
he had never thought about the fact that you may not have been attracted to those things.
he finally responded after a minute or two, saying “oh, i’ve never thought about it like that. i hope i haven’t made you uncomfortable..”
truth be told, yoosung wasn’t ready for the event just yet.
but he understood your feelings towards it.
the absence of sex didn’t mark the end of your relationship.
your relationship was much more than one physical action.
he wrapped his arm around your waist, saying
“don’t worry, i completely understand”.
then he resumed the movie, eventually falling asleep with you on the couch.
hyun ryu / zen:
you’ve been living with zen for a few months following the third rfa party.
over the course of these past few months, you could feel your relationship continuously evolving into something deeper.
zen kept making moves with you, getting increasingly physical each time.
you knew the time for that special event between couples was approaching.
and you were not looking forward to it. 
you found zen very physically attractive, but couldn’t imagine doing the deed with him.
it disgusted you to your core.
just the thought of it alone was enough to make you shiver.
one night after zen came home from practicing for his new role, he started with the typical nightly routine.
it consisted of skincare, a drink, and loving actions towards his love.
tonight when his loving actions came out, it continued to get deeper and deeper.
the arm around the waist turned into a kiss which continued into a make-up session.
eventually he was asking for your consent to go farther.
you knew what this meant and immediately got it together.
you quickly denied, saying “wait, i don’t want this”.
you could tell by the wave of shock and confusion flashing over his face that you would need to explain this.
so you quickly let him know why, saying “it’s not because i don’t want to be with you or think your ugly, i just think sex isn’t for me. i find the very thought of it disgusting. im content with kissing and i hope we can keep it this way”.
you hoped he wouldn’t be upset with you.
he was taken aback, sitting up to make eye contact.
he had never heard of someone not wanting to do the act.
not just with him, but all together.
however, he listened and stopped all action in the moment.
he looked away, thinking about your words.
he knew your relationship was more than physical actions and that something so deep wasn’t something that a relationship should be centered around. 
so after some thought, he embraced you.
reassuring you that this wouldn’t change the way he perceived you in this relationship.
he would still love you.
he could never not love you.
so instead of continuing your previous intense make out session, you two ended up cuddling, eventually falling asleep in a loving embrace.
jaehee kang:
you awoke with the sun piercing through your eyelids.
a rude awakening in your opinion.
as you rub your eyes, you turn to look at your love sleeping besides you.
it was only 5:30am, the cafe you two owned didn’t open until 8am.
with a solid 2 and a half hours to waste, you stroked your sleeping beauties face.
ever so gently moving her once short hair away from her face.
the sun eventually woke her up too, only 15 minutes after it woke you up.
she said good morning with a kiss.
you returned her kiss, but she continued the kiss.
deeping it more and more.
you had become a little annoyed, pulling away more and more every time she went in for another one.
she caught on not long after, giving you a questioning look.
 you were quick to explain your actions.
“i’m not comfortable with such physical actions. i’ve always had a general disgust when it comes to actions such as deep long kisses and sexual events. i hope i haven’t made you upset” you let out.
she was incredibly understanding, giving you a quick smile saying “oh, i’m sorry love. i understand”.
she then left the bedroom, heading to make breakfast for the both of you.
jumin han:
your wedding day was coming closer and closer by the day.
you knew jumin strongly believed in not living together before marriage or participating in extremely intimate actions before marriage.
however, you knew sex was something many people expected to happen in a marriage at some time.
you had no doubt jumin expected it too.
you couldn’t exactly blame him when you knew it was the societal norm.
but you hated it.
you hated everything about the action.
no matter what way you looked at it, you couldn’t understand why so many people want to take part in such a thing.
but you knew you would have to tell him sometime.
it would be better to tell him sooner than later.
you didn’t think it would be right to tell him after you were already married.
plus you wouldn’t want to spend your life with someone who couldn’t accept everything about you.
so tonight was the night you would let it out.
you met jumin at his home once he came home from work and cleaned up.
he offered you some wine, and you accepted.
it was the perfect opportunity.
watching the expensive liquid being poured into your glass, you wondered which way you should let him knew.
should you hint towards it?
should you say it outright?
you knew in your heart that that would be the best course of action.
jumin was a straight forward man afterall.
once both of you were settled down, you started off the conversation with your concerns about the marriage.
more importantly, your concerns about the sexual aspects of this.
jumin was caught off guard.
he didn’t expect you to be worried about it.
did you think he would hurt you during the act or take advantage of you?
however, he continued to listen with a concerned look on his face.
all of his predictions were shot down when you said your feelings towards the act.
you said you hated the thought of it and had no desire to ever participate in it.
“oh” he thought.
sure he would like to take part in those acts from time to time, but only if you were 100% comfortable with it.
if you didn’t want to do it, he would respect that.
afterall, he didn’t want to marry you for his own physical pleasure.
he completely understood you, but reassured you that you had nothing to worry about as he would never force that upon you.
he wants to marry you for you, not for your body.
saeyoung choi:
the night of your engagement was an exciting one to say the least.
a party with all of your close friends that you would consider family was exactly what you needed right now.
and to see your future husband and brother in law finally together made your heart want to explode out of your chest from happiness.
and now you were here, laying on saeyoungs bed smiling while talking about your future together.
the house you could build together.
the car you could drive to the store in.
the names of any future children you may have.
it’s safe to say, you two were getting carried away.
saeyoung started to make out with you after you two had calmed down a bit.
you returned the action, and it was getting increasingly heated as time went on.
he started to lay his hands upon the bottom of your shirt, gesturing towards pulling it off. 
you snapped out of your makeout haze after you realized what he was trying to get at.
you pulled away sharply, leaving him shocked.
did he do something wrong?
his head started racing with worries.
he didn’t want to upset you in anyway.
you blatantly let out your feelnings towards his actions.
“saeyoung, i don’t like that. you haven’t done anything terrible, i just don’t like things getting that intense and sexual.”
he didn’t know what to say.
he never meant to unknowingly upset you.
cue the wave of apologizes from saeyoung.
you calmed him pretty quick once he starting this, saying “saeyoung, it’s fine. i know you didn’t mean to”.
eventually he calmed down and thought about it seriously.
he was completely understanding.
so instead of going further, he just continued with the kissing.
but made sure to keep it strictly kissing.
he was ready to love you for his entire life, even if he never had sex with you.
and he was content with that.
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Ain’t Family Great? ~ Lucifer Morningstar x  GenderNeutral!Reader
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Summary: You have come from a very religious household, and they don’t take too kindly when they heard that you are dating someone literally named the devil.
Author’s Note: I literally got this idea from seeing a dialogue prompt on Pinterest, and it just spiraled out of control. 
Trigger Warning: Curse words, some innuendos, biblical literalism, religious talk (It is Lucifer)
You were a friend and coworker of Chloe Decker, you mostly worked in the background doing research and gathering the data on the criminals and suspects of the cases your unit was working on. That is how you met Lucifer, Chloe asked you to gather information on two main suspects on a case she was working on and Lucifer was lingering on in the background.
 When you gave Chloe the information you gathered and she left, Lucifer piped up, “What’s your name? I haven’t seen you before” “That’s because I mostly work on research stuff for cases, so I do a lot of the office work and investigative work that requires me to be in a chair for the whole day. My name’s (Y/N), Chloe’s mentioned you before,” you replied with a small smile. “Ah I hope not all of them are terrible, even if I am the Devil I like to think I have a certain amount of charm,” he said with a smirk.
That’s when you first heard him call himself the devil, and if you were honest with yourself you were always curious about his name: Lucifer Morningstar. 
You grew up in an extremely religious household, which at times felt like you were suffocating from the relentless biblical literalism that was upheld in your house. You were always curious about the Devil in the biblical stories and you always found the quote by Mark Twain interesting if read in a certain context otherwise it’ll sound like an angsty emo kid trying to be philosophical. 
There was an instance where you were on a case with Chloe and Lucifer, and the killer had said, “Oh, you know that phrase? The devil made me do it? It felt like that” 
You let out a light snort at that as you immediately responded, “The devil didn’t make you do anything. Your poor impulse control and anger management, and might I add quite a horrid spectacle of internet history could certainly be a bad combination to make you do something.”
After the case, Lucifer was very curious about your statement towards the killer as you guys headed to a cafe to get some lunch together, he asks, “Why were you so against the man using that phrase? I mean I hate it because it is so demeaning, I’ve got better things to do.”
 You shrugged as you sipped your beverage and responded, “I don’t know, maybe it’s partly because of my very religious family which I have realized how much bullshit I was forced to listen to since I was born, so I guess I grew to have sympathy for the devil.” “Oh really?” Lucifer’s small smile grew to a smirk as he leaned forward, Chloe swatted him to move back.
“Not you. I don’t know you, but one of my favorite quotes about the devil is from Mark Twain,”  you commented. “I don’t think I have,” he continued to have that smirk on his face. He was very handsome but he was so goddamn annoying, you thought. “Well, it goes: ‘Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?’ Like, there’s this whole thing about redemption in the Bible and catholicism but does the Devil ever get the chance to get his redemption? No, I think God wanted a scapegoat and he got it from a rebel,” you ranted. 
Lucifer looked shocked for a moment but gathered his posture and said, “Well, you thought about this quite a bit. I assume because of your family?” You just shrugged at first, took a sip from your drink, then nodded. “Their family is very strict, I thought my family was weird but they got me beat, ” Chloe informed him. 
“They stopped talking to me, they didn’t think that I was enough for them. It hurt at first but y’know as time moves on I figured that I have better things to do than wallow in my past, so I realized I needed help so I got therapy and now I’m here,” you surmised. “Family is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Filling us with traumas and issues since we were created,” Lucifer commented.
                                                                                                                             Time has passed between that first case with Lucifer and Chloe, now whenever they needed an extra pair of eyes they’d call on you to help with them. It was an interesting dynamic that you and Lucifer had developed over the weeks that you were going with them on cases. You were able to talk about literally anything with Lucifer, he made you feel comfortable which is odd since his persistence on him calling himself the Devil. By him associating himself with it, you thought he was supposed to be like an actual bad guy, but gauging his reaction to your conversation about your first case with them, you made a realization that because of his name people treat like the actual devil. 
One day, you went through your mail in the apartment lobby and spotted a letter that was from your hometown, and another one with the return address being your parents’ house. ‘The hell is this?’ you thought. 
When you opened the first one you found a wedding invitation that your cousin was inviting you to, you were actually pretty close with this cousin, she was really chill and she understands the conservative and religious household you used to live in. The second one was your parents’ basically condemning you from being at your cousin’s wedding, and that pissed you off. You were a grown adult, you would be damned if you’d let your parents try to control you anymore. 
You decided to go out to LUX, because if there is one person who understands controlling parents it was Lucifer and maybe he’d be able to give you the extra courage you need to stand up to your parents. You had on your favorite party outfit, and when you entered the club you could feel the thrum of energy and the bass of the music go straight to your heart. As you walked to the bar you spotted Maze whom you’ve met before when you came here out of Lucifer’s request, you waved her over.
 “What can I get for you?” She asked. “I’m sure you know what’s the best drink here, so I’ll leave that to you,” you said. You turned around to just watch the crowd and started to get a little nervous about the idea of going back to your hometown for the wedding, you love your cousin but hate your parents. So, you were at a bit of a crossroads with this. While you were watching the crowd you saw Lucifer come up to you with a big grin on his face. 
“Well, hello (Y/N) this is a surprise. What brings you here?” Lucifer beamed.
 “I actually came here to see you, to ask for advice,” you replied. 
“A horrible decision really,” he smirked.
“My cousin invited me to her wedding but my parents know and basically condemned me from going to the wedding, and I’m unsure of whether to just stay here in L.A. or to go to the wedding and just be resilient against what my parents’ might say to me,” you said crossing your arms and rubbing them back and forth. 
“Well, that sounds like quite a situation you got yourself in”
“I know, that’s why I am asking what I should do?”
“You know I’m all about that rebellion against parental figures, so I say go to the wedding and have a good time, your parents be damned. In fact, I would never say no to a party, so I could come up with you,” he added with a wink.
“Would you like to be my plus one? But please don’t start anything with my parents,” you begged him.
“I thought you’d never ask, and I can’t promise you that,” he smirked.
                                                                                                                            After, that conversation both of you got ready for travelling out to your hometown and you made sure to bring the outfits that gave you the most confidence in yourself because you knew that you’d need that. 
You admitted to yourself a while ago that you had a crush on Lucifer, he was hot as hell, always polite with you, and treated you with genuine interest and respect.  You also made a promise to not let your feelings get caught in the middle of your mission. You are going to have a good time at this wedding, congratulate your cousin and just have a good time. 
                                                                                                                            Both of you made it one piece to the hotel that Lucifer somehow booked without your knowledge, because you swore you got a cheap motel room but as you tried to convince Lucifer to let you go to your motel room, he just said, “Are you crazy? I’m the devil for a reason, darling, I got connections everywhere and plus this place is much more spacious. We don’t need to sleep in the same bed if that’s what’s making you uncomfortable.”
“I just thought you would probably be looking for hookups or something and would want your own hotel room for that stuff,” you sputtered. 
“Well if that comes to it, I’ll go to their room because I wanted to give you the comfiest place to go back to because I know how family can be,” Lucifer answered. 
“That’s really nice of you, y’know for someone insisting he’s the devil you can be really sweet.”
The hotel room was really nice, it had two bedrooms and a large tv screen in front of the dining area. As time moved on and you guys decided to decompress and relax on one bed and decided to just mindlessly watch the tv. You fell asleep and Lucifer watched you for a moment as he realized you were asleep, he put you under the covers and fell asleep next to you.
The next day you woke up to the sunlight hitting your eyes, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and as you took a deep breath in you smelled something delicious. You turned around and saw Lucifer cooking breakfast with his shirt half undone and his hair all curled up. 
“Good morning (Y/N), how did you sleep?” Lucifer asked.
“Pretty good, actually,” you answered with a yawn still trying to wake up.
As you both ate breakfast in relative comfortable silence, you looked at your phone and noticed the time. “Shit, we should get ready to go to the church and the party afterwards,” you told him as you got up and went to your suitcase to gather your things.
After what seems like hours to both of you, you managed to get out of the hotel room and to the church. Lucifer dropped you off in front of the church as he wanted to find a parking space for his car. As you waited in front of the church you noticed your parents walking to the church and felt your stomach churn as they were inching closer to you. Your mom looked furious and it was like her whole head was on fire how red it was. Your dad had a more quiet anger to him but you saw the clenched fists and the tightened jaw on him. You put out a little prayer to whoever to get Lucifer faster to you. 
“What are you doing here? I thought we told you to not come here,” your mother sneered.
“The last time I checked I am a grown adult and (Y/C/N) invited me to their wedding,” you stated. 
“Listen here you bitch, you are a disgrace to this family and that is why we didn’t want you here,” your mother hissed.
Before you could get another word in you heard Lucifer, “Oh there you are, love, I was looking for you.” He kissed the side of your head as he wrapped a hand around your waist and looked at your parents as he continued, “You must be (Y/N)’s parents, I’m her boyfriend, a pleasure to meet you.”
You looked at him a bit surprised and your parents’ faces were that of a gulping goldfish. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar,” he stated.
“Like the devil?” your father said with apprehension in his voice, he made your mom step back behind him. 
“Oh, I’m not as bad as the books say, you know,” Lucifer spoke with a wink.
“Quiet, evil one,”  your dad sneered.
“Oooh, name-calling so fearsome, “ Lucifer scoffed. He looked towards you as you were just staring at the three of them. “C’mon love, we’ve got a wedding to go to, can’t be late.”
                                                                                                                            After that encounter the wedding reception went quite beautifully, you may or may not have teared up hearing your cousin and their spouse recite their vows. When you both went to the after-party you both stayed away from your parents and they seemed to have lost interest after that conversation earlier. 
A slow dance came on while you were at the bar getting a drink when Lucifer appeared next and offered you his hand. You just raised an eyebrow at him in response and just said, “I thought you weren’t the type for slow dancing?” “Only with the right partner I find it enjoyable,” he smirked with a wink. 
You hit him on the chest playfully and replied, “How do you know I’d be the right partner?” you asked. “Ooh I’d figure you’d be good at from the first day I saw you” he quipped. “Okay show me your moves, then,” you replied, taking his hand and walking to the dance floor.
He led most of the dances, keeping you close to his chest with his hand on your back. It was nice, the rhythm of his heartbeat in your ear was very soothing as well as him occasionally humming with the song if he knew, which more often than not he did. 
You looked at him and you both started to stare at each other’s eyes. You felt your eyes flutter between his eyes and his lips, he was doing the same to you. His hand cupped the back of your head and he engulfed your mouth with his. You kissed back with as much passion, but as soon as he was kissing you it was over. That kiss left you wanting more and you subconsciously leaned in closer to him.
“Wow” you whispered looking at him. Lucifer just smiled at you for a second. “I hope you wouldn’t mind if you became my real girlfriend then a spontaneous fake one?” he asked. “I would love nothing more Lucifer,” you replied with a huge grin. “Let’s get out of here then, love,” he said as he took your hand and led you out of the building and back to your shared hotel room. This time there didn’t need to be any excuses to sleep next to each other, you just did.
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f0xwrite · 3 years
A snippet from Andaman...written circa 2018. (Rated T for alightly mature themes)
The sound of cool, clear waves lapping against the entrance of the cave in the moonlight mixed soothingly with the subdued gusts of the ocean’s tropic breeze, lulling Walter into a sleepy daze. Somewhere in the distance,dolphins still splashed in the frothy brine, their noise mixing strangely with the steady hum of insects, and the haunting call of the occasional bird. A small and dying fire crackled along the edge of his hidden cove, charring the remains of his barely-touched dinner.
He’d given up on trying to summon Morgana. Varied macabre attempts at trying to get her attention had proven futile. It didn’t matter which variety of star-lit ritual she performed, or how many times he said her name, there was never any answer save for the island breeze. He would have done better to stay in Myeik at the Hotel Grand Jade, drinking his weight in the jugs of palm wine he’d bummed off of one of the locals. The hotel was dated, but comfortable. He’d paid for his stay in cold cash--as untraceable as it was uncanny--and from the top floor he’d felt safe enough staking out until he could chart a course to North Sentinel Island. Not many would be willing to take the chance of drawing close enough to the island for him to easily swim ashore, especially at night.
The indigenous peoples of North Sentinel Island were known to be hostile, rejecting all contact with the outside world and killing anyone who stepped foot on their sands. Many had died in the pursuit of aiding or interfering with their lifestyle, or had been arrested by the Indian navy for coming too close. It would take a hefty sum to convince anyone to charter him across. Arriving in his own vessel was not an option—he’d have to sink the boat, and the risk of being spotted in unfamiliar waters was too high. Money wasn’t an object, of course, as long as he’d been around, but people often wanted something less traceable, in case the government came a-looking.
He’d purchased a motorcycle, one with a small enough engine to maneuver easily through the streets, but powerful enough to make a quick getaway if needed--Janus would be on his heels in moments if they caught wind, and he’d been in the hierarchy long enough to know that they were never very far behind. Thus outfitted, he’d traveled, often ferrying to Andaman island to search for the idea hire. To the people there, he looked relatively normal--a traveler, but one well versed in their ways and culture. Instead of his typical brown suit and jumper he wore a light tunic, sandals, and khakis. His hair had grown longer—partially induced by a spell—and the light traces of a beard cast shadows around his face. After years in clean-cut Arcadia, he’d barely recognized himself in the mirror. Barbara, even if she hadn’t been stripped of her memory, would struggle to find familiarity in this new visage.
For every memory Vendel’s incantation had taken from her, his seemed to have increased tenfold. Every impossibly blue wave reminded him of her eyes, every hungry fire of her flame-brushed hair, every tremulous star of her vibrant soul. Much like the water in her namesake, there was no shape he could find that she couldn’t fill, save for the gaping holes she’d left in him.
Every step of his journey, he’d been haunted.
He’d managed to track down a willing candidate to take him to the island. An younger fisherman man with a new family who was in desperate need of a new form of transportation. For the cost of a the motorcycle, he’d found himself sneaking off on a small fishing vessel in the middle of the night. There had only been one small scare with a navy boat, but they’d gotten lucky, and the journey was otherwise flawless. When he’d finally waded onto the perilous sands of North Sentinel’s shore, dry-sacks in hand, and waved his hired hand off, he was met with an eerie silence.
The bustle of the city and the boats had been some distraction, but this..he would never stop thinking about her.
And he hadn’t, not even two months later, no matter how many times he tried to summon Morgana back. Now, by his crackling fire, he thought of her again, and of her son, and of how he’d wronged them. He’d caught wind of Angor’s defeat and Jim’s disappearance into the Darklands in an internet cafe before he’d stranded himself. Oh course the boy had gone alone. Altruism at his finest. He wondered if Barbara even knew, and if she did, god help him.
To these thoughts, he drifted into a sleep-like trance, where the memories always flooded in:
He’s standing in the California breeze, two ice cream cones in hand, searching for her blue eyes in the sea of moving faces on the street.
“Walter!” he turns to see her making her way through a cluster of teenagers. School is out for the afternoon, and the world is buzzing with the excitement of Friday night. Her face is warm and bright as she strides up to him, and he spreads his arms wide to avoid dripping on her lab-coat as she slides her arms around him in a hug.
“Fresh from the parlor,” he pecks the top of her red head before pulling away to lower the cone in front of her. “Strawberry, as the lady requested.”
“I see you got the same thing.” She smiles as her hand wraps around the pointed cone.
“How could I resist?” His tongue flicks out to catch a drop of cream along his own cone, smiling when her pupils dilate.
The next few minutes are spent happily licking away as they walk through the warm spring air, making their way toward the local park.
It’s when they’re walking by the pond, that it catches his eye.
“Dr. Barbara V. Lake,” He reads aloud, pausing to stand in front of her. “I haven’t seen this coat before. What does the V stand for?”
“V for very, very, very happy to see you right now.” She jokes and then bites into the cone.
“Oh, come now.” They both wince as she gets brain-freeze. “Surely you’ll tell me.”
“Hmm, what do I get out of it?” Her smile grows coy.
“Dinner,” he clears his throat, brandishing his own sultry look as he finishes his cone. “Chinese. I’ll buy extra eggrolls.”
“You really know how to woo a woman.”
“I do,” he bites his lip.
Something jolted within him—a bit of memory, a quick blur—causing the foundations of his soul to settle, as though they’d been out-of-sorts his entire life.
“It’s beautiful.” He bent low to kiss the space above her ear. “And it suits you.”
He watches as his voice makes her spine shiver shiver, and she almost drops her cone. “Well, I hope so. It was my grandmothers name. I take after her in almost every regard. She was a nurse in the army, you know. Traveled the whole world. I used to listen to all of her incredible stories.”
“I should thank her for raising such an incredible spirit.”
“I wish you could. She’s gone now.” Barbara’s eyes grow heavy, “died right around the time that James left, actually. She would have <i>loved</i> you,” she smiled into his neckline.
“Oh really?” Humor bubbled from his throat.
“Well, you have an intoxicating sense of charm, and she had this massive thing for piano-hands.”
Stepping back, Walter moves to wrap his arms around her from behind as they gaze over the pond. “Couldn’t blame her. I’ve got some rousing sonatas up my sleeve.”
“Yeah, I don’t think it was just about the musical skill.” She chuckles. "Grammy was a fireball."
“In that case, I also have some ‘a’rousing sonatas,” he said in a beat.
They both laugh, melting into the syrupy sweetness of the moment, bodies swaying, pendulum-slow in a half-dance that leads them nowhere.
He woke.
“Viviane” He muttered to the silver-tipped waves, eyes blinking past the moonlight. “I’ve heard that name before. But where?” A scuttling crab distracted his gaze, and then his head fell back against the palm-fronds.
The next dreams weren’t rooted in his memory. They were silly, really, nothing of consequence--full of deep and ancient forests, bloodied horns against bovine fur, and the soft, bright bloom of a fragile flower.
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auncyen · 3 years
Ok ok so I'd been idly thinking about updating "Chats with Joker in Mementos" for Royal for a while, except as far as I know there aren't any transcriptions for the Royal Mementos chats like there is for Vanilla...
So...after some questionable use of my time, I now have a list of a good chunk of the starters in Royal. Only starters, not responses, since the point of the fic is having Joker be the one to respond, and I didn't transcribe ones I didn't think would be interesting for him to respond to, but still, if anyone does ever look to do a complete transcription, this might be helpful as a start? Or just interesting if you want to see what some characters talk about. Spoilers for third semester below cut.
Ryuji: Man, we really bust our asses to get stronger in here. I wish it meant we got stronger in the real world too.
Ryuji: Man, I had this horrible dream last night… Can’t remember a thing about it, though.
Ryuji: Ya know what? I guess Mona does have a mask, technically.
Ryuji: Yo, the way he jumps behind Shadows is so sick!
Ryuji: Yo, is it just me, or is fallin’ asleep getting tougher every night? At this point, I’m outta ideas of what to do.
Ryuji: Kinda fiendin’ for some ramen right about now… Maybe I’ll hit up Ogikubo when we get back.
RyujI: So lately, I’ve been tryin’ to work some training into my nightly routine before bed.
Ryuji: Hey, is it just me, or is Morgana’s sword basically the same size as Joker’s knife?
Ryuji: My mom made gyudon last night! My fave! Now I’ve got, like, fifty times more energy than usual!
Ryuji: This phantom thief stuff feels real as hell whenever he’s flyin’ around with that grappling hook.
Ryuji: Dude, that grappling hook is awesome! He looks like a freakin’ superhero with that thing!
Ryuji: Aww man, I just can’t get enough of those Akihabara maids…
Ryuji: Aren’t knives kinda hard to use ‘cause of their shortness? I definitely prefer my own shit.
Ryuji: I always thought darts looked easy—just aim for the board, y’know? But, it’s waaay harder than that.
Ryuji: Every try the monja in Tsukishima? That stuff is LEGIT.
Ryuji: Yo, does this outfit really make me look like I’m part of some biker gang?
Morgana: Listen, it’s not that I look like a cat. Cats just happen to look like me.
Morgana: I repeat: I am not a cat. To prove it, I took an actual bath yesterday.
Morgana: So, cats love to chase mice, right? I don’t get it—where’s the fun in that?
Morgana: I’m always so entranced by Panther’s whip technique!
Morgana: Panther, we have matching tails!
Morgana: You know, I’ve never actually been in a car before. Is it anything like I am now?
Morgana: I definitely made the right decision giving him the code name “Joker.”
Morgana: I’m willing to bet Joker’s skilled enough to use throwing knives.
Morgana: Anime, books, movies… Phantom thieves sure are popular.
Morgana: Last night I dreamt that Phantom Thieves were kicking some serious butt—let’s bring that dream to life!
Morgana: I can teach you everything you need to know about being a phantom thief. Relax—you’re in good hands!
Morgana: *yawn* I didn’t get enough sleep…
Morgana: I couldn’t fall asleep at all last night. I just laid there with my eyes open…
Morgana: I like Yongen-Jaya; it’s a great place for a stroll.
Morgana: Is Shujin Academy the only thing in Aoyama?
Morgana: I was vegetating in front of the TV last night, and I have to say, there are some pretty decent shows on now.
Ann: The bakery had a sale yesterday and I ended up buying everything they had!
Ann: The Ferris wheel is a must for me at theme parks, every time. I love being able to just relax.
Ann: I have an upcoming shoot at a theme park, but what sucks is how I can’t go on any of the rides.
Ann: Last night I dreamt I was eating a chocolate bar, then all of a sudden, it got mad and started chasing me!
Ann: Every once in a while I have a dream where I get chased by a Shadow…
Ann: I’ve been sleeping really well since I started getting all this exercise.
Ann: I was up late watching TV last night, so I might be a little sleep deprived…
Ann: I tend to do my clothes shopping in Kichijoji—it’s fun looking through all the resale shops.
Ann: I hate when people ask me to say stuff in English just ‘cause I lived overseas.
Ann: It always bothers me when foreign movie subtitles leave stuff out or take too many liberties.
Ann: I was talking to my overseas friend the other day—her straightforward attitude was really refreshing!
Ann: I was talking to Shiho on the phone and before I knew it, three whole hours had passed!
Ann: Joker seems like he’d make a good cook, doesn’t he? I mean, he’s great with his knife and all…
Ann: It’s actually quite exhilarating to attack with a whip. I wonder why that is…
Ann: Whenever my foreign relatives come to Japan, they always rave about how much they love Japanese food!
Ann: Do you think there’s anything I can do about my outfit? I feel like I stand out too much in this…
Ann: Is there a difference between a whip and a grappling hook?
Ann: Ya know, Skull’s always been into skull designs and stuff.
Ann: Wouldn’t a grappling hook be awfully handy in the real world?
Yusuke: I wish to paint the world as only I see it. The best way to succeed at this is through practice.
Yusuke: It’s fun to walk around and inspect different temples and shrines. The architecture is always impressive.
Yusuke: If Shadows are sentient, do you think their being moved by a painting would invoke a change of heart?
Yusuke: There have been times where I was compelled to create three-dimensional art.
Yusuke: I’m quite curious about Mona’s Western-style sword…
Yusuke: I hear whips are quite difficult to use. Where did you learn how to wield one?
Yusuke: Joker using a grappling hook…. That would make for a picture-perfect composition.
Yusuke: Mona, what exactly do you have in those pouches?
Yusuke: Creating a piece of art is pointless unless I can convey the full essence of the subject.
Yusuke: Art museums stimulate my creativity like no other place—I wish I could live inside one.
Yusuke: Skull and I both use long melee weapons, but they’re total opposites of one another.
Yusuke: Why does my outfit have a tail? I don’t understand…
Yusuke: I considered growing my own bean sprouts, but it seems to be more expensive than buying them grown.
Yusuke: I once had a dream that I washed up on a deserted island. I painted as much as I pleased… So wonderful.
Yusuke: I may specialize in Japanese-style painting, but I’d like to learn some Western techniques as well.
Yusuke: That grappling hook is very useful. I should find a way to utilize one in my daily life.
Yusuke: The other day, I went into the mountains to gather vegetables so I could cut back on food expenses.
Yusuke: I tried to paint a landscape of the starry sky once, but it’s quite difficult to do so from within the city.
Yusuke: India ink isn’t my specialty, but I’ve been experimenting with it in some recent work, just for fun.
Makoto: I may have stopped being a doormat for adults, but people are still calling me a “teacher’s pet.”
Makoto: A phantom thief’s body is their most vital asset. We need to make sure we eat balanced, nutritious meals.
Makoto: Do you enjoy visiting theme parks? I’ve rarely been to one myself.
Makoto: Fox looks cooler using his katana than I had originally imagined.
Makoto: I had the weirdest dream… I was at school, but I was wearing my phantom thief outfit.
Makoto: Would anyone care to learn how to drive, while we’re here? This place seems as good as any for practice.
Makoto: I know it’s not very healthy, but I do enjoy eating ramen from time to time.
Makoto: Once I’ve graduated, I’m going to buy a motorcycle and go on a road trip.
Makoto: I’ve been working on my grades because I still want to attend college, despite being a phantom thief.
Makoto: I want to read a certain book, but it’s out of print. Where do you suppose I could find a copy?
Makoto: Maybe I’m just burned out, but waking up has grown awfully difficult lately.
Makoto: The grappling hook’s cable seems pretty strong, but it’s scary to think what could happen if it snapped.
Makoto: Once my sister brought home some sushi for me. It was indescribably good…
Futaba: I heard rhythm’s an important part of fighting, sooo… I started playing a rhythm game!
Futaba: There’s going to be an event tonight in the MMO I play. I can’t wait!
Futaba: This MMO I’m hooked on is really cool. Do you wanna play with me? Oh—it’s in English, though.
Futaba: I’m about to beat the game I’ve been playing. Wonder what I should play next?
Futaba: I’ve been going outside a lot more, so now I’m sleeping way better than I did when I was a shut-in.
Futaba: Guess what? I’m making a game called “Hungry Hungry Mona”!
Futaba: You know who’s a really good driver, is Sojiro. He can parallel park with his eyes closed!
Futaba: If you could shoot grappling hooks from your hands, you’d probably be able to get around just using those!
Futaba: Ya know, I’ve thought about workin’ out and fighting alongside you guys.
Futaba: You guys should try playing shooters! It could help you improve your gun skills.
Futaba: Last night I had a dream my hard drive failed… That was scary.
Futaba: Wouldn’t it be cool if you could mod the grappling hook so it was electrified?
Futaba: Sure, the internet’s convenient, but it’s not like it can do everything. Don’t overestimate its capabilities.
Futaba: I wonder if I’d be okay going to some place by myself if it wasn’t crowded. Inokashira Park seems nice.
Futaba: Yesterday Sojiro bought me my favorite instant yakisoba!
Futaba: Maybe I should get a gun too, just for self-defense… Nah, my hands need to be empty.
Haru: I found this cafe in Kichioji with phenomenal tea—would you care to try it sometime?
Haru: I ordered kusaya but they refused to make it—they said they couldn’t get the smell out of the kitchen.
Haru: I feel like I need to learn more about the world, but I’m not sure how to best go about it.
Haru: Recently, I’ve been finding rare delicacies rather enticing…
Haru: Even lately, I sometimes dream about doing phantom thief things with Mona.
Haru: If you’re having trouble getting yourself to relax, I recommend herbal tea.
Haru: Asakusa is a wonderful area—I love how it’s this blend of the old and the new.
Haru: Ever since I started high school I’ve been taking the train in the morning, but I’m still not used to it…
Haru: Queen, your mask looks like it’s made of iron. Doesn’t it get heavy?
Haru: Joker’s so acrobatic! He’s really got the hang of that grappling hook.
Haru: I don’t think I’ve gotten this much exercise since I was in ballet.
Haru: Let me know if you ever get a tear in your clothing—I’m good at sewing, so I could most likely fix it.
Haru: I dreamt that the vegetables I’d been growing all died… I was so sad.
Haru: Your weapon seems fun, Skull. Do you want to swap sometime?
Haru: Sometimes it’s impossible for me to fall asleep on days that we’ve been to Palaces, no matter how tired I am.
Haru: You know, before this, I’d never considered using an axe for anything other than chopping firewood…
Haru: My hands have gotten all calloused… I supposed it comes with the territory in gardening.
Akechi: I have no intention of changing my stance on matters, no matter what anyone may say.
Akechi: Pancakes... I don’t want to hear that word again for a long, long time.
Akechi: We don’t have much time left. Please do what you can to avoid getting sick.
Akechi: The enemies are stronger than ever. Don’t let your guard down.
Akechi: A world that panders to your every whim is so mundane. Where’s the thrill if there’s no competition?
Akechi: Do you prefer my previous outfit or this one? Moving around’s become much easier for me.
Akechi: This place is immense. If there weren’t train tracks everywhere, I’d bring my bike here.
Akechi: We’re working under the constraints of a time limit, so I’d appreciate it if you could be more efficient.
Akechi: If you’re looking for a way to train both your mind and your body, I highly recommend bouldering.
Akechi: You think I’m frightening when I fight? Well, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to accept it.
Akechi: I meant to tell you, regarding Shido… Thank you for keeping your promise.
Akechi: You may not like working with me, but I’m counting on your assistance until our goal is achieved.
Akechi: When we’re riding in the car like this, it’s easy to forget that we’re actually inside Mona.
Akechi: The Shadows here behave differently from the ones in the Palaces, don’t they?
Akechi: I’m getting a bit hungry. I should’ve eaten beforehand.
Akechi: I enjoy spending time in Kichijoji. It’s not very big, but there are plenty of trendy shops.
Akechi: Riding in the car may beat walking, but it doesn’t stop my legs from growing stiff and sore…
Sumire: I have a few different superstitions for good luck in my routines… They get sort of hard to drop.
Sumire: It was already hard for me to believe Palaces existed, but to think there’s such a massive one under Shibuya…
Sumire: It’s a bit cramped in here with this many people…
Sumire: I get stiff all over from just sitting in the car.
Sumire: Why is the one desert you get to eat during the week so delicious?
Sumire: A phantom thief outfit represents a person’s image of their rebellion, right?
Sumire: I wonder if I should try incorporating another sport into my gymnastics training.
Sumire: I wonder what I could use as inspiration for my performances…
Sumire: Swords are actually pretty hard to wield.
Sumire: Whenever I travel, I always end up buying some sort of good luck charm.
Sumire: Your outfits are all so unique. I can see coordinating them wasn’t a priority.
Sumire: This time of year, a heating pad’s an absolute must for keeping warm.
Sumire: Sometimes people will just walk up to me and ask me to show them a standing split.
Sumire: I’m in top shape today! Let’s keep going.
Sumire: Do you all stretch beforehand? You could pull a muscle if you don’t.
Sumire: It’s too bad gymnastics competitions aren’t on TV more often.
Sumire: Fighting makes for a pretty good workout, doesn’t it?
while I didn't transcribe responses, I did notice something a bit disappointing: neither Sumire nor Akechi seemed to have responses for anyone else. It's possible I missed one?? But not being able to remember any, they must not have many if they do have some. A bit odd.
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college au (spicy)
Yoosung x MC? 👀
Oop I see you there nonny :0
MM college AU (Yoosung x MC) nsfw-ish wink wonk
Warnings: uhhh lote of fluff and also sum drinking so uh yeah (idk if I should put it as a warning but there ya go anyway, just in case!)
You bitterly congratulated yourself as you looked at the text message you just received from your classmate.
Basically you had overslept, playing games too late at night(or should we say morning? You went to sleep at 4am and your class was at 7!) You didn't hear your alarm and basically missed your first day of class!
To be fair, you had planned on going to sleep at 12, but all of a sudden this bastard stole your loot and you wanted v e n g e a n c e
Sadly you weren't able to find the guy and had to cool off by playing a few rounds of LOLOL and just massacring the enemy team. Still, you swore to get back that amazing item you had just received.
The thing was, the first day of class, your professor had actually given everyone a group project! Yes, he was one of those teachers -_-
Since you hadn't been there you weren't able to group with your friend, and you had gotten paired up with people you didn't really know. You weren't super good at making friends, so you were getting a bit nervous, and you also didn't want to loose the whole percentage of the work, since you did have to get good grades!
A few weeks later, the group (who had already made a group chat a few days after you missed class, there were a total of five people with you included) and you all decided to meet at the coffee shop near the campus to talk about the project. It was due in two days, and you already had most of your part of the work done thankfully! We stan being responsible (a/n says the procastination queen LMFAO SORRY)
When you made it to the coffee shop, you only saw a total of two people there. One of them was a plain looking dude, with brown hair wearing some purple glasses, and the other one was a blonde boy who immediately made you think of a golden retriever! The two guys looked up at you, with the blonde one immediately standing up and introducing himself.
"Hi! Uhm, my name is Yoosung! Yoosung Kim! Nice to meet you!"
Oh my goodness he's adorable... though where have I heard that name before...?
You introduced yourself and told him your name, replying that it was nice to meet him too!
As you sat down beside him, you couldn't help but sneak glances in his directions. He was very very cute, his purple eyes looking all happy and excited all the time. Yet sometimes you could see a hint of.... hopelessness. You wondered why.
It turned out, that the other group members had suddenly called in sick, or said they had a family emergency. Not only that, but the plain guy with glasses gave you both an usb and mumbled that he actually had to go somewhere else today, but that he had his part of the presentation done and was in the usb.
Of course that did not make any of you happy at all. Yoosung looked as if he was about to either cry or punch someone, maybe both, and you werw mad that your teammates were so useless. But you tried to stay positive, I mean hey, now you get to spend time with the cute guy alone!
The two of you seemed to be the only ones to have done any work, the glasses dude's presentation was....let's just say wrong information and a white background with a yellow sans font. No I'm not joking.
"AGHHH this is impossible! How are we going to get all this work done in two days!? This is three people's part of the project, and it's not exactly short! Were gonna be here all afternoon!" Yoosung sobbed, as he covered his face and laid his head on the table.
"H-hey it's alright! We can uh...we can do it! I'm sure it won't take that long!"
It did take that long.
In face, it was 3am when you finished and had to leave the place because it was closing, so you had to go to your room and finish it there.
As soon as you were done, you both let out a tired victory yell and you fell back on your bed.
"Oh,hey Y/N, could I borrow your computer for a second? I just gotta check something that can't really wait..."
"Sure!" You gave him a thumbs up and rolled on your side to face Yoosung who was probably checking his emails.
You were not prepared for the scream that he suddenly let out.
He flinched when he heard your voice and slowly got up from the chair, pointing a finger shakily in your direction.
"Y-you....y-y-you a-are....TortillasRock320?"
You immediately sat up upon hearing the username you had made when you were 13 suddenly being said. Then you nodded. "How...how do you know me...?"
Yoosung's face became paler and you could see him start fidgeting a little before he pointed at himself.
You immediately let out a gasp, shocking the poor boy and you stood up. "YOU!! YOU STOLE ALL MY LOOT IN LOLOL!"
"I...ugh....dammit. it just had to be you didn't it?" You rubbed your temples and then Yoosung looked up from the ground.
"U-uhm...I could give it back...and uh...maybe get you some food?"
"Food isn't gonna cut it, as much as I love it."
"W-well how about we go and eat in a few days f-for now and then uh...we couldddd....think of something else!" He looked at you with a big smile and who could say no to that face?
So you exchanged phone numbers. It was just meant to try and see whenever the two of you could meet up for some food, but then it became into LOLOL discussions, and just talks about everything and anything. He talked a out his family, his friends, and his struggled with school, with you eventually telling him about your struggles as well. Before you knew it, the two fo you were speaking every single day, at any hour, and you had found out so much about each other. Not only that, but you had eventually become attracted to him.
Finally, vacations came! And the two of you decided to celebrate it by going to a bar with your friends! But then the two of you left because there was too many people, so you bought some beer and went to a nearby internet cafe to play....you guessed it! LOLOL
The two of you had such an AMAZING time, taking shots everyone one of you got killed, or destroyed a tower, or killed one of the dragons, or....well eventually it was just you two drinking and playing.
When you were done it was about 1am, and the cafe closed so you decided to go to Yoosung's place to maybe play there. But then, as the two of you drunkenly made it up the elevator, you suddenly remembered that Yoosung owed you from stealing your loot!
"Hic! Y-Yoosung...l-listen to me y-you brat. You oweeee me a wishhhh."
"Huh?.....oh wait...yeah I d-do right? Bec- hic! Becauzeee I stole your loot last t-time right??"
"I k-know what I want. L-lets just go to y-your apartment first....hic!" You smiled evilly as you thought about what you would do.
You grabbed Yoosung's hand, and he led you towards his place. After laughing and fumbling with his keys for a solid 2 minutes, Yoosung managed to open his door! He mockingly bowed and said "Y-you firstttt~" which made you courtesy and giggle replying "Wh-what a gentleman!"
You waited for Yoosung to close the door, and then he turned around to look at you with a big smile on his face.
"S-sooo Y/N! What...what do you want me t-to do?" He asked.
You made your way towards him and smirked. Then before Yoosung could reply he let out a help as you grabbed him by the hair and made him kneel in front of you, in all fours. "Yoosung. I want you to be my....servant for a day. I want you to do anything I ask you to."
Yoosung gulped and shyly looked up at you, his entire face red. "I...I should? Anything?"
You chuckled. "Yes. You owe me remember? That was a pretty rare item, the one you stole for me. So you should....pay...for what you've done, don't you think so?" He slowly nodded and you pet his head. "Good boy~ Now how about we start by....you taking your clothes off."
Yoosung's eyes widened, but you tightened your grip on his hair and he slowly started undoing his shirt buttons. Then he looked up at you again. "U-uhm...Wh-what else should I do...?"
"Mmm how about you take your pants off now? And do it quickly Yoosung, we don't have all day."
He nodded and took his pants off, kneeling in the ground only in his boxers, and then, in the heat of the moment (you don't exactly knew what took over you) you pressed your foot between his legs, making Yoosung let out a surprised gasp.
"Oho~ You like this don't you? You're hard." You chuckled and pressed harder between his legs, and Yoosung let out a moan.
"I'm...ngh! S-sorry, I d-don't really understand why it's...it's like that uhm.. I'm sorry."
You chuckled and knelt beside Yoosung, cupping his face in your hands. "Yoosung you don't need to apologize. It must feel hot down there...how about we make you feel good?"
Yoosung became even redder, but he looked to the side and covered his mouth with the back of his hand, shyly nodding at you to continue.
You smiled and took Yoosung's underwear off, his member already hard, and slowly, you started licking the tip making Yoosung moan.
"MNGHHH! Y-Y/N!!!"
"Mhmm? What ish it Yoosung? Mmph..." You replied, looking up at him while having his member in your mouth.
"Y-you're....s-sucking...it! Ah! I- I'm....if you do it with your tongue like that...I'm going to...-mmmgh!".
He's adorable, you thought, as you sucked harder and harder. Soon, Yoosung reached his climax, and you mischievously smirked. "I'm glad you enjoyed it...now how about we go to the main course? I deserve to feel good too, you know?" You said, as you took your jeans and underwear off.
"H-huh?! N-no, wait I just ca-AHHHHN~"
Yoosung gasped as you slowly took him in, straddling him. You tangled your fingers in his hair while Yoosung gripped your hips, his hands trembling.
"I'm....I'm moving now, ok Yoosung?"
Yoosung moaned as you started grinding your hips against him, your hips moving quickly up and down on their own. You laughed and leaned your head back, making Yoosung look confusedly up at you.
"You're just so adorable Yoosung!....I really like you, you know?"
Yoosung stared at you, and then he quickly grabbed your head and pulled you in for a rough kiss.
"I...mhm...I've liked you...too...mmm...for a very...very long time...Y/N." He whispered between kisses. "Agh! Y-you suddenly tightened up, down there....mhm it...it feels really good." He said as he looked at you, his eyes teary and full of lust.
Goddamn this man.
"Yoosung...I...I like you too!" You felt your face heat up a bit, and Yoosung quickly pulled away to look at you. Then, he tightened his grip on your hips and quickly started moving up and down
"Y-Yoosung!!!! Y-you're moving t-too fast! Mhm!!! I can't!! Too fast! Too fast!"
"Y/N...Y/N...." He whispered, burying his face in the crook of your neck, as his thrust became faster and harder.
"I'm going to...." You gasped.
"M-me too! Let's...let's do it...together!"
You pulled Yoosung in for a kiss and the two of you moaned as you both reached your climax.
The two of you held each other for a bit, until Yoosung got cold and he carried you to his bed. The two of you kissed each other for a bit, before falling asleep.
The next morning you found Yoosung on the corner of his room, his ears all red while he hugged his knees.
"Uhm....Yoosung! Mor...ning...?"
He flinched as he heard you and then he slowly looked up. Before you could ask him what in the diddly darn heck his ass was doing in there, he got up and bowed.
"I'm so sorry!!! I'm sorry about, about yesterday I was drunk, and then I just got really excited and kept going even after you said it was too fast, and I also said all that weird stuff and I'm just, I'm really really sorry!!"
You were taken aback for a minute before you smiled and made your way towards him, making him look up at you. "Yoosung...you don't have to apologize for anything. I know we....we were a bit uh...well we were really drunk but... I still stand by everything I said yesterday. I do like you. I...I like everything about you Yoosung."
His face became red, bue eventually Yoosung slowly and shyly smiled at you. "You...you really do?"
"Heh....I'm...I'm so happy Y/N...I really like you too!"
He cupped your cheek and the two of you slowly got closer and closer until your lips were touching in a chaste kiss. When you finished Yoosung chuckled, still red in the face. "So uhmm...does that mean we're a...couple now?"
You smiled and poked his cheek. "Yup! And there's no going back after this, you hear me?"
"Y-yes! Of course I'd never think of it!"
"Good! Now how about we go back to bed...and have a little fun hmm?~"
Yoosung smiled and pulled you towards him, smiling. "That doesn't sound too bad...and we're on vacation right now, so I don't see any reason we shouldn't stay in bed and do...that all day."
You laughed and Yoosung picked you up bridal style, gently throwing you in his bed and pinning you down.
The two of you officially became a couple that day! Yayyy!
Also btw you got an A- in the assignment so good work fellas ;)
The end!
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
shyly confession.
request: hi! it’s my birthday in about a little less than a month and i was wondering if i could please request a shoot mcmahon one-shot where his shy-self tries really hard to confess to his long-time crush but she’s oblivious. and then she ends up confessing to him in the end and they’re both happy their love loves them back. please include some teasing and encouragement from knuckle and morel 🙏🙏 thank you very much! 😊
# tags: scenario; hunter!reader; friends/lovers; fluffy romance; comedy; jokes/teasing; sfw
includes: female reader ft. shoot mcmahon + knuckle bine & morel mackernasey in the background {hxh}
author’s note: BABY!!! i wish you all the best. lots of health, happiness and love with family and friends. i hope you spend your day very, very well! 
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Each day seemed like a good day to tell you about Shoot’s feelings towards you. He might have done it while you two walking around town, eating cake in a coffee shop, searching some information at an internet cafe, or during training. But his timid personality had him the same effect every time; when Shoot was starting to say something like ‘Hey Y/N, I want to tell you something...’ then he shyly back off and finish with an awkward smile ‘... I-I think tonight is awfully stuffy, you think it too?’. And so it was every time when you were alone or when you were accompanied by Knuckle and/or Mr. Morel.
So the days had gone, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, and your relationship still maintained as a purely friendly relationship which from time to time interspersed with the addition of worry when one of you was hurt. Or when you were sick with the bothersome flu and the tall man felt tired and stressed after a whole day of work. Then you cared for each other; he would bring you hot soup or medicine and in return you told him to go to sleep because you made him a bed/futon.
Hell, you guys were so in love with each other, but neither of you saw it. Everyone else has seen but both of you and him haven’t. It was funny and at the same time so distressing and annoying for other. Literally, some people wanted to lock you in one small room and only let you out when you confess your feelings for the other person.
Your friend – the aforementioned Knuckle – and your master, sometimes really couldn’t stand how you were acting towards each other.
Imagine a situation when the four of you are having dinner together, after a hard training or mission. You talk calmly to them and at randomly moment Shoot puts something on your plate; something that you like mostly (like a freshy fruit, vegetable or piece of your favorite meat). You look at him in surprise, and he smiles gently, saying that you should eat a lot to make you stronger and never get hurt, especially when he isn’t around your person. Your cheeks will turn red as much as his both ears, but of course you don’t think that is a bad thing! You’re so unaware so Bine wants to stick a fork in his hand or jump out the window.
Pain in the ass for everyone.
And some WEEKS... no, no, MONTHS passed. Every time when Shoot wanted to confess to you, something was always wrong for him; the weather, your well-being, tiredness, his thoughts that you don’t love him or – even worse – you love someone else or – oh Jesus – you have a boyfriend and he doesn’t even know him. It was such a horrible feeling, purple-haired had dizzy and a fever because of thinking about it.
Of course you saw (literally the only thing you ever saw on his face/in his behavior) how he feels. You saw his trembling hands, tense shoulders, and drops of sweat on his forehead. After a while you started to worry about it seriously; after all, he was your best friend (whom you liked more than your ordinary friend).
So one quiet evening, when you’re almost done eating dinner with Knuckle and Mr. Morel, you touched his muscled arm, making his body shiver.
“Umm. Y-Yes?” He asked softly, looking down at you a bit.
“Are you okay, Shoot?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You look sick.” You keep talking, putting your two fingers to his pale forehead. “I think you have a fever.”
“A FEVER.” Bine said, louder that he intended with a snorting under his breath. At the same time, Mr. Mackernasey continued eating his meal, though his hand gripped the chopsticks a little tighter; he was on the verge of laughing.
“Knuckle, don’t be rude! Shoot maybe you should lie down and rest?” You continued calmly at which he shook his head in refusal.
One more second when your smooth hand is on his forehead and he swore by everything he had that he would pass out right here and right now.
“Maybe I will go for a short walk. Cool air will definitely help me.” He muttered, getting to his feet far too quickly for a normal human being.
Mr. Morel looked at the black-haired student, almost choking.
“Y/N you should go with him. He may pass out on the way.” Knuckle tossed calmly, taking some rice to his mouth. “I wouldn’t risk it.”
“Yes, it’s a good idea.” You smiled. “Let’s go. Then, when we come back, we’ll drink some tea. It also helps with the flu.”
You didn’t know why you proposed it, but you were happy to spend some time alone with Shoot. As soon as you two left the rented house and went for a walk among the forest trees, your heart started to beat fast and hard.
Meanwhile, Knuckle and Morel, still in the living room in front of the table, looked at each other as they swallowed their food.
“I bet Y/N will confess first.” Morel said seriously, reaching for the ginger with chili spice.
“With the last of my strength, I vote for Shoot. If he doesn’t do it, I’ll knock him out. I promise.” The disciple replied equally low, drinking the juice from the glass.
At the same time, you and the hunter walked on in completely silent. The night breeze was nice and Shoot definitely felt better. Even the color on his cheeks turned pale, so he didn’t have to worry about you seeing his pinky blush.
But you weren’t thinking now about the tall man’s blushes, but about your own problem which was the still fast beating heart. Out of the corner of your eye you glanced at the twenty-eight-year-old next to you and swallowed your saliva hard.
‘What should I do?’ You thought, looking at the bright, beautiful moon. Was this a good time to confess to Shoot that you liked him more than a normal friend? What if he doesn’t like you? If he has someone? You sighed softly, then looked at him again. You only live once as other people say.
“Umm... D-Do you like someone?” You asked quietly, feeling your hands start to sweat. “In romantic way.”
“Wh-What? Ummm... So... “
“Because I like you.” You whispered, stopping in the middle of the road. “Even if you like someone, I... I just wanted to tell you this because I liked you for a long time and I wouldn’t want to say it if you found a girlfriend. I don’t want to confuse your mind. So, well ... I-I love you? If you don’t take it, it’s totally fine! I just... I’m sorry. Please, let’s still be friends!”
Shoot felt like his whole life pass between his eyes; he remembered his first training with Mr. Morel, when he met Knuckle, and then you; his first love, as well as the first girl he really likes and wants to protect with whole heart. He remembered the image of every ant fight, especially with Menthuthuyoupi. Next, he remembered his stay in the hospital, every dinner with you and two men. And finally he re-processed what you said to him few seconds ago.
The silence was overwhelming for you. That’s why you took a step back and you murmured that maybe you’d better go, but then... Shoot grabbed your smol hand and smiled with the most tender smile you’ve ever seen.
“Now I feel stupid that as a man I didn’t say it first, but I like you too. A very... very long time.”
Your cheeks were as red as ripe tomatoes or cherries.
Wow, it was even more awkward than usual. 
However, a few short seconds passed and you finally smiled broadly, feeling some tiny tears in the corners of your eyes and then on your face. Shoot smiled as well, using his thumbs to wipe the warm water on your both red cheeks.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked shyly, a bit hesitantly, but when the man nodded and leaned over to you, you grabbed his cheeks in both hands and placed a cute, short kiss on his thin lips. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
Somewhere behind you could hear the clatter of plates and Knuckle’s quiet voice saying he had a bad feeling about his choice and a bet between him and Mr. Mackernasey.
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scenes-in-between · 4 years
Trust No 1 (Part One)
“I got a motorcycle,” Mulder announces as he walks into the trailer. “Now I won’t need to bother Michael for rides anymore.”
Gibson blinks, stone-faced, his back ramrod straight.
“It’s okay, I paid cash,” Mulder adds, with a bit of an internal eye-roll.  Like I’d be dumb enough to use a credit card and put myself back on the radar. Relax, no one’s going to trace anything back to us.
“Us?” Gibson says, stiffly. “So you’re… you’re not…?”
Mulder frowns, confused. And then it dawns on him what Gibson’s actually worried about. 
“What, leaving? No, of course not. Jesus, Gibson, you really think I’d do that to you?”
“I know you’re thinking pretty loudly about getting on that bike and not looking back. And I don’t even blame you, but--”
“Oh, hell.” 
Mulder shuts the door and walks over to where Gibson is sitting. No matter how much practice he’s had at policing his thoughts, he still slips up all the time. And yes, of course he’s been thinking about going home, pretty much from the moment he saw the bike sitting parked at the gas station with a “For Sale” sign stuck to it. Of course he has. But it’s a fantasy; he’d never actually do it. No matter how little regard he has for his own safety, how much he’d be willing to risk if it meant seeing Scully again, he owes Gibson way too much.
“Gibson, I am not going to abandon you. Okay?” He concentrates, so there is no disconnect between his thoughts and his words. “I promise. Not after everything we’ve been through, everything you’ve done for me.”
Gibson studies him for another long moment, then gives the barest nod of his head and finally relaxes his shoulders. Mulder punches him lightly on the upper arm and gives a lopsided grin.
“I mean, I know I’m kind of an asshole sometimes, but come on. I’m not that big of an asshole.” 
Fifty-seven days. Just over eight weeks. That’s how long it’s been since Mulder’s last email, the one in which he warned her that he wouldn’t be able to write again for a while.
Not that his warning has stopped her from checking.
The internet cafe has become part of her routine. On Saturdays like today, when she’s not helping Doggett and Reyes in the field, Scully stops by with William on her way to run errands. A couple of days a week she doesn’t need to be at the Academy until noon, so she takes a morning walk to the cafe before her mom arrives to babysit. The baristas know her order by now - chai tea on the weekends, coffee with milk during the week - and are friendly but not chatty. It’s honestly probably too routine and predictable, or it would be if she were the one in hiding. She’s identified a handful of other “regulars,” but none that give her cause for concern; everyone here tends to keep to themselves. 
Chai in hand, she finds an empty computer and parks the stroller. William is dozing, bundled up against the late December chill outside, and the coffee shop is cozy and warm without being stifling. Scully has removed her gloves but doesn’t bother taking off her coat; that would be an acknowledgement of the hope that this time she will be staying longer than a minute or two. She tries to convince herself that she expects the empty inbox, that she won’t be disappointed by another day of radio silence, that her stomach won’t do a backflip at the sight of “3 new messages” because she knows they will all be spam.
It is a futile exercise.
Fifty-seven days. She’s managing. Raising this baby of theirs and molding young minds at the Academy and praying every night for Mulder’s safety. She has to believe this is temporary, and that eventually they can be a family again. A real family.
Suppressing a sigh, she logs off and tries to turn her focus to the day ahead.
The day after Mulder comes back with a bike of his own, it pours. Gibson is guiltily, but deeply, relieved. He wants to trust that Mulder won’t abandon him, knows all too well how people’s inner thoughts can be complicated and contradictory, but at the same time, he can’t help worrying.
The rain, however, does not dampen Mulder’s fervor. His trips to the larger library have been fruitful, and he has been hard at work on a plan to breach the facility that the old man in Gibson’s dreams spoke about. He spends the entire rainy day poring over everything he has printed at the library, papers carpeting the floor, seed husks piling up on the table.
The New Year arrives without fanfare. Scully doesn’t turn on the TV to watch the Times Square coverage (she hasn’t managed that since she and Mulder watched together, two years ago, in a hospital waiting room). For that matter, she doesn’t even make it to midnight. After William goes down for the night, she takes a bath, drinks a glass of wine, and crawls into bed.
On the surface, this year looks much the same as the last. She’s still alone, still wondering where Mulder is and hoping he’s all right. In truth, though, so much is different. She has William, for one thing, which on its own is a bigger difference than she can properly express. For another, up until a couple of months ago, she was hearing from Mulder somewhat regularly, receiving assurances that he was, at least, alive. She still worries - of course she does - but it’s nowhere near the same. She has good cause to believe, far more than she did a year ago, that he is going to be okay, and that they will eventually be together again.
That doesn’t make the waiting any less frustrating or the loneliness less sharp. But the absence of a constant, exhausting undercurrent of despair is both notable and welcome.
Next year, she vows to herself as she drifts off to sleep. We are going to figure this out and eliminate the threat, and next year he’ll be home. 
For all that Mulder intends, truly, to keep his promise to Gibson, the temptation to flee home to Scully continues to gnaw at him. Now that he actually has the means to do so, that he can envision concrete steps toward a way out of exile, it’s almost painful to pull off the highway in another town, heading toward another library, instead of just pressing on. But he did promise.
What he can’t resist doing, however, is writing to her.
It’s been almost ten weeks since their last correspondence, and even if it means he can’t return to this particular library again, he has to do it. His fingers tremble as he opens a blank email.
“Dearest Dana…”
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straykats · 5 years
hiii, ive never requested anything before so i hope i do this right, sorry in advance if i mess it up completely 😅... anyway, i was hoping i could request a long distance boyfriend fluff with felix where y/n is on her way to visit & he’s all giddy and blah blah (it’d also be super cool if you could add like a facetime call they had a few hours before y/n’s flight and maybe the scene in the airport when he picks her up) i hope you don’t mind writing this, thank you so muchhhh :)
your request was fine! it was very cute hehe
Incoming call from lee felix…
Your screen shows a wall, and you let out a laugh. “Come on, ‘Lix, where are you?”
A head of hair pops into view, along with a forehead. Slowly, his eyes come into view, and then his nose and freckles, and then his whole face.
“Hi there, baby,” you smile fondly. 
“I’m so excited to see you I might just jump through the screen.”
“Oh, shut up,” you mumble with a roll of your eyes, unable to keep the smile from your face. “How are you? How are the boys?”
Felix shuffles around, and the phone is suddenly very close to his face. You don’t mind the view though. It was still Felix, after all. 
“You asked me that two days ago, y/n. Not much changes… BUT Jisung came down with a cold. Sucks to be him, aye?”
“Oh my, is he going to be okay?”
“First of all, that was just rude Felix, and y/n, yes, I will be!”
Your eyes widen at the familiar but unexpected voice. “Hey, ‘Lix, is he…”
Felix rolls his eyes and shoots a feign glare somewhere to the right of the screen. “Jisung, you said you’ll be quiet!”
“I never asked you to make fun of-” Jisung breaks off in a coughing fit. “Anyways, hi y/n!”
“Get better, Jisung!”
“Yeah, yeah. You lovebirds talk quietly now, yeah? This old man’s tryna sleep.”
“Old man?”
“He’s talking about himself, y/n.”
You break into laughter. You can hear Jisung mumble a few things before falling into silence. 
“So, when are you landing?”
“I should land in Korea around 2pm…”
“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow… I don’t know if i can sleep at all!” He says, rubbing his eyes as he talks. “There’s a new cafe that opened by the dorms, and it has great desserts. Also, the dog cafe! You can meet that golden retriever! Oh yeah, and all the members want to spend a day with you too… There’s so much to do when you get here, y/n. I can’t wait.”
Felix falls into silence, a lovestruck smile on his face. If you weren’t so entranced by the ideas and plans he had, you might have made a joke and teased him.
Living far away from your boyfriend wasn’t the worst thing. It meant that you could both focus on your selves, and talk to each other when you were both free and able to do so. Sometimes, you thought that it wouldn’t be too different even if you were living in the same country as Felix. With tours and schedules, it wasn’t like you would be able to meet up often anyways. However, that didn’t mean there weren’t any cons. When you and him were both free, the only way to meet up was online. You called often, and playing games together was also a common occurrence. You had a lot of memories of beating him in chess. 
You guys could only meet up in person once or twice a year. You often visited for Christmas and during one of the holidays (given that he wasn’t away on tour). If you were lucky, he would have a concert in your city, and you could meet him for a day. 
You were on one of your school breaks now, and he had few schedules within the week. It was the perfect opportunity to go visit. 
“Hey babe, stay in call with me tonight?”
“Of course, y/n. Until you fall asleep.”
And he does. You fall asleep to his breathing, and he to yours. It ends up being Jisung that ends the call, if only to prevent Felix from using too much of the internet.
You: boarding the plane now. See you soon!!
You send him a quick selfie of you and your passport before pocketing your phone and getting in line. 
On the plane, you were seated next to an old lady who offered you the window seat.
“I’ve had my fair share of plane rides, dear. Enjoy the view, why don’t you?”
She was awfully kind, and had many interesting stories to tell you. You were thankful for the company, despite having only met her.
“I’m going to see my granddaughter… she’s about your age, too. Who are you off to see, darling?”
“My boyfriend,” you replied with a smile as you pass her her food. “He lives in Korea, so we don’t meet often…”
“Ah, what a lucky young man to have someone like you come visit! Say, is he studying?”
You shake your head. “He’s… he’s part of an idol group.”
The lady lets out a laugh. “My granddaughter is obsessed, I tell you. What’s his group name?”
You spend at least an hour of the flight telling her about Stray Kids and letting her hear some of their music. She even lets you take a selfie with her, which you send to Felix.
You: image attached.
You: made a friend. She said she’s going to introduce skz to her granddaughter if she doesn’t already listen to you guys.
You part ways with the old lady after helping her get her bags. She thanks you endlessly, and wishes you and Felix a happy life. You find it highly endearing, yet amusing at the same time - she made it sound like the two of you were newly weds. 
You: felix, where are you
You: don’t tell me you were playing fortnite and forgot about me :(
Walking out of the arrival gate, you see many people running up to hug their family and friends. You wonder briefly if the lady’s granddaughter is somewhere in the crowd. There’s one group of people that stand out - a massive family, ranging from babies in their parents arms to grandparents. A young couple were walking towards them, and someone you presumed to be the mother runs up to hug the girl, who seems on the verge of tears. You look away from what seemed would be an intimate moment, and-
You feel him before you see him, arms wrapped around yours and squeezing you so tight you couldn’t turn around. You would have panicked, had it not been for the familiar cologne and the faintly whispered “I missed you so much” into your hair.
“Let- Let go- Let me hug you too…” You whine, but you grab Felix’s arms anyways and cradle them to your chest. “Baby, let me see your face…”
“I can’t believe you thought I would have forgotten about you,” he says, and you can almost hear the pout in his voice.
He loosens his arms and you turn around. A face mask covers the bottom half of his face, but there was no mistaking the freckles decorating his face, and the love in his eyes. Pulling down his mask, you put your forehead against his, the tip of your nose barely brushing his. 
“Long time no see, ‘Lix.”
The airport seemed to fade into a blur around you, the noise of trolleys and chatter blending together. It was just you and Felix, right now, and that was all that mattered.
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tigerintokyo · 4 years
Rokuya Nagi [RabbiTube] RabiTV - Episode 1
Rokuya Nagi [RabbiTube] RabiTV
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Episode 1: How to Spend Time with Nagi
(other parts in the directory)
Translation under the break.
Staff: .......That's all for the "RabbiTube" explanation.
Staff: We're planning on featuring a part of the video in "NEXT Re:vale" as well!
Staff: We are hoping to show a side of you that people usually can't see on TV. Looking forward to working with you!
Momo: I'm looking forward to it!
Yuki: Anything goes. It's okay to strip down and bare it all.
Mitsuki: Hahaha, please be gentle with us! I'll have to do some research....!
Gaku: Oh yeah, Tenn, you were watching videos on RabbiTube the other day, right? It could be helpful as a reference. Did you see anything that could help us?
Tenn: ........Ah, I was just watching cat videos.
Gaku: Oh, it was just cat videos. That's not helpful atj all.
Ryunosuke: .....No, the cat videos could be helpful too! Like with what kind of behavior can make people smile or give people a sense of healing.....
Gaku: Wait, Ryuu. We can only use a few of them as references.
Yuki:  ........Cat Gaku would be nice.
Tenn: ..........Ha!.........
Gaku: Hey, Tenn! Did you just laugh at me?!
Riku: A cat.....! Like, a video of Iori going to a cat cafe?
Iori: Please stop. Why would it be me?
Yamato: Wait, I don't want to do a video like that......
Tamaki:  I wanna do "Terrific Pudding"!
Sogo: ........If we're choosing, I want to try doing "The Top 100 Spices in the World".....
Nagi: I want to have a Kokona watch party!
Mitsuki: Isn't that just the same as always for you guys?!
Iori: .....well.... a video petting animals is a little cliché, but it has a certain charm to it.....
Riku: Did you just say something, Iori?
Iori: No, I didn't say anything.
Yuki:  Hahaha! Great! You all have a lot of ideas!
Momo: This is what I am talking about! I hope to show off the "everyday you" on RabbiTube!
Yuki:  Well, I'm looking forward to working with you all this year as well.
IDOLiSH7 & TRIGGER: Thank you!
Riku: This year's birthday project is to become a RabbiTube creator......!
Sogo: We always have so much fun hanging out in the RabiChat. I might miss it.
Mitsuki: ....... I might miss itf too. Even though it's nice we can give a video to fans, I still want to celebrate with all of us together!
Yamato: Yeah, since we do something together every year.
Nagi: ...... But, lately we haven't had much work with all of us together. I understand that is hard get our schedules to match.....
Tamaki:  So we can't eat the cake from Mikki?
Mitsuki: I will defnitely be making a cake! Right, Iori?!
Iori: That's right. I will help you.
Riku: Hm...... A birthday..... a birthday.....
Riku: Aha! Okay, well, how about we take the birthday person out somewhere? We can all plan it together and go somewhere.
Riku: It'll probably be tough to get our schedules clear... Let's ask the manager for help, and then, whoever can make it can go somewhere together!
Mitsuki: Go somewhere..... Until now we've been partying in the RabbiChat, so it could be refreshing!
Yamato: It would be a shame if we all can't go, but maybe deciding where to go together could feel like a party too....  For me, a beer brewery would be good.
Mitsuki: You can't just choose by yourself!
Tamaki:  Then, we can take a lot of photos and videos for the ones who can't go. We could send them in the RabiChat.
Nagi: OH! That's a wonderful idea. It'll make it feel like we are partying together.
Iori: People might be happy if we upload it on Rabbiter (twitter).
Sogo: Sounds like fun.....! How about talking to the manager about it tomorrow?
Riku: OK! ...... It's going to be another year of fun birthdays!
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Nagi: Wow...... Is this heaven...?
Mitsuki: Haha, no! This is a Kokona Collab Hotel!
Nagi: The colors are perfect..... Ah, a Kokona standee is here to welcome us too.
Nagi: This must be the pearly gates......
Mitsuki: ........It's no use, he's already completely gone.
Tamaki:  How is it, Nagicchi? Were you surprised?
Nagi: Yes...... Now, I'm so moved. I feel faint.
Mitsuki: But, weren't you the one who came to our rooms every day and gave us the flyer for this collab?
Mitsuki: Tamaki and I didn't even have to think. There was no other option......
Nagi: I was a postman who delivered love to you.....
Tamaki:  Getting the reservation was hard, right, Manager?
Tsumugi: Fufu, Tamaki-san and I had to fight with the internet!
Tsumugi: We reserved for four people, but I'm going to go home in the evening, so be sure to take a lot of pictures tonight!
Nagi: Thanks, Tsumugi! Alright, what's first...
Mitsuki & Tamaki: First?
Nagi: Let's play cards!
Nagi: ……..
Mitsuki: .......
Tamaki:  …….
Mitsuki: Hey, Tamaki, do you have the old maid....? It's written all over your face......
Nagi: Today, I am the strongest. Even luck is on my side.
Tamaki: ..... Nagicchi, pull from me next.
Nagi: Yes. ....This one.
Nagi: .....OH, is this another test of love?
Tamaki:  Yes.....!
Mitsuki: No, Tamaki! Now I know that Nagi has the old maid!
Tamaki:  I don't want the old maid!
Mitsuki: I don't want it either!
Mitsuki: ......since there's only three of us, this is going really fast, this game of Old Maid.
Tamaki:  Nagicchi, are you OK with just playing cards even though we came all the way to this collab hotel?
Nagi: Fufu. The truth is, if I'm spending time with Tamaki and Mitsuki, I am really happy with just that.
Nagi: But.... Without everyone here together, it is a little lonely, after all.
Mitsuki: Nagi......
Tamaki:  .........Alright!
Nagi: Tamaki?
Tamaki:  Even though Nagicchi pretty much decided that we would come here....
Tamaki:  Starting now, Mikki and me will be Nagicchi's escort!
Nagi: .......Wow......!
Mitsuki: ........That's a great idea! Let's take care of Nagi!
Tamaki:  Okay, what's first....
Mitsuki & Nagi: First?
Tamaki:  .......um.......
Mitsuki: Tamaki, you can do it....!
Tamaki:  C--color demon!
Nagi: Color DEMON?!
Mitsuki: But, everything is pink here?!
Nagi: What is color demon?!
Mitsuki: The demon names his color. If you are physically touching the demon's color, the demon can't catch you.
Nagi: That sounds very fun....!
Mitsuki: Your eyes are sparkling....! But if the demon color isn't pink or yellow, it's a just game of endlessly changing demons!
Tamaki:  Hm, then.... hide and seek!
Mitsuki: You keep going after games that are hard to play in a hotel?!
Nagi: I'm going to hide behind the Kokona standee!
Mitsuki: Don't announce it to everyone!
Tamaki:  No fair! Fine, I'll hide in the bathroom!
Mitsuki: Do you guys even understand what hide and seek is?!
Tsumugi: I--I can't really keep up with Mitsuki-san's joking...!
Mitsuki: Haha! ...... Geez, that's why it felt something was off.
Mitsuki: ......I have no choice. Manager! Can you bring me that to me?
Tsumugi: Yes!
Mitsuki: Ta-da!
Nagi: It's a....!
Mitsuki: Kokona-chan bento! Tamaki and I made it for you!
Mitsuki: Today, Tamaki worked really hard! He did way more than his usual taster role!
Tamaki:  I did! I wanted to show you these.
Tamaki:  Nagicchi, here! I cut them into stars, the eggs!
Nagi: Wow, so they aren't starfish!
Tamaki:  They're not!
Nagi: .......It's a very warm bento. Very....
Tamaki:  It isn't cold?
Nagi: No...... A bento full of Mitsuki and Tamaki's love is so very warm.....
Mitsuki: I'm glad you like it. I didn't want to just sleep at a hotel. I want to do something special for you Nagi.
Nagi: ...... I love you, Mitsuki, Tamaki.....!
Tamaki:  Ah.... Nagicchi, you're squishing me!
Mitsuki: Hahaha! You're gonna spill the bento!
Nagi: Tsumugi! Take a picture of us and my bento!
Tsumugi: Sure.....! Everyone go stand by the standee!
Nagi: I am really happy to be able to spend such a beautiful day with you!
Tamaki:  Hehe. It's a little early, but Nagicchi, happy birthday!
Mitsuki: Come on, get closer! OK, we're ready!
Tsumugi: Alright, say cheese.....!
- End of Episode 1 -
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
What’s going on with me.
I feel very whiny and like maybe there’s... not actually anything to be feeling so heavy about but I’m pushing past that and posting it anyway. I’ve got nothing to lose. It’s under a cut; there’s no obligation to read this if you don’t want to. The part where it does get emotionally heavy is very clearly marked.
Word count so you know what you’re in for: 1, 577.
I’m terrified. Of everything. All of the time. It feels like I’m stuck in my own skin and like I can’t breathe and I’ve been watching so much horror over the last few weeks just to feel a different kind of fear, just to feel something else which I know I can turn off when I’ve had enough. Even when I turn off the horror, I’m still so scared and it’s quickly becoming a new normal. I’m scared and angry and upset and I feel so heavy and even when I’m just sat down on my bed, my heart is pounding and it’s just really hard to sit still. But at the same time all I want to do is just sit on my bed and let myself waste away. Yesterday was the most emotional I’ve been for the last few weeks; I kept crying and the slightest thing would set me off; a message from someone on here was the most common thing to make me cry because it meant they were okay, at least in the time they had sent the message.
Dad got sick with a stomach virus from work, which I just found out he still has over a week later, and due to a traumatic time in my life I now have a very embarrassing (but still valid) fear which is closely linked to dad’s sickness. I am deeply troubled by the idea that I or someone else will get sick in the same way and to balance this, I haven’t been eating as much because if I avoid food, then I won’t need to use the bathroom so often. Plus, gluten free food is expensive and the less I eat, the less my parents have to go shopping and this reduces their exposure to the virus. None of this is logical and it’s definitely detrimental to my own health, but fear is never rational. To be clear, I am eating... just enough to keep my parents off my back about how little I’m eating; which is usually two meals a day. I rarely eat more than that, even if I’m physically cramping from hunger. My parents have called me up about it a few times but I just... don’t want to eat. I’m so, so scared of people getting sick or dying. I don’t care so much about what happens to me, but my loved ones...I’m terrified.
 I keep having nightmares of people dying. I had a nightmare a few weeks back in which someone on here died and I woke up in a cold sweat to message them and to just... make sure they were okay. They were definitely okay and if they’re reading this, then they know who they are. Not last night but the night before, I had a horrible dream in which I was outside and people’s masks were just dropping off their faces without anyone touching them, or they would move so the mask would slip off their nose and only cover their mouth, and my mum in the dream said, “you may as well take your mask off, you’ve probably got it by now” but it wasn’t the mask which slid off my face; my entire face melted away and dropped off and I woke up crying. I was also kind of impressed by my imagination; it was gory and it actually hurt; my dreams are so vivid it takes me like an hour to realise i'm actually Awake and everyone's okay and i'm so scared that people are gonna get Covid and die and i'll never hear from them and just wonder what happened to them. I’ve had an internet friend die in real life and I never found out what happened to her; I don’t even know if she is dead but one of her last messages was harrowing and no one’s heard from her since. This was two years ago so I can only draw my own conclusions and they’re heartbreaking. 
I lay awake at night unable to sleep, or if I can sleep, I don’t want to, because what if one of you dies in the night and I missed your last message? Tumblr is my sanity right now; I’m furloughed from my job (and I don’t even know if I still have a job, that’s up in the air as well because I work at a small cafe) and I’m graduated from university so all I have right now is my writing and the lovely people on here. This is my biggest coping mechanism and by now it’s probably tipped into the unhealthy region but I don’t care, not right now. The world’s crumbling around us and any coping mechanism, especially if it involves the imagination, at least to my thinking, is essential for survival right now so I’m letting it happen. If I'm not writing, I’m not being productive, which means I’m wasting my day and if I’m wasting my day, why am I here?
Aaand, speaking of... (this is where it gets emotionally heavy so feel free to tap out if you’re reading this! Fair warning 🥰)
I just... want to fade out and not exist anymore. I'm so fucking tired and I've had enough. I'm just so scared it's like I can't even breathe. I don’t even know if my thoughts are mine anymore; on the one hand I feel whiny and like I’m making up things to be scared about but on the other hand I know that I’m valid in my emotions. I feel like I should just shut up and deal with it and focus as much as I can on others because the trap of thinking that suffering is a competition is easy to fall into, and every time I think I can handle the fear it just gets stronger and I’m just.... I wanna get out. Of everything. I’m so tired. I also keep losing time... I'll stare at the window and when I look back at the clock it’s been like twenty minutes and I didn’t even notice. 
I just want to sit on my bed and let myself rot; I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to sleep. I just want to... fade out and away; to lay down and go to sleep and not wake up again. My mum keeps asking me what I’m going to do with my future now that I’m graduated (the career questions started three days after I graduated, I? Give me a breaaaaak), and I can barely see past today, what makes you think I’m thinking of a future I no longer believe in? I already said to her that I was taking a year out, a gap between graduation and deciding on a career, because a) I genuinely need and want a break and b) what’s the rush? I’m only 23; life doesn’t stop at 25. I still have lots of time to figure myself out. But my mum says that I’m not getting any younger, either - and that’s true. She wants me to go into teaching and that’s... not what I want to do. “Oh, but you can be a professor - “ Mum, that’s still teaching and I don’t want to do that but then she accuses me of not caring and... honestly, she’s right but I can’t tell her that. She cares, she does, and I know that she loves me, but shit. Can’t a woman breathe?
I did know what I wanted to do in my life... and then just at the point where my dreams were becoming a reality, I found out that the savings I’d been working so hard to save up for during the three years I was in university weren’t enough even with how hard I’d worked, and then the pandemic happened.... I had Real Plans to fly out to my dream on the fifteenth October this year and I feel like I’ve wasted my life, to boil it right down. I am twenty three. I have plenty of time but I also feel like I’ve ruined and wasted my life. In many ways, I feel like a ghost. I feel like I’ve literally died and I just haven’t noticed yet. I am a shell of myself due to unhealed traumas, I am a ghost of the Erika I once knew... she’s in there somewhere, I just have to coax her out. I am so, so scared that I’ll be forty and nothing’s changed and then the next thing I know, I’ll be dead and... all I can feel is fear.
I’m doing what I can to focus on and to help others because I feel like that’s a better use of my time than sitting and letting myself rot (also a tempting thought...) and I find genuine joy in supporting people. Everyone is suffering and I so often end up just crying over my laptop because my heart’s breaking for everyone and I wish I could just give everyone here a hug, wipe their tears away and be there for them. But all I have to do that with is a laptop and it never feels like enough and I just... I feel very heavy and tired and scared and I don’t know what to do. I have no idea how to help myself. It’s an effort even to brush my hair - half an hour thinking about it while I mindlessly scroll tumblr, another twenty minutes to find something to watch on YouTube while I do it, and then maybe ten minutes to actually brush my hair. Everything’s a chore and an effort and I’m. So. Tired. I’ve had enough and I just want my Joker. I don’t even know what he’d think or do about all of this...
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