#Yato killed like 4 or something idk
wrenmoonie · 2 years
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Six Fanarts but I used the Hunger Games Simulations to decide
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pr1nc3-ed · 8 years
More tag games yay, thanks for tag @aileenaison <3 damn this will be a long one :P sooooooo here we go:
1. Favorite anime? Okay (little edit: i forgot to update this one LMAO) fullmetal alchemist, both versions, Fate/Zero and... aaaaaah i like many stuff tbh ;-; 2. Your worst anime? 11eyes. I CANT BELIEVE HOW I WAS ABLE TO EVEN FINISH THIS PIECE OF CRAP. Honorable mention to Mars of Destruction, but at least this one was the “so bad its good” trope and funny af to watch. 3. Do you read the manga that goes along with the anime you watch? Sometimes I would do that like when Reborn was airing, same for FMA Brotherhood. But its been a looong time though... 4. Most favorite genre? Comedy, action,adventure... and (it will go kinda offtopic but its related to a genre) nowadays I feel like i'm really getting attached to mecha shows. I liked Evangelion (not a favorite, but still really good) in my teenage years along with Code Geass (didnt see season 2 yet tho, fuck me), I used to enjoy Aldnoah.Zero 1st season a lot (until it went to shit, this show traumatized me) and since last year I started checking out Gundam animes, I was able to finish a few ones, even the 1st one despite being so old... so uhh yeah I joined the Sunrise/Bandai mecha empire, it wont be long until i buy a gunpla lmao. 5. Least favorite genres? Idk... kinda hard to pick one. Maybe some slice of life stuff with a lot of moe? Tried watching things like K-ON and... i couldnt resist lmao. 6. Favorite character/s? Kaneki, Touka and Eto (Tokyo Ghoul), Yato (Noragami), Kotomine Kirei, Archer and Gilgamesh (Fate series), Setsuna (Gundam 00), Char Aznable (Gundam/Gundam Zeta), Koyomi Araragi and Suruga Kanbaru (Monogatari series), Chrollo Lucifer and Killua (Hunter x Hunter), Death the Kid (Soul Eater), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), Aigis and Elizabeth (Persona 3), Golbez, Kain and Rydia (Final Fantasy IV), Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII), Zidane (Final Fantasy IX), Ike (Fire Emblem), Dante (Devil May Cry), Laharl (Disgaea),  D.va, Tracer, Mercy and Mei (Overwatch), Darth Sidious, Han Solo and Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Demon Hunter (Diablo 3; okay its only a class in game but I love the female DH okay?), Link and Sheik (Legend of Zelda; ok Sheik is Zelda, so I guess both? haha)... OKAY THATS ENOUGH FOR TODAY, see, this is why I say those top 10 characters arent enough LMAO 7. Least favorite character/s? Kirino from Ore no Imouto, Kirito from Sword Art Online, Miyuki Shiba from Mahouka, Yuka from 11eyes, many characters from Bleach, Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist (people who watched any version can already imagine why I hate him), Seryuu from Akame ga Kill (only because she is a legitimate hypocrite and piece of shit in the story) aaaand the list goes on. 8. Qualities you like in a character? Well, idk what to list, but feeling kinda unique and having personalities that stand out in the show? Someone who can singlehandedly carry an anime (like Yato would do in Noragami for me) by him/herself, etc 9. Short or long anime? Short animes. Idk how im going to watch a long anime anymore... maybe the 50/60 episodes ones, but going for the 100/200 list is harder to me nowadays :( 10. Anime or manga? Anime. But mangas tend to be better when it comes to plot since some adaptations are just a trainwreck (hi tokyo ghoul)... 11. How do you choose the anime you watch? Recommendations, suggestions, checking out synopsis and genre, seeing if its similar to something i enjoy... usually these are the ways i choose something. OR also if I really feel like watching something and taking a break from some anime genre. 12. Skip or listen to intros/outros? I skip after watching in the first episodes... but whenever i watch any last episode, i tend to not do that. 13. How do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime? I don't mind... unless someone starts acting like a fucking retard and being ignorant about it, not even respecting my opinion etc. 14. Do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it? I tend to forget or get lazy even if I like some animes... so when it comes to stuff i dont like and i think they are bad: i drop them. UNLESS some kind of miracle forces me to continue it until the end... or the "so bad its good" vibe helps too.
tagging @s-e-l-f-i-s-h-n-e-s-s @kurome-in-wonderland @nora-amiticia @mut4ti0ns @xsinonx @yetanotherfluffyotaku @kanashiri @softchubs @yorozuya-ken-chan @teyilai @myluchanblog @meanimes @valkyrievillain @kamekku @taeyanng optional to do that and sorry if i bothered anyone by tagging ;;
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inktae · 8 years
Hi, how are you doing? I hope everything's going well with your finals :). There is a second season of blue exorcist asdhjkl how didn't I know this?? And noragami too? I don't really watch a lot of anime so I'm lowkey excited rn that you like the same ones haha. And yes I like chopin a lot in general but the variations are really nice in their own way ^^. Also have you heard of ólafur arnalds? I discovered him like an hour ago and his music is so beautiful and enthralling! [1]
 Finals are killing me rn and I’m looking forward so much to the semester break, I can’t wait for january to pass already ;_;. I just booked plane tickets to the uk because I’ll finally be able to visit a close friend who moved there a few months ago and I’m soo excited ^^. Also I just talked to my dad and apparently we might visit family in Amsterdam too! Ah I’m so happy rn :)). Also I read all the light we cannot see (I'm starting to feel like a nerd OTL) and unfortunately I didn't enjoy [2]
it at all . Going in I was so sure I was going to love it since it’s being hyped so much and it sounded like something I'd really enjoy, but I’m not sure I’ve ever been so disappointed by a book tbh. (probably very long procrastination fueled rant to follow). Firstly the plot is incredibly thin and the entire story is really predictable and inflated, and tbh sometimes the entire story just felt like a bit of an excuse to showcase as much of the authors [3]
very purple-prosey (is this a word? lol) writing as possible without worrying about any deeper meaning whatsoever. And I heard so much about his style and the way it was described, I was so sure I was going to like it, but unfortunately that wasn't the case either. There are some really beautiful sentences yes, but most of the time it felt like the author was like 'hey let's make this #poetic and just throw in 500 adjectives and half-baked metaphors before literally everything' so quite often[4]
it just felt kinda forced? My main problem was probably the pacing though (and the ending which was… anticlimactic to say the least (and not in a purposefully thought-provoking way but it felt more like he had just written himself in a bit of a corner)). The pacing was soo slow (and I usually really enjoy this!) and it wasn’t in a calm and serene way either but in a let's rush important scenes but sure let's talk about everything else in excruciating detail kind of way [5]
and I never really cared for any of the characters, no matter in how many delicate ways their *uniqueness* (one guy has white hair and it’s mentioned like 400 times) was described. Holy shit this got long! I didn’t know I had so many feelings about this lmao. well anyways I wasn’t really a fan of the book, but tastes differ and I mean almost everyone else seems to love it, so idk maybe you’d like it too. Ok I think I’m done now OTL. I hope you have a nice day! Lots of love ^^ [6] –coffee anon
LOL DON’T WORRY thank you for the long message!! :)
ahah yes - blue exorcist (I almost wrote blue orchids omg) and noragami are also some of my faves, mostly in terms of animation tbh, I can be so exigent with the art of the animation and these two are so well made. (and the characters are amazing as well - after finishing blue exorcist I spent quite a few weeks obsessing over yukio, he was such a fave of mine! and I absolutely adore yato)
YES I LOVE OLAFUR! you’ve probably listened to this one already (I think it’s his most popular) but near light is just so amazing. this one has helped me write a looot. :)
ALSO YOU’RE GOING TO AMSTERDAM *dies* it’s a city that’s definitely on my bucket list, right under tokyo. and even though I already went to london, I missed so many things I found out were there after coming back, so I really want to visit again T_T (besides.. all the merch I could buy LOL when it comes to that kind of stuff spain is really lacking)
also, thank you so much for your review of the light we cannot see, this is very eye opening! hmm, the thing is, I am having a hard time finding books that can help me improve my style. I want to stray away from YA books because I read too much of those when I was younger and they don’t have a style I look up to anymore, especially when it comes to their plots (usually driven by love triangles and werewolves or vampires, and I really want to read something different you know). I was considering the light we cannot see because everyone praises its writing, but now that you mention it, the reviews rarely mention the plot and/or the characters, which probably reflects how overshadowed those are by the author’s focus on the prose, and I really need enthralling plots to get hooked. hmm, I was going to buy it blindly, but now I think I’ll check it online first :)) then again, it could be good practice for me to read it even if the plot is lacking, since I also want to improve my narrative. (not to the point of throwing in 500 adjectives just to make it look pretty ahaha, but maybe I can learn some new vocabulary!)
talking about books, do you have any recommendations? like I said, I really want to read from authors that make me fall in love with both their writing and their story telling. I haven’t found much of that besides murakami. ;;; I am also trying to find books that are space related / futuristic and I found the Unwind series, which is also young adult but it seems to have plenty of good reviews, so I might give it a chance, but I’m still not sure. idk why, but I’m finding it soo hard to find books that I want to read. maybe I am just not looking in the right places ;_; anyway, I’ll probably let you know what I think of ‘all the light we cannot see’ when I give it a chance after my exams :))
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