#Yeah I know that technically a mermaid au is pretty generic but I’ve seen a lot of other people do it and yeah to be fair people do have th
mossy-paws · 6 months
do you have a list of what all the phighters are gonna be in your mermaid au :0
still really nervous to say who’s who because I don’t want people to copy any of my ideas because I’ve seen someone be scarily close to what I’ve been doing and stuff (no blame on them though because to be fair I guess it’s a little generic, it’s just a tad nerve racking I would say :’DD!), but you can refer to some of my older posts for what’s what :DDD! Sorry LMAO I just got anxiety and I’m silly like that
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shadowsong26fic · 2 years
A Trade
Author: shadowsong26
‘Verse: Feredar
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Taz, Dallu
Warnings: Not for this, I don’t think!
Notes: Written for the Year of the OTP event. February prompt: mermaid AU.
(I am also doing this for Star Wars, BSG, and two of my other original ‘verses, if you’re interested in checking those out! One ship per canon. The fanfic ones will be posted to AO3 probably a day or two after they’re on tumblr. Master list of all fills can be found here.)
Damn it.
Dallu sighed, and put the shell back down. Still not the right shape, still not the right--still just not right.
He could probably make the spell work with something other than a natural shell, but the work was complicated enough, it was unfamiliar, he’d traded a lot for the spell, and he’d rather not screw with replacing ingredients if he didn’t absolutely have to. Even if the shell technically wasn’t an ingredient, but the bowl he was supposed to mix the other ingredients in.
No, better not to take chances. Until he got a feel for this type of spell, he wouldn’t know how much wiggle room there was. Or whether the spell would fizzle out or fail...more spectacularly if he got it wrong.
Maybe if I go a little deeper, he thought, making a face. He’d already rolled his jeans up as far as he could, and the ocean was damn cold this time of year--
“Lookin’ for something?”
He blinked, distracted from sulking--he could’ve sworn the beach was deserted a minute ago--
…all right, then.
The beach was, probably, still deserted. But there was a woman perched on a rock a few yards out, with warm brown skin and a cocky, crooked smile, and a scaled, shimmery tail, shading gold at the edges of her fins.
A mermaid.
“Uh,” he said, intelligently. “You’re…you’re pretty far from home, aren’t you?”
She shrugged. “Wanted to see what there was to see.” Her eyes flicked him up and down, and she smiled again. “So far, I like what I find.”
He could feel himself flush. “Thank you,” he said, and was proud of himself that he didn’t stammer.
She laughed, and it rippled in the air. “So, pretty human, what are you lookin’ for?”
He stopped himself before correcting her with his name--merfolk generally didn’t cause as much damage with a true name, even a partial true name, as land-based fae or faekin could, but some things were just common sense.
Besides. He kind of liked the sound of her calling him pretty.
“A shell,” he said.
“Right. What kind?”
“Bivalve, about so big, reddish, with seven ridges,” he said. “And not chipped.”
She tilted her head, then nodded. “I’ve seen a shell like that. A bit too deep for you to get to safe. …I could bring it back for you.”
Belatedly, it occurred to Dallu that he maybe shouldn’t have been giving quite this much information about what he was doing to a woman who had appeared out of thin air--or ocean--and started flirting with him.
But he wasn’t entirely stupid, and he could always refuse. Depending on her price.
He raised an eyebrow. “In exchange for…?”
She gave him another cocky, crooked grin. “How about a kiss?”
He flushed again. “That seems reasonable,” he said.
She laughed and dove off the rock, her tail flashing in the late-winter sunlight.
This is either the best or the worst decision I’ve ever made, Dallu thought.
Seconds later, before he had a chance to really regret it or decide to walk away, the mermaid’s head breached the surface again. “Got it!” she said, holding the shell up for him to inspect.
He took a couple steps deeper into the water, close enough to her to get a good look at the thing.
Close enough to reach out and touch her.
“Yeah, that’s--that’s perfect. Thank you.”
And, before it could get awkward with either of them overthinking it, he leaned forward and kissed her.
Her mouth was warmer than he’d expected, and--nice. It was nice. A very nice kiss.
She pulled away after a second, and pressed the shell into his hands, their fingers touching just for a moment.
“See you again, pretty human,” she said, giving him one more smile before diving back under the surface without a splash.
He’d waded out far enough that it didn’t really matter at this point, he was already soaked, but he appreciated the gesture.
“See you again,” he called after her.
He thought he imagined it, but he could’ve sworn he saw the glint of the sun reflected on golden scales. Like she was waving goodbye.
Of course, the smart thing to do would be to avoid this beach for a while, but the memory of that crooked grin, the feel of her hand as it brushed against his…
Best or worst decision of my life, he thought again.
He shook his head and waded back to the beach, smiling to himself.
He had a spell to work, and after…well.
Honestly, doing the smart thing all the time was overrated, anyway.
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sonicfrontiers · 4 years
SO !! i barely have anything yet bc i just had this fucking brain blast like an hour ago but. here are my Thoughts so far:
so the very first thing i tried to think of was like. what everyone is? i did my best w this but i am so fuckin open to ideas..... i don’t know shit! 
the easiest answer right off the bat was who the humans are (or at least the pirates who appear to be human) in this. we got the science team as the pirate crew—gordon, tommy, bubby, and coomer! they are sailing the seas and maybe they are not doing a very good job of it but it’s fine. it’s Fine
the second easiest answer was benrey’s situation. we got skeletons fuck yeah. benrey got some of that curse uh oh! however w benrey’s situation that’s more like... sometimes being a skeleton rather than just steadily turning into one, i thought maybe the curse fucked up on him? maybe it’s like. he’s only half cursed to just sometimes be a skeleton but he can also look human again too. i don’t fucking know. also OH SHIT BENREY HAS TO BE NOT HUMAN UHJHHHHHHHH fuck it guess he’s part ancient now too. i guess. shit i’ll have to spend more time on him but this is.. the gist
next we got uhh forzen babey. i’ll be honest i’m not too confident on this one. i had the vague idea that maybe he’s a mermaid? although whether he’s one of the mermaids that steals sunken pirates and turns them into mermaids or one of the mermaids who was turned into a pirate i can’t really decide. i mean the pirates-turned-mermaids are always helpful in game, and forzen. well. Isn’t, but the mermaid-mermaids live so far deep that they’re never seen? so i don’t know. but he’s out there.... in the ocean....... somewhere....... waiting for me to have more brain power to answer this
it’s darnold time! i’ll be honest i also don’t have many ideas for this guy. i thought maybe he’s got something to do with the order of souls? that’s vaguely related to potions right? sage darnold with the oos eyes curse and he reads the fuckin skull juices to help out the crew with their voyages..... i think? there are other options too but this is the one that jumped out at me the most!
GREGORY MAN. the man himself. SO I GOT TWO POSSIBILITIES HERE FOR THIS GUY. what i can’t decide on is how much of canon sot i want to be canon in this au... mainly, the stuff abt the pirate lord. i got two options here, one of which is that ramsey still exists as the pirate lord and he hangs out doing mostly the same shit he does in canon, and gman is like. an ancient who stuck around the sea of thieves for whatever reason? which would make tommy a descendant of the ancients too, hence why i specified earlier that all the pirates in the crew might not be human..... EITHER THAT OR gman is the pirate lord and ramsey fuckin uh doesn’t exist in the au. and i CANNOT for the life of me decide which i like better. ANY HELP APPRECIATE HERE PLS
THEN. it’s tim,e for “how the fuck did everyone get past the shroud into the sot”
i think no matter who the pirate lord is in this au they’d have no problems letting pretty much anyone in honestly. ramsey just kinda says “oh you washed up unconscious on the shores of old sailor’s isle? cool let me just not ask any questions and part the shroud for you real quick ok bye” and honestly i can’t imagine gman would be much different—although he’d probably be more cryptic abt it than ramsey is
SO. GORDOS. i feel like him coming to the sot was a last resort of sorts. he feels lost in life, unsure what his goal is or where he’s going, and he hears of this mystical sea that nobody who enters ever leaves but apparently there’s adventure and treasure and wonder there so he’s like fuck it, i’ve got nothing else to do and goes there hoping to find some sort of purpose. and find it he does :)
tommy time! i feel like whatever brought him here had to be partially related to his dad? either he’s just There bc. well. his dad’s the fuckin pirate lord, or gman’s all cryptid abt being an ancient and left tommy to sort of grow up in the sot on his own while gman kept a distant eye on him, just so tommy wouldn’t find out too much abt being an ancient or whatever. uh. so he’s pretty familiar w the world of sot and all its wacky magic shit! 
(actual sot lore question here bc this is smth i don’t know—does all the magic that happens in sea of thieves happen beyond the shroud? i wonder if the rest of the world also has skeletons and giant sea monsters and magic and shit or if it’s just inside the sea of thieves...... hmmm for this au i’m gonna assume that all magic is something unique to the sea of thieves and doesn’t happen beyond the shroud) 
The Bubby. honestly i like the idea that bubby came to the sot just to like... get away from the outside world? like maybe he’s on the run from something............ this is very very vague in my mind and is extremely subject to change but i like the whole “I’M LEAVING THIS WORLD!” thing as bubby being like fuck the regular world i’m going into the flesh eating devil shroud and nobody can stop me. and then he did
coomer. the man himself. i think coomer came to the sot searching for adventure! and more to learn! he’s always looking to broaden his horizons and where else to go but to the mystical sea of thieves when looking for new experiences? coomer is just here to have a good time :)
UH i think darnold already existed in the sot... he just sorta Lives There... there are npcs who just fucking were born and raised there right. like tasha was in the sot at age 4 so it makes sense right?? darnold just live here and he helps get the crew from the outside world familiar with the sot!
FORZEN has been in the sot for ages—either he’s always been here as a mermaid or he got turned into one so long ago and he’s just been getting angrier and angrier w it every year he’s trapped here. he barely remember why he came anymore but god does he regret it. :(
gman either way just kind of Is There huh..... as the pirate lord i honestly can’t imagine his origin being much different than ramsey’s? like he just makes friends w the ancients like hey what’s up i like this sea. my sea now. or he Is an ancient and just fucking chills there. whatever
bubby discovers firebombs and Uh Oh. Uh Oh Everyone Watch Out Bubby’s Got Fire Powers Now. he only accidentally sets the ship on fire SOMETIMES it’s FINE. (also his favorite region is the devil’s roar. unsurprisingly. he likes the chaos it brings)
bubby and tommy + coomer as well are agents of chaos in general. they don’t follow the fuckin Rules and it makes gordon’s life a living hell. 
bubby: look gordon i dug up some grubs! gordon: cool man, put those in the barrel and we can use them to fish late- bubby: (shoving the grubs in his mouth) gordon: BUBBY NO WHAT THE FUCK DON’T EAT TH coomer: oh, what a good idea, bubby! i am feeling quite hungry myself! (also starts eating worms) gordon: I’M COOKING DINNER AT THE CAMPFIRE RIGHT NOW PLEASE DON’T tommy: oh are the worms okay to eat? i wonder what they taste like gordon: NO STOP benrey, shoving worms in gordon’s face: eat worms? eat worms now please?
coomer finds out how to launch himself out of a cannon and he becomes unstoppable. the crew is attacked by an enemy ship and everyone’s like “oh fuck everyone get to the cannons!” and they go there to find coomer fucking launching himself directly onto the enemy ship, and he kills their entire crew in seconds. by the time he mermaids back to his ship everyone is fucking stunned silent and coomer is just like “well, that takes care of that! let’s get back on course, gentlemen!” and since then they just fucking fire coomer at people like a weapon whenever they get attacked by other pirates or skeletons. It Always Works
UH AND I THINK THAT’S KIND OF WHAT I HAVE SO FAR? i might be forgetting something but this post is long enough as is...... 
IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING TO ADD FEEL FREE!!! i love sea of thieves so fuckin much man... and i didn’t even TOUCH on anything like any of the reaper’s bones shit which i would be interested in looking at getting involved in this au somehow...... i will probably come back to this if anyone else is interested !! otherwise that’s all i got for now!!!! thank you so much for asking anon!!!!!
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