#Same ideas a bunch :DD!
mossy-paws · 6 months
do you have a list of what all the phighters are gonna be in your mermaid au :0
still really nervous to say who’s who because I don’t want people to copy any of my ideas because I’ve seen someone be scarily close to what I’ve been doing and stuff (no blame on them though because to be fair I guess it’s a little generic, it’s just a tad nerve racking I would say :’DD!), but you can refer to some of my older posts for what’s what :DDD! Sorry LMAO I just got anxiety and I’m silly like that
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dduane · 8 months
From the Writing Advice dep't: A complicated ask, a serial answer (part 1)
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Every now and then I get an ask in the box that's complex enough that it has to be taken apart and answered in pieces. Also, sometimes I get queries in that are painful enough (in varying ways) that I elect not to attribute them when answering. This one is both.
I read the ask (and reread it, and rereread it, four or five or six times after it came in, and a bunch more times while I was on my back this week being sick), and gradually came to realize that for it to be properly handled I had no choice but to break it into pieces for best management.
There are three main strands to the issues this ask brings up: motivation, growth as a writer, and coping with or succeeding despite the current state of the publishing industry.
So let's dig in. Here's the first part of the ask:
I know there's no One True Path, but I'm struggling with this, and I'm sure others are too, so I'll just ask it. I want to make a career out of writing, but with shrinking attention spans and so much content to mindlessly consume, how do you keep the motivation to write? My friends get mad at me for getting discouraged when not even they read my writing. They get mad and say, "write for yourself, not for the validation!"
Welp. (sigh)
First of all, I think your friends are absolutely right. But we'll come back to that.
You have to understand that as far as the Search for Motivation goes, I'm probably Spiders DD, the outlier who seriously should not have been counted. I have been motivated to write stuff pretty much nonstop since I was eight, and did my first novel in crayon in a school notebook. (It was one of the thick notebooks. The ones with the black and white marbled covers. Most of you who come of US schools know the kind.)
So I'm really the wrong person to be asking about this, especially since it's now nearly the Year of our (Wood!) Dragon 4722, which would make me nearly, uh, six Years of the Dragon old. And being of such age, and a career midlist genre writer, I have the same source of motivation as the vast majority of my similarly-aged colleagues: the need to write or starve. (There's an Irish saying perfectly descriptive of my situation: "Too old to dig ditches and too scared to rob banks." That's my situation exactly. There's nothing left for me to do but to write.) :)
...Anyway, it's kind of amazing how that kind of motivation'll focus your intention, and help you keep it in place, once you're been working with it for a while.
At the beginning of a career, though, things can look a lot different as you start getting a handle on exactly what it is you like to write and why you like writing it. And having another job to keep you afloat while you find your way is seriously a very good idea if you can manage it.
It sounds very much to me as if you're still in the early "finding your way" stages. This is a place that a lot of writers pass through, so don't be concerned. It's rare for sudden perfect motivation-to-write to crystallize out of nothing. And never forget, the word itself is based on old Latin roots for movement, and provokes the question, "Yeah, okay, but which way?" Movement without intended direction tends to turn into a lot of unfocused flailing, which looks good on Kermit, but not so much on the rest of us.
(inserting a cut here, because honestly, this is gonna go on a bit)
So you need to sit down and start asking questions—and answering them—so you can draw some kind of map. "I want to make a career out of writing"? Fine. What kind of writing? Fiction? Nonfiction? If fiction, what kind? What do you like to read? Why? Is that something you'd like to write? Why? Why not? If there's something else you'd rather be writing—what else? And why?
The more you ask the questions and answer them—"Keep asking the next question," Ted Sturgeon never used to stop saying—and the further along your investigations get, the more likely you are (as you get close to the answers that matter) to start getting the itch to write something, something in particular. This process may take a while, and the itch may take a good while to manifest. Don't be alarmed by that. The old saying is that the fire from Heaven won't descend until you've built the altar for it. And it may take a while piling the rocks up into the right shape. Don't hurry. If this is something you intend to spend a lifetime on, make sure the foundations are sound. The time taken will be worth it.
And BTW, do you intend that kind of length of commitment? If you're not sure, that's fine. But there's no one else to ask at this point who can give you meaningful answers. This is the time to get into it. Work out what "having a career in writing" looks like for you. Then start investigating to see whether your conception has any foundation in reality as a kind of lifestyle you actually have decent odds on achieving. (Again, I'm an outlier here. I'd been writing for pleasure for a long time before I had the good fortune to befriend an actual career writer, examine his habits [and those of other writers in the LA area] at close range, and realize that this line-of-work choice was actually something that could be successfully pulled off by mere mortals.) After investigation, this is a call that only you can make.
But anyway. Once you've started experiencing the kind of motivation that comes of increased certainty about what you want to do and why, you'll find you're way less concerned about sourcing or supporting it externally. It tends to fuel itself. (As once it does descend, the fire from Heaven is tenacious stuff: more Greek than otherwise.)
But also: trying to designate outsourced exterior stimulants for motivation is a bad idea. The reason's simple: one day you'll need them and they won't be there. Conditions will have changed, or the outside-of-you sources into the hands of which you've resigned your motivational agency may not be available for one reason or another, temporarily or permanently... and then where are you? The concept's a nonstarter. If your motivation's acting up, you need to be looking inward, not outward, for ways to kickstart it. This is one of the most personal parts of the writing process. You need to own it.
(And yeah, even career writers' motivation slips sometimes: annoying career things happen, cyclic lows cut in at a bad time, you name it. Most of us work out ways to jar the motivation back into correct operation when it acts up. But for such corrections to work you must first know what it's like to generate or mine yours yourself... and you're still working on that. The methods you find to generate motivation toward doing the Work will also assist you in diagnosing it when it goes south, and putting it right again.)
Also: (sighing) Please let your friends off the hook as regards reading your material, and feedback. Your motivation to write should not be dependent on their feedback, and it's not a good idea to try to make friends feel responsible for keeping you on the creative track. Chief among reasons for this: they may not feel themselves up to the task of giving you the writing support you're apparently asking them for—possibly because they simply don't feel competent to. (This is where we could get into how I had to stop @petermorwood from rewriting his third novel for the third time due to conflicting notes from friends... but let's leave that for later.) At best you're possibly making your friends deeply uncomfortable. At worst, the pressure may damage the friendships.
Tl:dr; our friends may love us dearly, but that doesn't make them competent editors. If you're online, so are many writers' groups who'll welcome a new member who needs advice. Wait till you've got more data and clarity on your motivational issues, and then start shopping around for assistance that seems friendly and trustworthy.
And finally (for the moment), about other people's attention spans:
It'd be good if you can start training yourself away from the habit of worrying about those. For one thing, there's absolutely nothing you can do about them. You might as well worry about the 11-year sunspot cycle. The attention-span issue is just one more distraction from things you should usefully be thinking about. But also: A lot of what we hear about that situation strikes me as fearmongering (as, IIRC, it was supposed to cause the downfall of western civilization around the time I started writing for Scooby-Doo).
If you look around, you'll see that loads of people are willing to spend HUGE amounts of their attention on stuff they love. (I mean, have you been on AO3 lately? And we're just talking about free stuff, there. Lots of other people will do the same for traditionally published work, given the chance and the money.) Your job is to get on with writing, start putting what you're doing out there where people will have a chance to fall in love with it, and then deal with the consequences.
More of this next time. (And please bear with me, as I'm still not up to best operating speed after the last week's illness. I'll get to everything else you sent me, I promise.)
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yoayoaa · 7 months
Hi nice to meet you can I ask the transformers prime bots and cons react to finding in a pod an bunch of sparkling beans I imagine them to be small enough to be hold by human arms and soft and squishy like alike mashmellows until they grown giant size
Prompt: Tfp Autobots and Decepticons reacting to a pod full of small sparklings
Warnings: no warnings, this is sfw
Notes: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I'd want to hold one or two tbh 😔😔
-well this is unexpected-
-the team found a stasis pod before bringing it back- although with a bit of hesitation due to some previous experiences...
-ANYWHO the last thing they'd be expecting for the pod to be FULL OF SPARKLINGS
-Ratchet is worrying his aft off about their health, he's old give him a break 😭
-Optimus and Bumblebee are worried for the sparklings, how long have they been in that stasis pod
-Arcee, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack is confused onto why are there a bunch of sparklings in a pod, sent to Earth
-i feel like Smokescreen would have been worried yet confused at the same time, he has no idea whats going on 💀
-Ultra magnus...well i think he'd be worried about the team's availability but also minding the fact that the sparklings also need someone (somebot-) to watch over them
-the bots would be more aware of their surroundings with how small and squishy and sparklings are
-more so when Miko was able to hold them 😭
-Thankfully Ratchet deduced that the sparklings would grow much larger than their current size...now to think of where to house them-
-well well well what do we have here, a soon to be deceptico-
-im kidding 😭 (or not? Depends on said cons-)
-again they thought there was a relic in the pod, AND NOT A BUNCH OF SMALL SPARKLINGS IN IT
-bet most of the cons were to baffled to speak until Megatron tells someone to take care of this 'problem'
-Starscream would have the thought of making said decepticon army from sparklings, but probably forgot how hard it is to teach sparklings
-Soundwave would entertain some of them with his visor (the smiley faces, using his tentacle(?) thing by tickling the little sparklings)
-Knockout would check on the sparklings, probably let out a horrendous gasp or two from how dinged up the sparklings' paint job are
-Breakdown (lets assume he's still alive for the sake of this-) would help Knockout in the med bay
-We do not talk about Airachnid because we know she wont give a damn about those sparklings 💀
-Dreadwing would be confused on how to handle them, i feel like he'd be the type to stiffen up when a sparkling was handed to him
-Shockwave wouldn't really think much or spend much time with them, probably considered it "illogical"
-WE CANT FORGET ABOUT THE VEHICONS. BET THEY ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE SPARKLINGS. A bunch of light to the dark and gloomy lifes of said Vehicons
-Again both Knockout and Shockwave probably reassure Megatron that the sparklings would grow larger than their current size
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tero-ga · 3 months
Aaaaanother TGAA SwapAU stuff and it is my wonderful boy Albert as the prosecutor!!
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I've changed some of the designs in this one like the jacket color to white to make a resemblance of a lab coat and reflecting of Kazuma white school uniform, as well trying to bring more Frankenstein's Monster vibe too hehe (aaand make him look more miserable too). He is also have a locket that have a painting of him and his two brothers, it was given by Andrew during his wedding!
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I also made bunch of character that related to Swap!Albert's life from 10 years ago, like Andrew(Klint's roleswap) and his other brother Michael, university Barok and Albert, etc. more info about the are there down below 👇👇
First of I wanted to say I'm sorry I can't do full render of everyone here, do that with all of them would be death sentence for me so I couldn't do it 😭😭 Anyway without further ado, I'm going right into it! Start from left to right!
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This first one Ryunosuke father replacing as Genshin Asogi. At first while brainstorming I was thinking of maybe do three switch around with Genshin, Jigoku, and Yujin but the it somehow felt weird for me. Then the thought of maybe involving Auchi in this too (like, imagine him being swap with Jigoku wouldn't that be funny and terrifying thought), but discarded that idea out because of Menimemo would have no one to swap with (i have to i'm sorry). Sooo I ended just design him from scratch, he is quite easy to figure out since Genshin doesn't really have much going on with him, but since we don't have any idea of original Ryunosuke's parents at all I have to take idea from something else, and that is his daruma doll for his eyes (he is half blind!! :D) and Phoenix DD/SOJ design (droopy hair and light vest) and everything else is from Genshin. His name is Ryuuki Naruhodo since Ryunosuke is another name for Ryuichi so I want to keep the train going!!
Andrew the screwdriver, oh I missed him- Anyway, I redesign his outfit because tbh his previous outfit is ridiculous 😭 it's funny and fun but I do want to take him seriously now. I'm tried to keep the A shape still but it's less subtle now, I think it turned out okay!! (Oh yeah, his cane is supposed to be a hidden sword but i forgot to put that in the drawing 😭). I was supposed to make his bowtie red like the hair tie but then I realized it will getting rid of the purpose of the hair tie (it referencing the blood on the tip of the screwdriver) so I ended up making it color silver.
The Lady Baskerville, I gave her similar design to Sunny(Herlock!Swap) with the bowtie, color palette to his mascot, and hair on her. I'm not really quite fond with her design, maybe I'll do redesign her again if I got a idea pop up like crazy but in the meantime this is her design.
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Guess who is this?? Another one of Albert's tool is here finally!! Michael the crosshead screwdriver! Since we never see Michael anywhere and only mentioned once in the game he is, I'm just draw simple design for him (I wished I could put M shape in the design but I have no idea WHERE to put it 😭 so I tried used the bowtie for it). I also thought it would be nice to make him a defense attorney so I made the design for the badge too. Since he is sadly not going to be mentioned a lot in this AU since I'm trying to make the storyline same as the original, so I made a backstory of what happened in the fun fact tags. There was supposed to be more tool to be added but my god that would be taxing to design, so I have to make only Andrew and Michael as his only siblings.
The doggie Balmung replacement, Bolt, He is a Irish Setter! Beforehand he was supposed to be Borzoi but then research the background of the breed I don't how difficult it is to actually get one in that era so I have to changed breed :((
Albert and Barok in university days!! I just keep same as before like previous design!! There's a tiny change like the hair and the neckties.
There is going to be more content of them soon because I have a lot of ideas for them sooo stay tuned ;)
Here's the concept designs!!
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#tgaa#barok van zieks#albert harebrayne#tgaa2 spoilers#the great ace attorney#swap au#genshin asogi#klint van zieks#ryuuki naruhodo swap au#andrew harebrayne swap au#michael harebrayne swap au#<- once again i still cannot believe i made Albert's screwdrivers a thing in this au and just says they're both good siblings and ryunosuke#<- father is supposed to be his daruma. i'm having fun with this but also omg#lady baskerville#balmung#fun fact: Albert has a vast knowledge about bugs as he is fascinated by nature. He learned in university day as a side hobby#<- this is my way to replace bats living in his prosecution office. and Kazuma absolutely hated it (he hates bugs in this au)#fun fact: Albert is always sleep deprived and constant migraine 24/7 so because of the he is actually drinking less frequently in court#<- up until Kazuma shows up#fun fact: Albert does read the Randst Magazine of Jane Watson stuffs during his absents and personally enjoys it. But where it comes to#<- Jane herself he absolutely have enough of her bullshit. says that her invention is absolutely bogus and should always just stay in#<- fiction and that made Sunny so mad he ended up called him Grimsy because he says he doesn't deserve the Lord title (but it's okay.#<- later on the grudge is subside and he still called him Grimsy because he likes the nickname he gave him)#fun fact: Andrew actually squint his eyes because he is also nearsighted. He just refused to wear glasses as he kept losing it#fun fact: the only reason why Michael became defense attorney is because Albert suggested it so he could challenge him and argue in#<- the courtroom and he say alright bet and starts learn law stuff. but that never happened as their relationship became sour during Albert#<- wanting to take over the Professor case. Michael have a nag feeling that Ryuuki is not the culprit and they had a fight over it.#fun fact relating to last one: one year later Michael moved in to France as he also got threats and being followed by underlings of#<- defendants that died by the Grim Reaper just because he is related to Albert#this is the longest thing I've ever written about this au so i want to say thank you for reading all of this rambling 💖
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rainbowsky · 6 months
Hey, I'm new here and i love your blog! I was wondering if the boys see couple\sexual edits of them together and if it makes them nervous but then it hit me that they probably aren't seeing what i see on western social media. Do you have any idea if those types of homosexual posts get censored in China?
Hi Yingyangorly! Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!☺️
I have a huge long, like, ridiculously long post in my drafts related to this topic, hopefully coming soon.
But to answer your question, I think it's impossible that GG and DD would fail to see at least some of what's posted about them as a couple, whether sent to them by friends, family or staff, or whether stumbled upon or intentionally sought out/browsed by them. It's inevitable they'll see some of it, particularly things that get a lot of attention.
I talked about this a bit a while back. GG and DD have said in interviews that they have fake social media accounts (and of course they would - how could you go anywhere or do anything on social media without one if you were famous?), and this kind of discussion has happened somewhat in relation to fan comments, etc.
You can check out my previous post for more on that stuff.
As for sexual edits, etc., like any other content I've no doubt they've seen some of it - it's inevitable they would - but I doubt it worries them all that much. It's highly unlikely to ever impact them directly, because ultimately it's not really about them, is it? It's about the creators who make it. Any backlash is more likely to fall upon creators, not GG and DD.
And just as a reminder - it's not illegal to be gay in China, it's not illegal to post homosexual content, etc. Such content is censored on TV and other broadcast media, but not online.
Porn is very illegal in China, but that's mostly only selectively enforced. In fact, China produces a lot of porn and a lot of smutty fiction and all of it is illegal, but it still manages to thrive fairly well.
Explicit content of any kind is technically not allowed on Weibo but it's still out there - although most of it is pretty toned down and tame. Actual porn of sexual activity isn't ubiquitous there, but lewd fan art, fan fic, edits and memes can often be found.
All platforms globally have rules against explicit content, and they're just as poorly enforced everywhere. I suspect a lot of that is because social media engagement makes money, and sex sells. It's not really in the interest of platforms to completely shut down all such content - even if it was possible to do so.
The supertopic rules likely have more impact on fan behavior in this regard than the Weibo TOS does. Those rules forbid mentioning GG and DD by name or tagging their accounts, and forbid sexualization, pornography, feminization and fixating on body parts. However, that's only within the supertopics. Ultimately people are free to post whatever they want on their own accounts, and they do.
Given how many antis and solos are out there trying to take down the turtle fandom, the fact that these things manage to stay up for as long as they do speaks to how weak the enforcement is. There are definitely people out there who will report things that offend them.
This is, in fact, how the whole 227 thing got started. A bunch of solos decided to report an explicit fanfic to the government, and things spiralled out of control from there.
Could lightning strike a second time and another 227 be sparked from some of this explicit content? For a lot of complicated reasons I'm not going to get into here (it would be a very long post), I don't think that's likely.
227 was a special, very complicated situation that I don't think is likely to happen the same way again. Timing and a lot of the other factors that played into its blowing up the way it did - all of that is unlikely to align in such a way. Especially since everyone in C-ent is a lot more cautious and vigilant after 227.
GG and DD are both in good standing with the government (as is evidenced by their inclusion in government and nationalistic projects), and that's a factor that will have some influence. And no doubt they and their teams have learned a lot from past experience, and have already planned for how to protect them in various scenarios that could arise.
They also have the power to have content relating to them removed, to sue content creators, to shut down the supertopics if they want to, etc.. If they feel at risk, they have a lot of recourse. The fact that we aren't seeing this happening should reassure us that it's probably fine.
We have to realize that GG and DD are surrounded by highly skilled, highly paid professionals whose entire job is to protect them and their interests. They're both in a much safer place than they were 4 years ago.
I trust them to know what's best for them and handle their affairs accordingly. We as fans shouldn't waste time hand-wringing over things that are completely outside our control.
As for what's within our control - it's up to every individual to make our own choices about how we'll represent GG and DD online.
More on that angle if/when I ever finish that other post.
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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f...FANK YOIU SO MYUCH!!! 🥰💖💖💖
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My cookies can eat and drink :0 but that's mostly becuase I imagine my cookies as more.. people than cookies <XD
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Ah, I'm afraid I cannot help you there. I seem to be physically incapable of explaining how I draw things. I've made some hand/art tutorials in the past but I just cant seem to explain myself well-
It boils down to: "Well.. I just, draw it. And uh.. if it looks kind'a off? Draw it a little differently. And if it still looks off.. then uh.. just draw it again, until it looks right." <XDD Not really helpful.. sorry!..
Also thank you so much!! :DD Your compliments mean the world!! 💖
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ALKSF XDD That sounds great, I'll keep that in mind! :}
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(Post in question)
XD It sure is!
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That is a good idea! I'll have to keep this in mind! :0 ..Though I do love receiving asks.. 🥺
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XDD I've been told that Jangles looks like Papyrus, they might fight right in!
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Oooo that's a good idea! I might have to try that! :00
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(Post in question) (..Or was it this post-)
ALKJSWDJ XDD I'm glad you liked it!! :DD
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Probably like warm canned tuna fish spread across a gingerbread cookie XDD
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I'm unfamiliar with the world of happy tree friends.. is it safe there? If so, sure they'll stay! :D
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That condition was tacked on last minute.. I haven't put much thought into it.. but I'm sure situations like that are very possible :00 I'll have to think more on it! :oo
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Can they do that?? Man, Tuna could really use that- <XD
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I don't know.. do they? :0
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Aww!! 🥰💖🥰
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I'm not sure.. idk how more cookies in the game are made- <XD
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I'm not sure.. I assume a world made of candy would be rather normal to them..? :0
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(Post in question)
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I would assume negative.. since a real cookie jar is a bunch of cookies kept "sealed" away in a jar. Its probably the equivalent of a prison to them! :00
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My interests come and go. We're bound to see more of it someday, :o
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Thank you XDD I hope it works!
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ooooo good question! :00
Its rare that Seafoam gets really stressed or overwhelmed. Its the mark of a good Captain to keep his cool when under pressure. But if there comes a time where his stress is high and he cant get away from the situation, he probably seeks out Octo for help. Getting him to take over so that he can step away or just to help him in general. In which Octo is always willing to help.
Octo is the same as Seafoam. Really good under pressure and rarely gets overwhelmed. But just like Seafoam, if things get to be too much he would seek out Seafoam for help. Maybe even getting Seafoam to take control so can get a few minutes to himself.
Red probably gets stressed a lot, the poor kid :< He just runs to Coco, Seafoam, Blue or even Octo if he can. Just the nearest parental/protective figure that can resolve the situation for him <XD
I can see Blue diving deeper or swimming out a ways from the ship when stressed. The whale equivalent of taking a walk <XD
Cuttlefish probably uses her powers to slip out of any situation and find a quiet space to calm down. Removing herself from the situation usually fixes her up pretty quick. Spider crab is the same, just going to find a space alone where he can calm himself down. Usually by taking deep breaths and soaking up the quiet.
Urchin, Louis, Coco, Tuna and Ellie probably would all just find a way to leave the situation to go pace and rant when stressed. Even if they have to make a scene in order to leave.
I can see Pinwheel fleeing to Seafoam whenever something becomes too much to handle. Getting him to step in and help her, though she might not fully leave the situation. Since Seafoam provides her comfort, she might hover nearby while Seafoam resolves the situation for her.. 🥺
(Also thank you for the ask/prompt! Was very tasty😋)
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@artistmad (Post in question)
:DD Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! XDD
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aealzx · 2 years
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“....Hey Donnie?”
“....I miss you…”
“....I miss the times your music would sometimes rattle the subway cars.”
“I miss how I’d hear you cheering from your lab when you figured something out that had been troubling you for a while.”
“I miss when you’d stumble into the kitchen in the morning, still half asleep but not wanting to miss another breakfast. Somehow you always knew when it had been too many times, and we were getting worried about you. So you’d show up even if you hadn’t slept much, because it made us feel better.”
“I miss being able to try cooking new things, because sometimes the old recipes were just too much, or not enough.”
“I miss how your phone gives us a second light during movies, because it’s not enough to keep your mind busy. But also when the light disappears, and I turn to see you staring with big eyes at the screen because it does catch your interest. And you end up shushing Leo for teasing you about being a nerd. Or the better times are when you’re both excited together over the movie.”
“I miss bringing you drawings, because the ones you have are too old and needed an update.”
“I miss when you’d carry on and on about something that you couldn’t make sense of, and that never made sense to me. But then you’d suddenly get it and run off in excitement.”
“...I miss all the little things you’d do….”
“It’s not the same. You being here, but not moving.”
“.... Those flowers you planted ended up blooming like you said. Blue, purple, yellow, white, red, and orange. They’re really pretty. I would have drawn them, but I can’t really draw right now. So I took a bunch of pictures instead. I hope……”
“…. I hope you wake up soon so you can see them for yourself….”
Sometimes I want to do too many things at once, so give my friends a list and let them choose. This time wys picked self indulgence |DD Here you guys go too. Post movie ideas
I actually inked this one, and then tried to shade, but got fed up and gave up XDDD
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kit-kat-jo · 3 months
a collection of obscure murder drones headcanons and thoughts before i forget them:
(some of these are very obviously speculative or possibly debunked but i just think they’re neat)
worker drones have more insect symbolism and behavior while dissassembly drones act more like wild animals, specifically carnivorous or cat-like (classic predator and prey) Nature repeats itself even if its through manmade robots, it would seem
worker drones, after humans kicked the bucket, continue to develop and update based on their initial software as some sort of survival instinct (not including the absolute solver), in order to keep on going. i imagine their software would have to heavily adapt to frequently creating little pill babies with their code, and maybe even certain instincts to protect themselves from murder drones
dissassembly drones can sometimes have different body builds based on status: lither bodies and less complicated outfits for squad members and more sophisticated getup and thicker / taller body mass for squad leaders, or maybe just specifically for pilots like N. (it could very well be a gender thing but i just think this idea is cooler!)
lil developing drones pick out their hard hats and what color they want when they’re old enough to be built a head, and once you have it built in and melded to your robot skull there’s no changing it. so Uzi partially wears a beanie because she hates the color of hers and wants to cover it up to uphold her emo phase aesthetic
drones don’t wear pants because… well they tried when first integrating themselves into a society, but because of how flat their bodies are built, they just slide right off. Maybe they could modify fabric or come up with some gadget to make them fit, but maybe it’s just not worth the trouble. (moreso, for an embarrassingly long time i thought the fuzz underneath Uzi’s hoodie was a skirt, but no it’s just the bottom of her hoodie… and i was wondering why literally no other drone in the show wore any fuckin pants)
before she rebooted as a zombie drone, little maid Cyn had the exact same personality as the solver acted out in episode 5 (just without the eltrich horror and glados voice attached) and just used it to blend in
i like to think there are a bunch more disassembly drones that the solver has under its belt that are scattered all over the other parts of Copper-9, scrounging other colonies and just waiting to appear in the big final fight or whatever the solver has planned up for the finale… the whole alphabet squad pulling up
branching off of this one, when serial designation bots run out of letters they cycle through them again, imagine N face to face with another DD and they have the same name and V just kills his proclaimed brother in front of his eyes traumatizing him forever
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Gravity Falls School-Related Headcanons
Both Dipper and Mabel are good students, although Mabel does occasionally get in trouble for getting distracted/not sitting still/talking in class, however, they're both generally considered to be good kids.
Dipper generally excels in all of his academic subjects, however his favourite subjects are biology and ancient history. He's usually pretty quiet in class, except every now and again he says either the most unhinged or most badass thing ever and everyone is freshly reminded that yes, Dipper Pines is, in fact, in this class (this is heavily inspired by my best friend who is exactly like that). Dipper doesn't hate PhysEd as much as he used to pre-Gravity Falls, however he's still not a huge fan of it.
Mabel's best subjects are the artistic ones, and she is instantly beloved by all the art teachers. She does a ton of extracurriculars, partially because she has a bunch of interests, and also because she has a tendency to join clubs and such because her friends/guys she's interested in are in them, and she has participated to some degree in every school musical she's had the chance to take part in. The only class she really struggles with a lot is maths, because it's 'too boring and logic-y' for her to stay focused on, particularly if Dipper isn't there to help her. She's also a cheerleader, because of course she is.
Friendgroup wise, Mabel has a lot of friendgroups. She has friends from all of her various classes and extracurriculars, friends she knows from elementary school (I had a long mindblank whereupon I forgot the word for 'primary school' in the USA, just thought I should let you know), and of course, she has extrovert-adopted Dipper and his friends. Despite this whole army of friends, she doesn't have any particularly close friends in Piedmont, and if she's asked who her best friend is, she'll respond with Candy and Grenda, who remain the only people who can quite match her energy.
Dipper, meanwhile, has pretty much had the same one best friend, named Ethan DiMarcos, forever. The two of them have very similar interests (although Ethan can't quite match Dipper's enthusiasm for all things paranormal), and tend to keep to themselves much of the time, and have pretty much had each other's back. While I'm not a huge fan of the idea that Dipper has been relentlessly bullied his entire school career and has no friends, it is canon that he has been victim of some bullying, and he's certainly not popular. Post-Gravity Falls, I think he's actually able to stand up to the bullies a little better, and generally he and Ethan have each other's backs. They do have a third friend, Paige Li, who they only met at the beginning of high school, because she was trying to find other DD&MD fans. Paige has had a crush on Dipper for ages, but despite Ethan and Mabel trying to pull strings, nothing is likely ever to come from it. Speaking of Ethan and Mabel, they did date for about a month in ninth grade, which horrified Dipper, especially since he was put in the middle of it when they broke up, thankfully amicably.
Now, I have said plenty about the Pineses, let's talk about what the other characters are like in school:
Candy's best subjects are chemistry, physics and music, and manages to be an impressively good student, despite reading fanfiction in class.
Grenda isn't necessarily the greatest student in most classes, however, she's BRILLIANT at English. For all she lacks in verbally diplomatic skills, she's incredibly smooth on paper. Grenda also, unsurprisingly, is also very good at PhysEd.
Pacifica's best subject is mathematics, and unsurprisingly she excels particularly at any finance-related maths. She's also the star of the school's debate team, because she has the power to crush people in the grip of logic. She also refuses point-blank to join the cheer team, even though they really want her.
Gideon's true calling is the stage, so drama class is his best class, although he's a brilliant student at most subjects.
Wendy and her friends are decidedly not good students, as they're all more interested in having fun and causing trouble than doing work (except Thompson, of course). This results in them being decidedly not the teacher's favourites.
I think that's all I got for now, thanks for reading!
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rivalsforlife · 1 month
It’s fascinating to me that Courtney, who in the end was on the side of “good” used Edgeworth in much the way the villains of the games have, as a weapon or tool to be deployed for their own ends. As did Shi-Long Lang in the final case of the first Investigations game when he accused Franziska, knowing Edgeworth would get her out of it but also hoping the process would open up opportunities for them
Like Edgeworth, as his name(s) imply, is a blade that can cut thru almost any legal opposition and when he was at his most villainous he didn’t question what he was slicing, he was willing to be pointed in a direction and he swung. He eventually learns to use his own morality and judgement for what he aims for and but he still sees himself as a weapon, tho now for the pursuit of Truth. And that can still be used against his will as we saw with Courtney and Shi-Long Lang and it culminates in Simone Keys again using Edgeworth to destroy his enemies for him, tho he doesn’t expect Edgeworth to be able to also take him down like most villains.
IDK I like that in the world of AA Edgeworth is like “dangerous” and a scary force to be reckoned with and how people try and use that even once he turns to the side of the Truth. And I wonder how much people that love Edgeworth as a person, and even Edgeworth himself, appreciates this fact or how they all perceive it. Kay and Gumshoe as firmly in the camp of “Edgeworth as a person first” but it’s not all he is in this world, he’s a resource to some and an obstacle to others rather then a more typical friend/enemy human distinction
(I think also this aspect of Edgeworth, aiming and able to cut down anything he deems a worthy target, can still somehow catch Nick off guard, even if he himself counts on it: see Miles at the end of DD and how he accuses Athena (however we feel about that game in anycase). And
hi I am very sorry that I left this sitting for. over six months. I don't have any excuse other than "I started to feel guilty about how long it was taking me to respond". but you sent this before aai ports were officially announced and now we have an official aai2 localization coming up and isn't that crazy? there was a time where I thought that would never happen.
but yeah it is super interesting to me how aai2 uses Edgeworth, and particularly how Simon uses Edgeworth. I think I wrote a few paragraphs of a fic for it once. In Simon's eyes his meticulous revenge plan (which was really just "get revenge on Patricia" because I have no idea what his plan would have been for Blaise and the body double in this situation) was about to fall apart when suddenly Edgeworth swoops in, makes a whole bunch of assumptions based on Simon's familial situation and general "ace attorney wacky defendant" demeanor, and then comes up with his own explanation of how Simon was involved in the case (Knightley obviously trusted you with that chisel Simon!!) and aggressively pushes it and interprets evidence to support it until he wins.
And it's fascinating because Ace Attorney court tends to operate on this same situation - here's the evidence we have, the prosecution interprets this in a way that makes the defendant guilty, the defense interprets this in a way that makes the defendant innocent. First example that comes to mind right now is Edgeworth in 1-2 saying "Yes, obviously the evidence shows that Redd White was in the office at some point, and here's my interpretation of it where he's not guilty of murder." And usually the defense's interpretation (or in general the protagonist's interpretation) is right. Edgeworth's explanation of the events of aai2-2 all check out, and lots of it is right, except for how exactly Simon gets roped into it.
And Simon sees this guy who is very clever, but also very stubborn, and will push his opinion and interpretation of events even when evidence is against it until they find evidence that supports his argument and everyone agrees that he's right, and rightfully recognizes that if he can just convince Edgeworth to be on his side (oh woe poor little me, I lost my dad when I was a kid, and now everyone's accusing me of murder :( or oh no dear little Kay is caught up in this murder, obviously she must be innocent, so he will not stop until he takes down the person actually responsible) he can get Edgeworth to do whatever he wants. Plus, Edgeworth is part of the prosecution and has that protection in place that Simon does not have.
And his downfall is that Edgeworth, ultimately, does not believe in his client! Which is such an interesting thing to do in the game where Edgeworth is trying to figure out if he wants to be a defense attorney, and in AA-universe being a defense attorney means you have to believe in your client. We can see it in aai2-2 where Ray and Kay are always reminding him that he's doing this to save Simon, not to find the truth. Ultimately Edgeworth's loyalty lies with the truth, and as soon as his logic led him to Simon being the one who was behind these events and hurt Kay, he didn't react like Phoenix would have if someone he believed in was accused -- "no, I believe in him no matter what, he's innocent and I will rethink all of my logic over and over until I find something that proves it" -- he instantly turned on Simon, made Simon the enemy, and at that moment he was doomed.
(Sidenote that I really would love to see what would happen if Phoenix had a guilty client that he chose, that he genuinely believed in, and had to reckon with that faith being misplaced. It's one of the reasons I dislike SOJ's civil trial so much.)
Man I love aai2. I am so excited to play it again with a new translation and get new insights into everything. Different translations, like adaptations of media, will interpret some things slightly differently and can cast a whole new light on things, so I'm so looking forward to revisiting aai2 and seeing how that official translation might challenge some of the thoughts I had of it previously. I think Simon will be especially fun.
Anyways. Sorry again for taking so long to answer this and that it mostly turned into aai2 gushing. I think your ask got cut off at the end there but I certainly don't expect you to remember what you were thinking six months ago (if you're even still here to read this!)
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pastafossa · 9 months
The last day of 2023.
And holy shit has it been a chaotic ride, one which you all shared with me, or that's what it feels like!
The Major Moments:
Feb: Cato's cancer diagnosis and discovery of weird mutated cells that likely won't be explained until after he passes away. He's still with me, fortunately! No idea how much time he has left but I'm grateful for every second
April: a small leak in my dining room ceiling turned into a bigger leak which turned into a massive hole in the ceiling, at least it wasn't winter???
May: DD Born Again Photos give us all a goddamn heart attack
May: I FUCKING REACH MY OVERALL 1,000,000 WORD COUNT ON AO3. 🎊 🎉 🎊 Next stop is 1mill for TRT!
June: At that same con, I finally FINALLY got to meet my bff @wonderlandmind4 in person after many many many late nights of chatting, and we just CLICKED like we'd been friends for years, which I should have expected, but still! And then I got to meet a bunch of my readers, too! Best con experience EVER
July: enter Whoops Covid Finally Got Me After 3 Years But Charlie Was Worth It ™
July: Finally dusted off my draft of Pasta's First Dark Fic cause even if my brain was too fuzzy to write, I figured I could edit a bit. And I did! And was pretty happy with the results!
August: Shit Now There's A Long Covid Heart Issue And I Can't Be Seen Until Late November Thanks Covid ®
August: leak in the garage leads to me losing about 65% of all the beautiful, special woods pieces I'd gathered over the course of six years for carving. Within a week I am gifted a huge bin of wood from a kind soul at my local witchy shop
Sept: TRT's 6th anniversary!
Nov: I was slowly getting back into the swing of things, doing a bit of writing in between learning to manage whatever was going on with my heart (which we'll hopefully figure out in January when I get all the results of testing in Jan)
Early Dec, and the worst week of my life: mom got sick. Within one day she went from not feeling good to needing an ambulance. By the next day, she was in the ICU - flu induced double pneumonia that was interfering with her breathing and heart issues. And with one more day, she was put into an induced coma and ventilated, without any of us sure if she'd pull through. They told us she'd likely be under for two weeks, potentially longer even if she made it. The amount of messages and supportive comments I got from all of you, the talks I had with @wonderlandmind4 and @shouldbestudying41, just the general sense of having a community to help me means more than I can ever say as you all helped me through that terrible, horrible moment, even if it was just gently messaging me to remind me to try to eat.
Mid Dec: against ALL odds, Mom was off the ventilator in a week. By week 2, she was out of the ICU. By week 3? Off to the physical rehab center. She was there a grand total of 1 week before she was allowed to come home to finish her recovery. Early December was the worst moment of my life, and yet it was also bookended by the best Christmas of my life even if it was spent at the rehab center, because I got to have my mama back, and hug her and tell her I loved her and make jokes, and now she's home and we've been watching Christmas movies and eating grilled cheeses, and as far as I'm concerned, that's what the holiday is to me: not presents and snow and lights, but this moment, this time with her. 'In all the places you find love, it feels like Christmas.'
In just a few hours for me, it'll be 2024. I have no idea what to expect going forward, or even what to plan for, much less a resolution. I know I want to get back to TRT when mom's a bit better (she still needs a lot of help, understandably). I know there are wood carvings I want make; friends I want to visit; witchy events at my local shop I want to go to. But other than that... who knows? If I'm lucky, things will be calmer than this past year. But even if they aren't, at least I know I have dear friends, all of you, and my family, including Pasta Mama, to help me through it.
Goodbye, 2023. Hello, 2024.
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sarcasticsra · 9 months
PSA: if you wear a bra
You're probably wearing the wrong size. Most people are.
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This is a screenshot of the bra company Pepper's size guide. Let's take a look at this, shall we?
Hmm, a 25-26" underbust and a 29-30" bust... sized as a 30A.
No. This is not how bra-sizing works. The band ought to match or be fairly close to the underbust measurement. It HAS to be, to provide any support and to be comfortable. Because, yes, bras can be quite comfortable! In the correct size. A band that is too big is going to ride up and shift and rub and move and be awful. A cup that is too small is going to squeeze your tissue into the band, making it feel tighter, and painful, because now your band is pressed into breast tissue.
Bra sizes are a ratio. The letter by itself is meaningless. There is no such thing as "an A cup" or "a D cup." Both A and D cups look vastly different on different bands. "Size DD+" as a bra size category is similar to a shoe store with a "size 6+" category, except worse, because shoe size really is generally only determined by one number. "DD+" being all the information you're going on to determine a bra size would be like answering the question, "How far away is that?" with, "Five." Minutes? Hours? Miles? Blocks? There's a whole range of things that could mean!
The letters correspond (roughly--people don't come in 2-inch increments) to inches of difference between the under and over bust measurement. So going back to our supposed "30A" up there... let's assume a 26" underbust and a 30" bust. 30 is 4 more inches than 26.
A: 1 inch, B: 2 inches, C: 3 inches, D: 4 inches.
Yes, that's correct. That person Pepper is trying to shove into a 30A should be wearing a 26D. A 30A bra would be for someone with a rough underbust measurement of 30 inches and a rough bust measurement of 31 inches. 1 inch difference. Whereas the 26D is for 26 under, 30 over. Notice how the 26D is actually a SMALLER total circumference than the 30A? Cup size scales with band size.
The reason this company pisses me off in particular is because if they wanted to be a niche "smaller boobs" bra company, there is a HUGE untapped market in people who need sub-32 bands. A few carry 30s and 28s but good luck if you need a 26 or 24. And they could help more people get into PROPERLY fitted bras, instead of tossing them into matrix sizes and pretending they're special.
I saw this on their website: "The industry designs for 36C. We design for AA, A, and B."
Also, the industry designs for fucking no one. The industry calls "A cups" small and "D cups" large, tosses out 32-40 in bands and A-DD in cup sizes and calls it good.
DD is five inches of difference between under bust and bust. 5 inches on a person with a 30-inch underbust is going to look MUCH different than 5 inches on a person with a 38-inch underbust. A circle with a total circumference of 43 inches is MUCH larger than a circle with a total circumference of 35 inches.
If you wear bras, and you want to make your life infinitely better, I beg, plead, urge you to go to abrathatfits.org and do the calculator. (Particularly if you've always been sized as an A or B cup, because those are actually very rare true sizes on any band.) The calculator actually takes into account 6 measurements, because for some people a leaning bust measurement is more important than a standing one. Believe the calculator. It will almost certainly give you a band size smaller than you expect and a cup size much larger than you expect. It's not perfect, so it's a good idea to try a cup larger and smaller, too, but it's generally very close. Try different sizes in the same bra--and NOT a t-shirt bra or any bra with molded/formed cups. almost no one properly fits those. Look for an unlined, seamed bra. Go by UK sizing, and stick to the UK brands. (Bare Necessities carries a bunch of them.) US bras are horribly inconsistent, especially in larger cup sizes. UK brands also generally have a far larger size range.
Any time you try on a bra, be sure to "scoop and swoop" to ensure ALL of the breast tissue fits into the cup. A big issue with ill-fitting bras is breast tissue that migrated to the armpit. You ever notice a little bulge on the side at the top of the band under your arm? There's a good chance that's actually displaced breast tissue.
Also check out The Irish Bra Lady on Instagram. She has tons of posts showing what properly fitted bras look like, in a wide range of sizes. If you're really in doubt about the size the calculator gives you, check her account first, she probably has a picture of someone in that size or close. It's helpful sometimes to see what it actually looks like.
Unfortunately, size is only one aspect of a well-fitting bra. Shape is equally important. Some bras have taller cups, some have shorter, which work better for different root sizes. There's fullness, is it mostly on the top or bottom? Even? Horizontally? Close set, wide set? Projected, shallow?
Go through all the resources at the abrathatfits subreddit. They have tons and tons of information to help determine your shape, what bras might work best for you, and the commenters are incredibly helpful if you need to make a post to ask a question.
I'm not going to lie, it took me probably 6-9 months to find a bra that fits? I have to buy mine from Poland. It was a bit of an ordeal.
But now? Now, I think about my bra exactly twice per day: once when I put it on in the morning and once when I take it off in the evening. I don't notice it. It doesn't shift. It doesn't poke. My straps aren't cutting into my shoulders or falling off them. I'm not constantly "reseating" my boobs. It turns out they stay put just fine if you give them a seat they actually fit into.
Finding a well-fitting bra is up there with medication and regular exercise in terms of its contribution to my quality of life. It's confusing, and there's a LOT, but it is SO fucking worth it.
You know that TIkTok trend question that's all, "if you HAD to start talking about one topic for 30+ minutes straight, what would you talk about?"
I will spend the rest of my life shouting all of this from the rooftops. Bras can be comfortable! It's actually true!
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subaerial-dweller · 10 months
aaaAAA I'm on a roll now, I'm just spitting whatever comes into my mind about Generation Loss onto the table now. I love this show very much and I no longer care if people see these posts, I have too many thoughts and I'm writing them down :DD.
I don't think Frank is a skeleton. We know he's a dude, right? There was that screenshot someone took of Frank's poster in Episode 3, let me see if I can find it.
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Here we are. In my search for this screenshot, I did come across a lot of posts that said very similar things to what I was going to say, which was that Frank might just be a rotting corpse they drag around with them, which is really quite insane. I said in my first post of this late-night frenzy of Genloss thinking that I'm not very good at drawing, and in 45 minutes that hasn't actually changed. But I have a very graphic view in my head, and it makes the point where Jerma fucken smacks Frank across the face and breaks his fucking neck or something, it makes it all a lot harder to stomach. It's a gruesome thing, and now I'm just worried about how exactly Frank died.
Sneeg likes him, so maybe he was once the main character, where GL!Ranboo is now? It would make sense, because he's in that cage thing with Sneeg, so they might've just both failed together, but Frank was never going to go beyond the first episode without dying.
OH SPEAKING OF THAT. This is where the "and character origins" part of the post comes from.
I want to talk about where the other characters came from. We see a bunch of them, and they all allude to being in this game for a while before we see this iteration with GL!Ranboo in the main role, but I also have other ideas.
OPTION ONE: they're all, strictly speaking, actors, and Ranboo's the one running through this completely blind. They all know their roles, they understand what they have to do to get the story moving along (Sneeg tackles Austin to get Ranboo through the moving cutout wall thing, for example), and they play those roles. That would explain why Charlie's in every episode: he's the Slime Demon, then he's Surfer Dude/Patient Slime, and then he's Charlie Slimecicle the Streamer. He's a recurring talent (maybe I'll write another thing about where I think GL!Charlie came from, when speaking about option one). They're all mind controlled like Ranboo is, with the same filter layered over reality (except on Austin, I think his malfunctioned which is why he looked so horrified in the clothes room with Ethan, and on the merry-go-round next to rotting corpse!Frank, and Sneeg when he was wearing the hat). They're briefed on their roles, and they follow them, but their main goal is to keep the story moving and get Ranboo to the end. Once again, I think GL!Austin's filter thingy doesn't really work, because he called Jerma "sick", he looked horrified and disgusted to sit next to a dead body, I think he was the only person to care that GL!Ethan had been, you know, brutally murdered, and he also tried to take Ranboo's place in the cutout room.
OPTION TWO: They've all been through the games before. They've all been the main characters, and they've now been moved into other roles with each repetition of the show. So GL!Sneeg was once the main character in Episode 1, and then he fucked up and was locked in the cage with Frank (who also was the protagonist, but then he, uh, well something went wrong and Showfall regrets this Tragic Accident), before Ranboo comes around.
Slimecicle was the main character in Episode 2 once, and he was about to lose the Mousetrap game in the Candy Room, so he ate the piece so the Puzzler couldn't blast him to pieces. Obviously it worked, but he was repurposed as another role, because they took that "oh it's in him" as a great premise for the next time this show went over. Now, our version of Genloss, where GL!Ranboo's the main character, this could happen right after Slime ate the piece, or it could be a while back, but Showfall liked the idea so much they just kept forcing Slime to eat the pieces and random shit, or they cut him open and put it all back inside. Either way, it's not pretty.
Option Two would explain why GL!Vinesauce says "I've done it before" when he asks Sneeg and Ranboo to throw him across the lasers. It would make sense for the first two episodes, where there are other characters and the storyline seems to be in control (as much as Hetch was manipulating Episode 3, Ranboo did have his own mind back and made his own decisions, like with rescuing Streamer Charlie Slimecicle), because for those, the plotline is simple, straightforward, with barely any variation. The characters can be recycled, it makes sense. However, I think accidents do happen, and sometimes, in the case of Frank, actors only get past one episode before, you know, dying. RIP Frank. Squiggles misses you.
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ybetzarts · 1 year
Guys im new to tumblr. edit: am learning, still learning.
���Links to my other socials🌟:
Tumblr REblogs | Twitter/X | Instagram | Artfol
🌟ASKS ARE OPEN🌟 (jus a friendly reminder, that tho i may draw art suggestions, or doodle my response, i cannot guarantee that i'll be drawing all of them/or that i will doodle my response every single time hngg)
🌟THANK YOU FOR THE REBLOGS AND THE LIKES!🌟I really appreciate them:))
Hullo! it took a LOOONG time to muster up the courage and make my own art account. For a year my brain has been pestering me with a bunch of ideas i could never share to the public. Now's the time to unleash them. I might get a little busy for the next few months, but ill try committing to posting from time to time. I post more often on my twitter account (edit: ermm and on here as well) (i got unique stuff there that arent posted here, and vice versa), so might want to check that out:)) Anywhoo...feel free to drop by! 🤩
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❓Wanna Repost my art (just in case heh)
BUT...only IF you ask me and I give you permission, and if you credit me afterwards :DD
I have ermm...art out there that am not so cool with being reposted hehe..I saw people repost my art before, and with proper credit, so yea theyre safe, since this new reposting condition is only made effective on 04|25|24. If you see my art reposted somewhere, after the said date, lemme know? That'd be greatly appreciated! :DD
I'd REALLY appreciate it if yall will credit me:)) Giving proper credits is always a good thing.😁 Just remember what Sonic said—
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See what I did there? 😆😅 It doesnt have to be so formal really 😁, linking artists' works is a great thing too, or a simple...
Credits: Artist's name (web source)
Unless, they clearly stated not to repost their artworks.
If you dont, i'll remember you...
💔 Making profit out of other artists' works?
Now this is different. Unless you and the artist are in partnership and in healthy agreement, dont do this... ☹️😮‍💨
I think same goes with reproducing artists' work outside of the 'digital realm', at least for me, personally...
That's all tho...
✨Stay Awesome✨
I hope i did not make some of you mad...😔✌️
Why do the moons look cute on desktop?? Hahaha theyre supposed to look creepy and menacing, instead they...
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Hi! I have two blue cats. Aside from their color, they look very different in terms of face shape and imo fur texture too. Both are shorthair but one is much more sleek and the fur lays more flat and the other sheds a lot and has super fluffy fur that almost feels like there’s different layers, like maybe she’s a cold climate cat or something, I have no idea. Is there a way for u to tell how to differentiate between different breeds and/or ancestors or genetic makeup even if they’re the same solid color? Based on these types of factors (face shape, fur texture etc)? Also is it possible for one of them to be a tabby, even though she’s solid blue, because she has maybe the faintest little rings on her tail. Should I send pictures?
Oké, so let's see!
First, basically there are shorthaired and longhaired cats. This depends on a single gene (shorthair is dominant over longhair). However probably there are a bunch of other genes modifying this, and causing the numerous different fur types we can see among the cats: they can change the exact length, the density, the softness ect. Your cats sound like one of them has lots more undercoat or what's the word; you know, the wavy soft hairs under the outer guard hairs. I don't think we know a lot about the genetics of these traits.
Most cats doesn't have an ancestor breed. Cats as a species look diverse, and the different breeds look different because the founding cats were selected for certain traits (and then the offspring was selected again and again). If you don't know for sure they probably don't have and purebred ancestors, neither of them.
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If you can tellbme anything about their parents, siblings or children, maybe i can tell you more about their genetics makeup. However i only know about coat colors, and nothing else, sorry. They are both aa C_ dd oo/o- ww, these are all relatively common alleles.
Being solid blue and tabby are mutually exclusive. What you see is called ghost pattern, and almost all solid and otherwise nonagouti cats have it, because the original cat coloration is tabby, and the solids are created by repressing the tabby striping, and this repression can be and often is incomplete. I recently made a post about this phenomenon, you can read it here.
I hope i didn't dishearten you with these answers 💙 i don't think i'd be able to tell much more with pictures (but i imagine people around here would appreciate them anyway 😸)
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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I've thought about this a bit actually :00
Way back when the crew was only four people, (Seafoam, Octo, Ellie and Louis) they got caught in a great storm while out at sea. Becuase there was only four of them, they didn't have enough hands on deck to control the ship.
Blue Beauty saw this ship clearly struggling and in danger so she helped guide the ship back to calmer waters. It was her help alone that prevented the ship from sinking. Seafoam thanked her profusely. She hadn't been treated so kindly before.. So she secretly followed them around for a while before making herself more known and officially joining the crew. :}
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XD I imagine that wouldn't fare well for Blue Beauty-
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XD Foxy would be like "..Am I malfunctioning or are those cookie talking--"
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Hmm.. I assume the textures all relate to the food/animal they're based on. Or maybe their personality..? <:0 I don't know!
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OOO these are so good!! Thank you! :DD
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XDD Its really tough for me ngl. I've never been the best with names-
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@luna-purple454 (Post in question)
The Undyne one is a bit vague.. I pictured the group has a run in with an Undyne. She is able to maybe separate Papyrus from the group and even capture him. Maybe her Papyrus is dead or he's on the other side of the underground. For one reason or another she knows this is "not Papyrus". So she questions this imposter to his face.
..But Papyrus is silent. Its been so long since he's heard Undyne's voice.. he suddenly cant speak..
Now the Alphys is actually an older character in the AU. I mentioned that at some point early on the gang found an AU with an old Alphys. This Alphys had made a bunch of robotic arms for Monster Kid in all different sizes.
Well since MK is all grown up, some of the smaller arm models don't fit him anymore. So she gave some to Goner Kid! I didn't really have intentions for her to come back into the AU in any major way. I just felt like drawing her :)
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Oooo that sounds cool!! :DD
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Also thank you so much!! :DD
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XDD Well "actively", I don't tend to dip my toes in that fandom too much anymore. I've dealt with a surprising amount of uncomfy stuff there so I'd rather mostly stay away from it-
But I have drawn a decent amount for it none the less! And I'm glad you like what you see so far! <XDD
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Oh boy, the Jevil gang wouldn't stay there then! <XDD
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I unfortunately still to this day have not watched the Mario movie. So I cannot answer the first part of that question :( I think I have a problem upstairs-
As for Peach or Daisy breaking down, I believe they would approach them the same way Luigi did Rosalina :00 Very gently and try to figure out what's wrong 🥺
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Thank you!! :DD I'm glad you liked what you saw! And I'll keep Jevil and the gang in mind! :))
And once again- thank you for the compliments to my Toadsworth drawing! I was rather proud of that one! XD When it comes to his relationship with Peach,, that is a good question.. I was thinking it was an Alfred Pennyworth situation. Kind'a a royal advisor turned father figure situation.? :0 He was running the Kingdom while Peach was gone, and he was overjoyed to see her returned safe and sound!
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(Post in question)
XD Just wait till you find my Super mario bros tag and all the comics and angst under it
(Also thank you!! :}}} )
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@rotting-glitter-corpse (Link in ask)
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Oh man, he'd do everything he could. I'm not sure what kind of demands he would make to the rest of the group. But if there was something they could do to help he would absolutely demand they to it :0
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<XD I don't know if Seafoam would want to have kids at his age- but its a good question. I'm not sure what a child between them would look like, considering that Blue is a mermaid- :0
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@pinkbomb08 (Post in question)
My Welcome Home AU is kind'a all over the place becuase of some changes I'm making to Sally and Poppy.. <XD But I can talk a bit about Julie! She hasn't changed much--
The idea I have for Julie is that her and her sisters are actually these huge grotesque monsters.. much more horrific looking than they are in canon. Anytime anyone saw them they'd run away screaming.. Julie grew up knowing that she was scary and people are afraid of her becuase of her appearance..
Now at some point when she was little, she discovered the Neighborhood. She would see Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Eddie walking around every now and again. She wasn't sure why.. but she was so fascinated by them and their lives. Something about the way they walked, the way the talked, how they dressed, how they sounded, how they looked. She loved all of it.
She was so fascinated by the Neighborhood and she dreamed of becoming apart of it one day. But she knew that she couldn't show up looking like.. this.. so she used the Neighbors as a reference and began to drastically alter her appearance.
No one has horns, so she was able to greatly shorten hers and make them look more.. cute! All the residents have 2 eyes so she shall as well! Poppy has pretty eyelashes.. so shall she! She cant get rid of her tail but she can make it shorter and cuter! Wally, Eddie and Barnaby all have 4 fingers. So she shall as well!
Now the feet.. She never saw Wally or Eddie without shoes on.. but Barnaby is always bare foot. So feet paws she shall have! A lot of her form was transfered to her mane-hair! To her hair- :DD
Now she was trying to get her legs to be shaped more like Wally's. So she altered them a bit and began to practice walking. But she tripped and fell, letting out a yelp!
Someone heard her, and came looking.. Since she couldn't use her new legs yet- she couldn't escape-
..Poppy found her. .
Julie hadn't completed her transformation from "monster" to "person" yet! So when Poppy saw her she thought she blew it. Surly Poppy would run away screaming upon seeing this horrible monster.. Julie started to cry.. but Poppy didn't run. She saw this poor little child covered in mud and with a scraped knee. She quickly jumped into action, "Oh dear! You poor thing, here sweetie let me help you up," Poppy guided Julie out of the woods. After she was cleaned and patched, they talked a bit about Julies situation.
"Where are your parents, dear?"
"..I don't have parents.."
Suddenly Poppy had adoption papers in her hand XD Huh, wonder how those got there-
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(Post in question)
I mean... I got my skin back at least.. 🥺
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thh... thank yoiuuuu!!! :33 ✨💖✨
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I don't know.. is it offensive in the games for a character to be called a cracker? Are there cracker characters?? <:00
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Oooo I'll keep this in mind! :00 Thank you!
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<XD Oh man, I looked through some doodle dumps and found I drew that creature at least 20 times. None of which looked the way I saw it in my head.💀I gave up on drawing Chain Chomp a looong time ago.. 💔💔
(Thank you for the suggestion though! :000 )
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I'm not sure <XD Google doesn't want to tell me what real seafoam tastes like. Its only showing me what the candy seafoam tastes like!
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I cant really remember much of that movie,, so I'm not sure how they would interact with the residents there. But a world made of candy? I'm sure they'd feel right at home! XD
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Oh yeah for sure :0 that could be what happened to Tuna! 😱
(Also sorry for not including the gifs! There wasn't a way I could paste them into this ask post :((( )
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Aww! That's adorable! :D
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