miss-drowsy · 7 years
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Here’s my beautiful night elf, Yeileen Wildmoon! She was a really promising druid in her younger ages, but after a few traumatising experiences during the Second Invasion, she decided to join the Illidari forces to fight against the Legion as a Demon Huntress.
These days I’ll probably upload more drawings of her, both pre and post transformation, so I really hope you like them <3 
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arielle0808 · 7 years
Sea Stars- Chapter 10
Here comes the last chapter of my mermaid AU, which closes the series. I really hope you liked it.
You can also find it on AO3.
If you enjoy my writing, why don’t you check my Patreon for more content? ;3
Thank you sooo much for reading and your support!
We rushed to Seven’s house and knocked on the door, which talked to us as usual, which made us scream at it (as usual) until Seven finally opened it. He looked tired, bags and dark circles under his eyes, and quite pale.
“You stood all night up again?” Yoosung asked.
“Hi,” he replied in a tired tone.
I dragged him inside and put him to bed with Yoosung’s help as he complained, but didn’t really fight against us. He put his face against the pillow and I chuckled at his childish behaviour. Yoosung went to the kitchen and prepared some healthy food as I stood with Seven, caressing his red locks.
“Go with Yoosung and help him,” he asked.
“I don’t want to.”
He snorted. He seemed too tired to hide his mood.
Yoosung came back after a while with a tray with some soup which we made Seven eat. He reluctantly finished it and when he did we carried out what Yeileen told us. Yoosung shyly hugged Seven from his right and I did so from his left, both of us kissing his cheeks until he stopped fighting us, and that’s when I noticed he was actually completely flustered. I couldn’t help but laughing at his cuteness.
“Stop!” he exclaimed. “You’ve just awakened the Tickling monster!”
“Noo!” we exclaimed as he tickled us.
We ended up on his bed, exhausted from the war of tickles, and were falling asleep when I felt Seven sitting up and sighing. I touched Yoosung’s shoulder and pointed at him when I got his attention. I whispered in Yoosung’s ear that he should talk to him, since Yoosung had known him longer than I, and I went to the toilet. When I came back to the room, Seven and Yoosung were hugging and I saw Seven sobbing on Yoosung’s shoulder. I sprinted to the bed and hugged him too, Yoosung started to cry as well, and Seven moved to embrace me as well.
“I know Yeileen has told you to come to me, but there’s no need, really,” Seven said after calming down. “Just go home and forget about me.”
“Don’t be silly,” Yoosung said, embracing him again.
I kissed his cheek and the corner of his mouth, blushing and making him startle. Seven moved to look at me, puzzled, I caressed the light blush of his cheek. Yoosung soon enough felt the need to call our attention again and kissed Seven’s cheek again. Seven was flustered and shocked, so he let us continue. I kissed his neck as Yoosung kept giving him small kisses on his cheeks and I finally spoke up.
“Seven, why were you crying?”
He hesitated and I kissed his cheek.
“Because I want something I can’t have.”
“W-what is it?” Yoosung asked and imitated my gesture.
“I may lose two friends if I said so.”
I kissed his two cheeks, his nose and finally his lips, making him widen his eyes in surprise. I looked at Yoosung, who was still unsure, blushing like crazy.
“W-who are those friends?” poor Yoosung was at the verge of tears, fearing a rejection.
“Kiss him,” I whispered in Seven’s ear.
Too shocked to complain, Seven leaned closer to Yoosung, putting his hand on his cheek and kissing him softly on his lips. I think that was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. They looked at each other in silence and I kissed Yoosung’s lips and then Seven’s again. Soon enough, our kisses became more confident and passionate, Yoosung and I making always sure Seven got all the attention and didn’t feel rejected.
I sat on Seven’s lap as I kissed him, caressing his tongue with mine as Yoosung kissed his neck from behind, holding my hand in his. Things became hotter and Seven was still reflecting insecurity in his kisses and moves, so I moved back even though it was almost painful and looked at Yoosung to indicate him to stop. Seven moved further away from us and gave us a worried look that broke my heart. Yoosung embraced him and we told him all we had been talking about in our way there.
He looked at us with a mixture of disbelief and hope in his eyes. There was also some kind of fear and pain, and Yoosung and I didn’t know what to say.
“I’m a secret agent,” he said. “I’m dangerous and I’m not good enough for you two. You should stay together and forget about me and be happy.”
My heart ached at those words and Yoosung and I embraced him at the same time, he crying and I reassuring him that it would be alright.
He let us stay the night, but wanted to make us sleep in the guests’ room. Of course, Yoosung and I went out in the middle of the night and got to Seven’s bed, where we drowned him in kisses, hugs and words of love. I woke up the next morning to find myself alone in the bed and when I went out to the kitchen, from which a delicious smell came, I found Yoosung hugging Seven from behind as he gave him some instructions to prepare breakfast.
“Good morning,” I rubbed my eyes.
“No!!” they exclaimed at the same time.
“Go back to bed!” Yoosung urged me, pushing me and kissing my cheek when he let me puzzled on the bed again.
After a while, Seven and Yoosung came back with a tray full of pancakes, fruits and chocolate and my eyes sparkled at the sight.
“Good morning!” they said.
I couldn’t, or wanted, to repress the big smile on my face. They had been so cute as to make me breakfast and bring it to bed for me. I tried some and it was delicious, and so I said. I gave Yoosung a small kiss to thank him and was going to give another one to Seven, but he looked away from me with a sad smile.
“Luciel Choi, if you won’t let me kiss you, I’ll go back with the sea and live with the oysters.”
He snorted, but Yoosung took it a bit too seriously and started to beg Seven to kiss me, on the verge of tears. He finally looked at me and I kissed his lips, smiling. Yoosung kissed him too.
“Well, enough, you two,” he suddenly said. “After breakfast, you’re going to go back to Yoosung’s and forget about all this.”
“But we love you!” Yoosung complained. I just continued eating my pancakes, knowing he was not as determined as he wanted to make us believe.
“Just because you think you lo...”
“We love you!” he interrupted him.
“So you...”
“We do!!”
Seven sat on the floor, giving his back to us. Yoosung started sobbing. I embraced him and looked at Seven, who was looking at us from the corner of his eyes. Our eyes met and he looked away, glancing back at us just a second later. Yoosung continued crying on my shoulder.
“Hey, don’t be so sad,” he said, but Yoosung didn’t answer.
“I’m not sad, I’m super angry,” he managed to say between sobs.
Seven sighed.
“Well, you can stay... until lunch.”
“Hug me,” Yoosung begged.
Seven complied.
We got to convince him that we really loved him and were not going to leave him alone and he finally acknowledged he loved us too. His hard and cold façade also fell quickly and became the loving little mess he always is. 
Eventually, Yoosung and I moved to Seven’s and soon established a routine. Seven and I would stay in bed until late, if Seven slept at all, and Yoosung would leave for school early. I would make Seven have a proper lunch with me and Yoosung came home afterwards. As he studied and Seven worked I liked reading, writing, listening to music, or hanging out with Zen, who would teach me to play the piano. I made dinner and Yoosung and Seven stood up until late studying and working. Some nights I stayed awake with them, caressing lazily Yoosung’s hair, or falling asleep on Seven’s lap. 
Some nights, Yoosung usually fell asleep studying and Seven carried him to bed, giving me a smile of complicity as we both contemplated the blonde angel sleeping. During the weekends, Yoosung finally had some time to stay in bed until late, poor boy, and Seven and I made him breakfast, and quite a mess in the kitchen, which he had to make us clean afterwards threatening us to call Vanderwood if we didn’t. We liked to drag Seven to some dates and when he didn’t let us after we had pouted, whined and begged, Yoosung and I went on our own. That was also quite fun and we would buy something that reminded us of Seven in the way. I liked falling asleep between them and see their hands intertwined. Before closing my eyes, I still remember the time I lived under the sea, surrounded by water and desire for the world above. Now I live there, surrounded by love.
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