kesujo · 1 month
Chapter 3 - Miss Adorable
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Previous chapter here.
It wasn’t even the full week before Seojun had his first encounter with another succubus.
It was immediately obvious that she was a succubus, evident by the fact that he saw her arrive not at the front door of the residence but landing on the balcony of the bedroom he was replacing the bedsheets for. What was especially startling was that it seemed like a mini-Taeyeon had landed on the balcony, her big eyes peering at him in curiosity, her wings folding back and disappearing back inside her body.
“Hello,” Seojun greeted the demoness as she stepped through the sliding glass door. Here stood another strikingly beautiful female, although her beauty laid mostly in her soft, friendly features; Seojun knew he was fortunate to have been offered the deal Taeyeon gave him, and this was just confirmation of the fact. Immediately, his mind jumped to what her naked body would look like, his eyes flickering to the soft curves of her chest and down to her hips, flickering back up at the realization that doing so was rude.
Fortunately, the mini-Taeyeon didn’t seem to mind, in fact giving him a luminescent smile. “Hello! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Yeoreum, you must be Taeyeon’s newest servant.” Her cutesy, bright voice stood in contrast to Taeyeon’s stable, confident voice. From his preconceived notions of what a succubus would be like, and because Taeyeon fit them so well, Seojun had just figured that all succubae were like her: calm, collected, oozing with an aura of sexiness, and carrying about her enough confidence to make a rabid wolf whimper. However, in just her greeting, Seojun could tell that his assessment was wrong, thankfully not disastrously so since Yeoreum seemed just too friendly. Which, in retrospect, was a ridiculous thing to just now realize, because of course succubae would have different personalities, just as humans did.
“In a few days, yes. It’s nice to meet you Yeoreum, my name is Seojun.”
Yeoreum laughed, waving her hand dismissively at his overly polite mannerisms. “There’s no need to be so formal! Is Big Sis Taeyeon home right now?”
“Yeah, I think—”
“Oh Yeoreum, you’re here?” Seojun turned at the sound of Taeyeon’s steady voice, seeing Taeyeon at the entrance of the bedroom. “I see you’ve already met Seojun.”
She nodded animatedly, strolling up to the man and slinging an arm around his shoulders. Seojun jumped slightly at the contact, trying his best to not let the pleasant feeling of her smooth skin or the pleasant smell of her hair brushing against his cheek. “Yep! We’re best friends already. Right, Seojun?”
“A-Are we?” he asked back, his laugh laced with traces of nervousness.
Yeoreum’s soft, red lips pulled into an adorable pout. “Whaat? What do you mean ‘are we?’”
Taeyeon laughed, clearly amused at the younger succubus’s antics. “He only learned about succubae a few days ago, give him a break.”
“…And you’re making him your servant already?”
“Yeah,” Taeyeon replied. Yeoreum turned her head to take a good look at the man whose shoulders her arm was slung around, Seojun looking back with an awkward smile on his face. Taeyeon, on the other hand, had a contemplative look on her face. “You know what, I think I’ll treat you. When did you last feed?”
The younger succubus shrugged, retracting her arms. “Two weeks ago, probably?”
The mention of the topic flared up Seojun’s imagination, images of this happy-go-lucky, adorable specimen of a female naked, of her perky tits and pink nipples shaking vigorously as she bounced on his cock, her face contorted in pleasure, her tongue lolling out, moans coming out of her parted lips in an uncontrollable stream of ecstasy flashing into his mind.
“Oh, I’m sure Seojun will give you more than your fill. But first, what did you come here for?”
The younger demoness pouted again, jumping forward and grabbing the arm of the bemused Taeyeon. “Can’t I visit my Big Sis when I miss her?”
Taeyeon laughed, her eyes sparkling with a joy Seojun had never seen before. He could understand why; Yeoreum was so adorable in every way, from her mannerisms to her voice to even her choice of clothing, Seojun couldn’t help but smile. To think just last week, he was some random nobody who spent his twenty-something years without having a girlfriend; now, he was in the same room with two top-class beauties who seemed to actually want him there. The very idea seemed to jump straight out of some poorly written porno, but here he was, in the presence of two dazzlingly attractive young-appearing women he would’ve never even dared to dream of having any kind of relationship with.
“Aww, you missed your Big Sis?” Taeyeon cooed, her mellowing facial features showing that she finally gave in to the barrage of cuteness Yeoreum was assaulting her with, wrapping her arms around the smaller succubus. “How have you been? Still getting used to everything? Did you discover your Trait yet?”
“Oh!” Yeoreum’s eyes lit up with excitement, an adorable, toothy smile aimed at Seojun’s mistress-to-be. “I didn’t tell you yet because I wanted to show you, but it finally manifested! I’ve been practicing these last few years and was hoping to show you.”
Taeyeon laughed, unable to help herself from patting the head of the animated female. “Is that so? Well, luckily for you, I have just the opportunity for you.” The two sets of eyes moved to Seojun, who in turn felt a spike of anxiety and anticipation. “You probably can’t tell, right? That he’s a delicacy?”
Yeoreum’s nose crinkled as she tested her nose but to no avail. She shook her head, another pout forming on her lips. “I can’t…”
The smile on Taeyeon’s face stayed as she replied, “It’s fine, you’ll get there. Take some time to acquaint yourself with Seojun’s kind of scent, you’ll regret letting such delicacies slip between your fingers. But I doubt you’ll ever find anyone as great as Seojun.” Hearing Taeyeon so proudly boast about him created a swelling sense of pride inside the albeit embarrassed man—but at the same time, hearing the praise be for something that he, for all he knew, had absolutely no control over gave him mixed feelings. He once harbored jealousy towards those actors and idols with great genetics that granted them handsome faces and great bodies, but now Seojun felt like a hypocrite. Through little effort of his own—in fact, less so than those celebrities, as they had to work hard to maintain their great bodies despite having good genes—he gained the benefits of attracting Taeyeon simply for … what, happening create the type of semen that massively appealed to succubae?
But above all, hearing the boastful way Taeyeon talked about him to Yeoreum gave him a confidence he, the loner guy that he was, never felt before. It felt almost dangerous, the amount of confidence that was ballooning in his chest, and Seojun reveled in it. Screw all those complicated thoughts about ‘not deserving this’; he worked plenty hard up until this point in his life. And really, who was he to complain about the great sex he’s been having with Taeyeon the past few days, and now with Yeoreum? Just the thought of her long eyelashes fluttered shut, her plump lips parted slightly, her round tits jiggling at the fierce motion of her fucking herself with his cock made it twitch in anticipation.
“When was the last time you had an orgasm?”
Yeoreum contemplated that, an action too cute considering the question being posed. “I don’t know, maybe a decade or two ago?”
“And you know how infrequently I orgasm, right?” Yeoreum nodded, unsure where the conversation was going. “Well, the first time we fucked, Seojun brought me to orgasm.” Yeoreum’s eyes widened, her eyes landing on Seojun. He shuddered, again feeling the predatory look directed at him, but this time from eyes not from Taeyeon, but Yeoreum. Hearing those words, something about Yeoreum changed; whereas before her facial expression carried primarily an innocent excitement, now hidden within were hints of arousal and desire.
“Do you want a taste?”
Yeoreum, with her face turned towards Seojun, nodded with such a brilliant display of excitement that Seojun felt nearly blinded by it. “Yeah! May I?”
Seojun suddenly froze up. Wait. Right now? Right here? In front of Taeyeon?
He had gotten used to Taeyeon, although he would be lying if he said that having sex with her still didn’t make him feel anxious about his performance. But at least with Taeyeon, he had the confidence Taeyeon instilled in him over the few sessions they’ve had. It was mere minutes ago that Seojun met Yeoreum. Could he please her? What if he didn’t and embarrassed Taeyeon? What if he did so badly that not only Yeoreum regarded him with disgust, but so did Taeyeon? What if she ended up abandoning him? He couldn’t have that. This was the best thing that’s ever happened in his life—he wasn’t about to let himself lose it.
“Mmhm. And don’t by embarrassed or anxious, Seojun. Just pretend Yeoreum is me.”
Taeyeon’s comforting words helped appease his anxiety a little, but what truly did the trick was the adorable way Yeoreum skipped up to him and guided him onto the bed, saying with an addictively excited tone, “It’ll be more comfortable on the bed, come on!”
A smile sprouted on Seojun’s face: Yeoreum was giving off very strong dongsaeng, young-and-energetic-junior-at-work-who-was-assigned-to-shadow-you kind of vibes, so much so that Seojun was startled when she entrapped his legs between her slim, milky-soft thighs. Her butt was planted on his legs, a few inches in front of his knees, her arms at the hem of his shirt, already moving to pull it off. “Wha—?” But Seojun caught himself, unfortunately not before Yeoreum caught on to what he was saying.
“What do you mean?” she said, giggling in a criminally adorable manner, “Of course we have to be naked for sex!”
Hearing the word from such a cutesy voice was jarring, but that sharp juxtaposition somehow made it all the sexier. “Right.”
Hearing the stiffness in his voice, Yeoreum’s smile shifted into a gentle one. She patted his shoulder gently after removing his shirt. “Aw, don’t be shy~” she insisted, caressing his significantly more built arm—something Seojun had spent next to zero effort in the past few days to obtain. “Let’s do it comfortably, OK? Unlike Big Sis Taeyeon, I like more normal things.”
Taeyeon scoffed, eliciting another giggle from Yeoreum. “Well, excuse me.”
“Sorry Taeyeon, love you!” Yeoreum exclaimed, making a big heart with her arms directed at the smiling older female.
“I’m just going to go into my office and brood about how weird I am.” It was Taeyeon’s turn to pout, Yeoreum’s smile growing only wider in reaction.
“Noo, staay~” she insisted, reaching out to her while remaining on Seojun’s lap. “You’re not weird~”
“You want me to stay and watch you have sex with someone? Are you sure being an exhibitionist doesn’t qualify you as being weird?”
The younger succubus burst into a twinkling laughter, her eyes disappearing into black crescent moons. Everything about the laughter, from the pleasant sound of it to the way her face brightened, transferred over to Seojun like a contagious virus. “Don’t say that! You’ll give Seojun weird ideas!”
“It’s OK Yeoreum, I don’t think you’re weird even if you are into exhibitionism.”
“I’m not!” she whined, “See Taeyeon? You’re already giving him weird ideas!”
“Well, he said that he liked that, didn’t he?”
Both of their gazes fell onto him suddenly, causing Seojun to stammer from the sudden attention from both sets of beautiful eyes. “U-Uh, did I? No, I didn’t, but I don’t mind.”
Hearing that, Yeoreum perked up. “OK, so are you ready?”
Seojun didn’t even realize until then, but that brief exchange greatly eased his nerves. Was it an intentional ploy from Yeoreum, or did it happen by chance? Seeing the excited gleam in her cat-like eyes and the confident, playful smile on her cherry-red lips made the prospect of fucking the second insanely attractive female of the week seem suddenly less daunting, and it was then that Seojun decided that Yeoreum’s bubbly, friendly, cute personality just naturally put the people around her at ease. “Are you?”
Seojun tried for a bit of confidence, and hearing Yeoreum’s sly reply, he was thankful it paid off. “Come here and find out.”
Seojun acquiesced, reaching forward and pulling the frame-hugging, midriff-exposing top she was wearing off, leaving her in a white bra that, unfortunately, did a fantastic job covering her womanly bits. “Damn, your body feels so nice,” Seojun commented, his hands gliding over her silky-smooth skin, reaching around her arms and unclasping the bra that was holding her mounds upright. As he let the piece of undergarment down, so too did Yeoreum’s breasts, the pink nipples sitting atop each mound candidly pointing at the mattress they were seated on. “And your boobs are bigger than they look.” Seojun’s hands traveled to her supple boobs, feeling the marshmallow-y texture of the twin mounds in his palms and fingers.
Enamored with the softness of her breasts, Seojun’s hands stayed on them, eyes locked onto Yeoreum’s malleable mounds under the assault of his hands. Seojun could feel a rush in equal parts of serotonin and arousal, Yeoreum’s soft sighs and mewls of approval only aiding in it. “Your hands … you’re so rough … but it feels so good…” Her eyes were lightly closed, her lips pressed together, her fists clenched at her sides, her chest moving with the rhythm of her deepening breaths.
“Hmm, I can at least tell that your tits are ready,” he said, capturing both erect nubs between his fingers and gently squeezing them. Yeoreum let out a cute yelp, her back arching into his hands. Everything about her was soft, from her skin to her voice even to the way she reacted to his hands, yet another stark contrast to Taeyeon. With Taeyeon, even if she played the role as the submissive, Seojun always knew in the back of his mind that Taeyeon was the one in charge; with Yeoreum, it was different. Her entire body submitted to him easily, as if it was only natural.
“Seojun…” her whine still kept her cutesy tone, something that surprisingly turned Seojun on even more. There was just something about the adorable demoness maintaining her cuteness while her sexy body squirmed under his touch that was immensely appealing to him.
“Look at these cute little pink buttons, just waiting to be pressed,” Seojun continued, his fingers playing with the peaks of both mountains. It was addicting, not just feeling Yeoreum’s boobs inside his hands but also listening to her soft sounds of satisfaction.
“Stop teasing mee…” she pouted, her eyes opening and capturing Seojun’s gaze. His eyes flickered towards her big, dark-brown orbs, immediately enraptured in the longing expression on her face. Maybe it was the contrast between the adorable pout on her face and the sexy body of the woman sitting on his legs, or maybe it was the adorableness of the pout itself, but Seojun found himself obliging to Yeoreum’s silent request.
“Do you want it?”
Seojun’s domineering side came out naturally, or perhaps it was Yeoreum herself who drew it out. Despite most definitely being older than him, her youthful appearance instilled inside Seojun a feeling of superiority, the natural aegyo in her every action only promoting his desire to be in control. Thankfully, Yeoreum was more than happy to oblige.
She reached forward to the hem of Seojun’s pants, but he stopped her before she could do much else. “Nuh uh,” he teased her, “Did I say you could do that?”
Yeoreum retracted her hands, a guilty look befalling her face. “I’m sorry…”
Seojun couldn’t help but break character for a bit, a smile stretching the corner of his lips apart. “Let’s do yours first.”
Before he could even move, Yeoreum’s tail whipped out from behind her and tore the cloth cleanly off her legs, casually tossing the bisected clothing to the side of the bed. And there was another sign of Seojun’s enhancements; although he couldn’t react to Yeoreum’s speed, his eyes could follow her movements whereas before they couldn’t. “Oh, or you can just do that.”
Yeoreum giggled, scooching closer to Seojun. “Sorry, I’m just a little impatient. You can feel how wet I am, right?”
Seojun nodded, biting his lip in an attempt to contain the moan at the feeling of her wet folds rubbing her secreted sticky fluids onto his upper thighs. Although this was the first time feeling a woman’s wet folds rubbing against his leg, Seojun couldn’t help but feel like it felt better than it should’ve felt. Was it just him? Was it something to do with Yeoreum? “Just from Taeyeon’s description?”
It was Yeoreum’s turn to nod this time, the cute, opened-mouth smile never leaving her face. “What can I say? I’m an excitable person.”
“All this excitement,” Seojun retook control of the situation, his arm wrapping around her slim waist and his hand cupping her shapely ass, his index and middle finger reaching down and sliding along the slippery tissue of her entrance. Yeoreum yelped again, her cat-like eyes trained on him as another wave of pleasure washed over her small, sexy frame. “Just for me?”
She nodded, not losing an ounce of the adorable excitement she carried with her since the first moment of their encounter. “For you! Are you going to take responsibility for making me this excited?”
Again, Seojun was hit with another reality check: with Taeyeon, she always seemed so different while having sex than when carrying herself elsewhere. It wasn’t precisely that she lost her sex appeal when they weren’t fucking, it was just that Taeyeon tapped into that side of her more during sex. What this did to Seojun was establish a notion that a person completely changed during sex, to the point that he found himself copying Taeyeon in adapting the same type of personality change while doing the deed. However, Yeoreum lost none of her cuteness, but somehow added onto it a layer of sexiness that caused his arousal to flare higher and higher. “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
Yeoreum giggled again, the beautiful noise resonating inside Seojun’s mind like an addicting song. “Well, are you going to just touch my pussy with your fingers, or are you going to impale it with that throbbing cock you have still hidden inside your pants?”
What was especially startling about the inquiry was the way Yeoreum’s playful, cute tone didn’t disappear in the slightest, even while saying such filthy words. “Why don’t you remove my pants and find out just how much my cock is throbbing and how ready it is to violate your tiny pussy?”
In a slight break of her cutesy character, Yeoreum bit the corner of her strikingly red lower lip in anticipation, her dark tail whipping out from behind her and stripping Seojun of both his shorts and boxers in one stroke, the two pieces of clothing tossed to the side. Yeoreum finally broke eye contact with him, her eyes drawn to the swollen tip of Seojun’s dick already oozing with a sliver of precum. “Oh, can’t waste this,” she chirped, her right hand reaching down and collecting the viscous bodily fluid between her thumb and index finger, swiftly bringing it to her lips.
Her eyes went wide as her tongue greedily lapped up the appetizer.
“Now you can tell why I was so quick to make him my servant, right?”
“Yeah … oh my…”
Hearing Taeyeon’s voice suddenly reminded Seojun that she was still in the room, but the casual way she and Yeoreum addressed each other calmed the embarrassment that he started to feel.
Yeoreum’s eyes snapped back to Seojun’s, that hungry predatory look reappearing in her gaze. “And you have more of that?”
Seojun, in part thanks to Yeoreum’s excessive friendliness, was already feeling comfortable enough to repeat her words from minutes before, “Why don’t you come and find out?”
Yeoreum giggled again, in such a cute and playful way that one might’ve never guessed she was naked, sitting inches away from a man’s fully erect penis. “I would be glad to. Don’t mind if I do~”
Seojun’s hands went to cup the soft skin of her butt in his hands, spreading her cheeks apart as she closed in and lowered herself onto his manhood. Her lips parted, a deep breath entering her lungs as his dick slipped between her soaking wet pussy lips and into her hot core.
Immediately, Seojun could feel it: the hotness of Yeoreum’s vaginal walls squeezing his dick, his entire body shuddering at the feeling of the sensitive sex organ pushing through the impossibly tight canal his cock was submerged inside, and the copious amounts of Yeoreum’s honey being slathered along the length of his shaft. After feeling his cock fully submerged inside the mewling succubus, Seojun could already start feeling his breath shortening. “Fuck,” he groaned, half in lust and half in confusion as to why he was already brought to this state.
“Do you like it? Do you like my pussy?”
This time, her whisper was much more sensual. Her slim arms were wrapped around his nape, her gaze gaining a fervor, rotating her hips against his groin with purpose. A smirk had now overtaken her features, but there was still a playful edge to it. “Yeah, fuck, you feel so good.”
It wasn’t long before Seojun could feel something strange. Not the sinking-feeling-in-his-stomach kind of strange, but a confused kind of strange. As both Yeoreum and Seojun’s intensity increased and his vision from before came into fruition, he found that the ecstatic pleasure he was feeling was seemingly increasing without bounds. It wasn’t even that he was reaching his orgasm faster, it was just that with every connecting stroke, the pleasure from the action increased. Seojun could feel his body tense and shudder more and more with every bounce until Seojun could barely even focus on the ordinarily incredibly distracting pair of bouncing tits in front of him. “Fuck, what…?”
“What do you think?” Although there was a clear strain in her voice, the cute edge returned to her voice.
“You can feel it, right?” Her playful, teasing voice paired with the cute smile on her face drew a chuckle out from Seojun.
“Wha—ah, shit!” Seojun jumped when he felt her foot press against the part of his leg that had been smeared with the first traces of the younger succubus’s arousal.
“How about that?”
“What—what is that?”
“That’s my Trait. I can make anything my bodily fluid touches feel more pleasure. Like this.” With that being her only warning, she reached down and took his hands, peppering his palms and fingers with kisses. When she was done, her gaze landed back onto his, the smile returning to her face. “I noticed you staring at my boobs: try feeling them now.”
Seojun obliged, cupping her ample bust inside his hands. And, sure enough, the surge of euphoria he felt at the touch nearly pushed a moan out of his mouth. “Oh, shit,” he instead murmured, the second wave of ecstatic pleasure joining the one that already existed from feeling Yeoreum’s hot core around his cock.
“Does it feel good?”
“Fuck, yes, I never thought feeling boobs could feel this fucking good.”
It was like that initial feeling of entering Yeoreum, that initial spark of pleasure, fantasy and desire being transformed into reality, only that feeling never faded. The feeling was kept at a sustained high, even growing and building with each resonating slap of her ass onto his groin, each synchronized thrust inside her building that feeling of pleasure. The pleasure shooting through his body grew and grew, as did the impending orgasm that was building inside him. Her mouth widened to a smile, the playful glint in her eyes never leaving despite a cloud of lust starting to overtake them. Their movements sped back up, the room soon filled with the wet sounds of Yeoreum’s butt against Seojun’s crotch and a musky scent of sex.
“Seojun…” Yeoreum’s whine carried about with it a musical quality to it, as if she was singing. Her slim legs were wrapped firmly around his waist, her jiggling boobs being held in place and kneaded by Seojun’s hands, her core repeatedly penetrated by his hardened member. With each stroke, Seojun could feel his dick became more drenched, and with every layer of bodily fluid coating its surface area, the pleasure increased. “Oh, you’re so rough!”
“This is another benefit of having a servant: his stamina and strength, especially during sex, is much greater than that of normal males.”
“Then, I-I need to learn to make one myself soon…” Yeoreum panted, her eyes closed and her lips parted.
“Mmm fuck, here comes,” Seojun’s warning came only a fraction of a second before the tension inside his body released all at once, a thick stream of the viscous sustenance flowing directly into the smaller succubus’s body.
“Oh … Oh!” Yeoreum’s body shuddered violently against Seojun’s, the high-quality semen shocking every nerve in her body and then some. “Oh-Oh my god!” Yeoreum yelped, the absorption of Seojun’s load shocking her lewd body into orgasm.
Although he was already half-way done with his orgasm, the sudden crash of more invigorating juice assaulting his shaft pumped his body with more adrenaline. The pair moaned incoherently, Yeoreum enjoying the delectable meal while Seojun felt his orgasm intensify midway through, his hips desperately pumping into the fleshy chamber, convulsing and squeezing his dick like it was attempting to draw out every last drop of semen from his balls. It was only after Yeoreum’s orgasm subsided that Seojun finally felt the euphoric high dwindle down.
The cute, younger succubus took a second to catch her breath before dismounting Seojun.
“Not bad, right?”
She nodded, evidently not done yet as she kneeled at the edge of the mattress whose bedsheets Seojun had just cleaned. “I want more,” she said, pulling her hair back with one hand while the other casually rested on his leg, her big eyes staring up at him, her mouth opened into the adorable toothy grin she sported. “Oh! I almost forgot!” Yeoreum turned around, facing Taeyeon nonchalantly, as if she hadn’t just orgasmed in front of the older female. “What did you think? Of my Trait?”
“It’s really interesting. You can do some really interesting things with it, I can imagine. But I think it’s best used in combination with multiple people; maybe I can introduce you to Jessica, a friend of mine.”
“Hm…” she nodded thoughtfully, a second later offering, “Then, why don’t you join us?”
“I need to wait a bit longer with Seojun, but I can still help.”
Although Seojun was confused, Yeoreum squealed in delight and turned back around, her hands landing inches away from his damp crotch. “What…?”
“Just sit back and let me do all the work, OK?” Yeoreum gave Seojun one last dazzlingly bright smile before lowering her head. Taeyeon’s hand came up from behind, keeping her hair out of the way as Yeoreum’s tight, warm lips embraced the perimeter of his dick, her hands gently caressing the base of his shaft and his balls. Seojun’s body yet again filled with a crackling sensation of pure ecstasy, his groans drowned out by the loud slurping noise made from Yeoreum’s blowjob.
Even to Seojun, a man who received his first blowjob just days ago, he could tell the chasm of difference between Taeyeon and Yoereum: every single motion Taeyeon made, every lick, the angling of her head, the unobstructed ease at which she blew him, even her facial expressions were precise and meaningful. Yeoreum, while no amateur, was noticeably wetter and sloppier; however, Seojun wondered if it was meaningful as he could feel the saliva coating his shaft turning the blowjob into a more and more pleasurable experience.
The added factor of Taeyeon sitting to the side, keeping her hair out of the way and guiding Yeoreum as she bobbed up and down, each up-and-down motion infusing Seojun with more arousal. However, he didn’t even have time to adjust to it, feeling Taeyeon gently place a hand on his leg, shortly afterwards feeling a second wet tightness clamp around his member. Yeoreum let out a surprised moan, the reverberations coursing out from Yeoreum’s mouth and directly into Seojun through his reproductive organ. The two jumped almost in unison as Taeyeon’s tail, transmogrified into Seojun’s dick, plunged deep into Yeoreum’s greedy pussy.
“Fuck,” Seojun groaned, his fists tightening and his muscles clenching, Yeoreum’s lower half moving in accommodation to the sudden, but welcome, intrusion.
“Mm, that’s a good girl,” Taeyeon cooed while Yeoreum’s blowjob grew increasingly wilder, “Take in both of those dicks like a proper succubus. Think about how it’ll feel to get double the load, with Seojun’s dick both in your mouth and in your pussy.”
The thought spurred the younger immortal on even more, the fleshy, wet cavern tightening at the tantalizing prospect, her mouth swallowing the final few centimeters of Seojun’s penis. Seojun let out another string of swears, feeling Yeoreum’s soft lips briefly touch the base of his cock before coming up most of the way, shortly after plunging all the way back down. The combination of feeling his cock hit both the back of Yeoreum’s throat and brushing against the cervix at the end of her tight pussy was enough to bring Seojun quickly to the brink.
“You like that, huh? You like feeling my Seojun’s cock penetrate two of your holes at once? Does thinking about swallowing his load with both pairs of lips make you want to cum as well?” Yeoreum managed a nod, her actions growing more savage at the sultry goading of Taeyeon.
From Seojun’s vantage point, the sight was certainly one to behold. Her already small face was made smaller by the fact that it was a good few feet below from him, her dainty hands caressing his balls and upper thighs, her cat-like eyes focused intensely at the perfection of her craft. However, it was hard to appreciate the sight with how overwhelming both the impending orgasm and the immense pleasure flooding his every sense and thought, Seojun eventually conceding access to the sight to better focus on the sensations of ecstasy and pleasure he was feeling. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” A breathy moan puffed out of his lips, the tightening sensation peaking just over the edge of his willpower. He desperately held it back, wanting to revel in the blissful feeling of the combined fucking of Yeoreum’s face and her vagina, but it was a sudden, sharp, drawn-out moan from Yeoreum that did the trick for him.
His groan turned into a grunt, another wave of semen erupting from his dick like water from a broken dam, flooding into both of Yeoreum’s awaiting warm caverns, her throat flexing impressively as it took the thick, salty substance in stride while her other entrance was yet again flooded with the white fluid. Yeoreum’s own body, tingling to the max with a euphoric high, became overwhelmed with the sudden influx of the addictive substance inside her body, a second orgasm wracking her small frame as it shook and vibrated with the cadence of the cataclysmic release. Her orgasm lasted long after Seojun’s subsided, at which Yeoreum removed her mouth from his cock still reeling from the feeling of her juices washing over its length.
“God, oh god, I haven’t had anything this warm and thick in so long…” Yeoreum panted, her head hanging inches from Seojun’s penis, her chest heaving and her hands resting on his upper thighs, her legs spread and her cheeks spread, her body still shaking from the orgasm Taeyeon had promised her.
Taeyeon just smiled triumphantly at the mewling female before her. “See? Now you understand why I made him my servant, right?”
It took Yeoreum a few more moments to calm down, and when she did, Taeyeon retracted her tail, reverting it to its original form before disappearing back inside her body. In conjunction, the warmth of Yeoreum’s firm vaginal walls disappeared, his penis finally allowed to start softening. “Yeah…” she wistfully conceded, sitting on her hind legs and looking back into Seojun’s eyes. Although he had just orgasmed twice, his eyes couldn’t help but fall back onto her ample breasts, casually hanging at her chest, the pink buttons on each mound noticeably less firm but still maintaining their cute, pointed shape. “You need to teach me how to make my own servant so I can go find one of my own.”
“I told you, it’s not really teachable,” Taeyeon reminded her, reaching for her hand and gently patting the back of it, “it’s something you learn the more experience you gain controlling your life force.”
“Wait, life force?”
Taeyeon nodded. “It’s what we call it,” Taeyeon told Seojun nonchalantly, “Demons, I mean.”
Seojun was reminded again about the concept of ‘demons’, plural, implicating the existence of other supernatural beings. But after encountering two succubae, Seojun found the idea surprisingly palatable. “I see,” was the mortal man’s reply, satisfied with Taeyeon’s simplistic response for now.
Yeoreum sprang up onto her feet, again showing off her white teeth to Seojun in her adorable, toothy grin. “Thanks, Seojun! I haven’t had a good orgasm like that in multiple, multiple decades.”
 “Oh; um, no problem!”
Yeoreum giggled at Seojun’s failed attempts to mask his sudden embarrassment, using her tail to pick her shirt off the ground. When she put that on, she proceeded to scan the room only to find her messily bisected shorts. She picked it up, sheepishly smiling at Taeyeon. “Big Sis Taeyeon, do you mind if I borrow one of your clothes?”
Taeyeon laughed, agreeing to her request. Yeoreum stayed for a bit longer, enjoying dinner alongside Seojun. When he asked about it, Yeoreum revealed that she liked eating even though her body didn’t need it because her illness in her mortal life rendered hospitalized and stuck eating bad hospital food for most of her life, so when Taeyeon came and healed her by turning her into a succubus, she took advantage of her healthy body to eat as much delicious food as she could find. Seojun found this incredibly endearing and was actually a bit sad to see her go that night, but the feeling only lasted so long when Taeyeon grabbed his hand, gaining his attention.
“It’s time for tonight’s part of the ritual.”
That night, Seojun was once again reminded of how much he loved his life.
In case you were curious, Yeoreum was the first request; if you want female idol of your choosing to make an appearance on in this story, please go to my crowdfund page!
Next chapter here.
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wjsnet · 4 months
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yeoreum ♡ la la love (190124)
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eeunwoo · 5 months
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send me an idol + an era ! yeoreom + sequence -- for anon
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sungtaro · 1 year
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hiliqht · 1 year
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(230920 Show Champion) Yeoreum // Interview
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allfemaleidols · 7 months
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send me your female bias + an era ↳ yeoreum + last sequence
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yeoli · 1 year
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el7zupsource · 8 months
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Ending Fairy ♡ Cheeky Simply Kpop 230922
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idolsgeneration · 3 months
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kdim · 4 days
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Summer Strike 아무것도 하고 싶지 않아 (2022) | Episode 1 Escape
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miye0ns · 7 months
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(⁰∽⁰) ⁾⁾  if reposted please give me credit ± tysm for the req
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kpop-girlsworld · 17 days
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blanceverlast · 7 months
Yeoreum needs more fics
lol how i never seen this ask before, but yeah definitely
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kilmeslow · 7 months
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wjsn-girls · 10 months
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Yeoreum (EL7Z UP) - Cheeky (230917) ending fairy
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hiliqht · 1 year
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