#Yes George came out in direct response to the nameless allegations!!! They removed their own anonymity
felucians · 7 months
I wanna remind everyone who's focusing on underaged drinking surrounding the topic of abuse, that the drinking age in most countries is 18 & the US is 21 (so depending on where she was, it was legal) and that even if she was underaged drinking, she didn't do anything wrong.
She was 18 and doing what majority of people do at 18 - drinking with friends at a party. It's not an invitation for assault, it's not a "putting yourself in that position".
It's as simple as a man abusing his power & any adult who isn't an abuser or an assaulter wouldn't have done it.
Stop focusing on the underaged drinking and start focusing on the shitty abusive human being that still has a major platform who's about to do some PR control.
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