#Yes I do believe that Adrian could have worn more revealing clothes
captjock · 4 years
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Assorted Veidt™ doodles + Laurie
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Fire and Darkness Chapter 4
The Darkling x reader
Word Count: 1186
Summary: Yeah, I forgot I liked this trope, and long story short there’s only one bed.
You’d had an inkling of how lucky you were for your home before everything went sideways, but nothing could have fully prepared you for the reality of life on the run. Adrian, or whatever name he gave to people along the way, was blessedly understanding about your position, fortunately, but that didn’t do much to ease the steadily-building anxiety that threatened to overwhelm you every waking moment of the day, and it all came to a head one afternoon in a strange, new town when the two of you decided to splurge for a room at the local inn to keep out of the worsening weather outside.
“I’m afraid the pair of you aren’t the only ones seeking shelter from this storm, my dears,” the kindly old woman behind the counter was saying. “You’re lucky that we have even one room available.”
“And there’s no chance that it has two beds or even a couch in it, is there?” you asked on the end of a sigh, already knowing the answer in your heart.
“Not at all. Unfortunately, it’s always the small rooms that go last, you know.”
“It’s alright,” Adrian said smoothly. “We’ll figure something out.” Then he was sliding over the money to pay for the stay.
The old woman winked. “If anyone else asks, just say you’re married. They’ll believe it; the pair of you have the look.”
“Oh, we’re not--”
“Trust me, sweetheart; I know the look. You’d best tack a ‘yet’ to the end of that sentence.”
“Thank you,” Adrian cut you off, hand moving down to grasp yours and again you felt your power swell with the contact; you also could have sworn you saw pink at the tips of his ears, “for your kindness. We appreciate the advice.”
“Always happy to help the youth!” she grinned. The sound of the key scraping against the desk as she pushed it towards you grated against your nerves. “Check-out is tomorrow afternoon!”
“Adrian, how are we supposed to make anyone believe that we--”
Those grey eyes of his cut to yours as he led you upstairs. “You know as well as I that married couples our age aren’t uncommon. Besides,” he slid the key into the lock to access the room, “with any luck, we won’t be encountering anyone to warrant such a lie.”
The room that was revealed when the door swung open was even smaller than you’d feared, looking more like a converted broom closet than a proper bedroom. The bed was barely wide enough for one and a half people, let alone two; you wouldn’t at all be surprised if his feet dangled off the end of it given his height. The bed was shoved into a corner to maximize space for things such as changing clothes, and beside it sat a barrel serving as an end table with a single oil lamp atop it to light the space.
“Home sweet home,” you said on an exhale. “Do you want to be against the wall, or shall I?” After your time travelling together--months, you were startled to realize--it would be silly to have the argument of who would sleep on the floor. No, both of you would be in the bed, and that was that.
He snorted a little at your mild annoyance. “It’s got to be better than sleeping in the woods, hasn’t it?” he countered while depositing his pack on the floor. 
“Tell that when your poor toes are freezing because they’re just dangling into the abyss.”
There was a spark in his eyes that you’d seen there before, but couldn’t name when you looked over at him. “Then it’s a good thing I’m sharing with you, isn’t it?”
You weren’t sure if he was referring to your ability or something more intimate, but your face heated regardless. “I suppose,” you murmured shyly, insecurity driving away whatever playfulness had been on your tone. Your gaze dropped to the bed you were sitting on.
“Do you have a preference?” he asked more quietly, sensing your uneasiness.
“Huh?” You still didn’t look up at him; instead you made yourself busy by removing the layers that’d started getting too hot now that you were indoors.
“The bed. Do you have a preference on a side?”
“Oh, no.”
“Then I’ll take the side by the door,” came his decisive choice. “I’m a lighter sleeper; I’ll wake if there is any danger.”
“Alright . . .”
Minutes cloaked in awkward silence later, the pair of you were tucked under the well-worn sheets lying closer than you had ever anticipated to the man. Due to the lack of space, it was inevitable that your legs end up being tangled. What you hadn’t anticipated was the way you had to be turned on your side away from each other in order to have any kind of space between your upper halves. And you were right. His toes were hanging off the bed unless he kept his knees pulled up a bit.
“Are you awake?” you asked as quietly as you could in case the answer was ‘no.’
“I’m impressed you think I could doze off that quickly, but yes.”
You stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. You could feel the heat radiating between his back and yours. Part of you wanted to lean back and close that distance.
He sighed a little as he adjusted his position, and you worried that you’d annoyed him. “I’ll tell you a secret in exchange for yours,” he offered, a mirror to that original bargain you’d made with him.
He’d taken the leap and trusted you back then. You could do the same now, but still you hesitated. “. . . I’m afraid I’ll never see my cousin again.” The instant it was out in the air, it was as if a pressure was lifted from your chest. You’d worried that giving voice to your fear would make it reality, but you felt better just for having admitted it.
“You will,” he promised despite both of you knowing he had no power to keep it. There was another pause, just like before yours, when he seemed to brace himself for saying whatever his secret was. “My name is Aleksander.”
A grin spread across your face despite the uncertainty that still gnawed at your mind. You rolled over to face him, prompting him to do the same. His eyes were wary; you wondered how long it’d been since anyone had known his real name. “It’s nice to meet you, Aleksander,” you greeted warmly.
“Nice to meet you, too,” came his more tentative reply.
If the pair of you woke the next morning with your head resting on his chest and his arm holding you close, that was your business and no, you wouldn’t be thinking too hard about it. Especially the way it sent thrills down your spine. Or how it quickly became normal for the two of you to sleep against each other rather than apart. It was better for survival, you reasoned. Sharing body heat and all that. Nevermind the fact that it continued well into the heat of the Summer.
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imluckylikethat · 7 years
Not so bad after all - part 2
A/N: here is part two of a slow burn female oc/adrien agreste (chat noir) fic. It's also available on AO3 here.
Bustled through the airport, paraded past the paparazzi and hurried though the rain into a limousine, Tess fiddled with the strap on her bag in all too familiar daze. She really should have paid more attention when her parents had sat her down to talk about the next big move but she had been so distraught at the thought of having to say goodbye yet again that not a whole lot else sunk in. Too stubborn to ask again, she resigned herself to playing it by ear and looked out the window past the streams of water running down the glass to the darkening sky. She had heard that Paris was a beautiful city but for now she would just have to believe the pictures and hope for clearer skies tomorrow when she could explore.
“I do wish you’d worn something a bit nicer Tess.”
It took a moment for Tess to register that her mother was talking to her. Furrowing her brow in confusion she adjusted herself in the seat to face her. “Worn something nicer? Why?”
Her mum sighs, looking disappointed and it makes Tess’ stomach churn with anxiety. What had she missed? Personally she didn’t see anything wrong with dressing comfortably when traveling for most of the day. It was getting late too so it wasn’t like they were going to be doing much else.
“Like I told you, Monsieur Agreste is a very important man. An inspiration in the fashion world. Not to mention a highly lucrative businessman. He has a very critical eye and your father and want to make a good impression.”
Tess nodded slowly. She understood that, but she wasn’t sure where she came into it. Usually these important meetings took place while she was in a hotel room or in whatever house they lived in binging the latest series on netflix.
“Well, I’ll be sure to wear something nicer when I meet him?” She offered lamely, the words sticking in her mouth.
Looking up from his phone for a moment, her father presses his lips together before speaking. “Kiddo we went over this. Monsieur agreste sent the car to meet us from the airport. We’re meeting him tonight.”
“Oh.” Grunting in acknowledgement Tess grimaced, ducking her head down to scratch at the back of her neck. She really ought to pay more attention. “I’m sorry.”
Her parents nodded and the car fell into silence once again. Tess turned back to look out the window again, making shapes out of the distant lights blurred with the rain.
It wasn’t long before the sleek black car rolled to a stop. The black clouds overhead making it seem much later than what it was. After her parents slipped out of the limousine Tess followed suit, squinting as the rain poured down on her. Despite the storm it was a relatively warm night the kind of weather that made her feel alive. For the first time since being told she was moving to Paris, Tess felt an itch to go and explore. She probably wouldn’t get a chance to tonight but the thought of soon quelled her nerves a little.
Then she saw the agreste house.
It wasn't so much a house as it was a mansion. The impressive building seemed to tower over her, surrounded by a wrought iron fence. Gaping, Tess took a step backwards trying to take it all in, stepping right into a large puddle.
“Oh great.” Huffing in annoyance, Tess scowled at the offending pool of water as it soaked through her converse and into her sock. Just what she needed. Her mother would be thrilled. Speaking of which Tess found her parents hurrying along the path up to the house. Huddled under the umbrella the driver had provided for them. Shaking herself a little Tess jogged a little to join them. She wondered what the inside looked like.
Straightening up one final time before going in through the large double doors at the front of the house, Tess couldn’t help but feel some second hand nervousness. She had never known them to be so anxious about a meeting before. “Remember Tess. French.”
She nodded eagerly to put his mind at rest. That was what all those extra tutoring lessons had been for were they not? She wasn’t exactly fluent yet but she felt that she knew enough to get by. When in France. “Yes dad.”
The doors opened to reveal an atrium. The size alone was impressive with high ceilings, pristine marble flooring and minimalistic furnishings. It screamed elegance and while Tess was no stranger to extravagance herself, she was taken aback by it’s simple beauty.
Unexpectedly, someone to her right clears their throat gently, alerting Tess to their presence. A man in a soft green suit smiled kindly, looking down at her expectantly. For a sickening moment she thought it was monsieur agreste but once Tess caught onto her parent’s damp coats draped over his arm she realised what he was asking. Quickly glancing down to her soaked jumper Tess’ stomach lurched in embarrassment because of her lack of preparedness. She really out to take the wet garment off but the thin spaghetti strap tshirt underneath was even less appropriate for meeting monsieur Agreste. Politely declining his offer Tess smiled at the man before he nodded and disappeared through the large doors leading further inside the property.
A moment later the door opened yet again, this time to reveal a rather professional looking woman. Perhaps this was madame agreste? She walked over to greet them with a polite smile on her face, formally introducing herself at Natalie, monsieur agreste assistant – well there went that idea.
“monsieur agreste will be with you in a moment.” She explained somewhat distracted as her eyes found the small puddle of water Tess had made from her sodden shoe that was all but ruining the pristine marble flooring.
Tess cringed. She wasn’t exactly the epitome of poise and grace but things usually weren��t this bad. “I’m really sorry Madame.”
Her lips pulling into a thin line, Natalie nodded before taking them through the door she appeared from leading into a hall of sorts. It was decorated much in the same was as the reception, the main feature being the grand staircase in the centre of the room the balconies at the top leading to each side of the house. Taking a deep breath in Tess noted how clean it all smelled, save for the flowers. It didn’t smell artificial so Tess looked around and sure enough there was a beautiful arrangement on the desk behind her.
She liked flowers. The field behind their house in California was full of wild flowers. She would stay out as long as she could in the sun laying down in the long grass until the smell seeped into her skin. Kobi had said it was an instinctual thing but Tess just liked how it made her bed smell. Maybe that meant they were right.
Eyes widening, the realisation that she had spaced out yet again dawning on her face, Tess turned to her parents and followed their pointed gaze up to the balcony at the top of the stairs. Dressed in a pristine tailored white suit stood a tall man. His styled grey hair complimented his eyes and his whole demeanour screamed his importance. This must be Gabriel Agreste.
Recovering quickly, Tess did her best to put her French lessons to good use ignoring the heat creeping up her face. “Oh. I’m sorry I was admiring your home - it’s beautiful. It’s a pleasure to meet you Monsieur.”
He inclined his head, his voice as calculated as everything else. “And you Mademoiselle Tess.”
Opening his mouth to say something else Gabriel Agreste was interrupted by the atrium door opening once again, the noise seeming far too loud, echoing in the silent room. A boy, maybe not too much older than Tess herself, appeared from behind it, his green eyes widening slightly for a brief moment when he realised he wasn’t alone.
“This is my son Adrian.” Monsieur agreste supplied smoothly as the boy schooled his expression into a polite smile as he greeted the visitors.
Monsieur agreste then seemed to waste no time into launching into business. Tess had tried to follow along but the conversation was flowing too fast for her to keep up and it wasn’t long before the words simply washed over her. She had always thought that French sounded like a beautiful language but learning it had been a pain in the backside for the better part of the last year.
Like the boy to the side of her, Tess stood politely and tried not to fidget. Her damp clothes and shoes were starting to irritate her skin making her itch a little but she ignored it focusing instead on the noise of the cars outside and the rise and fall of conversation. Years of practice with the enhanced hearing Kobi granted her allowed her to phase out a lot of background noise. It had been far too overwhelming to try and listen to everything all at once. These days she could let the sounds wash over her and appreciate the rhythms of everyday life.
She spared a glance over to Adrian as he stood listening intently to the conversation, understanding everything no doubt. His blond hair was damp and ruffled from the rain outside. He looked over and met her gaze, quirking the corner of his mouth up in silent solidarity that Tess had come to learn meant the same in every language. She raised her eyebrows briefly in understanding, a soft smile playing at her lips. She liked him already.
Hearing her name mentioned in the rapid conversation, Tess perked up slightly and redoubled her efforts to pay attention to what was being said. Something about moving. Maybe they were talking about the trip over here? Monsieur agreste didn’t seem the type for small talk though.
“Like I mentioned this morning on the phone monsieur McKenna, there’s been some last minute changes to the studio location. I’m afraid it is no longer going to be in Paris as we had originally thought.”
Tension prickled through her skin. They weren’t staying in Paris – and her father knew about it? Why didn’t they tell her? ‘Probably so you didn’t argue with them’ her mind supplied unhelpfully which was probably closer to the truth than she’d like to admit. Where would they go then?
Placing a placating hand on her husband arm, her mother smiled. “That’s no issue monsieur Agreste. We can provide tutors for Tess to be home schooled.”
“What? Mum!” The objection flew out of her mouth before Tess had any chance to stop it. If it had been any other matter Tess would have winced at how her voice echoed loudly but she was too distraught.
Her father turned to her sharply. The disapproval clear in his voice as he switched to English to chastise her. “Not now Tess.”
Tess dropped her eyes to the floor concentrating on the marble patterns. She just needed to keep it together and not embarrass her parents any more. Get through it and talk to them later. As hard as she tried a lump made its way up her throat. Her chest tightened and all Tess could think was ‘but they promised’.
They had made a deal. She behaved herself and didn’t step out of line and her parents would let her go back to school. God knows had she tried. She attended every lesson without complaint, every recital, every function. She was polite and respectful even when it was near impossible. She had kept herself out of trouble while her parents were off working. They promised in Paris she could go to a real school. Hadn’t she been good enough? Why were they still punishing her?
It wasn’t fair.
Tess trembled slightly where she stood, trying to contain her distress. She didn’t want to make any more of a spectacle of herself – she wanted to run, not that she had anywhere to run to. Had she not been so intensely focused on the pounding of her own heartbeat she would have perhaps noticed a pair kind green eyes watching her in concern.
Adrian’s voice cut through the adults conversation, measured and clear in a way that Tess could never quite master. A pregnant pause filed the air. She didn't trust herself to look up, considering instead if anyone would notice her slip a hand into her bag to reach for Kobi. Some reassurance that she wasn’t completely alone would help.
When Adrian spoke, she had to second guess her own translation because she wasn’t sure she believed it. “What if mademoiselle Tess stayed here during the project? She could go to school at Françoise Dupont and Monsieur and Madame McKenna wouldn’t need to worry about her and could focus on your new campaign.”
Tess snapped her head up to Adrian who wasn’t looking at her rather kept his eyes trained on his father who in turn was looking at his son intently with an unreadable expression on his face. While she couldn’t tell exactly what was going on she was sure there was more to it than met the eye.
Her parents were quick to assure Monsieur Agreste that they didn’t want to impose but it was clear to Tess that they would be open to the idea. It wouldn’t be the first time she had been left in someone else’s care and Tess suddenly felt a surge of gratitude for the boy beside her. There was still a chance.
Ultimately everyone was waiting for monsieur Agreste to make the decision. Tess got the feeling that the man quite liked everyone hanging on his word but it didn’t matter. Her stomach twisted in anticipation, hoping there was some way it could work out.
Nodding once monsieur Agreste straightened his posture as though he realised his own importance all over again.
“Adrian, please take madmoiselle Tess and find her something dry to wear. We don’t want her to catch a cold now do we?”
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