#Yes I just analysed this song as Frollo's failure
ranminfan · 10 months
Goodness- I can't....
I've listened to Hellfire numerous times, and I still get chills on how beautiful Tony Jay sang.
His baritone voice made it seem that Frollo sang so passionately, singing his heart out of the temptation he's trying so hard to deny.
As if he's convincing Beata Maria (or really, himself) that this was not his fault... this is not his doing....
It started off like a prayer...
Adoration, yet it's filled with prideful remarks of his own regards, praising himself instead of God. Then transitioned to sound like accusations, Why does he sees her, why does he feel her?...
It went to Confessions.... only, he didn't acknowledge his wrong doings.... instead he claims it's not his fault, and even had the gall to blame Esmeralda...
Beautifully partnered with an ensemble singing Mea Culpa.... through my fault, through my fault... through my most grievious fault... The penitential act, he's supposed to confess his sins, and yet he didn't...
Then finally, Supplication, humbly begging for assistance... guidance... protection... yet even still he demanded for the source of his sins to burn...
The part,
"... or else let her be mine and mine alone...", absolutely chilling, gives me goosebumps everytime. Even in prayer he acts as if he has the power to let things go his way....
.....Was it even a prayer?
I'm convinced not even Disney's live action remakes can top Hellfire, no matter how many artists they hire to sing, no matter how famous, they cannot make another song sound so haunting and beautiful at the same time.
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