#Yes im a fool but i assumed id have to play whatever games i already had on my ps4 until i go to my ps5
mrfoox · 2 years
Possibly very stupid question but... Can I play my digital bought games from my ps4 on my ps5?
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ssamie · 3 years
thirteen. “til death do us part”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide, jumping off a bridge ;-; (nobody dies tho)
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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"well what happened afterwards??" kuroo asked kenma 
the boys were in kenma's room chilling and playing games while kenma tells kuroo about his confession "uh.. nothing really" kenma said with a sigh 
"she didn't respond but she didn't really reject me either" he said "she had a call from her agency saying they needed her for something and she had to leave" 
kuroo was visibly disappointed at the result, patting his friend's back as he let out a sigh "well, like you said, she technically didn't reject you" he said "plus, she's been fawning over you for a long time. im pretty sure she likes you back" 
kenma furrowed his brows and shrugs. "sure i guess.." the pudding head muttered 
"cmon, kenma! don't get all sulky on me now!" kuroo exclaimed. the boy laid back on the bed and pulled out kenma's phone, placing it between them and began counting
"ten.. nine.. eight..seven.. six.." 
"what the hell are you doing?" kenma deadpanned "im counting down the seconds it takes before y/n tells you to meet up or something" kuroo explained 
".. five.. four.. three.." 
"im pretty sure it doesn't work like that-" he was cut off by the loud ringing of the phone. the caller id was shown, revealing it to be y/n herself. kuroo jumps up and cheers, yelling and howling in happiness as he ruffles kenma's hair 
"kenma, i told you!!" kuroo exclaimed excitedly "dude, i should be a fucking psychic" 
"no, you shouldn't" 
kenma picks up the phone with shaky hands. he sends kuroo a wary glance, who simply gave him a thumbs up in return. his trembling fingers answered the call, and then pressed the phone to his ear 
"h-hello? y/n?" 
"kenma! how's my favourite pudding-head doing? ow-" she asked 
kenma furrowed his brows as he heard her wincing from the other line, undoubtedly from pain. "um.. are you okay?" he asks worriedly 
"oh yes, of course i am" she answered way too quickly for it to not be suspicious "but i do need your help for something.. come to the same bridge from last night" she said in a serious tone 
kenma gulped as he made various frantic gestures to kuroo, silently asking for his help. though kuroo was no help since all he did was smile blankly while holding up two thumbs up 
"um, okay! do i go there now or..?" 
"yup! bye-bye ~" 
kenma then let himself drop to the ground as soon as the call ended. he felt like turning into a puddle and drying up from the nervousness flowing through his whole body at the moment
"k-kuroo.." he mumbled "dude, you okay?" kuroo asked with a chuckle "like i said, y/n is definitely responding to the confession!" 
"yeah okay-" kenma grumbled 
"but please help me up. 80% of my nervousness is now in my knees. i can't stand." 
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kenma nuzzled his nose into his hoodie, covering half of his face as he nervously approached the riverbank. like he said beforehand, his nervousness has traveled down to his knees and it seems that it still hasn't left. 
"hey hey hey ~ over here, kenma!" she yelled 
kenma looked up to see her waving her arm around like a madman. though, one of her arms were in a sling, and she just looked quite roughed out more than usual 
he jogged over to her with a frown while eyeing her obvious injuries "hey, what what happened to you?" kenma asked her 
"oh this? this is nothing" she said with a laugh "i somehow broke it during a mission last night, but not to worry, the ever so lovely yosano-san cured me" she laughed nervously 
"ah yes.. yosano-san.." she shuddered 
it left kenma thinking of what could have possibly been so bad about getting cured. though he left it be and paid no mind. 
"so why did you call me?" he asked her. he was feeling quite anxious at the moment and he was feeling very thankful that she wasn't acting indifferent towards him 
"well, i called you over for multiple things" she said 
kenma gulped as she paused dramatically, leaving him to anticipate whatever it is that she has to say 
"i need you to play this game for me so i can pretend to be better than chuuya." she stated with a straight face. she then handed him her phone, which had the game's chat open and had chuuya laughing and teasing her 
chuuya's messages consisted of 'you're such a fucking loser' and 'you suck balls' among others. 
"what?" kenma sweat dropped 
"please! that munchkin will get too happy if he wins one more time!" she pleaded 
kenma sighed but did as he was told. he was playing the game while she watched him with sparkling eyes "kenma! you're a lifesaver!" she exclaimed once she had won the game 
"could you imagine me losing to chuuya?!" she scoffed out with a grin "gosh! my ego wouldn't be able to handle such torture!" 
"now, secondly.." she paused once again "eat this ramen with me!" 
kenma sweat dropped as she had randomly pulled out two cup ramens, which for some reason are both hot and in well condition 
"where did you even get that?" kenma asked her with a soft laugh 
"that's a secret! but did you know-" she mused "the reason i got this for us is because ranpo-san told me about it. apparently, its a 'deathly spicy ramen' and he wanted to refer it to me" 
kenma blinked at her but smiled anyways "wow. so then im assuming you're expecting us to die from this?" 
"its worth a shot!" she cheered. she handed him chopsticks and sent him a cocky grin "i'll let you know i can handle spicy food quite well" 
"so if all else fails, i packed a ghost pepper just in case-" 
"please put the pepper away <3"
kenma sighed as he reluctantly ate the ramen, slurping on the noodles and soup as tears brimmed his eyes "im not very good with spicy food.." he muttered as he fanned his mouth 
"finish it!!" she exclaimed, though tears has also brimmed her eyes 
"you're in the brink of tears too!" he groaned in agitation 
"these are tears of happiness! i can almost taste the death looming over us!" she exclaimed with a grin 
after finishing the very spicy ramen, she had unfortunately concluded that it was, in fact, not deadly. in the end, the pair had to run to a nearby food stall to buy some drinks
and as they were drinking, y/n had once again perched herself onto the flat surface of the metal railings, letting her feet dangle as they watched the sunset in peace 
"y/n.. about last night.." kenma muttered out nervously 
"ah yes, your confession?" she chuckled "no need to worry about that. i already know what im gonna say.." 
kenma blinked in shock, frantically averting his eyes from her and to the ground as he felt his anxiety rocketing 
"which brings me to my third reason of calling you over.." she said "kenma, there's something i need to tell you" she said 
her expression had gone aloof and the playful smile on her lips has now faltered "what is it?" he gulped 
she took two steps back as she looked him in the eyes. her (e/c) orbs not seeming to give any hints as she peered at him 
"y/n.. if you're gonna reject me then-" he was, of course, cut off once again as she suddenly pulled her 'injured' arm out of her sling and popped it out to wave at him
"boo!" she cooed out with a dumb smile 
"what the hell." kenma replied as he blankly stared at her
she laughed and slipped the sling off, folding it neatly before casually throwing it down the bridge "did i have you fooled?" she chuckled "anyways.. about that statement you didn't get to finish.." she hummed 
"what makes you think i would reject you?" she asked him 
her bandaged hand patted the spot next to her, indicating that she wanted him to sit. following her wishes, kenma hesitantly sat next to her. 
he was fiddling with his fingers as a huge and overbearing wave of silence washed upon them. fortunately for him, she wasn't looking so she couldn't see his trembling body, and the nervous look on his face 
"well, i kind of assumed you don't like me since.. you kinda left me hanging last night.." kenma muttered 
"hm, i did do that.." she hummed back quietly "what would you do if i said i liked you back?" she asked him 
kenma couldn't see it, but it seemed he could basically feel her cheeky smile appearing "um.." he stammered 
what would he do? he didn't really know. he didn't plan that far ahead. and kuroo was nowhere to give him some awful but doable advice. 
"i-i don't know.." he stuttered out. kenma could feel himself heating up. its like his cheeks was on fire as he felt bursts of embarrassment and butterflies banging on his stomach. 
"would you kiss me?" she mused 
kenma froze up. he looked up at her, face beet red and eyes as wide as saucers, as he mumbled incoherent words 
"well- no? i don't really know how to do that-" he stammered "or yeah- if you want- or um- i love you." 
she chuckled and slowly faced him with a gentle smile "i love you too, then" she laughed 
kenma has officially blown a fuse. 
his face exploded into a bright red as he felt all the weight of the pressure and anxiety leave his body 
"so, do i get my kiss now?" she asked teasingly 
"uh well-" kenma muttered with a sheepish smile "i dunno how-" 
he was cut off by a hand grabbing a tuft of his hair from his nape. her fingers tugged on his faux blonde locks as she pulled his face closer to his 
"itadakimasu~" she cooed out 
kenma.exe has stopped working. 
once her lips had pressed onto his, his whole body tensed up. though a total contrast to his reaction, she was quite calm. obviously calm enough to shove her tongue down his throat. 
their kiss was short but sensual. he took notice of how deliciously addicting her tongue danced against his. he definitely needed to ask where she got all those kissing skills from later on. 
he may not like the answer since it was from chuuya, but let's not get into that..
she pulled away after a minute, her grip on his hair loosening as she pressed one last peck on his parted lips. she backed away and licked her lips to tease him. 
"oh my" she cooed at him "if i would've known you taste this good, then i would've kissed you much sooner" 
"u-umm.." kenma muttered bashfully 
he was blinking sluggishly as his fingers lightly graze his lips, reminiscing in the feeling of hers against it. 
"y/n.. will you be my girlfriend?... please?" he asked in a quiet and flustered tone. all the nonexistent confidence he had before has now fully evaporated away. 
"of course." she mused 
"wait-really??" kenma asked her with a look of disbelief and sheer happiness
he bit back a smile as he looked up to look at the setting sun, then back at her. her features were illuminated by the soft golden rays, making her look simply ethereal, atleast to him. 
kenma was then brought back into reality as he felt the soft skin of her hand and the textured bandages touch his. 
she intertwined their hands and brought it up to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. she chuckled at him as he turned his head to the side, trying to hide his blush from her. 
"til death do us part." she grinned 
"okay, that was very sweet.. but when it comes from you, it kinda seems like you're about to kill us both-" 
without uttering another word, she pushed herself off from the railings she was sat on, and tugged him along with her. 
"y-y/n?! y/n!" kenma shrieked as he felt himself free falling in the air. his grip on her hand tightened as he nervously recoiled into a ball. the cold air hit his skin in the most nerve wracking way, leaving his skin with goosebumps and shivers tingling down his spine. 
"so this is what it's like.." she mumbled 
kenma looked over to her, the panic in his eyes gradually fading as he was met with her warm and love-filled orbs. she held the most tranquil and peaceful smile as she looked at him with a sense of joy and plenitude. 
"y/n.." his lips quivered as he gripped her closer 
she simply smiled at him as both of their hair flew erraticly due to the wind. the sound of the flowing water got louder and louder 
until finally, they hit the surface with a huge splash. 
she faintly heard loud and ragged breaths coming from kenma as he swims back up for air, hastily paddling against the strong current to drag himself and, her as well, back to land. 
"I KNEW IT! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" he exclaimed once he catched his breath 
she laid down on the grassy ground beneath them and closed her eyes. she had a faint smile on her lips as she mumbled under her breath 
"double suicide.. im definitely not dying unless it feels like that.." she whispered 
kenma's demeanour softened at her words. he laid down beside her with a huff, tucking his wet hair behind his ears and doing the same for her. 
"if we're gonna kill each other, atleast tell me first." he sighed "also, drowning is definitely scratched off your list" 
"well, you look like you can't swim so.." she chuckled playfully "that's not a valid excuse" kenma sighed, though a fond smile etched itself on his lips
they probably looked quite strange to other's perspectives, if anything, they looked like dead bodies that had washed up to shore. 
but they didn't really care. 
"also, that was a very weird assumption. do i really look that lanky to you?"
"yes <3"
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kissing scenes are so weird to write, or at least for me  ;-;
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kwanfairy · 3 years
i was tagged by the lovely @choi-hae ​  ♡  thankies!!
so i dont really have an ult group, im a very unloyal hoe and go from one hyperfixation to another sdkajkal & while my current one are the ACE bois, i decided on DAY6 instead given that the fools have already been covered!
Group Chosen: DAY6
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Who was your first bias?
Wonpil. I was instantly drawn to his gentle and kind personality and he’s such a pretty boy too (not that the others arent!). His voice is so gorgeous and despite being 2 heads taller than me, i just cant help but go “LOOK AT THIS TINY SQUISHY MAN HE SO CUTE!!”
Who is your bias now?
Still Wonpil! Yes hes sweet and a lil angel but hes also weird AF and Jae constantly side-eyeing is so relatable lmao but i love that about him asl well. Hes a bit hyper but also quiet at times and i also love his laugh OMFG!!
First MV You Ever Watched?
Honestly cant remember. I usually know groups quite a while before i really get into them so i might have watched a bunch of their shit without even realizing it was them jdskal but i think it must have been either Shoot Me or I Wait, most like the second one tho!
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What’s your favourite MV?
i feel like DAY6′s MV’s arent all that grand or heavy on SFX compared to other groups but thats why i like them so much! they are just so much fun to watch and thats why i think I’m Serious or I Smile are my favs. they are pretty and just nice to look at.
If you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Definitely Best Part. It’s my most fav song of them right after Love Me Or Leave Me (my life goal is to experience this song at a concert omfg)!
Who would you want to see them collab with?
I dont know enough ppl to answer that lmaobut i did love whenever Jamie sang along on ASC so maybe her!?
What MV concept would you like to see them do?
i really enjoyed their High School AU trilogy sdksalk and i’d be down for another one of those. but also something retro and fun, kinda like Days Gone By!
Have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
Ye! my dreams are really easy to manipulate or like steered into a certain direction. like when i think about something all day i will most likely dream about it in the next few days so i often dream about kpop idols LMAO. anyway, one i can remember was about cuddling up with wonpil, it was very soft and tender sdkjakjk
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If you could spend the whole day with a member, who would it be and what would you do?
I think Jae! he just seems like a real fun guy to be with and he has this very strange yet genius brain lol. i would love to just talk about whatever, maybe roast JYP a bit lol, watch funny videos, play video games and eat. something fun yet chill! 
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Which member do you think you’d get along with the most?
I guess with Dowoon! I love his humor and he has a very beagle-like personality which i am pretty compatible with i assume dksjklak
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Which member do you think you would argue with?
100% Youngk lmao. this bitch just so loud and annoying like, we get youre the middle child of day6 but that doesnt mean you have to act like it dhsjhsajk plus im a foodie too so we would prob be constantly fighting over food LOL
If you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
Prob Youngk and Jae given that they are most likely able to understand my weird ass humor. That being said, i would let themm all have a look but i think id have to explain a lot less to these 2 lol
oof this took me forever omfg but thanks again for tagging me!
i’ll tag @stitchzmile​ @minbin-enthusiast​ @awwfuckno​ @emmy-clou​
yall dont have to do this ofc and it doesnt have to be kpop ofc!!
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