#Yes this is the happier ending at least he didnt turn into a beast
edns · 11 months
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After the unification of Fódlan, king Dimitri married Cyrus Bartholomew Blaiddyd (maiden name Lenz). They were happy together, though not for long - the nature of Cyrus's double Crest condition made his body deteriorate very quickly. Dimitri sought the best crestologists out there to cure him from the condition, but it was too already too late. This portrait pictures Cyrus not too long before his passing. Some say that Cyrus's untimely death led to the fall of the Crest system in Fódlan...
Happier ending AU.....part 2?
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afklancelot · 10 months
recently got into HOL and my silly autism brain has taken the reigns with this book. anyways i would (capital L) Love to hear your theories/hidden symbolism notes on this book if youre willing to share
hello yea id love to! doubt it will be coherent at all cuz i didnt take notes but ill do my best
one of the more prevalent theories of HoL is that Pelafina is the true author of the book. The fact that "A Novel" text on the front page, the "First Edition" text, and the text Johnny uses just before getting into the baby story is purple, and Pelafina often being associated with purple, is definitely not a coincidence. In addition, the baby story being about a mother and her dying baby alludes to Pelafina and Johnny, implying Johnny never existed, at least as an adult (either he died as a baby/stillborn, or his mother actually succeeded in strangling him as a kid). One of Pelafina's coded letters (there's at least two if i remember correctly) also mentions Zampano, so it's plausible that Zampano was Pelafina's lover and later disappeared from her life, and Pelafina integrated him into the book she was writing.
A bit minor in terms of symbolism, but notably the word "changeling", according to the index, is only used two times: one in Johnny's section, and one in Pelafina's section. Johnny's a changeling in that he makes up stories to protect himself: pretend to be someone he's not, and he never told anyone, at least in LA, about his actual childhood. Pretty obvious, yes. Pelafina's also a changeling as well using the "Pelafina is the true author and Johnny was dead all along/never existed to begin with", in that she acts like johnny is alive by sending letters to him, when in reality he was killed by her/died in birth/never existed. She pretends to be someone she's not by acting like a mother, in other words.
That said, while I see the Pelafina author theory as the most plausible theory for HoL, i kinda ignore it cuz imagining a world w/o Johnny Truant makes me sad :,)
a connecting theme for all of HoL is obsession. Will obsesses over the house's changing architecture, Holloway obsesses over a potential beast within the labyrinth, Johnny obsesses over the manuscript of The Navidson Record, hell, even Karen expresses obsession in trying to ignore the house (through Feng Shui and whatnot). And of course, there's what happens when obsession takes hold, best seen in Will and Karen neglecting their kids and each other (Will moreso), Holloway's refusal to abandon a 'mission' and shooting Jed thinking the latter was the beast, Johnny not going outside his apartment for days on end and losing time, not seeing his friends at all, you get the drift. We the readers even emulate it, obsessing over the book, what it meant, and what actually was real or not. It's only when Will burns the book be brought, House of Leaves, that things start to take a turn for the better: he lets go of his obsession of the house, Karen rescues him, and they live a happier life away from the house. Also seen when Johnny meets the band who shows him the book as well, as the very last passage in chronological terms has him finding closure over finding the book in the band's hands ("It's going to be alright. It's going to be alright"). not rlly hidden symbolism or a theory but i always love talking bout the obsession theme and stuff.
also one more thing: Johnny thinks the number nine is connected with him, and seeing his math i can't disagree. what's interesting, and i found out only recently from going thru the eht namuh website, is that the number nine in the Bible is a symbol of finality and completeness (as a TF fan, this statement feels ironic). His musing pops up around his final chapter he actually appears in the book, where while it does leave him w an ambiguous ending, it also completes his story arc, including giving him some closure. idk where im going with this but it's just something neat.
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I’ll Love you No Matter What pt9
Keith hadn’t been prepared for the alarm. He looked angrily at the Bra on the floor “Fuck...” it was essentially spend twenty minutes putting the damned thing back on or go save the universe. Universe or Bra. Boobs can wait and Universes can only be saved once. 
Keith pulls on the shirt and his pants and runs down the hall into the hanger. His suit is ready and so is he armor has been tougher with boobs the plates don’t exactly want to shift so they fit just like they used to. So Keith takes that deep breath and clips them on knowing the snugness is going to be the only thing keeping his boobs from going kitty wompus during battle.
“Keith you better be in that Lion.” Shiro says as He slides into Reds seat. She welcome him with purs and growls that seem to ease the panic and settle the excitement into his limbs again.
“CALM DOWN GRANDPA.” hisses Keith as Red catches up the tail ends of Shiro’s Lion in sight.
“ What are we looking at?” Lance asks and Keith has to swallow the nervous bile in throat at the sound of his voice. It’s sure but there’s something else there. Breathlessness- from what?
“Some kind of ro-“
“Ahhhhhh! Hunk WATCH OUT!!!” Keith sees Hunk barreling over Pidge and his stomach does one of those nervous tosses.
“I CANT SEE IT!” Hunk wails
“See what?!?” Lance shouts back
“Shit.” Pidge mutters softly but Keith hears it and then the clicking of her fingers on Greens panels.
“Pidge.” Shiro’s using the voice.
“It’s got s-“ and then Hunk and Pidge are barreling again. This time like bumper cars toward each other. Shiro’s Lion reaches out to green and grasps it’s tail before they collide.
“Not the time buddy.” Lance warns,” how are we supposed to see this thing?”
“ Thermal imaging..” pidge offers,” Green do we have a bucket?”
“Alright team let’s try thermal and then then attack from all sides.” Shiro’s directive and everyone follows nodding softly
“What does it even want?”
“OUR LIONS?” Keith huffs loudly.
“What they always want.” Pidge gags
Keith flips some buttons and his screen shifts colors and red starts humming as per usual (she likes to sing in battle it’s weird) .
The camera has captured a beast with these large tentacle like arms and the head of a bird but it doesn’t have any base it just floats. It’s red eyes are unfocused spinning. At the center there’s this big blue circle that keeps changing shape.
“What the fuck is that?” Lance asks?
“Lake mon-“ Hunk begins but just as he starts talking the blue circle burst open into a star shape and purple sparks fly forward striking the yellow lion.
“HUNK.” Everyone yells and Keith watches helplessly as the yellow lion withers in pain. Red growls and starts rushing forward, he holds her back though.
“I’m okay...” Hunk says softly gasping. “Whatever that beam is it steals power source. Yellows down a few bars.”
“Okay avoid the beam guys.” Shiro says
“Don’t get hit by tentacles, beam and use thermal imaging... anything else oh fearless one?” Lance is smug he sounds irritated or turned on and Keith can’t tell which one it is and he’s frustrated by it.
“Yes. We’re gunna need Voltron.” Shiro snips and Keith shudders. Sure they’d done the little picture but the actual mind melding was 100% different it was like letting everyone feel you from the inside and Keith wasn’t sure he was 100% ready for that. Well at least not for Lance.,” EVERYONE FORM VOLTRON.”
Keith closed his eyes and nodded knowing he needed to follow rules and formation he turned Red and cleared his mind. They were doing it flying in formation he was thinking about an unstoppable impossibly defatable robot with a huge sword and everyone just kept flying... that’s when the beam hit Lance.
Blue fell back and the beam sparked hard her body arching.
“Lance!!” Keith cried rushing backwards Reds cannons aiming toward the base of the beam.
“Why didn’t it work?!” Pidge asked panicked
“WHY DIDNT WE GET ALL BEEFY?” Hunk whispered loudly
“Beefy hunk? Really?” Pidge groaned
“Look I’m tired okay?”
“Someone’s off focus they aren’t thinking about Voltron...” Shiro was confused
“ITS NOT ME.” Keith said turning his lion to the group as a tentacle whipped him across the body.
“It’s me...” came Lances small voice.
“WHAT?” Was the collective response.
“Look my minds been a little pre-occupied...” 
“With what!? What could possibly be keeping you from forming VOLTRON IN AN IMPORTANT B-” Theres a pause as Pidge is smacked by one of the tenticles and she attempts to right herself. 
“ Pidge is right Lance. You need to tell us whats keeping you from forming Voltron.”  Shiro growls as he fires blindly at one of the tenticles. 
“ I can’t...” Lance shudders at the very thought. 
“Lance, YOU have to or we won’t be able to form VOLTRON.” Hunk Shouts 
Keith fires aimlessly at the tentacles but they don't seem to be taking anything. Theres this desperate sound in Lance’s voice and then their’s this almost whine as tentacles hiss through the air,” WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS LANCE.” Keith hisses as another tentacle tried to wrap itself around Red,” JUST SPIT IT OUT.”
Everyone but Lance seemed to be locked into the battle of the tentacles Lance was floating his lion shooting beams occasionally at the center,” WHY WONT THIS THING JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY.”
“Because- SPIT IT OUT!!!” Keith shouted as her lion was spunn into a turn as she tried to break away but was pulled back by a tentacle.
“I SAW KEITH NAKED.” Lance shouts angrily as he slams all his controls at once making Blue do a complicated move.
There’s complete silence from everyone and Lance is panting slamming controls and dogging trying to distract the beast. Keith is completely frozen the tips of his ears feel red and his neck is hot.” You what?” Is all he can think but Keith didn’t realize he’d said it out loud and he can hear Lance take the collective gulp.
“You were in the showers at 1am... I walked in and-“
“Please tell me you did not stay.” Shiro groans and the tentacle holding him squeezes a little harder.
Keith can’t breath though. His lungs are in his throat, he’s panicked. He’d been talking to Red, asking her if she thought Lance really hated him...Who cared if Lance saw his boobs they were fucking flesh. Shiro had seen them for Pete’s sake. But if Lance had heard any of his confession to Red....
“Keith?” Pidge is on his private com and he can’t focus he can still hear Lance rambling and screaming about things that won’t die. He can hear Hunks panic and Shiro’s disappointment. He can imagine Lance pushing the buttons and screaming. That’s when he notices it. Lance is turned away from the robot he’s yelling at Shiro and shooting at the tentacles holding their leader. He doesn’t notice the big green light or the moon shape. He doesn’t see any of it. He’s so focused.
And Keith starts breathing again. He can feel red roaring beneath him her body becoming hot. She takes a big bite out of tentacle and the robot lets her go. And then his mind does what it always does during battle. It makes a list.
1. Hunks food is wonderful
2. Lance is an idiot
3. The one holding all of them together has bright blue eyes and brown eyes
4. The one who makes him smile can vary on any given day but blues always there
5. Shiro needs to get home to Adam.
6. That green beam may kill him...
7. He loves Lance... he loves pidge and Shiro and Hunk and Allura and Coran.
8. It’s okay to let go for those you love...
And then his list ends because he pushes forward. Red whines softly and he soothes her by singing that stupid happier song she loves and he hates.
Lance doesn’t see Red but he feels her as she kicks him clear of the green beam that sparks across her body. Everyone watches in quiet shock. Keith and Red struggle in the blaze of the beam and then her lights go out and she floats quietly.
Keith watches the panels turn off and his whole body aches he can feel the blood falling from his nose. “It was beautiful flying with you....” and then his eyes slide closed as he sees blue float closer and the air in his lungs float away.
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