#Yohmei Asakura
skhub · 1 year
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Shaman King Official Fan Book (2004) Asakura family profile pages and Q&A, Italian edition.
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
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Shaman King Vol 6
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fruitysmellz · 6 months
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A friend once said that Yoh and Anna being married in their teen years is just 24/7 Horny O’Clock and I don’t think I ever recovered from that 🤣🤣🤣
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04 – Shaman King Big 03 – 04/91
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O terceiro volume de Shaman King Big reúne os encadernados de número cinco e seis da publicação original. Aqui acompanhamos a segunda luta da primeira rodada do Shaman Fight – o torneiro shaman – entre Yoh e Fausto VIII, um necromante. A luta não ocorre muito bem para Yoh e o mesmo é salvo por uma pessoa inesperada.
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Yoh então decepcionado com os fatos ocorridos em sua luta, decide treinar para aumentar a sua força oracular, e com isso volta para a sua terra natal para realizar o treinamento com seu avô Yohmei, o chefe da família Asakura, no qual ele deverá entrar no buraco do Yomi e passar sete dias e sete noites no completo escuro.
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A terceira edição de Shaman King big em formato físico conta com 373 páginas preto e branco, reunindo os capítulos #36-53 da obra original, sendo publicado no Brasil pela editora JBC em junho de 2022.
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zarahxan · 2 years
OC-tober Prompt #1: Travel
Hey guys! Back alive here for another OCtober! This one I’m doing was actually created by my friend, Keokotheshadowfang! This time, there actually might be more canon characters present, however, since the actual original name was OCTPtober. XD But I (and others) are gonna be taking a lot of creative liberties, and some of these won’t even be romantic (or explicitly oc-related). Take this first written prompt of mine for example, which takes place in an SKF-adjacent au for Hana and an OC of mine, where the two boys have a talk about adventure over a board game. They’re pretty much just platonic. :>
Hope you enjoy! (There’s also art down below!)
“You know, you’re pretty lucky….” Hana drawled as he sat beside his bed with his back against the frame. He absentmindedly rolled the dice in his hands and threw it onto the board on the floor.
A two. The blond gnawed at his cheek.
Hana took the orange piece on the board and counted the number of steps. Tch, a stupid board game, and yet he was making no headway.
“You get to be all over the place. I’ve only ever been stuck here.”
The blond watched as his board game opponent Kuu only stared at him for a moment. There was a trace of concern in his eyes, but Hana couldn’t be sure as he quickly glanced down to the dice, picked it up, and rolled out a number.
A six?? Man, this guy was just too lucky…
Kuu then spoke up as he moved his blue piece on the board, evidently some steps further than Hana’s.
“Has Tamao-san never let you go anywhere?”
“No, duh!” Hana complained as he gave the bed frame behind him a light whack. “… okay well, I’ve been to Izumo a few times, but that’s only ever been for seeing my grandparents.”
“Oh?” Kuu lifted a brow. “How was it? Over there, I mean.”
“…quiet. Not much to do but do some shamanic training, I guess. Great, big training halls that aren’t used anymore. But there’s this nice opening lined with all these big, old wisteria trees. Great-Grandma can get strict, but I don’t see her too often cuz she’s usually in Aomori. Great-Grandpa is too, but at least he gives me stuff to do. He also says some weird things, though.”
“What kind of things?”
“Like, ‘humans are like cancer cells that eat up the earth!’” Hana rolled his eyes, making his tone low and scratchy to imitate Asakura Yohmei’s tone. “‘And it’s our job as shamans to find the cure’! —Well gee, great gramps, but aren’t we human too?? So like, do we disinfect our fucking DNA or something? What are we, aliens!?“
Kuu chuckled, and Hana nearly smiled despite his frustrations. “You’re right.” His brows furrowed, with a smirk that almost seemed wicked. “That is bullshit.“
“It wasn’t lame over there or anything.“ Hana waved off. He took the dice and rolled. A three.
“Just not as exciting or cool as… encountering a random band of onryo or fighting an eldritch being in the mountains.”
His piece landed right behind Kuu’s.
“It’s not all fun and adventure with those kinds of things,” Kuu shook his head. He rolled his dice and got a two. “It was already daylight by the time I finished exorcising those spirits, and I didn’t get a wink of sleep. And that tatarigami? Nearly succeeded in decapitating a huge number of local kids to punish a nearby town for cutting trees from its territory; the whole thing was a mess.”
Hana bit his lip. Well, he couldn’t argue with that. He rolled a two. “Okay, sure, it probably sucks if you’re traveling and doing stuff like that but..! You get to save people, do actual stuff with your shaman powers, and see new places and people. Me..?”
He landed right behind Kuu again.
It was true, he thought. All he ever did was sit here. Studying for things he would never use after he graduated, doing chores, and just training all day, rolling with everything even when it was clear that things were being hidden from him. He was so tired of missing out and being put to the side…
“What if we went somewhere together?” Kuu asked.
Wait, did he hear that right…!? Hana blinked as he looked up. “…what?”
Their eyes met for just a moment before Kuu’sgaze drifting elsewhere, his face flushing in embarrassment. “I mean, what if… we made a trip somewhere? Tamao-san trusts me enough, so what if we went somewhere not even I’ve been to yet?”
“Tch. So there are places that you’ve actually never been to? So much for having traveled all around Nippon.” Hana laughed.
Kuu huffed as he took the dice and seemed to lack a little less of the grace he usually carried as he threw it to the board.
A one.
Hana couldn’t help but feel proud that he got him not to be so stiff again. “I said I’ve been around the country, not to every single place within it.” The raven-haired boy shook his head as he moved his piece one step. “…but I never really wandered through many of the southern prefectures yet.”
Hana rolled again and smiled when he saw that he was five steps ahead of Kuu’s piece. “Well then, who knows, maybe one day when Tamao-mom sets me free, I can go with you there and.. and….”
Kuu lifted his brow. “And?”
“Ahhh, what can we do there again? What prefectures are there? Hiroshima??” He scratched his head.
Kuu laughed. “You want to go places, but you don’t even know where or what to do?” He rolled and got a six. Darnit!
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“Hey! Look I just never thought about things like this, okay!?” Hana exclaimed, taking the dice in his fists and shaking it in his grasp as if the force of it would guarantee him a higher number. Now it was his turn to be flustered. “I never thought there’d come a time when I’d be able to travel around with… with….”
With a friend.
“How about this,” Kuu began. “Is there a place anywhere here in the country that you know you want to visit?”
Hana thought for a moment, the dice still rolling in his palm but his fists less forceful as he slowed down to think. “…well, I hear Osaka has a really good takoyaki spot. And it’d be cool to see the observation tower in Kyoto.” His mind then remembered something. “Oh! Oh!! And there’s a cool place near Hiroshima! An island called Miyajima, I think, and I hear the gardens there are—…wait, what are you grinning for, weirdo??”
Sure enough, when he looked at Kuu again, he found the boy with a small smile on his face. “Nothing.” The taller boy said. “I’ve heard of those places too. I think I’ve been to that observation tower. Climbed to the very top.”
Hana blinked. “You have?”
“Yeah,” Kuu waved. “Not as high as Tokyo Skytree, but still a nice view.”
Hana fiddled with the dice and sighed. “…well, aren’t you lucky.”
“Let’s go there.”
“Once Tamao-san sets you free, and we solve this mess. We could… we could go to all those places. Let’s go try Osaka’s takoyaki, see the view from Kyoto’s observation tower, or visit the gardens in Miyajima. We could help people along the way if they need it; exorcise or put to rest a spirit or two. I think we’d be capable enough for that.”
Hana laughed. “You’re joking, right?”
Kuu tipped his head. “Were you joking about wanting to go anywhere?”
Hana couldn’t believe it. He grinned. What an absolute weirdo. “…Nah. It’d be nice. But we’d need money, wouldn’t we?”
“Well, then we’d better get to saving up now, right?”
The two boys just sat there in silence, both staring at one another. Hana felt as if someone had injected caffeine into his veins. What was this feeling? Was he excited?? It was just a pair of kids discussing a joy trip that had yet to happen. What was the big deal?
—just then, he remembered that they were still playing a board game and absentmindedly rolled out the dice.
A six!
“Aw yeah!” Hana beamed as he brought his piece to the finish line. “I win!! Take that, Dragon boy!”
Kuu’s thoughtful look dissipated as his eyes fell to the board in disbelief. “Wait, what—already..!?”
Just then, a knock on the door sounded.
“It’s open,” Hana responded.
The door opened slowly, and Uncle Ryu’s head peeped in.
“Hey boys, Mistress Tamao wants you both to help with dinner.”
The boys glanced at each other. Oh well, board game rematches would have to wait.
“We’ll be right there, Ryu-San.”
“Sure thing.”
As the boys went downstairs, Ryu couldn’t help but stare after them with a sad smile.
In his mind, a cheerful image of a young brunette boy with headphones laughed as he talked with friends about where to reach Patch village.
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kogamiryoken · 3 years
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kuroi-tsuru · 3 years
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The Asakura Clan
Soul Salvation - Shaman King (2021)
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redhatmeg · 2 years
Yoh’s grandpa: As a future successor of the Asakura Family you must know this. You must know the fate that awaits us, Asakuras. You must know the entire 1,000-year history of Asakuras. And you must know the Asakuras’ true objective.
Yoh’s grandpa: Have I mentioned it’s about us, Asakuras?
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Yohmei Asakura (Shaman King)  » July 2
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reilink · 3 years
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megahorous · 3 years
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Yoh and Manta learn that their mothers have the same name !
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sakuranoumi · 3 years
Fandom: Shaman King
Characters: Hao, Yohmei
Word Count: 695
Summary: Soul Exchange AU. In which the Asakuras succeed in killing Hao, but don’t realize that Hao’s soul manifested in the second baby as well. Also featuring Hao being 100% over this whole training thing.
Notes: Thanks to @hao-and-yoh for one accidentally giving me this AU, and two for giving me names for the AU when I basically demanded it.
The moment he's born is confusing. One minute he's taking his first breath of his third life and the next it seems he's taken his last. Spirit of Fire doesn't come fast enough and the only thought he can register is kill Hao.
A few minutes pass that he can't account for and then he seems to be opening his tiny baby eyes that can't see anything unless it's directly in his face. He feels himself being jostled as he's passed from one set of arms to another and hears a name whispered
They don't know. There was supposed to be two babies, but they think Hao is the other baby. He doesn't call Spirit of Fire. He doesn't tip his hand. The easiest path to his family not interfering with his plans is if they don't believe he's him.
They must have killed the first baby. The baby that Hao was originally, but since there were two and the second baby was essentially him as well, Hao's soul was able to return and take its place. His other half hadn't been born yet so Hao replaced him. Replaced him with the memories, the powers, everything that made Hao, Hao.
Now he's Yoh. His name, but one kanji short. He'll be Yoh until he can be Hao. Until he's sitting on the throne as the Shaman King. His family will never see it coming. The Patch will never see it coming. Hao couldn't have planned it more perfectly. To think his family in trying to kill him would hand him the perfect opportunity for all he wanted.
He's four, and he's supposed to be training. He's supposed to be learning the art of summoning shikigami. This is far beneath Hao, but he can't let anyone know. Instead he struggles, struggles, and struggles. It's better to lower his family's guard. Make them think he's weak and has no ambition.
Yohmei sighs at his lack of progress.
Thank goodness Hao no longer exists in this lifetime otherwise Yoh would have no chance against him.
His other half, this Yoh who never got to exist, would have only ever been a tool for his family. He doesn't know if what happened was a blessing for the other.
“This is dumb,” Hao says instead crossing his arms, “When am I ever going to use this anyway?”
“You're right,” Yohmei says, aggravated. “I guess you don't have what it takes to be Shaman King even if you wanted too.”
“Shaman King?” Hao says back, playing dumb. He needs someone to plant it in his head. He's not supposed to know after all.
“Humanity has lost it's way once again and someone must lead them back to the right path. That is the Shaman King. The being able to commune with the Great Spirit who creates and rules all. Able to shape the world in their image.”
“So I train hard now and then I don't have to do anything once I become the Shaman King. Alright,” Hao states, watching the way Yohmei is ready to scold him for his ignorance. The words die on his tongue though as Hao calls a shikigami forth.
“I guess I just needed the right motivation,” Hao says dismissing the spirit.
A lazy genius. The most insufferable kind.
“So that's all, right? I can go back?”
“Again,” Yohmei says.
Hao rolls his eyes internally and makes a big show of focusing. The shikigami pops and fizzles coming out misinformed before disappearing almost immediately. Hao pants pretending he's used up all his furyoku.
“Fine,” Yohmei relents, “That's it for today. It was good progress but we'll have to work on increasing your stamina and furyoku.”
“Boring,” Hao states, walking back towards the house and throwing his hands behind his head“I want to do something way cooler. Shikigami are lame.”
“You will learn the basics first otherwise you will never have what it takes.”
Hao rolls his eyes only because Yohmei can't see him. God he hopes the comet comes soon because he doesn't know how much more of this he can take.
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eatsbop · 4 years
Hao: *reincarnates*
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shironezuninja · 3 years
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This IS what you want, isn’t it, Shirakage Mouse??🥰
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zerefdragneel045 · 4 years
Character presentation 4: Asakura Yohmei
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