mythicalones · 5 years
@gcttago (Myungsoo x Yoohyeon)
A small growl came from Yoohyeon as she looked at her bank book along with her balance book for all her expenses while on her lunch break. This upcoming month was going to be rough on her especially with the loan sharks wanting more money now which made her barely making it. She wondered when she would ever be able to get out of debt that was left to her by her family.  It was a struggle doing it alone but she made it work.  "Wonder if I can pick up a triple shift somewhere," she mumbled to herself, "and just eat ramen for a few months."  With a sigh she put her elbow on the table and leaned on her head, rubbing her forehead from the extra added stress. Yoohyeon was so focused on everything in front of her that if someone were to call for her, she wouldn’t even notice unless they touched her.
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ladyroxy666blog · 3 years
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mythicalones · 5 years
“One more time and I will drag your fuckin ass out of here so fast that your head will fall off,” Yoohyeon yelled as she threatened a kid that was screwing around with one of the games in the cafe before turning her attention back to Solhyun, “I swear these kids have no respect for the games in here."
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mythicalones · 5 years
Changkyun didn't waste anytime jumping into action. "Close your eyes, sweetheart. I don't want you to see what I'm about to do to these punks." What followed resembled a scene from the movie. One by one Changkyun took out the thugs slicing through flesh with his knife and breaking bones with swift kicks. Within minutes the men were reduced to brokenness, their bodies lying limp on the pavement. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" Chankyun scooped her into his arms placing a small kiss on her forehead.
For once Yoohyeon knew to listen to Changkyun even though she would barely listen to Micah even though she was his property and his pet.  Closing her eyes she curled up into a ball as she listened to what was going on.  She had no idea what he was doing to them but it wasn’t hard to figure it out.  A few minutes passed before feeling him scoop her up.  “I am okay but I hurt Kyunnie,” she sniffled as she curled up in his arms, “don’t let Micah now.  I don’t want him knowing that you found me.”
Yoohyeon honestly didn’t want Micah finding out as that could put a damper her getting private time with Changkyun.  Holding tightly to him, the tears quickly fell as she didn’t know why she was attacked like she was.  “Take me home please,” she cried in his arms, “to my apartment and not the house.”
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mythicalones · 5 years
xjinyoung answered your ask: ❛ i!!!!!!!!!! hate!!!!!!!!!! being!!!!!!!!!!...
“Maybe I had other reasons to want to be in there,” she said with a pout on her face before swatting his hand from her hair, “I am always watched and everything.  Not fair to keep me in the dark Micah.  Who is to say I won’t turn on you.”
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mythicalones · 5 years
[Micah]“ you can’t expect me to believe nothing happened, not when you flinch everytime something touches you. ”
Yoohyeon looked at Micah before pulling up the blanket back up to her neck and silently whined.  There was no way to admit that someone had tried to touch her and everything.  Only Micah and Changkyun were allowed to touch her.  Why this idiot tried was beyond her.  "Nothing is wrong or anything,“ she said quietly as she saw a small bag on the nightstand and smiled, "you are just seeing things Micah.  I am okay.”  Sitting up, she quickly grabbed the bag and opened it only to take one of the pills and popped it in her house.  Once she took it, Yoohyeon laid back down and pulled the blanket back up on her.
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sinnlichbizarrxxx · 4 years
Werde ☎️ Telefonladie auf yootalk.
Bist Du dominant und bist auf der Suche nach Geldsklaven?
Melde dich auf yootalk an!
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mythicalones · 5 years
“ you belong to me ”[from Micah]
Sighing Yoohyeon looked up at him from the floor. “I thought that was already established the day you cuffed me to your bed and said I was living here,” she said before pulled her knee high boots off and tossing them across the room, “unless you decided to change that and everything. Where is this coming from Micah?” Getting up she stretched as I felt good to get her boots off especially with them having heels after a long day at work. Yoohyeon knew she would have to make an appearance at the mansion and would have to keep it up for a few days before leaving for time away. Even though she slowly had feelings for him, she also had feeling for one of his hitmen. “What is for dinner?” She asked as she sat on the bed and leaned back against the headboard, “I am somewhat hungry.”
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mythicalones · 5 years
"Why don't you let me accompany you in the shower? I've missed our shower dates." Changkyun picks up the woman he loves carrying her towards the bathroom. "Why don't we just inspect you in the bathroom, dear?"
“It had been a while,” she said with a giggle as she had stopped crying a little bit ago, “though we can’t do anything tonight as I actually do hurt.  They kicked me in the stomach and ribs. I don’t know if I got cut anywhere from falling either.  I can’t really feel my skin that well right now.” She leaned on him as she was so grateful to have him especially with how she felt about it. But she was still tied between the both of them which did suck for her.  “I don’t want to be so long in the shower.”
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mythicalones · 5 years
"I am glad we're fooling Micah. He's been nasty to my coworkers lately."Changkyun steps closer towards her with a worried expression."I can carry you upstairs. Don't worry, I'm strong."
“You have carried me up the stairs before,” she said with a smile, “but I smell like a cafe and really need a shower even though I can tell you like the smell of coffee. Think we should check to see the damage before putting me in either the shower or tub.  It might be better for us. Unless you are willing to bring me upstairs and then check me before bringing me back down to the bathroom only to bring me back up later.”
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mythicalones · 5 years
"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you princess." Changkyun mumbles kissing her gently. "I wanted to give you some space. Micah might think it's cool for me to follow you around everywhere, but I want you to feel like you have some freedom. Do you have a first aid kit? We need to get your injuries patched up."
“You never have to give me space,” she said after kissing him back before walking inside with him, “just only when Micah is around and we do that perfectly already. Think I can walk up the stairs to the bed or should I lay on the couch while you check to see the damage?”  Yoohyeon actually was worried about him carrying her upstairs but then again he had done it before when she had fallen asleep on the couch or floor.  Mentally she had to think when was better as the bathroom was on the main floor. “What do you think?” she asked as she leaned back agains the wall and wrapped her arms around her front.
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mythicalones · 5 years
Changkyun's heart broke seeing the woman he loved breaking down. "Of course, I'll take you back to your apartment, yeah. I'm not leaving you alone for the rest of the night." The hitman scooped her up into his arms holding her close. "I won't tell Micah about this, I promise." He kissed her forehead as he began walking back to her apartment. "Did they injure you?"
“Thank you,” she said as she silently cried, “I did get hurt.  You can check to see how hurt I am when we get to the apartment.  I am happy that I moved apartments after Micah said I am his.  Gives us alone time and to help me hide when I want to get away.”  Yoohyeon was thankful that she lived close to her work but was still it boggled her mind as to why they hurt her.  Slowly she moved her arm and winced as she pulled her keys from her pocket so they could open the door.  Once they arrived at the building, Yoohyeon was gently set down by him before leaning on the wall and awkwardly unlocked the door.  “I need to lay down please,” she said as she handed him the keys even though he had his own copy.
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mythicalones · 5 years
[changkyun]“Don’t touch her”
It was rare for Yoohyeon to not be picked up after work by anyone. Though it meant she was able to go back to her apartment alone and wouldn’t have to deal with Micah. Yoohyeon didn’t mind him but with how everything was going for her, some time away was nice. One of his men, Changkyun, had become attached to her and kept her hiding spots to himself which pleased her. It meant that she didn’t always have to be Micah’s pet and she could be herself though she was now in debt to him.
As she walked down the alleyway to her apartment, Yoohyeon heard some footsteps follow her. It was strange as rarely anyone walked the path during the night but she was only a block away at the time. Her pace sped up slight as to not alarm others but quickly stopped as she turned a corner and crashed into someone. “Oh I am sorry,” she said quickly to the other as she bowed her head. She turned to walk around him but he blocked her path. A chuckle came from her as she spoke again and looked up at him, “Looks like we are doing a dance.” The guy had a smirk on his face that worried her before she heard the footsteps from behind her stop. Looking back she saw two others and quickly moved back though she went toward the wall. One of the men grabbed her and threw her down hard to the ground before getting kicked a few times. As her eyes started to water, she heard a voice that meant a lot to her, especially at that moment. Looking up she saw Changkyun and let the tears fall down her face instantly.
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mythicalones · 5 years
"It's three am. What are you doing up so late at night?" Changkyun asks sitting down beside her. "Here let me carry you to bed."
Hearing Changkyun’s voice, Yoohyeon sighed as she looked up at him. “I couldn’t sleep,” she said with a fake smile, “I am worried that Micah will come here and find you with me. It is hard to even stay at my own apartment at times. Though I am thankful that you have been lying for me months and everything still.” Yoohyeon leaned back on the couch as she remembered when Kyu had left her at the house though no one expected that she would become the bosses pet the next morning. “I guess I could try to fall asleep,” she said with a sigh as she looked up the stairs to the loft, “you sure you could carry me up there?”
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mythicalones · 5 years
"Micah has sent me looking for you." Changkyun sighs clearly displeased at the other man. "I am going to pretend that I didn't see you."
"What does he want now?" Yoohyeon grumbled as she looked up at Changkyun before getting up, "I am so happy he hasn't caught on to my hiding spots that you showed me.  Though I should probably make an appearance so it doesn't raise some red flags and he keeps me locked up in his room. Where was the last place you saw him?"
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mythicalones · 5 years
"Can I have this one?" Yoohyeon asked as she picked the small bag up and looked at it closely even though she didn't know what it was, “this has been sitting here for over a day now.  I am sure you don’t have a use for it Vishou.”  Yoohyeon looked over at him and held up the bag for him to see as she really wanted it.
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