#You Taught Me Behind this Soft Exterior Lies A Warrior (Gwenn & Ingrid)
winter-sword · 2 years
“  you talk in your sleep, ya know.  ”   -from Ingrid
"Hmmm, do I?" Gwenn murmured, nuzzling into the blonde's shoulder. Trusting her internal clock to tell the time right, there was still a bit before they strictly had to get up, so the blue-eyed of the two Knights was going to make the most of it by sleepily cuddling her beloved.
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"Good things, I hope... Or, at least, nothing too embarrassing."
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winter-sword · 2 years
💋 can ingy have a smooch? :3c
Smiling softly, Gwenn reached out with one hand to cup the blonde's cheek, while her other arm wrapped securely around Ingrid's waist. At first, she gently nuzzled the green-eyed lancer's cheek, before relenting and kissing her beloved in earnest. Though not open-mouthed or particularly racy, there was still passion in it, contact deep and long and adoring. When the need to breathe became too much to ignore, the Dancer pulled back just enough to lean her forehead against the Falcon Knight's own, still smiling and a bit flushed.
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"I love you, sweetheart," she murmured, indescribably happy.
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winter-sword · 3 years
Ingrid "Upsy daisy--" to Gwenn
“Oh!” Exclaiming softly, Gwenn reflexively wrapped her arms around her wife’s neck. Then she chuckled gently, kissing the blonde on the cheek and nuzzling it. “I can always count on you, my Knight in shining armor~” The Dancer wasn’t teasing, entirely sincere and loving. Ingrid always seemed to know when she was getting tired, or when she wasn’t feeling well, without her ever even needing to say so much as a single word. But the older woman had never questioned it, nor was she about to start now.
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“I love you, Ingrid, with all my heart and soul.”
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winter-sword · 3 years
❝ He’s so precious…. ❞ -Ingrid to Gwenn
More than twenty years ago, a babe and a child were betrothed for the sake of their bloodlines, and to hopefully ensure Crested heirs. They had indeed wed, and indeed conceived a child... but neither of their families could have predicted things turning out this way, nor all that had happened between then and now. But Gwenn wasn’t thinking about that aspect of this, not settled bedside her exhausted -- strong, graceful, brave, loyal, beautiful -- wife, holding their prefect son so Ingrid could rest without being separated from him. Even at barely a few hours old, downy midnight blue curls easily marked him a Fraldarius, though something told the swordswoman he would grow into whatever Galatea traits the Goddess had blessed him with. Already he was strong and determined, so much like Ingrid it almost mad Gwenn tear up, having dozed off holding the older woman’s index finger in a firm grip. When her wife spoke, tired but just as in awe as she was, the Dancer realized that it had been some time... and her arms weren’t shaking. She wasn’t feeling weak or drained, at least not yet, and so she hoped that this strange sense of energy would last long enough for her beloved to properly rest. It made her smile softly, and lean over to press a kiss to the blonde’s temple.
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“He‘s perfect,” she agreed. “Quinn, our beautiful boy.”
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winter-sword · 3 years
am i the cause of your grief? -from Ingrid, for Gwenn
Let it never be said that the so called Perfect Epitome of Knighthood didn’t have her undignified moments -- one of which was caused by her wife’s query fully registering. Yelping quietly as she nearly dropped the cream she used to remove her makeup (almond oil and rose water) in shock, the older woman put her nightly routine on hold to more fully address Ingrid’s worries. The fact that she still had about half of her makeup on, and that she hadn’t even started undressing yet, didn’t matter in the face of reassuring the blonde. Standing, Gwenn stepped away from her vanity to make her way over to the bed; this wasn’t a conversation to have through a mirror. Gently seating herself, she reached out to take on of the younger woman’s hands in her own, lacing their fingers. “What brought this on, sweetheart?” she questioned softly, frowning in concern.
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Something told her it wasn’t just pregnancy hormones...
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winter-sword · 3 years
@tomestobetold​ continued from here
Gwenn was blushing, too, even if she couldn’t feel the heat of it. While Ingrid wouldn’t be her first kiss (which she felt guilty about), the younger woman would be her first kiss that deserved the name. Managing to take off her gloves on the first try -- years of physical therapy and extensive healing had given her back a bit more fine motor control -- the swordswoman reached out to cup the blonde’s cheek, thumb clumsily gently stroking for a moment. “You’re alright,” she murmured, “I’ve got you, beloved.” Carefully wrapping her free arm around Ingrid’s waist, the taller Knight leaned in and kissed her betrothed chastely yet deeply, blue eyes fluttering closed as she did so.
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It felt like her heart was about to burst from happiness.
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winter-sword · 3 years
She says I smell like safety and home I named both of her eyes “forever” and “please don’t go” I could be a morning sunrise all the time, all the time yeah This could be good, this could be good
And I can’t change, even if I tried Even if I wanted to And I can’t change, even if I tried Even if I wanted to
My love, my love My love, my love She keeps me warm She keeps me warm
What’s your middle name? Do you hate your job? Do you fall in love too easily? What’s your favorite word?
You like kissing girls? Can I call you baby? Yeah Yeah
She says that people stare ‘Cause we look so good together Yeah, yeah, yeah
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winter-sword · 3 years
Gimme that third born Gwenn/Ingrid baby
Name: Rosamund Sophie "Ros" Fraldarius. ("Horse-protection," and "Wisdom.")
Gender: Nonbinary; neutral-to-masculine presenting.
General appearance: They keep their dark hair short, but it's still a proliferation of curls, just like their Mama's. Galatea Green eyes. Not too fussed about clothing, preferring comfort and practicality like Mommy. A small mole like Mama's below their right eye. Thanks to the genes from Grandpa Rodrigue, they rival their brother in height.
Personality: More introverted than extroverted, Ros prefers the company of family or their horse (or just a lance and an empty practice yard) to that of strangers other people. Initially they seemed shy like Quinn, but it quickly became apparent that they were far more like their Uncle Felix than their older brother. Still, in spite of being blunt and to the point when they have to interact with people they don't know, there's a kindness in them for the very few they feel comfortable around that clearly came from Gwenn.
Special talents: A strong natural inclination for Faith magic which, combined with special interests in lance work and horsemanship, makes them a superb Holy Knight.
Who they like better: Ros loves both their mothers equally, though they find it easiest to talk to Uncle Felix.
Who they take after more: Gwenn mostly in coloring, though they have Ingrid's features (nose, chin, etc.).
Personal headcanon: Being autistic, one of their go-to stims is playing with/braiding and then unbraiding Rianne's (and Freya's, if/when applicable) hair. They also have a Major Crest of Fraldarius.
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