#You bet I ship all three of them together too and individually but I dont want to spam tags too much lmao
themightymogar · 2 years
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Workout buddies! Bonus doodle: Bakugou gay panic 
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thewild78 · 3 years
Sh#% gets real when the Tree is a Black hole-
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Ok so, I got some freshly prepared lore for ya
Ok so, imma have to go through what the heck Corrupted is and how this happened. So basically Corrupted isn't just one person, he's actually three gods that are fused together (Polyamorus ship? Oh boy, you BET!) So, individually, they have massive amounts of power, especially for one being to hold.
After being freed from the caverns, they all come together for a loving hug, which causes them to fuse together. Since they all had a lot of power, fusing together made them even more powerful, too much for one to handle. (Note: this was like, the first time they ever fused) Their form collapsed and caused a Black hole to take their place, which is uh, very painful.
Once they had absorbed the spider, the spider had taken some of their energy. After the spider was deafeted, some power was taken away from the black hole, turning it into a white hole, and spewing out most of its energy to create paradise.
While being in Paradise, Corrupted fully gained all his power back from the surrounding environment. He still has too much power, but he keeps it at bay by staying calm. That's why you dont see him get angry.
Now, if you were to somehow piss off Corrupted, BE PREPARED TO GET SPAGHETTIFIED, FUCKERRRRR-
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soofection · 5 years
magazines play
My gamble is, the more things are put openly out onto the table. the safer it gets. this post will not be disproving any relationships (because at least 95% of population won’t believe in ‘conspiracies’ anyways) but about ‘so called coincidences’ and media play. 
No one would disagree that the media is a powerful tool for manipulating minds, a mean for surveying people’s unconscious reaction regarding topics being mentioned in media, and of course, the marketing and promotion of certain people and topics. (dw media won’t ever care about this post because they are being ‘exposed’ here, (don’t worry) this should be safe) 
Media can lie, and can work with bigger companies (obviously, or else why would we see ANY advertisement and exclusives at all for any brands e.g gucci, celebrities news etc)
Back in 2012 there was an insider post, and it said 
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‘ji will possibility be paired with krys, they also discussed ji and yooxna. but this is unknown, this ji person’t doesnt like to do ship, boyx boy, girl x girl’
2012 insider post was one of the biggest evidence that kxk was planned. so if there is a first time, there will be a second (jxk).
but before kxk, two things happened 
1. infamous tae x ji x krys photoshoot WKxrea magazine photoshoot.
The magazine is released in July of 2015. The timeline makes sense as it is about a year before kxk. A good timing for sm to have just started planning kxk seriously. 
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It is possible that sm used this opportunity to get feedback from the gp and fans about how people view these three together, and to promote kxk. Evidently, they saw the good reactions and made that the kxk ship sailed even before the scandal was released. 
In a general sense, this should just ‘an aesthetic photoshoot sm set up for promoting the three groups’ and no one would have suspected they were planning a scandal, but it is this benefit of doubt that makes it the bet way to get the most honest opinion about kxk from fans. 
This is therefore also the best way to make sure kxk will be ‘accepted’ and that people think they are ‘compatible’ image wise.
2.ji and yooxna’s elle magazine photoshoot
This seems to be the feb issue for elle magazine in 2016, two months before kxk
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This time it is less direct because its elle magazine, and its already this close to 2016 april, hence I believe this is not to survey people’s reaction on yooxna and ji. but a promotion of ji’s ‘straigt image.’ 
of course this elle iss ue may not be a huge conspiracy this time, but simply a prep work to promote ji’s straight image. but isn’t it a coincidence that the same two pairings mentioned on the insider post both had a photoshoot for magazines? why yoonax? well because both are very aesthetic and popular idols and sm has deemed them compatible ever since 2012.
3. WKxrea and exoclusivesx release in june 2016 after kxk. 
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why is it important to mention this? as we know there were different covers of all of ekso memebrs. this is a huge project that will cost WKxorea a huge sum of money (although they ofc will earn that back).
why is it significant? it is extremely rare for magazines to tie hand with idols, esp expensive groups like ekso and even have individual covers for each member. I have every reason to believe that after having a tae jij krys photoshoot in 2015 and ekso promotion in 2016. WKxrea and sm have a good relationship, and are somewhat partners. 
2018 WKxrea November issue, this happened
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The two were put into the same magazine, and this is done by WKxrea again. Who I greatly believe have a good relationship with sm. (so sm can have influence) 
randomonline stores selling the issues named it:
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so obviously, even selling websites recognize that those two are put together, fans would notice too. this is repeating kxk. jxk is being sailed and planted into our heads. 
and this also happened
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Those two were put together back to back. 
Now this issue is released novemeber 2018, 2 months before the jan reveal. ‘Coincidently’, jixyoona was also released 2 months before the april reveal of kxk. You might ask then why not make them have a photoshoot instead, putting them together directly? But that won’t work and is not necessary because:
- it will be too obvious, yg and sm wont just suddenly join hands, all the stuff we see about taekxk and jixyoona are all artists from sm, that is much less supicious/ 
-  people did notice, and the ship sailed. 
- media manipulate our mind in the most subtle way. they dont need a photoshoot in our face to plant jxk into our heads. as long as people who buys this magazine sees ‘omg its jni! oh ji is in here as well!’ that idea seed is already planted. 
update, interestingly, elle magazine also mentioned jxk on an online article  in 2018 oct. As this reinforce my point above, they were indeed planting jxk into our heads.
what is the conclusion?
what are the chances that ALL of the pairings sm planned to put ji with were published on magazines and made big titles on allkpoop / sucksoompi etc? from kxk to jixyoona to jnixji on the same issue back to back, I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. 
What are the chances of jxk on WKxrea when it is proven that sm def have good connection with WKxrea suggested by taekxk and exoclusivesx AND THEN this jxk thing published by WKxrea as well?
so what are the ‘coincidental’ chances that it is proven sm likes using magazine esp WKxrea as one of the mean of media play and promotion of their pairing (taekxk reactions, ji’s straight agenda for yoonaxji before dropping kxk)? and that jxn has been published together in the same WKxrea magazine that is shady with sm? And that all these issues are published in THE PERFECT TIMELINE that COMPLETELY fits all scandals that has been planned?
CLOSE TO 0. too many alignments, can’t be coincidental, has to be planned.
now will there be more of jxk photoshoots? this time it is UNSURE. (but chances are very low) jxk is smxyg. meaning sm doesn’t have complete control over everything. and since jxk is fake, I will assume that they actually never went on dates, and it is hard for yg or sm to have set up dates before hand due to their busy schedules and from two different companies. so, maybe there would be no evidence of past dates anymore. 
what i would not rule out though, is that they might use some sort of display (update not like a public photoshoot, maybe some more fake news) to promote the couple instead. 
there are two ways of doing things, ‘reveal past dates to make a couple legit’ or actually pr and promoting the couple. 
both ways won’t discredit this analysis, and I will still have every reason to believe that media play is real, conspiracies do happen and sm and yg are never honest companies. 
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@ The anon
Well, for collecting, I cant really help you in finding dead things, they kinda just find YOU. Although water sources in the woods and along main roads is always a good bet if you want to pick up your own deads. If you’re ok with buying from trappers and hunters there is an array of sites to order from. Heres a useful link for buying furs Alternatively, you can go hunt the things yourself - but that seems to be…an unpopular opinion. Its really just up to you.
Collecting Things you will need with you in the car at all times (if possible)
Trash bags\plastic bags\or even a plastic bin, whatever floats your boat. Be aware that corpses left in plastic bags in anything over 70F or 21c (I think) for more than a couple hours will begin to literally melt. I cannot tell you how long an individual corpse will last in a plastic bag in your car trunk, but if its hot, probably not more than two or three hours before it is ruined. Its gonna be gross, man. Do not be alarmed if the pelt gets damp, you only need to worry if the fur starts coming out in huge clumps when gently tugged on.
Gardening or latex gloves I don’t personally believe in using gloves, because there are very few things you can catch from the dead. BUT there ARE things you can catch - especially from raccoons, so, if you want 100 percent safety, and also maybe to feel less grossed out, bring these.
Knife\scalpel Vulture or not, I think its wise to keep a knife on you at all times   regardless, but you will definitely want one in the car in case you find something pancaked into the road but with bits you want. (IE: the top half might be gone but the tail is good, or the back half is gone but the head is good.). The knife should be sharp….derp.
Hedge clippers In case the knife doesn’t cut it or you find  deer or coyote you cant fit in your car. Pro tip - try to find the joints to make chopping less of a hassle
Air fresheners\febreeze\ anything you want to keep the car fresh Even if you keep it in a bin or bag - the smell WILL linger. I didn’t notice it, but other people sure as shit did - and they didn’t like it.
Theres probably more things Im missing, but this is just my personal list.
If you want the skin - I recommend watching some skinning videos , not only will it prep you for the gore, but in general they are very helpful.
Key words for vids you WILL need at some point - Fleshing. Fleshing is very important. This will probably take up a lot of your time tbh. It does mine anyway…
Once skinned and fleshed you need to put a generous amount of salt on the skin…like..an entire layer. Make it look like Christmas morning. The salt will get all mushy and eventually hrden as it dries the skin out. Replace the salt daily. When the skin is dry and kinda stiff - and the salt isnt getting mushy anymore. You’re done with salting phase.
Tumblr Skinning links
Skinning out a coyote foot
Tumblr Taxidermy tips
Prepping a face for taxidermy
Reshaping  face
Mounting a face
Tumblr Tanning links
Brain tanning
Processing for bones
Maceration: When you put the corpse in a plastic bag in the sun - or in a bucket or bin of warm water to melt down for bones. In either case you will want t make sure it is somewhere dogs will not get it. If you use a bucket, make sure to put a lid on top of it. This is the most effective way, but also the most smelly…Like…its bad. Its terrible. Chew some gum or a mint or just dont breathe around it, because its the worst thing ever.
Burial - You can just wrap it in a sheet or whatever and bury it outside, or in a pot. May take a while, but its the least smelly, most discreet and you can care for flowers while the corpse rots down =3 If you want articulate the bones - or put them back together to form a complete skeleton later. Cut the corpse into sections and wrap them individually (again a sheet is best, but certain wire works too)
Open pit - This was my preferred method - Some bones get stolen but, eh. You just dig a hole and pile your body in there on top of a sheet or trash bag. Make sure to secure it by putting wire on top and weighing it down with dirt on the edges, or rocks. You can put leaves over top of this if you want to help the smell.
simmering or boiling - NOT RECOMMENDED. You put the parts in a pan or crock pot of water you will never be using outside of gross stuff ever again.I hear this is easier with a crock pot. Supposedly this is by far the fastest way - but youre very likely to ruin  the bones. You just…set the crock pot to simmer or boil the bones
Dermestids - You can get yourself an aquarium and fill it with corpse eating beetles! They require some basic tips and care sheets, but they dont seem difficult. The most worrisome thing is - that if they escape they may eat your collection…This is the most effective and safe way imo, but it can take time - and also you have to care for beetles.
If you have bones but they're a little dirty (dirt, grease, stains) and you ant them pearly white, you will want to soak them in a tin can, glass jar, or plastic tub with peroxide. Skulls will float, find a way to weigh them down (stuff em with beads, rocks, whatever. Tie a string to a rock then to the skull and let it sink. Arrange ther bones in a teepee or wedge to make them hold the skull down.
If you mess up, its ok, this might help.
I advise cleaning the skull separate from other bones. ANd I recommend cleaning the teeth separate so you risk losing them less.
Dying bones
You can dye bones by boiling various plant leaves and berries with salt. Pokeberries make a deep purple-red, rose petals vary - the red makes a sort of maroon....ect - just experiment.
How to tell if the plant\berry can be boiled of its color - take a petal or part and rub it between your thumb and fore-finger, if it bleeds on you - it can make a dye. (at least in my experience.)
Crystalizing bones
Dry preserving
Much like  wet preservation, but you drop the body part \ small animal into formalin or alcohol for a month or two and then take it out and let it mummify. Idk a terrible bunch about this - I just stuck things in a box and forgot abut them for months on end...probably not the best idea...I have some regrets.
Example and some tips:
Uuuuuh, I feel like im missing stuff, but, I did my best. Here have some ref links.
Misc Ref so you can see how traps work in case thats something you worry about
Making rawhide
Reshaping a face
The MBTA in case you live in the US
All birds UNPROTECTED by the MBTA in the US
How to tell if a skull is bleached
How to pack frozen deads to ship to others
Sorry this got kind of lenghty, and linked to a lot of other posts rather than TLDR giving my own takes, but all of these links have been insanely helpful to me at some point or other and they do a great job of walking through the processes imo =3. I hope this helps.
Feel free to IM me if you have a link you want added to this post
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Like literally Logan, was like "you were the honestly honest one".
And Toph's all like "we can't trust emily."
And Jaidens like "im so happy you brought me back AND took out pines." And like mad n ian are like "alliance needs to be strong."
And yeah I haven't spoken to anyone else.
But im sure they're like "damn kai was hot in that tribal."
Or something similar.
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So Jordan Pines, you are so very welcome to join my hall of trophy votes. The idol I played wasn't mine but Kai's. Kai transferred it to me because Emily told us you were gunning for me with swapped antiope. QQ You join names such as Seamus, Brandan, Tyler, and Catfish Alexa on my stuffed and mounted
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I’m so scared Logan is suddenly being so nice to me he messaged me like hey love and then started telling me to drink fluids and stay healthy and I’m scared he’s plotting against me. And Toph is the complete opposite. He’s being flat out rude to me sending me snapchats of him flipping me off and telling everyone that I can’t be trusted and it’s SO RUDE like wtf I know they can’t but like don’t tell them that!
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ok so this puzzle is literally destroying my sanity
god no wonder its called the hell puzzle, i never wanna see this spiky shit again
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I feel like the past 24 hours or so have been a lot of “firsts” for me. This is the first time in a Tumblr game I’ve ever been voted out, and later returned due to a twist!! This is the first time I’ve beaten Jordan Pines in an individual challenge :~) (my favorite accomplishment). This is not, however, the first time I’ve felt like a complete outcast! Fuck!!
Basically, I join the merge tribe after vanquishing the Goliath to my David. I expected triumphant cheers of happiness that mister Pines was finally eliminated, but there was nothing more than a sigh at my entrance. Nobody even initially congratulated me.
So here we are, hours after I got back into the game. I guess it’s been almost a full day since then, actually, but I put my absolute all into this competition. I knew from the get-go there’d be no chance in flaming hell I’d win immunity today unless everyone else just decided not to bother. No matter how quick I get done with that puzzle, I had a feeling that I’m still going to get second or third at best. But I’m actually okay with it!
Another first that I accomplished was that I didn’t give up when faced with an incredibly difficult task. Look, beating Jordan Pines wasn’t as hard as it seemed. I’ve gotten him voted out of games before, how much harder could it be to just get him out of a simple ten-point challenge? In comparison to today’s immunity, it was like jumping from little league to major league in a minute. Thankfully this puzzle wasn’t last night’s challenge, lmfao. So I accomplished just getting the puzzle done. Win or lose, this is a proud moment. I literally spent over 8 hours just trying to get the pieces together, and 7 of those hours were spent just today alone. The outcome won’t take this feeling away from me. I’m proud! This gives me a really good argument for myself at a potential final tribal council – I came back, stuck to my guns, and proved that I never gave up at any moment in this game. EVEN KNOWING I could lose such a challenge, I dedicated eight whole hours of my life to getting this shit done. Whew.
I mean I guess there’s a little hope inside me that anyone who completes the puzzle gets some sort of reward out of it… I doubt that’s the case, but it was enough to really kick me into high gear during the first 20% of the puzzle or so to just keep at it. I needed that push.
Anyways, now that I’m back in the game, I need to find some allies. I started working on Rhone and they gave me some useful information about what went down in the game. None of it made ANY sense because I’ve missed so much, but Kai was another person that really tried to instill in me an idea that I could work with him, too.
Before coming back, I was super anti-Jordan Pines. I knew that he was gonna be a tough cookie to crack if I were to magically return and have him still here. So I played that up a lot to Kai in particular, at least to give myself an option if I need one. This might give him a sense that we’re on the same page, wanting to take out the remainders of Jordan’s allies. I’m just kinda waiting for him to swoop down and take me in under his wing. Really, I’m waiting for anybody to do that at this point…
Then again, I’ve got Rhone as a potential “in”. I’ve never played with Rhone before, but I know they’re really smart just by talking to them. I don’t want to even flirt with the idea of lying to Rhone or being a little bit dishonest. I need to be as straight-forward with them as I can because they’re NOT the kind of person I want to lie to for any reason. They’d see right through me and call me out on it, which I don’t need right now.
An idea I’ve had would be to just fill in the spot Jordan Pines made with his alliance. Hopefully they’ll accept me as a new number, because clearly I’m very against Ian. There’s like, no chance I’ll work with either Ian or Madeline or Toph at this point (and I’m not even going to talk to the latter two because… choke), so if I can find a way to send those three out back to back to back? Sign me right up!
Logan’s changed his profile picture to a leek because of some mysterious “leak” drama going around. Like, oh please keep sinking your ship. I promised Dan I wouldn’t target Logan for a bit because Dan wants to see him go far, but like Logan is kinda unnecessary to my game at the moment. I don’t trust him because he doesn’t trust me, and although I don’t have a lot of options, shattering Jordan’s old alliance *might* be beneficial for me in the long-run.
I don’t understand subtlety, so I don’t care if I win immunity and if I do, it’d be a freaking dream. I am going to make my presence in this game known one way or another, so these people had better prepare for that. I should, too. Thankfully, I’ve got this redemption idol so if things look grim for me tomorrow night, I know I’m getting at least tenth place. I don’t want to position myself as the easy vote since I’m a returner, so… let’s try hard to stick around this time and not get messy. Since I’m here, I may as well try to get to the end this time and not be chaotic as fuck. It doesn’t take big moves to win the game, but it does take strong relationships to get people convinced you deserve to win over everyone else. Like I’ve said, I have to right my wrongs from before I was voted out. Then again, I don’t let go of grudges so who knows what the future has in store for me. All I know is I’m glad I'm over that hell of a puzzle.
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I worked on that puzzle for over ten hours. The most I got was 35%. At least I tried.
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Step one of my master plan. Cry in everybody's PMs and tell them why I DO NOT want to go home.
Step two of my master plan. Become Jordan Pines. Everybody loves Jordan Pines, so why would they vote him out? It just makes no sense. Only Ian and Kai and whoever else voted for him yesterday, and there's no fucking way I'm not getting AT THE LEAST Ian's vote. I kinda need the majority here, so it seems like my best bet is to just make them think I'm not Jaiden.
Step three of my master plan. Scramble. Hard.
And finally, step four. Play the idol on myself. Hopefully I have enough votes coming my way (aka all but mine) and I can look like a good fucking player for once and take out someone I don't like (aka Toph).
HOPEFULLY everyone votes for either myself or Ian. If Ian goes home, then yay he's dead. If they all vote me, then boo you guys just fucked up and now I cancel all the votes : D
I don't know who is willing to work with my cracked ass at this point, but I'm not going down without a fight. I'm gonna pull out all the stops to make shit happen, I'm just really really scared that I won't do it correctly.
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me @ everyone in pms: "hi this is your master speaking, please vote for ian"
we all know the real jordan pines uses mind control
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I'm going into the second hour on a private call with Ian while we're talking in two different alliances we're in together and discussing our PMs with people. NO ONE can sneak anything past our duo.
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I love Logan my only goal in this game now is to get him to not hate me
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I’m waiting for someone to Jeff Varner themself to make this vote easy
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Honestly it's so funny when I have to pretend I don't talk to Ian much and even say he's sorta awkward to talk to. IF ONLY PEOPLE KNEW JUST YESTERDAY WE TALKED FOR 5 HOURS.
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my dad is dead
i dont know who to trust
im immune tho
and i got a super idol
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I've heard my name all day long and that gets mentally draining and I tried to set in place a plan to keep myself in, if it works,great, if not oh well it's been a fun ride so far.  The reason it wouldn't work is one it's very contingent on Nicholas throwing his vote and Two- Dammit Toph spilling the real name to someone we don't need knowing, the point of getting people to throw votes is them not knowing who we might be coming for. Anyways, we will see and if I go out no one can say I didn't try
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I did the thing that I wanted to do the least in this game tonight well maybe not the least I don’t know I’m using voice text for this just so everybody knows in case this is a total mess I blame Siri anyways tonight was horrible I had to cast a vote for road and I love road to death and just hoping that Rome doesn’t hate me for a bit is it just God I just really I don’t even know what to do anymore in this game I’m just I’m really relying on dudes James and to do each oh my god this is such a mess and I just I recorded a video confessional earlier but I just know I won’t have time to upload it and I’m just leaving rehearsal now and I just I don’t feel like typing but everything is it’s a mess I want to cry and a half like God Charlotte JD LA I’m so upset this This is the fucking worst and I I don’t even know if the boat is going to go my way tonight I feel like I’m really betraying Nicholas because he’s going to cast a vote for Jaden thinking that everybody else is going to vote for Jayda but nobody except I haven’t so I don’t even know if I’ll trust me after this of Oracle try to get me out or something I don’t know what I’m really trusting telephone and really trusting Madeline and Ian and Kai and I’m just  so so so upset I’m going to listen to Pasha to drown out my sorrows hopefully I’m home in time for life tribal but do I even want to be on live tribal tonight I really don’t think I do god this is such a mess why do I play these games all it does is make me sad and stressed I don’t know fuck
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Sorry Rhone, I was the one who convinced Dudes, Dames, and a Deutch to write your name out then convince Toph to his a double vote. It was nothing personal other than you were JP's right hand and you voted me. We just had to go with a name that wasn't being thrown around in fear of an idol...Which one was played it was just Jaiden(I told you guys we couldn't go after Jaiden this round) and he played it on me. That's two idol's used on your boi right here, I am in your house stealing all your idol'd votes. The best part, neither of them have been idols I have found! Who needs to search the island when you can get people to play their advantages with you as a beneficiary. As per usual shout out to my girl Madeline, love ya girl we couldn't have pulled off the moves we made so far without being 100% honest with each other. Special shout out to Jaiden as well, thank you so much man you made my day and I think I can start to rebuild a relationship with you, eventually all alliances must end and I feel if you stay in the game for when that time comes we can pull something off.
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The only idol that won't be getting played on Ian this game is going to the idol of my heart. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF THIS BOY PLAYS ME HE'S OVER.
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