tabbyrocks · 1 year
Tetsutetsu is the type of guy to be like "what no I'm not jealous of Bakugo because he's closer to Kiri then I am." but then be very jealous
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tetsukiribakuevents · 8 months
Our Interest Check for the TetsuKiriBaku Event is coming out soon! #kiritetsubaku
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redbirb · 2 years
Omegakiriweek 2021 | Day 4
Fandom: BNHA | MHA Pairing: TSKR | TetsuTetsu/Kirishima Rated T: SFW, omegaverse, omega!kiri, alpha!tetsu, small interactions with blood & violence, nesting, courting, dragon hybrids!tetsu & kiri, fantasy au. a/b/o dynamics
D1 | D2 | D3 | D5 | D6 | D7
Day 4: Fantasy / Hybrids / Possessive (TetsuKiri)
Tetsutetsu is sure he’s about to die.
The beginning of the day had been promising.
He awoke in his den, a cave on the side of a high mountain, moving to the entrance. The shining sun felt good on his scales, glittering silver dotted his temples, each shoulder and arms. He spread his wings wide, stretching his arms with a yawn.
“Leaving already?” A lazy voice speaks, a set of claws scratching lightly against his back.
He smiles as he turns, gaze warm, taking in the sight of his friend and potential mate, Eijiro. The omega is beautiful, scales of ebony and ruby shine with every kiss from the sun, braided ginger hair falling over one shoulder, loose strands framing puffed up cheeks. Tetsu feels his heart melt at pouty lips, grabbing the questioning hand into his own, kissing the knuckles.
He rumbles a deep croon. “Time to feed my needy omega.”
The pout turns into a coy smile, the omega’s chest rumbling in return, purring loud. “Strong alpha. Hurry back for me?”
“I’ll have to,” Tetsu teases. “My omega has a healthy appetite.”
Eijiro lets out an overly dramatic, fake gasp. “I’m insulted! And after I made you a perfect nest.”
Tetsu laughs and ducks down to press a kiss against an unguarded temple. Quickly he turns and takes off the cliffside, wings spread out to guide him. Elation buzzes under his skin, a sappy grin slapped across his lips.
Their courtship may be new, but their friendship wasn’t. He’d known Eijiro since they were hatchlings, bright-eyed and adventurous, explored surrounding forest land together when they were old enough to fly on their own. Tetsu’s childhood was spent chasing tails and swimming in rivers with Eijiro, hot summers climbing trees, in the spring they’d nap in the meadows.
Time had changed that relationship into shy kisses and scent marking. They were taking things slow, almost traditional. Dragon hybrids mated for life and sometimes it took a full century for a pair to bond. A week ago Eijiro had felt comfortable enough to nest in Tetsu’s den, curling up together after stargazing.
The alpha felt pride well up in his chest. Now that he’d shown he could find a suitable den, he was determined to show he could provide for his potential mate and future pups.
Arcing down towards the grasslands, he knew his best bet would be tracking down prey near the riverbends. The heat of the sun did nothing to slow him down, landing by the treeline. The grass tickled the soft underside of clawed feet as he prowled, slitted pupils contracting as he swept his gaze back and forth. Movement caught his eye, something brown and furred. Tetsu assumes it's an elk, an impressive prize he could show off to his courted.
He crouches, tucking his tail and wings close to his body, coiling like a cobra about to strike.
He leaps, snarling with razor teeth, tackling the creature to the ground. Claws rip at the fur, but underneath isn’t bone and sinew, it’s hollowed wood and rope. His confusion has him spitting out fur, scrambling back. It’s too late, a net is thrown over his head, suddenly pulled tight against his body. His limbs, tail and wings are pinned, wiggling uselessly.
“We got one boys!” A voice yells, hooting and hollering with triumph.
A deep growl rips through his throat, teeth bared and snarling. Six humans surround him, matching sick grins watch him struggle with the net. They poke him with a stick, laughing when he tries to bite them through the rope.
“This one’s a fighter!”
“Look at him, he’s an alpha. We already got plenty of those,” huffs another.
Tetsu’s eyes narrow in suspicion. There’s been rumors, talk of hunters looking for rare prey, an eye on hybrids. He thinks of his mate curled up in their nest, waiting for him.
His struggling renews, tail whipping as best it can. The rope is tugged tighter, dragging him across the dirt. His claws desperately dig into the ground for purchase, wanting to fight back in some way.
“Could skin him for his scales,” drawls another, mouth a sneer. “And his horns could fetch us a good price in the cities.”
Tetsu gasps in horror! Not his horns, sharp and long, curved above his ears, an alpha dragon’s manly mate attractor!
“Bad humans,” he growls, legs kicking, tangling himself more. “Let me out of this thing!”
His voice gets deeper, commanding, but humans don’t play by the rules of alphas and omegas. They laugh and jeer, and poke him some more.
“Think he’s got an omega around?”
That has him snapping his teeth, thoughts filled with protect omega and protect mate. His stomach sours at the thought of them taking his Ei, every horror story of hybrid mills crossing his mind.
“No!” He roars. “Stay away from my mate!”
At the same time another roar rings out, a shadow swooping over them all, then a body lands a few feet from their little crowd. Tetsu’s heart clenches, familiar red scales glimmer under the harsh shine of the sun, Ei unfolds from a crouch to his full height. An intimidating gaze takes in the scene, molten red glares with the ferocity of an erupting volcano.
“Fuck,” breathes one of the men,” he’s beautiful.”
“We take ‘em both,” hollers another in excitement. “We eatin’ good for a month wit’ a beauty like him!”
Ei rolls his shoulders, then plants his feet, roaring out a shrill warning.
“Mine!” A possessive voice barks. “My alpha, mine, mine, mine!”
When one of the humans lurches forward with lasso in hand, Eijiro lashes out without hesitation. Claws sink into vulnerable flesh, an outcry of pain followed by the strong scent of blood. Two more converge, a long red tail slaps both to the ground, Eijiro hurling himself into one of the men holding the ropes. Tetsu’s heart pounds with the need to do something, to protect his future mate.
With only one man holding him down, the net isn’t as tight. The alpha uses his strength to push himself onto his feet, yanking at the net until the last human has fallen onto his face, eating the dirt. It gives him the time and loosened rope needed to free himself, throwing the damned obstacle onto the ground with a snarl.
“Ei,” he howls, barreling into one of the men that’s been knocked down. He knocks that one unconscious with a punch, jumping on the second. “Mate, omega, safe. Go back to the den, be safe.”
He should’ve known it was useless to demand anything. Eijiro is having too much fun ripping into a man’s chest, thick diagonal lines cutting opposing clothes to ribbons.
Eventually the smarter men run away, dragging their unconscious and bleeding friends away with pleas for mercy. They leave behind their silly fake elk, Tetsu kicks the thing.
“Ei,” he croons, arms open.
Eijiro drops the aggressive stance, jumping into the alpha’s embrace. Possessive hands run through silver hair, petting around strong shoulders, lips pressing desperate kisses all over Tetsu’s relieved face.
“They can’t take you,” the omega whines.
A deeper croon vibrates from Tetsu’s chest, trying to soothe. “Easy, omega. I’m here, you defended me. Strong, so strong, perfect mate.”
Ei chirps, nuzzling their cheeks together affectionately. The alpha should be angry with himself for falling into the trap so easily. He can’t when he knows his equal saved him, proving that they were made for each other.
“Hunt together?” Eijiro questions, smiling sheepishly when his stomach rumbles.
Tetsu laughs heartily, agitation and adrenaline smoothed over at the sight of his cute omega. “Anything for you.”
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magsdomino · 2 years
Kirishima has gone through a breakup with his ex and is trying to assure everyone that things will be ok. Sadly, nobody is convinced. Luckily, his horn buddy has an idea to make things better.
Before she can say what it is, Tetsutetsu from 1B comes in with his own idea. "I'll be your fake boyfriend. Then if your ex boyfriend tries anything, he'll see my metallic bod and get jealous! Then we can suplex him."
Kirishima is hesitant, but ultimately agrees. ♡
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saisai34 · 11 months
Cream Me, Bastards!
“Ah-Ground Zero? What-” Red Riot started but Tetsu slammed the door shut and locked it, he grabbed his husband by the hand and dragged him toward the nest and the omega, “T-Tetsu, wait!”
“This is our opportunity, Ei. We have wanted Ground Zero since we saw him and now he’s presenting himself to us. We aren’t wasting this!” Real Steel, Tetsu, growled. His dark eyes were full of desire and hunger as he toed off his boots and ordered Red to do the same, “You gonna give us that pussy and become our omega, Zero?” The alpha posed the command as a question and Katsuki moaned, he pressed his chest to the nest’s bedding and purred.
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citrus-sours · 4 months
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in TUM volume 5 theres a mochi making contest where everyone is paired in duos of a class b student and a class a student and juuzo and bkg get paired up and tetsukiri are like "omg theyre at the top of their class how are they gonna do this...." and then bakugos like RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I CAN DO IT ALL MYSELF and juuzos just like. sure aight fine by me which is so funny to me
IM FUCKING. That's so him. I love him so much. He has no fucks to give. Actually scratch that, he gives a fuck but just goes with whatever is tossed his way "this guy wants to take his anger out on some gluten rice flour. Whatever, none of my business." And I feel like the ONLY reason he was chill about it is that bakugo somehow gets results, so it's not like he won't at least get a good score for not participating.
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eijirosheart · 3 years
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I saw this and they instantly came to my mind.
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themightymogar · 3 years
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Workout buddies! Bonus doodle: Bakugou gay panic 
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shippingcrumbs · 3 years
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eldritchdeceit · 3 years
Happy birthday to my favorite manly men!! I’m pretty sure kirishima is my favorite mha character so i was looking forward to this prompt :)
Prompt: I’m Just Like You, You’re Just Like Me
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tabbyrocks · 10 months
kiritetsu au where they just have a podcast. they have a podcast and talk about dumb shit. also they act VIOLENTLY bromantical
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tetsukiribakuevents · 7 months
Finally, it's here! Our interest check for the TetsuKiriBaku Mini Bang! Or it can be KiriTetsuBaku! Or even BakuTetsuKiri! Fill it out! Tell us if we can make this event a reality! ¡El contenido en español es bienvenido!
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 years
I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I am completely in LOVE with your writing.
Second Hand News is one of the most beautifully crafted pieces of writing I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
You have made me fall into absolute adoration and love with a character I used to barely give a second thought (I had to Google him to double check what he looked like in the show when I started reading).
Your Tetsu is so beautifully and heart wrenchingly complex, you’ve made me so desperate for this man to have a happy ending with Kiri and Katsuki (and don’t even get me started on your characterisation of them I am completely in love with them too). Honestly the way you write is so immersive and masterful.
Some of my favourite lines so far:
‘The taste of summer in the air was nothing but a haunting reminder of just how easy it was to squander time.’ - literal poetry right off the bat.
‘Tetsu’s brain was a mess of spongy cotton, leaking thoughts that he never usually bothered with. It filled his mouth with the metallic taste of rain.’
‘Katsuki pulled a slim cigarillo from between his lips.
“The hell are you doing here.”
His voice was shaky.
Tetsu smiled gently and stepped closer, pointing to the house.
“Here? This happens to be where I live.”
“Hilarious,” Katsuki deadpanned.’ - Your dialogue is just so delicious and so effortless I can literally see this scene (the whole scene with them outside the party) so perfectly.
Also as a side note on this scene I love that even though it’s soft and melancholy you still throw in a little bit of Tetsus horny brain (there was a chain around his neck — steel loops wide enough that Tetsu could almost poke his fingers through.) it’s just so perfect and realistic haha.
‘But like a beautiful storm made of fire, Katsuki came into the picture and Tetsu had no room left to run.’ - killed me, just stunning.
‘Big doe eyes met his gaze in the rearview mirror, sincere and shimmering with curiosity.
“T, do you think we look exactly the same?”
Tetsu’s stomach did an odd flip.
“Well, maybe not exactly the same,” he grunted after a pause.
“Okay. I’ve always thought we looked sorta different —”
“I’m obviously hotter.”
“Oh, fuck right off,” Ei scoffed.
Tetsu barked out a laugh. “You know it’s true.”
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“Because I’m so hot, right?” - this whole interaction as well just fucking wonderful, the relationships you build are just so intimate.
I just absolutely love the interactions between any combination of these three boys you’ve built up such beautiful relationships between them all! Also the revelation that Kiri was asking if he thinks they look the same KNOWING Katsuki had slept with Tetsu?! Magnificent.
‘Slowly, their hands slipped apart. The heat of Katsuki’s touch lingered. Tetsu resisted a shiver and turned to leave the room.’ - the pain, my god please I need to see Tetsu loved by his boys!
‘Ei’s smile vanished.
Time screeched to a halt.
Tetsu was ready to commit murder with his best friend.
But then someone tossed an empty solo cup at Buzzcut’s head.
The plastic bounced off and landed on the floor and it was like a grenade pin had dropped in the room.
It was Pikachu.’ - just the absolute beauty of the tension build in this scene and the burst of comedy we get from denkis interjection - again just masterful.
Anyway I should stop now but I could literally do this for hours haha!
Sorry to be so rambly (promise I’m not deranged) I just needed to let you know how in love with this story and this world you have created I am.
Unfortunately you have ruined me for any other characterisation of Tetsu in any other fic (not written by you) ever but it is a small price to pay!
I re-read your work constantly and cannot wait to see where you take it next! I apologise for being so gushy I just needed to get this out of my system haha!
this is 🥺 the sweetest message?? 😭💕
i’m so glad you’ve found new love for tetsu through this fic. and i can’t thank you enough for letting me know your thoughts. this fic has been such a joy to write, it has definitely made me a tskrbk ride or die ✨
for the curious: second hand news on ao3
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vannahfanfics · 2 years
Brothers in Arms
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Word Count: 2260
Comedy, Humor, Friendship, Shenanigans
Summary: Ever since the Sports Festival, Eijirou and Tetsutetsu have met every weekend for an arm-wrestling competition to determine once and for all who is the best. Well, it's been going on for months now with them in a perpetual tie. Will tonight be the night that a champion finally emerges...?
Hello, everyone! Here is my story for the KiriTetsu Bang! Please be sure to check out my partner Lima’s amazing art, and enjoy the shenanigans! Also... Did I change the title because a commenter on Ao3 made me realize this was much better? Yes. Yes I did. 
The common room of the dormitory was all hustle and bustle. Couches scraped across the floor as they were pushed away from the coffee table. Socked feet slipped and slid across the wood in a scramble to plop two soft cushions on either side of the table. Magazines and empty cups skittered to the floor as an arm swept over the table’s surface to clear it. While his classmates tethered this way and that, eagerly chattering to one another, Eijirou was the picture of calmness in all the chaos. He sat motionless in a fold-out chair, his eyes closed and his breaths steady. 
This time. This time for sure.
Katsuki walked up behind him and began playfully massaging his shoulders, like a coach about to send his boxing protegé into the fray. 
“Everything’s almost ready. How ya feelin’, Shitty Hair?” Katsuki really did have the uncanny ability to sound encouraging while calling him that vulgar nickname. Eijirou cracked an eye open so he could smirk over his shoulder at him. 
“I’m feelin’ like today is the day, Baku-Bro.” 
“Yeah!” Mina howled from her spot on the rearranged couches. She had a huge bucket of popcorn in her hands, and several half-chewed kernels fell from her mouth as she squealed. “You’re gonna kick his ass! No more ties!” 
No more ties, Eijirou repeated in his head. Katsuki let out a pleased cackle and patted Eijirou’s shoulders, then clamped down to shake him back and forth a little. Katsuki always looked forward to this hot-blooded competition between men, even going so far as to stay up past his rigid bedtime. 
The reason for all this hullabaloo on a quaint Friday night? Eijirou’s arm-wrestling competition with one Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. 
Ever since the Sports Festival, the two of them had been meeting up in Class 1-A’s dormitory. Tetsutetsu had been unable to take his loss sitting down, and he’d shown up one night practically begging for a rematch. Eijirou was not one to refuse such a gutsy challenge, of course. But it hadn’t turned out as expected—he’d lost, leading them to a tie. And all efforts to establish a two-point lead had been fruitless. So far, the results were 38 to 39 in favor of Eijirou. Of course, neither of them wanted to back down, nor admit that they were on equal ground—hence the development of this raucous affair. 
A hush fell over the room as the front door opened. All eyes fell upon the newcomer. Tetsutetsu sauntered into the dorm room as if he belonged there, holding out his arms while he grinned cheekily. Always one for theatrics, Eijirou thought with a roll of his eyes. In contrast, Pony waved cheerily with a pleasant, “Good evening!” while Neito sniffed in disdain, probably at being in the presence of so many members of their class at once. Tetsutetsu approached Eijirou, who rose from his chair, and puffed out his chest so much the buttons on his uniform shirt strained. 
“Are we compensating?” Katsuki sneered over Eijirou’s shoulder, to which Tetsutetsu sniffed. He ignored Katsuki, instead fixing his gaze upon his rival. 
“I know the answer, but I always gotta ask—you wanna surrender?” 
“Funny, you stole the words right outta my mouth,” Eijirou jeered back. “Who’s the one losing right now?” 
Tetsutetsu’s cheeks flooded pink. Neito began to rant and point and sputter expletives. Pony leered at him and threateningly held up an iron pipe—no doubt donated by Yosetsu Awase—and he immediately ceased his tantrum to just grumble under his breath. Pony lowered the pipe and then gave Eijirou a thumbs-up. 
“May the worst man win!” 
“P-Pony—that’s not—” Neito interrupted with a sigh, and she looked at him owlishly. “It’s may the best man win.” 
“Is that not what I said?” 
“No. Not at all.”
“Yoooooo! Can we get this thing started already?” Denki yelled from his spot on the couch. His words were a bit garbled from the phone chargers dangling out of his mouth, connected to various devices in his classmates’ hands. “My soda’s gonna go flat at this rate!” he huffed, spitting out the USB ports to take a swig of his cola before putting them back in his mouth. 
“Looks like your buds are eager to see you get stomped,” Tetsutetsu taunted while cracking his knuckles. Eijirou just snorted in laughter and started walking. 
“Again, who’s losing?”
The two of them took their respective seats on either side of the coffee table. Mina swooped in to spritz general cleaner over its wooden surface and wipe it up with a rag. Once she flitted away, Eijirou rolled his shoulder and then propped his elbow on the table. He flexed his hand, his knuckles creaking, and flashed Tetsutetsu a roguish grin. 
His opponent just sniffed in disdain and plopped his arm up onto the table. 
“One last chance,” Tetsutetsu offered, arching his eyebrow. Eijirou rolled his eyes and just scooched his arm forward to grasp Tetsutetsu’s hand and lock it into place. 
“You mean one last chance to spare yourself the agony of defeat,” Eijirou sneered back. Behind him, Denki and Hanta began to hoot excitedly, chiming “ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!” in tandem with Momo’s countdown. The wooden table creaked a little when Eijirou leaned forward. He flexed his fingers again. The zone; he was getting into the zone. His tongue slowly came out to peek out of the corner of his lips. He could do this.
“Annnnd… go!” Momo shouted, waving her hand between their heads like a flag before hopping away. Eijirou and Tetsutetsu both grunted, and their muscles bulged and their veins popped with the contraction of their arm muscles. They’d established a No Quirk rule—or rather, Mr. Aizawa had after they’d broken three tables in a row—but a few of Eijirou’s fingertips still hardened under the strain. Tetsutetsu caved to the pressure, too, a sheen of silvery iron slowly creeping out from underneath the white of his uniform shirt sleeve. Their arms began to tremble, and sweat beaded on both their foreheads. 
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Neither of their arms budged a centimeter. 
The minutes ticked by. Eijirou actually thought that he could hear a clock ticking, but it turned out that it was actually Denki making “tick-tick” noises. 
“The suspense is killing me! I’m getting nervous!” he whined when Eijirou shot him a glare over his shoulder. 
“Heh, no need to be nervous,” Tetsutetsu jeered breathily. He paused to flick a sweaty piece of hair out of his eyes with his free hand, then tilted his head back to sneer at Eijirou. “This’ll be over in a few minutes.” 
“It sure will, but not with you winning!” Eijirou growled back. He gritted his teeth and hunched forward while he strained against Tetsutetsu. His opponent scowled when he managed to push his hand just a few millimeters, and Eijirou couldn’t help but preen. Then his elbow slipped a little in the sweat that had puddled on the table, and he lost the ground that he’d gained almost immediately. 
Eijirou clenched his teeth harder, trying to ignore the sweat rolling down his face. Just a few more minutes and Tetsutetsu would finally crack…
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After twenty minutes of being in a deadlock, it was Eijirou who was considering giving in. His shirt was drenched in sweat, making it stick uncomfortably to his skin, and his sodden bangs kept getting into his eyes. It had gotten so bad that Tsuyu had gotten one of her hairpins and pinned his bangs up, but with each passing minute, one of the strands would slip out to dangle in his face. He kept wiggling against the cushion, his damp shorts chafing against his skin. It was borderline torture. 
His only consolation was that Tetsutetsu was faring just as bad. Pony and Neito stood on either side of him, fanning his flushed face with magazines. Eijirou didn’t have the energy to make a snarky quip about it, though, given that all his energy was being poured into not letting Tetsutetsu gain the upper hand. The only thing that had changed over the last half an hour was that they had placed a towel under their elbows to keep them from slipping. 
“You know, for a hot-blooded contest of manliness, this is beginning to grow quite dull,” Mina sighed without looking up from her phone screen. She gently smacked Kyoka’s shoulder to get her attention. “Have they moved yet?” 
“Nope. I’m gonna go grab a snack. Anyone want anything?” the dark-haired girl responded while she rose from the couch. A chorus of agreement rang out throughout the room, and she sauntered off to the kitchen. Eijirou watched her go, another bead of sweat blooming on his forehead. 
Because he was starving. 
His stomach clawed at his belly with fierce talons. Hell, it felt like it was chewing on his spine! He fidgeted uncomfortably at the painful cramps, but he couldn’t find an alleviating position, especially not with his fist locked with Tetsutetsu’s. He was about to consider just giving up so he could go raid the fridge before he starved to death, but then—
Tetsutetsu’s stomach growled. Loud. 
Their eyes locked, ruby on ruby. Eijirou arched his eyebrow, and Tetsutetsu responded with a scowl that morphed into a pathetic grimace. With his free hand, he was twisting his fingers into his shirt as if he could quell the raging beast inside. 
This was no longer about manliness. This was about survival.
Neito and Pony had wandered off (well, more accurately, Pony dragged him off crying about how hungry she was from all the fanning), and everyone else was engrossed in staving off the boredom. No one would notice, Eijirou thought. So he leaned in, cocking his head a little to tell Tetsutetsu to do the same. 
“All right, man, I’ll level with ya. I’m freaking starving,” Eijirou whispered. “If I don’t get something to eat soon, I’m gonna die.”
“Dude, same,” Tetsutetsu groaned. “For a minute there, I was considering taking a chomp of that houseplant,” he added with a nod at the fern sitting beside the television. 
“Let’s be honest, dude. We could be here all night,” Eijirou sighed and motioned with his chin at their joined hands. “Last week we sat here for a whole hour before that spider crawled up my leg and you won.” Tetsutestu smiled wistfully at the memory of Eijirou jumping up with a girlish scream and tearing his pants off in an effort to get at the eight-legged creepy-crawly. “You’re strong, I’m strong, we’ve been at this for months now.” 
Tetsutetsu raised an eyebrow at him. 
“What are you proposing?” 
“I throw the match. We’re back at a tie. Instead of continuing to do this, we just call it a truce. Then we go eat everything in sight.” 
“That’s a good plan. I like that plan,” Tetsutetsu nodded eagerly. “No losers, our stomachs won’t eat us from the inside-out. Let’s do it.” 
Eijirou nodded, nearly breathless from giddiness, and sat back. He gave a few seconds so as not to arouse anyone’s suspicion, and then he let his arm go lax. Tetsutetsu immediately overpowered him, and he slammed Eijirou’s fist against the table with a triumphant howl. Everyone immediately rushed around them, most of them lamenting the fact that they hadn’t been paying attention. Eijirou made a show of rubbing his wrist and looking pouty. He graciously nodded along as everyone patted his back and told him “Next time, champ, next time.” 
“You know what, though?” he said when the din had finally settled down. “I don’t think there’s gonna be a next time.” He smiled at Tetsutetsu, who was in the middle of getting toweled down by Pony. “I think it’s time to admit that Tetsutetsu and I are both really manly. Eh?” 
He stuck out his hand for Tetsutetsu to shake, and it really wasn’t an act. After all, only the manliest could go toe-to-toe with Eijirou for such a long time. It was time to acknowledge the truth. Tetsutetsu seemed to get that, as he was tearing up a little as he grabbed Eijirou’s hand firmly and gave it a good shake. 
“Yeah, man. I totally agree.” 
“Aw! Does that mean we don’t get to come over anymore?” Pony whined, immediately shoving the towel over Tetsutetsu’s head to rub vigorously at his sodden hair. 
“Come on, Pony, why would we want to be over here?” Neito cried. Pony silenced him by shoving him into the nearby houseplant. 
“Yeah, I’m kinda gonna miss these weekly arm-wrestling fights,” Mina said, frowning while she gripped her crossed ankles. “They really do liven up the place.” 
“Well,” Eijirou smiled, watching as Tetsutetsu lifted the edge of the towel to peer at him. “I dunno about Tetsutetsu here, but I wouldn’t mind a friendly, low-stakes arm-wrestling match every now and again.” 
Tetsutetsu’s red eyes gleamed under the gloomy shadow of the towel. He sucked in a breath, trying to keep his bottom lip from quivering, and then nodded so hard that he shook the towel over his head. Eijirou laughed and walked around the table to throw his arm around his shoulders and give him a friendly shake. 
“All right! Now, let’s get something to eat.” Everyone cheered, and Eijirou looked at them with a stony expression. “No, seriously, you guys better move or I may trample someone. I’m freaking starving.” 
Eijirou could only be his manliest on a full stomach, after all. And he had the sense that was the same for his new manly friend, too.
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rabisacos · 4 years
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Birthday pic 🎉💕
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