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charmfamily · 10 months
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Transcript Below. Listen to the Intro Music if you like HERE
ERWIN: WwwWwwelcome back to the fifth dimension, conspiracists. It’s another Monday midnight, so slip on your best tin-foil hat and secure your phones, your Alexas, and all other Skynet-Approved citizen-spying devices in a secret location outside the room before you join us for another trip during the Hypnagogic Hour. I’m your host, Erwin – 
DYLAN: – And we’ve been doing this for 58 episodes now so everyone already knows who you are.
ERWIN: You don’t know that we don’t have new listeners, first of all, and two, it’s clearly a stylized intro. Don’t ruin it!
DYLAN: [He laughs] If you’re just now joining us, I’m Dylan, the same co-host that’s been here for 58 episodes. I’m also the more practical, reasonable half of this team and part of that responsibility is making sure we have paid bills, so without further ado, let’s kick it back over to Erwin for the top of the hour Ad-Roll.
ERWIN: We’re all interdimensional interstellar beings trapped here on the blue marble in corporeal Terran forms, and part of the universal experience of being an earth-bound meatbag is that sometimes you grow hair where you don’t want hair to be. With tonight’s sponsor, Bushwacked, you’ll be silky, alien smooth in no time, even in the most tender of your fleshy places. With their 5-piece grooming system at a reasonable price of only thirty-five dollars, no longer will you have to fear your private photos looking like Bigfoot’s thirst traps. Sign up today with code HYPNA50, and get half off your first order, plus a free gift of extra shave gel. Thanks to Bushwacked for sponsoring tonight’s podcast, and to all our listeners supporting the program.
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