#You could also fuck off to Lys for cocktails on the beach and hit pause on your game of thrones
duchess-of-oldtown · 10 months
Cersei in that one conversation with Ned:
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sichengslittlebitch · 6 years
Again and again [M]
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Genre: Smut    Word Count: 2770
Summary: You and Ten were best friends until you found yourself getting a little too close to each other… now what does that make you?
“Man, what’s up with you today? You’ve got no energy.” Ten wondered aloud. You slumped down against the wall of the studio. “Long night, little sleep.” you informed him simply to which he smirked. “Long night? With who? Was it steamy?” he teased as he too let his back slide down the wall to sit next to you on the floor. Rolling your eyes you jokingly slapped your friend on the arm but he just continued to chuckle. You two were meant to be practicing a dance routine for a collaboration stage that was coming up but your lack of motivation was hindering the rehearsal. “You know, I think stress is just getting the better of me at the moment. There’s a lot of projects coming up and I just want to get everything perfect.” you sighed. Ten replaced his grin with a more sympathetic smile. “And you will. I know you will” You bit your bottom lip. Although his words were reassuring and full of support you couldn’t help but worry. “Okay!” Ten suddenly exclaimed, standing up. He held out his hand for you. “Get up” he instructed. “Let’s end practice for tonight and go relieve some of that stress.” Letting out a small laugh you shook your head and took his hand. “What do you purpose?” “Well,” Ten started confidently, you knew he had it all planned out in his head. “It’s only 9pm. The night is young. I’m thinking you, me, lots of drinks, some sweaty club dancing and then some hideously greasy food that our managers would normally scold us for even looking at.” He nodded, liking the sound of his own plan and as much as you didn’t feel up to going out, you couldn’t deny it sounded like a great night. “So?” he waited impatiently on your answer, making his eyes large in an awful attempt to act cute but you still couldn’t resist them. “Fine, let’s go.”
The club was packed. It was a friday night afterall. You’d just about had enough time to wash up, slap on some makeup and get changed into a tight little dress. Ten had agreed to meet you at the bar but he was running a little late. You sat and sipped on your cocktail and you waited, enjoying the atmoshpere of everyone letting loose and having fun. “Wow!” You heard someone exclaim from behind you. They rushed around to your front and grinned. “Damn, you’re smoking hot from the back and the front.” You were just about to open your mouth a stutter out an awkward response when someone pushed them aside. “Yes, she is, isn’t she?” Ten smirked, glaring down the guy who was trying to hit on you. “Did you wait long, baby? Sorry I’m late.” He smiled, rubbing your arm gently. With that, the guy sure enough had gotten the hint and moved on without another word. “Look at you, miss popular.” he teased, waving his arm to get the bartenders attention. “Double vodka, please.” he requested before turning to you. “And for the lady? What would you like?” “Sex on the beach.” “Yeah, me too, but we’re at a club now. What are you having to drink?” You glared at him, unimressed with the lame joke. He chuckled to himself before ordering another cocktail for you. Time went quickly and so did the drinks. Within an hour or so you were both tipsy and having a great time, laughing and gossiping together. “Oh!” Ten explaimed excitedly. “Get up now, we have to dance to this!” He promptly stood up, took your hand and moved over to the dance floor. The song was upbeat but had a sexy feel to it. It fitted Ten well. The two of you danced and let go of all your worries, just enjoying the moment. And so the night continued. More drinks, more dancing. It was getting late and the dancing was getting sloppier as you both became more drunk. He held you close as you danced together, feeling the music and loving each others company. Then his hands started to roam all over your body, gently squeezing you every so often. “You know there’s so many guys looking at you right now…undressing you with their eyes. I know they’re wishing it was their hands holding you and not mine.” His voice was deep and almost animalistic, his breath tickling your ear, sending chills through your entire body. A feeling knotted in your stomach. You knew that voice and you knew where this was going. After another 30 minutes or so of dancing, rather provocatively at that, you both agreed it was time to leave. “What are you feeling for food?” a drunken Ten slurred out. You paused to think, letting out a ‘hmm’. “Well you look on your phone what places are nearby and open at 3am and I’ll book a room.” He told you casually. “A room? What for?” He looked at your frown and laughed. “So let’s go back to your dorm. I’m sure your manager won’t mind that we’re drunk and eating junk food when we we’re meant to be practicing.” he suggested sarcastically. You knew he was right, your manager would go crazy. “Pizza, then?” you asked, accepting his request without words which made him smile. “Oh my god, I haven’t had pizza in so long!” Ten cried out, more excited for pizza than anyone you’d ever seen. It didn’t take long for him to find an available room in a motel nearby. “Lets go check in then order that pizza.”
Once in the motel room his bubbly self seemed to calm down. He pulled off his jacket and kicked off his shoes. You did the same, it was the best feeling after dancing in heels for hours. Ten was quiet as he slumped down on the bed, not saying anything which was unusual for him. However, after a while he stood up from the bed and came over to face you. You remained still, taking in his features. His handsome face, still mildly sweaty from the club but it only made him look better. How was that possible? His intoxicated eyes danced all over your body before swiftly landing on your lips without warning. “Ten-” He didn’t give you a chance to say what you wanted to say as he pulled your body tight against his and threw you into the most passionate kiss you’d ever experienced, one hand firmly on the back of your neck, the other snaking around your waist. You knew you should be saying no but you let yourself get lost in the feeling of his lips harassing yours. His fingers started delicatly tracing up and down your side. You broke the kiss and offered him a simple smile. “So, what toppings did you want on the pi-” “Fuck the pizza, it can wait.” He growled, latching onto your mouth with his once again, this time rougher than before, biting your bottom lip and diggin his nails into your hips. It wasn’t pizza he was hungry for at that moment. “Watching you shake your gorgeous body at the club was making it hard for me to control myself.” He whispered into your ear, his voice deep and needy. “I felt like throwing you over a table and taking you right there with everyone watching, especially those guys who were eyeing you up all evening.” “Ten-” you gasped out but your attempts to refuse him were useless. “And to make it worse, every time we’re in the practice room together I can’t control where my mind goes.” He looked you up and down, a devious smirk firmly on his lips. “I imagine pushing you up against those mirrors and making you watch yourself squirm as I fuck you from behind.” “Ten!” you were more stern this time. You wern’t sure if the alcohol had gotten to his head or if he’s lost his mind, talking like that. “I can’t hide how I feel anymore, babe.” His kisses lining your neck and collarbone. “I need you. Right now.” As he let out his intentions he began pushing you backwards towards the bed.
“Ten, we can’t do this again…” you huffed out, frustrated. That’s right, again. You and Ten had been close friends for a few years now but last month you both got crazy drunk and somehow ended up fucking each others brains out. Crazy drunk to the extent you didn’t even use protection. That was an awkward venture the next morning to get emergency contraception. You were both mortified about the whole thing and vouched to forget it and not let it ruin your friendship but then it happened again…and again. “Why not?” He pouted, still forcing you closer and closer to the bed. You didn’t know what to say you just knew you couldn’t carry on like this. “We’re friends.” You cried out. “I think we’re a bit more than that now, babe.” He giggled. “But what exactly?” Your voice becoming strained as you tried to hold back your frustrations. “Oh…uh…” Ten scrambled to find what to say, not realising how serious you were in that moment. “I guess, I don’t know… I care about you.” He told you honestly. “I’m not just doing it for the sex. I really, really love having you as my best friend and it’s just kind of progressed like this and I’m not sure how I should feel or what I should do but all I know is I like it. And i know you do to.” “How do you know it’s what I want?” you interrupted him. “The way you scream my name when I’m fucking you. Honey, you’re a great actress but not even you could fake that.” He wasn’t lying. Every time you got into bed with that guy it was incredible but you couldn’t help feeling like it was wrong. “I’ll be straight forward with you.” Ten says, holding you hands tightly in his and facing you. “I would like to be more than friends, seriously. If you don’t want that, that’s okay. If you want to make this a regular thing with no strings attached, that’s okay. Just let me know what you want to do. I don’t want to lose our friendship but I also can’t forget the feeling of being inside you. I feel like-“ "I like you, Ten” you blurted out, cutting him off. “Really?” Your sudden confession caught him off guard, a suprissed expression dawning his face. You nodded. “Every time we’re together I just want to be with you more and more but I was so scared you didn’t feel the same way and I didn’t want it to spoil the friendship we have.” Ten smiled softly. “Thankfully we’re on the same page. So, I guess that means you officially belong to me now.” His words made your face heat up. Hearing that from his mouth souned better than anything you could imagine. “Now, come here.” He began beckoning you towards the bed once more. “I’m going to make our first time something you’ll never forget.” “First time?” you laughed. “Well, our first time as boyfriend and girlfriend.” he smiled, liking how those names felt rolling off his tongue. Then his lips went back to working on your neck, driving you insane. He knew the right spots to hit with you.
Putting his slender fingers to work, he had your dress unzipped and on the floor in seconds, quickly followed by your bra. His shirt was next. He couldn’t unbutton it fast enough. It felt like he’d been waiting an eternity to be with you like this again and these last seconds building up to it were torterous. Next, his belt. Soon you were both stood there, him in his boxers and you just in your panties. You wanted to take the time to admire his shape. His body was in great shape and made for a great view. Ten on the other hand couldn’t hold back any longer. He took you and pushed you onto the bed, clawing at the sides of your underwear and elegently gliding them off your legs. “You’re so beautiful. All of you.” He groaned out and climbed on top of you. As he planted rough kisses down your neck and chest you couldn’t help but let a few soft moans out. The times you’d had sex with Ten in the past had been great but they’d also been drunken, sloppy, quickies. Nothing like what you were currently experiencing. You could feel his erection pleading to be let out from his boxers as it pushed against your leg. You reached down and began palming it, earning happy moans from Ten. “Please tell me you have a condom” You said, the thought not crossing your mind until then. “Of course, I came prepared.” He knew the plan was to get you in bed from the get go. He quickly jumped off the bed and pulled his wallet from his jacket, taking out a strip of condoms and throwing them to you. “I just need one.” you complained, ripping one from the others and tossing them aside. “Who knows how many we’ll need. We have the whole night after all.” his suggestive tone turning you on more with every syllabol. You tore open the wraper and pulled out the condom and Ten proceeded to pull down the last piece of material seperating the two of you. You slowly slid the rubber onto his cock feeling a sense of excitement knowing he was going to be pushing that into you momentarily. Once it was on and you were both ready to go he swung you round onto your hands and knees. “You’re mine now.” He barked. “I need to to see it when you look in the mirror at my marks on your shoulder and I need you to feel it as you find it hard to walk for the days after. Constant reminders of who owns you.” He lined you up at the edge of the bed as he stood behind you. Then in one sudden movement he drove his throbbing cock inside of you. You screamed out half in pain and half in shock. The position he had you in made it even tighter. You could feel him pulsing inside you when he jolted his hips again, forcing himself even deeper into you just when you thought it wasn’t possible. After allowing you a few moments to become accustomed he pulled out and rammed into you even harder than the first time, receiving another yelp from you. You glanced over your shoulder to look at Ten. His head flung back, biting his lip as he repeated the motions, gradually getting faster and harder. Whatever spot he was hitting, it was amazing. His hands tightly grabbing your hips as he pounded into you unforgivingly. Your cries were music to him, he loved it. The louder, the better. Every stroke had you edging closer and closer to your orgasm but Ten showed no sign of slowing down any time soon. He was a dancer after all, stamina was something that he did not lack. All you could hear were his breathless moans mixing with your screams and the sharp sound of slapping as he rocked his hips into you violently. “Ten...Ah!” the way he made you feel made it impossible to form a sentence. You were close and he knew it, giving it his all to drive you over the edge and once it hit you, words couldn’t describe how good it made you feel. Ten rode out your orgasm now seeking his own. A few more harsh pumps and he finally found it, letting out a moan as the feeling came over him. Pulling out of you and taking of the condom, he tied it in a not and trew into into the trash can before climbing into the bed and pulling you close. Your head resting on his shoulder, he held you warmly as you both caught your breath. You were hurting all over but in a strange way had never felt better. Still feeling the burn from where he’d thrust himself into you repeatedly. “Oh my.” you puffed out. “I didn’t know you had this bad of a jealous side. Those guys at the club really bother you that much?” Ten merly laughed at what you were saying. “That wasn’t jealousy…”  You looked up at him in confusion. “Oh girl, you do not want to see me when I’m jealous if you think that was rough. I’d truly destroy you.”
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