#You guys don't understand I'm loosing my shit right now is not even funny omg omg omg
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Oh my fucking god holy shit oh god oh man i've been waiting for this since the pregnancy was added holy shit goddamn FUCK YEAH MAN we are so winning right now
REMEMBER WHEN THIS FUCKER WAS ONLY A SIMPLE NPC????? Gosh. I love Alex so much guys i cant properly express myself holy moly
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shittydeku · 4 years
Eighth Year Roommate au
Part two:
Part one
Harry felt safe and comforted, he knew he felt something for Draco but he thought it was just attraction because they spent so much time together but now, now he knew it was love.He just couldn't run from it anymore.It was perfect because Draco didn't like him for being the golden boy, and he didn't treat him any differently.Draco was one of the very few people who liked Harry,for Harry, not the boy who lived, not the saviour, but plain old Harry.
Draco hadn't realized what he was doing but it felt...right, like it was meant to be...yes he had had a crush on Harry Potter, yes he absolutely loved him but this was about Harry about making sure HE was ok,if HE was comfortable.So he pulled away...
Draco:I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that, I'm just going to g-
Harry:Don't... Stay?
Draco:Are you sure I could just call Hermione or Weasley...
Harry:They're not you...
And with that Harry knew, knew that Draco felt the same, knew that he would kiss him back so he pulled Draco onto his lap and pressed his lips on Draco's...
They snuggled closer together than usual both of them feeling wholesome and content.They slept on Harry's bed that night after Harry asked Draco to be his boyfriend.
-Next Day-
Harry:How do you think they'll take it?
Draco:I don't know but Weasley is sure to loose his shit today...
Harry:He'll have to deal with it.
Draco:Listen Harry, if Ron asks you to break up with me, do it... You've been friends forever and we started dating yesterday, don't ruin your friendship for someone you started liking yesterday...
Harry:Yeah about that...I think you're as dense as a brick. I've literally been in love with you since the beginning of seventh year, maybe even before that...
Draco:You're telling me you liked me before yesterday?And you didn't make a move on me?
Harry:Oh my god Dray I literally flirted with you all the time!
Draco:I thought it was friendly banter!
Harry:Babe I have literally been rubbing your back since you told me it hurted every night...
Draco:It could've been genuine platonic concern!
Harry:I hold you in a hug for like five minutes.
Draco:I just thought you always felt unnaturally cold...
Harry:What about that time I kissed you? It was a 8 minute long snog... I don't know how we're alive actually...
Draco:You've never Ki-oh you mean yesterday!
Harry sighs dreamily:Yeah
Draco:Anyway we have to go tell everyone now.
Draco:We have to get out of bed for that.
Draco:Ok five more minutes
Harry:Five more minutes and a kiss?
Draco:Five more minutes and two kisses, because I deserve it.
Harry:Yes,yes you do...
-time skip to when they're in the common room waiting for them to arrive so they can tell everyone together-
Harry:You know Dray...we could use this time to do something else...
Draco blushing:You mean call them?
Hermione:Omg guys I understand you're in love but please stop.
Ron:Ya mate suck his face off in your dorm.
Pansy:Ew pda
Theo:Seriously guys you're never one's to kiss out in the open, why start now?
Dean and Seamus:We find it cute.
Harry pulling away from Draco a mixture of embarrassed,confused and sad they were intrupted:Wait how did you guys know we were in love?
Pansy:You've been dating forever and have been so smitten with each other, it was obvious you were in love...
Draco:Dating forever?We got together yesterday?
Hermione:Haha very funny guys,hilarious really.
Harry:No,he's serious.
Theo:Stop messing around Haz.
Ron:Yeah mate!
Draco:Am I the only person here who didn't know Harry and I were dating?
Harry:Nope I didn't know either...
Hermione:Oh my God you're both such dunces...
-The End-
Invisible the bet seven Lifetimes in heaven The Greatest Prank
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