#You know those existential conversations at 3am when you're hanging out with some friends? Yep that’s what happening here x)
fantomette22 · 1 year
12. Love /(Do the Gods love their creations)
The moon and the stars shined brightly, the night was already quite advanced.
Despite this, two hunters have been talking since hours already. About everything and nothing.
It’s been a few minutes since any words have been exchanged. They laid in silence.
Suddenly a voice rise.
"Hey Gehrman?"
"What is it Maria?"
"Do you think the Gods love us ?"
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He was taken aback by his friend sudden question. He took a few seconds before responding.
"I… I didn’t really thought about it. You mean the human species in general or individuals? Why that question now?" He chuckled.
"Oh I don’t know... We talked about the Great Ones earlier and i was wondering… Because we love them right? They are our gods and our creators in some sense. We pray to them, do ritual for them, make idols of them and try to serve them. We try to connect and commune with them. We can only hope, and do everything in our power so one day we’ll be able to reunite with them. But do you think they love us back? That we really matter to them?"
"Hm… no one can be certain until we meet them i’m afraid. But, i don’t see why they wouldn’t? They probably don’t love us the same way as we love them but, they probably have their own way right? If they do hate us it's very egoist with everything we do for them! But... I could still understand if they don't like humans that much. With all the awful stuff we're capable of..."
"Yeah, with everything the humans did and do i could understand if they feel ashamed. Ashamed we’re not to their level. Like some failures? But maybe they just think of us as tools…"
"Hm perhaps... But that wouldn't explain why them seemed to lead humanity since centuries. And they can be merciful. So maybe, they do like a few humans?"
They fall silent a few seconds, before he asks her a new question.
"Maria, are you afraid they won't like you or something?"
"I...I don't know. I mean, if they were to love someone, that would probably be clerics, or strong, amazing and talented individuals! The best persons around!"
"And you think you're no worth enough for that? You must be one of the most dedicated person after Laurence and the clerics! Everyone love you for your kindness, wise words and dexterity! And everything that you are! So I can't imagine how they wouldn't hm... love someone like you, you know...."
"You really think so?"
"Hm.. y-yes. Certainly..."
She smiled. "Oh thank you!"
"You’re welcome..."
"Yeah maybe they would… Hey I'm sure they would love you too Gehrman!"
"Really? Pfff if only…."
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