#You're calling other people mudblood? yeah no that's not happening
fresiants · 1 year
The Lestrange couple is actually interesting.
Bellatrix does come from an extremely messed up family. Not only do they behead their slaves after they become too old to carry tea and stuff their heads and hang them on the wall, you know, normal stuff. Then, according to the Black family tree, her father was only 13 when she was born. So you know, clearly healthy stuff. Also, if Filch is to be believed, hanging students days on end by the thumbs was common practice not too long ago from the 90s, and torture instruments are manufactured with enough regularity (I don't believe those things would have survived Fred and George, nor the Marauders).
In his forth year, Arthur was punished badly enough so that he has scars he keeps well into adulthood despite the wonders of magical medicine. (Most scars do fade away after a decade or so, which makes me think the whipping was either extreme or their was some Black Magic involved) for being out of his dorm.
We don't know much about Rodolphus, but his father or uncle was one of the first associates of Tom Riddle, and he would also in all likely hood attended school to taste this kind of extreme discipline that left Arthur scared for life. Also, according to Sirius they were part of a gang of bullies.
So is it any surprise that Voldemort was able to recruit followers who if not violent themselves, where quite desensitized to violence. So, even if Voldemort is extremely sadistic and does not treat his followers well to put it mildly, to people like Bellatrix, it must have seemed not that bad and normal. Also, their hatred for Muggleborn might have also mixed with envy. During the second half of the XXth century, corporal punishment was on the decline, and frankly, six of the best cannot in honesty be compared to the strappado. I would imagine members of these pureblood Slytherin gang of bullies viciously mocking muggleborn students and their inability to keep up with what they would perceive as normal things. It would probably like humiliation through babying, escorting them to "safety" while constantly mocking them:
"Twenty and already dizzy ? How adorable ! Let me take pictures of you. See, we don't hate muggles, we find them so wee!" (proceed to wrap them in frilly stuff before taking pictures).
Is this a response to my post about Severus and Lily? If it isn't, please ignore this whole post lol.
I agree that in the wizarding world, these acts were perceived as normal, as evidenced by the prevalence of bullying and violence that went unpunished and ignored everyone, even by the teachers who were responsible for safeguarding them. Regardless of the gravity of the situation, students were only ever subjected to detention as a form of discipline.
But we must consider that Severus hated the Marauders for bullying him and always tried to persuade Lily to stay away from them for this specific reason. It's understandable that, given his character, he might find it difficult to empathize with others. However, it's still a shame that he couldn't see the similarity between the Marauders and Mulciber's group. If you see your housemate bullying other kids, shouldn't it remind you of your own bullies? I think this situation was also heavily influenced by the house rivalries at Hogwarts.
Severus probably harbored a "serve them right" attitude when Mulciber bullied Mary McDonald, as if attacking a Gryffindor student was a form of avenging his own bullying. This is a childish mindset that many victims adopt, seeking to hurt their bullies by wishing harm on those around them. You may have heard people say things like "I hope your child experiences bullying in the future, then you'll know how it feels" or "I hope your daughter gets cheated on, so you'll feel the pain you caused others." It's the same type of mindset where you can't hurt the bully, so you hope someone they care about gets hurt instead. As someone who was once a victim of bullying, i totally understand why some people might think this way, but I refuse to defend this behaviour as it is wrong in my book.
Hence, I truly believe that even if Severus hadn't called Lily 'Mudblood', their friendship wouldn't have lasted long. Severus cherished Lily because she was the first person to ever show him kindness, and he loved her deeply to the point that he thought she was the only friend he needed. He only cared about his and Lily's well-being (as an individual) He couldn't care less about other Muggle-borns and this didn't sit well with Lily.
Things were already looking bad for Severus. But here's where things got worse. Lily Evans... the only person Severus ever care about... failed to comprehend why Severus refused to let her to associate with the Marauders. In fact, she felt offended by it.
Snape’s whole face contorted and he spluttered, “Saved? Saved? You think he was playing the hero? He was saving his neck and his friends’ too! You’re not going to— I won’t let you— ”
“Let me? Let me?”
Lily’s bright green eyes were slits. Snape backtracked at once.
But we also shouldn't ignore the fact that Severus called everyone(muggleborns) aside from Lily 'Mudblood', which mean she had probably tolerated him a lot, hoping that he would finally get a grip and realised what he was doing was wrong.
But of course, that never happened. Doesn't really help that his only friend wasn't very understanding herself and already had feelings for James even when he was bullying Severus, which was confirmed by JK Rowling herself in an interview. (I mean... why would Severus feel the need to remind Lily that James wasn't a good lad if she wasn't interested in him?)
Interviewer: How did they get together? She hated James, from what we’ve seen.
JKR: Did she really? You’re a woman, you know what I’m saying. [Laughter.]
She was referring to the stereotype that women are attracted to 'bad boys' *puke*
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syndromealice-blog · 3 years
Why Lily was a bad friend
I always read something like: Lily was a good girl, the best friend, but Snape was a Death Eater and he was obsessed.
I didn’t notice her like a character at all, she was more a neutral to me, because everyone said, that she was so good and so beautiful and so awesome. She was Harry’s mother and I understood that she is an important for Harry and to some people. But then I read The prince’s tale. Oh, well. How can I start? The first thing, that I didn’t like: she used Severus even they were a children. He told everything about Hogwarts and Wizarding World. I think that was a reason why she wanted to be his “friend”. Lily lived with her sister, who hated her and when Lily realized that she is a witch, she was happy, because now Lily has some privileges.
When Lily came to Hogwarts Express, there was a scene:
"You didn't think it was such a freak's school when you wrote to the headmaster and begged him to take you."
Petunia turned scarlet.
"Beg? I didn't beg!"
"I saw his reply. It was very kind."
"You shouldn't have read " whispered Petunia, "that was my private ¨how could you ?"
Lily gave herself away by half-glancing toward where Snape stood nearby. Petunia gasped.
"That boy found it! You and that boy have been sneaking in my room!"
"No" Now Lily was on the defensive. "Severus saw the envelope, and he couldn't believe a Muggle could have contacted Hogwarts, that's all!
Okay, now it seems, like she actually defense Severus, but no. She said, that Severus did that. Severus saw, Severus found... why? She defense herself, not Severus. I had the same situation in childhood and I defended my friend and said it was my fault. Lily literally enjoyed this moment, when she can show to her sister who is a muggle and who is a witch.
Then in Hogwarts:
"...thought we were supposed to be friends?" Snape was saying, "Best friends?"
"We are, Sev, but I don't like some of the people you're hanging round with! I'm sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he's creepy! D'you know what he tried to do to Mary Macdonald the other day?"
Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face.
"That was nothing," said Snape. "It was a laugh, that's all"
"It was Dark Magic, and if you think that's funny "
Yeah, Lily, it was a dark magic, but why you wasn’t terrifying, what James and Sirius did to your “best friend”? Or you are so good and so kind only to rich boys? Or maybe you just didn’t care.
Severus asked a logical question:
"What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?" demanded Snape. His color rose again as he said it, unable, it seemed, to hold in his resentment.
"What's Potter got to do with anything?" said Lily.
Oh, my God. Of course, you don’t know.
"They sneak out at night. There's something weird about that Lupin. Where does he keep going?"
"He's ill," said Lily. "They say he's ill "
"Every month at the full moon?" said Snape.
"I know your theory," said Lily, and she sounded cold. "Why are you so obsessed with them anyway? Why do you care what they're doing at night?"
He is obsessed? No, Lily, you are obsessed with defense. They bullied him all years in Hogwarts. Of course Severus hate them, it’s a normal reaction. I know, people can say, that Lily was a child, but when I was a fifteen years old, I wasn’t so stupid.
"I'm just trying to show you they're not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are."
The intensity of his gaze made her blush.
"They don't use Dark Magic, though." She dropped her voice. "And you're being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever's down there.
They don’t use Dark Magic though
He don’t use Dark Magic though
"I know James Potter's an arrogant toerag," she said, cutting across Snape. "I don't need you to tell me that. But Mulciber's and Avery's idea of humor is just evil. Evil, Sev. I don't understand how you can be friends with them."
A boy, who bully others not a bad, he is just a toerag. Mmmmmnmmmm
Then was a mudblood scene. She literally smiled, she didn’t help, she said: LeAvE hIm aLoNe. What? If my friend was hung upside down, I certainly wouldn't say leave him alone. I would curse the bully properly and go straight to the headmaster or at least to the teacher. Why Lily didn’t go to the headmaster or to the teachers earlier? She just didn’t care about Severus at all. Because I can’t explain, why fifteen years old girl, who sees every day, that James Potter bully her “best friend” and she does nothing. Then Severus called her a mudblood. I have one theory and I believe that’s a canon. Levicorpus was Severus’s spell. He created it. And why Lily had a successes in potions? I am sure, that Severus gave own book to her and she saw all spells. Levicorpus is non-verbal spell and no one can learn it just by hearing. So, Lily gave book to James. He read this spell and used it. If this is true (at least it seems logical), so Lily is a fucking piece of shit. She gave best friend’s book where were a hints to his bully.
Then Lily was angry and said:
Fine,' she said coolly. 'I won't bother in future. And I'd wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus.'
Later, when Severus try to apologize, she said:
To call me Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?"
Yeah, girl. Like YOU, rich and beautiful human, said to poor, ugly friend wash your pants. It was a classism.
"It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends ¨ you see, you don't even deny it! You don't even deny that's what you're all aiming to be! You can't wait to join You-Know-Who, can you?"
Okay, if you already saw that he is so bad and awful, why you continued this “friendship” Why? Nobody actually forced you. Why? If he wasn’t good enough, just say: Sorry, but I think, I don’t want to be your friend anymore. That’s it. You literally can do this.
Three years later Lily was married with James, who was “ an arrogant toerag”. Hmmm, okay. Sirius and Remus said, that James didn’t bully anyone but Severus. Lily didn’t know about it. Sorry, I don’t believe.
Lily didn’t care about Severus and their “friendship”. She gaslighted him all the time. She saw how difficult was his childhood, she saw his abusive father and their life before school. She didn’t help when James bullied him. And no, saying LEAVE HIM ALONE is not a help. If she wanted to help, she did it. Lily used Severus in Potions, before school, when he told everything about Wizarding World and then she gave his book to his bully. She is not a friend. She is just a girl, who wanted something from Severus. And yes, everyone say: IT’S NOT HER JOB, HE BECAME TO A DEATH EATER AND USED DARK MAGIC. She knew that all the time. If this was a problem, she could leave. If she was terrified about death eaters shit, she could talk with him. She knew how difficult life he has. It’s not her job, that’s right. Or maybe she is just a shitty friend?
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nettles-bo-bettles · 3 years
Daminette Hogwarts au
Marinette's POV:
I went down to the common room to get out of the dormitories and go eat breakfast when Adrien started chasing after me and trying to get me to get back together with him. There's no way I'm even being friends with him after what he did. Ughhhhhh I feel like this is so cringyyyyyy!!!! What can I say I'm in middle school, there's no way I'm not making this cringy. I'm so sorry for making it this way but this is how Imma do it.
"hmmmmm Adrien did tell me to meet him here." Marinette looks around only to see Adrien and Lila kissing. "w-why?" She asked Adrien. "WAIT MARINETTE IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!!" Adrien yells after her while she walks away. "Oh really? I think I know exactly what it looks like. You and your new girlfriend kissing while I sit here with barely any friends after she fucking turned everyone against me. That's what it looks like and that's exactly what's happening right now." She said in a power woman voice. "I swear that's not what happened princess, she just started kissing me that's it right when she saw you she kissed me, I swear." He said pleading. "You were fucking holding her that doesn't seem like her just kissing you." She said. "please I swear it wasn't at all what it looked like" He said still pleading. "You know what else this looks like?" She asked. "No what else does it look like???" He said now confused. "It looks like you're single, oh wait that doesn't make sense, let me rephrase that, it looks like you're now dating a liar and cheater and no longer dating the best witch of our age." She told him. She walked away and that was the end of their friendship and relationship
~End of flashback~
That cheating asshole will never get so much as a sliver of attention from me. After ignoring Adrien the whole time I went down to eat breakfast and went through all my classes for today. After classes I walked with Chloe, Alya and Juleka to the dormitories and we all started packing for Hogwarts. A few days later it was finally time to go to Hogwarts and we all got in Madame Maxime's carriage to get to Hogwarts. It was a few hours long but it felt like it would last forever. Eventually we got to Hogwarts and I was so excited, I knew my friend Fleur would be the champion for Beauxbatons even if all of the mindless sheep think that Lie-la will be the champion, I know it'll be Fleur. We landed on the ground and entered the building, still waiting for the people from Ilvermony.
Not even ten minutes later we saw a hot air balloon drifting down to the grounds and soon landing. After the balloon landed the kids from Ilvermony and their headmaster walked out of the giant air balloon and quickly walked into the castle for warmth. While they were walking in I locked eyes with a handsome boy who looked around my age, he had short black hair, tan skin, and forest green eyes, he was also very tall and did I mention he was handsome??? Did I say that he was very handsome??? I can't remember if I told you that this boy was hot af!!!!!
After everyone from Ilvermony was in Hogwarts we went into the Great Hall and sat with the houses we wanted to sit with. Ilvermony sat with the Slytherins and my school sat with the Ravenclaws. I noticed the handsome boy talking to another boy who looked to be our age who had light blonde hair, grey eyes, and seemed to be pretty short but also quite attractive. As I was walking out of the great hall to get to the Lady's Room I heard them say talking, the tan one's name, I think, is Damian, and the blonde one's name, if I heard correctly, was Draco. When I came back from the Lady's Room Adrien started begging for me to take him back again, so of course like any other normal human would do, I just walked away and sat at the Gryffindor table. I sat down to a girl named Hermione who I had met while she was visiting Paris during the summer and came to eat at the bakery my parents own. She said she was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts so there was no doubt that, if the people in my year started getting on my nerves, I would go sit at the Gryffindor table with her. When I sat down two boys who were sitting on the other side of her just sat and stared at me until I said
"Hermione are your friends alright??? They seem a bit like they're um well daydreaming about some random shit that probably doesn't matter." of course I said this while looking at them just to point out the fact that I am not the type to let people get away with shit like this, I'm too evil for that.
"oh, Harry and Ron? Yeah they're fine probably dreaming about the veela girl at the Ravenclaw table who came over and took the bouillabaisse." Hermione said.
"oh, you mean Fleur??? Fleur's the best, I bet she'll be Champion for Beauxbatons, I already know it won't be Lie-la tho, that girl could never be the Champion." I said to Hermione.
"I don't doubt that Fleur could be champion, I bet there'll be two Hogwarts champions though, one that put their name in purposely and then Harry, I mean Harry is Harry Potter after all so it's bound to happen." Hermione said this with such a sure look on her face that nobody could argue with her, not even me.
"I can't argue with that can I?"
After dinner and getting to know Ron and Harry, we went to the Gryffindor common room. I walked up the stairs to the girls dormitory with Hermione and we both went to bed. The next morning I woke up and got changed into a cute outfit, because Hogwarts decided to let the visitors wear whatever we wanted instead of our uniforms. So of course I put on my ADORABLE outfit and went out to the common room.
My outfit:
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Except you know, she got her normal blue hair. But everything else is the same as the picture.
Me and Hermione went down to the common room, and got Ron and Harry and went to the Great hall for breakfast. As we were going to the Great Hall, we passed Damian and Draco, Draco then started an argument.
"Hey mudblood, blood traitor, what are you doing with the new girl hm?" Draco said.
"Hey, who you calling mudblood??? Hermione could beat you in a duel any day she wanted." I told him.
"Ohhhh the new girl's feisty isn't she?" He said in a teasing voice.
"Shut up Draco, nobody cares what you think, I mean after all who could when you walk around like you're a king when you probably don't have a family that cares about you even a little bit." I said.
"Sh-SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!!!!!" He shouted at me.
Then they just walked away. Of course, they walked away while Damian was giving us apologetic looks. The next few days were really similar, until Damian was no longer seen around Draco. A few weeks after Damian stopped hanging out with Draco we saw Damian in the Gryffindor common room, waiting for us.
"What are you doing here Wayne?" Harry asked in a kind of snotty tone that I had never heard before.
"You know I didn't like Malfoy treating you all like that, and I've gotten tired of him, all he talks about is how he's a pure blood and how much money he has, I'm exhausted really." He told Harry while looking apologetic.
"Oh alright then, you can hang out with us." Harry said with a COMPLETE change of mood.
"Thanks guys." Damian said with a smile on his face, he walked over to us to shake hands and we locked eyes again.
I'm not gonna lie my legs felt like jelly when we locked eyes, we just stared at each other for what felt like eternity until Hermione snapped us out of it by saying "Hey lovebirds, as adorable as this is, we all really should be going to bed soon. It's already 10:00 and we have to be up early tomorrow for the announcement of who the champions are for the Triwizard Tournament." she was also snapping her fingers a lot, I don't really know why but she did what she thought she had to do.
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evenmyzefronposter · 4 years
Y'all. The wildest thing happened in yesterday's episode of Arguing With Snaters™️!
Snater: Why does anyone like Snape? I'm not having it! *insert snate rant*
Me: Oh, yeah. I actually love him because he's a bad teacher and a terrible person with a disgusting obsession who mistreated children. 🙄 Seriously though, if you don't see what a deeply fascinating character he is, I'm not sure why it's up to anyone else to defend him to you. Just go on hating him as you obviously want to do. You've already stated that you're "not having any of it" so why would anything that anyone says make a difference to you?
Snater: Because I actually want to know. "Always" might be enough for you but it isn't for me. Plus, he took points away from mudblood Hermione for no good reason.
Me: if you were really interested, you might have worded your post a bit differently. Snape fans get so much crap for being Snape fans and it's very tiring to try to type out legitimate responses, only to have people berate and laugh at you when you were just trying to answer a question.
My liking him has nothing to do with "always," first of all. He is interesting. He's both a good guy and a bitter mean person. He fascinates me and on some levels, I find him very relatable. He went through a lot of trauma and his recovery is not neat or pretty, but he does get better in some ways, enough ways to do the right thing in the end. He's my comfort character.
As far as Hermione goes – and he did not refer to her as a mudblood, btw – she needed to be called out in class. She was horrible. Her behavior is the kind that prevents other students from learning and focusing with all of her hand waving and speaking out of turn and being, yes, an insufferable know-it-all. She even helped Neville cheat after being expressly told not to. Take Snape out of that equation and tell me that any other teacher wouldn't punish a student for cheating. Yes, he was meaner about it than he needed to be a lot of the time, but he wasn't a bad teacher if you look at it objectively.
Snater??: Oh! THIS!!! Thank you! I understand now.
What?? Just. Happened??!? Am I in an alternate universe right now?? Like. I summarized the other person's replies, but I copy pasted mine and I just don't know what i said that was convincing. I was just getting started! I was ready for a fight!!
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More Ideas for drawings I have, Obviously Can't do it with The Finger maybe I Get Myself a real Sketchbook or something ajdbbs
All literally are Lilianne and Luca Hanging Out
They in their Animagus form, If I remember correctly The Animagus form of Luca Is Basically Bitten. In a symbolism level It's really cool since You know, They tend to put The fault on Black Cats or Crows for Missfortune. You know I think I'm gonna Call Them that “The Missfortune Duo”
Since both Of Them have a crush on Tulip, I Like that to The contrary to piting against eachother They help The Other to get a Date with Tulip
Lilianne Helping Them with Potions and Transfiguration since You Say They probably suck at it
Luca Petting Aquiles and Lilianne being in The background Totally Offended because “It took me a long Time to get that old cat to trust in me and They pet him Like Is Nothing”
Probably a Scene on how They Will meet in First Year, Like Lilianne Is Walking Through castle because... Yeah, She Can't resolve The Riddle to enter The common room She enter The great hall and see This kid that seems to be of The Hufflepuff House. “What Happened?” She Asks, The kid seems really embarrased for What They're going to say “I couldn't enter to my Common Room” “I'm with You here buddy, Why The Wizards have to make so complicated to just enter there? It doesn't make me feel Like Home” “so You're a Muggleborn?” “I Thought It was supposed to be Mudblood?” “ no, That's an Slur” “Wait then-- That Means Snyde was Insulting me The whole way to Hogwarts?”
I’m literally tearing up because these are so lovely, just so you know. Luca’s Animagus form is totally Bitten, but both of them will deny this to their graves. I can almost picture an aging Bitten, and an adult Luca, just kind of sitting together on the couch, having basically made peace by this point. Luca turns into their cat form, they glance at each other...and finally admit via meow that they really do look alike. No one hears it of course. No one except Mitten, who never lets them hear the end of it until Luca admits it. 
I’m getting so distracted. I agree about the symbolism and I think that both black cats and crows get a bad rap and it’s not fair at all. The same thing is true about black coyotes, probably for similar reasons. I learned that when I was researching for Jacob Fawley’s Patronus. I really dig the whole concept of the “Misfortune Duo” and holy heck thank you for not making them jealous of each other. Jealousy and love triangles are out. Supportive friendships are in. Plus, I’ve always head-canoned Tulip as poly so it works out perfectly. 
Every cat in the world, apart from Bitten, will instantly like Luca and be able to sense that they are a cat person. That they’re constantly around creatures and as far as humans go, they can be trusted. Luca considers this to be a serious honor. I mean, having access to a cat form is also a major cheat code, to be fair.
That whole conversation is making me crack up. It almost plays out like a sitcom scene. With Luca rushing to cover her mouth and stage whispering that it’s a slur and then followed by her realization. In general, this is reminding me of how, based on the books, the majority of the people raised in magical families freely say the word, even if they’re pro-muggle rights. Harry says it, Ron says it. Like, the general consensus seems to be that it’s okay to say it if you’re referencing the slur, as long as you’re not actually using it as a slur. Funnily enough, you know the only character who refuses to say it altogether? James Potter. He is the only one I can recall. It was something I tried to give to Luca as well. In general, they refer to it as “The M word.” 
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