#Your huuuurt me yesterday though
weldnas · 2 years
if you think that i could post that without sobbing myself then you're wrong. physically hurt me while putting the tattoos together 🤧🤧
The amount of song I can and do appropriate to Zouis in FITF is concerning I can barely catch a breath listening to it
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nineyellowgirl · 7 years
Under the cut! :)
simcatcher said: s'okay, take your time :) and remember that the 2nd time you write it, it’ll often be better than the 1st, even if you really really liked the 1st !
I know, but every work loss huuuurts XD
simcatcher said: Oh dear that even adds a Person C to the prompt ! xD Jk, but it’s still v cute :b
Oh nooooo XD No but actually I’m really going to write such fluff one day I think :P
melien said: Thank you so much, these kind words mean a lot to me! I really miss the old times but I’m also happy to move on with my writing and develop my own simming world :)
Your writing is great :3 And I love your content anyway, both the old-timey and the current!
danjaley said: Thank Youuu! Glad you’re enjoying my historical simming!
I love it!
blurrypxls said: Awww, thank you so much and thank you for supporting me since 2013! ❤️❤️
I can’t believe it’s been nearly four years :O
davidmont said: Oh Bella looks beautiful
She does indeed! :3
reverieinsimlish said: No, see, now he’s sure YOU hate HIM and angst ensues from miscommunication. ;)
I know D: but still idk what to do now, I wished him happy birthday on facebook yesterday so I hope he doesn’t think of me as a freak xD
davidmont said: LMAO Go put of your comfort zone and next time you see him say “OH GOD HOW AREYOU!!” Like so excited haha that hopefully will erase the other weird scenarios lol
Well that’s an idea, though my social anxiety would probably make it even weirder haha
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