#Yugo Aosaki
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The adventure of the immortal Aya Rindo, the Oni killer and the lesbian Maid
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(I miss them.)
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norsko · 1 year
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Can we please get a translation of Undead Murder Farce novels, I want more
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shiguresouma · 1 year
Undead Girl Murder Farce (Serie de TV, 2023): perdiendo la cabeza... el cuerpo, por un caso...
Japón siempre ha demostrado brillantez para contar historias de detectives, historias de suspenso, aunque también es cierto que a veces se les pasa la mano a la hora de retorcer más y más la resolución final. Y lo hace a través de diferentes tiempos y premisas. Desde Meitantei Conan, Jikenbo, 20th Century Boys, la lista es bastante gruesa y de muy buena calidad. Y es que te pueden plantear buen…
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badlydrawnarsenelupin · 11 months
there’s this new anime called Undead Girl Murder Farce and this silly French thief is in it. Plus, he stole a guy as well as a ruby saying "they should both belong to him". I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it but it’s pretty good!
// Oh yes I've seen it! I've tweeted about all the ugmf Lupin moments on my (less and less active) xitter account when it first came out actually haha.
His hair is so silly silly.... But definitely recommend for all Lupin fans! I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that it's probably one of the most accurate characterization of Lupin that's not a direct adaptation.
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But hey, speaking of niche Lupin series, there's also Lupin Étude! A manga series by Yoko Iwasaki, who did these cool autographed editions of their Lupin series a few months back!
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zicygomar · 1 year
In the early 1900's, French novelist Maurice Leblanc wrote a handful of stories in which in a few of them his OC, the gentleman thief Asène Lupin, outwits the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Now just a little over a century later, we've got Japanese author Yugo Aosaki writing a novel series in which their OCs, the disembodied head Aya Rindo, the half-oni Tsugaru Shinuchi, and the battle maid Shizuku Hasei, will presumably outwit Lupin.
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save-the-data · 1 year
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Knockin' on Locked Door | S01E01
Japanese Drama - 2023, 9 episodes
~~ Adapted from the novel "Knockin' on Locked Door" (ノッキンオン・ロックドドア) by Aosaki Yugo (青崎有吾).
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 5: The Immortal of London
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I know, you know, we all know. Undead Girl Murder Farce sits atop this season twirling its crown around its head. Rather than resting on its laurels and taking credit for all that it's done, it reaches higher, it digs deeper, bringing us closer to the goal of the Oni Hybrid and Bodiless Immortal. And by God if I don't want to gush about how much I love this episode more than anything else in the world at this moment.
The episode opens with Arsène Lupin stealing The Phantom of The Opera alongside a specific ruby, so we're treated to quite the farce of a conversation. A really great personification of the sentiment of this story, and an interesting opposition to Aya and Tsugaru. Also Mamoru Miyano as Lupin is just an insanely good fit.
Also also, if it wasn't clear, both these people are not explicitly human. They weren't exactly all that subtle about naming conventions here, as Arsène Lupin translates to "Male Wolf". Though I should also say, it isn't this anime that gives Lupin his namesake, but French author Maurice Leblanc.
It's right about now that I started getting goosebumps about where this piece was going. Arsène Lupin is frequently stated to be the French counterpart to Sherlock Holmes, who just so happens to be working this case. Not only that, but we have Aya Rindo in on it.
This is Yugo Aosaki putting his wit in contention with the greats of the detective world. An arc all about challenging himself as a creator by pitting his characters against the giants in the history of detective novels.
I don't know if people really understand that. It's like if you made a superhero and placed them in the same story as Superman and Batman. It's like if you stuck a character of your own making in between Mickey Mouse and Popeye. The sheer confidence. No, not even. The scale of the challenge in balancing the world of the greats alongside your own is something else entirely. It's not Aosaki borrowing the personalities of authors for the basis of their characters, but bringing in historical greats to provide the foundation for the detective equivalent of Dark Horse and DC vs Marvel.
Anyways, rant over, take a look at these super pretty layouts from Lupin and The Phantom.
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The idea of Lupin being in Sherlock's silhouette/shadow is just such a great piece. I love it. Also, the consistency in characterization through visuals? I actually can't get enough. Lupin and The Phantom are almost always shown from a side profile. It's just so subtle yet so good. Such a great detail to provide life to a character through things as simple as positioning and angles.
Anyways, look at Tsguaru's silly little walk here. The man is so deeply unserious and showboat-y that you can't help but love him.
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In terms of more serious pieces though, I loved this pseudo first person view of Tsugaru from a perspective similar to Aya's. The camera movement really sells the fact that it's supposed to be her looking up at him.
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And finally, we reach our first rival. And he doesn't disappoint at all. Right away, his quick wits and observations are put on full blast as he analyzes Aya, Tsugaru, and Shizuku at a glance. It's such a great cut that immediately sells this character's observational ability. The way he looks over Shizuku sharply, reasoning that she carries a weapon, while Tsugaru is a more casual gaze that traces his blue vein. It tells the story of the fact that Holmes (who we do not know is Holmes at this point in time) is wary of the empty handed maid carrying something large, and is more relaxed about the person carrying a bird cage.
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The entire approach to how analytical Holmes' is is just impeccable. I love it, all the little details and the focus on his gaze and how it shifts and softens or hardens depending on what he's presented with.
And then of course there's this scene of the unknown duo from Aya's perspective. Absolutely love how they dance around the fact that it's Sherlock Holmes and Watson in this whole exchange. So creative and well done.
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Anyways, our pair of duos gets apprehended by Scotland Yard and they become frenemies in their brief carriage ride together. Absolutely love how they compare and contrast Aya and Holmes through various cuts and that they are in competition with one another. Aya is the first to make note of the redness on the hands of an actual pair of delinquents, while Holmes is the one that correctly deduces what it is they were carrying. Really commendable work to have such a solid back and forth.
Also, the fact that Aya is looking downward while Holmes holds his gaze upwards. Just great visuals to set in stone their rivalry and opposition to one another.
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Moving forward, the reveal of Sherlock Holmes is made in the carriage, and is quite funny at that. But it does its job and doesn't linger. Rather, we move onto a pair of characters we've only been teased about, our duo of vampires shown at the end of the previous episode. It's interesting because at least between the two of them, there doesn't seem to be any sort of incredibly strong bond or history. Which is even more surprising due to them both being vampires. Of course, the piece that gets me with this moment isn't the odd conversation between the pair, it's the ending cut of Moriarty. It's hard to convey with just a gif, but the way that the woman vampire greets Moriarty at the beginning of the cut, and it continues up until where it ends, there's just something so satisfying with how it reaches past where you expect it to.
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Alright, so we now arrive at the mansion that is the source of this mystery: Phileas Fogg and the Penultimate Night. There's a lot to take in, but this cut is absolutely my favorite. The way it makes use of the conversation and building layout to create something so simple yet so striking is just wonderful.
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From here however we flip to and from Lupin and The Phantom and our group at Fogg's mansion. For the sake of clarity I'm going to see through the cuts of the former before returning to the latter.
We immediately open with our two phantoms in a very unique layout. Definitely adore the depth of the layout, but more than that appreciate how they immediately immerse us in Lupin's sensibilities as we see (presumably) stolen art in the room alongside all sorts of plans regarding the mansion.
Now, how did they get plans for the mansion? As it turns out that question is answered later on in the episode as Fogg bought it from the Temple Church, rather than having it built himself.
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The layouts in this sequence are just plain satisfying as Lupin and Erik dance around one another in conversation. Also, for those that are curious about the order of events, there's conveniently a clock placed in the room during Erik and Lupin's conversation, and we get a few looks at Big Ben throughout the episode.
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Alright, back to the mansion. Right away, it's established how crowded and full this mystery is with people eager to solve and stop it before it can occur. While not of the highest fidelity, the bold decision to separate the characters on the x and y axis rather than just one of them provides a more loose sense of how "together" this group is. That is, they're joined by circumstance, not purpose.
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Also, here's a really interesting scene. Yes, the chairs obstructing parts of the characters is one thing, but pay attention to the layering of characters here. Our newest addition, the one that thinks themselves above shaking the hand of Fogg is the one that appears at the front of the group intruding upon Fogg's mansion. Following that we have Holmes and Aya on the same layer, then their subordinate/partner in Watson and Tsguaru. Following that we have the loose stragglers alongside Shizuku, who always separates herself when involved in mysteries.
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Speaking of that congested and overfilled feeling, this cut of the group walking in a cramped hallway conveys it incredibly well.
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As I'm running out of space for images, I'm going to speed things along and just make mention of loose ideas.
Firstly, there's an interesting detail on the massive pillar that exists in the middle of the massive basement lurking beneath Fogg's mansion. To me, it seems like two people (possibly even children) holding hands. Considering that the space is called the Chamber of Additional Crimes, one can only wonder. Especially since there's only a sole throne within the massive empty space.
What is more interesting however is the fact that the silver box, the throne that it's sat upon, and the pillar that creates the exterior of the chamber all share similar design language. Apparent on the exterior of the chamber and on the silver box is the design of flowers. An oddly specific choice considering they should have nothing to do with one another.
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Breezing onward, Aya reads aloud the inscription (which pertains to werewolves) on the Penultimate Night that Fogg produces from the silver box, and we're treated to some very out there visuals once more. The confidence in the exploration of color and oddity to complement detailed exposition is really something else. Works incredibly well to keep viewers engaged with what they see as well as what they hear.
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During an explanation on the history of the gem, we also get treated to a surprisingly stylized piece of art depicting the battle between werewolves and dwarves. Was very surprised to see it, but I really like the style.
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We make a brief stop back in with Moriarty for some conversation, and get treated to a wild Edward Allen Poe (alongside others). Nothing of note really, but I did want to point it out.
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We quickly return back to Holmes and Aya, and a really interesting exchange (if you can call it that) takes place. Holmes talks confidently about his observations and their meanings, while Aya takes the silent backseat and explores the details of the chamber. It's a great and subtle piece regarding the approaches of each of the detectives and how their personalities influence their interaction in regards to the mystery.
It's also during Holmes' explanation that we get this interesting piece. For whatever reason Watson and Holmes are shown separated by Tsugaru's hand. I know it's not at all likely, but given the separation I can't help but feel like there's a chance it's trying to tell viewers that Watson is a traitor/spy.
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And the episode's end. Ishikawa Goemon. For those who don't know (like myself 15 minutes ago), Ishikawa Goemon is Japan's Robin Hood equivalent. More specifically though, Aya is undoubtedly referencing a Kabuki play in which Goemon appeared in. In my research the only one that remains popular to this day is The Golden Gate and The Paulownia Crest. Realistically, it does make sense as the chamber has a golden gate. For those interested I'd definitely recommend taking a look into the plot of the play.
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Either way, we've reached the end. I've talked about so much and so many different pieces here that I can hardly tell up from down and left from right in the thoughts. It's a damn good episode. A damn good episode. And I think I'll leave it at that.
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kodanshamanga · 11 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
⚰️Undead Girl Murder Farce, Volume 4⚰️ By Yugo Aosaki
👻In the mystical city of London, the phantom thief Lupin sets his sights on Mr. Fogg’s prized possession, the black diamond known as “The Penultimate Night.”
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chadsuke · 9 months
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Comics Read in 2023:
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves To Eat Vol. 3 by Sakaomi Yuzaki (2023)
Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom Vol. 1 by Yir & 모구랭 (2021)
Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom Vol. 2 by Yir & 모구랭 (2021)
Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom Vol. 3 by Yir & 모구랭 (2023)
The Water Dragon's Bride Vol. 1 by Rei Toma (2015)
Undead Girl Murder Farce Vol. 1 by Yugo Aosaki & Haruka Tomoyama (2021)
Candy & Cigarettes Vol. 1 by Tomonori Inoue (2017)
Candy & Cigarettes Vol. 2 by Tomonori Inoue (2017)
Candy & Cigarettes Vol. 3 by Tomonori Inoue (2018)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned books. End ID.]
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ljaesch · 1 year
Milan Records Digitally Releases the Soundtrack for the Undead Murder Farce Anime
Milan Records has released Undead Murder Farce (Original Series Soundtrack) with music by composer Yuma Yamaguchi. Available everywhere now, the album features an original score written by yamaguchi for the new fantasy anime series. Based on the novel series by Yugo Aosaki, Undead Murder Farce debuted its first season earlier in July 2023 and is available to stream now on Crunchyroll. Of the…
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Four light novels of “Undead Girl Murder Farce” have already been released in original Japanese since 2015. I, specifically, am interested in the volume 2 with Shizuku and her daring attire. On the other hand, Aya on the latest book, is portrayed in her Heian glory. Yugo explained that this would be a sort of prologue, a prequel, Aya’s story.
While the EN version of the manga version has stopped at Chapter 12 with three tankōbon published.
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And now they are re-releasing the novels with the anime rendition of the characters, whose designs are different from the manga version, for the back covers.
According to UGMF writer Yugo Aosaki, there are plans for his light novels to be released in other languages. Question is when.
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hybridreviews · 1 year
TIME of the SEASON Summer 2023 Edition: UNDEAD Murder FARCE
It's certainly a farce alright!! That's a good thing, tho.
Why does this title sound like a parody series made by a YouTube comedy troupe? But, hey, it might sound like what it says. This is Undead Murder Farce. Director: Mamoru Hatakeyama Series Composition: Noboru Takagi Music: Yuma Yamaguchi Original creator: Yugo Aosaki Original Character Design: Iwamoto05 Character Design: Noriko Itō Art Director: Riku Satō Teru Sekiguchi Chief Animation…
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Sebbene questo secondo trailer mostri molto di più, devo ammettere che mi ha convinto meno del primo; un po' troppo generico per avere alle spalle del materiale diretto da Mamoru Hatakeyama (Kaguya-sama: Love is War).
Si tratta pur sempre di un mistery sovrannaturale, con un incipit quantomeno intrigante, ambientato nell'Europa di fine '800 e inizio '900, quindi staremo a vedere.
In lavorazione presso lo studio LAPIN TRACK (I'm Kodama Kawashiri), l'anime l'anime conterà 13 episodi ed è tratto dalla novel firmata da Yugo Aosaki, di cui esiste una versione manga illustrata da Haruka Tomoyama.
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funanimezone · 1 year
Release Date For The Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 13 Is OUT!
Although, fans have been contemplating the plotline for quite a long time. Their expectations have increased with the release of the preview and some sneak peeks of the episode. The thriller and suspenseful preview have left the fans in awe. Dive into the article to know what is brewing in episode 8 for fans.
The Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 13 release date is finally out with a preview. It falls into the category of the fantasy genre. With the release of episode 13 around the corner, the series has garnered remarkable attention. Adapted from an original light novel by Yugo Aosaki, this series is amongst the highly awaited series of 2023.
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In no more than three months, Undead Girl Murder Farce has gained quite a recognition amongst its viewers. Keeping its thrill alive, Viewers will be revealed to the unknown identity of Hannah’s killer. Claude will be shown in bafflement in the upcoming episode. For more information about the release date of this anime you can visit the theanimeupdates website.
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gonagaiworld · 1 year
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L'autore della serie di romanzi Undead Girl Murder Farce, Yugo Aosaki, lancia un nuovo manga Il manga Gas-tō Norainu Tanteidan, ambientato nella Londra vittoriana, sarà lanciato il 10 agosto. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/lautore-della-serie-di-romanzi-undead-girl-murder-farce-yugo-aosaki-lancia-un-nuovo-manga/?feed_id=389352&_unique_id=64cbe1e2e628e #GastōNorainuTanteidan #Manga #UndeadGirlMurderFarce #YugoAosaki
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