#Yuta Okkostu matchup
noroi1000 · 2 years
Hello! I was hoping to get a romantic matchup for JJK (maybe NSFW if you're comfortable with that)? If that's not possible, just ignore this!
I am a 5'6, pan (with a preference for men), trans man. I am very androgynous in appearance but I like it that way so it doesn't really bother me! My skin is stupidly soft and I have freckles covering my body, though they're mostly prominent on my cheeks and shoulders (I do have scars that cover my arms too but I struggle with them sometimes...) My eyes are grey but due to a few difficulties with sight, I have to wear specific tinted glasses so you can hardly see them most of the time. My hair is short and is incredibly soft, but it's kind of odd as it's best described as a mixture of blonde and brunette in colour (especially since my eyebrows are almost black...)
My MBTI is INTJ, though I have quite a mouldable personality as I can very easily adapt to various different personality types, thus making friends is really easy even if I'm incredibly antisocial. However, I do have a few things to learn when it comes to communicating with certain types of people (I still really struggle with very loud people as I have noise sensitivity issues) and I do go completely mute quite often. I also struggle with anxiety and stress so I tend to linger around peaceful people/places as they help me to keep my mind at ease. Whenever my stress does takes over though, I tend to go to a trusted person with a blanket, book and some tea (I do have issues with touch but a cuddle is appreciated every now and then). Oh, I'm also incredibly stubborn so I will argue with anybody and everybody of I wanted to (and I mean everybody), but I do generally tend to avoid arguments as much as possible.
I am aiming for a job in the field of psychology as I find that the human mind is an incredibly interesting thing to study! My hobbies, however, include a deep love for physics, art, writing and music! I am a digital and oil painter as well as a horror novelist, which I typically take advantage of to relieve a lot of pent up anger and stress I gather over time. The piano is my favourite instrument (though I do love the violin as well) as it is very easy for me to sing while I play. When it comes to physics, I mostly enjoy reading about space (science fiction is also a special genre to me). Other less interesting hobbies would be cooking (mainly sweets and cakes...), gardening and taking long walks around the city (feeding the crows that tend to linger around is my favourite part of those walks!)
I'm so sorry that this is so long... Thank you so much in advance and I hope you have a wonderful day!
A/n: I'm sorry you had to wait so long ಥ‿ಥ
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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What can I say… His personality is very plastic. After all, you can observe changes in his mood and behavior many times. Why? Because that's just the way he is. Even though he has his own behaviors and a personality he mostly uses.
He can be serious, but also cheerful and joyful. Everything changes from his point of view. And also from the presence of his friends and other people nearby. He can even have something to do with loneliness. This boy has a difficult mood at times and for some reasons it can be difficult to cheer him up. But depending on the surroundings, he is content.
He mostly adapts to others. I cannot imagine him as a person who imposes his character on someone, and then that person has to get used to him. It won't be like that. I think he is someone who will be aloof for a while to determine how he can behave. And that's not a problem for him. But he also does not mind that someone also wants to adapt to him.
Well, you could say he was anti-social. He had no friends and was fed up with everything. He would rather be alone than go out with someone. The house and his room. This is what he wanted. Be locked up there and now.
But when there are a few people with whom he will meet more than once in his life, he will try to make sure that they do not reject him and notice that he is alive. Even though the beginnings are difficult, he tries to adapt to everyone around him. Because it's easier for everyone around. If he adapts and arranges himself to be friends more easily, he'll get better.
He does not care what kind of person he is struggling with. He may not like something at first, but he doesn't mind any type of person. Someone may be quiet and someone may be loud. He too can be a combination of the two. Depending on how someone thinks about him, as well as what he thinks about that person. If he hates someone, there's no need to change. Sometimes he is funny and loud in a group of other loud people. Sometimes he's the quiet one.
His life memories never left him, so he would never forget it. This is why he will suddenly fall silent when suddenly something painful attacks his heart and mind. He also needs time to calm down.
Even though he likes happy people, there are times when he finds it best and most convenient to spend time with a calm person. Or at least someone who is cheerful but spends their time talking more calmly.
• So what if a meeting of two people with an artistic character is quite an unusual meeting. It wasn't bad for him. When he realized that you were going to meet more often, he knew it would be easy for you to find a common language. After all, you two can adapt to each other.
• Even though he is nervous at times and even seems scared and sad, you don't have to hold back to go to him.. Of course, if he becomes a trusted person for you.
You can come to him when you feel worse. He would never force himself on you, but he wanted you to come to him. Yes, you can show him that you trust him.
Even if he is stressed himself, you can go to him. You can keep each other comfortable.
Besides, I think a blanket, tea and a book are something he needs very often. Wrap yourself in a blanket, drink warm tea and read a book or do something else. And the warmth kept inside the blanket cocoon will soothe your nerves that neither of you will want to leave.
• He is more of a person who will like touch. Just let him have a nice hug at least once a day. He would appreciate sleep cuddling the most. But if you don't want to, that's okay. And it is so important to him that you are next to him.
• He believes that many people are smarter than him. Although he himself has some knowledge, he still likes to know that there is someone who knows better about something. That's why he really likes and admires the fact that you know a lot. Physics and writing? You are definitely a very smart person. Additionally, Art. He greatly appreciates leisurely interests, especially when it is related to creativity.
• Calming music. Piano or violin. This is nice music for him. Therefore, it relaxes in the process. He could listen to you playing for a long time. Especially when you add your singing to it.
• Go for a walk with him. Especially to some big park. It will be better for you than walking around town.
The park is quiet, there are a lot of plants and animals. Fresh air and exercise will surely give you something.
If I have to say something about crows, if I were to compare Yuta to a bird, it would be a Crow. It's about his appearance as well as the behavior of crows. Especially since it is a wise bird and able to get used to humans.
"I have black hair and pale skin. Yes, I know I can be compared to black and white animals. And it doesn't bother me. You too can compare me to any pet. If you like it, please do it. Then I know you are thinking about me. And I really care about it. I want the best for you, so I am glad that you consider me a person who can provide you with comfort and a nice feeling. I love you…"
(Short NSFW headcanon) You may not like the touch sometimes. After all, sometimes you can refuse a hug or anything. But when he knows he can touch you, he does. There is nothing he would do brutally. He didn't want to hurt you. His touches are gentle. Lips on the neck, chest, abdomen and thighs. The hands rub the patterns in the places where you arch your back. Lips kiss every mole on your skin. Lots of kisses that warm your body up so fast.
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