#Yuuko talks nonesense
sspicat · 7 months
So here's come my Story about them..
So Alpheratz has mostly grew up with Spica.. then i say, before they met eachothers they live a completely different life. Alpheratz lives in West and Spica lives in South. Then Alpheratz got transported to South for some reason ( cuz he was raised along side with Spica so.) Schedar must be busy with work yk great Socerers things so he couldn't take care of Alpheratz. Well actually Schedar choose Spica's family where Alpheratz can live when Schedar's out for something ( Schedar choose spica's family cuz yk family business stuff Spica's father helped Schedar with Tower construction) That's why Alpheratz house is empty as ghost house.
And When they first met eachother idk They were like "Do i have to live with him?" giving eachother Side eyes💀. In their Kid days they might have get along with eachother. They were very good friends😇 Look they even rode a small boat together. Sometimes Spica visit his mother's Animal Sanctuary. And Spica would chase Alpheratz all the way down to the hall way if he didnt finish his Homework. Alpheratz will be sleeping in the backyard and Spica reading novel beside him (jshakiwobsq i can't) Alpheratz will always prank Spica.(jit legit). They almost had a better childhood then ME. When they start gaining new brain cells.. i mean when they grew up in their teen years alot of things change. (This take place after First great disaster and after Spica's mother death really change Spica. let me explain, Spica used to be much Happier and open heart before his mother's death. Spica's mother takes a big role in his life. After she died Spica was kinda heart broken??? like he lost someone he cares and loves about. That's why he's kinda Cold hearted.. but still loves animal remind his memory of his past. and Alpheratz and Spica both suffer alot from great disaster🙂)
In their teen years They go to the same school together. Spica's always sits in the front. and had alot of friends in business and always study hard and get good grades. in the other hand Alpheratz sits back of the class and always slack of but still gets good grades without studying (Lazy Genius fr) . After Contell academy was found ( Ahhh School ohhh NOO). For some reason Schedar's gave all the responsibility of Alpheratz to Spica (💀). That's why Spica always chase Alpheratz. ( He's not doing for you He's doing this cuz Schedar asked him to) Nah now Alpheratz is running away for his life. Spica is about to kill him.
Legend says that Spica is still chasing Alpheratz down the hall way 😇🤝 i have talk alot of nonsense today... *flies away*
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